WESOA'15 CPN DAO Eanctment v4 PDF
WESOA'15 CPN DAO Eanctment v4 PDF
WESOA'15 CPN DAO Eanctment v4 PDF
Alex Norta
1 Introduction
The depiction in Figure 1(a) shows the top-level structure of the smart contract-
ing language eSourcing Markup Language (eSML) for which citation [21] gives
full details and examples. The bold typed eSML-definitions extend and modificy
the Electronic Contracting Markup Language (ECML) [2] foundation.
The structure of a smart contract uses the interrogatives Who for defining
the contracting parties together with their resources and data-use, Where to
specify the business- and legal context, and What for define exchanged busi-
ness values. Consensus establishment assumes the What-interrogative comprises
Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Authors’ Instructions 3
process views that are cross-organizational matched We refer to [21] for more
information about the smart-contracting ontology.
Fig. 1. P2P-collaboration using the eSourcing framework with (a) showing a smart-
contracting template [21] and (b) showing a corresponding collaboration model [15].
populating stage. The validation of BNMs matches the available inserted service
offers of potential collaboration partners against service types.
The populate-phase in Figure 2, yields a proto-contract for a negotiate step
that involves the collaborating partners. The negotiation phase has three dif-
ferent outcome options. An agreement of all partners establishes the eContract
for subsequent rollout of a distributed governance infrastructure; a counter-offer
from a partner that results in a new contract negotiation; finally, a disagreement
of a partner results in a complete termination of the setup phase. Note that the
setup-lifecycle is formalized and we refer the reader to [18] for further details.
4.2 shows how policies are extracted from the local eContracts. Finally, Section
4.3 focuses on equipping the DGI with a technical enactment foundation. The
sections present on the one hand CPN-models and on the other hand, discusses
what pre-existing research and technology exists for an application system im-
Fig. 3. Policy extraction from local contract copies and assignment of monitors and
BNMAs (governance distribution) [17].
Citation [36] recognizes the need for constant evolution of business policies in
service-oriented systems due to changes in the environment. Consequently, a clear
separation exists of policy specification, enforcement strategy and realization
drawing on Adaptive Service Oriented Architecture. Furthermore, contractual
compliance during business interactions in [12], business policies assure that
represent contractual clauses.
Fig. 4. Extracting from local contract copies a set of required policies (extraction) [17].
[1] is the eXchangable Markup Languag XML [22] in the form of generated
business-rules documents.
Fig. 5. Electronic service choosing and communication endpoint creation (prepare) [17].
5 Model-Checking Results
We used CPN Tools [10] for correctness and performance checking, especially on
aspects relevant for system developers: reachability of CPN-modules end states in
manual, or fully automated simulation token games as state explosion means full
computational verification is challenging for this size of models; detection of loops
as a potential source of livelocks that prevent desired termination reachability;
loops require specific attention with respect to effectiveness of exit conditions,
such as elements of business-level policy control; performance peaks during run-
time either for the design of sufficient resources or for restricting the load with
business-level policy control; full system utilisation for ensuring that each part
of the modelled system actually is used in some scenario; and consistent ter-
mination, i.e., consistent home markings that ensure simple testing of a real
The model-checking results in Table 2 focus on CPN-modules where the
generated state-space is computationally feasible to verify. Loops exist in the
enact-module, while not in remaining modules. Performance peaks in Table 2
represent places in the startup-lifecycle that are potential performance bottle-
necks. Peaks exist in all listed modules and we give in the corresponding column
the labels of occurrence transitions. While no module listed in Table 2 has any
home marking, the model-checking results for dead markings show they are all
Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Authors’ Instructions 9
multiple. D∗ means the model-checking results show the dead markings result
from intentional disabling of marking paths for the purpose of focusing in spe-
cific marking paths under investigation. The latter means for practitioners the
testing of implementations is more demanding as many test cases are required.
Finally, pertaining to utilisation tests, Table 2 shows no unused subsets exist in
the models. We refer to [17] for full details about the model-checking results.
6 Related Work
independent of e-Government as the models in this paper that are also suitable
for cyberphysical system governance.
Finally, citation [27] discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using
distributed governance systems for the internet of things. The authors show
that distributed governance poses additional security- and privacy challenges.
The assumption in this paper of using process views that hide business secrets
internally in larger local services, solves many security- and privacy challenges.
7 Conclusion
The focus of the paper is establishing a decentralized governance infrastructure
for enacting cross-organizational business-process aware collaborations. For that,
the notion of smart contracts and an affiliated collaboration model is the founda-
tion for deducing a collaboration lifecycle. Assuming an eContract already exists,
the lifecycle for establishing and enacting a decentralized autonomous organiza-
tion we present in combination with additional pre-existing literature discussions
that underlines the feasibility of the approach. Finally, the model-checking re-
sults allow for a deeper collaboration-system understanding that supports an
application-system implementation.
For the lifecycle itself, we choose a formal approach using Coloured Petri Nets
that has a graphical notation and also tool support for design, simulation and
model checking. We also list the concepts that are embedded in specific parts
of the collaboration lifecycle. The latter for decentralized governance infrastruc-
ture establishment commences with copying the agreed upon eContract to each
respective collaborating party. Next, from each local eContract copy a set of
local policies is extracted and monitors and business-network-model agents are
assigned to each party. A configuration of local services together with their com-
munication endpoints follows in the lifecycle. When checking the models, the
considered properties are loops, performance peaks, liveness, home- and dead
markings as they reveal valuable insight for application-system realizations.
For future work, we plan to apply the lifecycle for establishing distributed
governance infrastructures in projects for cyberphysical system governance. Ad-
ditionally, we explore blockchain technology for realizing non-repudiation in
process-aware collaboration missions. Furthermore, blockchain technology also
promises to enable novel approaches for an effective management of trust, repu-
tation, privacy and security in cross-organizational cyberphysical system collab-
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