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Element Number 34

Position Information I

1.Design Condition
1.1 Design Parameters
- Partial factors for ultimate limit states (EN 1992-1-1:2004,
Design Situations γc for concrete γs for reinforcing steel γs for prestressing steel
Persistent & Transient 1.500 1.150 1.150
Accidental 1.200 1.000 1.000

- factor αcc, αct : Coefficient for long term effects on Compression and Tensile Strength.
αcc = 0.850 (for the Compressive strength)
αct = 1.000 (for the Tensile strength)

1.2 Sectional Information

bw 12700.000 mm Iy 9.3666E+12 mm4 Asl 0.000 mm2
h 2730.663 mm Iz 8.9187E+13 mm4 Asc 0.000 mm2
dc 0.000 mm Cy 6350.000 mm Asw 0.000 mm2
dt 0.000 mm Cz 1658.700 mm Awt 0.000 mm2
A 8539431.146 mm2 Alt 0.000 mm2

1.3 Material Information

- Concrete Material Information
fck = 40.000 MPa , Ec = 28401.000 MPa

- Reinforcement Material Information

fyk = 344.738 MPa , Es = 199948.024 MPa

1.4 Tendon Profile Information

Location Area Strength (MPa) Ep
Type Tendon Name
(mm) (mm2) fpk fp0.1k (MPa)
1 Bot-K 1-2 2465.283 23717.700 1863.260 1569.060 196130.000
2 Bot-K 1-1 2465.283 23717.700 1863.260 1569.060 196130.000
3 Top-P 1-2 170.000 5270.600 1863.260 1569.060 196130.000
4 Top-P 1-1 170.000 5270.600 1863.260 1569.060 196130.000

2.Ultimate Moment Resistance

■ Positive Moment
1 Check Moment Resistance, MR,d
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : cLCB1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : -
MEd = 30231.292 kNㆍm

- factor λ, and factor η (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 3.1.7)

λ = 0.800 ( fck ≤ 50 MPa)
η = 1.000 ( fck ≤ 50 MPa)

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 22.667 MPa
- Design strength of Reinforcement
fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 299.772 MPa

- Calculate Neutral Axis

1) Assume neutral axis depth.
2) Calculate the strain of steel and tendon.
3) Calculate the stress of steel and tendon.
4) Calculate the axial force in concrete, steel, and tendon.
5) Check if the resultant force of cross-section is zero.
6) Repeat step 1 through 5 until the resultant force becomes zero.
Neutral Compression Force ( C ) Tension Force ( T )
(kN) (kN) Ratio
Num. depth
(mm) Concrete Reinforcement Reinforcement Tendon
1 1365.331 115923.874 0.000 0.000 64720.860 1.79114
2 682.666 104352.202 0.000 0.000 64720.860 1.61234
3 341.333 75971.830 0.000 0.000 64720.860 1.17384
4 170.666 39303.339 0.000 0.000 64720.860 0.60727
5 256.000 58955.008 0.000 0.000 64720.860 0.91091
6 298.666 68780.843 0.000 0.000 64720.860 1.06273
7 277.333 63867.925 0.000 0.000 64720.860 0.98682
8 288.000 66324.384 0.000 0.000 64720.860 1.02478
9 282.666 65096.155 0.000 0.000 64720.860 1.00580
10 280.000 64482.040 0.000 0.000 64720.860 0.99631
11 281.333 64789.097 0.000 0.000 64720.860 1.00105
12 280.666 64635.569 0.000 0.000 64720.860 0.99868
13 281.000 64712.333 0.000 0.000 64720.860 0.99987

- Calculate Fc, Fs, Fp

x = 281.000 mm
Fc = ( λㆍx )ㆍ( ηㆍfcd ) = 64712.333 kN
Fs'= s'f ㆍA s' = 0.000 kN
Fs = fsㆍAs = 0.000 kN
Fp = ∑Fpi = 64720.860 kN
where, x is neutral axis depth

StressEff fpi Api Fpi

Num △εpi εp(0)i εpi
(MPa) (MPa) (mm2) (kN)
Bot-K 1-2 1047.15590 0.02721 0.00534 0.03255 1364.400 23717.700 32360.430
Bot-K 1-1 1037.34077 0.02721 0.00529 0.03250 1364.400 23717.700 32360.430

- Calculate moment resistance, MRd

MRd = Fcㆍac + Fsㆍas + ∑ ( Fpiㆍapi ) = 152279.205 kNㆍm
≥ EdM = 30231.292 kNㆍm OK
where, ac, as, ap is the distance from neutral axis depth, x to concrete, reinforcement, tendon

■ Negative Moment
1 Check Moment Resistance, MR,d
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : cLCB1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : -
MEd = 0.000 kNㆍm

- factor λ, and factor η (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 3.1.7)

λ = 0.800 ( fck ≤ 50 MPa)
η = 1.000 ( fck ≤ 50 MPa)

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 22.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 299.772 MPa

- Calculate Neutral Axis

1) Assume neutral axis depth.
2) Calculate the strain of steel and tendon.
3) Calculate the stress of steel and tendon.
4) Calculate the axial force in concrete, steel, and tendon.
5) Check if the resultant force of cross-section is zero.
6) Repeat step 1 through 5 until the resultant force becomes zero.
Neutral Compression Force ( C ) Tension Force ( T )
(kN) (kN) Ratio
Num. depth
(mm) Concrete Reinforcement Reinforcement Tendon
1 1365.331 66495.461 0.000 0.000 14382.413 4.62339
2 682.666 55354.357 0.000 0.000 14382.413 3.84875
3 341.333 43193.591 0.000 0.000 14382.413 3.00322
4 170.666 21972.733 0.000 0.000 79103.273 0.27777
5 256.000 32959.099 0.000 0.000 65014.952 0.50695
6 298.666 38452.282 0.000 0.000 14382.413 2.67356
7 277.333 35705.691 0.000 0.000 14382.413 2.48259
8 266.666 34332.395 0.000 0.000 14382.413 2.38711
9 261.333 33645.747 0.000 0.000 64326.067 0.52305
10 264.000 33989.071 0.000 0.000 63992.063 0.53115
11 265.333 34160.733 0.000 0.000 63827.578 0.53520
12 266.000 34246.564 0.000 0.000 14382.413 2.38114
13 265.666 34203.648 0.000 0.000 14382.413 2.37816
14 265.500 34182.191 0.000 0.000 14382.413 2.37667
15 265.416 34171.462 0.000 0.000 14382.413 2.37592
16 265.375 34166.097 0.000 0.000 63822.464 0.53533
17 265.395 34168.779 0.000 0.000 14382.413 2.37573
18 265.385 34167.438 0.000 0.000 14382.413 2.37564
19 265.380 34166.768 0.000 0.000 14382.413 2.37559
20 265.377 34166.433 0.000 0.000 63822.145 0.53534

- Calculate Fc, Fs, Fp

x = 265.377 mm
Fc = ( λㆍx )ㆍ( ηㆍfcd ) = 34166.433 kN
Fs'= s'f ㆍA s' = 0.000 kN
Fs = s f ㆍA s = 0.000 kN
Fp = ∑Fpi = 63822.145 kN
where, x is neutral axis depth

StressEff fpi Api Fpi

Num △εpi εp(0)i εpi
(MPa) (MPa) (mm2) (kN)
StressEff fpi Api Fpi
Num △εpi εp(0)i εpi
(MPa) (MPa) (mm2) (kN)
Bot-K 1-2 1047.15590 0.00000 0.00534 0.00534 1047.161 23717.700 24836.262
Bot-K 1-1 1037.34077 0.00000 0.00529 0.00529 1037.346 23717.700 24603.470
Top-P 1-2 1188.06956 0.03027 0.00606 0.03633 1364.400 5270.600 7191.207
Top-P 1-1 1188.39894 0.03027 0.00606 0.03633 1364.400 5270.600 7191.207

- Calculate moment resistance, MRd

MRd = Fcㆍac + Fsㆍas + ∑ ( Fpiㆍapi ) = 38452.047 kNㆍm
≥ MEd = 0.000 kNㆍm OK
where, ac, as, ap is the distance from neutral axis depth, x to concrete, reinforcement, tendon

3.Shear Resistance
■ Maximum Shear Force
1 Check shear resistance of Concrete, VRd,c
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : cLCB1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : -
NEd = -61384.877 kN
VEd = -529.684 kN
MEd = 30231.292 kNㆍm

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 26.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 299.772 MPa

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,c

VRd,min = (νmin + k1ㆍσcp)ㆍbwㆍdp = 2351.463 kN
VRd,c = (Iㆍbw / S)ㆍ√ ((fctd) + αlㆍσcpㆍfctd ) ≥ (νmin + k1ㆍσcp)ㆍbwㆍdp

= 6865.249 kN ≥ VEd = -529.684 kN ∴ Shear reinforcement is not required

where, I = 9.3666E+12 mm4
bw = 900.000 mm
S = 4148508998.744 mm3
fctd = αctㆍfctk,0.05 / γc = 1.637 MPa
fctk,0.05 = 0.7ㆍfctm
fctm = 0.3ㆍfck(2/3)
αl = 1.0
σcp = NEd / Ac ≤ 0.2ㆍfcd = 5.333 MPa
NEd = 61384.877 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm2
νmin = 0.035ㆍk(3/2)ㆍfck(1/2) = 0.326
k = 1 + √(200 / dp) ≤ 2.0 = 1.294
dp = 2321.063 mm
k1 = 0.150

2 Check shear resistance of Shear Reinforcement, V Rd,s

- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3)
α = 0.000 ˚
θ = 45.000 ˚ ( 1 ≤ cotθ ≤ 2.5, ∴ 21.8˚ ≤ θ ≤ 45˚ )
z = 2088.957 mm
Asw = 0.000 mm2
ρw, min = 0.08ㆍ√ fck / fyk = 0.00147
where, α is the angle between shear reinforcement and the beam axis perpendicular to the shear force.
θ is the angle between the concrete compression strut and the beam axis perpendicular to the shear force.
z is the inner level arm.
Asw is the cross-sectional area of the shear reinforcement
ρw, min is the minimum ratio of shear reinforcement

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,s (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3(3)~(4))
Skip checking shear resistance, VRd,s by shear reinforcement steel

- Check ratio of shear reinforcement (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 9.2.2(5))

ρw = Asw / ( sㆍbwㆍsinα ) = 0.000 < ρw, min = 0.001 NG

- Check Spacing of stirrups

Sl,max = 0.75ㆍdpㆍ(1 + cotα) = 1740.797 mm
s = 0.000 mm ≤ Sl,max = 1740.797 mm OK
where, s is the spacing of the stirrups

■ Minimum Shear Force

1 Check shear resistance of Concrete, VRd,c
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : cLCB1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : -
NEd = -61384.877 kN
VEd = -529.684 kN
MEd = 30231.292 kNㆍm

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 26.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 299.772 MPa

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,c

VRd,min = (νmin + k1ㆍσcp)ㆍbwㆍdp = 2351.463 kN
VRd,c = (Iㆍbw / S)ㆍ√ ((fctd) + αlㆍσcpㆍfctd ) ≥ (νmin + k1ㆍσcp)ㆍbwㆍdp

= 6865.249 kN ≥ VEd = -529.684 kN ∴ Shear reinforcement is not required

where, I = 9.3666E+12 mm4
bw = 900.000 mm
S = 4148508998.744 mm3
fctd = αctㆍfctk,0.05 / γc = 1.637 MPa
fctk,0.05 = 0.7ㆍfctm
fctm = 0.3ㆍfck(2/3)
αl = 1.0
σcp = NEd / Ac ≤ 0.2ㆍfcd = 5.333 MPa
NEd = 61384.877 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm2
νmin = 0.035ㆍk(3/2)ㆍfck(1/2) = 0.326
k = 1 + √(200 / dp) ≤ 2.0 = 1.294
dp = 2321.063 mm
k1 = 0.150

2 Check shear resistance of Shear Reinforcement, V Rd,s

- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3)
α = 0.000 ˚
θ = 45.000 ˚ ( 1 ≤ cotθ ≤ 2.5, ∴ 21.8˚ ≤ θ ≤ 45˚ )
z = 2088.957 mm
Asw = 0.000 mm2
ρw, min = 0.08ㆍ√ fck / fyk = 0.00147
where, α is the angle between shear reinforcement and the beam axis perpendicular to the shear force.
θ is the angle between the concrete compression strut and the beam axis perpendicular to the shear force.
z is the inner level arm.
Asw is the cross-sectional area of the shear reinforcement
ρw, min is the minimum ratio of shear reinforcement

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,s (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3(3)~(4))
Skip checking shear resistance, VRd,s by shear reinforcement steel

- Check ratio of shear reinforcement (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 9.2.2(5))

ρw = Asw / ( sㆍbwㆍsinα ) = 0.000 < ρw, min = 0.001 NG

- Check Spacing of stirrups

Sl,max = 0.75ㆍdpㆍ(1 + cotα) = 1740.797 mm
s = 0.000 mm S
≤ l,max = 1740.797 mm OK
where, s is the spacing of the stirrups

4.Torsional Resistance
■ Maximum Shear Force
1 Design Load
Load Combination Name : cLCB1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : -
NEd = -61384.877 kN
VEd = -529.684 kN
TEd = -5.829 kNㆍm
MEd = 30231.292 kNㆍm

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 26.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 299.772 MPa

2 Check Torsional Resistance

■ Closed Section Part
- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004+A1:2014 cl. 6.3.2 (1))
tef,i = 707.898 mm
Ak = ### mm2
uk = 30230.639 mm
ti = max[tef,i, 2tcover,i] < tsect,lim = 450.000 mm
tcover,i = 0.000 mm
tsect,lim = 450.000 mm
dp = 2321.063 mm
α = 90.000 ˚ (Assumed α=90˚)
θ = 45.000 ˚
where, tef,i is the effective wall thickness
Ak is the area enclosed by the centre-lines of the connecting walls, including inner hollow areas
uk is the perimeter of the area Ak
α is the inclination of the torsional shear reinforcement to the longitudinal axis of the beam.
θ is the angle of compression struts

- Calculate maximum torsion resistance, TRd,max

TRd,max = 2ㆍνㆍαcwㆍfcdㆍAkㆍtiㆍsinθㆍcosθ = 161785.552 kNㆍm (cl.6.3.2 (104))
TEd / TRd,max + VEd / VRd,max = 0.034 ≤ 1.0 OK
where, VRd,max = 15792.515 kN
ν = 0.6ㆍ( 1 - fck / 250 ) = 0.504
αcw = 1.250 ( for 0.25ㆍfcd < σcp ≤ 0.5ㆍfcd )
σcp N
= Ed c / A = 7.188 MPa
NEd = 61384.877 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm2

- Check longitudinal reinforcement for torsion (cl.6.3.2 (103))

∑Aslreq = (uk / fyd)ㆍTEd / (2ㆍAk)ㆍcotθ = 13.735 mm2
Asl = 0.000 mm2 < ∑Aslreq = 13.735 mm2 NG
where, Asl is area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion
∑Aslreq is requierd cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion

- Check longitudinal spacing of the torsion

Smax1 = uk / 8 = 3778.830 mm
Sl,max = 0.75ㆍdㆍ(1 + cotα) = 1740.797 mm
Smax = MIN [ Smax1, Sl,max ] = 1740.797 mm
s = 0.000 mm ≤ Smax = 1740.797 mm OK

■ Minimum Shear Force

1 Design Load
Load Combination Name : cLCB1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : -
NEd = -61384.877 kN
VEd = -529.684 kN
TEd = -5.829 kNㆍm
MEd = 30231.292 kNㆍm

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 26.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 299.772 MPa

2 Check Torsional Resistance

■ Closed Section Part
- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004+A1:2014 cl. 6.3.2 (1))
tef,i = 707.898 mm
Ak = ### mm2
uk = 30230.639 mm
ti = max[tef,i, 2tcover,i] < tsect,lim = 450.000 mm
= 0.000 mm
= 450.000 mm
dp = 2321.063 mm
α = 90.000 ˚ (Assumed α=90˚)
θ = 45.000 ˚
where, t ef,i
is the effective wall thickness
Ak is the area enclosed by the centre-lines of the connecting walls, including inner hollow areas
uk is the perimeter of the area Ak
α is the inclination of the torsional shear reinforcement to the longitudinal axis of the beam.
θ is the angle of compression struts

- Calculate maximum torsion resistance, TRd,max

TRd,max = 2ㆍνㆍαcwㆍfcdㆍAkㆍtiㆍsinθㆍcosθ = 161785.552 kNㆍm (cl.6.3.2 (104))
TEd / TRd,max + VEd / VRd,max = 0.034 ≤ 1.0 OK
where, VRd,max = 15792.515 kN
ν = 0.6ㆍ( 1 - fck / 250 ) = 0.504
αcw = 1.250 ( for 0.25ㆍfcd < σcp ≤ 0.5ㆍfcd )
σcp N
= Ed c / A = 7.188 MPa
NEd = 61384.877 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm2

- Check longitudinal reinforcement for torsion (cl.6.3.2 (103))

∑Aslreq = (uk / fyd)ㆍTEd / (2ㆍAk)ㆍcotθ = 13.735 mm2
Asl = 0.000 mm2 < ∑Aslreq = 13.735 mm2 NG
where, Asl is area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion
∑Aslreq is requierd cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion

- Check longitudinal spacing of the torsion

Smax1 = uk / 8 = 3778.830 mm
Sl,max = 0.75ㆍdㆍ(1 + cotα) = 1740.797 mm
Smax = MIN [ Smax1, Sl,max ] = 1740.797 mm
s = 0.000 mm ≤ Smax = 1740.797 mm OK

■ Maximum Torsion Moment

1 Design Load
Load Combination Name : cLCB1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : -
NEd = -61384.877 kN
VEd = -529.684 kN
TEd = -5.829 kNㆍm
MEd = 30231.292 kNㆍm

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 26.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 299.772 MPa

2 Check Torsional Resistance

■ Closed Section Part
- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004+A1:2014 cl. 6.3.2 (1))
tef,i = 707.898 mm
Ak = ### mm2
uk = 30230.639 mm
ti = max[tef,i, 2tcover,i] < tsect,lim = 450.000 mm
tcover,i = 0.000 mm
tsect,lim = 450.000 mm
dp = 2321.063 mm
α = 90.000 ˚ (Assumed α=90˚)
θ = 45.000 ˚
where, t ef,i
is the effective wall thickness
Ak is the area enclosed by the centre-lines of the connecting walls, including inner hollow areas
uk is the perimeter of the area Ak
α is the inclination of the torsional shear reinforcement to the longitudinal axis of the beam.
θ is the angle of compression struts

- Calculate maximum torsion resistance, TRd,max

TRd,max = 2ㆍνㆍαcwㆍfcdㆍAkㆍtiㆍsinθㆍcosθ = 161785.552 kNㆍm (cl.6.3.2 (104))
TEd / TRd,max + VEd / VRd,max = 0.034 ≤ 1.0 OK
where, VRd,max = 15792.515 kN
ν = 0.6ㆍ( 1 - fck / 250 ) = 0.504
αcw = 1.250 ( for 0.25ㆍfcd < σcp ≤ 0.5ㆍfcd )
σcp N
= Ed c / A = 7.188 MPa
NEd = 61384.877 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm2

- Check longitudinal reinforcement for torsion (cl.6.3.2 (103))

∑Aslreq = (uk / fyd)ㆍTEd / (2ㆍAk)ㆍcotθ = 13.735 mm2
Asl = 0.000 mm2 < ∑Aslreq = 13.735 mm2 NG
where, Asl is area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion
∑Aslreq is requierd cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion

- Check longitudinal spacing of the torsion

Smax1 = uk / 8 = 3778.830 mm
Sl,max = 0.75ㆍdㆍ(1 + cotα) = 1740.797 mm
Smax = MIN [ Smax1, Sl,max ] = 1740.797 mm
s = 0.000 mm ≤ Smax = 1740.797 mm OK

5.Stress check at transfer and during constuction

1) Girder
■ Compression
- Critical Stage Name : CS16
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
4.10 11.21 4.06 11.18 4.15 11.23 11.23 24.00 OK
For pre-tensioned elements, k1 = 0.60
ALW = Limiting stress = k1ㆍf'ci
f'ci = 40 (MPa)

6.Stress check for service load combination

1) Girder
■ Compression
- Load Combination Name : cLCB2
- Load Combination Type : -
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
4.10 11.21 4.06 11.18 4.15 11.23 11.23 24.00 OK
For pre-tensioned elements, k1 = 0.60
ALW = Limiting stress = k1ㆍf'c
f'c = 40 (MPa)
shear force.
shear force.
Element Number 34
Position Information J

1.Design Condition
1.1 Design Parameters
- Partial factors for ultimate limit states (EN 1992-1-1:2004,
Design Situations γc for concrete γs for reinforcing steel γs for prestressing steel
Persistent & Transient 1.500 1.150 1.150
Accidental 1.200 1.000 1.000

- factor αcc, αct : Coefficient for long term effects on Compression and Tensile Strength.
αcc = 0.850 (for the Compressive strength)
αct = 1.000 (for the Tensile strength)

1.2 Sectional Information

bw 12700.000 mm Iy 9.0678E+12 mm4 Asl 0.000 mm2
h 2700.000 mm Iz 8.8798E+13 mm4 Asc 0.000 mm2
dc 0.000 mm Cy 6350.000 mm Asw 0.000 mm2
dt 0.000 mm Cz 1644.474 mm Awt 0.000 mm2
A 8485750.000 mm2 Alt 0.000 mm2

1.3 Material Information

- Concrete Material Information
fck = 40.000 MPa , Ec = 28401.000 MPa

- Reinforcement Material Information

fyk = 344.738 MPa , Es = 199948.024 MPa

1.4 Tendon Profile Information

Location Area Strength (MPa) Ep
Type Tendon Name
(mm) (mm2) fpk fp0.1k (MPa)
1 Bot-K 1-2 2526.667 23717.700 1863.260 1569.060 196130.000
2 Bot-K 1-1 2526.667 23717.700 1863.260 1569.060 196130.000
3 Top-P 1-2 235.000 5270.600 1863.260 1569.060 196130.000
4 Top-P 1-1 235.000 5270.600 1863.260 1569.060 196130.000

2.Ultimate Moment Resistance

■ Positive Moment
1 Check Moment Resistance, MR,d
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : cLCB1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : -
MEd = 36225.396 kNㆍm

- factor λ, and factor η (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 3.1.7)

λ = 0.800 ( fck ≤ 50 MPa)
η = 1.000 ( fck ≤ 50 MPa)

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 22.667 MPa
- Design strength of Reinforcement
fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 299.772 MPa

- Calculate Neutral Axis

1) Assume neutral axis depth.
2) Calculate the strain of steel and tendon.
3) Calculate the stress of steel and tendon.
4) Calculate the axial force in concrete, steel, and tendon.
5) Check if the resultant force of cross-section is zero.
6) Repeat step 1 through 5 until the resultant force becomes zero.
Neutral Compression Force ( C ) Tension Force ( T )
(kN) (kN) Ratio
Num. depth
(mm) Concrete Reinforcement Reinforcement Tendon
1 1350.000 115673.667 0.000 0.000 64720.860 1.78727
2 675.000 104100.154 0.000 0.000 64720.860 1.60845
3 337.500 75453.846 0.000 0.000 64720.860 1.16584
4 168.750 38862.000 0.000 0.000 79103.273 0.49128
5 253.125 58293.000 0.000 0.000 64720.860 0.90068
6 295.313 68008.500 0.000 0.000 64720.860 1.05080
7 274.219 63150.750 0.000 0.000 64720.860 0.97574
8 284.766 65579.625 0.000 0.000 64720.860 1.01327
9 279.492 64365.188 0.000 0.000 64720.860 0.99450
10 282.129 64972.406 0.000 0.000 64720.860 1.00389
11 280.811 64668.797 0.000 0.000 64720.860 0.99920

- Calculate Fc, Fs, Fp

x = 280.811 mm
Fc = ( λㆍx )ㆍ( ηㆍfcd ) = 64668.797 kN
Fs'= fs'ㆍAs' = 0.000 kN
Fs = fsㆍAs = 0.000 kN
Fp = ∑F pi = 64720.860 kN
where, x is neutral axis depth

StressEff fpi Api Fpi

Num △εpi εp(0)i εpi
(MPa) (MPa) (mm2) (kN)
Bot-K 1-2 1042.02382 0.02799 0.00531 0.03331 1364.400 23717.700 32360.430
Bot-K 1-1 1030.11882 0.02799 0.00525 0.03324 1364.400 23717.700 32360.430

- Calculate moment resistance, MRd

MRd = Fcㆍac + Fsㆍas + ∑ ( Fpiㆍapi ) = 156249.547 kNㆍm
≥ MEd = 36225.396 kNㆍm OK
where, ac, as, ap is the distance from neutral axis depth, x to concrete, reinforcement, tendon

■ Negative Moment
1 Check Moment Resistance, MR,d
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : cLCB1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : -
MEd = 0.000 kNㆍm
- factor λ, and factor η (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 3.1.7)
λ = 0.800 ( fck ≤ 50 MPa)
η = 1.000 ( fck ≤ 50 MPa)

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 22.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 299.772 MPa

- Calculate Neutral Axis

1) Assume neutral axis depth.
2) Calculate the strain of steel and tendon.
3) Calculate the stress of steel and tendon.
4) Calculate the axial force in concrete, steel, and tendon.
5) Check if the resultant force of cross-section is zero.
6) Repeat step 1 through 5 until the resultant force becomes zero.
Neutral Compression Force ( C ) Tension Force ( T )
(kN) (kN) Ratio
Num. depth
(mm) Concrete Reinforcement Reinforcement Tendon
1 1350.000 65654.000 0.000 0.000 14382.413 4.56488
2 675.000 54638.000 0.000 0.000 14382.413 3.79895
3 337.500 42602.000 0.000 0.000 14382.413 2.96209
4 168.750 21726.000 0.000 0.000 64413.278 0.33729
5 253.125 32589.000 0.000 0.000 14382.413 2.26589
6 210.938 27157.500 0.000 0.000 14382.413 1.88824
7 189.844 24441.750 0.000 0.000 14382.413 1.69942
8 179.297 23083.875 0.000 0.000 14382.413 1.60501
9 174.023 22404.938 0.000 0.000 14382.413 1.55780
10 171.387 22065.469 0.000 0.000 63898.714 0.34532
11 172.705 22235.203 0.000 0.000 63647.324 0.34935
12 173.364 22320.070 0.000 0.000 14382.413 1.55190
13 173.035 22277.637 0.000 0.000 63585.075 0.35036
14 173.199 22298.854 0.000 0.000 63554.039 0.35086
15 173.282 22309.462 0.000 0.000 63538.543 0.35112
16 173.323 22314.766 0.000 0.000 63530.801 0.35124
17 173.344 22317.418 0.000 0.000 14382.413 1.55172
18 173.333 22316.092 0.000 0.000 14382.413 1.55162
19 173.328 22315.429 0.000 0.000 63529.834 0.35126
20 173.331 22315.761 0.000 0.000 63529.350 0.35127

- Calculate Fc, Fs, Fp

x = 173.331 mm
Fc = ( λㆍx )ㆍ( ηㆍf cd
) = 22315.761 kN
Fs'= fs'ㆍAs' = 0.000 kN
Fs = fsㆍAs = 0.000 kN
Fp = ∑F pi = 63529.350 kN
where, x is neutral axis depth

StressEff fpi Api Fpi

Num △εpi εp(0)i εpi
(MPa) (MPa) (mm2) (kN)
Bot-K 1-2 1042.02382 0.00000 0.00531 0.00531 1042.034 23717.700 24714.648
Bot-K 1-1 1030.11882 0.00000 0.00525 0.00525 1030.129 23717.700 24432.289
Top-P 1-2 1128.49971 0.04627 0.00575 0.05203 1364.400 5270.600 7191.207
Top-P 1-1 1128.99167 0.04627 0.00576 0.05203 1364.400 5270.600 7191.207

- Calculate moment resistance, MRd

MRd = Fcㆍac + Fsㆍas + ∑ ( Fpiㆍapi ) = 35280.664 kNㆍm
≥ MEd = 0.000 kNㆍm OK
where, a c
, a s
, ap
is the distance from neutral axis depth, x to concrete, reinforcement, tendon

3.Shear Resistance
■ Maximum Shear Force
1 Check shear resistance of Concrete, VRd,c
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : cLCB1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : -
NEd = -60461.688 kN
VEd = 151.047 kN
MEd = 36225.396 kNㆍm

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 26.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 299.772 MPa

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,c

VRd,min = (νmin + k1ㆍσcp)ㆍbwㆍdp = 2326.355 kN
VRd,c = (Iㆍbw / S)ㆍ√ ((fctd)2 + αlㆍσcpㆍfctd ) ≥ (νmin + k1ㆍσcp)ㆍbwㆍdp
= 6783.021 kN ≥ VEd = 151.047 kN ∴ Shear reinforcement is not required
where, I = 9.0678E+12 mm4
bw = 900.000 mm
S = 4064869574.822 mm3
fctd = αctㆍfctk,0.05 / γc = 1.637 MPa
fctk,0.05 = 0.7ㆍfctm
fctm = 0.3ㆍfck(2/3)
αl = 1.0
σcp = NEd / Ac ≤ 0.2ㆍfcd = 5.333 MPa
NEd = 60461.688 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm2
νmin = 0.035ㆍk ㆍfck(1/2)
= 0.326
k = 1 + √(200 / dp) ≤ 2.0 = 1.295
dp = 2295.000 mm
k1 = 0.150

2 Check shear resistance of Shear Reinforcement, V Rd,s

- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3)
α = 0.000 ˚
θ = 45.000 ˚ ( 1 ≤ cotθ ≤ 2.5, ∴ 21.8˚ ≤ θ ≤ 45˚ )
z = 2065.500 mm
Asw = 0.000 mm2
ρw, min = 0.08ㆍ√ fck / fyk = 0.00147
where, α is the angle between shear reinforcement and the beam axis perpendicular to the shear force.
θ is the angle between the concrete compression strut and the beam axis perpendicular to the shear force.
z is the inner level arm.
Asw is the cross-sectional area of the shear reinforcement
ρw, min is the minimum ratio of shear reinforcement

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,s (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3(3)~(4))
Skip checking shear resistance, VRd,s by shear reinforcement steel

- Check ratio of shear reinforcement (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 9.2.2(5))

ρw = Asw / ( sㆍbwㆍsinα ) = 0.000 < ρw, min = 0.001 NG

- Check Spacing of stirrups

Sl,max = 0.75ㆍdpㆍ(1 + cotα) = 1721.250 mm
s = 0.000 mm ≤ Sl,max = 1721.250 mm OK
where, s is the spacing of the stirrups

■ Minimum Shear Force

1 Check shear resistance of Concrete, VRd,c
- Design Load
Load Combination Name : cLCB1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : -
NEd = -60461.688 kN
VEd = 151.047 kN
MEd = 36225.396 kNㆍm

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 26.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 299.772 MPa

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,c

VRd,min = (νmin + k1ㆍσcp)ㆍbwㆍdp = 2326.355 kN
VRd,c = (Iㆍb w
/ S)ㆍ√ ((f ctd
+ α l
ㆍσ cp
ㆍf ctd
) ≥ (νmin + k1ㆍσcp)ㆍbwㆍdp
= 6783.021 kN ≥ VEd = 151.047 kN ∴ Shear reinforcement is not required
where, I = 9.0678E+12 mm4
bw = 900.000 mm
S = 4064869574.822 mm3
fctd = αctㆍfctk,0.05 / γc = 1.637 MPa
fctk,0.05 = 0.7ㆍfctm
fctm = 0.3ㆍfck(2/3)
αl = 1.0
σcp = NEd / Ac ≤ 0.2ㆍfcd = 5.333 MPa
NEd = 60461.688 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm2
νmin = 0.035ㆍk ㆍfck(1/2)
= 0.326
k = 1 + √(200 / dp) ≤ 2.0 = 1.295
dp = 2295.000 mm
k1 = 0.150
2 Check shear resistance of Shear Reinforcement, V Rd,s
- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3)
α = 0.000 ˚
θ = 45.000 ˚ ( 1 ≤ cotθ ≤ 2.5, ∴ 21.8˚ ≤ θ ≤ 45˚ )
z = 2065.500 mm
Asw = 0.000 mm2
ρw, min = 0.08ㆍ√ fck / fyk = 0.00147
where, α is the angle between shear reinforcement and the beam axis perpendicular to the shear force.
θ is the angle between the concrete compression strut and the beam axis perpendicular to the shear force.
z is the inner level arm.
Asw is the cross-sectional area of the shear reinforcement
ρw, min is the minimum ratio of shear reinforcement

- Design value for the shear resistance VRd,s (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.3(3)~(4))
Skip checking shear resistance, VRd,s by shear reinforcement steel

- Check ratio of shear reinforcement (EN 1992-1-1:2004, 9.2.2(5))

ρw = Asw / ( sㆍbwㆍsinα ) = 0.000 < ρw, min = 0.001 NG

- Check Spacing of stirrups

Sl,max = 0.75ㆍdpㆍ(1 + cotα) = 1721.250 mm
s = 0.000 mm ≤ Sl,max = 1721.250 mm OK
where, s is the spacing of the stirrups

4.Torsional Resistance
■ Maximum Shear Force
1 Design Load
Load Combination Name : cLCB1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : -
NEd = -60461.688 kN
VEd = 151.047 kN
TEd = -5.829 kNㆍm
MEd = 36225.396 kNㆍm

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 26.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 299.772 MPa

2 Check Torsional Resistance

■ Closed Section Part
- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004+A1:2014 cl. 6.3.2 (1))
tef,i = 702.121 mm
Ak = ### mm2
uk = 30169.314 mm
ti = max[tef,i
, 2tcover,i] < tsect,lim = 450.000 mm
tcover,i = 0.000 mm
tsect,lim = 450.000 mm
dp = 2295.000 mm
α = 90.000 ˚ (Assumed α=90˚)
θ = 45.000 ˚
where, tef,i is the effective wall thickness
Ak is the area enclosed by the centre-lines of the connecting walls, including inner hollow areas
uk is the perimeter of the area Ak
α is the inclination of the torsional shear reinforcement to the longitudinal axis of the beam.
θ is the angle of compression struts

- Calculate maximum torsion resistance, TRd,max

TRd,max = 2ㆍνㆍαcwㆍfcdㆍAkㆍtiㆍsinθㆍcosθ = 160139.700 kNㆍm (cl.6.3.2 (104))
TEd / TRd,max + VEd / VRd,max = 0.010 ≤ 1.0 OK
where, VRd,max = 15615.180 kN
ν = 0.6ㆍ( 1 - fck / 250 ) = 0.504
αcw = 1.250 ( for 0.25ㆍfcd < σcp ≤ 0.5ㆍfcd )
σcp = NEd / Ac = 7.125 MPa
NEd = 60461.688 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm 2

- Check longitudinal reinforcement for torsion (cl.6.3.2 (103))

∑Aslreq = (uk / fyd)ㆍTEd / (2ㆍAk)ㆍcotθ = 13.848 mm 2

Asl = 0.000 mm 2
< ∑A slreq = 13.848 mm2 NG
where, Asl is area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion
∑Aslreq is requierd cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion

- Check longitudinal spacing of the torsion

Smax1 = uk / 8 = 3771.164 mm
Sl,max = 0.75ㆍdㆍ(1 + cotα) = 1721.250 mm
Smax = MIN [ Smax1, Sl,max ] = 1721.250 mm
s = 0.000 mm S
≤ max = 1721.250 mm OK

■ Minimum Shear Force

1 Design Load
Load Combination Name : cLCB1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : -
NEd = -60461.688 kN
VEd = 151.047 kN
TEd = -5.829 kNㆍm
MEd = 36225.396 kNㆍm

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 26.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 299.772 MPa

2 Check Torsional Resistance

■ Closed Section Part
- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004+A1:2014 cl. 6.3.2 (1))
tef,i = 702.121 mm
Ak = ### mm2
uk = 30169.314 mm
ti = max[t ef,i
, 2tcover,i] < tsect,lim = 450.000 mm
tcover,i = 0.000 mm
tsect,lim = 450.000 mm
dp = 2295.000 mm
α = 90.000 ˚ (Assumed α=90˚)
θ = 45.000 ˚
where, tef,i is the effective wall thickness
Ak is the area enclosed by the centre-lines of the connecting walls, including inner hollow areas
uk is the perimeter of the area Ak
α is the inclination of the torsional shear reinforcement to the longitudinal axis of the beam.
θ is the angle of compression struts

- Calculate maximum torsion resistance, TRd,max

TRd,max = 2ㆍνㆍαcwㆍfcdㆍAkㆍtiㆍsinθㆍcosθ = 160139.700 kNㆍm (cl.6.3.2 (104))
TEd / TRd,max + VEd / VRd,max = 0.010 ≤ 1.0 OK
where, VRd,max = 15615.180 kN
ν = 0.6ㆍ( 1 - fck / 250 ) = 0.504
αcw = 1.250 ( for 0.25ㆍfcd < σcp ≤ 0.5ㆍfcd )
σcp = NEd / Ac = 7.125 MPa
NEd = 60461.688 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm 2

- Check longitudinal reinforcement for torsion (cl.6.3.2 (103))

∑Aslreq = (uk / fyd)ㆍTEd / (2ㆍAk)ㆍcotθ = 13.848 mm 2

Asl = 0.000 mm 2
< ∑A slreq = 13.848 mm2 NG
where, Asl is area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion
∑Aslreq is requierd cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion

- Check longitudinal spacing of the torsion

Smax1 = uk / 8 = 3771.164 mm
Sl,max = 0.75ㆍdㆍ(1 + cotα) = 1721.250 mm
Smax = MIN [ Smax1, Sl,max ] = 1721.250 mm
s = 0.000 mm S
≤ max = 1721.250 mm OK

■ Maximum Torsion Moment

1 Design Load
Load Combination Name : cLCB1
Design Situations : Persistent & Transient
Load Combination Type : -
NEd = -60461.688 kN
VEd = 151.047 kN
TEd = -5.829 kNㆍm
MEd = 36225.396 kNㆍm

- Design strength of concrete

fcd = αccㆍfck / γc = 26.667 MPa

- Design strength of Reinforcement

fyd = fyk / γs_rebar = 299.772 MPa

2 Check Torsional Resistance

■ Closed Section Part
- Design Parameters (EN 1992-1-1:2004+A1:2014 cl. 6.3.2 (1))
tef,i = 702.121 mm
Ak = ### mm2
uk = 30169.314 mm
ti = max[t ef,i
, 2tcover,i] < tsect,lim = 450.000 mm
= 0.000 mm
= 450.000 mm
dp = 2295.000 mm
α = 90.000 ˚ (Assumed α=90˚)
θ = 45.000 ˚
where, tef,i is the effective wall thickness
Ak is the area enclosed by the centre-lines of the connecting walls, including inner hollow areas
uk is the perimeter of the area Ak
α is the inclination of the torsional shear reinforcement to the longitudinal axis of the beam.
θ is the angle of compression struts

- Calculate maximum torsion resistance, TRd,max

TRd,max = 2ㆍνㆍαcwㆍfcdㆍAkㆍtiㆍsinθㆍcosθ = 160139.700 kNㆍm (cl.6.3.2 (104))
TEd / TRd,max + VEd / VRd,max = 0.010 ≤ 1.0 OK
where, VRd,max = 15615.180 kN
ν = 0.6ㆍ( 1 - fck / 250 ) = 0.504
αcw = 1.250 ( for 0.25ㆍfcd < σcp ≤ 0.5ㆍfcd )
σcp = NEd / Ac = 7.125 MPa
NEd = 60461.688 kN (if compression, NEd > 0)
Ac = ### mm 2

- Check longitudinal reinforcement for torsion (cl.6.3.2 (103))

∑Aslreq = (uk / fyd)ㆍTEd / (2ㆍAk)ㆍcotθ = 13.848 mm 2

Asl = 0.000 mm 2
< ∑A slreq = 13.848 mm2 NG
where, Asl is area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion
∑Aslreq is requierd cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion

- Check longitudinal spacing of the torsion

Smax1 = uk / 8 = 3771.164 mm
Sl,max = 0.75ㆍdㆍ(1 + cotα) = 1721.250 mm
Smax = MIN [ Smax1, Sl,max ] = 1721.250 mm
s = 0.000 mm S
≤ max = 1721.250 mm OK

5.Stress check at transfer and during constuction

1) Girder
■ Compression
- Critical Stage Name : CS16
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
4.19 10.82 4.13 10.79 4.25 10.85 10.85 24.00 OK
For pre-tensioned elements, k1 = 0.60
ALW = Limiting stress = k1ㆍf'ci
f'ci = 40 (MPa)

6.Stress check for service load combination

1) Girder
■ Compression
- Load Combination Name : cLCB2
- Load Combination Type : -
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
4.19 10.82 4.13 10.79 4.25 10.85 10.85 24.00 OK
For pre-tensioned elements, k1 = 0.60
ALW = Limiting stress = k1ㆍf'c
f'c = 40 (MPa)
shear force.
shear force.
Positive MEd
Elem. Part / Lcom Name Situation Type Check
Negative (kNㆍm)
34 I Positive cLCB1 Persistent & Transient - OK 30231.292
34 I Negative cLCB1 Persistent & Transient - OK 0.000
34 J Positive cLCB1 Persistent & Transient - OK 36225.396
34 J Negative cLCB1 Persistent & Transient - OK 0.000
(kNㆍm) (kNㆍm)
30231.292 152279.205 0.199
0.000 38452.047 0.000
36225.396 156249.547 0.232
0.000 35280.664 0.000
Elem. Part Max / Min Lcom Name Situation Type Check
34 I MAX cLCB1 Persistent & Transient - OK -529.684
34 I MIN cLCB1 Persistent & Transient - OK -529.684
34 J MAX cLCB1 Persistent & Transient - OK 151.047
34 J MIN cLCB1 Persistent & Transient - OK 151.047
VEd VRd VRd,c VRd,s VRd,max
VEd/VRd Asw,req / s ρw,min Sl,max
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)
-529.684 6865.249 6865.249 0.000 15792.515 0.077 0.000 0.001 ###
-529.684 6865.249 6865.249 0.000 15792.515 0.077 0.000 0.001 ###
151.047 6783.021 6783.021 0.000 15615.180 0.022 0.000 0.001 ###
151.047 6783.021 6783.021 0.000 15615.180 0.022 0.000 0.001 ###
Elem. Part Max / Min Lcom Name Situation Type Check
34 I V-MAX cLCB1 Persistent & Transient - OK -5.829
34 I V-MIN cLCB1 Persistent & Transient - OK -5.829
34 I T-MAX cLCB1 Persistent & Transient - OK -5.829
34 J V-MAX cLCB1 Persistent & Transient - OK -5.829
34 J V-MIN cLCB1 Persistent & Transient - OK -5.829
34 J T-MAX cLCB1 Persistent & Transient - OK -5.829
TEd TRd,max VEd,c VRd,max
(kNㆍm) (kNㆍm) (kN) (kN)
-5.829 161785.552 -529.684 15792.515 0.034
-5.829 161785.552 -529.684 15792.515 0.034
-5.829 161785.552 -529.684 15792.515 0.034
-5.829 160139.700 151.047 15615.180 0.010
-5.829 160139.700 151.047 15615.180 0.010
-5.829 160139.700 151.047 15615.180 0.010
Elem. Part Comp./Tens. Stage Check
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
34 I Compression CS16 OK 4.104 11.206 4.059 11.181
34 I Tension CS12 OK -0.290 2.469 -0.290 2.469
34 J Compression CS16 OK 4.190 10.819 4.131 10.786
34 J Tension CS14 OK 2.320 0.032 2.320 0.032
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
4.148 11.231 11.231 24.000
-0.290 2.469 -0.290 3.315
4.250 10.853 10.853 24.000
2.320 0.032 0.032 3.720
Elem. Part Comp./Tens. Type Check
Name (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
34 I Compression cLCB2 - OK 4.104 11.206 4.059
34 I Tension cLCB2 - OK 4.104 11.206 4.059
34 J Compression cLCB2 - OK 4.190 10.819 4.131
34 J Tension cLCB2 - OK 4.190 10.819 4.131
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
4.059 11.181 4.148 11.231 11.231 24.000
4.059 11.181 4.148 11.231 4.059 3.509
4.131 10.786 4.250 10.853 10.853 24.000
4.131 10.786 4.250 10.853 4.131 3.509
Sig_P1 Sig_P2 Sig_P3 Sig_P4
Elem. Part Comp./Tens. Stage Check
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
34 I Compression CS16 OK 4.059 4.148 11.231 11.181
34 I Tension CS12 OK -0.290 -0.290 0.000 0.000
34 J Compression CS16 OK 4.131 4.250 10.853 10.786
34 J Tension CS12 OK 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Sig_P5 Sig_P6 Sig_P7 Sig_P8 Sig_P9 Sig_P10 Sig_MAX Sig_AP
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
5.586 5.637 6.982 7.031 9.853 9.902 11.231 40.000
-0.892 -0.892 -0.997 -0.997 -0.539 -0.539 -0.997 3.315
5.567 5.637 6.849 6.916 9.534 9.600 10.853 40.000
-0.332 -0.332 -0.492 -0.492 -0.391 -0.391 -0.492 3.315
Lcom Sig_P1 Sig_P2 Sig_P3
Elem. Part Comp./Tens. Type Check
Name (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
34 I Compression cLCB2 - OK 4.059 4.148 11.231
34 I Tension cLCB2 - OK 0.000 0.000 0.000
34 J Compression cLCB2 - OK 4.131 4.250 10.853
34 J Tension cLCB2 - OK 0.000 0.000 0.000
Sig_P3 Sig_P4 Sig_P5 Sig_P6 Sig_P7 Sig_P8 Sig_P9 Sig_P10 Sig_MAX
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
11.231 11.181 5.586 5.637 6.982 7.031 9.853 9.902 11.231
0.000 0.000 -0.013 -0.012 -0.017 -0.017 -0.009 -0.009 -0.017
10.853 10.786 5.567 5.637 6.849 6.916 9.534 9.600 10.853
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Sig_MAX Sig_AP
(MPa) (MPa)
11.231 40.000
-0.017 3.509
10.853 40.000
0.000 3.509
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
77 1057.987 1198.070 1198.070 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
78 1058.028 1198.335 1198.335 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
79 1075.022 1199.322 1199.322 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
80 1075.022 1199.322 1199.322 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
81 1054.227 1183.549 1183.549 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
82 1054.227 1183.549 1183.549 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
83 1065.535 1198.520 1198.520 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
84 1065.535 1198.520 1198.520 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
85 1068.434 1201.272 1201.272 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
86 1068.434 1201.272 1201.272 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
87 1052.613 1180.797 1180.797 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
88 1052.613 1180.797 1180.797 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
89 1038.492 1186.111 1186.111 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
90 1038.492 1186.111 1186.111 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
91 1025.741 1174.474 1174.474 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
92 1025.741 1174.474 1174.474 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
93 1016.753 1160.293 1160.293 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
94 1016.753 1160.293 1160.293 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
95 1058.272 1198.887 1201.093 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
96 1058.272 1198.887 1201.095 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
97 1078.558 1200.295 1202.813 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
98 1078.558 1200.295 1202.815 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
99 1051.668 1180.486 1183.836 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
100 1051.668 1180.486 1183.838 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
101 1063.646 1194.440 1198.029 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
102 1063.646 1194.440 1198.031 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
103 1066.223 1196.139 1199.791 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
104 1066.223 1196.139 1199.793 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
105 1050.189 1181.542 1185.153 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
106 1050.189 1181.542 1185.155 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
107 1035.868 1186.475 1189.847 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
108 1035.868 1186.475 1189.849 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
109 1058.272 1198.887 1194.610 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
110 1058.272 1198.887 1194.611 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
111 1078.558 1200.295 1197.327 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
112 1078.558 1200.295 1197.329 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
113 1051.668 1180.486 1179.552 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
114 1051.668 1180.486 1179.555 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
115 1063.646 1194.440 1195.292 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
116 1063.646 1194.440 1195.294 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
117 1066.223 1196.139 1198.470 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
118 1066.223 1196.139 1198.472 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
119 1050.189 1181.542 1185.258 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
120 1050.189 1181.542 1185.260 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
121 1035.868 1186.475 1190.789 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
122 1035.868 1186.475 1190.792 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
1 1257.095 1253.553 1211.708 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
2 1257.095 1253.553 1211.712 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
3 1257.095 1253.553 1211.708 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
4 1257.095 1253.553 1211.712 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
5 1291.281 1289.698 1244.469 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
6 1291.281 1289.698 1244.473 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
7 1294.724 1300.256 1257.586 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
8 1294.724 1300.256 1257.589 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
9 1250.844 1285.439 1254.385 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
10 1250.844 1285.439 1254.389 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
11 1239.018 1285.825 1259.620 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
12 1239.018 1285.825 1259.623 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
13 1236.664 1288.685 1263.237 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
14 1236.664 1288.685 1263.241 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
15 1236.664 1288.492 1268.121 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
16 1236.664 1288.492 1268.124 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
17 1208.436 1274.299 1253.650 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
18 1208.436 1274.299 1253.654 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
19 1208.436 1274.299 1258.812 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
20 1208.436 1274.299 1258.815 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
21 1211.654 1275.736 1260.032 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
22 1211.654 1275.736 1260.036 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
23 1211.654 1275.736 1264.631 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
24 1211.654 1275.736 1264.634 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
25 1185.200 1262.477 1251.176 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
26 1185.200 1262.477 1251.180 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
27 1185.200 1262.439 1255.213 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
28 1185.200 1262.439 1255.216 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
29 1162.318 1250.907 1243.121 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
30 1162.318 1250.907 1243.126 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
31 1162.318 1250.907 1246.773 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
32 1162.318 1250.907 1246.775 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
33 1140.245 1239.906 1235.593 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
34 1140.245 1239.906 1235.598 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
35 1140.245 1239.906 1230.907 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
36 1140.245 1239.906 1230.909 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
37 1119.223 1229.533 1214.248 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
38 1119.223 1229.533 1214.252 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
39 1257.095 1253.553 1210.771 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
40 1257.095 1253.553 1210.767 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
41 1257.095 1253.553 1210.771 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
42 1257.095 1253.553 1210.767 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
43 1291.269 1289.687 1244.362 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
44 1291.269 1289.687 1244.358 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
45 1294.724 1300.256 1256.479 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
46 1294.724 1300.256 1256.476 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
47 1250.844 1285.379 1253.332 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
48 1250.844 1285.379 1253.328 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
49 1239.018 1285.765 1259.652 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
50 1239.018 1285.765 1259.649 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
51 1236.664 1288.673 1265.510 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
52 1236.664 1288.673 1265.506 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
53 1236.664 1288.480 1270.499 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
54 1236.664 1288.480 1270.496 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
55 1208.436 1274.273 1256.197 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
56 1208.436 1274.273 1256.193 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
57 1208.436 1274.273 1261.583 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
58 1208.436 1274.273 1261.580 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
59 1211.654 1275.713 1262.656 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
60 1211.654 1275.713 1262.651 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
61 1211.654 1275.713 1267.436 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
62 1211.654 1275.713 1267.433 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
63 1185.200 1262.439 1254.248 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
64 1185.200 1262.439 1254.244 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
65 1185.200 1262.439 1258.514 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
66 1185.200 1262.439 1258.511 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
67 1162.318 1250.907 1246.420 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
68 1162.318 1250.907 1246.415 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
69 1162.318 1250.907 1250.183 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
70 1162.318 1250.907 1250.181 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
71 1140.245 1239.906 1239.007 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
72 1140.245 1239.906 1239.003 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
73 1140.245 1239.906 1234.444 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
74 1140.245 1239.906 1234.442 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
75 1119.223 1229.533 1217.904 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445
76 1119.223 1229.533 1217.900 1412.154 1333.701 1397.445

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