Ipa17 91 G
Ipa17 91 G
Ipa17 91 G
Robert Hall*
Adi Patria*
Ramadhan Adhitama **
Jonathan M. Pownall ***
Lloyd T. White ****
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Figure 3 - Estimated surface velocities (red arrows) with error ellipses based on GPS measurements at the
sites marked showing motions relative to the Bird’s Head block outlined in green dashed line
(modified from Bock et al., 2003).
Figure 4 - Earthquakes and focal mechanisms for the Banda region. A. Well constrained hypocentres from
Engdahl et al. (1998). B, C, D. Earthquake types plotted for events in the CMT catalog of global
seismic moment tensors (Ekström et al., 2012). The blue line on each map is the trace of the Seram
Figure 5 - Merged multibeam bathymetry for the Banda region.
Figure 6 - Map of simplified major structures identified in the Banda region discussed in the text. Those of
different ages are coloured differently, but it should be noted that many of these reactivate older
Figure 7 - Area of former carbonate platform on southern Misool shelf immediately north of the Seram
trough. The Seram trough in the centre of the map is approximately 2000 m deep. The carbonate
platform is tilted southwards from a depth of approximately 450 m in the north to 1400 m at its
southern edge.
Figure 8 - Detail of sea floor bathymetry showing the southern part of the Seram FTB, the Kai Arch, Aru
trough and Tanimbar trough. Lines marked A, B and C are locations of 2D seismic lines shown in
Figure 9. Green lines mark form lines on MTC that has moved NE-wards into the Tanimbar trough
and outline mud volcanism features in shallower areas. Dashed black line is inferred position of
normal fault that formed the western boundary of the Tanimbar trough before the MTC covered it.
Figure 9 - 2D seismic lines located on Figure 8. A. Northern front of MTC which is approximately 2–3
seconds TWT thick. B. Western edge of Tanimbar trough showing the normal fault downthrown
to the east that forms the eastern boundary of the Kai Arch and western edge of the Aru trough.
The thrust front at the Seram trough further north is thrust eastwards over the normal fault. The
lower area on the east side of the section is the MTC. C. the eastern boundary of the MTC in the
Tanimbar trough thrust over the tilted Australian margin.
Figure 10 - The Kawa shear zone on Seram Island modified from Pownall et al. (2013). A. Major faults
mapped on the island. B. Detail showing slices of mantle, igneous and metamorphic rocks
exhumed in the Kobipoto pop-up, and the metamorphic rocks exhumed in the Kaibobo peninsula
of west Seram between 6 and 4 Ma.
Figure 11 - Reconstruction of the northern and eastern Banda arc in the Early Pliocene, modified from Hall
(2002, 2012), showing the inferred location of the Seram–Kumawa shear zone. The coastlines
give an indication of where various parts of the region were but this should be considered very
approximate because of major extension of the former Sula Spur. This was especially important
in the Banda ridges and the embayment margin forming west and south Seram, and areas close to
the subduction zone labelled as highly extended continental crust.