Innovations and Traditional Practices Followed by SMT Indira Ramanthan

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Innovations and Traditional Practices followed by Smt Indira


.Smt. Indra Ramanathan (60) studied up to SSLC and involved in

farming in Kallipatti village, Erode District of Tamil Nadu. She is owning 120 acres
of land. She has developed innovation in nursery raising of Mala ivembu trees which
is difficult to raise in nursery through seeds as germination is very poor.

1.Innovative Nursery raising for Melia dubia :

Melia dubia is a tree found grown in forest area. It is a fast growing tree crop
producing greater bio-mass in relatively shorter period. It will grow well in fertile soil
with ample moisture supply. The tree will grow erect with single trunk up to 10 feet
height without branching. It is suited as short term as well as long term the crop. So
farmers prefer to cultivate this in Agro-forestry system of cropping in forest land. As
the seed has tough seed-coat, not allowing water to penetrate easily, the germination
becomes rather difficult

First she tried to break the seed coat by putting them in compost pit, treatment with
cow dung solution but this didn’t work out. Then she wanted to loosen the seed coat
by allowing to rot / decompose partly in the cow dung slurry for about 2 months, so
that the hardness of seed coat is softened and lessened. When the seed coat becomes
soft, the seed kernel is removed carefully without any damage and dibbled in seed
bed specially made

Seed bed preparation:

The seed bed is prepared by mixing red soil and fine sand. The seed kernels are
dibbled evenly and water is sprinkled twice a day in the morning and evening
uniformly. The seed bed is covered with poly-spread shed so as to maintain optimum
temperature and moisture. The seeds will start germinate in about 3 months time.
Only 30% of seeds alone will germinate. When the seedlings have grown to two leaf
stage, they are uprooted carefully without damage to root-system and planted in 1
foot high polythene bags filled with soil and organic manure. Whenever there is rain,
the excess water to be drained off. Otherwise the young seedlings in the polythene
bags are likely to rot. To avoid this, polythene sheet is spread over the young
seedlings. Sprinkler system has been designed by her so that the sprinkler tubes will
pass on just above the seedlings bed and the bed is covered with polythene sheet
above in order to prevent rain water which will fall on the seedlings to prevent
damping off. The seedlings will grow to 2 feet high in another 30 days, when they
can be ready for supply to farmers to plant in the main field.
By seeing the profitable cultivation of Malaivembu trees she started raising 60,000
trees in her field. The neighbouring farmers were also interested in planting the trees
in their field. She initially raised 1000 seedlings and supplied to the neighbouring
farmers. Once a TV channel has covered her innovation and many people came
forward for supply order of 50,000 seedlings. She has so far supplied 12,000
seedlings and also busy in raising and supplying seedlings to other farmers as per
their demand and her convenience.

Planting in main field:

Pits of 2 feet cube are dug out at 10x10 or 15x15 or 20x20 feet space, then filled with
red soil, sand, well decomposed manure. The seedlings are planted at the centre
upright and the soil is pressed around the seedling base well.
This is followed by light irrigation and life irrigation on the 3 rd day. Thereafter light
irrigation is given once in 7 to 10 days. The seedlings will grow to 4 to 6 feet height
in another 4 months time.
During rainy season, the rain water should not be allowed to stagnate around
seedlings and drain excess water. When the seedlings attain 10 feet height, prune the
branches so that one trunk upto a 30 feet height is achieved. After 10-12 years the
trees can be cut sold profitably. It is also advocated to allow coppicing just like neem
tree. After 6 to 8 years of plant those trees which are not attaining sufficient growth
are to be removed for fuel wood as and when they are required.

It is a soft – wood tree used for making ply-wood of the size 15’x1’ which can be sold
to Rs.3000 each piece. This plywood is used in building ship, lorry truck, reaper, for
making furniture, sofa set, doors, windows etc., This wood is also used for paper
pulp industry, foliage fed to cattle.

Plant protection:
Usually these trees are free from pest and disease. However during the early growth
of the tree sucking pest like aphids will attack the trees and the growth will be
stunted. For control of aphids she is preparing a decoction by bringing those weed
plants (which are usually not browsed by cattle / goat) and immersed in cow urine
and boiled and filtered. This filterate is diluted 10 times with water and sprayed.

Sometimes the growing seedlings are affected by bark disease and if the disease is
severe then we can remove the seedling and other new seedling planted fresh. After 6
months if the planted seedling is damaged due to this disease then the seedling has to
be cut 4 inches from ground level and allowed to emerge new shoot from the collar
region. This will give fast growing shoot.
Using this tree as medicine for animals :
Mrs. Indra Ramanathan has been maintaining 50 cattle which are locally called as
Bargur cattle breed. She is feeding the cattle after pruning the foliage of the trees. If
the cows are not conceiving or infertility problem or uterus problems then she is
feeding the animals with the foliage of the tree and get good results.

Ethnoveterinary practices followed by Indira:

2. For Retention of Placenta:

Cows will not evacuate the placenta even after few hours and for this yanai nerunji
(Pedalum murex) has to be boiled in water for few minutes and allowed to be soaked
for 2 hours. Then this has to be filtered and 1 litre of the solution has to be

3. Swellings in the Udder

After calving some times the udder of the cows show symptoms of swelling and
hotness. For this small onion (50 gm), salt (5 gm), turmeric (10 gm) leaves of sangan
(20 gm) (Azima tetracantha) are to be ground well and the resultant paste is smeared
over the udder. This has to be followed twice a day till it is completely cured.

4. Swellings in the teat

After giving birth to young one the adult cow shows symptoms of swellings in the
teats. Then the following treatment is followed: Leaves of Appakovai (Solena
amplexicaulis) -20 gm, Turmeric-10 gm, Vasambu (Acorus calamus) -10 gm
Are to be ground well and applied as paste over the teats and udder. If the infestation
is severe then Aloe vera extract has to be mixed in the paste and applied for 2-3 days
till it is cured.
5. For Heifers not coming to heat
If the heifers even after attaining 2 years of age not showing heat symptoms then the
following practice is followed:
i. Administer 100 ml of ‘Panchagavya’ daily for 1 week.
ii. Grains of bajara., ragi, seeds of horse gram are to be taken for 10 kilos.
Then Bengal gram is taken at 2 kilos and mixed together. This mixture is
taken at half kilo and soaked in water and allowed to sprout. The sprouted
grains are to be fed to animals for a period of 20-25 days. Then Aloe vera
extract is administered daily for 4 days. In addition heifers are to be fed
with 1-2 kilo leaves of malai vembu ( Melia dubia). This course of
treatment will enhance the process of heat symptoms and animal will
conceive after taking it for artificial insemination or for natural cross.

She also administers neem oil 250 ml to the heifers for 3 days in order to bring the
animals for heat.

6.For animal indigestion

Betel vine 10 leaves, pepper 10 seeds are to be ground well and administered in the
morning in empty stomach. This has to be continued 3 days.

7.For constipation
‘Nilavagai’ (Cassia obtusa ) leaf powder is administered at 50 gm in warm water.

8.For Foot and Mouth Disease:

Affected animals are to be administered with banana (Monthan variety) soaked in 250
ml of pig ghee. Banana can be administered continuously for 1 month.
Country arrack or liquor is to be applied in the ulcer in cleft of hooves in order to kill
the worms noticed.

9.For cows suffering with cough:

Betel leaves 10, pepper 10, camphor 2 are to be ground well and administered in the
empty stomach for 3 days. Then the animals are to be exposed to the fumes of
sampirani (holy doop ) and turmeric.

10.Derving Income in Mixed Farming :

She has experimented mixed cropping in coconut and derive good income by raising
nutmeg in established coconut garden. She is also raising Melia dubia, Coco as inter
crops in coconut garden and convince other farmers about deriving increased income
from existing coconut garden.

Innovator address:
Mrs. Indra Ramanathan,
Ramu gounder garden,
Kalli patti
Erode District.
Ph: 93459 81081
93666 99999

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