SPM-Tutorial-07 (QnA) 2.18
SPM-Tutorial-07 (QnA) 2.18
SPM-Tutorial-07 (QnA) 2.18
Question 2
A web project has been requested to be developed in PHP. However, your project team members are only
familiar with ASP.net and you, as a project manager, have decided to build the web project by using
ASP.net. Explain the risk response strategy that describes the above decision.
The response strategy used is risk avoidance, which involves eliminating a specific threat or risk, usually
by eliminating its causes.
Example, development team decided to use familiar language or technology to reduce significant risk for
failure of project.
Question 3
Compare and contrast the following:
Reactive and Proactive risk strategy
Qualitative risk analysis and Quantitative risk analysis
For the risk with the highest priority, propose ONE (1) preventive measure.
The risk with the highest priority is “Bugs and error caused by staff”.
Introduce peer reviews checking in which team members evaluate each other’s work products for
technical quality and content. This would enable more errors to be discovered and then rectified.
BAIT3153 Software Project Management (032018)
New 30% 2 Mitigation: Conduct research or survey for the development tools
development (android studio, etc.) available in market before using it.
tool (mobile)
Monitoring: Preview, compare and testing the tool before use for
development. Consult consultant’s opinion
Hire consultant to keep track the progress of the development