Diploma Mechanical
Diploma Mechanical
Diploma Mechanical
(Diploma Mechanical) CURRICULUM -VITAE
Email: [email protected]
P e r s o n a l I n f o r m a ti o n
Permanent Address
Mobile: xxxxxxxx
Contact Number
Nationality Indian
Strengths Creativity, Optimistic, Curiosity, Hard working, High confidence
Hobbies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
E d u c a ti o n Q u a l i fi c a ti o n s
1994 - 1996
I have passed HSC in May-2001 with second class (59%) From Gujarat
May-2001 Higher secondary Education Board
Te c h n i c a l Tr a i n i n g
1994 - 199
SAP Software Operation
DCS Centum CS-3000 Operation training given by Yokogava.
Industrial Training
Designation Supervisor
Duration 10/10/2011 To onward
Power plant with an installed capacity of 125x4 total 500 MW Lignite Based.
I am looking operations of the 125x4 MW power plants.