Documento Patios de Contenedores v4!0!16062014
Documento Patios de Contenedores v4!0!16062014
Documento Patios de Contenedores v4!0!16062014
Procedures and Guidelines Page 1 of 17
Table of Contents
The difference between the definition of The quantity Y being measured, defined as
“repeatability of measurement results” and that the measurand, is not measured directly, but it
of “reproducibility of measurement results” is is determined from N other measured quantities
important. The conditions for repeatability are: X1, X2, …XN.. Thus, the measurement equation
or data reduction equation is
a) The same measurement procedure
Y = f ( X 1 , X 2 , X 3 ,L X N ) (1)
b) The same measuring instrument used under
the same test “environmental” conditions The function f Includes along with the
quantities X(i, i = 1,2,, …N ) are corrections (or cor-
c) The same location, laboratory, or field loca-
rection factors), as well as quantities that take
into account other sources of variability, such
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as different observers, instrument calibrations, density and viscosity of fresh water are func-
different laboratories, and times at which ob- tions of the temperature, t in °C.
servations were made. Thus, the function f
should express not only the physical law but Therefore, an estimate for KQ is obtained
also the measurement process, and in particular, from estimates of the quantities Q, ρ, D, and n,
it should contain all quantities that can contrib- while the estimates for KT are obtained from
ute to the uncertainty of the measurand Y. quantities T, ρ, D, and n. The estimates for each
quantity Q, T, ρ, D can be obtained from direct
An estimate of the measurand (Y) is de- measurements or can be function of other quan-
noted by (y) and is obtained from equation (1) tities. The uncertainty in a measurement y, de-
with the estimates x1, x2, …, xN for the values of noted by u(y), arises from the uncertainties u(xi)
the N quantities X1, X2, …, XN.. Therefore, the in the input estimates xi in equation (2). For ex-
output estimate (y) becomes the result of the ample in equations (5) and (6), the uncertain-
measurements: ties in KQ and KT are due to uncertainties in the
estimations of Q, T, ρ, D, and n.
y = f ( x1,x2 ,x3 ,L xn ) (2)
The purpose of Type A and Type B classi- The ISO (1995) indicates that a simpler ap-
fication is a convenience for the distinction be- proach is often adequate in measurement situa-
tween the two different methods for uncertainty tions, where the probability distribution of
evaluation. No difference exists in the nature of measurements is approximately normal or
each component resulting from either type of Gaussian. If the number of degrees of freedom
evaluation. Both types of uncertainties are is significant (ν > 30), the distribution may be
based on probability distributions and the un- assumed to be Gaussian, and k will be eva-
certainty components resulting from both types luated as 2. This assumption produces an inter-
are quantified by standard deviations. Addi- val (Y = y ± U) having a level of confidence of
tional details on Type A and B uncertainties are approximately 95%. For a small number of
described section 6. samples, the inverse Student t at the 95 % con-
fidence level is recommended. The Student t at
5.2 Combined standard uncertainty (uc) the 95 % confidence level is shown in Figure 1,
where the number of degrees of freedom is ν =
Combined standard uncertainty of the result n - 1.
of a measurement is obtained from the uncer-
tainties of a number of other quantities. The 4.5
combined uncertainty is computed via the law
of propagation of uncertainty, which will be 4.0
described in detail later in this procedure. The
result is different if the quantities are correlated 3.5
or uncorrelated (independent).
5.3 Expanded uncertainty (U) Student t
6.1 Evaluation of uncertainty by Type A For a DAS, the instrumentation usually has
method a very low noise level. For n = 100, the stan-
dard deviation of the mean from equation (9) is
The best available estimate of the expected then reduced by a factor of 10. Consequently
value of a quantity “q” that varies randomly for high quality instrumentation, the Type A
and for which “n” independent observations uncertainty is usually small in comparison to
have been obtained under the same conditions Type B.
of repeatability is the arithmetic mean or aver-
age: 6.2 Evaluation of uncertainty by Type B
q = (1 / n)∑ qk (7) Type B evaluation of standard uncertainty
k =1
is usually based on judgment from all relevant
Each individual observation has a different information available, which may include:
value from other observations due to the ran- • Previous measurement data,
dom variations of the influence quantities, or
random effects. For a DAS, the data, q, is col- • Experience and knowledge of the behaviour
lected as a time series of a uniform sample in- of relevant materials and/or instruments,
terval of n samples. The mean value of the time • Manufacturer’s specifications,
series is then computed from equation (7).
• Data provided in calibration and other re-
The experimental variance of the observa- ports, which must be traceable to National
tions, which estimates the variance of the nor- Metrology Institutes (NMI), and
mal probability distribution of “q” is: • Uncertainties assigned to reference data
taken from handbooks. Typical examples in
s2 = [1/ (n −1)]∑(qk − q)2 (8)
naval hydrodynamics include values ob-
tained from equations for water mass den-
k =1
sity, viscosity, and vapour pressure from
This estimate of variance and its positive ITTC Procedure 7.5-02-01-03 (1999).
square root (s), termed the experimental stan-
The proper use of the pool of available data
dard deviation, characterize the variability of
and information for a Type B uncertainty re-
the observed values of q, or more specifically
quires an insight based on experience and gen-
the dispersion of the values (qk) about their
eral knowledge. It is skill that can be learned
mean. Standard uncertainty is the estimated
with practice. The Type B evaluation of stan-
standard deviation of the mean.
dard uncertainty may be as reliable as a Type A
uncertainty, especially in a measurement situa-
u(q) = s/ n (9) tion where a Type A evaluation is based on a
comparatively small number of statistically in-
dependent observations. In general, all final re-
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sults by the Type B method should be traceable range is: -1 ≤ r (xi , xj) ≤ +1. When equation
to an NMI. Other methods may be applied in (10a) is re-written in terms of sensitivity and
the design stages of a test or experiment. correlation coefficients, it becomes:
Start Yes
Subroutine i <N
Read ci = ∂ f/ ∂ xi
xi, δ xi No
δ f = (δ g)1/2
e = (δ xi ∂ f/ ∂ xi)2
f = f(x1,…xi,…, xN) Print
δg= δg +e f, δ f
δg= 0
i=i+1 Stop
ci = ∂ f/ ∂ xi
F+ui = f(x1,...,xi+ui,…, xN)
F-ui = f(x1,...,xi-ui,…, xN)
Figure 2: Flow chart for numerical determination of sensitivity coefficients from Moffat (1982)
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its associated combined uncertainty (uc = a known load were applied to a DAS as a check
0.00035 g). on a calibrated system. The t-value is:
T = n ( q − q0 ) / s (25)
Sometimes data occurs outside the expected The previous example is a special case of this
range of values and should be excluded from result where n = 1.
the calculation of the mean value and estimated
12.2 Chavenet’s criterion
uncertainty. Such data are referred to as out-
liers. If an outlier is detected, the specific cause A less stringent test is given by Chauvent’s
should be identified before it is excluded. Sev- criterion from Coleman and Steele (1999). By
eral methods may be applied in the determina- this criterion a data point is rejected as an out-
tion of outliers. Additional information on out- lier if the inverse Gaussian, Z, for a 2-tailed pdf
liers as applied to calibration is contained in the is
procedure on Instrument Calibration in ITTC
(2008b). Z = (qi − q ) / s (26)
12.1 Hypothesis t-test
Reject if Z > z1−1 /( 4 n )
The conventional method for outliers is the t-
test from hypothesis testing. The details of the As an example for n = 10, then p > 0.975 and z
methodology may be found in a standard statis- = 1.960. A plot of Chauvenet’s criterion is pre-
tics text such as Ross (2004). Then the T statis- sented in Figure 3.
tic is defined as:
T = ( qi − q ) / s (24)
Reject as outlier if T > t95 ,n −1
where sr and ss may be interpreted as the ran- The weight set is usually calibrated as a set at
dom and systematic deviations of the data, re- the same time against the same reference stan-
spectively, and Ni and Pi are the respective dard. OIML (2004) and ASTM E740-02 per-
normal and parallel components of the data formance specifications recommend that the
projected onto the line with the slope of +1. uncertainty in weights is perfectly correlated.
The ratio of these two quantities is then the cir- The standard uncertainty in the total mass is
cularity of the data: from equation (13):
c = ss / sr (30c) N
u m = ∑ ui (31b)
i =1
U m = um / 3 (31c)
Usually the uncertainty in instrument cali- 15. PRE-TEST AND POST-TEST UN-
bration is associated with the data scatter in the CERTAINTY ANALYSIS
regression fit. The NMI traceable reference
standard for the calibration should have an un- Before the first data point is taken in a test,
certainty that is small in comparison to the un- the data reduction equations should be known.
certainty from the curve fit. A separate Instru- A data reduction program for the DAS should
ment Calibration procedure (ITTC, 2008b) de- include the measurement equations, data for
scribes in detail the uncertainties associated conversion of the digitally acquired data to
with both linear and no-linear curve fitting. physical units from calibrations traceable to an
NMI, and finally uncertainty analysis should be
14.3 Repeat tests included in the data processing codes. The
codes should include the details of the uncer-
In some cases, the methodology outlined in tainty analysis:
this procedure does not adequately define the
uncertainty of a test. Frequently, tests in naval • Elemental uncertainties, ui(y) = ciu(xi) and
hydrodynamics contain an uncontrolled ele- their relative importance to the combined
ment that is not included in the uncertainty es- uncertainty, uc(y)
timate. Consequently, repeat tests, at least 10, • Combined and expanded uncertainty, uc and
are suggested for a representative condition as U
a better estimate of the uncertainty. Ten tests
should provide a reasonable estimate of the • Calibration factors for conversion from
standard deviation. The standard deviation is digital units to physical units
computed from equation (8). Since this will • Contributions to the uncertainty by Type A
provide an estimate for tests, which are per- and Type B methods. For high quality low-
formed only once, equation (9) should not be noise instrumentation, the contribution from
applied. Type A should be small in comparison to
Type B with a sufficient number of samples.
Forgach (2002) provides such an example.
In his report, the expanded uncertainty estimate A pre-test uncertainty analysis should be
for carriage speed based upon rotation of a performed during the planning and designing
metal wheel was ±0.00052 m/s. However, the phases of the test with the same computer code
expanded uncertainty from 23 repeat runs (2 applied during the test. In the pre-test uncer-
standard deviations) was ±0.0015 m/s or 3 tainty will include primarily Type B uncertain-
times the uncertainty estimate from the wheel ties unless data are available from previous
speed. The speed for this case was tests for an estimate of the Type A uncertain-
2.036±0.0016 m/s (±0.08 %) for the expanded ties. In this phase, all elements of the Type B
uncertainty including both the uncertainty in uncertainty should be applied. In particular,
repeat runs and the wheel speed. In this exam- manufacturers’ specifications may be included
ple, the uncontrolled variable was an estimate for an assessment of adequacy of a particular
of the uncertainty contribution from the car- instrument for the test before the device is pur-
riage speed controller, which included a ma- chased. Selection of an instrument may involve
nual setting by a carriage operator. economic trade-offs between cost and perform-
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For the post-test uncertainty analysis after ments should conform to the specifications that
the data are acquired, the post-processing code apply.
should provide sufficient data on uncertainty
analysis for the final report of the test. In this In practice, the amount of information ne-
case, data will include results from both the cessary to document uncertainties in a mea-
Type A and Type B methods. All of the ele- surement result depends on its intended use.
mental uncertainties should be based upon The following is a list for the base guideline in
measurements that are traceable to an NMI. reporting uncertainty.
That is, all measurements should be based upon • Describe clearly the method used to obtain
documented uncertainties. These should con- the measurement result and its uncertainty.
tain no guesses or manufacturer’s specifica-
tions unless the manufacturer supplies a cali- • List all uncertainty components and docu-
bration certificate that is NMI traceable. ment fully how they were evaluated: these
are standard uncertainty, combined uncer-
Finally, the contributions of the elemental tainty, and expanded uncertainty. Expanded
uncertainties ui(y) should be compared to the uncertainty should be reported at the 95 %
combined uncertainty, uc(y). Such comparison level and the basis of the coverage factor, k,
will identify the important contributors to the documented.
combined uncertainty. These results should be
• The final measured values should be docu-
compared to the pre-test uncertainty analysis.
In this manner, the expected performance mented as y ± U (U/y in percent, y ≠ 0 ).
should be verified. Are the results of the pre-
• Present the data and uncertainty analysis in
test and post-test uncertainty analysis consis-
such a way that each of its important steps
tent? Finally, the results should be reviewed for
can be readily followed. The calculation of
potential improvements or reduction in the un-
the reported result can be independently re-
certainty for future tests.
peated if necessary.
• Give all corrections and constants applied
16. REPORTING UNCERTAINTY in the analysis and their sources.
The main directive for reporting uncertain- ISO (1995) gives specific guidance on how to
ties is that all information necessary for a re- report the numerical values of a measurement
evaluation of the measurement should be avail- result (y) and its associated standard uncertain-
able to others when and if needed. When uncer- ties, combined standard uncertainty, and ex-
tainty of a result is evaluated on the basis of panded uncertainty.
published documents, such as the case of in-
strument calibration results that are reported on
a manufacturer certificate, these publications
should be referenced, and insure that they are
consistent with the measurement procedure ac- 17. LIST OF SYMBOLS
tually used. If experiments are performed with ci Sensitivity coefficient, ci = ∂f/∂xi
instruments that are subjected to periodic cali-
bration and/or legal inspections, the instru- CT Total resistance coefficient, equation (22)
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