Lightning Performance Assessment
Lightning Performance Assessment
Lightning Performance Assessment
This paper determined suitable lightning performance indices for a lightning protection system
of 115 kV overhead distribution lines for the cases before and after improvement with seven types of
line configuration, following the construction standard of the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA).
The shielding failure flashover rate (SFFR) caused by a lightning strike to the line phase due to shielding
failure, the back flashover rate (BFR) due to a direct strike on an overhead ground wire, and the total
flashover rate(TFR) were used as lightning performance indices. The outage rate caused by lightning
could be reduced by lightning performance improvement. This paper considered improvement and
flashover rate analysis from lightning using five methods: reducing footing resistance, increasing the
number of suspension insulators, increasing the diameter of the down conductor, reducing the shielding
angle and installing a surge arrester on the lowest phase conductor. The analysis showed that before the
improvements were implemented, the total flashover rate of several overhead distribution line
arrangements was about 13-15 flashes/100 km/year and after the improvements were implemented, it
was reduced to about 4-13 flashes/100 km/year.
Keywords: lightning performance, shielding failure flashover rate, back flashover rate
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Sriracha, Kasetsart University, Chon Buri 20230, Thailand.
* Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]
Figure 1 Overhead line configuration standards for 115 kV PEA distribution systems.
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Tangent Structure TYPE SS-TG-8 is 20 kA. The number of lightning strikes directly
6) Double Circuit Double Conductor to the ground and to overhead wires could be
Tangent Structure TYPE DD-TG-1 determined by Equations 2 and 3, respectively and
7) Double Circuit Single Conductor the back flashover rate by Equation 4.
Tangent Structure TYPE DS-TG-1 1
P ( I ≥ i0 ) = 3.09
Lightning performance indices 1+ 0
I 50
Overvoltage can occur when lightning
strikes an overhead distribution line. When the N g = 6.5 × 10 −5 Td2.277 (2)
voltage on the insulator exceeds the maximum
design voltage, an outage occurs. For the analysis 28h 0.6 + b
NL = Ng (3)
of overvoltage in terms of lightning, a performance
index was developed based on the striking BFR = NLP(I ≥ Ic) (4)
position, which was considered to be the main where: P(I ≥ i0) = Probability of lightning peak
factor to examine with regard to outage rates. current over i0
Outage from lightning can be categorized I50 = Average lightning peak current (kA)
according to lightning strikes on ground wires or Ng = Number of lightning strikes directly
on phased wires. to ground (flash/km2/year) (Samitthileela, 1999)
Td = Number of thunderstorm days per
Lightning strike on ground wires year
Insulators on overhead distribution NL = Number of lightning strikes on
systems have been designed to sustain overvoltage wires (flash/100 km/year) (IEEE Standard 1243,
on an insulator created by a lightning strike on the 1997)
ground wire. In cases where the voltage on an h = Height of pole (m)
insulator exceeds the limit as a result of a strike b = Structure width (m)
by a very high lightning current, flashover on the BFR = Back flashover rate (flash/100
insulator surface occurs from the ground wire back km/year)
to the phase wire. Analysis could find the P(I ≥ Ic) = Probability of lightning peak
maximum lightning current that a suspension current exceeding critical peak current Ic
insulator could bear or adjust the overvoltage on
the insulator to the level of the critical flashover Lightning strike on phase wires
voltage. The critical flashover voltage could be A ground wire protection system is
evaluated using the ATPDraw computer software. installed in a distribution system to prevent
Critical lightning peak current analysis lightning from striking directly onto phase wires.
was undertaken using lightning statistic data in Lightning protection performance would depend
Thailand. There are 60 days of thunderstorms in on the line arrangement or the protection angle.
Thailand annually (Thai Meteorological Shielding angle failure could occur from a low
Department, 2006). The probability of a lightning lightning peak current, with the lowest striking
strike of different lightning currents is shown by distance (S) or radius of the rolling sphere which
Equation 1 (IEEE Standard 1410, 2004), based on was protected by the ground wire being determined
the lightning location system (LLS) from the from the line configurations in Figure 1 with
Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand Equations 5 and 6.
(EGAT). The average lightning peak current (I50)
168 Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 45(1)
Ground wire
Phase wire
Figure 2 Critical striking distance, where the ground wire could prevent a direct strike on the phase
Table 1 Relationship between striking distance (S) and lightning peak current (I) (Hileman, 1999).
Source Parameters (S = KIB)
Armstrong and Whitehead 6.7 0.8
Brown and Whitehead 7.1 0.75
Wagner 14.2 0.42
IEEE-1992 10.0 0.65
Love 10.0 0.65
Berger (negative lightning) S– = I + 15(1 – e–0.15I)
(positive lightning) S+ = 1.5I + 20(1 – e–0.15I)
Striking distance is defined by S = KIB, where S = lightning striking distance (m), I = lightning peak current (kA), and K and B are
constant values.
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Lightning performance improvement strike to the top of the pole, which happens
The lightning outage rate could be frequently on higher ground, could produce a
reduced by lightning performance improvements lower critical current than a lightning strike to the
or by increasing the insulation level. This paper phase wire. Thus, the flashover rate was only
considered improvements to lightning considered for a lightning strike to the top of pole.
performance and flashover rate analysis from The critical lightning peak current with
lightning using five methods: 1) reducing ground wire protection can be calculated from the
grounding resistance of the footing pole from 5 equations in Table 1. The critical lightning peak
ohms to 2 ohms; 2) increasing the number of current, in the case of lightning striking the phase
suspension insulators from 7 to 8 insulators; 3) conductor and then creating flashover on the
increasing the diameter of the down conductor insulator surface, can be analyzed with ATPDraw.
from 50 mm2 to 95 mm2 ; 4) reducing the shielding Results from the analysis and the shielding failure
angle by increasing the number of ground wires flashover rate (SFFR) determined from (7) are
from 1 to 2 lines; and 5) installing a surge arrester shown in Table 3.
on the lowest phase at 200 m intervals. The back flashover and shielding failure
flashover rates for the different structures were
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION almost identical, with approximately 13 flashes/
100 km/year and 1.5 flashes/100 km/year
The maximum lightning current for the respectively. A double circuit double conductor
case of a lightning strike on the ground wire is structure would provide a greater flashover rate
shown in Table 2. The results show that a lightning than the other configurations.
Table 3 Lightning performance indices (shielding failure flashover rate (SFFR), back flashover rate
(BFR) and Total flashover rate (TFR) before improvements (flashes/100 km/year).
Line configuration SFFR BFR Total flashover rate (TFR)
SD-TG-3 1.01 12.72 13.73
SD-TG-5 1.80 12.41 14.21
SD-TG-8 1.56 12.11 13.67
SS-TG-3 1.48 12.32 13.80
SS-TG-8 1.30 12.02 13.32
DD-TG-1 1.80 13.61 15.41
DS-TG-1 1.48 13.56 15.04
170 Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 45(1)
Without taking into account the cost of the symmetry of alignment between the ground
investment, different structures required different wire and the top-phase wire.
techniques to improve the flashover rate. 3) The best overall lightning
According to Table 4, neglecting the surge arrester performance index was the total flashover rate
installation methods for the SD-TG-3, SD-TG-5 caused by lightning before improvement. This
and SS-TG-3 structures would be appropriate with index was almost indistinguishable for each
the grounding resistance reduction method. structure, which was 13-15 flashes/100 km/year
Increasing the insulation level was a proper option before any improvement method was applied.
for the SD-TG-8, SS-TG-8, DD-TG-1 and DS-TG- 4) Increasing the diameter size of the
1 structures. Increasing the diameter of the down down conductor was method that produced the
conductor and adding to the number of ground wire minimum improvement to performance.
methods would not reduce the flashover rate as 5) There were several methods that
much as other methods. Surge arrester installation improved lightning performance. The best option
was the best option to reduce the flashover rate by from the analysis was to install a surge arrester on
making a high investment. the bottom phase at 200-m intervals.
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Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 45(1) 171
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