Complete Metabolic Panel
Complete Metabolic Panel
Complete Metabolic Panel
The Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) include the common chemistries ordered when screening for or monitoring disease.
The Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP) is a broad screening tool to evaluate organ function.
Results include:
Sodium (Na⁺)
Potassium (K⁺)
Chloride (Cl⁻)
Bicarbonate (CO₂⁻)
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
Total protein
Alkaline Phosphatase (Alk Phos)
Alanine amino transferase (ALT)
Aspartate amino transferase (AST)
Sodium (136-145 mEq/L)
Sodium is the major cation in the extracellular space. The sodium content in the blood is a result of a balance
between dietary sodium intake and renal excretion. Water and sodium are closely interrelated. Critical values are
<120 or >160 mEq/L.
A guy in the Navy boards his ship and crosses the sea, docking in a port of ill repute. He disembarks, visits a brothel
and then re-boards his ship to set sail. The CDC had heard of the sailor’s risky behavior and became concerned about
foreign STD’s being brought back to the United States. They were on the U.S. dock for the sailor to come home. Prior
to the sailor disembarking, the CDC could be heard yelling, “Hey ‘EU’ on the ‘SHIP’, you need a VD Dart’!”
EU on the SHIP represents conditions in which hyponatremia is present in a hypo-osmolar, euvolemic state.
Na⁺ is decreased.
Na⁺ is decreased.
o Many diuretics work by inhibiting sodium reabsorption by the kidneys
Addison’s Disease
o Acute adrenal insufficiency
o Sodium is not reabsorbed by the kidneys and is lost in the urine
o These patients need you to add cortisol
o Patients present with vague symptoms and the diagnosis can be difficult
MAGIK (some causes of Addison’s disease)
Meningitis (Neisseria meningitis)
Adrenal hemorrhage (trauma or childbirth)
Granulomatous disease (Sarcoidosis or Tuberculosis)
Immunocompromised states (HIV or chronic steroid use)
Ketoconazole use
Renal tubular acidosis
o Caused by the inability of the kidneys to conserve bicarbonate and to adequately acidify the urine
o Can result from ingested toxins causing acute trauma to the kidneys
Third spacing fluid
o Fluid leaks from the blood into the interstitium
o Can be seen in severe burns and pancreatitis
CDC represents CNC in the mnemonic. It represents conditions in which hyponatremia is present in a hypo-osmolar,
hypervolemic state.
Na⁺ is decreased.
It is critically important to learn how to appropriately determine a patient’s volume status and the physical signs of
hypovolemia and hypervolemia. If you suspect a patient is dehydrated and put them on IV fluids, but instead they
turn out to be hypervolemic, you will make the patient’s condition much worse.
Potassium is the major cation in the intracellular space. The major role of K⁺ is in regulating muscle and nerve
excitability. The cardiovascular system is of principle concern in K⁺ abnormalities. Abnormalities of K⁺ are usually
related to problems with insulin, aldosterone, acid-base balance, renal function, or GI and skin losses. Critical values
are <2.5 or >6.5 mEq/L.
Etiologies of hyperkalemia:
Metabolic acidosis – to maintain physiologic pH during acidosis, hydrogen ions are driven from the blood
and into the cell; to maintain electrical neutrality, potassium is expelled from the cell into the blood
True excess
Increased intake
o Endogenous
Muscle crush injuries
o Exogenous
Salt substitutes
Drugs (PCN, potassium supplementation)
Decreased output
o Acute or chronic renal failure (most common)
o Drugs
Potassium sparing diuretics (Spironolactone)
β₂ adrenergic antagonists
o Deficiency of adrenal steroids
o Addison’s disease
Etiologies of hypokalemia:
Chloride (98-106 mEq/L)
Chloride is the most abundant extracellular anion. The primary purpose is the maintain electrical neutrality, it
follows sodium. It helps to maintain extracellular osmolality. Critical values are <80 or >110 mEq/L.
Symptoms include hyperexcitability of the nervous system and muscles, shallow breathing, hypotension,
and tetany
Bicarbonate is made in the kidneys. It is produced slowly, over a period of hours to days. Lab result is expressed as
“total carbon dioxide” (CO2). Increases with alkalosis; decreases with acidosis.
Metabolic Acidosis
The body does not tolerate being in an acidotic state very well. It has two responses to the condition, one is
rapid and one is slow.
o Increase your respiratory rate – rapid response
Kussmaul breathing – abnormally deep, very rapid sighing respirations
An immediate respiratory response as an attempt to blow off CO2, thus raising in body
o Kidney response – slow response
Increase body’s bicarbonate
Causes of metabolic acidosis
o K = Ketones (DKA or starvation)
o U = Uremia
o S = Sepsis
o S = Salicylates
o M = Methanol (other alcohols)
o A = Aldehydes and all other heavy chemicals (iron)
o L = Lactic acidosis
o M = Methanol
o U = Uremia
o D = Diabetes
o P = Paraldehyde
o I = Iron
o L = Lactate
o E = Ethanol, ethylene glycol
o S = Salicylates, starvation
Renal Functions
BUN is an indirect and rough measurement of renal function and glomerular filtration rate. It is also a measurement
of liver function. It measures the amount of urea nitrogen in the blood.
Urea is formed in the liver as the end product of protein metabolism and digestion
The urea is deposited in the blood and transported to the kidneys for excretion
When elevated – Azotemia (uremia)
Creatinine is a catabolic product of creatine phosphate which is used in skeletal muscle contraction.
For normal, healthy patients in a steady state, the rate of creatinine production equals secretion
A rise in serum creatinine almost always indicates worsening renal function
Specific measurement for kidney function. For renal adjustment for drug dosing, you use CrCl.
[(140 – Age) x wt]/(0.814 x Cr) for male. For female you multiple the total by 0.85
BUN/Creatinine Ratio
Renal disease
o Glomerulonephritis
o Pyelonephritis
o Acute tubular necrosis
Renal failure
Nephrotoxic drugs
Severe hypertension
Polycystic kidney
Chronic analgesic overuse
Calcium is necessary in many metabolic enzymatic pathways. It is vital for muscle contractility, cardiac function,
neural transmission, and blood clotting. Critical values are <6 or >13 mg/dL.
Renal failure
Hypovitaminosis D
Proteins are the most significant component contributing to the osmotic pressure within the vascular space. The
osmotic pressure acts to keep fluid within the vascular space, minimizing extravasation of fluid. Total serum protein
is a combination of prealbumin, albumin, and globulins.
Albumin is a protein that is formed within the liver. This makes up about 60% of the total protein. The major
purpose is to maintain colloidal osmotic pressure. Albumin transports drugs, hormones, and enzymes.
Malnutrition – lack of amino acids available for building proteins and liver dysfunction
Liver disease
Protein losing enteropathies – large volumes of protein are lost from the intestines
Third space losses – large amounts of albumin can be lost in the serum that weeps from open burns and
readily accumulates in the peritoneum with ascites
Alk Phos is found in many tissues, the highest concentrations are found in the liver, biliary tract epithelium, and
bone. This is important for detecting liver and bone disorders.
Primary cirrhosis
Intrahepatic or extrahepatic biliary obstruction
Primary or metastatic liver tumor – Alk phos is found in the liver and biliary epithelium and excreted into
the bile, obstruction can cause increased levels
Metastatic tumor to the bone
Paget disease
Rheumatoid arthritis
Pernicious anemia
Scurvy (vitamin C deficiency)
ALT is used to identify hepatocellular diseases of the liver. ALT is found predominantly in the liver.
AST is found in heart muscle, liver cells, skeletal muscle, and to a lesser degree in the kidneys, pancreas, and RBCs.
Bilirubin is a constituent of the bile, which is formed in the liver. Bilirubin metabolism begins with the breakdown of
RBCs in the reticuloendothelial system (mostly in the spleen). Total serum bilirubin level is the sum of the
conjugated (direct) and unconjugated (indirect) bilirubin. Critical values >12 mg/dL.
Indirect bilirubin
Hemoglobin is released from RBCs and broken down into heme and globin molecules. Heme is then catabolized to
form biliverdin, which is transformed to bilirubin. This form is called unconjugated (indirect) bilirubin.
Direct bilirubin
In the liver, indirect bilirubin is conjugated with a glucuronide molecule, resulting in conjugated (direct) bilirubin.
This is then excreted from the liver cells to the kidneys and into the intrahepatic canaliculi, which eventually lead to
the hepatic ducts, the common bile duct, and the bowel.
Extrahepatic duct obstruction
Extensive liver metastasis