Paediatrica Indonesiana
Paediatrica Indonesiana
Paediatrica Indonesiana
Original Article
Abstract n the field of medicine, the battle between
Background Use of antibiotics to treat self-limiting viral infections bacteria and mankind can be explained in three
like dengue fever (DF) without any co-morbid conditions in pedi- phases: the pre-antibiotic era, the antibiotic
atric patients is common practice in India, and a major contribution
of the inappropriate use of antibiotics in the country.
era, and the post-antibiotic era. The period
Objective To provide an analysis of diagnosis, grading, and prescrib- before the introduction of sulfa drugs and penicillin
ing of antibiotics in pediatric inpatients with DF in a tertiary care is considered to be the ‘pre-antibiotic era.’ Bacteria
teaching hospital in India. dominated mankind and bacterial infections were
Methods Data from case sheets of all pediatric inpatients (n=370)
diagnosed with DF without co-morbid conditions were collected the leading cause of death.1 Discovery of penicillin
with regards to diagnosis, grading, presence, and appropriateness by Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928 laid the foundation
of antibiotic usage according to the 2009 WHO Guidelines, the and hope of controlling bacterial infections. Since
National Vector Borne Disease Control Program (NVBDCP) of India that time, the ‘antibiotic era’ has seen the discovery
Guidelines, and the Hospital Infection Society (HIS) Guidelines.
Results Platelet count determination (50% of the cases) was the of many antibiotics, which has transformed modern
major diagnostic method for dengue. Inappropriate grading of DF medicine and saved millions of lives. 2 These
was seen in 20% of patients. Almost 75% of the 370 dengue cases discoveries gave hope that mankind would rein over
were prescribed antibiotics for the expressed purpose of avoiding bacterial infections forever. However, the foremost
hospital-acquired infections. A single antibiotic was given in 225
prescriptions (60.81%), 2 antibiotics in 33 (8.91 %) cases, and 3 driving force for discovering newer antibiotics was the
antibiotics in 9 (2.43%) cases. development of resistance to the existing antibiotics.
Conclusions Prescribing one or more antibiotics to treat self-limiting Eventually, the antibiotic pipeline began to dry
viral infections is considered as inappropriate and may lead to the up, because the pharmaceutical industry considers
development of multidrug resistance. Furthermore, excess use of
antibiotics in infancy may induce imbalances in gut and microbiota, investment in antibiotic study to be unprofitable,
called dysbiosis, and increases the probability of occurrence of
diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and asthma in later life. These
findings can inform the development of antibiotic stewardship in
the treatment of dengue. [Paediatr Indones. 2018;58:53-7 ; doi: ].
From the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Sri Padmavathi School
of Pharmacy, Tirupathi, Andhrapradesh 1, and the Department of
Keywords: antibiotics; bacterial resistance; Pharmacology, Siddha Central Research Institute, Chennai, Tamilnadu2,
dengue; inappropriate use India.
fearing a possible lack of returns. This approach of the the curriculum of Pharm. D. course in the pediatric
pharmaceutical industry is due to the short period of ward, we observed the use of antibiotics to treat
antibiotic usage compared to other drugs used to treat diseases which are generally self-limiting, to avoid
metabolic, cardiovascular, and central nervous system hospital-acquired infections in Sri Venkateswara
disorders. Hence, bacterial resistance to antibiotics is Ramnarayana Ruia Government General Hospital
inevitable, as newer antibiotics may be outdated in a (SVRRGGH), Tirupathi. Hence, we aimed to evaluate
short span of time.2 the extent of inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics in
In response to antibiotics, bacteria change in treating dengue fever (DF) in pediatric patients.
ways that reduce or eliminate drug effectiveness.
These changes are due to the evolution of antibiotic
resistance genes by spontaneous mutations and Methods
furthered by natural selection of resistant strains over
sensitive ones.3 Once a strain develops resistance, the This cross-sectional, observational study was carried
once-effective antibiotic will no longer inhibit the out for 6 months (July to December 2016) in the
bacteria. If this continues, mankind will eventually inpatient Department of Pediatrics, SVRRGGH,
face a cataclysmic condition. In view of this, the US Tirupathi, India. The minimum required sample
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) size (n=370) used was based on the pilot study that
declared in 2013 that the human race is now in the was performed in the early weeks of July 2016 on 50
‘post-antibiotic era.’ Moreover, the World Health patients.
Organization (WHO) warned of a dreadful antibiotic The study was approved by the Institutional
resistance crisis.2 This situation is comparable to the Review Board, Sri Padmavathi School of Pharmacy,
pre-antibiotic era, in that irrational use of antibiotics Tiruchanoor, Tirupathi, India. All patients admitted
has led to the emergence of resistant strains and to the pediatric inpatient ward of SVRRGGH with
infections which are not yet recognized and the re- dengue fever during the study period were included
emergence of virulent forms of previous infections.1 in the study, except for those with other infections
Resistance development is an evolutionary process, and co-morbid conditions.
with unpredictable times. Resistance requires constant A specially designed pro forma was used for
exposure of bacteria to the antibiotic. Hence, the collecting data, including patient demographics, past
rational or irrational use of antibiotics drives the medical history, family and surgical history, traveling
evolution of bacterial resistance. As such, the greater and transfusion history, signs and symptoms, diagnosis,
the exposure of bacteria to antibiotics, the faster the and medications presently prescribed for each patient.
evolution of resistance.3 The data were obtained from patient case profiles after
Dengue and chikungunya are the third and obtaining parental informed consent. All prescriptions
fourth most common monsoon diseases in India. were analyzed for the appropriate diagnosis, grading,
They are mosquito-borne (Aedes aegypti) viral diseases and presence of antibiotics, according to the 2009
associated with urban environments. Dengue manifests WHO Guidelines5 and NVBDCP Guidelines of India.6
as sudden onset of fever and severe headache; it In addition, the presence of appropriate antibiotics for
occasionally produces shock and hemorrhage leading hospital-acquired infection was also assessed based on
to death. Chikungunya is characterized by pain HIS Guidelines of India.7-9
usually lasting 3-7 days and, in some cases, results
in persistent arthritis. These diseases share common
symptoms of a typical bacterial infection, and mislead Results
health workers to use antibiotics unnecessarily. In
addition, illicit prescribing of antibiotics by medical In this study, we observed more DF cases (Table 1) in
practitioners is increasing the condition of resistance, children between the age group 5-10 years (52.97%),
due to improper diagnosis, lack of understanding of followed by 0-4 years (37.29%) and 11-15 years
the potential dangers of inappropriate use, costs, and (9.23%). This may be because of children playing
outcomes of therapy.4 During our hospital visit as per in unsanitary places or field areas where there is risk
of being bitten by mosquitoes. There is no existing antibiotics to 33 (8.91%) cases, and 3 antibiotics to
scientific reason for high prevalence of dengue in 9 (2.43%) cases, at a time (Figure 1). Triple therapy
children, but the rate of mortality in pediatrics is high antibiotics included cefotaxime in all prescriptions
due to secondary infections, developing immunity, with cefixime, azithromycin, amoxyclav, doxycycline,
and exposure to virulent strains, while most children and ceftriaxone in different combinations. Antibiotics
remain asymptomatic.10 given as dual therapy were ceftriaxone with doxycycline,
cefotaxime, or amoxyclav, and cefotaxime with
Table 1. Age distribution of dengue fever patients doxycycline, cefixime, or metronidazole.
Age group No. of cases (N=370)
0-4 years 138
5-10 years 196
11-15 years 36