A Study of Concept of Limited Liability Partnership in India

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International Journal of Academic Research and Development

International Journal of Academic Research and Development

ISSN: 2455-4197
Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22
Volume 3; Issue 2; March 2018; Page No. 484-490

A study of concept of limited liability partnership in India

Dr. Vivek Kumar
Assistant Professor of Law, Institute of Legal Studies, Ch. Charan Singh University, Campus, Meerut, Utter Pradesh, India

LLP is an alternative business vehicle to carry out business which combines the Characteristics of a private company and a
conventional partnership. LLP provides limited Liability status to its partners and offers the flexibility of internal arrangement
through an agreement between the partners. This combination n will give entrepreneurs and businessmen a more structured
business vehicle compared to a sole proprietorship or a conventional partnership. It provides the flexibility of controlling the
business operation in accordance with the partnership agreement whilst enjoying the limited liability status compared to a company
which is subject to strict compliance requirements under the Companies Act 1965 in most of its affairs. LLP is a business vehicle
which would offer simple and flexible procedures in terms of its formation, maintenance and termination while simultaneously has
the necessary dynamics and appeal to be able to compete domestically and internationally. The LLP was also introduced in
countries such as the United States of America, United Kingdom, Singapore, India and Japan as a form of alternative business

Keywords: LLP, concept, legislative history, jurisdiction, JJ. Irani committee

1. Introduction modern professional practices and thus urged for introduction

1.1 LLP Structure in foreign jurisdictions of limited liability concept within partnership law. The limited
The formation of companies with limited liability led to liability partnership concept finally originated in Texas in
introduction of “limited liability” concept in partnership law. 1991, inspired by government litigation against law and
A limited partnership (LP) consists of one or more general accounting firms that had done work for failed savings and
partners liable for all the debts and obligations of the firm and loan associations.
who alone are entitled to manage the firm's affairs, and one of The claims were against all partners including many who had
more limited partners whose liability for the debts and nothing to do with the failed associations, highlighting the
obligations of the firm is limited in amount but who are joint and several liability of partners for each other's conduct.
excluded from all management functions. The LLP was thus developed as a mechanism and as a device
In contrast, an LLP combines multiple features of a company to limit the vicarious liability of partners as the prospect that
with a partnership and enables partners who are actively all the members in a partnership of attorneys or accountants
involved in the business of their partnership to limit their may be exposed to hundreds of millions of dollars in liability
liability for the partnership's debts and obligations. A limited was too risky and dreary.
partnership is still a partnership with a slight modification and
the concept is not very new. 1.2 US
As early as 1837 a commission headed by Bellenden Kerr had The idea for the LLP has been credited to “a twenty odd
considered whether elements of limited liability might be person law firm from Lubbock,” Texas [1]. The LLP was a
introduced into partnership law and in 1851 a select direct outgrowth of the collapse of real estate and energy
committee of the House of Commons also considered whether prices in the late 1980s, and the concomitant disaster that
limited liability should be introduced but on neither occasion befell Texas’s banks and savings and loan associations [2]. As a
was there a clear conclusion. In parallel with increasing result, the first law on LLP came into existence in Texas,
concerns on the part of professional advisers as to the through the enactment of Texas House Bill 278 on August 26,
potential financial risks involved in continuing to act within 1991. With the promulgation of the Revised Uniform Partners
the confines of a partnership structure, was the trend towards Partnership Act (‘RUPA’) in the US in 1994, a number of
"partnerships" which were much larger than hitherto. states permitted the formation of LLPs, which was followed
In such organizations, where one partner might not even have by the incorporation of comprehensive provisions dealing with
met many of the other partners in the firm, the concept of LLPs in the RUPA in 1997 [3].
legally binding relations based upon the principles of mutual After Texas passed its LLP legislation, most other states
trust, agency and good faith became less easy to justify. quickly followed and today all 51 states have passed laws that
Increasingly, the larger partnerships within the accountancy permit the formation of an LLP [4]. Further, the National
profession in the United Kingdom began to question the Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
ongoing utility of the 1890 partnership model as a vehicle for adopted the Uniform Limited Liability Company Act in 1996

International Journal of Academic Research and Development

and revised it in 2006 [5]. Development of Small Sector Enterprises headed by Dr. Abid
In the U.S., an LLP is considered as a special type of Hussain, a noted Indian civil servant and diplomat,
partnership that requires a special filing with the State where recommended new legislation to allow for the creation of
the partners operate. This partnership form offers all partners LLPs. The Abid Hussain committee’s recommendations
the right to participate in the management and the operation of lingered without much action until a comprehensive report
a partnership without subjecting themselves to unlimited issued by the Naresh Chandra Committee in 2003. Discussion
personal liability as is the case in general partnerships [6]. of the LLP form was again raised in 2005 in a report by the
J.J. Irani Committee. Similar to the Chandra Committee, the
2. UK Irani Committee recommended the adoption of the LLP
In early 1997 the UK Department of Trade and Industry structure as a new form of business association. These
(“DTI”) circulated consultation paper and their investigation recommendations were followed by the MCA which in late
focused particularly, but not exclusively, on the joint and 2005 issued a Concept Paper supporting adoption of an LLP
several liability of professional defendants, seeking to law. On December 7, 2006, the Cabinet approved the LLP
ascertain whether there was an arguable case for replacing Bill. However, a final bill was not approved until 2008. The
joint and several liability by, for example, a system whereby sections below delve into this process in more detail,
each defendant might be liable for on-only a proportionate examining the reasons articulated by various government
share of the loss. Although the remit did not extend tothe committees for recommending adoption of the LLP form, as
question of joint and several liabilities within partnerships, the well as the models used for the Indian LLP structure.
DTI took the opportunity to consult on the distinct but related
question whether to amend the law in Great Britain to allow The Chandra committee pushes for enactment of an LLP
limited liability partnerships. This question was asked in the law
knowledge that the concept of LLPs was well known in some The development the LLP as a new business association form
overseas jurisdictions, particularly the USA [7]. was first raised by theAbid Hussain committee in 1997.
The UK Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000 came into Nevertheless, there was little follow up by the Indian
force on 6 April 2001. The legislation provides an LLP the government. A more full scale discussion of legislation
organizational flexibility and taxation status of a partnership regarding an LLP form was revived several years later
along with limited liability for its partners. The main whenthe MCA formed the Naresh Chandra Committee II on
distinction between the US Delaware LLP model [8] and the Regulation of Private Companies and Partnership in 2003.
UK LLP model is that while the former regards the LLP as Chaired by Shri Naresh Chandra, a former Cabinet secretary,
essentially a partnership, the latter primarily treats it as a the committee was charged with undertaking a wide-ranging
company [9]. The existence of an LLP in the UK as a separate examination of the legal regime then-applicable to private
legal entity means that it has its own rights and liabilities, companies and partnerships, with a particular focus on how to
distinct from those of its members [10]. In the UK, an LLP streamline legal risks and regulatory compliance costs for
differs from a company to the extent that the former has certain partnerships and small private companies regulatory
greater organizational flexibility and is taxed as a partnership. compliance costs for certain partnerships and small private
In the UK, LLPs are accorded ‘entity’ treatment whilst companies. The Committee also included Mr. Shardul Shroff,
partnerships governed by the provisions of the UK Partnership Managing Partner of Amarchand & Mangaldas & Suresh A
Act are generally treated as aggregates of individuals [11]. Shroff & Co, India’s largest law firm, who appears to have
presented draft legislation on LLPs to the government
2.1 Legislative history of India’s LLP act following discussion by the Chandra Committee. The Naresh
Over the past two decades, the Indian government has Chandra Committee Report on Regulation of Private
convened a number of committees, largely made up of leading Companies and Partnership (2003) recommended
industrialists and government officials, to consider comprehensive LLP legislation to be introduced in Indian law.
amendment and modernization of Indian business law. In the The Chandra Report discussed the genesis of the LLP form in
realm of corporate governance, for example, since the late the United Kingdom and the United States, and the advantages
1990s, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the that the LLP structure could provide for Indian businesses.
primary regulatory authority for India’s capital markets, has
convened a number of committees to help formulate corporate The Chandra committee focused on two rationales to
governance standards for publicly listed Indian companies. advocate for the LLP form
Many of these standards were inspired by corporate  The risks tied to unlimited liability, a central feature of
governance reforms around the world, and in particular by the the traditional partnership form; and
corporate governance transformations that took place in the  Limitations on partnerships’ growth under the Indian
United States and the United Kingdom. Similarly, beginning Partnership Act, 1932.
in 2002, the MCA worked through a multi-committee process
in order to amend the Companies Act, 1956 [12]. After years of According to the committee, an increasingly competitive and
debate and several failed starts, in 2013 India enacted the new litigious business environment made unlimited liability risky,
Companies Act, 2013 overhauling the entire company law especially given that since economic liberalization Indian
regime in the country. The process for enacting India’s LLP professionals had begun to regularly transact with and
Act took a similar route. The first discussion of an LLP law represent multinational clients. The committee noted that “in
took place in the late 1990s. In 1997, the Expert Committee on order to encourage Indian professionals to participate in the

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international business community without apprehension of committee also recounted the UK experience in adopting an
being subject to excessive liability, the need for having a legal LLP law in the early 2000s due to concerns expressed by
structure like the LLP is self-evident [13].” certainly be the partners in major accounting firms who lobbied for the ability
case, there was little evidence offered by the committee to to limit individual partners’ liability.The Report also included
back up these assertions. The committee raised cautionary recommendations for the Act’s applicability. The Committee
tales from the United States experience to address the dangers argued that in the first instance, the LLP law should only
of liability in the partnership form, but similar tales from the cover firms providing professional services rather than trade
Indian experience were missing. This may be due to the fact or manufacturing firms for two reasons. First, professional
that actual finding of liability can take years under the Indian firms were precluded from practicing under any other legal
judicial system, which is often characterized by staggering entity because of the specific regulatory requirements of each
delays in adjudication. industry (e.g., law, medicine, accounting, engineering).
The Chandra Committee noted that aside from daunting Trading and manufacturing firms, however, were not so
liability, Indian partnership law impeded the ability of Indian limited and could incorporate as private limited or public
professionals to meet the challenges posed by international companies under the Companies Act. Second, the Chandra
competition. As the committee explained, the Indian Committee reasoned that limiting coverage to professional
Partnership Act, 1932 impedes the growth of professional partnerships minimized the inherent risk in testing new waters,
firms because it limits general partnerships to 20 partners. provided a platform to evaluate the advantages and
According to the Chandra Committee, this restriction on size disadvantages of the act, and provided a basis to consider
would “prevent the growth of professional firms to the large expanding the act to small scale trade or manufacturing firms
entities operating on an international scale” so that “Indian in the future.
professionals may well get excluded from taking their rightful
place in the international community, that their skills 2.2 JJ Irani committee report on company law (May 2005)
otherwise entitle them to [14].” The committee further In December 2004, the MCA convened the J.J. Irani Expert
supported its recommendation for an LLP Act by referencing Committee on Company Law to help evaluate the Companies
the need to meet competitive pressures arising from the Act, 1956 in the face of India’s growing economy. The
development of the LLP structure in the United Stat in the committee was led by J.J. Irani, a director of Tata Sons,Ltd.,
United States and the United Kingdom, stating: “Since LLPs the primary shareholder in the large business conglomerate,
are now accepted non-corporate entities in developed the Tata Group. The Irani Committee viewed its task as
countries like the USA and UK, it is appropriate to enhance recommending changes to Indian business law with the aim of
the global competitiveness of our professional firms by “making India globally competitive in attracting investments
ensuring that India’s company law is flexible enough to from abroad [17].”
provide mechanisms and instruments which foster growth of Like the Chandra Committee Report, the 2005 J.J. Irani
large professional firms [15].” Committee Report on Company Law recommended the
The Committee argued that it was essential for Indian law to adoption of a separate LLP law. Citing the potential growth of
recognize a new form – a hybrid between a company and the Indian service sector, the Irani Committee emphasized that
partnership. laws governing professional partnerships should be flexible.
The Committee argued that LLPs would provide flexibility Unlike the Chandra Committee, however, the Irani Committee
(i.e. freedom for owners to adopt their preferred internal also recommended that the LLP form should be considered for
organization) while limiting liability to encourage small enterprises not seeking access to capital markets through
professionals to enter the international business community. listing on the stock exchange. The Irani Committee
Limited liability companies (i.e. corporations) were recommendations appeared to at least contemplate foreign
recognized by law under the Companies Act, and according to direct investment (FDI) in entrepreneurial projects carried out
the Committee, there was no reason that professional through the LLP model, encouraging entrepreneurs to explore
partnerships (e.g., lawyers, accountants, doctors, company business ventures with foreign investment and collaboration.
secretaries, engineers, etc.) should not be afforded a similar The Irani Committee reasoned that extending the LLP to small
choice when choosing a legal entity The Chandra Committee enterprises would enable these businesses to enter into joint
drew from experiences outside of India to bolster its ventures and agreements that would maximize access to
recommendations. In arguing for a limited liability structure, technology, harness business synergies, and better enable
the Chandra Committee recounted the United Kingdom and businesses to compete globally. Finally, the Irani Committee
the United States experiences in developing the LLP structure. recommended that the LLP concept be addressed separately
The committee recounted as one of the pitfalls of general from the Companies Act.
partnership law the struggles of US law firms which became
insolvent in the 1990s due to malpractice suits connected to 2.3 MCA concept paper on LLP (November 2005)
the Savings and Loan crisis. As the committee noted, not only In response to the recommendations of the Chandra and Irani
did the firms become insolvent, but given the basic principles Committees, in November 2005, the MCA released a concept
of partnership law, the firms’ partners were personally liable paper on LLP. The MCA concept paper was widely
for the liable for the partnership’s obligations. The committee disseminated for public comment and provided the basis for
then described the initial development of the LLP structure in the LLP bill which would later be introduced into Parliament.
Texas The MCA noted that recommendations of the Chandra and
Texas and it-s rapid adoption in other US states [16]. The Irani Committees provided the impetus for the concept paper

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and potential LLP bill. According to the concept paper, gathering input from various industry and professional bodies
introduction of the LLP structure into Indian law would fill a that had long been involved in the amendment of Indian
gap between business firms such as sole proprietorships business law, including the Institute of Chartered Accountants
/partnerships, which are generally unregulated, and limited of India (ICAI), the Institute of Company Secretaries of India
liability companies governed by the Companies Act, 1956. (ICSI), the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and
Like the Chandra and Irani Committees, the MCA paper Industries (FICCI), the Confederation of Indian Industries
argued that the LLP structure (CII), and Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industries
“Would foster the growth of the services sector” and “provide (ASSOCHAM). According to the standing committee all of
a platform for small and medium enterprises, and professional these various chambers of commerce and industry supported
firms to conduct their business/profession efficiently which the introduction of the LLP Act. The Standing Committee on
would in turn increase their global competitiveness [18].” Finance, chaired by Ananth Kumar, a veteran member of the
The MCA asserted that unlimited liability for partners in Indian Parliament, released a detailed report on the LLP Bill
general partnerships had become a significant concern in light (2006) in November 2007. The Standing Committee’s report
of increasing litigation for professional negligence, the size of covered the general development of the bill and the role of
claims, and risk to partners’ personal assets. The concept various government committees, including the Chandra and
paper stated that partners’ unlimited liability was the “chief Irani Committees, in advocating for the LLP structure. It also
reason” why Indian professional partnership firms had not clearly referenced LLP legislation from other countries,
grown to successfully compete internationally. The MCA including the United States, the United Kingdom and
reasoned that LLPs would be an alternative corporate business Singapore, stating that in such countries the development of
vehicle that could address some of these concerns – allowing LLP law has “proved to be of immense use to professionals
an unlimited number of partners the flexibility to adopt and small enterprises [21].”
whatever form of internal organization to which the partners The committee described the LLP as a hybrid form of
agreed, while limiting liability to partners’ capital business structure whereby partners would be shielded from
contributions. The concept paper was comprised of sixteen unlimited personal liability while enjoying the flexibility of
chapters and five schedules. Notably, Chapters II and III contractual freedom in organizing their internal governance.
(Applicability and Incorporation) did not reflect the Chandra Accordingly, the Standing Committee report listed the
Committee’s recommendation to limit the LLP structure to perceived advantages of the LLP, as follows:
professional partnerships. Instead, with little explanation, the 1. organizational flexibility vis-à-vis the LLP agreement;
concept paper recommended that to form an LLP, there must 2. granting LLP partners the advantage of combining into a
be at least two people who are associated “for carrying on a body corporate form that is a separate legal entity with
lawful business with a view to profit.” perpetual succession, leading to growth of professional
expertise and entrepreneurial initiative in a flexible,
2.4 MCA’s draft bill innovative, and efficient manner;
On December 15, 2006, the then-Minister of Company 3. partners will not rely on the LLP statute to determine the
Affairs, Shri Prem Chand Guptam, introduced the Limited internal working arrangements of an LLP;
Liability Partnership (LLP) Bill, 2006, in the Rajya Sabha (the 4. easy modification of the LLP agreement to suit each
Upper House of the Parliament of India). The MCA described LLP’s business model, risk, and rewards profile;
the LLP structure as “an agreement based business structure, 5. LLP’s suitability to various service enterprises given that
which combines the flexibility of partnership in internal services and enterprises change and evolve over time (i.e.,
management with [the] limited liability advantage of a service sectors expected to grow to grow over time
company [19].” Similar to the impetus for the LLP bill which include: hospitality, tourism, IT, human resource
was expressed by the various MCA committees, the development, creative and decorative art, etc.);
government described the motivations behind the introduction 6. Venture capital and technology-based enterprises would
of the bill as follows: “With the increasing role of [the] find LLP structure particularly useful;
services sector in the national economy growing diversity in
the range of services being offered, a need is increasingly Allowing two enterprises to combine to enhance synergies
being being felt for a new corporate form that would enable And Small enterprises would find flexibility and ease of
professional expertise and entrepreneurial initiative to compliance in the LLP structure. The Committee made
combine, organize and operate in an innovative and efficient numerous recommendations for amending the 2006 LLP bill.
manner. This need has also been recognised for businesses For example, the committee recommended that the Act
which may require a framework that provides flexibility suited include a provision for vesting property on conversion of an
to requirements of service, knowledge and technology based entity (e.g., a private company converting to a LLP) to enable
enterprises, without imposing on them detailed legal and stakeholders to avoid stamp duty, i.e. a tax collected by the
procedural requirements intended for large widely held Indian government upon the sale and purchase of certain types
companies. Internationally, the LLP structure has emerged as of property. This recommendation had arisen due to input
a form of business organisation that is common to but not from industry advocates who argued for easy conversion of
limited to entities offering professional services [20].” existing business associations into the LLP structure, similar
The bill was thereafter referred to the Lok Sabha to the regime provided for in the United Kingdom.
Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance for its The Committee’s report also addressed the interplay of other
examination. The committee’s review process included regulatory regimes in India with the LLP legislation and the

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need to harmonize the LLP bill with other economic little over a year, almost 2,500 LLPs were registered in India.
legislation, such as the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) And in January of 2014 alone, 800 new LLPs were registered
Guidelines. The committee correctly noted that in order to in India. Nevertheless, as described in Section 4 below, the
realize the goals of the LLP bill “statutory notice in other LLP structure has fallen short of its goal of fostering
enactments need[s] to be taken of entities availing the LLP flexibility and innovation that could help Indian professionals
form. This would require consequential amendments in and entrepreneurs bolster India’s economic growth
statutes regulating any specific profession, trade or activity
such as Advocates Act and in other enactments such as the 2.6 FICCI reaction to the bill and suggestions
Income Tax Act for taxation purposes [22].” The committee’s Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
report focused on limitations imposed on the legal profession (FICCI) has supported the bill and has recommended certain
by the Advocates Act, advocating for changes to provide changes in the bill so as to make the proposed enactment as
flexibility for law firms to convert to an LLP form. comprehensive as possible and to remove the ambiguity
The committee similarly advocated for flexibility in the prevailing in the Bill. FICCI has suggested 13 changes in the
taxation of LLPs, arguing that industry advocates had bill, which are as follows:
somewhat conflicting views on the tax treatment of LLCs. The 1. To protect the interest of persons who might have claims
committee, in line with the recommendations of the MCA, against an LLP, UK Laws have provision for compulsory
urged that entrepreneurs should have flexibility in choosing a insurance policy for satisfaction of judgment and decrees
tax structure that is efficient for their business and that “it against the LLP to a reasonable extent. Provisions on
should be ensured that the taxation regime is such that Indian compulsory insurance may be incorporated in the LLP
LLPs do not suffer any discrimination or disadvantage in legislation in India as well;
competition with foreign LLPs [23].” 2. It would be necessary to align LLP legislation in tune
with other economic legislation by making appropriate
2.5 Passage of the final bill amendment/clarifications to Foreign Exchange
In response to the Standing Committee’s report, the MCA Management Act, 1999 (FEMA)/Foreign Direct
reintroduced a revised LLP bill in 2008. The revised bill Investment (FDI) guidelines;
accepted the vast bulk of the Standing Committee’s 3. The Bill provides that the Central Government direct that
recommended changes. At least one factor behind the bill’s any provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, will apply to
proposal and passage was the government’s desire for the LLP any LLP with such exception, modification and
format “to help to help the domestic industry compete with adaptation, as the government may notify. This would
international firms [once] the legal.professions are opened up lead to an LLP being governed by the Companies Act,
eventually [24].” As discussed above, the MCA strongly 1956, just like a private company. It is suggested that
supported the bill, making statements such as, “LLP, as making suitable provisions in the LLP Act itself in this
proposed in the Bill, is a new corporate form that enables regard will reduce unguided discretion of the government;
professional expertise and entrepreneurial initiative to 4. In UK, an LLP must be established and then the business
combine, organize and operate in an innovative and efficient and the assets of the existing partnership or company
manner [25].” The bill was also welcomed by Indian industry transferred. There is stamp duty relief on any property
leaders who hoped that the passage of the LLP bill would transferred within the first year of conversion. A stamp
allow domestic Indian service providers, like accounting duty relaxation be made available on conversion of
firms, to compete with large global operations which provide existing partnerships/private and unlisted public
a variety of services to clients. “LLP will encourage experts companies to LLP in India.
specializing in different fields— for instance, company law, 5. The taxation aspects may be dealt with separately by
accounting, capital markets, marketing, and so on—to come making suitable amendments to the Income-tax Act, 1961
together and provide solutions to customers in a risk-free rather than in the LLP enactment. Does the Ministry of
environment,” said Preeti Malhotra, former president Institute Company Affairs have authority to bring out legislation
of Company Secretaries of India [26]. dealing with taxation? FICCI is of the view that Ministry
Speaking on specific advantages of the Act (e.g., partnerships of Company Affairs and Ministry of Finance have to
may have only 20 partners, whereas the LLP Act imposes no work in tandem with respect to taxation issues while
limit on number of partners), Lalit Bhasin, a law firm partner, bringing LLP legislation;
stated: “This will allow law firms to expand as we will be able 6. The taxation described in the Bill seems to be in conflict
to have more than 20 partners and, at the same time, not be with the provisions in the Income-tax Act. The Bill
bound by the complications of the Companies Act [27].” regards an LLP to be a body corporate. Therefore, under
On December 12, 2008, Parliament passed the LLP Bill the Act, the LLP would be regarded as a company and
(2008), and the President approved the Act on January 7, accordingly would be taxed as a company (that is at an
2009.The Act was published in the official Gazette of India on entity level) and would also be subject to dividend
January 9, 2009, with effect from March 31, 2009. The distribution tax (DDT) in case of dividend distribution.
official title of the legislation is the Limited Liability Therefore, if it is desirable to have a pass through
Partnership Act, 2008. After passage of the LLP bill, it treatment for an LLP, suitable amendment would be
appeared that the LLP structure would quickly take hold. The required in the Income-tax Act, 1961. A separate scheme
LLP Act became effective on March 31, 2009, and the first of taxation for LLPs would be required in the Income-tax
LLP was established a few days later on April 2, 2009. In a Act, 1961;

International Journal of Academic Research and Development

7. With regard to conversions to LLP, the Income Tax Act, ssembly.Ab.Ca/Lao/Library/Egovdocs/Alilr/1999/67876.

1961 would need to be amended to provide specific Pdf, 1999, 37.
exemptions from capital gains tax for gains arising on 5. Bromberg, Alan R. et al, Bromberg & Ribstein On
conversion - exemptions provided for in s. 47 would need Limited Liability Partnerships, The Revised Uniform
to be extended to cover such conversions as well; Partnership Act, And The Uniform Limited Partnership
8. From an exchange control/FDI perspective it needs to be Aspen Some States, Including New York, California,
clarified that LLPs would be eligible entities for receiving Nevada And Oregon, Only Offer LLP Status To
foreign investment under the automatic route; Professional Firms, 2001-2003, 15.
9. Permission all the partners is required before a new 6. Www.Legis.Nd.Gov/Assembly/61-/Docs/Pdf/19062.Pdf
partner is inducted. This unanimity may be impossible Last Visited On, 2015,
and difficult to secure, especially if the LLP is very large. 7. Margaret Bartschi, Foundations Of Business
The norm would be rule by democracy with the exception Organizations For Paralegals, Delmar, West Legal
being unanimity for venturing into new business. Once Studies, 2000.
again, it is possible that an LLP may be stopped in its 8. Under The Delaware Code, Para 15-101(8) (Delaware
tracks by an intransigent minority of one or two. Three- Revised Uniform Partnership Act, Title 6, Chapter
fourth majority for major decisions, including venturing 11.Only A Partnership May Become A LLP, And Hence
into new businesses, may, therefore, be the norm; The Basis Of The LLP Is The Partnership. See Wood, R.,
10. Though there may be a statutory and compulsory Limited Liability Partnerships, 1997, 47.
requirement to have at least one manager or general 9. Limited Liability Partnership Act, S (Which Provides That
partner with unlimited liability, the liability of the LLP in the UK LLP Is a Body Corporate With, 2000, 1(2).
no case may be extended to all partners. Further, it may 10. Legal Personality Separate from That of Its Members).
be ensured that a LLP does not have a dummy for a See Finch, V. et al, The Limited Liability, 2002.
manager. Hence, proper qualifications in terms of being a 11. Partnership: Pick and Mix or Mix-Up, JBL, 475-483.
partner having sound financial and accounting knowledge 12. Yeo Hwee. Ying Liability of Partners in a Limited
might be specified in the enactment especially since he is Liability Partnership Regime, Saclj. 2003; 15:392.
responsible for ensuring compliance with the significant 13. The Companies Act, 1956 Provides The General Legal
provisions of the enactment; Framework For Companies In India, Governing The
11. The Bill requires an LLP to maintain proper books of Incorporation, Functioning, And Winding Up Of Indian
account but does not explain what constitute ‘proper Companies. While The Companies Act, 2013 Will
books of account'. In the absence of any clarification, it Eventually Replace The 1956 Act, Not All Of The
would be very difficult to evaluate compliance with the Provisions Of The 2013 Act Have Been Notified As Of
provision. In this context, it may also be clarified whether Fall 2014 And Therefore Some Provisions Of The 1956
electronic records would be considered as proper books of Continue To Apply. Ministry of Corporate Affairs,
account; Government of India, Acts & Rules, Companies Act,
12. LLPs having characteristics similar to private companies 2013, Http://Www.Mca.Gov.In/Ministryv2/Companiesact.
do not need to have free transferability of partners share. Html Last Visited, 2015.
It may be left to the partnership agreement amongst the 14. Ministry of Finance & Company Affairs, Department of
partners. The provisions of the Bill in this regard may be Company Affairs, Government of India Report of the
made subject to the agreement among the partners; and Committee on Regulation of Private Companies and
13. There is a need to incorporate relevant provisions relating Partnership(Naresh Chandra Committee, Parti, 2003.
to foreign LLP and amalgamation, Merger, de-merger of 15. Ministry of Finance & Company Affairs, Department of
limited liability partnerships in the enactment itself. The Company Affairs, Government of India, Report of the
provisions may not be onerous (like those in the Committee on Regulation of Private Companies and
Companies Act, 1956) and provide for a simple way of Partnership(Naresh Chandra Committee, Parti, 2003
amalgamations, de-merger and even dissolution. 16. Ministry of Finance & Company Affairs, Department of
Company Affairs, Government of India, Report of the
3. References Committee on Regulation of Private Companies And
1. Http://Www.Icsi.Edu/Webmodules/Programmes/33NC/Li Partnership(Naresh Chandra Committee, Parti, 2003.
mitedliabitypartnership A NEW Business model. Pdf, 17. The Chandra Committee’s Report Even Briefly Described
Last Visited On, 2015. Nuances in LLP Law in the United States, Including For
2. Limited Liability Partnerships and Other Hybrid Example a Discussion of Differences in LLP Liability
Business Entities” Report of Albertala, Reform Institute Regimes in Texas and Delaware. The Committee Also
Edmonton, Alberta Available At Prejury.Law.Ualberta.Ca Noted That Delaware Permits Foreign Llps, Which the
/Alri/Docs/Ip004.Pdf, Last Visited On, 2015, 1. Committee Said Would Be Unwelcome By Any Body of
3. Reform Institute Edmonton, Alberta Available At Professionals In India.
Prejury.Law.Ualberta.Ca/Alri/Docs/Ip004.Pdf,LastVisite 18. Irani JJ. Comm. Report on Company Law 19 Available at
dOn, 2015. Ttp://Www.Primedirectors.Com/Pdf/JJ%20Irani%20Repo
rt-MCA. Pdf (Listing The Following Regulated
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