Metal-Deficient SOD1 in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Review
Metal-Deficient SOD1 in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Review
Metal-Deficient SOD1 in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Review
DOI 10.1007/s00109-015-1273-3
Received: 17 December 2014 / Revised: 24 February 2015 / Accepted: 25 February 2015 / Published online: 11 March 2015
# The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at
Mutant SOD1 rodent models of ALS [18, 19] led to the postulation that the formation of these
aberrant inclusions may represent the toxic gain-of-function
As SOD1 plays a vital role as an antioxidant converting su- mechanism through which SOD1-induced motor neuron
peroxide (O2.−) into hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for subsequent death occurs. The production of metal-deficient monomeric
breakdown by glutathione peroxidase and catalase into water species destabilised in a disulphide bond reduced state aided
[10], it was initially suspected that a loss of function may through mutations could present a pathway through which
contribute to ALS pathogenesis. This hypothesis was subse- insoluble aggregates can form [20, 21]. Ubiquitin detected
quently rejected since SOD1 knockout mice failed to develop within the aggregates [22] suggested that these insoluble in-
an ALS-like phenotype [11]. These mice did display an in- clusions were marked for proteasomal degradation which may
creased motor neuron sensitivity to axonal injury [11] and have been impeded, perhaps through overloading of the
pathology in response to paraquat induced of oxidative stress ubiquitin-proteasome system [23]. Moreover, the detection
[12], demonstrating the clear requirement for SOD1 in of other proteins such as chaperones within the aggregates
protecting motor neurons from adverse insults, but they also [24] indicated the possibility of a secondary loss-of-function
provided early evidence that a loss of SOD1 function in iso- disease mechanism through which various proteins become
lation is not a sole contributor to ALS in mutant SOD1 cases aberrantly sequestered and co-localise within the SOD1 ag-
of the disease. Thus, in the absence of an overt phenotype in gregates [25]. The fact that observable insoluble aggregates
the SOD1 knockout mice, the main contention is that a toxic were typically present at late stages in the disease progression
gain of function is fundamentally responsible for the develop- [26], however, suggested that aggregates are likely to be a
ment of ALS in cases where SOD1 mutations are involved. downstream consequence of alternative pathological process-
To more thoroughly investigate the role played by the myriad es. With the advent of monoclonal antibodies designed to bind
SOD1 mutants discovered in ALS, various rodent models of the the putative toxic misfolded species of SOD1, attention has
disease have been generated by overexpressing human SOD1 shifted towards a soluble form of misfolded SOD1 which was
containing different point mutations. The initial mutant SOD1 reported to be detectable across all ages in mutant SOD1 ex-
rodent models were developed soon after mutant SOD1 was pressing murine spinal cord tissue [27]. Supporting this find-
identified as a cause of ALS in humans, and depending on the ing, it was observed that co-expression of mutant and wild-
form and amount of mutant SOD1 expressed, the rate of disease type human SOD1 increased the solubility of mutant
progression and lifespan of these animals varies considerably misfolded SOD1 species leading to greater cellular toxicity
[13, 14]. Although the overexpression of mutant human SOD1 [28], demonstrating that the soluble form may be an earlier
in these animals is not an ideal representation of disease condi- contributor to ALS pathogenesis whilst aggregate formation
tions in ALS, due to reliance on overexpression of an exogenous may represent a cellular defence mechanism [28].
gene, these animals nonetheless provide a useful and widely
available model for disease investigation. Furthermore, the de-
velopment of transgenic rodents overexpressing the wild-type Zinc-deficient SOD1
form of human SOD1 has provided the opportunity to investigate
specific differences between mutant and wild-type SOD1 within Once translated, the incipient monomeric polypeptide of
the constraints of an overexpression model. Wild-type SOD1- SOD1 becomes bound to one zinc atom providing structural
overexpressing mice are generally used as a negative control line integrity before the direct interaction with copper chaperone
due to the absence of an overt ALS-like phenotype in the hemi- for superoxide dismutase (CCS) which ensures the binding of
zygous, wild-type SOD1-expressing mice, particularly when a copper atom required for catalytic activity [29]. The estab-
compared to age-matched mutant SOD1 expressing mice. How- lishment of a fully functional SOD1 enzyme then occurs
ever, wild-type SOD1-expressing mice have nonetheless provid- through intramolecular disulphide bond formation and com-
ed some evidence to implicate a role for SOD1 in cases of ALS bination with another monomeric protein to create the func-
that do not involve mutant SOD1; subtle phenotype changes tional homodimer [30]. The fact that many disparate point
have been reported for hemizygous, wild-type SOD1-overex- mutations within SOD1 can induce ALS led to the hypothesis
pressing mice at a relatively young age [15], whereas a more that an impaired folding mechanism may be responsible for
recent study has described pronounced ALS-like features in ho- producing aberrant copper-mediated chemistry. Changes in
mozygous, wild-type SOD1-overexpressing mice [16]. SOD1 protein folding due to mutations may allow aberrant
substrate access to the copper-dependent catalytic region lead-
ing to potentially harmful reactions. Furthermore, impairment
SOD1 aggregates in copper-binding capacity may promote its release where it
could catalyse reactions that cause oxidative damage [31]. An
The discovery of insoluble aggregates of SOD1 in mutant initial substrate proposed to induce cellular pathology was
SOD1 mouse models of ALS [17] and human cases of ALS peroxynitrite [32] which is created spontaneously through
J Mol Med (2015) 93:481–487 483
interaction between nitric oxide (NO) and O2.−, leading to death and the addition of fully metallated wild-type SOD1
tyrosine nitration of proteins capable of interfering with cellu- acting to increase toxicity in the presence of NO; it was dem-
lar pathways. However, the fact that the G85R SOD1 muta- onstrated that the fully metallated monomer of wild-type
tion causes rapidly progressing disease without retaining SOD1 could form a dimer with a zinc-deficient monomer of
copper-dependent enzymatic activity [33, 34], in conjunction mutant SOD1, thereby stabilising the zinc-deficient mono-
with studies showing co-expression of wild-type SOD1— meric species and exacerbating its toxicity in the presence of
which would be expected to ameliorate peroxynitrite dam- NO [44].
age—worsens disease progression [35], have made this a less Initial studies on zinc supplementation as a treatment for
likely hypothesis. The ability for H2O2 to induce peroxidation mutant SOD1 mice demonstrated an increase in the rate of
damage on cellular components and its central position within death [45]. A follow-up study however attributed this outcome
the antioxidant role of SOD1 provided another popular candi- to excessive zinc treatment leading to competition for copper
date for the SOD1-dependent toxic species. But, the same absorption that ultimately inhibited ceruloplasmin resulting in
limitations apply as for the peroxynitrite hypothesis where fatal anaemia [46]. An amended treatment programme using a
SOD1G85R mutations induce an ALS phenotype indepen- more modest zinc supplement concentration conversely dem-
dent of aberrant copper chemistry, with further evidence dem- onstrated an improved survival rate in the same mouse model
onstrating an inability to detect elevated levels of H2O2 in of ALS [46]. Whilst the zinc-deficient SOD1 induction of
mutant SOD1 models [36]. peroxynitrite-dependent pathology is widely supported, con-
Zinc is crucial for the structural integrity of SOD1 and tradictory evidence exists for the relevance of tyrosine nitra-
possesses a curiously weaker affinity than copper [37], tion in most SOD1 mutant models as well as human ALS
prompting the suggestion that a zinc-deficient species of cases [36, 47]. Considering the requirement of NO for
SOD1 may contribute to ALS (Fig. 1). It has been reported peroxynitrite production, the abatement of nitric oxide syn-
that mutant forms of SOD1 have a decreased affinity for the thase (NOS) generators of NO would be expected to amelio-
structural zinc atom in contrast to the wild-type species [38], rate disease symptoms. Yet the pharmacological inhibition of
presumably affecting the protein folding pattern and indirectly neuronal NOS [48] and genetic ablation of inducible NOS
affecting the catalytic activities of SOD1. Changes to the na- [49] failed to have an effect on the survival of SOD1 mutant
tive zinc binding site lead to increased zinc loss from SOD1 mice, casting some doubt upon the peroxynitrite hypothesis.
which subsequently becomes more relaxed and potentially
more accessible to substrates able to catalyse nitration reac-
tions. Additionally, through a shared bridging histidine resi- Copper-deficient SOD1
due [39], the consequence of zinc deficiency may be to change
the redox state of the bound copper which could facilitate As an alternative to zinc-deficient SOD1 driving toxicity in
protein nitration [37]. Neurofilaments and metallothioneins specific models of familial ALS, a role for a copper-deficient
bind readily to metals [40, 41] and are present in large cellular species has been mooted (Fig. 1). SOD1 has one of the
concentrations similar to SOD1, so it has been proposed that greatest affinities for copper, alongside metallothioneins, with
these proteins may act as a sink for zinc, leading to greater a reported ∼7000 times greater affinity for copper than zinc in
zinc-deficient SOD1 levels and therefore increased the case of wild-type SOD1 that was increased further in A4V
peroxynitrite-dependent nitration reactions [37, 42]. Due to SOD1 mutants [43]. As previously mentioned, the SOD1 loss-
reported similarities in the binding affinity for zinc between of-function hypothesis was rejected based on an absence of
mutant SOD1 and the wild-type form, it has been contended ALS-like pathology in SOD1 knockout mice, demonstrating
that there may exist the capacity for wild-type SOD1 to be- that a loss of copper-dependent dismutase activity in isolation
come zinc deficient in sporadic cases of ALS as well [38, 43]. does not cause ALS [12]. Additionally, when endogenous
More recently, it was reported that zinc-deficient SOD1 is mouse SOD1 was knocked out in mice expressing the
required to induce motor neuron death with copper chelation metal-binding region SOD1G85R mutant—which exhibits
acting to protect motor neurons from nitric oxide-induced extremely poor metal-binding properties [50]—there was no
difference in survival or age of symptom onset [51]. Work mutant SOD1 and a corresponding increase in fully metallated
performed on the wild-type-like SOD1G37R mutant de- holo form of the protein. Changes to the metal-deficient pool
scribed above conversely demonstrated dismutase activity correlated directly to changes in the copper-deficient pool. It
levels that were unchanged relative to wild-type SOD1, yet was proposed that the CuII(atsm) treatment delivered copper
induced an ALS-like phenotype when expressed in transgenic directly to the mutant SOD1, and this was supported by an
mice [52]. Subsequent work investigating the metallation sta- experiment in which the mice were treated with isotopically
tus of mutant SOD1 species found that whilst metal-binding labelled 65CuII(atsm). Due to conversion of the metal-deficient
region SOD1 mutants were severely metal deficient, wild- SOD1 to the highly stable holo form, total levels of mutant
type-like mutant SOD1 species exhibited normal activity SOD1 were increased in the CuII(atsm)-treated mice. Based
levels per equivalent copper but a detectable decrease in metal on the fact that the phenotype of these mice was improved by
binding capacities relative to wild-type control [7]. This was the CuII(atsm) treatment, despite an overall increase in levels
supported through computational analysis performed on the of mutant SOD1, it was concluded that the metal state of the
SOD1G37R mutant which showed that this point mutation, SOD1 is a greater determinant of the protein’s role in motor
which is not within the metal binding region, could also in- neuron death and the ALS-like phenotype of these animals
duce metal binding impairment leading to decreased copper than the mutant amino acid sequence per se. Interestingly,
affinity ahead of zinc based on free energy calculations [53]. the overall increase in SOD1 levels in the CuII(atsm)-treated
Several studies, utilising copper chelating compounds in mice also included an increase in levels of the protein detected
SOD1 mutant models of ALS intended to inhibit the purport- using antibodies selective for the misfolded species [61].
edly aberrant copper chemistry, have reported protection Taken together, these results indicate that improving the
against motor neuron loss with a corresponding improvement copper bioavailability within the spinal cord tissue of SOD1
in lifespan and locomotor function [54–56]. The mechanisms mutant mice and improving SOD1 metallation status are poten-
of action for therapeutic benefit suggested attenuation of cop- tial mechanisms for attenuating the ALS phenotype. Further-
per ion toxicity [55], decreased spinal cord copper ion levels more, since the unmetallated apo form of SOD1 is rapidly
and reduced lipid peroxidation [56], or decreased markers of turned over [64] and the fully metallated form is stable and
oxidative damage and inflammation [54]. Contrarily, previous likely to be non-toxic regardless of amino acid substitution
work on the successful imaging compound diacetylbis(4- mutations [65–68], it appears that a partially metal-deficient
methylthiosemicarbazonato)copperII [57] demonstrated that intermediate species may be responsible for the SOD1 toxic
under conditions of impaired mitochondrial transport chain gain of function. This could potentially explain the contradic-
function and elevated NADH levels, treatment with tory data in the literature reporting therapeutic benefits from
CuII(atsm) increased intracellular retention of copper [58]. both copper chelating compounds and Bcopper delivery
When used to treat a SOD1G93A mouse model of ALS, the agents^, both of which may be acting to shift the equilibrium
compound significantly delayed locomotor deficit onset and away from this potentially toxic copper-deficient species of
improved survival, decreased levels of peroxynitrite-induced SOD1 (Fig. 1). It is currently not clear why such a large pool
protein nitration and increased SOD1 activity in spinal cord of copper-deficient SOD1 would accumulate within the spinal
tissue [57]. Collectively, these studies indicated that a thera- cord tissue of SOD1G37R mice, but outcomes from the
peutic agent capable of increasing copper bioavailability could SOD1G93A mouse model have demonstrated that widespread
protect against mutant SOD1 toxicity, a possibility consistent and progressive impairment of intracellular copper trafficking
with previous in vitro studies which had described the poten- occurs due to expression of the mutant SOD1 and that these
tial for copper deficiency to promote SOD1 pathology via changes to copper trafficking can be detected at a presymptom-
increased misfolding and altered hydrophobicity [59, 60]. It atic stage [69]. Thus, it is apparent that copper homeostasis is
was however a more recent study [61] involving CuII(atsm) substantially altered by the expression of mutant SOD1 and that
treatment in a SOD1G37R mouse model of ALS that illustrat- therapeutically modulating copper bioavailability can attenuate
ed the potential link between copper-deficient SOD1 and ALS ALS-like symptoms in mutant SOD1 mice.
pathogenesis in vivo. Oral treatment with the compound again Definitive mechanistic data to support altered copper ho-
showed improved locomotor function and prolonged survival meostasis as a valid therapeutic basis for treating ALS in the
compared to untreated mice, concomitant with decreased mo- clinic, particularly sporadic cases of the disease, are yet to be
tor neuron death within the spinal cords of treated mice. Using reported. However, mutations to the copper transporter
a FTICR mass spectrometry technique [62, 63], it was shown ATP7A that lead to systemic copper deficiency are an
that zinc-deficient mutant SOD1 levels in both treated and established cause of the infantile-onset neurodegenerative
untreated mutant mice were relatively low (∼1 μM), in con- Menkes disease [70, 71], and some ATP7A missense muta-
trast to the substantially more abundant (∼60 μM) copper- tions have been shown to cause X-linked distal hereditary
deficient form of the protein. Treatment with CuII(atsm) in- motor neuropathies in the absence of systemic copper defi-
duced a significant decrease in the levels of metal-deficient ciency [72]. This suggests that motor neurons may be
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