South Asian Journal of Business Studies: Article Information
South Asian Journal of Business Studies: Article Information
South Asian Journal of Business Studies: Article Information
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Role of
The role of perceived benefits in perceived
formation of online shopping benefits
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of perceived benefits, namely, price,
convenience and product variety in formation of online shopping attitude. The paper also studies the
impact of online shopping attitude on online shopping intentions by the application of the theory of
reasoned action.
Design/methodology/approach – A self-administered and structured online survey was conducted
targeting female online shoppers of four metropolitan cities of India. A sample of 508 online shoppers was
considered in the online survey. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate the research constructs,
validity and composite reliability. Structural equation modeling and path analysis was also used to examine
the hypothesized relationships of the research model.
Findings – The authors of the paper reveals that price benefit, convenience benefit and product variety
benefit has a significant positive impact on online shopping attitude and there is a considerable positive
relationship between online shopping attitude and online shopping intention among women in India. Product
variety was found to be the most important perceived benefit for Indian women.
Research limitations/implications – The research sample included only women shoppers who indulge in
online shopping. Future research is encouraged to emphasize on other groups and gender to identify with
their online shopping attitudes. Another important limitation of the study is consequent from the
geographical perspective of the present study; that is India. The findings are not necessarily applicable to
the rest of the world. Therefore, reproduction of the current study in diverse countries would probably
support and confirm its findings. Also, the present study is cross-sectional which does not demonstrate how
attitudes of online shoppers may alter over time. The authors of the current study encourage future research
to apply a longitudinal design to the study to understand the transforms in consumers’ attitudes toward
online shopping over time. Finally, this study explained a general phenomenon, thus future research can be
directed toward particular websites which may present different results.
Practical implications – The study supports the significance of perceived benefits (price, convenience and
variety) as key drivers of attitudes toward online shopping among women in India. Marketers should
distinguish the way they indulge their customers based on their perceived benefits of online shopping.
In developing countries like India, where consumers, especially women, are generally depicted as risk averse,
online shopping attitude plays an important role in the success of e-tailers. Certainly, if online shopping would
not attach meaningful value and benefits to consumers, they would have negative attitude toward the same.
Additionally, the empirical research study demonstrates variety to be the most important benefit for Indian
women; ecommerce retailers should focus on maximizing the same to enhance online purchase intention
among women customers. Women empowerment being the agenda in India currently, online retailers’
managers can benefit from such conclusions for targeting this huge untapped market and for future
e-marketing policies.
Originality/value – This research paper is one of the very few endeavors that investigated online shopping
attitudes in India. Prominently, it exposed the role of perceived benefits in online shopping attitude in India.
Price is one of the most critical factor concerning Indian shoppers which is a part of the present study.
National and international e-tailers preparing to develop and expand their operations to India have now
important empirical verification concerned with the determinants of online shopping attitudes and behavior South Asian Journal of Business
in India which shall aid in marketing strategy development and implementation. Studies
Vol. 7 No. 1, 2018
Keywords Perceived benefits, Online shopping, Online shopping attitude, Online shopping intention, pp. 91-110
Price, convenience, variety © Emerald Publishing Limited
Paper type Research paper DOI 10.1108/SAJBS-04-2017-0048
SAJBS 1. Introduction
7,1 The growth of internet in India can be estimated from the fact that in 1990, the number
of people accessing the internet per hundred people in India was zero (World Bank, 2016).
The number today has been escalated to 26 people per hundred people in the
country. In terms of penetration level, the penetration rate of the internet in Asia in the
year 2015 was reported to be 40 percent ( In India, the
92 penetration level has escalated from 0.5 percent in 2000 to 34.8 percent in 2016
(, 2016). The internet also referred to as the World Wide Web today
has an impact on the country’s economy as well. After the adoption of E-commerce as a
medium to transact business, internet has acquired a significant place in the economy.
World Trade Organization (2013) defines ecommerce as “sale or purchase of goods or
services conducted over computer networks by methods specifically designed for the
purpose of receiving or placing of orders.” E-commerce is relatively a new concept in
India than other countries in the world but it is gaining popularity and a significant share
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in retail sales. In 2015, the electronic retail (e-tail) sales accounted for 1.7 percent of all
retail sales in India, this figure is predicted to reach 4.4 percent in 2019 (The Statistics
Portal, 2017). Regardless of the fact that online shopping is at a nascent stage in India,
online shopping is viewed as a lucrative business opportunity in various strong retailers’
websites such as Flipkart, Snapdeal, Amazon, Paytm, Jabong and others. In the last few
years, the number of online shopping websites has been increasing continuously in India;
it is probable that the number of internet users intending shop online would also rise.
The validation behind this statement is that the number of internet users has risen
exponentially. As mentioned above, the internet penetration rate in India has increased
from 0.5 percent in 2000 to 34.8 percent in 2016 (, which widens
the scope of ecommerce in future as well.
Few critical factors fueling the growth of e-commerce and online shopping
in India include localization of internet content, growth of mobile commerce, wide
acceptability of online payments and positive demographics. The benefits perceived by
the customers by transacting through ecommerce also play a role in shaping consumer
attitude toward online shopping. “Perceived benefits are beliefs about the positive
outcomes associated with behaviour in response to a real or perceived threat”
(Chandon et al., 2000).
Chiang and Dholakia (2003) explored three essential variables, which are likely to
impact online consumer purchase intentions, namely, convenience dimension of shopping
channels, product category characteristics and perceived price of the product.
They concluded that convenience and product category influence consumer intention
to indulge in online shopping activities. Past research reveals that price, convenience and
variety are important elements of perceived benefits of online shopping. Similarly
Kukar-Kinney and Close (2010), in their study, predicted that the “greater the concern
about total cost of the order, the more likely consumers would restrict the online cart use”
thus establishing that price is one of the key factors influencing the purchase decisions
of consumers.
Mallapragada et al. (2016, p. 23) suggested that “Online retailers with a broad variety of
product categories tend to benefit more than retailers with a narrow variety when the
hedonic and utilitarian traits of the products are higher.” Their study aimed at exploring
that the type of products that are being shopped by online consumers and where they are
being shopped are important factors that influence online shopping experience.
They conducted their research study on 9,662 online purchase transactions at 385
online retailers across 43 different product segments. They concluded that online retailers
that present wide variety of products benefit their customers more than retailers with a
narrow variety.
The following are the objectives of the paper: Role of
(1) to study key factors, namely, price, convenience and product variety affecting perceived
perceived benefits in online buying behavior and its impact on online buying benefits
attitude among women; and
(2) to study the impact of online buying attitude on online purchase intention
among women.
2. Theoretical background and research hypotheses
2.1 Theoretical framework: theory of reasoned action (TRA) and theory of planned
behavior (TPB)
The TRA was developed in the late 1960s by Martin Fishbein and expanded by Fishbein
and Icek Azjen in 1980. The theory focuses on an individual’s intention to behave a
certain manner. According to this theory, a specific behavior can be envisaged if two
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3. Research gap
Researchers have examined the effects of gender, age, income, education and culture of
consumers on online shopping behavior ( Jarvenpaa et al., 2000; Li et al., 1999; Sebastianelli
et al., 2008; See-To et al., 2014). There has always been a gender gap in the way male and
females use the technology and indulge themselves in online shopping. It is evident from
past literature that women hold a positive image of store shopping and catalogue shopping
Price Perceived Attitude toward purchase
benefits online shopping intentions
Figure 1.
The study model
SAJBS than their male counterparts (Bimber, 2000; Ono and Zavodny, 2003). Gender does play a
7,1 very important role in influencing online consumer behavior. Passyn et al. (2011) also
suggested that women find in-store shopping more interesting and exciting as compared to
online shopping. Rodgers and Harris (2003) revealed that men displayed greater trust in
internet shopping and perceived online shopping as a more convenient shopping platform
than women. In the Indian context, Khare and Rakesh (2011) performed a study to explore
94 Indian online purchase intention. The results of the research suggested that male students
have a more positive attitude toward online shopping compared to female students in India.
In the light of the above background, it will be interesting to explore the current attitude
of women toward online shopping and has there been any change in their attitudes.
Indian market is unique as the consumer here is of varied cultures and socio-economic
backgrounds. The sample of this study has been drawn from metro cities of different parts
of the country to gauge the mindset of Indian women holistically.
Additionally, ecommerce being at a nascent stage in India, not many studies have
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4. Factors
4.1 Convenience
Shopping convenience has been one of the most important stimulus underlying customer
preference to adopt online purchasing (Easterbrook, 1995; Lohse and Spiller, 1999; Degeratu
et al., 2000; Colwell et al., 2008; Bednarz and Ponder, 2010). Online marketers need to ensure
online shopping process easy and simple and ensure maximum customization ( Jarvenpaa
and Todd, 1997; Lohse et al., 2000). Studies enlighten that both value added and
entertainment information should be incorporated with web-based stores that instigate for
online shopping tendency to customers. Bhatnagar et al. (2000) found in their research that
customer’s perceived convenience in shopping is a factor that positively affects online
buying behavior. This medium of online shopping is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a
week to the customer. From the convenience perspective, some customers use online
channels just to escape from face-to-face interaction with salesperson because they pressure
or uncomfortable when dealing with salespeople and do not want to be manipulated and
controlled in the marketplace (Goldsmith and Flynn, 2005; Parks, 2008). Szymanski and Hise
(2000) also concluded that consumer perceptions of online shopping convenience, variety of
product offerings and product information and financial security play a crucial role in
e-satisfaction. The more consumers are concerned about convenience, the more likely they
are to shop online (Li et al., 2006). Raman (2014) suggested that convenience to shop online is
the most critical factor for the female online shoppers. Also, he revealed that the risk of
doing transactions and reliability issues were found to be the biggest obstruction toward the
growth of online shopping and ecommerce in India.
4.2 Price
Price has always been an important factor for consumers when it comes to e-commerce.
According to Biswas and Blair (1991), price discount could affect consumers’ price belief,
and eventually affect their shopping intentions. Brynjolfsson and Smith established that
prices of products and services online are 8-15 percent lower than the prices for similar
products in traditional retail outlets. The probable reasons for the lower cost are the absence Role of
of direct costs related to supply the product (e.g. no rental cost, centralized inventory, etc.). perceived
Reibstein (2002) also revealed in his study that online customers on average affirm and benefits
behave as if price is the most crucial factor in drawing them to an ecommerce website.
It has been reiterated in studies that price is the predominant factor while making an
online purchase (Heim and Sinha, 2001; Pettifor, 2014). However, Li et al. (1999) argued that
often online shoppers were not price-sensitive as consumers’ price comparisons among 95
different e-retailers on each product were time consuming and the price difference was
negligible. On the contrary researchers identified three customer segments in the Indian
market in the context of online shopping, namely, value singularity, quality at any price and
reputation/recreation (Gehrt et al., 2012). Thus, price for a particular segment of customers is
not a prime concern while shopping online.
Sometimes not only price reduction, but special offers given by online vendors poses
e-commerce as a lucrative option for consumers. These special offers may include “buy one
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get one free,” free passes to some event, a discount coupon applicable on future purchases,
free gifts to every nth customer, exchange offers on festivals, etc. SivaKumar and
Gunasekaran (2017) also suggested that perceived benefits (price and convenience) are
important drivers of online purchase intention in India.
(Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980). Taylor and Todd (1995) suggested that attitude can be toward
an object or toward behavior. Attitude toward a behavior refer to the degree to which a
person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation or appraisal of the behavior to be acted
upon. Thus, attitude toward a behavior can be explained as an individual’s positive or
negative appraisal of a significant behavior and is composed of an individual’s prominent
beliefs regarding the perceived consequences of performing a behavior (Kim and Park, 2005;
Al-Debei et al., 2013). These definitions clearly emphasize the affective character of attitude.
In online shopping context, attitude plays a critical role.
As cited in the TRA, attitude leads to behavioral intention and which, in turn, leads to
actual behavior (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980). Online purchase intention is defined as the
construct that gives the strength of a customer’s intention to purchase online (Salisbury et al.,
2001). To trigger purchase intention among customers and converting it to actual purchase
behavior is an important area for the web retailers to study and they should try to enhance
those factors which contribute significantly to formation of positive purchase intention.
Online shopping attitude is an important antecedent in formation of online purchase intention
which has been reiterated by researchers in the past (Park and Kim, 2003; Zimmer et al., 2010;
Delafrooz et al., 2011; Hsu et al., 2013; Akroush and Al-Debei, 2015).
From the above argument, we propose the following hypothesis:
H3. There is a significant positive impact of online shopping attitude on online purchase
intention among women.
6. Research method
6.1 Research population and sample
Recently, online surveys have been extensively used to collect survey data in academic
research. Data of current study were collected by performing an online web survey among
online women shoppers in India. Four metropolitan cities were considered for sample
collection – Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Kolkata. These cities were selected to reduce bias
and to include distinct parts of the country.
However, it was not feasible to access the complete online customer database or any
other potential databases from the internet. Therefore, a convenience sampling method was
chosen for collection of responses employing an online survey. Consistent with past
research studies, exploring attitudes toward online shopping by means of a convenience
sample method is efficient and satisfactory and is pertinent for multivariate data analysis
purpose (Yoo and Donthu, 2001; Park and Kim, 2003; Cai and Jun, 2003; Carlson and
O’Cass, 2010). The detailed sampling plan is as under.
Population: the population of the study includes every women customers indulging in Role of
online shopping activities; target population: the target population of the study is the Indian perceived
women customer from metro city and have the experience of online shopping; sampling benefits
method: the convenience sampling method which is a purposive non-probability
sampling method is used in the study. The selection of the women respondent for data
collection is based on few well-defined criteria; sample size: the data are collected from
508 Indian women customers from the four metro cities (Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and 97
Kolkata) in India. The sample size of 508 Indian women customers is supposed to be enough
to represent the target population.
The Judgmental sampling method which is a purposive non-probability sampling
method is used in the study. The selection of the women respondent for data collection is
based on few well-defined criteria.
The survey note explaining the aim of this study and a hyperlink to the survey form was
circulated among women shoppers across India through social media websites (Facebook and
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LinkedIn) e-mails and mobile messenger applications like WhatsApp, Snapchat and Viber.
These survey media were selected because of their extensive reach and popularity in India.
The posting message primarily invited female online shoppers to respond to the online
questionnaire. The link was open for respondents for one month and the respondents could fill
the response at any point during that period clicking the survey URL mentioned on the
message. The participants willingly responded to online questionnaire. After one month to get
an effective response data the unusable responses were deleted that included incomplete
questionnaire, duplicate IP addresses and e-mail accounts. The total responses received were
545, after eliminating the unusable responses, 508 questionnaires were used for analysis.
7,1 CON1 CON2 e24
0.94 1 1.00
1.00 0.92
1.09 2.14
1.00 e23 e22 2.28
98 e16
1 1 1
1 1.00
e1 2.39
1.50 0.98 1
1 0.97 0.97 OSI2 e2
e15 PRICE2 1.97
0.80 1
1.37 1.00 PRICE Perceived 0.94 Online shopping 0.41 Online shopping 1.06 OSI3 e3
1 benefits attitude 1.11 2.03
e14 PRICE3 1.00
intention 1
1.19 1.00 1.10
1.10 1.13 1.15 OSI4 e4
e13 PRICE4
1 1 1 1 1 1
2.47 2.35 2.23 2.20 2.59
e20 e8 e7 e6 e5
Figure 2.
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0.94 1.00
SEM Model for 0.94
hypothesized conceptual model and Table VII for the results). SEM was selected as it helps
in controlling measurement errors, it has the potential to improve ways to measure
reliability and validity, and can aid in evaluating more complex interrelationships
concurrently (MacKenzie, 2001).
7. Results
7.1 Descriptive statistics
Table I records the means and standard deviation values of the constructs. It can be
observed that, typical, the participants of the survey responded positively to the study
constructs (the averages all being greater than 4). Furthermore, the coefficient values for all
the constructs of the study are exceeding the conventional value of 0.7 (Nunnally, 1978); the
measurement scales for these constructs demonstrated a satisfactory level of reliability.
7.3 Model
The results of the CFA are reported in Table III. According to DeCoster (1998), EFA is employed
if the researcher does not have “strong theory about the constructs underlying responses.”
The present study is based on strong theoretical background, thus only CFA has been
performed on the data set. The data specify that the reliability values of the items ranged
between 0.832 and 0.912, which surpass the satisfactory value of 0.50 according to Hair et al.
The assessment of internal consistency of the measurement model was performed by calculating
the composite reliability. Consistent with the suggestions of Fornell (1982), composite reliability
for all the items exceeded the standard value of 0.60. The average variance extracted (AVE)
for all constructs is also greater than the threshold value of 0.5, as recommended in their study
by Fornell and Larcker (1981). Provided that all the three values of reliability were above the
suggested threshold limits, the scales for assessing these constructs were considered to exhibit
satisfactory convergence reliability. The model fit for CFA has been mentioned in Table IV.
SAJBS The statistical fitness indices of the measurement model (Table IV) considered in the study is
7,1 found to be as: CMIN/DF ¼ 1.325, GFI ¼ 0.980, CFI: 0.995, RMSEA: 0.025. Hence it can be
concluded that the second order construct has good statistical fit. The regression weights or
factor loading for the second order constructs are illustrated in Table V which confirm H1 that
perceived benefits is a multidimensional construct comprising of three dimensions –
convenience, price and product variety. The results of Table V indicate that the p-values of all
100 the statements used in the scale are less than 5 percent level of significance. Hence with 95 %
confidence level it can be concluded that all the statements used in the scale in order to measure
the different constructs are significantly represents the constructs. The measurement model as
shown in CFA diagram represents that all the constructs are significantly represented by the
statement used in the study.
The data in Table VI indicate that the variances extracted by construct were superior
to any squared correlation among constructs, thus indicating that the constructs are
empirically different (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). Table VI clearly indicates that the
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composite reliability in the case of all the study constructs was greater than
0.7. Additionally, the AVE statistic for all the constructs was established to be greater
than 0.5. Therefore, it can be concluded from the CFA results and estimates that the
constructs employed in this study for measurement have satisfactory convergent validity.
To establish a satisfactory measure of discriminant validity, it is imperative that the
correlation between the different pairs of variables representing different constructs must
Table IV.
factor analysis 1.325 0.980 0.995 0.025
be low. In other words, the intensity of cross-loadings of the variables representing one
construct with the variables of other constructs must be of lower value. In order to
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investigate the existence of discriminant validity in the constructs, the shared variance
between the different constructs was compared with the AVE statistic measure of
different constructs. The discriminant validity is ensured if it is established that square of
maximum shared variance is less than AVE statistic. The results show that maximum
shared variance of each construct is lower than AVE and average shared variance is less
than the AVE measure for all constructs which indicates the presence of sufficient
discriminant validity. The results also indicate that the composite reliability of all the
constructs was found to be greater than 0.7 and AVE greater than 0.5. Therefore, the
convergent validity of the scale used in the study is ensured. In addition to this, the AVE is
found to be greater than average shared variance as well as maximum shared variance,
which ensures the presence of discriminant validity of the scale.
The correlation matrix has been illustrated in Table VI which confirms the discriminant
validity of the constructs. To sum up, the test of the model, including convergent and
discriminant validity measures, is satisfactory.
Online shopping ← Perceived benefits 0.548 0.144 5.772 *** 0.478 Supported
attitude (OSA)
Online shopping ← OSA 0.348 0.055 6.235 *** 0.134 Supported
102 intention (OSI)
Convenience ← Perceived benefits 0.569 0.340
PRICE ← Perceived benefits 0.442 0.153 5.432 *** 0.187 Supported
Table VII. Variety (VAR) ← Perceived benefits 0.596 0.178 5.833 *** 0.346 Supported
Hypothesis testing Notes: GFI ¼ 0.960; RMR ¼ 0.187; NFI ¼ 0:86; CFI ¼ 0989; RMSEA ¼ 0.025. ***p o0.05
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Table VIII indicates the loadings of three second order constructs – convenience, price and
variety. The results of the second order construct, perceived benefits, indicate that all three
first order constructs (price, convenience and variety) have the probability value of critical
ratio o5 percent level of significance. Hence with 95 percent confidence level it can be
concluded that perceived benefits as a second order construct is significantly represented by
convenience, price and variety.
The results in Table IX indicate that CMIN/DF (1/1.305) if found to be less than 1.5,
indicating the good statistical fitness of the model. Similarly the GFI statistics of the model
is found to be 0.960 which is close to 9. CFI statistics greater than 0.9 and RMSEA value less
than 0.08, which indicates that the SEM model is statistically fit and can be used for
practical purposes. Thus, the results of the study support the hypothesis that perceived
benefits have a significant impact on online shopping attitude which, in turn, have a
significant impact on online shopping intention.
is a key driver behind willingness of consumers to make online purchases (Li et al., 2006;
Tsai et al., 2011; Delafrooz et al., 2011; Ahuja et al., 2003). For women shoppers as well this
result holds true. The, price benefit, supports many previous studies, including that of Sheth
and Parvatlyar (1995). The more price-sensitive women consumers are, the more positive
their attitudes toward online shopping. These results are consistent with an earlier
verification: that price discounting affects consumers’ shopping intentions (Biswas and
Blair, 1991). The study also confirms that product variety is an important benefit perceived
by women shoppers. The result is also consistent with the findings in past research
(Chang, 2011; Shah Alam and Mohd Yasin, 2010). Women have always been principal
buying agents of the house (Alreck and Settle, 2002) and product variety has always been an
important factor for shoppers even in traditional retail formats. Thus this study gives a
fresh finding that these results apply for women online shoppers across India and
convenience benefit, price benefit and product variety benefits have a positive impact on
online shopping attitude.
The study also confirms the results of the TRA (Fishbein and Azjen, 1980) that online
shopping attitude has a positive impact on online shopping intention. The more positive the
attitude is, the intention to shop online is also positive.
9. Managerial Implications
Rising cut throat competition in ecommerce in India is evident of the fact that consumers are
now moving to online stores to buy a variety of products. Male as well as female consumers
are switching on to online stores to purchase products. Woman shoppers have become an
important segment as they are becoming aware about ecommerce as well as tech savvy.
Better e-banking amenities in the country are also an aid to faster and wider acceptance of
online shopping. Websites in India are now focusing on product categories such as grocery,
fashion apparel, cosmetics, child care products which are important segments for women
shoppers. This segment of buyers is now playing an active role in B2C ecommerce
transactions. Websites like Zivame, firstcry, babyoye, Hopscotch, etc. are targeting women
online shoppers and offering them a wide range of products. The convenience benefit
can be utilized by e-tailers as an effective tool to deliver products to these customers.
Consumers today demand more on time and effort saving. The results is consistent with
Delafrooz et al. (2011) and Girard et al. (2003). Online retailers should constantly maintain
their servers even in huge traffic to avoid server breakdown during peak transaction hours.
In 2014, one of the largest online retailer in India, Flipkart launched its “Big Billion Day” sale
which left many customers unhappy. Flipkart’s servers failed to deliver to the huge demand
and services were disrupted for a short while (Indianexpress, 2014). Such failures should be
minimized especially while offering huge discount sales in the peak seasons.
SAJBS Price, as another benefit can be employed tactfully by marketers to lure women
7,1 shoppers. Special discounts for women shoppers can help companies tap the market
effectively. Also, occasions like Mother’s Day, Daughters’ Day, Women’s Day, etc. which are
gaining importance in India can be effectively channelized to gain volumes in sales. Offering
special prices for female consumers can enhance the price benefit for this segment of
shoppers. Apart from price discounts, special coupons for them can aid in inducing positive
104 online shopping intentions. Better price comparison mechanism on the websites would also
be an important area of concern in product categories like insurance, financial services,
electronics, etc.
Product variety is also one of the key benefits of shopping online. Online stores offer
great variety at a click which the consumers cannot explore in traditional formats in such
short span of time. Woman shoppers like better variety, especially in country like India
where purchase decisions are made after detailed survey of available options in the market.
Marketers should focus on more variety. In product categories like maternity related
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products, websites are upcoming with new sub-segments which are again a booming
market in India.
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Further reading
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Gonzalez, R. and Griffin, D. (2001), “Testing parameters in structural equation modeling: every ‘one’
matters”, Psychological Methods, Vol. 6 No. 3, p. 258.
Hair, J.F. Jr, Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R.L. and William, C. (1995), Black (1995), Multivariate Data
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Israel, G.D. (1992), “Sampling the evidence of extension program impact”, Program Evaluation and
Organizational Development, IFAS, University of Florida, PEOD-6, October.
Petty, R.E. and Cacioppo, J.T. (1996), Attitudes and Persuasion: Classic and Contemporary Approaches,
Westview Press.
SAJBS Appendix
I shop online as I can shop whenever I want Forsythe et al. (2006)
I shop online as I do not have to leave home for shopping Swinyard and Smith (2003)
I can save the effort of visiting stores Wani and Malik (2013),
110 I can shop in privacy of home Wani and Malik (2013)
When I shop online. I look for price information Sorce et al. (2005)
Discounts sale and free gifts are available in online shopping
Internet shopping provides best price
Online stores save my money
I like online shopping as I have greater variety of products available in Wani and Malik (2013)
Downloaded by IQRA UNIVERSITY At 07:59 01 October 2018 (PT)
every category
Online shopping offers broader selection of products
Online shopping offers access to many brands and retailers
Online shopping attitude
Using internet for online shopping is easy George (2004), Sinha (2010)
I like shopping online in comparison to in-store shopping
I like the idea of using the internet to shop Hsu et al. (2014)
Buying from an online retailer is better than buying from a real Van der Heijden (2003)
The idea of buying from an online retailer website is a good idea
Online shopping intention
I Like shopping on the internet
Table AI. Online shopping malls are a fit means to buy products
Measurement scale I will frequently shop online in the future Fishbein and Ajzen (1975)
adaptation I will strongly recommend others to shop online
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