Brain Stem Death: Learning Objectives
Brain Stem Death: Learning Objectives
Brain Stem Death: Learning Objectives
ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE --:- 1 Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Please cite this article in press as: Cowan R, Miles B, Brain stem death, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine (2018),
X VII V IX XI XII Response to
supraorbital stimulus
Location IX X
of cranial
Gag, cough and
Figure 1
ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE --:- 2 Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Please cite this article in press as: Cowan R, Miles B, Brain stem death, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine (2018),
ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE --:- 3 Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Please cite this article in press as: Cowan R, Miles B, Brain stem death, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine (2018),
improves with follow up scans. The scan looks for the ‘hollow
Ancillary tests for the diagnosis of brain stem death skull phenomenon’ indicating the absence of brain perfusion.
Blood flow in the Four-vessel angiography The use of EEG is recommended in US guidelines for the
larger cerebral arteries Transcranial doppler diagnosis of brain stem death in adults and children when clin-
Magnetic resonance angiography ical testing is inconclusive or impossible. Adherence to these
Spiral CT angiography guidelines is variable and a recent survey revealed that 6.5% of
Brain tissue perfusion Cerebral scintigraphy 99mTc-labelled American hospitals mandate such ancillary testing. The EEG re-
hexamethylpropylene-amine oxime cords summated synaptic potentials. A flat or isoelectric trace
(HMPAO) confirms the absence of brain activity. This should be interpreted
Xenon CT with caution however as there are numerous causes of flat/iso-
Positron emission tomography electric traces (including anaesthetic drugs). Evoked potentials
Neurophysiology EEG (somatosensory and brainstem auditory) have a limited role in
Evoked potentials ancillary testing.
The reliability, accuracy, availability and ease of interpreta-
Table 2 tion of these tests tend to limit their usage unless specifically
gain 0.5 kPa demonstrates an adequate respiratory stimulus.
The patient’s mechanical ventilation is then recommenced,
returning blood gases to the pre-testing level. Recruitment ma-
noeuvres may be undertaken after the apnoea test to maintain Profound neuromuscular weakness resembling absent brain stem
baseline oxygenation. reflexes may occur as a consequence of some neurological dis-
Spinal reflexes may remain after brain stem death. These can orders. These include the locked-in syndrome (LIS) and Guillain-
produce reflex movements of any limb, plantar reflexes and even Barre syndrome (GBS) affecting the brainstem. Organophosphate
flexion at the waist resulting in a sitting position. The presence of poisoning, lidocaine toxicity, baclofen overdose, high cervical
these reflexes does not preclude or refute the diagnosis of brain spine injuries and prolonged neuromuscular blocker clearance
death. They can be distressing for relatives and staff unaware of have also been reported as causing absent brain stem reflexes.
their origin. These cases highlight the importance of ensuring all pre-
conditions are met prior to commencing brain stem testing.
Ancillary tests Preservation of eye movements in LIS should alert the physician
and preclude a diagnosis of brain stem death. Rapidly progressive
In some countries ancillary testing is mandatory for the diagnosis
GBS can mimic brain death but such patients have no diagnosis
of brain death. In the UK the diagnosis of brain stem death is a
compatible with irreversible brain damage and therefore do not
clinical diagnosis. However, in certain circumstances (e.g. major
satisfy the necessary preconditions and cannot be tested. A
facial trauma) ancillary testing may be needed to confirm the
diagnosis. Tests can be generally divided into assessment of
blood flow in cerebral arteries, assessment of cerebral perfusion FURTHER READING
and neurophysiological tests (Table 2). Academy of the Medical Royal Colleges. A code of practice for the diag-
Tests capable of demonstrating absent blood flow are accepted nosis and confirmation of death. London, 2008. Available at: http://
as establishing whole brain death. The sequence of events relates
to the elevation in intracranial pressure exceeding systemic arte- Confirmation_Diagnosis_Death_1008-4.pdf (accessed 26 Sept 2017).
rial pressure, resulting in cessation of cerebral blood flow. Greer DM, Wang HH, Robinson JD, Varelas PN, Henderson GV,
Four-vessel cerebral angiographies were considered the ‘gold Wijdicks EFM. Variability of brain death policies in the United
standard’ modality for assessing cerebral blood flow. In brain States. JAMA Neurol 2016; 73: 213e8.
death, angiography will normally demonstrate absent blood flow Lewis A, Greer D. Current controversies in brain death determination.
at or beyond the carotid bifurcation or the circle of Willis. False Nat Rev Neurol 2017;
negatives can occur when intracranial pressure is lowered (e.g. Advance online publication. (accessed 26 Sept 2017) at, http://
by surgery or trauma).
Transcranial Doppler has the advantage of being non-invasive 2017.72.html#abstract.
and safe. It requires expertise but can be done at the bedside. The Machado C, Korein J, Ferrer Y, Portela L, de la C Garcia M,
Doppler aims to find small systolic peaks with retrograde dia- Manero JM. The concept of brain death did not evolve to benefit
stolic flow or a reverberating flow pattern. This pattern suggests organ transplants. J Med Ethics 2007; 33: 197e200.
high vascular resistance and supports the diagnosis or brain stem Vargas F, Hilbert G, Gruson D, Valentino R, Gbikpi-Benissan G,
death. Patients with external ventricular drains or craniotomies Cardinaud JP. Fulminant Guillain-Barre syndrome mimicking ce-
may have false negative testing. rebral death: case report and literature review. Intens Care Med
Techniques that look at tissue perfusion tend to be more 2000; 26: 623e7.
accurate. CT angiography/perfusion and nuclear medicine Wijdicks EFM, Varelas PN, Gronseth GS, Greer DM. Evidence-based
(cerebral scintigraphy) are used for this purpose. 99mTc-labelled guideline update: determining brain death in adults: report of the
hexamethylpropylene-amine oxime (HMPAO) scintigraphy quality standards subcommittee of the American Academy of
testing has been shown to be very useful in brain stem death Neurology. Neurology 2010; 74: 1911e8.
testing and can be utilized in the paediatric population. Sensitivity
ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE --:- 4 Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Please cite this article in press as: Cowan R, Miles B, Brain stem death, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine (2018),