Group 2 Adr
Group 2 Adr
Group 2 Adr
Republic Act No. 9285 – Alternative Dispute Arbitration. – Is a voluntary dispute
Resolution Act of 2004 resolution process in which one or more
arbitrators, appointed in accordance
with the agreement of the parties, or
Declaration of Policy. rules promulgated pursuant to this Act,
- It is the policy of the State to actively resolve a dispute by rendering an award
promote party autonomy in the resolution Arbitrator. – the person appointed to
of disputes or the freedom of the party to render an award, alone or with others, in
make their own arrangements to resolve a dispute that is the subject of an
their disputes. Towards this end, the State arbitration agreement
shall encourage and actively promote the Award. – any partial or final decision by
use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) an arbitrator in resolving the issue in a
as an important means to achieve speedy controversy
and impartial justice and declog court Confidential Information. – any
dockets. As such, the State shall provide information, relative to the subject of
means for the use of ADR as an efficient tool mediation or arbitration, expressly
and an alternative procedure for the intended by the source not to be
resolution of appropriate cases. Likewise, disclosed, or obtained under
the State shall enlist active private sector circumstances that would create a
participation in the settlement of disputes reasonable expectation on behalf of the
through ADR. This Act shall be without source that the information shall not be
prejudice to the adoption by the Supreme disclosed
Court of any ADR system, such as Convention Ward. – means a foreign
mediation, conciliation, arbitration, or any arbitral award made in a Convention
combination thereof as a means of State
achieving speedy and efficient means of Court-Annexed Mediation. – means any
resolving cases pending before all courts in mediation process conducted under the
the Philippines which shall be governed by auspices of the court, after such court
such rules as the Supreme Court may has acquired jurisdiction of the dispute
approve from time to time. Court-Reffered Mediation. – means
mediation ordered by a court to be
Definition of Terms. conducted in accordance with the
Agreement of the Parties when as action
Alternative Dispute Resolution System. – is prematurely commenced in violation
any process or procedure used to of such agreement
resolve a dispute or controversy, other Early Neutral Evaluation. – means an
than by adjudication of a presiding judge ADR process wherein parties and their
of a court or an officer of a government lawyers are brought together early in a
agency, as defined in this Act, in which a pre-trial phase to present summaries of
neutral third party participates to assist their cases and receive a nonbinding
in the resolution of issues, which assessment by an experienced, neutral
includes arbitration, mediation, person, with expertise in the subject in
conciliation, early neutral evaluation, the substance of the dispute
mini-trial, or any combination thereof International Party. – means an ADR
ADR Provider. – institutions or persons process wherein parties and their
accredited as mediator, conciliator, lawyers are brought together early in a
arbitrator, neutral evaluator, or any pre-trial phase to present summaries of
person exercising similar functions in their cases and receive a nonbinding
any Alternative Dispute Resolution assessment by an experienced, neutral
system. This is without prejudice to the person, with expertise in the subject in
rights of the parties to choose non- the substance of the dispute
accredited individuals to act as Mediation. – means a voluntary process
mediator, conciliator, arbitrator, or in which a mediator, selected by the
neutral evaluator of their dispute. disputing parties, facilitates
Whenever referred to in this Act, the communication and negotiation, and
term "ADR practitioners" shall refer to assist the parties in reaching a voluntary
individuals acting as mediator, agreement regarding a dispute