b31 3

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the wall thickness shall be increased to prevent over- the maximum value allowable under the pur-
stress, damage, collapse, or buckling due to superim- chase specification.
posed loads from supports, ice formation, backfill, E p quality factor from Table A-1A or Table A-1B
transportation, handling, or other loads enumerated in P p internal design gage pressure
para. 301. S p stress value for material from Table A-1 or
(b) Where increasing the thickness would excessively Table A-1M
increase local stresses or the risk of brittle fracture, or T p pipe wall thickness (measured or minimum in
is otherwise impracticable, the impact of applied loads accordance with the purchase specification)
may be mitigated through additional supports, braces, t p pressure design thickness, as calculated in
or other means without requiring an increased wall
accordance with para. 304.1.2 for internal pres-
thickness. Particular consideration should be given to
sure or as determined in accordance with
the mechanical strength of small pipe connections to
para. 304.1.3 for external pressure
piping or equipment.
tm p minimum required thickness, including
mechanical, corrosion, and erosion allowances
PART 2 W p weld joint strength reduction factor in accor-
PRESSURE DESIGN OF PIPING COMPONENTS dance with para. 302.3.5(e)
303 GENERAL Y p coefficient from Table 304.1.1, valid for t < D/6
and for materials shown. The value of Y may
Components manufactured in accordance with stan- be interpolated for intermediate temperatures.
dards listed in Table 326.1 shall be considered suitable For t ≥ D/6,
for use at pressure–temperature ratings in accordance
with para. 302.2.1 or para. 302.2.2, as applicable. The d + 2c
rules in para. 304 are intended for pressure design of Yp
D + d + 2c
components not covered in Table 326.1, but may be used
for a special or more-rigorous design of such compo- 304.1.2 Straight Pipe Under Internal Pressure
nents, or to satisfy requirements of para. 302.2.2. Designs (a) For t < D/6, the internal pressure design thickness
shall be checked for adequacy of mechanical strength for straight pipe shall be not less than that calculated

as described in para. 302.5. in accordance with either eq. (3a) or eq. (3b)

2共SEW + PY 兲
304.1 Straight Pipe
P 共d + 2c兲
(16) 304.1.1 General tp (3b)
2关SEW − P 共1 − Y 兲兴
(a) The required thickness of straight sections of pipe
shall be determined in accordance with eq. (2) (b) For t ≥ D/6 or for P/SE > 0.385, calculation of
pressure design thickness for straight pipe requires spe-
tm p t + c (2)
cial consideration of factors such as theory of failure,
The minimum thickness, T, for the pipe selected, con- effects of fatigue, and thermal stress.
sidering manufacturer’s minus tolerance, shall be not 304.1.3 Straight Pipe Under External Pressure. To (16)
less than tm . determine wall thickness and stiffening requirements
(b) The following nomenclature is used in the equa- for straight pipe under external pressure, the procedure
tions for pressure design of straight pipe: outlined in the BPV Code, Section VIII, Division 1, UG-28
c p sum of the mechanical allowances (thread or through UG-30 shall be followed, using as the design
groove depth) plus corrosion and erosion length, L, the running centerline length between any
allowances. For threaded components, the two sections stiffened in accordance with UG-29. As an
nominal thread depth (dimension h of
exception, for pipe with Do /t < 10, the value of S to be
ASME B1.20.1, or equivalent) shall apply. For
used in determining Pa2 shall be the lesser of the follow-
machined surfaces or grooves where the toler-
ing values for pipe material at design temperature:
ance is not specified, the tolerance shall be
(a) 1.5 times the stress value from Table A-1 or
assumed to be 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) in addition to
the specified depth of the cut. Table A-1M of this Code, or
D p outside diameter of pipe as listed in tables of (b) 0.9 times the yield strength tabulated in Section II,
standards or specifications or as measured Part D, Table Y-1 for materials listed therein
d p inside diameter of pipe. For pressure design (The symbol Do in Section VIII is equivalent to D in this
calculation, the inside diameter of the pipe is Code.)

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