Deburring Underestimated Task
Deburring Underestimated Task
Deburring Underestimated Task
Deburring or chamfering of gear teeth is gain- Why are bevel gears deburred or chamfered? The reasons vary
ing attention in practical settings. And with a view greatly. In bevel gears, the edge area between the concave flank
to make the production sequence as efficient as possible, it is (gap) and the component’s outer contour must be deburred in
becoming increasingly important to be able to implement the every case. That is where the bevel gear cutting tool normally
deburring tasks directly on the cutting machine after spiral cut- exits the material and leaves behind a more or less conspicuous
ting. Read on to find out how complex this seemingly simple burr. This area is extremely sharp-edged and must be cham-
task can turn out to be, and how a new deburring concept pro- fered to avoid the risk of injury. As wear on the bevel gear cut-
vides for enhanced efficiency. ting tool increases, a burr can also develop in the cutting area
between the convex flank (gap) and the component’s outer con-
tour. This area should therefore also be taken into account and
deburred as necessary.
How complex the task of deburring is depends significantly
on the outer contour of the component, as well as on the area
to be deburred, in accordance with the user’s specifications.
The outer contour can be straight in the area of the edge to be
deburred, but it can also comprise a number of contour ele-
ments. A straight chamfer can usually be processed easily in
just one cut using a deburring tool. Complex deburring edges
typically do not allow this. In these cases, several deburring tool
positions and cuts must instead be considered.
to use six simultaneously controlled NC axes. Here a contigu- Klingelnberg has therefore developed a way to create this
ous edge is deburred through several cuts located one after
coupled movement so that the component flank moves away
the other in the heel area. Figure 7 shows the result of five
selected positions. These are necessary because the tooth from the deburring blade. The spatial expansion of the trajec-
flank has an extremely pronounced curvature in the profile tory for this coupling relationship has a significantly different
direction, which is offset by three cuts, and because there is a form and requires considerably less space. Collision-critical
peculiar contour change on the back cone of the component. tasks can therefore be performed with much better results using
This requires an additional, extremely steep cut. Lastly, the this deburring principle.
gap root is deburred with a tightly-turned final cut. Between
each deburring position, the tool is withdrawn from the gap Conclusion
and re-situated for the next position with a feed movement. The seemingly simple task of performing deburring tasks
• The many-cut method can also be employed on Klingelnberg on a cutting machine can turn out to be quite complex. This
machines with a vertical machine concept and the capability is evident in the variety and diversity of ways deburring can
to use six simultaneously controlled NC axes. A contiguous take place on a cutting machine – and also in the difficulty of
edge is deburred through innumerable cuts located in close reliably determining process parameters such as risk of colli-
proximity to each other. The special thing about this method sion. Simulation provides valuable support in this respect: The
is that the deburring tool does not lift out from one position machine settings determined during the simulation can be
to the next – rather, it executes every deburring position along
loaded directly on the cutting machine, removing all obstacles
the edge directly with a rapid feed movement. The cutting is
performed primarily by the tool tip radius. to manufacturing real, burr-free components.
The fact that more versatile solutions are being offered and
New Coupled Movement Optimizes the Collision demanded with increasing frequency reflects just how important
Curve the capability to implement the deburring tasks directly on the
All of the component deburring methods presented are based cutting machine after spiral cutting has become for customers.
on a principle of continuous motion. This has the advantage of
extremely short auxiliary times, and therefore a short deburr-
ing time overall. This continuous operation principle requires Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Martin Ribbeck
is Head of the Bevel Gear Competence
a coupled movement of the rotation of the deburring tool axis Center at Klingelnberg GmbH.
and the component axis.
All familiar coupled movements used so far for deburring are
set up in such a way that the component flank moves toward
the deburring blade. This movement requires a specific spa-
tial expansion relative to the trajectory of the deburring blade.
In a number of deburring tasks, however, this spatial expan-
sion of the trajectory relative to the collision situation is a key