197 Ssa 10
197 Ssa 10
197 Ssa 10
August 9, 2002
This document mandates standard configurations and procedures for lightning protection, surge
and transient protection, grounding, bonding and shielding. All construction of Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) operatio nal facilities and the electronic equipment installed therein shall
conform to this standard. This document defines minimum requirements for all FAA facilities.
The specific needs of any facility may exceed these minimum requirements. These needs may
be influenced by the equipment to be installed at the site, the configuration of the structures and
location of the equipment, and by the physical environment present at the location.
The interface between contractor owned equipment or electronic equipment not used for
operational purposes (administrative local area network (LAN), administrative telephone, etc.)
and the operational facility shall be in accordance with this document. This standard applies to
new construction and modifications to existing facilities, particularly when required for the
installation of electronic equipment.
The use of shall in this document indicates mandatory compliance. However, in certain cases it
may not be technically feasible to implement certain requirements. In these cases, a National
Airspace System (NAS) Change Proposal (NCP) must be submitted with adequate justification
and technical documentation and approved by the NAS Configuration Control Board (CCB)
before a deviation is permitted.
This standard contains six sections. Section 1 details the scope and purpose of the standard.
Section 2 lists reference documents. Section 3 gives requirements for surge and transient
protection, lightning protection, the EES (EES), the electronic multipoint ground system (MPG),
the electronic single point ground system (SPG), and National Electrical Code (NEC)
compliance. Section 4 provides quality assurance requirements. Section 5, “Preparation for
Delivery”, does not apply to this document. Section 6 contains notes, definitions, acronyms, and
1. SCOPE ......................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Purpose............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
3. REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................7
3.1 Surge and Transient Protection Requirements ..................................................................................................... 7
3.1.1 General ..........................................................................................................................................................................7
3.1.2 Existing Electronic Equipment Designs..................................................................................................................7
3.2 External Lines and Cables .......................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.1 Fiber Optic Lines .........................................................................................................................................................8
3.2.2 Balanced Pair Lines.....................................................................................................................................................8
3.2.3 Ferrous Conduit ...........................................................................................................................................................8
3.2.4 Buried Guard Wires ....................................................................................................................................................9
3.2.5 Armored Cable (Direct Earth Burial (DEB) Type) ...............................................................................................9
3.2.6 Existing Metallic Conduit, Conductors and Cables...............................................................................................9
3.3 Interior Lines and Cables ............................................................................................................................................ 9
3.7.9 Buildings.....................................................................................................................................................................22
3.7.10 Antenna Towers .........................................................................................................................................................24
3.7.11 Fences...........................................................................................................................................................................27
3.7.12 Airport Traffic Control Towers (ATCT)................................................................................................................29
3.8 Earth Electrode System (EES) Requirements .....................................................................................................32
3.8.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................32
3.8.2 Site Survey..................................................................................................................................................................32
3.8.3 Design..........................................................................................................................................................................32
3.8.4 Configuration .............................................................................................................................................................35
3.8.5 Ground rods................................................................................................................................................................35
3.8.6 Interconnections.........................................................................................................................................................36
3.8.7 Access Well................................................................................................................................................................36
3.14.6 Inaccessible Locations...............................................................................................................................................60
3.14.7 Coupling of Dissimilar Metals .................................................................................................................................61
3.14.8 Surface Preparation....................................................................................................................................................61
3.14.9 Bond Protection..........................................................................................................................................................62
3.14.10 Bonding Across Shock Mounts ...............................................................................................................................63
3.14.11 Enclosure Bonding.....................................................................................................................................................63
3.14.12 Subassemblies .............................................................................................................................................................63
3.14.13 Equipment ...................................................................................................................................................................63
3.14.14 Connector Mounting..................................................................................................................................................63
3.14.15 Shield Terminations...................................................................................................................................................64
3.14.16 RF Gaskets ..................................................................................................................................................................64
6.1.15 Cable .............................................................................................................................................................................85
6.1.16 Case ..............................................................................................................................................................................85
6.1.17 Chassis .........................................................................................................................................................................85
6.1.18 Clamp Voltage............................................................................................................................................................85
6.1.19 Conductor....................................................................................................................................................................86
6.1.20 Crowbar .......................................................................................................................................................................86
6.1.21 Current Issue ...............................................................................................................................................................86
6.1.22 Earth Electrode System (EES).................................................................................................................................86
6.1.23 Electromagnetic Interference (EMI).......................................................................................................................86
6.1.24 Electronic Multipoint Ground System....................................................................................................................87
6.1.25 Electronic Single Point Ground System.................................................................................................................87
6.1.26 Equipment Areas ........................................................................................................................................................87
6.1.27 Equipment Grounding Conductor...........................................................................................................................87
6.1.28 Equipment ...................................................................................................................................................................87
6.1.29 Facility Ground System.............................................................................................................................................87
6.1.30 Faraday Cage ..............................................................................................................................................................87
6.1.31 Feeder...........................................................................................................................................................................87
6.1.32 Fitting, High Compression .......................................................................................................................................87
6.1.33 Ground .........................................................................................................................................................................88
6.1.34 Grounded.....................................................................................................................................................................88
6.1.35 Grounded Conductor.................................................................................................................................................88
6.1.36 Grounded, Effectively ...............................................................................................................................................88
6.1.37 Grounding Conductor................................................................................................................................................88
6.1.38 Grounding Electrode..................................................................................................................................................88
6.1.39 Grounding Electrode Conductor..............................................................................................................................88
6.1.40 High frequency...........................................................................................................................................................88
6.1.41 Issue, Current..............................................................................................................................................................88
6.1.42 Landline .......................................................................................................................................................................88
6.1.43 Line Replaceable Unit ...............................................................................................................................................89
6.1.44 Low Frequency...........................................................................................................................................................89
6.1.45 National Electrical Code (NEC) (NFPA-70).........................................................................................................89
6.1.46 Operational Areas.......................................................................................................................................................89
6.1.47 OPI ................................................................................................................................................................................89
6.1.48 Overshoot Voltage .....................................................................................................................................................89
6.1.49 Pressure Connector....................................................................................................................................................89
6.1.50 Rack..............................................................................................................................................................................89
6.1.51 Reference Plane or Point, Electronic Signal (Signal Ground)............................................................................89
6.1.52 Reverse Standoff or Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage (MCOV).......................................................89
6.1.53 Shield ............................................................................................................................................................................89
6.1.54 Structure.......................................................................................................................................................................90
6.1.55 Surge.............................................................................................................................................................................90
6.1.56 Susceptibility Level ...................................................................................................................................................90
6.1.57 Transient......................................................................................................................................................................90
6.1.58 Transient Suppressor.................................................................................................................................................90
6.1.59 Turn-on Voltage .........................................................................................................................................................90
6.1.60 Zone of Protection......................................................................................................................................................90
6.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................................91
List of Figures
Figure 1. Lightning Protection for Radomes and Radar Antenna Platforms .................................25
Figure 2. Grounding a Fence..........................................................................................................28
Figure 3. Airport Traffic Control Tower Levels ............................................................................30
Figure 4. Ground Plate Detail ........................................................................................................34
Figure 5. Grounding Trench Detail................................................................................................35
Figure 6. Facility Grounding System.............................................................................................38
Figure 7. Multipoint Ground Cable Size Determination ..............................................................40
Figure 8. Electronic Single Point Ground System Installation......................................................47
Figure 9. Single Point Electronic Ground Bus Bar Installation in Rack or Cabinet......................49
Figure 10. Bonding of Conduit and Grounding Conductor ..........................................................53
Figure 11. Order of Assembly for Bolted Connections ................................................................58
Figure 12. Bonding of Connectors to Mounting Surface..............................................................64
Figure 13. Grounding of Overall Cable Shields to Connectors and Penetrating Walls................67
Figure 14. Grounding of Overall Cable Shield to Terminal Strip ................................................68
List of Tables
Table I. Surge Levels for 120/208V, 120/240 and 277/480V Service Lines................................11
Table II. Conducted Landline Transient Levels ............................................................................15
Table III. Size of Electronic Multipoint Ground Interconnecting Conductors .............................41
Table IV. Minimum Number of Twists for Power Conductors ....................................................53
Table V. Acceptable Couplings Between Dissimilar Metals........................................................57
Table VI. Torque Requirements for Bolted Bonds ......................................................................58
Table VII. Minimum Separation Distance Between Signal and Power Cables.............................68
1.1 Scope
This document mandates standard lightning protection, transient protection, electrostatic
discharge (ESD), grounding, bonding and shielding configurations and procedures for new
facilities, facility modifications, facility up grades, new equipment installations, and new
electronic equipment used in the National Airspace Systems (NAS). It provides requirements for
the design, construction, modification or evaluation of facilities and equipment. This document
does not apply to existing facilities unless the facility is undergoing upgrade or receiving new
electronic equipment. This version of the document applies to equipment and facilities and
procurement initiated after the effective date of this document. However, if the procurement
contract is not in accordance with the version of FAA-STD-019 in effect on the initiation date of
the procurement, then the procurement shall be required to meet the version of this standard in
effect when the noncompliance is noted.
1.2 Purpose
The requirements of this standard provide a systematic approach to minimize electrical hazards
to personnel, electromagnetic interference and damage to facilities and electronic equipment
from lightning, transients, ESD, and power faults.
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Federal Specifications
FAA Specifications
FAA Standards
FAA Orders
(Copies of these specifications, standards, orders, and other applicable FAA documents may be
obtained from the Contracting Officer issuing the invitation- for-bids or request- for-proposals.
Requests should fully identify material desired, i.e. specification, standard, amendment, drawing
numbers and dates. Requests should cite the invitation-for-bids, request- for-proposals, the
contract involved, or other use to be made of the requested material.)
Military Documents
MIL-HDBK-253 Guidance for the Design and Test of Systems Protected Against
the Effects of Electromagnetic Energy
DOD/MIL-HDBK-263 Electrostatic Discharge Control Handbook
DOD-STD-1686 Electrostatic Discharge Control Program for Protection of
Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment
(Excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices)
MIL-HDBK-237 Electromagnetic Compatibility Management Guide for
Platforms, Systems and Equipment
MIL-HDBK-419 Grounding, Bonding, and Shielding for Electronic Equipment
and Facilities
MIL-PRF-87893 Performance Specification, Workstations, Electrostatic
Discharge Control
MIL-STD-461 The Control of Electromagnetic Interference Emissions and
MIL-STD-889 Dissimilar Metals
MIL-STD-1686 Electrostatic Discharge Control Program for Protection of
Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies, and Equipment
Excluding electrically Initiated Explosive Devices
MIL-W-87893 Workstation, Electrostatic Discharge Control
NACSIM 5203 Guidelines for Facility Design and Red/Black Installation (U)
(Confidential Document)
(Single copies of Military specifications, standards, and handbooks may be requested by mail or
telephone from Document Automation and Production Service Customer Service
Standardization Documents Order Desk 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D Philadelphia, PA
19111-5094 or via www.dodssp.daps.mil/dodssp.htm. Not more than five items may be ordered
on a single request; the Invitation for Bid or Contract Number should be cited where applicable.
Only latest revisions (complete with latest amendments) are available; slash sheets must be
individually requested. Request all items by document number
Requests for copies of EIA Standards should be addressed to Electronic Industries Alliance,
Corporate Engineering Department, 2500 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA 22201 or telephone 703
(Requests for copies of NFPA documents should be addressed to the National Fire Protection
Association, One Batterymarch Park, Quincy MA 02269. www.nfpa.org)
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL)
(Requests for copies of IEEE documents should be addressed to Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-9916.
(Requests for copies of ESD Association documents should be addressed to the ESD
Association, 7900 Turin Road, Bldg 3, Suite 2, Rome, NY 13440-2069. www.esda.org
telephone 315 339-6937)
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This section provides requirements that are established to insure the proper operation of FAA
facilities. The use of the term facilities in this document may differ from the manner in which it
is frequently used in other FAA documents. For the purposes of this document, a facility is an
area of collocated equipment. For example, the cab and electronic/electrical equipment located
on the junction and subjunction levels of an Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) are a single
facility. An ATCT with a base building containing electronic equipment is an example of two
facilities located at the same site. Other examples of 2 or more facilities (in the sense of the term
in this document) include the ARSR-4 (the tower and base building are separate facilities) and
Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC) with multiple buildings that must be treated as
separate facilities. An example of a single facility (for purposes of this document) is a Remote
Controlled Air to Ground (RCAG) collocated in a VHF Omni-directional Range (VOR)
building. Contact the Office of Primary Interest (OPI) of this document for specific guidance on
new facilities/systems.
3.1.1 General
Lines, cables, and facility electronic equipment shall be protected against damaging surges on
alternating current (AC) power lines and transients on electronic landlines from the effects of
lightning. Ferrous conduit shall be used to shield external lines and cables to minimize inductive
coupling of transients from lightning discharges. Guard wires shall be used to protect buried
cables from direct lightning strikes. Fiber optic lines and balanced metallic lines shall also be
used when feasible. Electrical and electronic equipment shall be protected against conducted and
radiated surges and transients from all power, signal, control and/or status lines. Integrated
circuits, transistors, diodes, solid-state voltage regulators, capacitors, miniature relays, miniature
switches, and miniature transformers, etc. are quite susceptible to damage and operational upset
caused by transients. Transient suppression shall be provided at the entrance of lines and cables
to facility structures and electronic equipment enclosures as required in paragraphs 3.6 and 3.7
and their associated subparagraphs to protect electronic equipment from conducted transients. A
surge protective device (SPD), capable of shunting the energy represented by the surge levels in
paragraph 3.5.1, shall be installed at the AC service entrance to the facility. Implementatio n
guidelines are contained in FAA Orders 6950.19 and 6950.20. All surge protective devices shall
meet or exceed the current version of UL 1449. Documentation, including a schematic diagram
of the SPD circuitry and complete installation instructions shall be provided for all SPDs
installed at FAA facilities. The manufacturer’s data sheet for the SPD shall be filed in the
Facility Reference Data File (FRDF).
3.2 External Lines and Cables
3.2.4 Buried Guard Wires
Buried lines including armored cable, not completely enclosed in ferrous conduit, shall be
protected by a bare #1/0 AWG copper guard wire. The guard wire shall be embedded in the soil,
a minimum of 10 in. (25cm) directly above and parallel to the lines or cables being protected.
When the width of the cable run or duct does not exceed 3 ft (90cm), one guard wire, centered
over the cable run or duct, provides adequate protection. When the cable run or duct is more
than 3ft (90cm.) in width, 2 guard wires shall be installed. The guard wires shall be spaced at
least 12 in.(30 cm.) apart and be not less than 12 in. (30 cm.) nor more than 18 in. (45 cm.) inside
the outermost wires or the edges of the duct. The guard wire shall be bonded to the EES at each
end and to ground rods at approximately 90ft intervals using exothermic welds. Where cables
are run parallel to the edge of a runway an additional guard wire located between the runway
edge and the cable run has been shown to provide significant reduction in lightning related
incidents. The spacing between ground rods must vary by 10 – 20% to prevent resonance.
Install the ground rods at approximately 6 feet (2 m) to either side of the trench.
3.4 Electronic Equipment Transient Susceptibility Levels
Electronic equipment, such as radars, navaids, transmitters, supplied as part of the facility, sha ll
be provided with transient protection that shall reduce surges and transients of 2.5 times the
normal operating voltage or 600 volts whichever is larger, to below the equipment susceptibility
level. Electronic equipment not supplied as a part of the facility would include items such as
administrative computers or other similar equipment not required for the facility to perform its
operational function. The equipment susceptibility level is defined as the transient level on the
signal, control or data line that may cause damage, degradation, or upset to electronic circuitry
connected to the line. Protection for these levels is in addition to the facility protection levels
specified in paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6. The electronic equipment manufacturer shall perform tests
to determine the voltage, current, or energy levels that will cause immediate damage to
components, shorten its operating life, or cause operational upset. These tests shall consider all
electrical and electronic equipment components exposed to the effects of surges or transients.
The combined facility and equipment entrance protection shall be coordinated to limit transients
at the equipment to below the equipment susceptibility level. Requirements of this paragraph
shall be included in the comprehensive control and test plans outlined in paragraph 4.2. In all
cases the following characteristics shall be evaluated.
(a) Component damage threshold. The damage threshold is the transient level that renders the
component nonfunctional or operationally deficient. For solid-state components, voltage is
usually the relevant parameter.
(b) Component degradation level. The component degradation level is the transient voltage or
energy level that shortens the useful life of the component.
(c) Operational upset level. The operational upset level is the transient voltage or energy level
that causes an unacceptable change in operating characteristics for longer than 10 milliseconds
for analog equipment or a change of logic state for digital equipment.
Table I. Surge Levels for 120/208V, 120/240 and 277/480V Service Lines
10 kA 1,500
20 kA 700
30 kA 375
40 kA 50
50 kA 8
60 kA 6
70 kA 4
100 kA* 2
180-240kA* 1 Characteristics
Minimum functional and operational characteristics of facility SPDs for installation at service
disconnecting means shall be as follows:
(a) Maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV). The maximum designated root- mean-
square (rms) value of power frequency voltage that may be applied continuously between the
terminals of the arrestor under all non-transient conditions.
(b) Leakage current. The DC leakage current shall be less than 1mA for voltages at or below
1.414 x MCOV VDC.
(c) Clamp (discharge) voltage. The maximum clamp voltage for a SPD when passing up to a
70kA 8/20 microsecond wave shape shall not exceed the value Vcl < (2.7 x Vrms) + (8 x Is )
Vcl = The maximum clamping voltage
Vrms = The root mean square value of the nominal system voltage
Is = The short circuit surge current of the surge in kiloamperes.
(d) Overshoot voltage. Overshoot voltage shall not exceed 2 times the SPD clamp voltage for
more than 10 nanoseconds. Overshoot voltage is the surge voltage level that appears across the
SPD terminals before the device turns on and clamps the surge to the specified voltage level.
(e) Self-restoring capability. The SPD shall automatically return to an off state after surge
dissipation when line voltage returns to normal.
(f) Operating lifetime. The SPD shall safely dissipate the number and amplitude of surges listed
in Table I. Clamp (discharge) voltage shall not change more than 10 percent over the operating
life of the arrester.
(g) Fusing and Indicator Lamps. If the input to an SPD is internally fused this fusing shall not
increase the clamp voltage of the SPD and shall pass the surge current levels given by Table I up
to the 70kA level without opening. Two indicator lamps per phase on the SPD enclosure cover
shall visually indicate that fuse(s) have opened. Packaging
All components comprising a surge protective device shall be packaged in a single National
Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) type 12 steel enclosure for indoor use only, or a
type 4 waterproof, steel enclosure for indoor or outdoor use. SPDs may be enclosed within
panelboards or switchgear enclosures, if UL listed for such installation. Eithe r studs or
connectors for #4 AWG or larger conductors shall be provided for all input and output
connections. The SPD elements, when not connected to the phase, neutral and ground
conductors, shall be electrically isolated from the enclosure to a minimum of 10 megohms
resistance. The enclosure door shall be hinged and electrically bonded to the enclosure. Hinges
shall not be used to provide electrical bonding. Fuses, lights, fuse wires, and arrester elements or
components shall be readily accessible for inspection and replacement. Installation
The SPD shall be installed as close as possible (within 12 in.) of the facility service
disconnecting means. Wiring connections may be other than the gauge specified herein if
recommended by the manufacturer. Connections shall be made with UL listed pressure
(a) Phase connections. Phase lugs of the SPD shall be connected to corresponding phase
terminals of the service disconnecting means with insulated #4 AWG (minimum) copper
cable. Connections shall be as short and direct as possible without loops, sharp bends or
(b) SPD ground and neutral connections. The ground connection for the SPD elements shall be
routed as directly as possible, with no loops, sharp bends or kinks from the SPD element
output terminal to the ground bus in the service disconnecting means. In a grounded system,
the neutral connection for the SPD elements shall be routed in a similar manner as above to
the neutral bus of the service disconnecting means. These ground and neutral connections
shall be a #4 AWG (minimum) copper cable, insulated and color coded in accordance with
NEC. The element terminals shall be electrically insulated from the SPD enclosure.
(c) Equipment grounding conductor. The SPD enclosure shall be connected to the ground bus
in the service disconnecting means enclosure with a minimum of #4 AWG copper wire.
The wire shall have green insulation.
(d) Conduit sealing. The conduit or conduit nipple connecting the SPD enclosure to the service
disconnecting means (SDM) enclosure shall be sealed with duct seal or other nonflammable
medium to prevent soot from entering the SDM enclosure in the event of SPD failure.
13 Characteristics
The basic characteristics of surge suppression components or circuits for equipment power
lines entrances shall be as follows:
(a) Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage (MCOV). MCOV of the arrester shall be ≥130
percent of the nominal line voltage.
(b) Turn on voltage. Turn on voltage, discharge (clamp) voltage, and the amplitude and time
duration of any overshoot voltage shall be less than the equipment susceptibility level.
(c) Leakage current. The DC leakage current shall be less than 1mA for voltages at or below
1.414 x MCOV VDC. .
(d) Self-restoring capability. The surge suppressors shall automatically restore to an off state
when surge voltage falls below the turn on voltage for the suppressor.
(e) Operating lifetime. Clamp voltage shall not change more than 10 percent over the operating
lifetime. When not located within a facility protected by the SPD required in paragraph 3.5.2
the electronic equipment surge suppression shall be capable of safely dissipating the number
and amplitude of surges specified in Table I. Packaging
Suppression components shall be housed in a separate, shielded, compartmentalized enclosure as
an integral part of the electronic equipment design. Bulkhead-mounted feed through capacitors
or equivalent shall be used as necessary to prevent high frequency transient energy from
coupling to electronic equipment circuits. Suppression components shall be grounded to the
electronic equipment case as directly as feasible.
(b) Leakage current. The DC leakage current shall be less than 1mA for voltages at or below
1.414 x MCOV VDC.
(c) Turn on voltage. Turn on voltage shall be as near MCOV as possible and shall not exceed
125 percent of MCOV.
(d) Discharge (clamp) voltage. Clamp voltage shall be the lowest possible value that can be
obtained using suppressors not exceeding 160 percent of MCOV.
(e) Overshoot voltage. Overshoot voltage shall be sufficiently low to preclude electronic
equipment damage or operational upset. Time duration of overshoot voltage shall be limited to
the shortest possible time not exceeding 2 nanoseconds.
(g) Operating lifetime. The transient suppressors shall safely dissipate 1000 surges with an
amplitude of 200 amps and a waveform of 1.2-by-50 µs. One point two (1.2) µs defines the time
from the start of the transient to peak amplitude, and 50 µs is the time from the start of the
transient until the transient decays to 50 percent of peak value. Methods of testing shall be in
accordance with the guidance in IEEE C62.45.
Peak Amplitude (Voltage and Current)
#of Transients
(8 – by - 1000µs) Lines Continuously Enclosed Lines Not Continuously Enclosed
Microsecond Waveform In Ferrous Conduit In Ferrous Conduit
(a) Unipolar suppression components shall be selected and installed for signals and voltages that
are always positive or always negative relative to reference ground. Bipolar suppression
components shall be selected for signals and voltages that are both positive and negative
relative to reference ground.
(b) The total series impedance of the suppression circuits at both ends of a landline shall be
designed so as not to degrade electronic equipment performance.
(c) The high energy protection components at facility entrances shall be selected to reduce the
magnitude of transient levels to equipment, clamping or limiting transient parameters safely
below electronic equipment susceptibility levels for individual lines.
(d) The suppression components at the facility and electronic equipment entrances, and any
impedance added to insure coordination, shall be selected to function together. The transient
protection components at the facility entrance and the transient protection components at the
electronic equipment entrance shall be selected to clamp and limit the transient voltage and
energy safely below circuit susceptibility levels.
3.6.3 Characteristics
The combined operating characteristics for landline transient suppression at facility and
electronic equipment entrances and requirements for individual devices shall be as follows:
(a) MCOV. The MCOV rating of the suppression components shall be 15-25% above nominal
line voltage or the next higher voltage device available.
(b) Leakage current. Leakage current to ground shall not exceed 100 microamperes at MCOV.
(c) Turnon voltage. Turnon voltage of the suppression components shall be as close to MCOV as
possible using state-of-the-art devices, and shall not exceed 125 percent of MCOV.
(d) Overshoot voltage. Overshoot voltage amplitude and duration limits shall be low enough to
preclude electronic equipment damage or operational upset. The requirement shall apply for
transients with rise times up to 5,000 V/µs.
(d) Clamp (discharge) voltage. Clamp voltage shall be below the electronic equipment
susceptibility levels while dissipating the transients listed in Table II.
(e) Operating life. The transient suppression system shall dissipate the transients defined in
Table II. Clamp voltage levels shall no t change more than 10 percent over the operating life
of the suppression system.
(f) Self-restoring capability. The transient suppression system shall automatically return to the
off state when the transient voltage level drops below turnon voltage for the suppressors.
3.6.5 Installation of Suppression Components at Electronic Equipment
Equipment level transient suppression components may be housed along with the facility level
transient suppression components described in paragraph 3.6.4, or in a separate enclosure, as
close to the equipment as possible or as an integral part of the electronic equipment design.
Components used shall be leadless or of minimum length with no loops, sharp bends or kinks.
Access shall be provided for visual inspection and replacement of components. Equipment level
transient suppression components, not housed along with the facility level transient suppression
components, shall be grounded to the multipoint ground system as close as possible to the
equipment being protected.
(a) Suppression circuits shall be designed using state-of-the-art components that have minimum
effect upon the signals being transmitted.
(b) Packaging of suppression components and circuits shall be designed to minimize the effect
on transmitted signals. Feed through components, leadless components, or short direct lead
connections without bends will improve performance of the suppression circuit and reduce signal
(c) Analyses and tests shall be performed to assure that suppression components do not degrade
signals to an unacceptable degree or cause marginal operation of electronic equipment.
Partic ular attention shall be given to the impedance, insertion loss, phase distortion, and voltage
standing wave ratio for RF signals.
(d) When transient protection as specified herein cannot be provided without unacceptable
degradation of performance, alternatives shall be submitted in writing and implemented with
approval of the OPI for this document.
18 Metal Bulkhead Connector Plates
A metal bulkhead connector plate shall be provided where axial-type cables, waveguides,
conduits etc. not covered in paragraph 3.2.3 first enter a facility. The connector plate shall be a
minimum of 1/4 inch thick, and shall be constructed of tin-plated copper or other material
compatible with the connectors. Care shall be exercised to insure that a corrosion situation is not
created due to dissimilar metals or a corrosive environment. The plate or plates shall have the
required number and types of feed through connectors to terminate all axial lines and provide
adequate surface area for bonding waveguides, cable shields, conduits etc. The connectors shall
provide a path to ground for cable shields, except when the shield must be isolated for proper
equipment operation. If external and internal cables are of different sizes, the changeover in
cable size may be accomplished by the feed through connectors at the plate. Waveguides shall
be bonded to the bulkhead plates with a minimum #4 AWG conductor; conduits etc shall be
bonded to the bulkhead plates with a minimum #4 AWG conductor. The #4 AWG bond ing
cable for a waveguide can be connected to the waveguide flange with an appropriately sized ring
terminal. Conduits shall be bonded with a U-Bolt type bonding connector. Coaxial cable shields
shall be bonded with bonding kits sized for the specific cable type. These bonding jumpers shall
be connected to the plate with either an exothermic weld or a double bolted lug. The bulkhead
plate shall be bonded to the EES with a minimum #4/0 AWG copper cable color-coded green
with a red tracer. Additionally, when building steel is properly bonded to the EES, the bulkhead
connector plate shall be connected to building steel. Exothermic welds shall be used for these
the metallic signal circuits and power shall be installed as equipment level protection at the fiber
optic receiver or transmitter equipment entrance and bonded to the chassis
3.7.1 General
The intended purpose of the lightning protection system is to provide preferred paths for
lightning discharges to enter or leave the earth without causing facility damage or injury to
personnel or equipment. The essential components of a lightning protection system are air
terminals, roof and down conductors connecting to the EES, and the EES. These components act
together as a system to dissipate lightning energy. The lightning protection system shall meet or
exceed the requirements of all FAA standards and orders, Standard for the Installation of
Lightning Protection Systems, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 780), Installation
Requirements for Lightning Protection Systems, Underwriters Laboratories (UL 96A) and as
specified herein. Ensure that no part of the structure extends outside the zone of protection
established by the air terminals or catenary wires. Determine the zone of protection using the
criteria in NFPA 780. The provision of a UL Master label is not sufficient to indicate
compliance with this FAA standard requirement.
3.7.2 Materials
All equipment shall be UL listed for lightning protection purposes and marked in accordance
with UL procedures. All equipment shall be new and of a design and construction to suit the
application in accordance with UL 96A requirements, except that aluminum shall only be used
on aluminum roofs, aluminum siding or other aluminum surfaces. Bronze and stainless steel
may be used for some components. Aluminum materials shall not be used on surfaces coated
with alkaline-base paint, or embedded in masonry or cement, on copper roofing, in contact with
copper materials, or underground. Bimetallic rated connectors shall be used for interconnecting
copper and aluminum conductors. Dissimilar materials shall conform to the bonding
requirements of paragraph
3.7.4 Hardware
Hardware shall meet the following requirements: Fasteners
Roof and down conductors shall be fastened at intervals not exceeding 3 ft. (0.9 m). Fasteners
shall be of the same material as the conductor base material or bracket being fastened, or other
equally corrosion resistant material. Galvanized or plated materials shall not be used. Where
fasteners are used for bonding the surface shall be prepared in accordance with paragraph 3.14.9. Fittings
Bonding devices, cable splicers, and miscellaneous connectors shall be suitable for use with the
installed conductor and shall be copper, bronze or aluminum with bolt pressure connections to
the cable. Cast or stamped crimp type fittings shall not be used. Aluminum fittings shall only be
used with aluminum conductors. Copper and bronze fittings shall only be used with copper
conductors. Interconnection between copper and aluminum portions of the lightning protection
system shall be accomplished with bimetallic connectors.
3.7.5 Guards
Guards shall be provided for down conductors located in or next to driveways, walkways or
other areas where they may be displaced or damaged. Guards shall extend at least 6 ft. (1.8 m)
above and 1 ft. (0.3 m) below grade level. Guards shall be schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
pipe where feasible. Metal guards may be used but shall be bonded to the down conductor at
both ends of the guard. Bonding jumpers shall be of the same size as the down conductor. PVC
guards do not require bonding. Crimp type fittings shall not be used.
3.7.6 Bonds
Certain metallic bodies located outside or inside a structure contribute to lightning hazards
because they are grounded or assist in providing a path to ground for lightning currents. Such
metallic bodies shall be bonded to the lightning protection system wherever it is likely for a side
flash to occur between the lightning protection system conductors and a grounded metal body.
As a minimum, this shall be done in accordance with the distance guidance provided in NFPA
780. Bonding should also be applied to other metal bodies, permanently affixed to the structure,
because of their size or relative position to the lightning protection system conductor.
stacks to the nearest point in the lightning protection system with a conductor of equal size as the
main conductor to prevent flashover. The bond to the exhaust stacks shall be made with an
exothermic weld or a mechanical connector UL listed for lightning protection use. Where
exhaust stacks are not in close proximity (6 feet) to a main conductor, they shall be bonded
directly to a ground rod in the EES.
3.7.9 Buildings
Lightning protection shall be provided for all buildings, or parts thereof, not within a zone of
protection provided by another building or higher part of a building, or by an antenna or tower.
Zones of protection for all structures shall be as defined in NFPA 780.
22 Air Terminals
Air terminals shall be solid copper, bronze, or aluminum, or, in areas of high corrosion, stainless
steel. Copper air terminals may be nickel-plated. Air terminals shall be a minimum of 12 in.
(305 mm) in height, at least 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) in diameter for copper and 5/8 in. (15.9 mm) in
diameter for aluminum, and shall have a rounded or “blunt” point. Air terminals shall be located
in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 780 and UL 96A. Air terminals shall extend at
least 10 in. above the object or area it is to protect. Air terminals shall be placed on the ridges of
pitched roofs and around the perimeter of flat or gently sloping roofs at intervals not exceeding
20 ft. (6 m) except that air terminals 24 in. (600 mm) or higher may be placed at intervals not
exceeding 25 ft. (7.6 m). Air terminals shall be bonded to the nearest roof or down conductor,
and connected to the EES in accordance with paragraph 3.7.8. At ATCTs over 100 feet in
height, a halo ring shall be provided around the handrail and horizontally mounted air terminals
shall be installed at each corner. The air terminals shall be bonded to the halo ring.
The tip of the air terminals shall not be less than 5 ft. above adjacent walking
or working surfaces to avoid the risk of personnel injury.
3.7.10 Antenna Towers
Antenna towers shall be provided with lightning protection in accordance with the following: Radomes
Radomes shall be located within a zone of protection established according to the 150 ft radius
“rolling sphere model” as further described in NFPA-780 paragraph 3.7.3 or FAA Order
6950.19a. This protection can be either from air terminals mounted on the radome or air
terminals or catenary wires mounted independently of the radome. When air terminals are
mounted on the radome they must have two paths to the EES. An equalization ring shall be
established at the radar antenna deck level.
conductors will degrade the performance of the radar. Any bends in the interconnecting
conductors shall maintain the largest possible radii and in no case be less than 12 inches. One
down conductor per leg shall connect the perimeter cable at the base of the radome to the EES.
These down conductors shall be bonded to each leg section and exothermically welded to the
lowest section of each leg.
3.7.11 Fences
Grounding and bonding of fences shall be done to all areas where personnel may come in contact
with the metallic fence structure or fabric or where a significant step or touch potential may be
Figure 2. Grounding a Fence
3.7.12 Airport Traffic Control Towers (ATCT).
ATCTs, as shown in Figure 3 having electronic areas in the cab, junction and sub-junction levels
at the top of the shaft and also in the associated base building present a unique set of challenges
for implementing lightning and transient protection. The numerous conductors running between
electronic equipment located in the base building and beneath the tower cab are subject to large
electromagnetic fields during a lightning strike. For this reason, special techniques must be
applied to provide an environment that minimizes the damaging effects of lightning. These
techniques are mandatory for ATCT facilities over 100' in height with base buildings, and in
isokeraunic areas of 30 thunderstorm days annually or greater. General.
The lightning protection, electrical, electromechanical, electronic systems, and building steel of
structures must be bonded together for safety. The National Electrical Code (NEC) NFPA-70 as
well as this and other FAA Standards and Orders mandate this bonding. It is not possible for
equipment near the top of the tower and at the base to have the same electrical potential during a
lightning strike. It is therefore necessary to reference all systems at the top of the tower to each
other and treat this area as a separate facility.
Figure 3. Airport Traffic Control Tower Levels Roof, Structural Steel, Reinforcing, and Other Metal Element Bonding.
Metal elements composing the ATCT roof and its supporting structure, reinforcing bar (rebar) in
both horizontal and vertical elements, building steel, and metal sheathing shall be bonded
together so as to provide a "Faraday Cage". Particular care shall be taken to insure that all
penetrations of the Faraday cage are bonded to the cage at their point of entry. All rebar within
the tower shaft shall be tied together and where precast reinforced concrete panels are used, the
rebar shall be tied between panels at least once per 4 feet. Rebar in the floors, overheads,
corrugated decking, and footers shall likewise be tied to the rebar in the vertical elements. These
ties serve as a means of bonding of the rebar. This bonding is necessary to establish both the
Faraday Cage and to provide a secondary-grounding path for high frequency equipment.
30 Signal Grounding.
The signal grounding system for the ATCT cab and associated electronic equipment rooms
consist of both single point and multipoint elements. The single point grounding system is most
frequently used in conjunction with the audio and associated switching equipment. The
multipoint ground system is used for most other electronic equipment. All grounds present
within the operational or equipment levels shall be bonded together on the lowest level with
electrical, electromechanical, or electronic equipment serving the ATCT cab (See Figure 3).
The SRG shall consist of 2" wide copper strips arranged in a grid on 2' centers. Connections
from the SRG to the access floor pedestals shall be on a six foot spacing. The EPP shall be
either in or on the floor. Floor coverings of either tile or carpeting shall be of static dissipative
material that is properly installed per manufacturers' specifications and connected to a
component of the Multipoint Ground (MPG) system or to the Signal Reference Grid (SRG).
The floor covering should have a surface-to-surface resistivity (Rtt) of between 25 kΩ (2.5x10 )
per square (minimum) and 100 MΩ (1x10 ) per square (maximum) and be tested at a minimum
semiannually in accordance with the test method specified in ANSI/ESD S7.1-1994, "Floor
Materials --Resistive Characterization of Materials." Individual areas of the multipoint ground
system on a single floor shall be bonded to adjacent areas via at least two separate paths
providing a minimum of 2 ft of surface area per lineal foot of conductor per path. The
grounding system on each floor with electrical, electromechanical, or electronic equipment shall
be bonded to adjacent floors via at least two separate paths providing a minimum of 2 ft of
surface area per lineal foot of conductor per path.
3.8 Earth Electrode System (EES) Requirements
3.8.1 General
An EES shall be installed at each facility to provide a low resistance to earth for lightning
discharges, electrical and electronic equipment grounding, power fault currents and surge and
transient protection. The EES shall be capable of dissipating within the earth the energy of direct
lightning strikes with no ensuing degradation to itself. The system shall dissipate DC, AC and
RF currents from equipment and facility grounding conductors.
3.8.3 Design
The EES shall normally consist of driven ground rods, buried interconnecting cables and
connections to underground metallic pipes, tanks and structural members of buildings that are
effectively grounded. The site survey required in Paragraph 3.9.2 shall be used as the basis for
the design of the EES. The design goal for the resistance to earth of the EES shall be as low as
practicable and not over 10 ohms. Where conditions are encountered, such as rock near the
surface, shallow soils, permafrost and soils with low moisture or mineral content the ground
enhancements listed in paragraphs through may be necessary.
avoided in areas with soil movement. The concrete can break the interconnecting conductor
when combined with soil movement. Engineered soils require the presence of moisture (> 14%)
in the soil to be effective. The ferro-concrete type enhancement can be very expensive. Normal
installation is installation in bored holes with ground rods and in trenches.
Figure 4. Ground Plate Detail
Figure 5. Grounding Trench Detail
3.8.4 Configuration
The EES shall consist of at least four ground rods whose configuration and depth shall be
determined by a soil test included in the site survey. At facilities that have two or more
structures, i.e. a building and antenna tower, separated by 15- ft. (4.5 m) or less, a single EES
surrounding both structures shall be provided. Where structures are separated by more than 15-
ft. (4.6 m) but less than 30- ft. (8.2 m), the EESs may share a common side. Where the structures
are separated by more than 30- ft. (8.2 m) an EES shall surround each structure and the EESs
shall be interconnected by at least two buried cables. Guidelines are provided in FAA Orders
6950.19 and 6950.20.
35 Material and Size
Ground rods shall be copper or copper clad steel, a minimum of 10 ft. in length and 3/4 in. in
diameter. Rod cladding shall not be less than 1/100 in. thick. Spacing
Ground rods shall be as widely spaced as possible, and in no case spaced less than one rod
length. Nominal spacing between rods should be between two and three times rod length. Location
Ground rods shall be located 2 to 6 ft. (0.6 to 1.8 m) outside the fo undation or exterior footing of
the structure. On buildings with overhangs, ground rods may be located further out.
3.8.6 Interconnections
Ground rods shall be interconnected by a buried, bare, #4/0 AWG 7-strand copper cable. The
cable shall be buried at least 2 ft. (0.6 m) below grade level. Connections to the ground rods
shall be exothermically welded. The interconnecting cable shall close on itself forming a
complete loop with the ends exothermically welded. The structural steel of buildings shall be
connected to the EES at approximately every other column at intervals not over 60 ft. (18.3 m)
with a bare, #4/0 AWG 7-strand copper cable. Connections shall be by exothermic welds. The
grounding electrode conductor (GEC) for the electric service, sized in accordance with the NEC
requirement for grounding electrode conductors, but shall not be smaller than #2 AWG and shall
be connected to a ground rod in the EES with an exothermic weld in accordance with paragraph
3.12.2(a). For services greater than 200 amps, the minimum size of the GEC shall be #4/0 AWG
copper cable. All underground metallic pipes and tanks (unless cathodically protected), and the
telephone ground, if present, shall be connected to the EES by a copper cable no smaller than #2
AWG. Where routed underground, interconnecting cables shall be bare. Exothermic welds shall
not be used where hazards exist, i.e. near fuel tanks. In these cases, connections using 14-ton
pressure connectors will be allowed. Bonding resistance of all interconnections shall be one (l)
milliohm or less for each bond when measured with a 4-terminal milliohm meter.
be connected to the EES via 2 ea. 500 kcmil cables. The cables from the main ground plate to
the EES shall be exothermically welded at the EES and shall be exothermically welded or
connected with UL listed pressure connectors to the plate. The Ground plate location shall be
chosen to minimize cable length, but shall not exceed 50 feet. Ground plates shall be copper and
at least 12 in. (305 mm) long, 6 in. (152 mm) wide and 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) thick. The Main Ground
Plate shall have a clear plastic cover that bears the caption “MAIN GROUND PLATE” in black
3/8-in high (10mm) characters and green slashes around the caption. The Main Ground Cable
shall have a solid green color.
3.10.1 General
All FAA enclosed building facilities used in the operation of the NAS shall have a multipoint
ground system. The protection of electronic equipment against potential differences and static
charge buildup shall be provided by interconnecting all non-current-carrying metal objects to an
electronic multipoint ground system that is effectively connected to the EES. The multipoint
ground for electronic equipment systems consists of electronic equipment, racks, frames,
cabinets, conduits, raceways, wireways, cable trays enclosing electronic conductors, structural
steel members, and conductors used for interconnections. The electronic multipoint ground
system shall provide multiple low impedance paths to the EES as well as between various parts
of the facility, and the electronic equipment within the facility so that any point within the
system is tightly connected (electrically speaking) to the EES. This will minimize the effects of
spurious currents that may be present in the ground system due to equipment operation or
malfunction, or from lightning discharges. The multipoint ground system shall not be used in
lieu of the safety ground required by the NEC. Single point electronic grounds shall not connect
to the multipoint ground system, except as specifically permitted by paragraph 3.11. The
multipoint ground system is not to be used as a signal return path. A typical ground system is
shown in Figure 6. Facility Grounding System.
Exception: For enclosures housing facilities or equipment 100 ft2 or less in area, a multipoint
ground system is not required. Instead, a main ground plate shall be established and connected
to the EES with a 4/0AWG conductor. All signal grounding (single point or multipoint) shall
terminate on this point.
37 Equipotential Planes in New Facilities
The SRS to be installed in new facilities shall consist of a grid of 2” wide, thin (26 gauge or
thicker) copper strips, laid on a 2’ grid, below a rigid or bolted stringer, computer access floor.
The grid and access floor shall be bonded together at least every 6’. A #4/0 AWG bare copper
cable shall be run around the perimeter of all areas, within 6”of the wall, where this SRS is
utilized. Bond this perimeter cable to the below floor grid at every intersection. All building
structural steel, such as columns, within 6 feet of the grid shall be bonded to the grid with a #4/0
AWG or larger conductor. All concrete encased steel, in new FAA construction, shall be
equipped with a grounding terminal. All conduits, wireways, pipes, cable trays, or other metallic
elements that penetrate the area shall be bonded to the grid where they enter the area and every
25 feet for their entire length. All conduits, wireways, pipes, cable trays, or other metallic
elements within 6 feet of the grid shall be bonded to the grid. The concrete floor beneath the
copper grid shall be prepared by coating the floor with white epoxy paint. This coating helps to
limit corrosion of the grid and improves below floor visibility. Thus, an equipotential plane is
created by the interconnection of the access floor system (with metal backed panels); below floor
grid; structural steel elements and electrical supporting structures.
38 SRS Methods in Existing Facilities
In existing FAA facilities it may not be feasible to implement the techniques used to install an
equipotential plane as specified the paragraph In these cases the alternative methods
described in IEEE 1100-1999 paragraph 8.5.4 and its subparagraphs shall be used.
39 Ground Conductors (Plate to Plate and Plate to Bus)
Conductors between plates and buses in the multipoint system shall be sized in accordance with
Table III based on the maximum path length to the farthest point in the multipoint ground system
from the EES. To determine the distance to the farthest point in the multipoint system, add the
length of all cables in the multipoint system to reach the farthest plate in the system via the
longest path as shown in Figure 7. Divide the sum obtained by two to obtain the maximum path
length. Utilize this path length to determine the conductor size from Table III, but in no case
smaller than #4/0 AWG. These conductors shall be color coded green with a bright orange tracer
or shall be clearly marked for 4 in. at each end and wherever exposed with a green tape overlaid
with a bright orange tracer. Where routed through raceways or wireways, the color-coding shall
be visible by opening any cover. Where conductors are routed through cable trays, color-coding
4 in. long shall be provided at intervals not exceeding 3 ft. The use of uninsulated (bare)
conductors are not permitted inside structures, except when used for short grounding jumpers,
bonding jumpers, and similar items, that are not enclosed in conduit or raceway.
conductors are not permitted inside structures, except when used for short grounding jumpers,
bonding jumpers, and similar items, that are not enclosed in conduit or raceway. Protection
Provide mechanical protection for all cables in the electronic multipoint ground system where
they may be subject to damage. This protection may be provided by conduit, floor trenches,
routing behind permanent structural members, or other means as applicable. Where routed
through metal conduit, the conduit shall be bonded to the cable at each end.
NOTE: kcmil* - Where these cables are not available, parallel cables may be used such as three 250 kcmil cables in
place of one 750 kcmil cable, or two 300 kcmil cables in place of one 600 kcmil cable. The cable sizing is based on
providing a cross-sectional area of 2000 circular mils per linear foot. The bus bar sizes are based on providing a
cross-sectional area of 2000 cmil per linear foot.
41 Metal Building Elements
The requirements of this paragraph apply to facilities which have sensitive receiver or computing
systems and are located in areas where radiation from radar or other high power transmitters is
expected. Metal building elements and attachments such as walls, roofs, floors, door and
window frames, gratings and other architectural features shall be directly bonded to structural
steel in accordance with paragraph 3.14. Where direct bonding is not practical, indirect bonds
with copper cable conforming to Table III shall be used. Removable or adjustable parts and
objects shall be grounded with an appropriate type bond strap as specified in paragraph 3.14.3.
All bonds shall conform to the requirements of paragraph 3.14. Metal elements with a maximum
dimension of 3 ft. (0.9 m) or less are exempt from the requirements of this paragraph. Conduit
All metal conduit used for electronic signal and control wiring shall be grounded as follows:
(a) Conduit shall have a means to be bonded, prior to entering a structure, to a ground plate or
bulkhead plate located outside the structure or directly to the EES. Plate(s) shall be bonded
to the EES with an insulated 4/0 copper cable. Flexible conduits shall have a bonding jumper
installed on the outside of the conduit.
(b) All joints between conduit sections and between conduit, fittings, and boxes shall be
electrically continuous. All pipe and locknut threads shall be treated with a conductive
lubricant rated for the metal prior to assembly. Surfaces shall be prepared in accordance with
paragraph 3.14.8. Joints that are not otherwise electrically continuous shall be bonded with
short jumpers of #6 AWG or larger copper wire. The jumpers shall be welded or brazed in
place or shall be attached with clamps, split bolts, grounding bushings, or other devices
approved for the purpose. A11 bonds shall be protected against corrosion in accordance with
(c) Cover plates of conduit fittings, pull boxes, junction boxes, and outlet boxes shall be
grounded by securely tightening all available screws.
(d) Every component of metallic conduit runs such as individual sections, couplings, line
fittings, pull boxes, junction boxes and outlet boxes shall be bonded, either directly or
indirectly, to the electronic multipoint ground system or facility steel at intervals not
exceeding 50 ft. (15 m).
(e) Conduit brackets and hangers shall be securely bonded to the conduit and to the metal
structure to which they are attached.
43 Shield Terminations of Axial and Other Cables
All connectors shall be of a type and design that provides a low impedance path from the signal
line shield to the electronic equipment case. If the electronic signal reference plane must be
isolated from the electronic equipment case, and if the shielding effectiveness of the case must
not be degraded, a connector of a tri-axial design that properly grounds the outer cable shield to
the case shall be used. Shields of axial cables and balanced transmission lines shall be
terminated by peripherally grounding the shield to the electronic equipment case. Bonding of
connectors shall be in accordance with paragraph 3.14.14. The use of pigtails to terminate high
frequency line shields outside the electronic equipment case shall not be permitted. Axial shields
and connector shells shall be grounded to the electronic multipoint ground system at junction
boxes, patch panels, signal distribution boxes, and other interconnection points along the
electronic signal path. See paragraph 3.15.3 for more information on conductor and cable
3.10.9 Electronic Equipment Containing both Low and High Frequency Circuits
If the low and high frequency circuits in electronic equipment are functionally independent, and
if construction and layout will permit separate electronic signal references, the low frequency
circuits may be grounded in accordance with paragraph 3.11. If the low frequency and high
frequency circuits share a common electronic signal refe rence, both circuits shall be grounded in
accordance with paragraph 3.10.8.
3.11.1 General
Electronic single point ground systems are not required in FAA facilities unless the equipment to
be installed requires it. The retrofitting of a single point ground system is a feasible option in
most facilities. The electronic single point ground system shall be isolated from the power
grounding system, lightning protection system and electronic multipoint ground system (except
at the main ground plate). The electronic single point ground system shall be terminated at the
main ground plate or to the EES, whichever is the closest. The electronic single point ground
system shall be configured to minimize cable lengths. Conductive loops shall be avoided by
maintaining a trunk and branch arrangement as shown in Figure 8.
are connected. Bolts or other devices used to secure the plates in place shall be insulated or shall
be of a non-conducting material. The plates shall be mounted in a manner that provides ready
accessibility for future inspection and maintenance.
3.11.3 Isolation
The minimum resistance between the electronic single point ground and the electronic multipoint
ground systems shall be 10 megohms. The resistance shall be measured after the complete
network is installed and before connection to the EES or to the electronic multipoint ground
system at the main ground plate.
3.11.4 Resistance
The maximum resistance between any ground plate and any cable connected to the plate shall
not be greater than 1 milliohm. Interconnections
All connections to the single point ground system shall be made on ground plates or buses. Split
bolts, Burndy clamps and other connections to existing cables are not allowed.
3.11.6 Labeling
The single point ground system shall be clearly labeled to preserve its integrity as described in
the following sections.
Figure 8. Electronic Single Point Ground System Installation
intended function. These marks, codes, or labels shall be permanently affixed and shall utilize
green with yellow stripes. Wire insulation shall be green with a yellow tracer. Isolation
With all external power, signal and control lines disconnected from the electronic equipment,
isolation between the single point ground system terminals and the case shall not be less than 5
(a) Individual units or pieces of electronic equipment which by nature of their location or
function cannot or should not be mounted with other electronic equipment, shall have an
insulated copper cable installed between the electronic single point ground terminal specified
in paragraph 0 and the nearest electronic single point ground system ground plate. This cable
shall have a cross-sectional area of 500 circular mils per linear foot.
(b) Where two or more units or pieces of electronic equipment are mounted together in a rack or
cabinet, a single-ground bus bar shall be installed as shown in Figure 9. The bus bar shall be
copper and shall provide a minimum cross-sectional area of 125,000 square mils. The bus bar
shall be drilled and tapped for #10 screws. The holes shall be located as required by the
relative location of the isolated electronic single point grounding terminals on the electronic
equipment. The bus bar shall be mounted on insulating supports that provide at least 10
megohms DC resistance between the bus bar and the rack or cabinet.
(c) Each electronic equipment isolated single point ground terminal shall be interconnected to the
bus bar by means of a solid or flexible tinned copper jumper of sufficient cross sectional area
so that its resistance is 5 milliohms or less (#6 AWG minimum). The jumper shall be
insulated or mounted in a manner that maintains the required degree of isolation between the
reference conductor and the enclosure. The interconnecting jumper shall be attached to the
bus bar at a point nearest to the single point ground terminal to which the strap is attached.
An insulated copper cable shall be installed from the bus bar in the cabinet to the nearest
electronic single point ground system. This cable shall provide at least 500 circular mils per
linear foot, and must be a minimum of a #6 AWG.
To Single Point
Grounding System
Figure 9. Single Point Electronic Ground Bus Bar Installation in Rack or Cabinet
3.12.1 General
The facility electrical grounding shall exceed the requirements of NEC Article 250 as specified
herein. The electronic multipoint ground system shall not replace the equipment grounding
conductor required by the NEC.
3.12.2 Grounding Electrode Conductors
Grounding electrode conductors shall conform to the following:
(a) Premises wiring, required by the NEC to be grounded, shall have the neutral (grounded
conductor) connected to the EES by a copper grounding electrode conductor at the service
disconnecting means. The grounding electrode conductor shall be sized in accordance with
the NEC, but in no case shall the wire size be smaller than #2 AWG.
(b) The grounding connection for services shall be made to the neutral bus in the service
disconnecting means.
(c) The grounding electrode conductor connecting the neutral wire (grounded conductor) to the
EES shall be continuous and unspliced, except where splices are permitted by the NEC.
When a grounding electrode conductor is routed through a metal enclosure, e.g., conduit, the
enclosure shall be bonded at each end to the grounding electrode conductor.
(d) Except as specified in sub-paragraph (e) for approach lighting systems with a constant
voltage source used to supply flashers and convenience outlets the following applies. Whe re
one facility receives its electrical power from another facility, the equipment grounding
conductor shall be carried with the phase and neutral conductors in the same conduit or
raceway and the grounded conductor (neutral) of the receiving facility shall not be connected
to the equipment grounding conductor or grounding electrode at that facility.
(e) For approach lighting systems with a constant voltage source used to supply flashers and
convenience outlets, the grounded conductor (neutral) shall be bonded to the counterpoise
wire and to the grounding electrode at each light station.
(f) For separately derived systems, the grounding electrode conductor shall be connected from
the grounded conductor in the first system disconnecting means directly to the nearest
electrically continuous, effectively grounded structural steel. Where it is not feasible to
connect the grounding electrode conductor to structural steel the EES may be used. This
grounding electrode conductor shall be copper and sized in accordance with NEC
requirements, except that this conductor shall not be smaller than #2 AWG. The bonding
conductor between the equipment grounding conductor and the grounded conductor shall be
installed in this disconnecting means. Equipment grounding conductors (safety grounds)
shall be bonded to the grounded conductor in the first system disconnecting means. These
equipment grounding conductors shall be green insulated, unspliced and the same size as the
associated phase conductors. No neutral-to- ground connection shall be made at the load side
disconnecting means enclosure.
cable and connector, the connector sha ll contain a pin to continue the equipment grounding
conductor to the equipment chassis. Conduit or cable shields shall not be used as the equipment
grounding conductor. All installations shall be in accordance with the NEC, FAA-C-1217 and
with the following:
(b) Equipment grounding conductors shall be the same size as the associated phase conductors.
(c) Grounding terminals in all receptacles on wire mold or plug mold strips shall be hardwired to
an equipment grounding conductor. Strips that depend upon serrated or toothed fingers for
grounding shall not be used.
(d) All flexible steel conduits shall contain an equipment grounding conductor. In addition to the
internal equipment grounding conductor, an external bonding jumper shall be provided on all
flexible metal conduits. This bonding jumper shall be a #6 AWG stranded copper conductor.
The bonding jumper shall terminate on approved grounding fittings at each end of the
flexible metal conduit.
(e) Individual equipment grounding conductors shall be installed in all branch circuits and
feeders in parallel with the phase and grounded conductors.
(a) Neutral conductors (grounded conductors) shall be insulated and color coded white for
120/208V and 120/240 and natural gray for voltages above 120/240. Conductors larger than
#6 AWG may be re- identified as the grounded (neutral) conductor except that green
conductors shall not be re- identified. White or natural gray conductors shall be used in
accordance with NFPA-70 (NEC) article 200.7
(b) In any room, conduit, pullbox, raceway, or cable tray, where two or more grounded
conductors of different systems are present (branch circuits, feeders, services, voltages, etc.),
the grounded conductors shall be clearly identified. The identification of the grounded
conductors for each system shall be consistent throughout the facility. The grounded
conductor of one system may be white, natural gray or re- identified. The grounded
conductors of the other systems shall be identified by tape or by an identifiable colored stripe
(not green) on white insulation.
(c) Color coding of grounded conductors shall be applied at each connection and at every point
where the conductor is accessible. Where routed through raceways or wireways, the color
coding shall be visible by removing or opening any cover. Where conductors are routed
through cable trays, color coding 3 in. (75 mm) in length shall be provided at intervals not
exceeding 3 ft. (0.9 m).
51 Equipment Grounding Conductors
Equipment grounding conductor color-coding shall be consistent throughout the facility as
(a) Electrical equipment grounding conductors shall be solid green in color. Insulated conductors
larger than #6 AWG may be re- identified with green tape. White or natural gray conductors
shall not be re- identified as equipment grounding conductors. The equipment grounding
conductor from the grounding terminal of the isolated ground pin receptacle to the service
ground terminal shall be color coded green with yellow and red bands.
(b) Color-coding of equipment grounding conductors shall be applied at each connection and at
every point where the conductor is accessible. Where routed through raceways or wireways,
the coding shall be visible by removing or opening any cover. Where conductors are routed
through cable trays, color coding 3 in. (75 mm) long shall be provided at intervals not
exceeding 3 ft. (0.9 m).
(a) All non-current-carrying metal enclosures such as conduit, raceways, wireways, cable trays
and panel boards shall be ele ctrically continuous. Insulating finishes shall be removed between
grounding/bonding areas of mating surfaces or bonding jumpers. All rigid galvanized steel
(ferrous rigid metal) conduits shall be equipped with grounding (bonding) bushings at each end
and a bonding jumper the same size as the equipment grounding conductor as shown in Figure
(b) Maximum use shall be made of ferrous materials for enclosures, conduits, raceways, and
cable trays to provide shielding from magnetic fields (EMI and RFI).
(c) All battery supporting racks shall be bonded either directly to the EES or to any grounded
structure with a #2AWG conductor.
53 Mounting Surfaces
Electronic equipment mounting surfaces on cabinets and racks shall be free of non-conducting
finishes. Mounting surfaces for electronic equipment that will be mounted in cabinets or racks
shall also be free of non-conducting finishes.
3.13.2 Receptacles
Receptacles (convenience outlets) shall be provided with a ground terminal. An equipment
grounding conductor whose path is electrically continuous and is in the same raceway or cable as
the power conductors feeding the receptacles shall be connected to the ground terminal.
When grounded in accordance with paragraph 3.13.1, equipment chassis, cases, racks, cabinets,
and other enclosures shall be considered adequately grounded for fault protection.
3.14.1 Resistance
Unless otherwise specified in this standard, all bonds shall have a maximum DC resistance of 1
milliohm when measured between the bonded members with a 4-terminal milliohmmeter.
3.14.2 Methods
Bonding for electrical purposes shall be accomplished by a method that provides the required
degree of mechanical strength, achieves and maintains the low value of low frequency and high
frequency impedance required for proper functioning of the equipment, and is not subject to
deterioration through vibration or corrosion in normal use. The surface contact area of bolted
connections to flat surfaces in the lightning protection system shall be 3 square inches or greater.
Soft soldered or brazed connections shall not be used for any part of the power grounding
system, EES or the lightning protection system (air terminals, roof conductors, down conductors,
fasteners, and conduit). Soft solder shall only be used to improve conductivity at joints already
secured with mechanical fasteners. Soft solder shall not be used to provide mechanical restraint. Welds
Welds shall meet the following minimum requirements.
(a) Welds shall support the mechanical load demands on the bonded members.
(b) On members with a maximum dimension of 2 in. (50.8 mm) or less, the weld shall extend
completely across the side or surface of the largest dimension.
(c) On members with a maximum dimension between 2 in. (50.8 mm) and 12 in. (305 mm), one
weld of at least 2 in. in length shall be provided.
(d) On members with a dimension of 12 in. (305 mm) or more, two or more welds, each not less
than 2 in. (50.8 mm) in length shall be provided at uniform spacing across the surface. The
maximum spacing between welds shall not exceed 12 in.
(e) At butt joints, complete penetration welds shall be used on all members whose thickness is ¼
in. (6.4 mm) or less. Where the thickness of the members is greater, the depth of the weld
shall be more than ¼ in.
(f) Fillet welds shall have an effective size equal to the thickness of the members.
(g) At lap joints between members whose thickness is less than ¼ in. (6.4 mm), double fillet
welds shall be provided.
(h) For metal interfaces that are required to be RF-tight, the interface shall be continuously
(a) Only exothermic welding shall be used for the permanent bonding of copper conductors to
steel or other ferrous structural members. Where the combustion products of a standard
exothermic weld may present problems, a smokeless exothermic process is commercially
available. Exothermic welds may not be possible between certain materials, shapes, or in
hazardous locations, i.e., near fuel tanks, where nearby objects may be damaged, etc. In
these cases, connections using UL listed connectors will be allowed.
(c) Brazing material shall meet the requirements for dissimilar metals as specified in, Table V
Table V. Acceptable Couplings Between Dissimilar Metals
1. Stainless steels, nickel, and inconel are considered passive on this chart.
2. Each metal on the chart is considered anodic (sacrificial) to the metals following it.
3. A solid dot (•) indicates an acceptable combination.
(a) All bolted connections shall conform to the torque requirements in Table VI. All bolted
connections shall utilize SAE Grade 5 stainless steel bolts and nuts.
(b) Bolted connections shall be assembled in the order shown in Figure 11. Additional load
distribution washers, if used, shall be positioned directly underneath the bolt head. Disc springs
shall be between the nut and the load distribution washer. Washers shall not be placed between
bonded members. (See paragraph 3.14.8 for surface preparation.) Load distribution washers
shall comply with ANSI B18.22.1 for Stainless steel washers, Wide Series, Type B. Note:
Table VI provides sample part numbers for one manufacturer; other manufacturers of disc spring
washers may be equally suitable.
57 Sheet Metal Screws
Sheet metal screws shall not be used to provide a continuous and permanent electrical bond. The
use of sheet metal screws shall be restricted to the fastening of covers. These covers are to
eliminate dust or other foreign matter from the equipment, and to discourage unauthorized or
untrained personnel access to the equipment.
Bond Strap
Flat Washer
Metal Member
Belleville Belleville
Washer Washer
Remove all paint on Metal Member
under and within 1/4" of the bolt.
Stack Belleville washers to obtain
required number.
58 Hydraulically Crimped Terminations
Mechanical connections such as a Burndy “Hyground Connector”, Thomas and Betts
Compression Connector or approved equivalent, when operated at the manufacturer’s
recommended pressure to develop a minimum force of 12 tons, are acceptable as FAA approved
pressure connectors. (These connectors are not acceptable in the lightning protection system.) Soldering
Mechanical bonds may be improved by the use of silver solder to exclude contaminants from the
mating surfaces. Soldered mechanical bonds shall be carefully made prior to applying solder to
prevent cold solder joints. Soldered mechanical connections shall not be used for any part of the
power grounding system or the lightning protection system. See FAA Order 6950.20, Chapter 5,
paragraph 99 for additional information. Riveting
Rivets shall be employed primarily as mechanical fasteners to hold multiple smooth, clean metal
surfaces together or to provide a mechanical load bearing capability to a soldered bond. Rivets
shall not be used as bonds for high frequency signals.
(a) Bonding straps shall be attached to the basic member rather than through any adjacent parts.
(c) Braided bonding straps shall not be used for bonding transmitters or other sources of RF
(d) Bonding straps shall be installed whenever possible in areas accessible for maintenance and
(e) Bonding straps shall be installed so they will not restrict movement of the members being
bonded or other members nearby which must be able to move as part of normal functional
(f) Two or more bonding straps shall not be connected in series to provide a single bonding path.
(g) The method of installation and point of attachment of bonding straps shall not weaken the
members to which they are attached.
(h) Bonding straps shall not be compression- fastened through non-metallic material.
(i) Bonding straps shall be designed not to have resonant impedances at equipment operating
frequencies. Two short, low- impedance grounding straps between the multipoint grounding
system and two corners of the equipment should be used. These straps should be connected
as far apart as possible on the equipment (ideally on opposite corners) in order to reduce
mutual inductance and they should have few bends or sags. Two straps with a 20% to 30%
difference in length should be used so that if one strap experiences resonance, limiting
current flow, the other strap will not.
(j) The length of the equipment bonding and grounding wire connections should be limited to
1/20th of a wavelength of the signal frequency, or about six inches at 100 MHz. In practice,
this may not be possible so the length should be as short as possible.
(k) Broad flat conductors, with a large surface area (at least one inch wide) should be used for
equipment grounding straps since they have a lower inductance than other (round)
conductors. Care must be taken to insure that terminations of braids or straps be constructed
in a manner which maintains their contact width. Reduction of contact width by utilizing
standard round conductor terminal lugs is unacceptable.
3.14.4 Fasteners
Fastener materials for bonding aluminum and copper jumpers to structures shall conform to the
materials listed in Table V. Acceptable Couplings Between Dissimilar Metals.
3.14.7 Coupling of Dissimilar Metals
Compression bonding with bolts and clamps shall be used only between metals having
acceptable coupling values as shown in Table V. When the base metals form couples that are not
allowed, the metals shall be coated, plated, or otherwise protected with a conductive finish, or a
washer made of a material compatible with each shall be inserted between the two base metals.
The washer shall be constructed of passivated stainless steel. MlL-STD-889 provides specific
information in this area.
conductive finish shall be applied to the mating surfaces. Paint
If a paint finish is required on the final assembly, the bond shall be sealed with the recommended
finish. Care shall be taken to assure that all means by which moisture or other contaminants may
enter the bond are sealed. A waterproof type of paint or primer conforming to FAA-STD-012
shall be used if the recommended finish is not waterproof.
62 Corrosion Protection
All exterior and interior bonds exposed to moisture or high humidity shall be protected against
corrosion. All interior bonds made between dissimilar metals shall be protected against
corrosion in accordance with Table V and paragraph 3.14. All exothermic connections shall be
cleaned of all residual slag. Protection shall be provided by a moisture proof paint conforming to
the requirements of FAA-STD-012 or shall be sealed with a silicone or petroleum-based sealant
to prevent moisture from reaching the bond area. Bonds protected by conductive finishes
(alodine, iridite, et. al.) shall not require painting to meet the requirements of this standard. Vibration
Bonds sha ll be protected from vibration- induced deterioration by assuring that bolts and screws
employ lock washers, self- locking nuts, or jam nuts that are properly tightened and rivets that are
securely seated.
3.14.12 Subassemblies
Subassemblies shall be bonded to the chassis utilizing the maximum possible contact area. All
feed throughs, filters, and connectors shall be bonded around the periphery to the subassembly
enclosure to maintain shield effectiveness. Covers shall exhibit intimate contact around their
periphery, and contact shall be achieved and maintained through the use of closely spaced screws
or bolts, or the use of resilient conductive gaskets, or both.
3.14.13 Equipment
The chassis or case of equipment shall be directly bonded to the rack, frame, or cabinet in which
it is mounted. Flange surfaces and the contact surface on the supporting element shall be cleaned
of all paint or other insulating substances in accordance with the requirements of paragraph
3.14.8. Fasteners shall maintain sufficient pressure to assure adequate surface contact to meet
the bond resistance requirements in paragraph 3.14.1. Tinnerman nuts and sheet metal screws
shall not be used for fasteners. If equipment must remain operational when partially or
completely withdrawn from its mounted position, the bond shall be maintained by a moving area
of contact or by the use of a flexible bonding strap. Except when necessary to maintain bonding
during adjustments, maintenance, or when other constraints prevent direct bonding, the use of
straps shall be avoided. Mechanical designs shall emphasize direct bonding.
connector and the panel to which it is mounted. Bonding shall be accomplished completely
around the periphery of the flange of the connector. Both the flange surface and the mating area
on the panel shall be cleaned in accordance with paragraph 3.14.8. All nonconductive material
shall be removed from the panel as illustrated in Figure 12. After mounting of the connector, the
exposed area of the panel shall be repainted or otherwise protected from corrosion in accordance
with paragraph 3.14.9.
3.14.16 RF Gaskets
Conductive gaskets shall be made of corrosion resistant material, shall offer sufficient
conductivity to meet the resistance requirements of paragraph 3.14.1, and shall possess adequate
strength, resiliency, and hardness to maintain the shielding effectiveness of the bond. The
surfaces of contact with the gasket shall be smooth and free of insulating films, corrosion,
moisture, and paint. The gasket shall be firmly affixed to one of the bond surfaces by screws,
conductive cement, or other means that do not interfere with the effectiveness of the gasket; or a
milled slot shall be provided that prevents lateral movement or dislodging of the gasket when the
bond is disassembled. Gaskets shall be a minimum of 1/8 inch wide and of a reusable type. The
gasket as well as the contact surfaces shall be protected from corrosion.
3.15.1 Design
The facility design and construction shall incorporate both protective shields to attenuate radiated
signals; and separation of equipment and conductors to minimize the coupling of interference.
The equipment design shall incorporate component compartments and overall shields as
necessary to meet the electromagnetic susceptibility and emission requirements of MIL-STD-461
as required by NAS-SS-1000 and FAA-G-2100. In addition, the design shall provide the shields
necessary to protect personnel from hazardous voltages, high level electromagnetic fields, and x-
rays that may be generated by equipment.
(b) Shield terminations shall employ minimum length pigtails between the shield and the
connection to the bonding halo or ferrule ring and between the halo or ferrule ring and the
shield pin on the connector. The unshielded length of a signal line shall not exceed 1 in. (25
mm) with not more than 1/2 in. (13 mm) of exposed length as the desired goal.
(c) Shields, individually and collectively, shall be isolated from overall shields of cable bundles
and from electronic equipment cases, racks, cabinet, junction boxes, conduit, cable trays, and
elements of the electronic multipoint ground system. Except for one interconnection,
individual shields shall be isolated from each other. This isolation shall be maintained in
junction boxes, patch panels and distribution boxes throughout the cable run. When a signal
line is interrupted such as in a junction box, the shield shall be carried through. The length of
unshielded conductors shall not exceed 1 in. (25 mm). To meet this requirement, the length
of shield pigtail may be longer than 1 in. but shall be the minimum required.
(d) Circuits and chassis shall be designed to minimize the distance from the connector or
terminal strip to the point of attachment of the shield- grounding` conductor to the electronic
signal reference. The size of the wire used to extend the shield to the circuit reference shall
be as large as practical but shall not be less than #16 AWG or the maximum wire size that
will fit the connector pin. A common shield ground wire for input and output signals, for
both high level and low level signals, for signal lines and power conductors, or for electronic
signal lines and control lines is prohibited.
(e) Nothing in this requirement shall preclude the extension of the shields through the connector
or past the terminal strip to individual circuits or chassis if required to minimize unwanted
coupling inside the electronic equipment. Where extensions of this type are necessary,
overall cable or bundle shields grounded in accordance with paragraph shall be
(a) Cable shields terminated to connectors shall be bonded to the connector shell as shown in
Figure 13a or Figure 13b. The shield shall be carefully cleaned to remove dirt, moisture, and
corrosion products. The connector securing clamp shall be carefully tightened to assure that
a low resistance bond to the connector shell is achieved completely around the circumference
of the cable shield. The bond shall be protected against corrosion in accordance with
paragraph 3.14.9. The panel- mounted part of the connector shall be bonded to the mounting
surface in accordance with paragraph 3.14.14.
(b) Where the cable continuity is interrupted such as in a junction box, the shield shall be carried
through and grounded at the box. The length of unshielded conductors shall not exceed 1 in.
(25 mm). To meet this requirement the length of shield pigtail may be longer than 1 inch, if
necessary, to reach ground but shall be kept to a minimum.
(c) Cables which penetrate walls or panels of cases or enclosures without the use of connectors
shall have their shields bonded to the penetrated surface in the manner shown in Figure 13c).
Overall shields shall be terminated to the outer surface of cases to the maximum extent
(d) Grounding of overall shields to terminal strips shall be as shown in Figure 14, Grounding
Overall Shield to Terminal Strip.
(e) The shields of the individual pairs shall be grounded as specified in paragraph
Figure 13. Grounding of Overall Cable Shields to Connectors and Penetrating Walls
cables shall be in accordance with Table VII.
Table VII. Minimum Separation Distance Between Signal and Power Cables.
Minimum Separation Distance
Condition < 2 kVA 2-5 kVA > 5 kVA
Unshielded power lines or electrical equipment in 5 in. 12 in. 24 in.
proximity to signal conductors in open or nonmetal (127 mm) (305 mm) (610 mm)
Unshielded power lines or electrical equipment in 2.5 in. 6 in. 12 in.
proximity to signal conductors in a grounded metal (64 mm) (152 mm) (305 mm)
conduit pathway.
Power lines enclosed in a grounded metal conduit - 3 in. 6 in.
(or equivalent shielding) in proximity to signal (76 mm) (152 mm)
conductors in a grounded metal conduit pathway. Materials
Shields shall be constructed of a material that provides the required degree of signal suppression
without incurring unnecessary expense and weight. In the choice of the material, the amplitude
and frequency of the signals to be attenuated, the characteristics of the electromagnetic field of
the signal (i.e., the signal being coupled via inductive, capacitive, or free space means),
configuration and installation constraints, and corrosion properties shall be considered. Gaskets
Conductive gaskets conforming to paragraph 0 shall be utilized at joints, seams, access covers,
removable partitions, and other shield discontinuities to the extent necessary to provide
interference- free operation of the equipment under normal use and environmental conditions.
Finger stock used on doors, covers, or other closures subject to frequent openings shall be
installed in a manner that permits easy cleaning and repair.
jeopardize the integrity of the equipment shield. High level signals shall be routed as far as
feasible from low level signals. AC power cable and control lines subject to large transients
shall be routed away from sensitive digital or other susceptible circuits. Shielded cables shall be
used for either extremely low or high level signals. Cable shields shall be grounded in
accordance with the requirements of paragraphs, and
Modern electronic and electronically controlled electrical equipment with high-speed, closely
spaced circuitry and miniaturized components is highly susceptible to damage from Electrostatic
Discharge (ESD). This phenomenon is most often related to operator contact with ESD
susceptible items and must be considered when troubleshooting equipment. The requirements of
this section are designed to reduce the frequency of ESD events and to minimize the effects. All
electronic circuitry that contains miniaturized or solid-state components shall be considered ESD
susceptible. Additional guidance on ESD is available in the FAA Orange Book on Electrostatic
Discharge, dated July 1, 1996.
3.16.3 Circuit and Equipment Design. General
Most materials and products that are used to control and prevent ESD are made of conductive or
static dissipative materials that are classified by their resistive properties. Antistatic materials are
an exception to this and are classified by their propensity to generate static electricity from
triboelectric charging. Any material used for construction of ESD protected areas (with the
exception of antistatic materials) shall meet the resistive properties specified for type and use of
the material. Materials that will tribocharge to greater than +/- 200 volts (EIA-625), if the
material were to contact and separate from itself or from other materials, shall not be used in
ESD controlled areas.
may be used as barriers for protection of ESD sensitive items from electrostatic fields where
required. ESD Controls Required for ESD Special Protection Are as.
The following minimum ESD control measures shall be implemented in all areas designated as
ESD special protection areas:
73 Static Dissipative Chairs.
Chairs (e.g., seating) provided for ESD special protection areas shall incorporate a continuous
path between all chair elements (e.g., cushion and arm rests) to the ground point of greater than
1.0 x 104 ohms to less than 1.0 x 109 ohms. The ground point for ESD chairs shall be
considered to be the static dissipative or conductive casters that provide electrical continuity
from all elements of the chair to an ESD control floor (e.g., ESD control carpeting, tile, or floor
mats) that is properly bonded to an appropriate ESD ground. ESD control chairs must be tested
and meet the requirements of ESD Association Standard Test Method, ESD STM 12.1, Seating -
Resistive Measurement.
74 Use of Ionization.
Selective use of bench top or area ionizers may be considered at ESD protected workstations if
static generative items (e.g., insulators) are deemed essential and cannot be removed from ESD
protected workstation areas or if grounding of mobile personnel would be cumbersome or create
a safety hazard. Grounding.
The storage container metal support structure shall have a groundable point (GP) that shall be
connected to the ESD common point ground or directly to the nearest multipoint ground. The
resistance from the ground point of storage containers, shelving, cabinets, and bins used to store
ESD sensitive items to the multipoint ground system shall be less than one ohm.
75 Identification of ESD Protective Storage Areas.
The boundaries of all ESD protective storage areas shall be clearly defined. Boundaries of ESD
protective storage areas shall extend a minimum of 24” beyond where ESD sensitive items will
be located and should be marked with yellow tape. ESD warning signs that are yellow with
black markings and lettering shall be posted that will be visible to anyone entering these areas.
Signs shall include an ESD sensitive electronic device warning symbol and appropriate warnings
and cautions.
76 Resistance Surface-to-Ground.
Resistivity from the floor surface to ground (R tg - Resistance top-to-ground) of ESD control
floors, carpets, or floor mats shall be greater than 2.5 x 104 ohms and less than 1.0 x 108 ohms
(ANSI/ESD S 7.1). A minimum of 5 readings shall be taken at different locations on the floor
surface and averaged together for each 500 square feet (or fraction thereof) of floor surface.
These readings shall be recorded in the Facility Reference Data File. Grounding.
There shall be a minimum of 4 connections from the carpeting undersurface and conductive
adhesive to the raised floor panel understructure with 2” x 24” 26 AWG copper or copper foil
strip per 1,000 square feet of installed ESD control carpeting.
77 Requirements for ESD Protective Worksurfaces.
Static dissipative worksurfaces shall be provided for new or upgrade facilities unless otherwise
specified. Permanent static dissipative worksurfaces shall be connected to the closest ESD
common point ground, element of the multipoint grounding system, or multipoint ground plate.
Permanent ESD protective static dissipative worksurfaces shall have a resistance of not less than
1.0 x 106 ohms point-to-point (Rtt) in accordance with ANSI/EOS/ESD-S 4.1, ESD Protective
Worksurfaces - Resistive Characterization. Permanent ESD protective worksurfaces shall have a
resistance from their surface to the groundable point (Rtg) of not less than 1.0 x 106 ohms and
not more than 1.0 x 109 ohms (ANSI/EOS/ESD-S 4.1).
4.1.1 General
A comprehensive plan for the application of various sections of this document is required to
assure the compatible operation of equipment in complex systems. Additional considerations of
this section shall be implemented to reduce susceptibility and emissions of equipment.
4.2 Requirements
The emission and susceptibility limits contained in MIL-STD-461 shall be applied unless
otherwise specified. An EMI Control and Test Plan shall be developed in accordance with MIL-
HDBK-237 to assure compliance with the applicable requirements. The plan shall include a
verification matrix to track the satisfaction of requirement by test, analysis or inspection.
Analyses or tests performed as part of paragraph 3.4 shall be identified in this plan.
4.3 Approval
Control Plans and Test Plans shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer for approval.
Section is not applicable to this standard
6.1 Definitions
6.1.4 Arrester
Components, devices or circuits used to attenuate, suppress, limit, and/or divert adverse electrical
(surge and transient) energy to ground. The terms arrester, suppressor and protector are used
interchangeably except that the term arrester is used herein for components, devices and circuits
at the service disconnecting means.
6.1.5 Bond
The electrical connection between two metallic surfaces used to provide a low resistance path
between them.
6.1.8 Bonding
The joining of metallic parts to form an electrically conductive path to assure electrical
continuity and the capacity to conduct current imposed between the metallic parts.
6.1.11 Brazing
A joining process using a filler metal with working temperature above 800°F but below the
melting point of the base metal(s). The filler material is distributed by capillary action.
6.1.12 Building
The fixed or transportable structure which provides environmental protection.
6.1.14 Cabinet
An enclosure designed either for surface mounting or flush mounting and is provided with a
frame, mat, or trim in which a swinging door or doors are or can be hung.
6.1.15 Cable
A fabricated assembly of one or more conductors in a single outer insulation. Types include
axial, armored and shielded.
6.1.16 Case
A protective housing for a unit or piece of electrical or electronic equipment.
6.1.17 Chassis
The metal structure that supports the electrical or electronic components which make up the unit
or system.
6.1.19 Conductor
Bare or insulated, see below.
6.1.20 Crowbar
In surge protective devices (SPD), the term “crowbar” refers to a method of shorting a surge
current to ground in surge protective devices. This method provides protection against more
massive surges than other types, but lowers the voltage below the operational voltage of the
electronic equipment causing noise and operational problems. It also permits a follow-on current
that can cause damage.
6.1.24 Electronic Multipoint Ground System
An electrically continuous network consisting of interconnected ground plates, equipment racks,
cabinets, conduit junction boxes, raceways, duct work, pipes, copper grid system, building steel,
and other non-current-carrying metal elements. It includes cond uctors, jumpers and straps that
connect individual items of electronic equipment to the electronic multipoint ground system.
6.1.28 Equipment
A general term including materials, fittings, devices, appliances, fixtures, apparatus, machines,
etc, used as a part of, or in connection with, an electrical installation.
6.1.31 Feeder
All circuit conductors between the service equipment or the source of a separately derived
system and the final branch circuit overcurrent device.
6.1.33 Ground
A conducting connection, whether intentional or accidental, between an electrical circuit or
equipment and the earth, or to some conducting body that serves in place of the earth.
6.1.34 Grounded
Connected to earth or to some conducting body that serves in place of the earth.
6.1.42 Landline
Any conductor, line or cable installed externally above or below grade to interconnect electronic
equipment in different facility structures or to interconnect externally mounted electronic
6.1.43 Line Replaceable Unit
Hardware elements whose design enables removal, replacement and checkout by organizational
6.1.47 OPI
OPI is an acronym for Office of Primary Interest. The OPI is assigned responsibility for
maintaining and interpreting the document. When in doubt about the meaning of any
requirements in this document contact the OPI for clarification and additional guidance.
6.1.50 Rack
A frame in which one or more equipment units are mounted.
6.1.53 Shield
A housing, screen, or cover which substantially reduces the coupling of electric and magnetic
fields into or out of circuits or prevents accidental contact of objects or persons with parts or
components operating at hazardous voltage levels.
6.1.54 Structure
Any fixed or transportable building, shelter, tower, or mast that is intended to house electrical or
electronic equipment or otherwise support or function as an integral element of the air traffic
control system.
6.1.55 Surge
An over voltage of short duration occurring on a power line. Lightning or switching events may
cause surges.
6.1.57 Transient
An overvoltage or overcurrent pulse on a signal, control, or data line. Transients are typically a
lightning related phenomenon.
6.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations
6.3 Guidelines
Engineering design guidelines are provided for lightning protection, grounding, bonding,
shielding, and transient protection in FAA Orders 6950.19 and 6950.20. Guidance for EMI
protection is in MIL-HDBK-253, and for electrostatic discharge (ESD) in NFPA 77, DOD-
HDBK-263 and DOD-STD-1686.