Cui Columbia 2015
Cui Columbia 2015
Cui Columbia 2015
Ang Cui
Ang Cui
All Rights Reserved
Ang Cui
We present a body of work aimed at understanding and improving the security posture
of embedded devices. We present results from several large-scale studies that measured
the quantity and distribution of exploitable vulnerabilities within embedded devices in the
world. We propose two host-based software defense techniques, Symbiote and Autotomic
Binary Structure Randomization, that can be practically deployed to a wide spectrum of
embedded devices in use today. These defenses are designed to overcome major challenges
of securing legacy embedded devices. To be specific, our proposed algorithms are software-
based solutions that operate at the firmware binary level. They do not require source-code,
are agnostic to the operating-system environment of the devices they protect, and can work
on all major ISAs like MIPS, ARM, PowerPC and X86. More importantly, our proposed
defenses are capable of augmenting the functionality of embedded devices with a plethora of
host-based defenses like dynamic firmware integrity attestation, binary structure randomiza-
tion of code and data, and anomaly-based malcode detection. Furthermore, we demonstrate
the safety and efficacy of the proposed defenses by applying them to a wide range of real-
time embedded devices like enterprise networking equipment, telecommunication appliances
and other commercial devices like network-based printers and IP phones. Lastly, we present
a survey of promising directions for future research in the area of embedded security.
Table of Contents
List of Figures vi
I Introduction 1
1 Motivation 2
1.1 What is an embedded device? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Hypothesis 5
3 Contributions 6
4 Related Work 8
4.1 Quantification and Qualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.1.1 Large-Scale Evaluation of Firmware Vulnerabilities . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.1.2 Embedded Exploitation in the Wild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.2 Embedded Exploitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.2.1 Cisco Router Exploitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.3 Embedded System Defense Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.4 Software Compaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.5 Defensive Randomization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5 Problem Description 16
5.1 Real-world quantification of embedded system vulnerability and exploitability 16
5.2 Generalized firmware analysis and modification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.3 Generalized software environment agnostic defense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
7.2.2 Firmware Modification Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
7.2.3 Case Study: HP LaserJet Exploitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
7.2.4 Discovery Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
7.2.5 Proof of Concept Printer Malware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
7.2.6 Threat Model and Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
7.2.7 Vulnerable Device Population Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
7.2.8 Vulnerable Third-Party Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
7.2.9 Recommended Defenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
7.3 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
7.3.1 Poly-species propagation of advanced persistent embedded implants 78
7.3.2 Large-scale exploitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
9 Autotomic Binary Structure Randomization 105
9.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
9.1.1 Software Diversification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
9.1.2 Attack Surface Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
9.1.3 A Hybrid Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
9.2 Threat Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
9.3 Autotomic Binary Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
9.3.1 Generalized Fet EM Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
9.3.2 General Autotomy Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
9.4 Code Autotomy Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
9.4.1 Return instruction injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
9.4.2 Fast Code Autotomy Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
9.5 Binary Structure Randomization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
9.5.1 Primitive Transforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
9.5.2 Complex BSR Transforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
9.5.3 ABSR: Code Execution Detection (XDpad ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
9.5.4 Functional Preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
9.6 Applied ABSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
9.6.1 ABSR in ARM BusyBox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
9.6.2 ABSR in PowerPC Cisco IOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
9.6.3 ABSR in MIPS Cisco IOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
IV Conclusion 155
V Bibliography 165
Bibliography 166
VI Appendices 178
A Appendix A 179
A.1 Appendix: List of Embedded Device Profiles Supported by Default Creden-
tial Scanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
B Appendix B 180
B.1 Cisco IOS Rookit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
B.1.1 Disassembling Shellcode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
B.1.2 Interrupt Hijacking Shellcode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
C Appendix C 181
C.1 CVE-2011-4161: HP LaserJet Firmware Modification Vulnerability . . . . . 181
D Appendix D 184
D.1 Symbiote Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
List of Figures
Category. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
6.5 Discovered Candidate Devices (Left) and Vulnerable Devices (Right) By Geograph-
ical Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
6.6 Discovered Candidate Devices (Left) and Vulnerable Devices (Right) by By Orga-
nization Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
6.7 Daily Page Access Analytics For Scan Project Information Page [url anonymized].
Oct 19, 2009 - April 12, 2010. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
7.1 Timeline of two-stage attack against vulnerable IOS router of unknown hard-
ware platform and firmware version. Attacker launches exploit with reliable
shellcode (1.a). Shellcode installs rootkit and exfiltrates victim device’s IOS
fingerprint (1.b). The attacker finds exact IOS version from fingerprint by
consulting offline database (2.a). The attacker then creates a version specific
rootkit for victim and uploads it using 1.b rootkit (2.b). . . . . . . . . . . . 38
7.2 The disassembling shellcode first locates a known string (A), then locates a
xref to this string (B). Once this xref location is found, the attacker can patch
the function containing the xref. This shellcode requires two linear scans of
IOS memory, one through the .data section, and a second one through the
.text section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
7.3 A disassembly of a typical f chkpasswd. The string xref is the first highlighted
block. The second highlighted block is the single instruction, which can
disable password authentication in IOS. While these addresses vary greatly,
they can be reliably computed at exploitation time by the disassembling
shellcode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
7.4 The interrupt hijack shellcode first locates all eret (exception return) instruc-
tions within IOS’s .text section. The second-stage rootkit is then unpacked
inside the $gp memory area (which is unused by IOS). All eret instructions,
and thus all interrupt service routines are hooked to invoke the second-stage
code. We now have reliable control of the CPU by intercepting all interrupt
handlers of the victim router. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
7.5 Interrupt hijack second-stage rootkit. Each time any ISR (interrupt service
routine) is invoked, the rootkit will seek through the latest punted packets
within IOMEM for specially crafted command and control packet payloads. 47
7.6 Highlighted words, left to right, top to bottom. 1: Pointer to previous packet
data node. 2. Pointer to next packet data node. 3. Exfiltration request magic
pattern. 4. Beginning of next packet data entry, pointed to by 2. . . . . . . 48
7.7 Data exfiltration through forwarded packet payload. 1: The attacker crafts a
packet with a magic pattern in its payload indicating exfiltration request. 2:
Packet payload is copied into a *packet data* structure. 3: Rootkit locates
magic pattern, overwrites remaining packet with exfiltrated data. 4: Packet
is process-switched. The packet data entry is linked to the TX queue. 5: The
requested data is sent back to the attacker inside an ICMP response packet. 50
7.8 Distribution of the location of the password authentication function. This
location varies greatly across the IOS .text segment, forcing the disassembling
shellcode to search a large region. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
7.9 Distribution of the location of eret instructions over 162 IOS images. These
locations mark the end of all interrupt service routines in IOS, and tend to
be concentrated within a predictable region of IOS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
7.10 CPU utilization of 7204 router during the first-stage execution of both the
disassembling and intercept hijack shellcodes. Note that the interrupt hi-
jack shellcode is simpler, requires less CPU and thus avoids watchdog timer
exceptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
7.11 CPU intensive shellcodes will be caught by Cisco’s watchdog timer, which
terminates and logs all long running processes. The disassembling shell-
code, although reliably bypasses password verification, consistently triggers
the watchdog timer, generating the above logs, which give precise memory
location of the shellcode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
7.12 Byte value distribution histogram of a typical RFU file. Distribution suggests
that the data is compressed and not encrypted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
7.13 Formatter board for LaserJet P2055DN. Dump of the onboard SPI flash
revealed RFU format and integrity checking algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
7.14 Logical block diagram of the major components used on the LaserJet P2055DN
formatter board. The Spansion boot flash was key to our reverse engineering
effort. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
7.15 The SPI flash chip was physically removed then connected to an Arduino for
boot code extraction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
7.16 Boot image layout on the SPI flash chip. The level-1 boot loader contains
code that validates, unpacks and decompresses the factory reset RFU allow-
ing us to reverse engineer the binary RFU format and compression algorithm. 65
7.17 Typical advanced persistent threat attack scenario involving compromised
printers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
7.18 Percentages of RFUs for each printer model containing known zlib and OpenSSL
vulnerabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
7.19 Anatomy of a plausible poly-species malcode propagation scenario . . . . . 79
8.1 Logical overview of SEM injected into embedded device firmware. SEM main-
tains control of CPU by using large-scale randomized control-flow intercep-
tion. The SEM payload executes alongside original OS. Figure 6 shows a
concrete example of how the SEM payload can be injected into a gap within
IOS code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
8.2 Generic end-to-end process of fortifying an arbitrary host program with a
Symbiote. Our proof-of-concept Symbiote for Cisco routers, Doppelgänger,
is completely implemented in software and can execute on existing commodity
systems without any need for specialized hardware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
8.3 Rendering of Symbiote structure inside a typical IOS firmware. The top of
the graph shows large numbers of control-flow interceptors diverting the CPU
to the SEM manager and payload, which can be seen as the small vertical
structure at the bottom of the graph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
8.4 Live Code Regions (White) Within IOS 12.4 Firmware (Black). Code Range:
0x80008000-0x82a20000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
9.9 Binary Structure Randomization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
9.10 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
9.11 Binary Structure Randomization: Primitive Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
9.12 Binary Structure Randomization: Basic block Relocation . . . . . . . . . . 125
9.13 Binary Structure Randomization: Basic block splitting . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
9.14 Binary Structure Randomization: Basic block swapping . . . . . . . . . . . 127
9.15 Code Execution Detection Detector Pads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
9.16 Feature selection control-flow structure for Busybox . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
9.17 Data associated with feature selection control-flow structure for Busybox . 131
9.18 BusyBox Fet EM Enumeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
9.19 ABR applied to busybox. Non-black regions represent removed code regions. 132
9.20 ABR applied to busybox, feature-set size=1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
9.21 ABR applied to busybox, feature-set size=3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
9.22 ABR applied to busybox, feature-set size=5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
9.23 ABR applied to busybox, feature-set size=7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
9.24 ABR applied to busybox, feature-set size=9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
9.25 ABR applied to busybox, feature-set size=11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
9.26 ABR applied to busybox, feature-set size=13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
9.27 ABR applied to busybox, feature-set size=353 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
9.28 Binary Diff Rate vs Original Busybox Binary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
9.29 Binary Diff Rate vs Original Busybox Binary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
9.30 BusyBox unzip utility runtime over 1MB random data . . . . . . . . . . . 138
9.31 BusyBox unzip utility runtime over 1MB random data . . . . . . . . . . . 139
9.32 BusyBox sha512 utility runtime over 1MB random data . . . . . . . . . . . 140
9.33 BusyBox sha512 utility runtime over 10MB random data . . . . . . . . . . 141
9.34 BusyBox sha512 utility runtime over 100MB random data . . . . . . . . . 142
9.35 IOS Create Process function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
9.36 IOS Create Process function call-graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
9.37 ABR applied to Cisco 3750 IOS 12.1, feature-set size = 1 . . . . . . . . . . 143
9.38 ABR applied to Cisco 3750 IOS 12.1, feature-set size = 3 . . . . . . . . . . 143
9.39 ABR applied to Cisco 3750 IOS 12.1, feature-set size = 5 . . . . . . . . . . 144
9.40 ABR applied to Cisco 3750 IOS 12.1, feature-set size = 248 . . . . . . . . . 144
9.41 IOS Create Process function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
9.42 ABR applied to Cisco 2821 IOS 12.3, feature-set size = 1 . . . . . . . . . . 146
9.43 ABR applied to Cisco 2821 IOS 12.3, feature-set size = 3 . . . . . . . . . . 146
9.44 ABR applied to Cisco 2821 IOS 12.3, feature-set size = 3 . . . . . . . . . . 146
9.45 ABR applied to Cisco 2821 IOS 12.3, feature-set size=669 . . . . . . . . . . 147
10.1 Symbiote-based Cisco IOS Detector Testing and Verification Environment . 149
10.2 CPU Utilization : Fixed Burst-Rate SEM Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
10.3 CPU Utilization : Inverse-Adaptive SEM Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
10.4 Detection Latency : Fixed Burst-Rate SEM Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
10.5 Detection Latency : Inverse-Adaptive SEM Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
10.6 Ping Latency : Fixed Burst-Rate SEM Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
10.7 Ping Latency : Inverse-Adaptive SEM Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
C.1 Hex dump of a typical HP-RFU. For P2055DN, using the undocumented
PJL/ACL language. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
C.2 “UAT” table structure. Contains a checksum value, followed by a directory
manifest describing various compressed components of the binary update
package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
C.3 RFU binary embedded inside a typical PostScript file. This illustrates the
most straightforward reflexive attack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
D.1 CPU Utilization on Cisco 7121 Router Using Different SEM Payload Exe-
cution Bursts Rates (g(αi , τq )) for IOS 12.2 and 12.3. Note the Direct Re-
lationship Between g(αi , τq ), SEM Payload Execution Time and Total CPU
Utilization. Terms Low, Med, High, and Really High Utilization Corresponds
to Varying SEM Payload Burst Rates, g(αi , τq ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
D.2 Inverse Relationship between SEM Payload Burst Rate (g(αi , τq )) and De-
tection Latency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
List of Tables
6.1 Scale and Result of the Latest Global Default Credential Scan. . . . . . . . 21
6.2 Vulnerability Rate by Device Category. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
6.3 Total Discovered Candidate Embedded Devices and Corresponding Vulnera-
bility Rates By Geographical Location (Continental). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
6.4 Vulnerability Rate By Organization Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
6.5 Email Correspondences Received from Network Operators Regarding Scan-
ning Activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
6.6 Preliminary Longitudinal Study Tracking 102,896 Vulnerable Devices Over
4 Months. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
7.1 Reliability of the disassembling shellcode and interrupt hijack shellcode when
tested on 159 IOS images. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
7.2 Reliability of exfiltration mechanism when the number of packet-data nodes
searched per invocation varies. Searching more than 64 nodes caused the test
router to behave erratically. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
7.3 Observed population of printers vulnerable to the HP-RFU attack on IPv4. 72
7.4 Observed population of printers vulnerable to attacks other than HP-RFU
on IPv4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
7.5 Organizational distribution of vulnerable printers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
7.6 Geographical distribution of vulnerable printers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
7.7 Lifespan of vulnerabilities in third-party libraries used by LaserJet firmware. 76
7.8 Third-party library vulnerability analysis observations. . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
8.1 Doppelgänger Implementation Stats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
8.2 Detection Latency at Different SEM Payload Burst Rates IOS 12.2 . . . . . 102
C.1 Printer models and firmware images analyzed for vulnerable libraries. . . . 183
I thank my advisor, Salvatore J. Stolfo, for a great number of things. I thank him
for giving me the opportunity to embark on the intellectual journey that culminated in the
findings presented in this dissertation. I am grateful for his ever-present support throughout
my time at Columbia University. I am also thankful for Sal’s reverend guidance in all
matters scientific. Most importantly, I am thankful for his confidence in my endeavors and
his friendship.
I thank Joel Rosenblatt and the entire Columbia University Information Security team.
Without their support, the world-wide quantification of embedded device vulnerability rates
would not have been possible.
I must also thank Daisy Nguyen and the Columbia University Computing Research
Facilities team. Daisy’s constant encouragement, kind advice, and spare parts pushed me
through many difficult times. I am grateful for Daisy’s support and friendship.
I thank all the dedicated researchers and students who helped me with the difficult
task of turning the ideas presented in this dissertation into reality, of which two must be
mentioned specifically. Thank you, Jatin Kataria and Michael Costello, for all your help in
overcoming the innumerable technical challenges we faced together.
I also thank my labmates, Nathaniel Boggs, Yingbo Song, Malek Ben Salem, Gabriella
Cretu-Ciocarlie, Peter Du, Jon Voris, Jill Jermyn and David Tagatac for your companion-
ship, your open ears and brilliant open minds. Thank you for all your insightful input,
suggestions and inspirations that shaped my research. Thank you for putting up with me
as an officemate.
Thank you, Adrian Grabicki, for your constant friendship and much needed support.
I am also grateful for the comments and suggestions of many anonymous reviewers of
the various papers I have published while at Columbia University. Much of the materials
presented in this dissertation is based on work supported by DARPA, IARPA and DHS.
Lastly, and most importantly, I thank my parents Ran Zhao and Zidu Cui for their
life-long support, constant encouragement and love.
For my parents.
For the breath in my breath.
Part I
Chapter 1
The world is monitored, powered, supported, and controlled by billions of embedded com-
puters. These devices constitute the substrate of our modern technological infrastructure.
Embedded computers are used to control the production and distribution of energy, the op-
eration of modern vehicles, the functions of devices that range from miniature implantable
medical devices to grand weapon systems that operate over land, air, sea, and space.
Cyber attacks against embedded systems can have profound consequences. Successful
exploitation of embedded systems can allow the attacker to manipulate financial markets,
conduct espionage, disrupt global communication, damage critical infrastructure, and im-
pact the outcome of armed conflicts.
Is it possible, in our increasingly connected and automated world, that software vulner-
abilities in black-box embedded devices can be used to cause disruption and destruction in
the physical world? Can embedded systems be exploited? If so, do vulnerable devices exist
in significant quantity or perform significantly critical functions such that the exploitation
of such devices should be considered a real threat? Can we trust that the embedded de-
vices we depend on today have not already been compromised? Can we reliably detect the
consequence of exploitation after the fact? Most importantly, what can be done to improve
the security of embedded systems given their unique and constrained nature?
The remainder of this thesis represents a body of scientific study aiming to answer these
questions. In short, embedded systems can be, and have been, exploited. They exist in
vast numbers and perform critical functions in the world. The exploitation of embedded
systems should be considered a real and present threat. Most importantly, we propose
several techniques in this thesis that can be applied to real-world embedded systems to
make them more secure against cyber attack.
To better understand the nature of embedded security, we first present quantitative
and qualitative evidence of the existence of vulnerable embedded devices in the world.
Specifically, a internet-wide scan was carried out to study the make-up and measure the
lower-bound on the quantity of vulnerable embedded devices accessible over the public
internet. We discovered that approximately 20% of all embedded devices on the internet
was configured with a well-known default root credentials, making them trivially vulnerable
to attack. Furthermore, we predicted, through quantitative measurements and qualitative
analysis, that the size of an embedded device botnet would most likely be around 540,000
devices. This prediction was validated two years after the initial publication of our work by
the public announcement of the Carna botnet [5], which compromised over 480,000 devices.
Next, we present a series of case-studies of exploitation against ubiquitous embedded
devices to gain greater insight into the nature of common embedded vulnerabilities. These
case-studies resulted in the public disclosures of 4 vulnerabilities that affected millions
of devices in the world; CVE-2012-5445, CVE-2013-6685, ASA-2014-099, CVE-2011-4161.
While the exact vulnerabilities varied from device to device, several common traits can
be extracted about their nature. These vulnerabilities have existed for many years, the
complexity of the vulnerabilities are low, and successful exploitation can be done using
offensive techniques that can be considered obsolete by modern exploitation standards. As
we begin to define and analyze the nature of embedded systems, we will see that devising
effective host-based defenses is uniquely challenging. Chapter 5 of this thesis discusses these
challenges in detail.
Lastly, we propose and discuss two software-based defensive techniques, Software Sym-
biote and Autotomic Binary Structure Randomization, that are designed to improve the
security posture of embedded devices. We demonstrate the efficacy of these two defensive
techniques by applying them to real-world embedded devices that are known to be vulner-
able. We present experimental data confirming the safety of our prosed defenses, as well as
their efficacy against real-world exploitation.
Before we begin, we present a definition of what an embedded device is. Embedded devices
cannot be categorically defined by the architecture of their CPU, the computing power of
the device, the device’s cost, size, shape, color, weight, power consumption, manufacturer,
the device’s operating system, or the language in which the device’s software is written.
Instead, we propose a qualitative definition for what an embedded device is.
An embedded device is a general purpose computer who’s software is intended to function
in a specific and confined way.
Unlike general-purpose computers, an embedded device is expected to perform a narrow
range of functions. This range of functionality is confined by hardware and software, and
for both technical and non-technical reasons. Generally speaking, users and operators of
commercial embedded systems may reconfigure the behavior of the device, but are pro-
hibited from adding, deleting, or modifying the firmware of the device. In other words,
operators of embedded systems typically cannot install or uninstall code from the device.
This constraint is enforced at a contractual level through EULAs and warranty agreements.
More importantly, this constraint is enforced at a software design level. Thus, embedded
systems typically lack the technical mechanisms necessary for operators of these devices to
install custom programs, which makes the implementation of third-party security solutions
uniquely challenging.
Chapter 2
Embedded devices are vulnerable to large-scale exploitation. The use of software defensive
techniques that take into consideration the hardware and software constraints imposed by
such systems can provide effective and efficient detection of and defense against the ex-
ploitation of several classes of software vulnerabilities, as well as the injection of persistent
software implants in legacy embedded devices. Such software-based defensive techniques
can be automatically realized by making modifications to the firmware that do not alter the
original functionality of the firmware but introduce various security capabilities to the em-
bedded device at a cost of an acceptable level of resource overhead. Most importantly, such
software-based defenses should be realizable at the binary level, without requiring access or
modification to source-code, and should not require any hardware modification.
Chapter 3
The body of scientific study presented in this thesis makes the following contributions to
the study of the security of embedded devices:
We hope this line of research will lead to substantial future research in the area of
understanding and improving the security posture of embedded systems, and ultimately, of
our computational and communications infrastructure as a whole.
Chapter 4
Related Work
Accurate quantification and qualification of the security posture of existing embedded de-
vices in the wild is crucial to the science of embedded security. However, the collection of
reliable and accurate data is challenging. Nonetheless, several large-scale studies have shed
light on the level of insecurity of existing embedded devices.
One way to measure the level of vulnerability within embedded devices is to analyze the
firmware content of devices for known vulnerabilities. For example, vulnerabilities found
within common software components within general-purpose computers [20, 95] can some-
times be used to exploit embedded devices that also use such components [10]. A quantita-
tive study [25] scanned 32,356 firmware images for software components containing known
vulnerabilities. The study found that approximately 2.14% of analyzed firmware instances
contained at least one known vulnerability. [31] presented a similar analysis within a more
specific corpus of firmware instances yielded a vulnerability of over 65%. While vulnera-
bility rate reported by [25] appears to be relatively low, realistic data on the quantitative
distribution of embedded device types is required to deduce the real-world impact of this
The ”Internet Census of 2012” [5] is perhaps the most well-documented example of real-
world, large-scale exploitation of embedded devices. The size and scope of this exploitation
was largely predicted by our quantitative study [36] published several years prior.
This work was done by an anonymous party. The stated purpose of the research was
to map the scale and structure of the Internet. To this end, the author(s) engineered
and deployed a botnet that targeted OpenWRT-based devices. The malware implantation
process involved an internet-wide scan in order to identify vulnerable embedded devices
with well-known default passwords, followed by the injection of malcode binary previously
built for the device’s hardware architecture. The malicious payload was reportedly written
in C and compiled to execute within 9 hardware variants of OpenWRT devices.
This work provided definitive proof that large-scale exploitation of heterogenous bodies
of embedded devices is occurring in the world in several ways. First, the documented
quantifications of this work closely correlates to predictions made by previous work [37].
Second, the authors of this work inadvertently discovered a second botnet already present
on a small population of embedded devices called Aidra [47]. This evidence further proves
that large-scale exploitation of embedded devices has taken place even prior to 2012.
In recent years, numerous attacks once demonstrated by the security community as
hypothetical, or proof-of-concept against embedded systems have been seen in the wild.
For example, evidence [4] suggests that persistent malware implants that reside in Cisco
routers, leveraging the ROMMON region, have been used and recently discovered in real-
world scenarios. The actual malware samples and detailed technical information related to
such attacks are currently being withheld from the general security community. However,
judging from the information released by the device vendor, it is likely that such exploits
have been predicted and demonstrated by [80] and others for nearly a decade.
There exists a large body of work describing the exploitation of embedded devices. While it
is likely that the rate of proliferation of offensive embedded technology outpaces that of de-
fensive embedded technology, relatively few bodies of offensive work have been scientifically
documented. The following list is a representative sample of publicly documented studies
of the exploitation of embedded devices.
Network Bluepill, also known as ’psyb0t’, is perhaps the most direct evidence of the
feasibility of large scale exploitation of network embedded devices. According to
[42], this home router-based botnet, which principally targets MIPS-based devices running
OpenWRT and DD-WRT, was discovered after became the victim of a DDOS
attack levied by the same botnet. This botnet uses password guessing as the principal attack
vector, contains shell codes for several popular MIPS-based network embedded devices, and
is packed with UPX for binary obfuscation. Once compromised, the router or DSL modem
is used to sniff user credentials, scans for vulnerable network embedded devices as well
as exploitable phpMySQLAdmin and MySQL installations, and carries out DDOS attacks.
While no detailed analysis of the malicious code was released, it is suspected that the psyb0t
botnet observed in 2008 was merely a proof of concept test of the technology [3], as the
botnet was quickly shutdown by its operators following’s public announcement
of its existence. Evidence suggests that a recent incarnation of psyb0t now contains shellcode
for over 55 different home router models as well as a list of 6,000 usernames and 13,000
passwords [2].
FX, 2003: FX analyzes several IOS vulnerabilities and various exploitation techniques
Lynn, 2005: Lynn described several IOS shellcode and exploitation techniques, demon-
strating VTY binding shellcode [85].
Lynn, 2005: Cisco and ISS Inc. files injunction against Michael Lynn [1].
Uppal, 2007: Uppal releases IOS Bind shellcode v1.0 [110].
Davis, 2007: Davis releases IOS FTP server remote exploit code [38].
Muniz: 2008 Muniz releases DIK (Da IOS rootKit) [87].
FX, 2009: FX demonstrates IOS diversity, demonstrates reliable disassembling shellcode
and reliable execution methods involving ROMMON [80].
Muniz and Ortega, 2011: Muniz and Ortega releases GDB support for the Dynamips
IOS emulator, and demonstrates fuzzing attacks against IOS [89].
Relatively little work has been done to detect and capture sophisticated attacks against
embedded devices. However, such problems have been well studied for general purpose com-
puters and operating systems. A multitude of rootkit and malware detection and mitigation
mechanisms have been proposed in the past but largely target general purpose computers.
Sophisticated detection and prevention strategies have been proposed by the research com-
munity. Virtualization-based strategies using hypervisors, VMM’s and memory shadowing
[96] have been applied to kernel-level rootkit detection. Others have proposed detection
strategies using binary analysis [71], function hook monitoring [117] and hardware-assisted
solutions to kernel integrity validation [112].
Numerous rootkit and malware detection, and mitigation mechanisms have been pro-
posed for general purpose computers and operating systems (virtualization-based[96], binary
analysis [71], function hook monitoring [117], etc.). Traditional anomaly detection methods,
such as monitoring sys-call patterns [46] have also been applied to embedded devices [119] .
These strategies may perform well within general purpose computers and well-known
operating systems, but they have not been adapted to operate within the unique characteris-
tics and constraints of embedded device firmware (limited storage, memory and processing;
absence of memory management units; real-time operating systems; etc.). Effective preven-
tion of binary exploitation of embedded devices requires a rethinking of detection strategies
and deployment vehicles.
DynamoRIO [44] is a runtime code manipulation system that supports code transfor-
mations on any part of program. An application launched by DynamoRIO can be analyzed
and manipulated through its API. DynamoRIO is designed for general purpose operating
systems like Windows and Linux on the X86 architecture.
Much work has been done in the area of remote software attestation as a defense against
firmware modification. SWATT: Software-Based Attestation for Embedded Devices, pro-
posed by [101], and SBAP: Software-Based Attestation for Peripherals, proposed by Li et
al.[74], involve the external validation of embedded devices through the use of a challenge-
response protocol. VIPER, proposed by Li et al.[76], can be applied directly to mitigate
a real-world firmware modification attack against keyboards[22]. While promising, timing-
based attestation techniques tend to be vulnerable to hardware over-clocking and time of
check vs time of use (TOCTTOU) attacks. Most importantly, such defense mechanisms
are generally stop-the-world algorithms, requiring a full halt of the system while remote
attestation is in progress. While perhaps adequate for keyboards, it would be difficult to
directly apply such techniques to embedded devices with hard real-time requirements, like
A large body of work exists that deals with software optimization and compaction tech-
niques. These techniques largely focus on the reduction of software size and the enhancement
of software efficiency ([39]).
[97] posits that security vulnerabilities are frequently the consequence of unwanted fea-
tures in a software system, which results from overly general (bloated) software, feature
accretion, subsystem reuse and development errors on the part of designers and imple-
mentors and vulnerability insertion on the part of attackers. Rinard also outlined several
potential remedies, including feature replacement or excision, input rectification and dy-
namic modification. Furthermore, [83] proposed techniques to manipulate and shift the
attack surface of computer systems in a game theoretic framework.
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layout of code and data at execution time [102]. ISR aims to randomize the encoding of
the op-codes during execution[68].
When source-code is not available and operating-system-level support does not exist,
some in-place instruction-level randomization techniques have been demonstrated to be
feasible by applying standard static analysis on disassembled executable binary. Such
prior works were largely limited to making small localized alterations, such as instruc-
tion re-ordering and register reassignments. Prior work has demonstrated the feasibility
of randomization techniques such as randomized nop-instruction injection[66], randomized
instruction reordering and register reassignment[92]. While this is effective against code
reuse techniques like ROP, much of the the binary structure of the diversified binary re-
mains unchanged. As a result, targeted patching of known memory-locations can still have
reliable effect. The Cisco IOS attack presented in Section 7.1 is a good demonstration of
why instruction-level diversification alone is insufficient to prevent reliable exploitation.
[49] and others have proposed the injection of functionality preserving instructions into
software as a defensive technique against reliable shellcode execution.
Chapter 5
Problem Description
The proprietary and non-standard nature of embedded device firmware makes the analy-
sis a largely manual and labor intensive process. Furthermore, making modifications to
embedded device firmware for the purpose of testing on actual embedded hardware poses
numerous challenges. For example, the modified binary must be re-packed into the vendors
proprietary format before the new embedded firmware can be loaded onto the intended
device. In order to overcome these challenges, embedded security researchers must spend a
Commercially viable embedded device fortification technology does not currently exist.
While third-party end-point protection software exists for general-purpose computers, no
host-based solution exists which allows the operators of embedded devices to defend these
devices against exploitation. Furthermore, no solution exists which will alert the opera-
tors when these devices have become compromised. For example, Cisco IP phones and
HP printers are ubiquitous fixtures within the modern office environment. Serious security
vulnerabilities have been found in these devices. The currently accepted practice in the op-
erational embedded security field is to rely entirely on the device vendor to identify and fix
vulnerabilities. The operators of embedded devices have no real method of protecting these
devices against exploitation or to audit these devices to ensure that they have not been
compromised. Bringing effective host-based security into embedded systems is challenging
for at least the two reasons.
The manufacturer problem: Embedded systems are typically not designed with security
as a significant focus. Vendors of embedded systems typically do not have sufficient
expertise to engineer secure devices. Furthermore, when security flaws are identified,
vendors will typically attempt to fix the immediate issue to the best of their ability.
Since their security expertise is limited, these fixes take a significant amount of time to
reach their customers; they are likely to be stop-gap fixes that do not address the root
cause of the vulnerability and may even introduce additional bugs and vulnerabilities
into their product.
The operator problem: No existing technology allows the operator of embedded devices
to fortify these devices according to their own internal policy. Furthermore, no com-
mercially available technology allows the operator to audit embedded devices to en-
sure that the software running in each device has not been altered or compromised.
While enterprise security professionals have the expertise and ability to lock down and
harden embedded systems according to their own internal environment and security
policy, the necessary technology and tools that can make the application of security
expertise possible do not exist.
Part II
Chapter 6
Quantitative Assessment of
Real-World Embedded
We seek to quantify and trend the level of insecurity of embedded devices currently in the
wild. To this end, we first establish an observed lower bound on the number of trivially
vulnerable embedded devices on the Internet. We do this by assuming the role of the least
sophisticated malicious attacker, who only tries to log into publicly reachable embedded
devices using well known default root credentials. The default credential scanner, which
we we developed using standard tools such as nmap, positively identified over 540,000
wide open embedded devices.
Vulnerable devices were detected in 144 countries, in enterprise, ISP, government,
educational, satellite provider as well as residential network environments1 . We discov-
ered vulnerable devices across a diverse spectrum of product types, including consumer
appliances, home networking devices, office appliances, enterprise and carrier networking
US Military networks are intentionally excluded from our scan.
Total IPs Scanned Devices Targeted Vulnerable Devices Found Overall Vulnerability Rate
3,223,358,720 3,954,620 540,435 13.67%
Table 6.1: Scale and Result of the Latest Global Default Credential Scan.
Figure 6.1: Distribution of Vulnerable Embedded Devices in IPv4 Space. Total Number of
Vulnerable Devices Found: 540,435.
While the observed quantity and distribution of embedded devices configured with de-
fault root passwords demonstrate a global, pervasive phenomenon, we believe the data
presented in this chapter represent a conservative lower bound on the actual population of
vulnerable devices in the wild.
We present the first quantitative measurement of embedded device insecurity on a global
scale, along with preliminary results from an ongoing longitudinal study of the same subject.
By assuming the role of the least sophisticated attacker, we present an observed lower
bound on the distribution of trivially exploitable network embedded devices over functional
(Section 6.2.1), spatial (Section 6.2.2), organizational (Section 6.2.3), and temporal (Section
6.2.5) domains.
The embedded device default credential scanner created for this experiment is designed
to identify efficiently and safely the vulnerable embedded devices on the network. It does
this by testing whether one can remotely log into a device using well known default root
credentials. The verification process is designed to use minimal resources on the target em-
bedded device. The scanner currently supports 73 unique embedded device types including
consumer appliances, home networking devices, office appliances, enterprise and carrier net-
working equipment, data-center power management devices, network security appliances,
server lights-out-management controllers, IP camera surveillance systems, VoIP devices,
video conferencing appliances , ISP issued modems and set-top boxes.
While the embedded security threat has been generally known for some time, the data
presented in this chapter provides a real-world quantitative assessment of the scale and scope
of the embedded threat on a global level. Analysis of our results yields several interesting
features within the observed vulnerability distributions. The features presented in Section
6.2 presents insights into the root causes of the existence of vulnerable embedded devices.
By combining the observed vulnerability distributions and its potential root causes, we
formulate a set of mitigation strategies and hypothesize about its quantitative impact on
reducing the global vulnerable device population.
Many forces will undoubtably change the observable lower bound of embedded device
insecurity as time goes on. For example, the out-of-the-box security of new embedded
products may change. Network operators controlling large homogeneous sets of devices
may improve their security, as may small and medium size organizations like private enter-
prises and educational organizations. The level of malicious exploitation will also indirectly
contribute to the overall effort dedicated to improving embedded device security. Lastly, it
is our hope that the data and mitigation strategies reported in this chapter will generate
more awareness of this pervasive threat. In order to quantify the scope of the embedded
device insecurity threat over time and detect such forces at work, we plan to continue our
scanning activities to conduct an ongoing longitudinal study over the next year. Section
6.2.5 discusses the preliminary results of our longitudinal study over the past four months.
The default credential scanner is designed to quickly sweep large portions of the Internet.
Each scan takes approximately four weeks and involves two or three sweeps of the entire
monitored IP space.
Multiple sweeps across the same IP space is desirable for two reasons. First, embedded
devices on residential networks have unpredictable availability. Therefore, multiple sweeps
increase the scanner’s probability of observing a vulnerable device when it is connected to
the network. Second, multiple sweeps across the same address space over months and years
allow us to conduct a longitudinal study on the vulnerability rates of embedded devices
around the world.
In Section 6.2, we present the results of our latest scan, containing over 540,000 ob-
served vulnerable devices as well as the analysis of preliminary data gathered by tracking
approximately 102,000 vulnerable embedded devices over a span of four months. This is an
ongoing study, and we plan to publish the results of a detailed longitudinal study over the
next year when the data becomes available.
For the sake of establishing a lower bound on the state of embedded device insecurity
in the wild, we assume the role of the least sophisticated malicious attacker. The attacker
has unrestricted access to the Internet but is unable to exploit any vulnerabilities found on
any devices. Instead, the attacker has access to the network scanner nmap and a list of well
known factory default root credentials for popular network embedded devices.
For the remainder of the chapter, we define a vulnerable device as any device that is
reachable on the Internet and allows the attacker to gain root privileges by using factory
default credentials.
The default credential scan process is straightforward and can be broken down into three
sequential phases: recognizance, identification, and verification.
Recognizance: First, nmap is used to scan large portions of the Internet for open TCP
ports 23 and 80. The results of scan is stored in a SQL database.
Identification: Next, the device identification process connects to all listening Telnet and
HTTP servers to retrieve the initial output of these servers2 . The server output is
stored in a SQL database then matched against a list of signatures to identify the
manufacturer and model of the device in question.
Verification: Once the manufacturer and model of the device are positively identified, the
verification phase uses an automated script to attempt to log into devices found in
the identification phase. This script uses only well known default root credentials for
the specific device model and does not engage in any form of brute force password
guessing. We create a unique device verification profile for each type of embedded
device we monitor. This profile contains all information necessary for the verification
script to automatically negotiate the authentication process, using either the device’s
Telnet or HTTP administrative interface. Each device verification profile contains
information like the username and password prompt signatures, default credentials
as well as authentication success and failure conditions for the particular embedded
device type. Once the success or failure of the default credential is verified, the TCP
session is terminated, and the results are written to an encrypted flash drive for off-line
In case of HTTP, we issue the ’get /’ request
Figure 6.2: Distribution of Vulnerable Devices Across Unique Device Types. The Top 3
Device Types Constitute 55% of the Entire Vulnerable Device Population.
VoIP adapters like the Linksys PAP2, Linksys SPA and Sipura SPA are consumer ap-
pliances, which provide a gateway between standard analog telephones and VoIP service
providers. In many cases, the publicly accessible HTTP interface of such devices will display
diagnostic information without requiring any user authentication. This information usually
includes the name of the customer, their phone number(s), a log of incoming and outgoing
calls, and relevant information regarding the SIP gateway to which the device is config-
ured to connect. Once authenticated as the administrative user, an attacker can usually
retrieve the customer’s SIP credentials, either by exploiting trivial HTTP vulnerabilities3
or redirecting the victim to a malicious SIP server.
Enterprise printers servers and digital document stations are ubiquitous in most work envi-
ronments. According to our data, network printers also constitute one of the most vulnera-
ble types of embedded devices. For example, our default credential scanner identified over
Credentials are sometimes displayed in clear-text within HTML password fields. While this appears to
hide the passwords in the web browser, it does not hide it in the HTML source.
In this section we present latest data gathered by our default credential scanner and prelimi-
nary results from our ongoing longitudinal study, tracking approximately 102,000 vulnerable
devices over a span of four months. We also present statistics on the level of human and or-
ganizational responses received by the University regarding our scanning activities. Figure
6.3 shows a heat map of embedded device vulnerability rates across monitored countries.
Section 6.2.1 shows the breakdown of vulnerable embedded devices across 9 functional
categories: Enterprise Devices, VoIP Devices, Home Networking Devices, Camera/Surveil-
lance, Office Appliances, Power Management Controllers, Vendor Issued Equipment, Video
Conferencing Units, and Home Brew Devices. Section 6.2.2 shows the breakdown of vul-
nerable embedded devices across 6 continents. Section 6.2.3 shows the breakdown of vul-
nerable devices across 5 types of organizations: Educational, ISP, Private Enterprise,
Government, and Unidentified.
Figure 6.4: Discovered Candidate Devices (Left) and Vulnerable Devices (Right) by Functional
We organized 73 unique embedded device types monitored by our scan into 9 functional
Table 6.3: Total Discovered Candidate Embedded Devices and Corresponding Vulnerability
Rates By Geographical Location (Continental).
categories. Appendix A.1 contains the details of this categorization. Figure 6.2.1 shows the
distribution of all discovered candidate embedded devices (left) and the distribution of vul-
nerable embedded devices (right) across the different functional categories. Table 6.2 shows
the total number candidate embedded devices discovered within each functional category
as well as their corresponding vulnerability rate.
• While Vendor Issued Equipment accounts for only 35% of all discovered candidate
embedded devices, it represents 68% of all vulnerable embedded devices.
• While Enterprise Networking Equipment accounts for 43% of all discovered can-
didate embedded devices, it only represents 6% of all vulnerable embedded devices.
Figure 6.5: Discovered Candidate Devices (Left) and Vulnerable Devices (Right) By Geographical
Using the MaxMind GeoIP database, we categorized all discovered candidate and vulner-
able embedded devices according to the continent in which they are located. Figure 6.2.2
shows the distribution of all discovered embedded devices (left) and the distribution of vul-
nerable embedded devices (right) across 6 continents. Table 6.2.2 shows the total number
of candidate embedded devices as well as the corresponding vulnerability rate within each
• Asia represents the continent with the most number of candidate embedded devices
and contains over 70% of all discovered vulnerable embedded devices.
• South Korea contains the most number vulnerable embedded devices out of all
monitored nations.
• While 34% of all discovered candidate embedded devices reside within North Amer-
ica, only 10% of all vulnerable embedded devices are found there.
Figure 6.6: Discovered Candidate Devices (Left) and Vulnerable Devices (Right) by By Organiza-
tion Type.
Using the MaxMind GeoIP Organization database, we categorized all monitored net-
work ranges into 17,427 individual organizations. This was then divided into 4 general
organization types: Educational, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Private Enterprise, and
Government. 9118 organizations could not be accurately classified and were left in Uniden-
tified category. Figure 6.2.3 shows the distribution of all discovered embedded devices
(left) and the distribution of vulnerable embedded devices (right) across the 5 organization
types. Table 6.2.3 shows the total number of candidate embedded devices as well as the
corresponding vulnerability rate within each organization type.
• ISP networks contain the most number of candidate embedded devices and house
over 68% of all discovered vulnerable embedded devices.
• While Educational networks contain only a modest number of candidate embedded
devices, they have the highest per category vulnerability rate of 32.83%
Figure 6.7: Daily Page Access Analytics For Scan Project Information Page [url
anonymized]. Oct 19, 2009 - April 12, 2010.
The default credential scanner is designed to direct interested parties to a public webpage
which describes the intent and methodology of our project4 . Each IP address used by
the scanner also hosts a public HTTP server which redirects visitors to the public project
webpage. We tracked access to this webpage using Google Analytics as a way to gauge the
global community’s awareness of our scanning activities. Figure 6.7 shows the number and
geographical distribution of visitors over the past six months. The initial spike of visitors
in October 2009 coincided with the publication of an article regarding preliminary results
of our project. Since then, our continuous scanning activity attracted 87 visitors over the
last 5 months.
Total Conversations Opt-Out Requests Request for Information, but Not Opt-Out
36 14 22
Tone of Counter-Party
Supportive Neutral Hostile
14 15 7
Table 6.5: Email Correspondences Received from Network Operators Regarding Scanning
Table 6.6: Preliminary Longitudinal Study Tracking 102,896 Vulnerable Devices Over 4
Table 6.5 shows a breakdown of all communications between the operators of the net-
works monitored by our scanner and our research team. The conversations were all initiated
by the counter-party via email, usually requesting further information or to be excluded
from the scan. We answered 36 conversations in total, 14 of which requested certain IP
ranges to be permanently excluded. 1,798 /24 networks were excluded as a result of these
requests. 61% of all interested parties that detected our scanning activity decided to allow
the scan to continue. The geographical location of the counter-parties correlates closely to
the heat map in Figure 6.7. We did not receive any correspondence from ISP organizations
or organizations from Asia, even though the majority of vulnerable devices were discovered
within such IP ranges.
Table 6.6 shows the preliminary results of our longitudinal study. We retested 102,896
vulnerable embedded devices discovered at the end of December, 2009. As of April 20,
2010, 54,429 of the retested devices are still publicly accessible; out of which 52,661 devices
remain vulnerable.
In other words, approximately 96.75% of accessible vulnerable devices are still vulner-
able after a 4 month period, and factory default credentials have been removed from only
3.25% of the same set of devices.
The least sophisticated attacker modeled in this experiment can be defeated by simply
discontinuing the use of well-known default credentials on embedded devices. However,
the overall cost of implementing this naive mitigation strategy will likely be quite high in
reality. In the unlikely event that all embedded device manufacturers universally agree to
discontinue the use of well-known default passwords henceforth, we are still faced with the
challenge of retroactively fixing the vulnerable legacy embedded devices in use throughout
the world today. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the embedded security threat
will likely persist and grow endemically for the near future. In order to effectively reduce the
total population of vulnerable embedded devices in the wild, we must carefully consider the
best methods for securing existing legacy devices. Since existing devices are by definition
under the administrative control of some individual or organization, successful mitigation
strategies must actively engage these network operators in order to fix the problem.
According to the data presented in Section 6.2, a few groups of network operators
contribute disproportionally large numbers of vulnerable embedded devices to the global
population. For example, we discovered over 300,000 vulnerable embedded devices operating
in homogenous environments within two ISP networks in Asia. Overall, embedded devices
operated by residential ISPs constitute over 68% of the entire vulnerable population. Since
ISPs centrally manage large numbers of vulnerable embedded devices, they are the ideal
candidates to engage to mitigate the embedded security threat.
collection of such data raises numerous questions about how the security community should
conduct such studies in a way that is both ethnical and legal.
For a more in-depth discussion of such matters, we refer the reader to [84].
Chapter 7
Qualitative Assessment of
Real-World Embedded
Over the past decade, Cisco IOS has been shown to be vulnerable to the same types of
attacks that plague general purpose computers [78, 85]. Various exploitation techniques
and proof-of-concept rootkits [80, 88] have been proposed. However, all current offensive
techniques are impeded by an unintended security feature of IOS: diversity. As Felix “FX”
Linder points out, Cisco IOS is not a homogenous collection of binaries, but a collection of
approximately 300,000 diverse firmwares [80]. Although never intended as a defense against
exploitation, this diversity makes the creation of reliable exploits and rootkits difficult.
Known proof-of-concept rootkits operate by patching specific locations within IOS. In
the case of DIK [88], the rootkit intercepted a specific function responsible for checking
password. The major drawback of this approach is that it relies on a priori knowledge of
the location of this function. As previously noted, this knowledge is generally difficult to
obtain with accuracy prior to attack. Therefore, any rootkit that depends on specific mem-
ory locations cannot be used reliably in large-scale attacks against the Internet substrate.
Conversely, version-agnostic shellcode, combined with known vulnerabilities in IOS, makes
such large-scale attacks against Cisco routers a feasible reality.
Cisco IOS firmware diversity, the unintended consequence of a complex firmware com-
pilation process, has historically made reliable exploitation of Cisco routers difficult. With
over 300,000 unique IOS images in existence, a new class of version-agnostic shellcode is
needed in order to make the large-scale exploitation of Cisco IOS possible. We show that
such attacks are now feasible by demonstrating two different reliable shellcodes that will
operate correctly over many Cisco hardware platforms and all known IOS versions. We
propose a novel two-phase attack strategy against Cisco routers and the use of offline anal-
ysis of existing IOS images to defeat IOS firmware diversity. Furthermore, we discuss a
new IOS rootkit that hijacks all interrupt service routines within the router and its ability
to use intercept and modify process-switched packets just before they are scheduled for
transmission. This ability allows the attacker to use the payload of innocuous packets, like
ICMP, as a covert command and control channel. The same mechanism can be used to
stealthily exfiltrate data out of the router, using response packets generated by the router
itself as the vehicle. We present the implementation and quantitative reliability measure-
ments by testing both shellcode algorithms against a large collection of IOS images. As our
experimental results show, the techniques proposed in this chapter can reliably inject com-
mand and control capabilities into arbitrary IOS images in a version-agnostic manner. We
believe that the technique presented in this chapter overcomes an important hurdle in the
large-scale, reliable rootkit execution within Cisco IOS. Thus, effective host-based defense
for such routers is imperative for maintaining the integrity of our global communication
For reliable, large-scale payload execution in IOS to be feasible, we must construct
attacks and shellcodes that are version and platform agnostic. Towards this end, we outline
a two-stage attack methodology as follows:
Stage 1: Leverage some IOS invariant to compute a host fingerprint. Using computed
information, inject stage-2 shellcode. Furthermore, exfiltrate host fingerprint back to
Stage 2: Persistent rootkit with covert command and control capability. The attacker will
use exfiltrated fingerprint data to construct a version specific rootkit, which is loaded
via the second-stage shellcode.
The attacker is at a disadvantage when attempting an online attack. However, since all
IOS images can be obtained, and since such images are not polymorphically mutated, an
attacker can construct a large collection of version specific rootkits offline. If the attacker
is able to simultaneously inject a simple rootkit and exfiltrate a host-environment finger-
print during the first phase of the attack, the attacker can then load a rootkit specifically
parameterized for the exact IOS version of the victim router. Figure 7.1 shows the timeline
of our proposed attack, which is intentionally broken into two phases to shift the advantage
towards the attacker.
The two requirements of our first-stage shellcode, the need to reliably inject a basic
second-stage rootkit and the need to accurately fingerprint the victim device, can be satisfied
simultaneously. Both shellcodes presented in this chapter compute a set of critical memory
locations within IOS’s .text section. These memory addresses are used both as intercept
points for our second-stage code, but also used to uniquely identify the exact micro-version
Phase 1.a
IOS Database
Figure 7.1: Timeline of two-stage attack against vulnerable IOS router of unknown hardware
platform and firmware version. Attacker launches exploit with reliable shellcode (1.a).
Shellcode installs rootkit and exfiltrates victim device’s IOS fingerprint (1.b). The attacker
finds exact IOS version from fingerprint by consulting offline database (2.a). The attacker
then creates a version specific rootkit for victim and uploads it using 1.b rootkit (2.b).
of the victim’s firmware. As figure 7.1 shows, this fingerprint data is exfiltrated back to
the attacker and compared to a database of pre-computed fingerprints for all known IOS
firmwares. As Section 7.1.7 shows, the fingerprints can be computed using simple linear-
time algorithms and efficiently stored in a database. Pre-computing such fingerprints for
all 300,000 IOS images should not take more than a few days on a typical desktop.
We present two different techniques for implementing this two-stage attack. The dis-
assembling shellcode is discussed in Section 7.1.4. A novel interrupt hijack shellcode is
discussed in Section 7.1.5. A stealthy exfiltration technique that modifies process-switched
packets just before it is scheduled for transmission is discussed in Section 7.1.6. The in-
tercept hijacking shellcode and the exfiltration mechanism built on top of it has several
interesting advantages over existing rootkit techniques. First, the command and control
protocol is built into the payload of incoming packets. No specific protocol is required, as
long as the packet is punted to the router’s control-plane. This allows the attacker to access
the backdoor using a wide gamut of packet types, thus evading network-based intrusion
detection systems. Hiding the rootkit inside interrupt handlers also allows it to execute
forever without violating any watchdog timers. Furthermore, the CPU overhead of this
shellcode will be distributed across a large number of random IOS processes. Unlike with
shellcodes that take over a specific process, the network administrator can not detect un-
usual CPU spikes within any particular process using commands like show proc cpu, making
it very difficult to detect by conventional means.
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows: Section 7.1.1 outlines the chal-
lenges of reliable IOS rootkit execution and provides motivation for the need for version-
agnostic shellcodes. Section 7.1.2 presents a survey of advancements in Cisco IOS ex-
ploitation over the past decade and provides a timeline of public disclosures of significant
vulnerabilities and exploitation techniques. Section 7.1.3 outlines a general two-stage at-
tack strategy against unknown Cisco devices. Section 7.1.4 presents our first reliable IOS
shellcode, a disassembling shellcode, which was first proposed by Felix Linder for PowerPC
based Cisco devices. Section 7.1.5 presents our second reliable IOS shellcode. This shell-
code hijacks all interrupt handler routines within the victim device and is faster, stealthier,
and more reliable than our first shellcode. Experimental data, performance, overhead, and
reliability measurements are presented in Section 7.1.7. Potential defenses against our pro-
posed shellcodes are discussed in Section III. Concluding remarks are presented in Section
8.6. Lastly, the full source code of both shellcodes are listed in Appendix A.
Please note that the remainder of this chapter will focus on MIPS-based Cisco IOS. All
code examples will be shown in MIPS. However, the techniques presented can be applied
to PowerPC, ARM and even x86-based systems.
7.1.1 Motivation
Consider the availability of proof-of-concept exploits and rootkits, the wide gamut of high-
value targets that can be compromised by the exploitation of devices like routers and fire-
walls, and the lack of host-based defenses within close-source embedded device firmwares.
Such conditions should make the vast numbers of vulnerable embedded devices on the In-
ternet highly attractive targets. Indeed, we have observed successful attempts to create
botnets using Linux-based home routers [42]. As Section 7.1.2 shows, the necessary tech-
niques of exploiting Cisco IOS and installing root-kits on running Cisco routers are well
understood. However, an obstacle still stands in the way of reliable large-scale exploitation
of Cisco devices: firmware diversity.
As Felix Linder and others have pointed out [80], there are over 300,000 unique versions
of Cisco IOS. Diverse hardware platforms, overlapping feature-sets, cryptography export
laws, licensing agreements and varying compilation and build procedures all contribute to
create an operating environment that is highly diverse. Although unintentional and not
strictly a defense mechanism, this firmware diversity has made the deployment of reliable
attacks and shellcodes difficult in practice. Therefore, in order for IOS exploitation to be
feasible and practical, reliable shellcode that operate correctly across large populations of
IOS versions is needed.
As Lindner [80] demonstrates, certain common features within Cisco routers can be
used to improve the chances of reliable execution of IOS shellcode. The disassembling
shellcode concept was proposed in the same work. Building off this insight, we first tested
the reliability of the proposed disassembling shellcode. While this technique works smoothly
across all versions of IOS for several major hardware platforms, it failed on all versions of
IOS for several popular platforms, including the Cisco 2800 series routers. Furthermore,
its computational complexity frequently triggered watchdog timer exceptions, which logs a
clear trace of the shellcode. Section 7.1.4 discusses the reason for this failure and several
other drawbacks of this disassembling approach.
Looking to improve reliability and performance, we constructed a different shellcode by
leveraging a common invariant of not only Cisco IOS, but all embedded systems, interrupt
handler routines. Hijacking interrupt handlers is advantageous for several reasons. First,
such routines can be identified by a single 32-bit instruction, eret, or exception return.
The search for a single eret instruction reduces the computational complexity of the first-
stage shellcode. Whereas the disassembling shellcode frequently causes watchdog timer
exceptions on busy routers (See Section 7.1.4), the interrupt-handler hijacking first-stage
shellcode executes quickly enough to avoid such timer exceptions, even on heavily utilized
routers. Second, there are approximately two dozen interrupt handler routines on any IOS
image, all of which are clustered around a common memory range. By using offline analysis
of large numbers of IOS images, we can safely reduce the memory range searched by the
first-stage shellcode to a small fraction of IOS’s .text section, further improving the efficiency
of the shellcode (See Figures 7.8 and 7.9).
As our experimental data shows, the two proposed shellcodes, along with our proposed
data exfiltration mechanism presented in Section 7.1.6, combined with available vulnerabili-
ties of Cisco IOS makes the large-scale of Cisco routers feasible. Weaponizing the techniques
presented in this chapter to create worms that target routers is possible and can seriously
damage the Internet substrate. Therefore, the development of advanced host-based defense
mechanisms to mitigate such techniques should now be considered a necessity. Section III
discuss potential host-based defenses for Cisco IOS and other similar embedded devices.
FX, 2003: FX analyzes several IOS vulnerabilities and various exploitation techniques
Lynn, 2005: Lynn described several IOS shellcode and exploitation techniques, demon-
strating VTY binding shellcode [85].
Lynn, 2005: Cisco and ISS Inc. files injunction against Michael Lynn [1].
Uppal, 2007: Uppal releases IOS Bind shellcode v1.0 [110].
Davis, 2007: Davis releases IOS FTP server remote exploit code [38].
Muniz: 2008 Muniz releases DIK (Da IOS rootKit) [88].
FX, 2009: FX demonstrates IOS diversity, demonstrates reliable disassembling shellcode
and reliable execution methods involving ROMMON [80].
Muniz and Ortega, 2011: Muniz and Ortega releases GDB support for the Dynamips
IOS emulator, and demonstrates fuzzing attacks against IOS [89].
The techniques presented in this chapter extend the above line of work by introducing
novel methods of constructing reliable IOS shellcodes and stealthy exfiltration, making
large-scale exploitation feasible across all IOS-based devices.
Sections 7.1.4 and 7.1.5 discusses two reliable shellcode techniques. Unlike existing IOS
shellcodes, these two examples are designed to work in a two-phase attack. Figure 7.1
illustrates the attack process. In general, this attack first computes a series of memory
locations that the second-stage shellcode will intercept to obtain minimal rootkit capability.
This series of memory locations is also exfiltrated back to the attacker after the first-stage
rootkit finishes execution. Using this information as a host fingerprint, the attacker queries
a database of pre-computed fingerprints for all known IOS images to determine the exact
micro-version of firmware running on the victim router. Once this is known, a version
specific rootkit can be constructed automatically, then loaded onto the victim router via
the rootkit installed by the first-stage shellcode.
Each shellcode computes a different set of features. In the case of the disassembling
shellcode, a 2-tuple is computed: the address of an invariant string and the address of
the password authentication function. In the case of the interrupt hijacking shellcode, a
n-tuple is exfiltrated, containing a list of memory address for all interrupt handler routines
on the victim device. Section 7.1.7 will discuss how accurately each feature-set can uniquely
identify the micro-version of the victim IOS environment.
First proposed by Felix Linder [80] for PowerPC-based routers, the disassembling shellcode
scans the victim router’s memory twice in order to locate and patch a target function based
on some functional invariant, and works as follows:
A. Find String Addr: Scan through memory, looking for a specific string pattern. For
example, ‘%Bad Secrets’.
B. Find String-Xref: With the string’s memory location known, construct the instruc-
tion that loads this address. Rescan through memory, looking for code that references
this string.
C. Patch Function: The data reference is located within the function we wish to find.
Search within this function for the desired intercept point. For example, the function
t s"
B: xref
A: str
.text .data
Figure 7.2: The disassembling shellcode first locates a known string (A), then locates a
xref to this string (B). Once this xref location is found, the attacker can patch the function
containing the xref. This shellcode requires two linear scans of IOS memory, one through
the .data section, and a second one through the .text section.
Any function that prints a predictable string can be identified and patched in this
manner. A particularly useful function is the credential verification function, which prints
‘%Bad Secrets’ when the wrong enable password is entered 3 times.
Figure 7.3 shows the disassembly of this function. We can bypass password authentica-
tion by overwriting a single move instruction, highlighted in red.
As experimental results in Section 7.1.7 shows, this first-stage shellcode reliably disables
password authentication for all versions of Cisco 7200 and 3600 IOS images tested. However,
it failed for all Cisco 2800 series IOS images.
In general, this type of disassembling shellcode is suitable for finding direct data refer-
ences, and will fail to find indirect references. Indirect references can be identified at the
price of computational complexity. In the case of Cisco routers, this limit is a very practical
one. A watchdog timer constantly monitors every process within IOS, terminating any pro-
cess running for longer than several seconds.1 As Figure 7.11 shows, our implementation
of the disassembling shellcode frequently caused watchdog timer exceptions to be thrown,
leaving clear evidence of the attack in the router’s logs.
Once the first-stage completes execution, the attacker can connect to the victim router
with level 15 privilege, bypassing authentication. The attacker can then identify the exact
The default watchdog timer value is 2 seconds.
Figure 7.3: A disassembly of a typical f chkpasswd. The string xref is the first highlighted
block. The second highlighted block is the single instruction, which can disable password
authentication in IOS. While these addresses vary greatly, they can be reliably computed
at exploitation time by the disassembling shellcode.
IOS version with a number of methods by using the router’s administrative interface. While
this backdoor gives the attacker persistent control of the device, it is not covert. Section 7.1.5
shows our interrupt hijack shellcode, which installs an equivalent backdoor through a covert
channel, using payloads of IP packets punted2 to the router’s CPU. In our demonstration,
we use a large collection of arbitrary UDP and ICMP packets to load complex rootkits into
the router’s memory.
The video demonstration of the disassembling shellcode running on a Cisco 7204 and
12.4T IOS can be found at [30].
As Section 7.1.4 shows, the disassembling shellcode can be used reliably, at least for sev-
eral major hardware platforms, to locate and intercept a critical function, which handles
credential verification in IOS. However, this shellcode must search through large portions
of the router’s memory twice in order to identify the target string reference and the tar-
get function. This required computation frequently triggered the router’s watchdog timer,
A packet is punted to a router’s CPU when it cannot be handled by its linecards, and must be inspected
and process-switched.
ISR ook
ISR ok
.text ...
Figure 7.4: The interrupt hijack shellcode first locates all eret (exception return) instruc-
tions within IOS’s .text section. The second-stage rootkit is then unpacked inside the $gp
memory area (which is unused by IOS). All eret instructions, and thus all interrupt service
routines are hooked to invoke the second-stage code. We now have reliable control of the
CPU by intercepting all interrupt handlers of the victim router.
leaving evidence of the shellcode in the router’s log. In general, we want to minimize the
amount of computation required by the first-stage shellcode to evade the watchdog timer
and avoid any perceivable CPU spike or performance degradation.
The interrupt hijacking shellcode performs a single scan through the router’s .text section,
locating and intercepting the end of all interrupt handler routines, and works as follows:
Unpack second-stage: The second-stage shellcode, which contains a basic rootkit, is un-
packed and copied to the location pointed to by $gp, the general purpose register.
Locate ERET instructions: Scan through memory, looking for all [eret] instructions.
All such addresses are stored and exfiltrated for offline fingerprinting (See Section
Intercept all interrupt handler routines: Hijack all interrupt handler routines by re-
placing all eret instructions with the [jr $gp] instruction.
The eret, or exception return instruction takes no operands, and is represented by the
32-bit value [0x42000018]. As the name suggests, eret is the last instruction in any interrupt
handler routine, and returns the CPU context back to the previous state before the interrupt
was serviced. Once intercepted, any interrupt serviced by the CPU will invoke our second-
stage code, giving us persistent, perpetual control of the CPU to execute our second-stage
The second-stage is essentially a simple code loader, which continuously monitors the
router’s IOMEM range, looking for incoming packets with a specific format. The second-
stage rootkit locates packet payloads marked with a 32-bit magic-number. Such packets
contain a 4-byte target address value, a 1-byte flag and variable length data (up to the
MTU of the network).
When such a packet is found, the second-stage either copies the variable length data
to the 4-byte memory location as indicated by the packet, or jumps the PC to a specified
location. In order to load such packets into the victim router’s IOMEM, the attacker simply
needs to craft IP packets that will be punted to the router’s CPU. Any packets that must be
inspected by the router’s control-plane will suffice.3 For demonstration purposes, we used a
variety of UDP and ICMP packets. Such packets need not even be destined to the router’s
interface. Various malformed broadcast and multicast packets are automatically punted to
CPU and copied to the router’s IOMEM region (on the 7200 platform).
When the first-stage shellcode completes, the attacker has:
Host fingerprint: The list of eret addresses is exfiltrated to the attacker, and will uniquely
identify the micro-version of the victim’s IOS (See Section 7.1.7).
Perpetual CPU control: The second-stage code, copied to the global-scope memory
area, is invoked each time an interrupt is serviced by IOS.
We now present a second-stage rootkit that monitors all incoming packet-data entries,
or payloads of packets that have been punted to the router’s control-plane for process
switching, continuously scanning incoming packets for commands from the attacker. Using
Different router platforms have different packet handling capabilities, trying to reduce the number of
packets that must be punted to CPU. However, packets destined to routing processes, like BGP, OSPF,
along with ICMP and SNMP packets are typically punted to CPU.
Load Code
IOMEM Packet
Scrubber Execute Code
Figure 7.5: Interrupt hijack second-stage rootkit. Each time any ISR (interrupt service
routine) is invoked, the rootkit will seek through the latest punted packets within IOMEM
for specially crafted command and control packet payloads.
the second-stage rootkit presented below, the attacker can load and execute arbitrary code
by crafting command and control packets in the payload of any IP packet that will be
punted to the router’s CPU. The attacker can stealthily assemble large programs within
the router’s memory by using a wide spectrum of different packet types, like ICMP, DNS,
mDNS, etc.
Since we intercept all interrupt handlers, the second-stage code is invoked whenever any
interrupt is serviced, including timer interrupts, interrupts from linecards, etc. Therefore, a
very limited amount of computation (under a hundred instructions) can be done inside in-
terrupt handlers without seriously impacting the router’s stability and performance. Figure
7.5 illustrates a second-stage rootkit that is designed specifically for high-frequency execu-
tion within interrupt handlers. Each time the second-stage code is invoked, the rootkit scans
through the linked-list of packet data entries located within IOMEM. Figure 7.6 shows a
snapshot of this data structure in IOMEM. Each time the second-stage code is invoked, it
scans through a fixed number of packet-data entries, looking for specially marked packets
containing a 32-bit magic number. The number of packet data entries scanned at each
iteration directly impacts the reliability of this method (See Section 7.1.7).
Once such an entry is found, the second-stage code does the following:
Figure 7.6: Highlighted words, left to right, top to bottom. 1: Pointer to previous packet
data node. 2. Pointer to next packet data node. 3. Exfiltration request magic pattern. 4.
Beginning of next packet data entry, pointed to by 2.
Parse OpCode: Parse the packet data entry, looking for a 1-byte opcode, along with a
4-byte target address value.
If OpCode = Load: The second-stage code will copy the content of the remainder of the
packet-data entry to the 4-byte address indicated by the packet.
If OpCode = Run: The second-stage code will jump the PC to the target address indi-
cated by the packet.
The second-stage code is designed to execute with high frequency, but in small bursts. It
will execute approximately 100 instructions each time it is invoked, which allows us to scan
through several dozen packets before returning control of the CPU back to the interrupt
handler, and thus the preempted IOS code.
Note that the head of the packet-data linked-list structure is located in a well-known
address within the IOMEM region, which is mapped to the same virtual-memory address
regardless of router model or IOS version [11], making this packet-scrubbing technique
reliable across all IOS versions on many router platforms.
The intercept hijacking shellcode has several interesting advantages over existing rootkit
techniques. First, the command and control protocol is built into the payload of incoming
packets. No specific protocol is required, as long as the packet is punted to the router’s
control-plane. This allows the attacker to access the backdoor using a wide gamut of packet
types, thus evading network-based intrusion detection systems. Hiding the rootkit inside
interrupt handlers also allows it to execute forever without violating any watchdog timers.
Furthermore, the CPU overhead of this shellcode will be distributed across a large number
of random IOS processes. Unlike with shellcodes that take over a specific process, the
network administrator cannot detect unusual CPU spikes within any particular process
using commands like show proc cpu, making it very difficult to detect by conventional
After the first-stage shellcode completes, it yields a sequence of memory addresses where the
eret instruction is located. As Section 7.1.7 shows, this data can serve as a host fingerprint,
allowing the attacker to identify the exact micro-version of the victim’s IOS firmware.
Several known methods can be used to exfiltrate this fingerprint back to the attacker. Note
that the entire memory sequence need not be transmitted, as a simple hash of the data will
suffice. The attacker can carry out a VTY binding [110] to open a reverse shell back to
the attacker, or simply use the console connection to generate an ICMP packet back to the
attacker. Depending on which services are publicly accessible on the router, the attacker
can inject the fingerprint data into the server response. For example, the HTTP server’s
default HTML can be modified.
These methods will most likely leave some detectable side-effect that can trigger standard
network intrusion detection system. We present a new exfiltration technique that modifies
the payload content of process-switched packets just prior to transmission. The data is
exfiltrated using packets generated by router itself, thus making the detection of this covert
channel more difficult.
Once a packet is punted to the router’s control-plane, it is copied from the network
interface hardware to the router’s IOMEM region. For efficiency, when such a packet is
process-switched, the packet-data entry is not copied. Instead, the pointer to this data
is simply moved from the router’s RX queue to its TX queue. Once there, the packet is
scheduled for transmission, then forwarded appropriately. If the attacker can modify the
contents of the packet-data entry before it is transmitted, such payloads can be used as a
vehicle for stealthy exfiltration. Figure 7.7 illustrates this exfiltration process.
Victim Router
RX Queue TX Queue
2: Packet data
copied to IOMEM.
request Packet Data
{Exfiltrated Data} request
serviced by
CPU. Packet
3: Shellcode Data linked to
locates magic- TX Queue.
pattern, overwrites
payload with
exfiltrated data.
Figure 7.7: Data exfiltration through forwarded packet payload. 1: The attacker crafts a
packet with a magic pattern in its payload indicating exfiltration request. 2: Packet payload
is copied into a *packet data* structure. 3: Rootkit locates magic pattern, overwrites
remaining packet with exfiltrated data. 4: Packet is process-switched. The packet data
entry is linked to the TX queue. 5: The requested data is sent back to the attacker inside
an ICMP response packet.
Table 7.1: Reliability of the disassembling shellcode and interrupt hijack shellcode when
tested on 159 IOS images.
This type of manipulation is highly time-sensitive, as the attacker will typically only
have a few milliseconds after the packet’s arrival to locate and manipulate its payload,
before the packet is transmitted. However, since the second-stage rootkit is invoked with
every interrupt, it can precisely intercept the desired packet before it is placed on the TX
queue, allowing the attacker to use the same covert command and control channel for data
exfiltration. Section 7.1.7 discusses the performance of this exfiltration method. Due to
the timing constraints of the interrupt hijack shellcode and various race conditions related
to process-switching and CEF, not all exfiltration requests sent by the attacker will be
processed. In practice, approximately 10% of exfiltration requests are answered by the
rootkit when tested on an emulated 7204VXR/NPE-400 router.
The video demonstration of this exfiltration method can be found at [30].
The reliability of the disassembling shellcode, presented in Section 7.1.4 and the interrupt
hijack shellcode, presented in Section 7.1.5, are shown in Table 7.1. Three major Cisco
router platforms, the 7200, 3600, and 2800 series routers are tested. The two proposed
shellcode algorithms are tested against 159 IOS images, ranging from IOS version 12.0 to
The computational overhead of both shellcodes are shown in Figure 7.10 for a typical
7200 IOS 12.4 image. In some instances, the disassembling shellcode does not terminate
2 4 8 16 32 64
reliability 0% 0.67% 1.29% 4.67% 5.38% 10.10%
Table 7.2: Reliability of exfiltration mechanism when the number of packet-data nodes
searched per invocation varies. Searching more than 64 nodes caused the test router to
behave erratically.
in time, which triggers a watchdog timer exception to be thrown and logged (See Figure
7.11). The interrupt hijack shellcode consistently completed first-stage execution without
triggering any watchdog timer exception.
Table 7.2 shows the reliability of the exfiltration mechanism presented in Section 7.1.6,
as the number of packet-data nodes searched during each interrupt-driven invocation. The
reliability rate is calculated by counting the number of exfiltration requests the rootkit
successfully answered out of 150 ICMP requests. Searching more than 64 nodes at each
invocation caused the router to behave erratically, sometimes leading to crashes.
Figure 7.8 and 7.9 shows the distribution of features found by the disassembling shellcode
and interrupt hijack shellcode respectively across 159 tested IOS images. Note that while
the string reference tends to be more widely distributed, interrupt handler routines are
typically found in a much smaller area. While the exact location of interrupt handlers still
remain unpredictable, this concentration allows the interrupt hijack first-stage shellcode to
search through a relatively small range of memory when compared to the disassembling
7.1.8 Defense
In order to categorically mitigate against the offensive techniques described in this chapter,
host-based defenses must be introduced into the router’s firmware. Since persistent rootkits
must modify portions of the router’s code, a self-checksumming mechanism can be injected
into IOS to detect and prevent unauthorized modification of IOS itself. This can be gener-
alized to all regions of the router, which should remain static during normal operation of
the router, and can include large portions of the .data, ROMMON, and .text sections.
Such a defensive mechanism, called Software Symbiote, has been proposed by the author
0x00 − 0xff
3000 4000
2000 3000
0x000 − 0xfff 0 0
0x000 − 0xfff
Figure 7.8: Distribution of the location of the password authentication function. This
location varies greatly across the IOS .text segment, forcing the disassembling shellcode to
search a large region.
to solve this problem. Software Symbiote is discussed in Chapter 8. We have shown that
Symbiotes can be injected into Cisco IOS in a version-agnostic manner to provide continuous
integrity validation capability to the host router. Our experimental results show that such
Symbiotes can detect unauthorized modification to any static region of IOS in approximately
300ms. Symbiotic defenses of this type is the focus of ongoing research.
We present a two-stage attack strategy against Cisco IOS, as well as two unique multi-stage
shellcodes capable of reliable execution within a large collection of IOS images on differ-
ent hardware platforms. The disassembling shellcode, first proposed by Felix Linder [80]
operates by scanning through the router’s memory, looking for a string reference, allowing
the attacker to disable authentication on the victim router. The interrupt hijack shell-
code injects a second-stage shellcode capable of continuously monitoring incoming punted
0x00 − 0xff
3000 4000
2000 3000
0x000 − 0xfff 0 0
0x000 − 0xfff
Figure 7.9: Distribution of the location of eret instructions over 162 IOS images. These
locations mark the end of all interrupt service routines in IOS, and tend to be concentrated
within a predictable region of IOS.
Figure 7.10: CPU utilization of 7204 router during the first-stage execution of both the
disassembling and intercept hijack shellcodes. Note that the interrupt hijack shellcode is
simpler, requires less CPU and thus avoids watchdog timer exceptions.
Figure 7.11: CPU intensive shellcodes will be caught by Cisco’s watchdog timer, which
terminates and logs all long running processes. The disassembling shellcode, although
reliably bypasses password verification, consistently triggers the watchdog timer, generating
the above logs, which give precise memory location of the shellcode.
packets for specially crafted command and control packets from the attacker. The attacker
can use this covert backdoor by sending a wide gamut of packet types, like ICMP and
UDP, with specially crafted payloads. In both shellcodes, when the first-stage completes
execution, a host fingerprint is computed and exfiltrated back to the attacker. Using this
data, the attacker can accurately identify the exact micro-version of IOS running on the
host router. Using the second-stage rootkit, the attacker can then upload a version specific
rootkit, which can be pre-made a priori for all IOS images, onto the victim router. This
two-stage attack scenario allows the attacker to compromise any vulnerable IOS router as if
the specific version of the firmware is known, bypassing the software diversity hurdle which
has obstructed the reliable, large-scale rootkit execution within Cisco routers.
7.2.1 Overview
The ability to update firmware is a feature that is found in nearly all modern embedded
systems. We demonstrate how this feature can be exploited to allow attackers to inject
malicious firmware modifications into vulnerable embedded devices. We discuss techniques
for exploiting such vulnerable functionality and the implementation of a proof of concept
printer malware capable of network reconnaissance, data exfiltration and propagation to
general purpose computers and other embedded device types. We present a case study of
the HP-RFU (Remote Firmware Update) LaserJet printer firmware modification vulnera-
bility, which allows arbitrary injection of malware into the printer’s firmware via standard
printed documents. We show vulnerable population data gathered by continuously tracking
all publicly accessible printers discovered through an exhaustive scan of IPv4 space. To
show that firmware update signing is not the panacea of embedded defense, we present
an analysis of known vulnerabilities found in third-party libraries in 373 LaserJet firmware
images. Prior research has shown that the design flaws and vulnerabilities presented in
this chapter are found in other modern embedded systems. Thus, the exploitation tech-
niques presented in this chapter can be generalized to compromise other embedded systems.
Modern embedded devices exist in large numbers within our global IT environments and
critical communication infrastructures. Embedded systems like routers, switches and fire-
walls constitute the majority of our global network substrate. Special purpose appliances
like printers, wireless access points and IP phones are now commonplace in the modern
home and office. These appliances are typically built with general purpose, real-time oper-
ating systems using stock components. They are capable of interacting with general purpose
computers as general purpose computers themselves.
The diverse and proprietary nature of embedded device hardware and firmware is
thought to create a deterrent against effective wide-spread exploitation. While such claims
of embedded security fundamentally reduce to security through obscurity, it is nonetheless
claimed by embedded device vendors to provide security for their products[56].
To demonstrate that such claims of embedded security are overly optimistic and that
emerging embedded exploitation techniques and embedded system malware pose a threat
to the security of our existing networks, we present the following four contributions:
General firmware modification attack description: We present firmware modification
attacks, a general strategy that is well-suited to the exploitation of embedded devices. This
strategy aims to make arbitrary, persistent changes to victim devices’ firmware by leveraging
design flaws commonly found within embedded software. Firmware modification attacks
can affect entire families of devices adhering to the same system design flaw, transcending
operating system versions and instruction set architectures. The HP-RFU vulnerability
presented in this chapter affects MIPS- and ARM-based printers alike, regardless of their
underlying software implementation. We discuss the general preconditions for and the
process of leveraging firmware modification attacks against modern embedded devices.
HP LaserJet firmware modification case study: We use a firmware modification
vulnerability recently discovered by the authors in nearly all HP LaserJet printers[60] to
present a real-world case study of the development cycle of such attacks against common
embedded devices. We present the threat model characterization, vulnerability analysis and
threat assessment of HP-RFU and show a full exploit against the vulnerability. The entire
process, from discovery to the implementation of the final attack and malware package, took
approximately two months, and was carried out using public vendor information readily
available on the Internet and required a hardware budget of under $2,000. This attack is
effective against the majority of LaserJet printers currently in production and affects a large
number of installed devices. While it is difficult to divine the actual size of the vulnerable
device population, HP shipped 11.9 million such units in a single quarter of 2010 alone[63].
The design flaws identified in the HP remote firmware update functionality can be seen
in other modern embedded systems. Thus, the attack strategy we present can be generalized
and applied to other vulnerable embedded device types. We discuss the offensive potential
of our proof of concept printer malware and its impact on the efficacy of traditional network
defense doctrine.
Vulnerable population / patch propagation analysis: The severity of the HP-RFU
attack is further increased due to the ubiquitous nature of the vulnerable population. While
firmware fixes have been released by the vendor, mitigation of the vulnerability discussed
in this chapter ultimately depends on end-users diligently updating firmware. Applying
firmware updates on mission-critical embedded systems can be cumbersome and daunting[9].
It is not surprising that we have found that this diligence is lacking, which favors the
We present the results of exhaustive scans of IPv4 to show the distribution of all pub-
licly accessible, vulnerable LaserJet printers on the Internet. We have identified over 90,000
subsequent proof of concept attack and malware development. Section 7.2.6 discusses the
real-world offensive potential of our proof of concept attack. The distribution of publicly
accessible vulnerable LaserJet printers and initial firmware patch propagation telemetry
is presented in Section 7.2.7. Vulnerable third-party library analysis of 373 vendor-issued
firmware updates is presented in Section 7.2.8. Lastly, we survey related works and ongoing
work in the area of host-based embedded defense and vulnerability analysis in Section 7.1.2.
Firmware modification attacks aim to inject malware into the target embedded device.
Predictions of firmware modification attacks against printers are almost a decade old[6].
Firmware modification attacks can be carried out either as standalone attacks or as sec-
ondary attacks following initial exploitation using traditional attack vectors.
Standalone firmware modification attacks manipulate firmware update features instead
of exploiting flaws in the victim software. For example, the firmware modification case
study presented in Section 7.2.3 utilizes the remote firmware update feature within HP
LaserJet printers. This attack vector is not unique to the vulnerable devices discussed
in this chapter. Other ubiquitous embedded systems like ATM machines, smart battery
controllers, keyboards, enterprise routers and PBX equipment are also vulnerable to such
attacks. Similar standalone firmware modification attacks [22, 24, 51, 64, 86, 93] have
recently been reported.
The standalone firmware modification strategy is well-suited to embedded exploitation
in general for the following reasons:
Feasibility: Firmware update is an ubiquitous feature found in modern embedded devices.
Previous work[8, 36, 51] shows that a large number of embedded devices have firmware
update features that are not sufficiently protected by proper user authentication. Many
devices that require authentication before allowing firmware updates are vulnerable to trivial
administrative interface bypass attacks[107]. Furthermore, net-booted embedded devices
that use insecure protocols like TFTP to retrieve their configurations and firmware are
vulnerable to standard OSI Layer 2 attacks.
Fail-Safe: Firmware update mechanisms usually mandate integrity and model verification
prior to execution of the actual firmware modification. Malicious firmware update packages
sent to incompatible embedded devices are rejected and ignored. This relaxes the reconnais-
sance and accuracy requirements for the attacker and reduces the penalty of a misdirected
attack. For example, the final malicious binary described in Section 7.2.3 contains a single
RFU image targeting a precise printer model. However, if the exact model of the victim
printer is unknown, multiple malicious RFU commands covering all potential printer models
can be sent sequentially without damaging the printer. Furthermore, each RFU command
need not contain a full printer OS image, which is at least several megabytes in size. A
bare-bones OS boot loader can be sent instead. Such a loader could be implemented to
be at most several hundred kilobytes in size (the development of this offensive technique is
outside the scope of this chapter).
Platform Independence: Attacks that manipulate firmware update features within the
vulnerable device do not need to depend on specific software vulnerabilities in the victim and
will generally work across many models of the same device, even across different machine
architectures. For example, the HP-RFU vulnerability manipulates a feature of the LaserJet
firmware, which is supported across nearly all printer models and is common among MIPS-
and ARM-based devices.
While mandatory firmware signature verification can mitigate standalone firmware mod-
ification attacks, this countermeasure is not the panacea of embedded security. Firmware
modification attacks can be carried out as a secondary payload following the successful ex-
ploitation of the embedded device via traditional vectors like memory modification attacks.
Firmware content is typically stored in rewritable, nonvolatile memory like flash. Embedded
operating systems generally lack the fine-grain privilege separation and execution isolation
found in modern operating systems; even when available in later builds, vendors oftentimes
choose to not utilize these memory isolation features. Furthermore, for embedded operating
systems with process and memory isolation, vulnerabilities within the kernel or privileged
processes can still allow an attacker to make persistent changes to the device. For exam-
ple, prior research has demonstrated that it is possible to make persistent modifications
to the boot ROM portion of enterprise routers using only software operations[35]. Thus,
countermeasures like authentication and firmware signature verification cannot fully prevent
IOS images are simple ZIP files with slightly non-standard headers.
We used standard industry practices of loading the image into IDA Pro, fixing the memory mapping,
and so forth. A detailed discussion of reverse engineering is outside the scope of this chapter.
Figure 7.12: Byte value distribution histogram of a typical RFU file. Distribution suggests
that the data is compressed and not encrypted.
Initial static analysis of the original RFU binary revealed no printable strings, no known
filesystem headers and no recognizable executable binaries. We concluded that the binary
payload was likely either encrypted or compressed. Figure 7.12 shows the byte distribution
histogram for a typical RFU binary payload for the P2055DN printer. The histogram
suggests that the binary blob is compressed and not encrypted as common encryption
algorithms typically generate high-entropy ciphertext, which was not observed.
Manual inspection of the binary revealed a simple package header structure containing
a short checksum field followed by multiple entries of the same data structure, containing
the compressed and uncompressed size of each firmware component and its target address
within the printer’s persistent storage address space. This header is shown in Figure C.2 of
the Appendix.
Figure 7.13: Formatter board for LaserJet P2055DN. Dump of the onboard SPI flash re-
vealed RFU format and integrity checking algorithm.
The printer’s formatter board hardware components were desoldered and reverse engi-
neered. Figure 7.13 shows the actual formatter board inside the target device. Figure 7.14
illustrates the main components found on the P2055DN’s primary control (formatter) board.
Manual inspection revealed that the system was powered by a Marvell SoC. Aside from the
machine architecture (ARM), no other information was publicly available due to the propri-
etary nature of the chip. However, the SPI flash chip is a stock component with a publicly
available datasheet.
Formatter Board
Engine Controller
Figure 7.14: Logical block diagram of the major components used on the LaserJet P2055DN
formatter board. The Spansion boot flash was key to our reverse engineering effort.
The main SoC on the formatter board uses the Spansion flash chip as a boot device.
This chip has 8 MB of storage and communicates with the main Marvell SoC via a Serial
Peripheral Interface (SPI) using a simple command protocol defined in its datasheet. In
order to extract the contents of the flash chip, a SPI chip dumper was implemented using
an Arduino[7] to perform the actual I/O. Figure 7.15 shows the physical hardware setup
connecting the SPI boot flash chip to the Arduino board.
Analysis of the boot loader code revealed the binary structure and compression algorithm
used in the RFU format. Manual inspection of the flash chip content revealed a boot image
layout shown in Figure 7.16.
A factory reset RFU image was found inside the boot flash. This image is immediately
preceded by a boot loader containing the code that validates and parses RFU images. IDA
Pro[62] disassembled the boot loader binary. The resulting assembly code revealed that the
RFU image is validated using a trivial checksum function and compressed using a common
Figure 7.15: The SPI flash chip was physically removed then connected to an Arduino for
boot code extraction.
Furthermore, the specific version of the compression library used to process RFU im-
ages appear to have several known arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities[15, 16, 17]. Sec-
tion 7.2.8 presents an analysis of vulnerable third-party libraries found in a large number
of firmware images released by the vendor.
der set RF rea
otLoa actory-Re ore A
L1-Bo F SecSt
0x000000 - 0x800000
Figure 7.16: Boot image layout on the SPI flash chip. The level-1 boot loader contains
code that validates, unpacks and decompresses the factory reset RFU allowing us to reverse
engineer the binary RFU format and compression algorithm.
Static analysis of the extracted boot flash code revealed the precise RFU binary structure,
checksum and compression algorithms used. This information allowed the authors to write
HPacker, a tool that takes an uncompressed ARM ELF image as input and returns a valid
A video discussing the technical mechanics of this rootkit and a demonstration of its
capabilities is publicly available[32].
The VxWorks OS image found within the RFU binary contains a complete socket
library[114] and direct access to the underlying network transceiver hardware. The cre-
ation of the proof of concept code was mainly an exercise in identifying and intercepting
the proper pieces of binary within the VxWorks image.
No host-based security mechanism exists within the firmware image. Thus, the attacker
is free to make arbitrary changes to the victim device. As long as the functionality and
general performance of the device is not altered, detection of firmware modification is not
possible without careful removal and inspection of the hardware inside the printer.
Several challenges arose during the construction of the proof of concept code. The Vx-
Works image extracted from the RFU package contained no symbol information. Locating
the appropriate socketlib, print job processing and raw network I/O binary interfaces within
the binary proved non-trivial.
We developed a set of IDA-Python scripts to perform standard control-flow analysis of
the target binary around code that we manually identified as network-facing. This effort
was expedited by a patch made to the VxWorks kernel, which redirected debug messages
destined for the UART to a TCP connection. Using these two mechanisms, a dynamic
analysis environment was created to probe network-facing code, which eventually yielded
a small set of functions likely to be libraries used by multiple pieces of unrelated code.
Function prototype data was taken from available VxWorks documentation and used as a
final check to positively identify each library function.
Typically, the malware would be optimized, compressed, packed and broken up to fit
within gaps inside the original firmware or placed within dynamically allocated memory.
However, since the attacker controls the firmware storage area absolutely, we added a new
section within the ELF header marked with rwx privileges. This gave us more than sufficient
space to implement all the previously mentioned malware functionality. In total, 2,800 lines
of assembly were written to create the proof of concept malware.
We present the threat model and assessment analysis for the HP-RFU vulnerability pre-
sented in Section 7.2.3.
The HP-RFU vulnerability exploits a design flaw in the firmware update mechanism found
in nearly all LaserJet printers. In order to achieve persistent firmware modification on
the victim device, the attacker must deliver a malicious PJL command to the raw-printing
processing subsystem of the target. This can be done by using the following attack types:
Active Attacks require the attacker to directly trigger the firmware update process by
actively connecting to the printer and sending it the malicious PJL command over the
printer’s raw-printing port.
Reflexive Attacks are akin to reflexive cross-site scripting attacks where malicious firmware
update commands are embedded in passive data that is passed along to the user of the vic-
tim device. For example, the final binary package of the HP-RFU attack can be embedded
inside innocuous-looking documents and sent to unwitting users, perhaps in the form of an
academic paper or resume. In this reflexive attack scenario, the actual attack is launched
when the malicious document is printed.
Figure 7.17 illustrates an advanced persistent attack scenario where a compromised printer
is used as a reconnaissance tool and offensive asset. Once the malware package is delivered
to the victim printer, it can be used to carry out firmware modification attacks against
other embedded devices like other printers, IP phones, and video conferencing units. Com-
promised embedded devices can be used to establish reverse IP tunnels back out to the
Internet, giving the attacker direct access to the secured internal network. These devices
can also be used to carry out standard network attacks like ARP cache poisoning and act
as offensive assets to further compromise general purpose computers and other embedded
devices behind the victim’s perimeter defenses.
No host-based security mechanisms exist on the compromised printer. Thus, the pres-
ence of malware on this device will most likely go undetected if the functionality of the
device is not affected. The compromised printer is an ideally situated stealthy asset that
can be used as a fail-safe device allowing the attacker re-entrance into the victim network
even if all compromised general purpose machines are neutralized. Contrary to the sensa-
tionalized media coverage regarding the HP-RFU vulnerability, it would be unwise for the
attacker to destroy a compromised printer physically6 .
The HP-RFU vulnerability disclosure is described in CVE-2011-4161[18]. As Section 7.2.7
shows, there are currently over 90,000 vulnerable LaserJet printers publicly accessible over
the IPv4 Internet.
While it has been demonstrated and stated in the initial reports that using the printer’s fuser as an
ignition source to create fire is not possible, physical destruction of the printer is possible via multiple
1. Reverse Proxy
Printer -> Attacker
2. Reverse Proxy
Printer -> Victim
Network Printer
Figure 7.17: Typical advanced persistent threat attack scenario involving compromised
the remote RFU update feature by default. Network-printing typically requires the printer
to be reachable via TCP/9100. Since arbitrary binary traffic is allowed in the raw-printing
protocol by specification, it is difficult to detect and stop malicious PJL commands at
the network layer. Recent research suggests that it may be possible to use languages like
PostScript to compute a valid, malicious PJL command on the victim printer when the
malicious document is processed[24]. If so, this will significantly increase the difficulty of
detection of this type of attack on the network level or within print servers.
Poor and incomplete configuration interface: The configuration interface of many
“advanced” security features does not exist on the printer’s HTTP or Telnet administrative
interfaces. For example, disabling the remote RFU feature and setting PJL passwords
can only be done through a separate enterprise printing management tool called HP Web
Jetadmin (WJA)[61]. This is a 315 MB program that requires the installation of Windows-
based web and SQL servers and is generally not practical for average users without enterprise
IT support.
RFU feature cannot be disabled: Several LaserJet models, including the P2055DN
used in our initial experimentation, do not support any way to disable the remote RFU
feature, even through Web Jetadmin. As far as the authors are aware, prior to the release
of the second version of the security bulletin[58], no combination of available configurable
settings could disable the vulnerable feature on these printers. Furthermore, these models
were not included in the first release of the security bulletin[57], since security bulletins
released by the vendor must contain an acceptable mitigation method. Since no firmware
fix was available, the devices most affected by the HP-RFU vulnerability were not listed in
the initial vendor disclosure document.
Potential for irreversible, permanent malware injection: The SPI boot flash chip
used on the P2055DN formatter board supports a One-Time-Programmable (OTP) feature[104]
that allows areas of memory within the chip to be programmed and locked permanently.
This is an irreversible operation that is typical for similar flash components. If the mali-
cious malware package injected into the boot flash chip of the printer took advantage of
this feature, removal of the malware would be impossible without physical removal of the
compromised component.
Vendors of general purpose operating systems and popular applications have deployed large-
scale distribution networks to automatically update host software with little to no user
interaction. However, no such widely deployed distribution exists to push patches and
firmware updates to embedded systems.
The results presented in this section indicate that approximately 1.08% of vulnerable
HP LaserJet printers have been patched worldwide, despite the public announcement of
the HP-RFU vulnerability and the rapid release of firmware updates by the vendor (see
Table 7.3).
This highlights the ineffectiveness of simple public release of firmware updates for vul-
nerable embedded devices. Empirical evidence suggests that vulnerable embedded devices
will persist for a long period of time as compared to vulnerable general purpose comput-
ers. The threat will persist unless proactive firmware update mechanisms are developed
for legacy embedded systems. However, a more proactive firmware update mechanism may
also be exploited in firmware modification attacks. Methodology
In order to quantify the number of printers that are vulnerable to the HP-RFU attack, we
scanned the IPv4 Internet for publicly accessible HP printer web, telnet, SNMP and raw-
print server sockets. Model numbers and firmware datecodes were gathered by employing
the following methods: Findings
In the two months following the official release of firmware updates for the HP-RFU vulner-
ability, we identified 90,847 unique HP printers that are publicly accessible over the IPv4
Internet. Firmware version data is collected periodically for each device. Table 7.3 shows
our findings.
Table 7.3: Observed population of printers vulnerable to the HP-RFU attack on IPv4.
Patching vulnerable printers to the latest firmware does not necessarily secure the
printer. We probed each printer for other well-known vulnerabilities and common mis-
configurations that can result in unrestricted root-level access to the printer. Table 7.4 lists
the vulnerabilities, including a ChaiVM vulnerability FX exploited in 2003[79] (this talk
also discussed the potential for firmware modification).
Vulnerable printers are grouped into five general organizational types: educational, pri-
vate enterprise, military, civilian government and Internet service providers. Tables 7.5
and 7.6 show the distributions of the average age of the firmware images currently installed
across different organization types and continents, respectively. The firmware age is taken
from the datecode in the response from the devices’ administrative interfaces. Organiza-
tional and geographic data were gathered though the DNS, Internet Routing Registry (IRR)
whois or commercial geolocation databases.
The above data is a lower bound on the number of vulnerable LaserJet printers on
the Internet since it does not include devices behind firewalls or NATs or in other private
The ChaiVM EZLoader allows unsigned .jar files to be installed[98].
A remote crash vulnerability exists in Virata EmWeb R6.0.1[91].
Table 7.4: Observed population of printers vulnerable to attacks other than HP-RFU on
In the months following the HP-RFU vulnerability disclosure, we observed 808 unique
vulnerable printers that have been updated to firmware versions that mitigate the problem.
We also observed 211 printers that did not require updated firmware to be invulnerable
to the HP-RFU. However, out of these 1,019 devices, 24.8% (253) of them still have open
telnet interfaces with no root passwords configured.
Approximately 64% of all vulnerable printers were located in North America. Over
65% of all vulnerable printers were found within the networks of educational institutions
We also identified the following populations of vulnerable printers within two notable
organizations: Methodology
All RFU images were unpacked and decompressed. Embedded filesystems (LynxFS) were
extracted from the decompressed data. Extracted executables and shared objects were
pattern-matched against known ASCII and binary signatures to detect the presence of
specific versions of two specific third-party libraries: zlib and OpenSSL.
While this process suggests the presence of specific versions of third-party libraries in
the analyzed firmware updates, no analysis was performed to check whether the libraries
can be invoked by the attacker, or that the known vulnerabilities are reliably exploitable
on the printers’ machine architectures. This is the topic of ongoing research.
We present findings for the following third-party library vulnerabilities found in 373
vendor-issued firmware updates:
zlib: CA-2002-07, CERT-{68062, 238678} Discovered in 2002, zlib ver. 1.1.3 and earlier
have a double free bug that allows arbitrary code execution[15]. In 2005 the vendor was
notified of a buffer overflow in zlib ver. 1.2.1 and 1.2.2[17]. The vendor was notified of a
DOS condition in zlib ver. 1.2.0.x and 1.2.x in 2004[16].
OpenSSL: CVE-{2009-3245, 2006-3738, 2006-4339} There are over 100 known vulnerabil-
ities in various versions of OpenSSL. We scanned for the above three critical vulnerabilities
in our firmware update dataset because they involve features that are likely to be reachable
via network attack. The first two vulnerabilities can lead to arbitrary code execution. The
last vulnerability can bypass x.509 certificate verification. Findings
Figure 7.18 shows the percentage of vendor released firmware images that use versions of
zlib and OpenSSL library containing known vulnerabilities for a subset of LaserJet models.
Table 7.7 shows the duration of which known vulnerabilities that have existed for in various
models of LaserJet printers.
Overall, we made the following observations:
Mandatory firmware update signature verification is not an adequate defense mechanism
Figure 7.18: Percentages of RFUs for each printer model containing known zlib and
OpenSSL vulnerabilities.
against vulnerabilities that exist in the codebase of existing printers. Therefore, a large
population of network printers is still potentially vulnerable to exploitation, despite the
firmware updates released by the vendor.
We present two host-based defense techniques developed by the authors to mitigate the
vulnerabilities described in Chapters 8 and 9. The vulnerable firmware update feature
found in HP LaserJet printers is rarely used and should be disabled until it is needed.
However, we found that disabling this feature was not trivial and at times impossible, as was
the case with the LaserJet P2055DN. We propose a technique, which we call Autotomic10
Binary Structure Randomization (ABSR): it not only disables unnecessary features but also
removes the unused binary from the firmware image. This technique simultaneously reduces
the attack surface of the embedded device as well as the amount of code and data that can
be used as part of any shellcode.
Disabling unused features on the embedded device is helpful, but it does not guard
against exploitation via attack vectors within necessary features that cannot be removed.
For example, vulnerable third-party libraries like ones identified in Section 7.2.8 may be
pivotal to the functionality of the embedded device. We believe techniques like ABSR
should be used in conjunction with other host-based defenses to detect and mitigate the
consequences of successful exploitation. Software Symbiotes have been demonstrated as
a viable dynamic firmware integrity attestation technique on embedded systems such as
enterprise routers.
Despite proper software and security engineering practices by vendors, firmwares will
continue to be released with bugs and vulnerabilities. ABSR and Symbiotes are aimed at
Autotomy - The spontaneous casting off of parts is a (biologically) viable security mechanism.
In this section, we have qualified and quantified the nature and scope of the exploitability
of embedded devices. We have established a quantitative lower-bound on the number of
trivially vulnerable embedded devices in the world, which likely numbers in millions. We
have devised several exploitation techniques aimed at overcoming challenges of carrying
out reliable shell-code execution across heterogeneous populations of embedded devices.
We have surveyed the exploitability of a collection ubiquitous embedded devices, which
resulted in the public disclosure of several high impact vulnerabilities effecting hundreds
of million devices. In short, we have demonstrated, through quantitative and qualitative
analysis, two important findings about the current security posture of embedded devices.
First, vulnerable embedded devices exist in large numbers in the world. Second, vulnerable
embedded devices can be reliably exploited in similar ways as general-purpose computers.
We conclude this chapter of offensive study of embedded devices by drawing the following
Consider the embedded exploitation scenario illustrated in Fig. 7.19. By leveraging the
vulnerabilities presented in this chapter, an attacker can compromise several classes of
ubiquitous embedded devices, such as phones, printers and routers, in an automated fashion.
Such an automated attack has been demonstrated in real-time11 .
During exploitation stage 1, the attacker can leverage CVE-2011-4161 to inject persistent
malware into common network printers within the secured network. This can be done by
sending a specially crafted document to an user within the secured network. The attack is
triggered when the document is printed.
External Network
Secured Network Firewall
2 2
Router / Switch Router / Switch
Phone 5 Desktop
Once compromised, the malicious payload running within the network printer creates a
reverse-ip tunnel through the gateway firewall back to the attacker. This effectively grants
the attacker, located outside the secured network, layer-2 access and persistent presence
within the secured network.
Using the compromised printer as an advanced persistent asset, the attacker carries out
layer-2 and layer-3 reconnaissance within the secured network in order to identify other vul-
nerable embedded devices. During exploitation stage 2, the compromised printer identifies
and compromises other vulnerable printers within the victim network.
During exploitation stage 3, the compromised printers leverage CVE-2012-5445, CVE-
2013-6685 and ASA-2014-099 to exploit vulnerable VoIP endpoints identified through typ-
ical network reconnaissance.
During exploitation stage 4, the compromised VoIP endpoints are leveraged to identify
and exploit other similarly vulnerable devices.
Lastly, during exploitation stage 5, the routers and switches themselves are exploited.
The pattern of reconnaissance, exploitation and malcode propagation is similar to that
which have been observed within populations of general-purpose computers. However, the
ability for a functionally cohesive piece of malcode to propagate across and operate stealthily
within a heterogeneous collection of embedded devices running many different operating
systems and ISA’s can give the attacker novel channel of persistent access to the secured
network via various compromised embedded devices.
Since individual embedded devices lack host-based defense capabilities, the secured net-
work lacks the ability to detect the presence of embedded malcode as a whole. In the
absence of host-based detection capabilities, the presence of malcode propagation can only
be detected using methods that rely on phenomenons external to the compromised devices,
such as network-based intrusion detection. However, such techniques will likely have limited
efficacy in the context of embedded exploitation scenarios such as the one presented in this
Consider the fact that several stages of the above malcode propagation scenario can
be carried out via direct network connections between devices. In such cases, traditional
network-based intrusion detection techniques will be rendered nearly useless, especially if the
routers and switches, which constitute the networking substrate, is themselves compromised.
We conclude this chapter of offensive study of embedded devices by asserting that host-
based defense within each embedded device endpoint is crucial to the defense of modern
computer networks. The next chapter will discuss several such defensive mechanisms, and
the core contributions of this thesis.
Part III
Embedded Defense
Chapter 8
Large numbers of legacy embedded devices on the Internet, such as routers, are ripe for
exploitation. However, little to no host-based defensive technology like antivirus and IDS’s
are available to protect these devices, thus leaving vast portions of the Internet substrate
vulnerable to attack. We propose a host-based defense mechanism, which we call Symbi-
otic Embedded Machines (SEM), that is specifically designed to inject intrusion detection
functionality into the firmware of existing embedded devices. A SEM or simply a Symbiote,
may be injected into deployed legacy embedded systems with no disruption to the operation
of the device. A Symbiote is a code structure embedded in situ into the firmware of an
embedded system. The Symbiote tightly co-exists with its host executable in a mutually
defensive arrangement, sharing computational resources with its host while simultaneously
protecting the host against exploitation and unauthorized modification. The Symbiote is
stealthily embedded in a randomized fashion within an arbitrary body of firmware to pro-
tect itself from removal and unauthorized deactivation. We demonstrate the operation of
a generic whitelist-based rootkit detector Symbiote injected in situ into Cisco IOS with
little performance penalty and without impacting the routers functionality. The proposed
Symbiote can detect unauthorized modification of IOS memory in approximately 300 ms
on a physical Cisco 7121 router. We present the performance overhead of a Symbiote on
physical Cisco hardware. A MIPS implementation of the proposed Symbiote is also ported
to ARM and injected into a Linux 2.4 kernel, allowing the Symbiote to operate within An-
droid and other mobile devices. The use of Symbiotes represents a practical and effective
protection mechanism for a wide range of devices, especially widely deployed, unprotected,
legacy embedded devices.
8.1 Introduction
We propose to use the Symbiote to inject intrusion detection functionality into the firmware
of legacy embedded systems. The Symbiote structure should allow an integrity verification
payload to detect unauthorized modification of the static regions of memory of the protected
device. Symbiote injection may be randomized so that each instance is distinct from all
other injected systems in order to thwart attempts by an adversary to disable the injected
Symbiote. In general, we aim to create an injectable software construct that provides the
following four fundamental security properties:
1. The Symbiote has full visibility into the code and execution state of its host program,
and can either passively monitor or actively react to the observed events at runtime.
2. The Symbiote executes along side the firmware or host program. In order for the host
to function as before, its injected SEM must execute, and vice versa.
3. The Symbiote’s code cannot be modied or disabled by unauthorized parties. Such
attempts will either be detected by the Symbiote or will render the host program
4. No two instantiations of the same Symbiote is the same. Each time a Symbiote
is created, its code is randomized and mutated by a polymorphic engine, rendering
signature based detection methods and attacks that require predictable memory and
code structures within the Symbiote ineffective.
Host Program
Symbiote Manager
= intercept point
Symbiote Payload
Figure 8.1: Logical overview of SEM injected into embedded device firmware. SEM main-
tains control of CPU by using large-scale randomized control-flow interception. The SEM
payload executes alongside original OS. Figure 6 shows a concrete example of how the SEM
payload can be injected into a gap within IOS code.
infrastructure, like smart power meters, machine to machine control systems, as well as
everyday embedded devices like VoIP phones, home routers and mobile computers.
Figure 8.1 shows how a Symbiote is typically injected into a host program. A large
number of control-flow intercepts are distributed randomly throughout the body of the host
program, allowing the Symbiote Manager to periodically regain control of the CPU. Once
the Symbiote Manager is invoked, it executes a small portion of its defensive payload before
saving its execution context and returning control back to the host program. This allows
the Symbiote and host program to execute in tandem and in a time-multiplexed manner
without altering the original functionality of the host program. The Symbiote injection
process provides a probabilistic lower bound on the frequency in which the Symbiote will
be invoked at runtime as an adjustable parameter. The Symbiote resides within the same
execution environment as the host program. It has the ability to passively monitor or
proactively alter the host program’s behavior at runtime. Since the Symbiote is deeply
intwined with its protected host program, attempts to corrupt or alter the Symbiote binary
will either be detected by the Symbiote or cause the host program to crash as described in
Section 8.4.
As we see in Section 8.3, Symbiotes can defend any arbitrary executable, even other
Symbiotes. Unlike traditional anti-virus and host-based defense mechanisms, which install
into and depend heavily on facilities provided by the vulnerable systems they are meant to
protect, the Symbiote treats its host program as an external and untrusted entity. Sym-
biotes do not depend on functionality provided by its host, giving it several advantages.
The Symbiote:
Is agnostic to its operating environment. Since the Symbiote injects itself into its
host program, it does not need to conform to any executable format. The Symbiote
will execute as long as its host program is a valid executable, regardless of operating
system type or version.
Can be injected into proprietary black box operating systems. Since Symbiotes are
agnostic to the inner workings of its host program and execution environment, deploy-
ing Symbiotes on proprietary systems is as easy as deploying them within well known
Is entirely self-contained and does not depend on facilities provided by its host program.
The Symbiote treats its host program as an untrusted and foreign entity. It does not
use any external code to protect the host program. Therefore, vulnerabilities within
the host program will not be shared by its Symbiote.
Is self-protecting and stealthy and thus is difficult to detect and deactivate by an ad-
Is lightweight. The Symbiote does not require hardware virtualization support. It exe-
cutes natively on its host program’s hardware and does not perform JIT compilation.
This efficiency makes the use of Symbiotes in resource-constrained embedded devices
We assume the attacker is technically sophisticated and has access to both zero-day vulner-
abilities and compatible exploits allowing reliable execution of arbitrary code. We further
assume that the attacker executes the attacks in an online fashion. In other words, the
attacker must carry out the attack remotely against a running device without interfering
with its function or causing it to crash or reboot. Attacks involving configuration changes
or replacement of the entire firmware image (that requires a reboot) are excluded from our
model because they can be detected by conventional methods like network-based monitor-
ing and filtering. We also assume that the attacker has access to the original host program
image, before any Symbiotes are injected into it.
Online attacks against the Symbiote-protected host program can be divided into two
categories: those attacks that attempt to disable or evade the Symbiotes protecting the
host program, and those that do not. We first address existing attacks that target the
host program and show how Symbiotes can prevent such attacks. Section 8.4 discusses
multi-stage attacks that attempt to disable Symbiotes prior to executing their malicious
With respect to Cisco routers, we focus on rootkit techniques that make persistent
changes to the IOS operating system. The SEM mechanism introduced in this chapter is
used to detect injected code that changes portions of the device that are otherwise static
during the life time of the device. The Symbiote payload presented in this chapter is
designed to detect unauthorized code modification and cannot defend against exploits that
do not make persistent change to the router’s code. However, the SEM approach can also
be used to detect exploitation in dynamic areas of the target embedded device like the stack
and heap. Symbiote control-flow interception methods and payloads that defend against
return-to-libc, return oriented and heap related attacks are currently under research.
The Symbiote is a self-contained entity and is not installed onto the host program in the
traditional sense. It is injected into its host program’s code in a randomized fashion. Anti-
virus and other host-based defenses are typically installed onto or into the operating system
it protects. This places a heavy dependence on the features and integrity of the operating
system. In general, this arrangement requires a strong trust relationship with the very
software (often of unknown integrity) it tries to protect. In contrast, the Symbiote treats
its entire host program as an external and untrusted entity, and therefore eliminates the
unsound trust on traditional legacy systems.
Symbiote Symbiote User Defined
Manager Payload Policy Engine
Figure 8.2: Generic end-to-end process of fortifying an arbitrary host program with a Sym-
biote. Our proof-of-concept Symbiote for Cisco routers, Doppelgänger, is completely imple-
mented in software and can execute on existing commodity systems without any need for
specialized hardware.
Figure 8.2 shows the process in which a Symbiote is instantiated and injected into a host
program, producing a symbiotically protected host program. First, a Symbiote is instanti-
ated by combining a Symbiote Manager with a Symbiote Payload. The resulting Symbiote
binary, along with the host program binary, can be optionally passed to the Randomization
and Mutation Engine. The resulting pair of binaries are passed to the Symbiote Injection
Engine. Here, the host program is analyzed. Using a combination of automated static
and dynamic analysis, a large number of control-flow interception points within the host
program is chosen in a randomized fashion. The Symbiote is finally injected into the host
program using standard binary rewriting techniques, yielding a new symbiotically protected
executable binary that is functionally equivalent to the original host program.
Figure 8.3 shows the rendering of a typical Symbiote when injected into Cisco IOS. Note
that the Symbiote payload portion is shown as a contiguous block for clarity. In practice,
the Symbiote payload should be randomly distributed across many noncontiguous segments.
For generality, SEM does not rely on firmware specific code features like system calls or
standard libraries. The Control-Flow Interceptor component uses inline hooks to intercept
a large number of functions within the target firmware. Upon invocation of an intercepted
function, control of the CPU is redirected to the Symbiotic Embedded Machine Manager
(SEMM), which executes a small portion of the SEM payload. Once invoked, the SEMM
manages the execution of injected SEM payload as follows:
Figure 8.3: Rendering of Symbiote structure inside a typical IOS firmware. The top of
the graph shows large numbers of control-flow interceptors diverting the CPU to the SEM
manager and payload, which can be seen as the small vertical structure at the bottom of
the graph.
First, analysis is performed on the original host program in order to determine areas of live
code, or code that will be run with high probability at runtime. Next, random intercept
points are chosen out of the live code regions found. Lastly, each Symbiote Manager,
Symbiote payload, and a large number of control-flow intercepts are injected into the host
program binary, yielding a Symbiote protected host program.
Control-flow intercepts are distributed in a randomized fashion throughout the host
program’s binaries in order to ensure that the Symbiote regains control of the CPU peri-
odically. We would like to ensure that these randomly chosen intercept points are located
within regions of code that will be frequently executed at runtime. This problem is difficult
to solve with high accuracy in the general case. However, our purposes do not require the
classification mechanism to be absolutely accurate. In reality, implementing a sufficient so-
lution for real-world host programs is not too difficult. Section 8.3.5 discusses the methods
used in our experiments for live code classification.
Once regions of code within the host program are chosen for control-flow interception,
the Symbiote injection process imbeds interceptors as well as the Symbiote binary into the
host program. The Symbiote implementation presented in this chapter uses a Detour [115]
style inline function hooking mechanism for control-flow interception. While we injected
our intercepts within the function preamble in the current Symbiote implementation, this is
not a requirement. Control-flow intercepts can be embedded in arbitrary positions within
the host program using existing binary instrumentation techniques.
Detour [115] style inline hooking is a well known technique for function interception.
However, SEM uses function interception in a different way. Instead of targeting specific
functions for interception that requires precise a priori knowledge of the code layout of
the target device, SEM randomly intercepts a large number of functions as a means to
periodically and consistently re-divert a small portion of the device’s CPU cycles to execute
the SEM payload. This approach allows SEM to remain agnostic to operating system
specifics while executing its payload alongside the original host program. The SEM payload
has full access to the internals of the original firmware but is not constrained by it. This
allows the SEM payload to carry out powerful functionality that are not possible under
the original OS. For example, the IOS rootkit detection payload presented in Section 8.3.7
bypasses the process watchdog timer constraint, which terminates any IOS process running
for more than several seconds, because the detector operates outside the control of the OS.
Stealth is a powerful byproduct of the SEM structure. In the case of IOS, no diagnostic
tool available within the OS (short of a full memory dump) can detect the presence of the
SEM payload because it manipulates no OS specific structure and is effectively invisible to
the OS. The impact of the SEM payload is further hidden by the fact that CPU utilization of
the payload is not reported within any single process under IOS and is distributed randomly
across a large number of unrelated processes.
Note that the mechanism of action used by our current Symbiote is designed specif-
ically for resource-constrained real-time embedded devices. The Symbiote approach can
be migrated to general purpose computers in standard operating systems running on x86.
However, because of the plethora of dynamic instrumentation mechanisms available in these
environments, the x86 version of the Symbiote can use a wide variety of control-flow in-
terception mechanisms not available and not suitable for embedded devices. For example,
instead of using Detour style hooks, the Symbiote can leverage existing tools like Pin. While
each component of the Symbiote may be implemented differently to take advantage of the
underlying hardware architecture, the structure and interfaces between each component will
remain the same.
The SEM Manager (SEMM) is responsible for managing all necessary state information to
ensure that the SEM payload and the native OS can safely execute in a time multiplexed
manner. This information is saved and loaded each time the SEMM switches CPU control
between the SEM payload and the native OS. The major challenge of the SEMM is pre-
serving the integrity of the saved execution contexts. Any corruption to this data will very
likely cause unintended behavior or a system crash when the context is loaded into CPU.
Since the SEM payload is under our control, it will not accidentally modify the saved con-
text record of the native OS. Therefore, one of the SEMM’s critical goals is to prevent the
native OS from overwriting the memory chunks used to store the SEM payload’s execution
context record.
This seems like a difficult task, as the native OS has no knowledge of the existence of the
SEM and has legitimate access to all addressable memory on the target device. However,
the size of each execution context record is approximately 256 bytes. In practice, finding
small, usable chunks of memory which can be safely used by the Symbiote is fairly simple.
The next section discusses how usable memory is identified in Cisco IOS to support our
proposed Symbiote. Note that many other methods of locating or creating usable Symbiote
memory exists. We chose a simple and noninvasive allocation method for the purposes
of the Symbiote payload presented in this chapter. However, as the size and memory
requirements of payloads increase, we may explore other ways of allocating usable memory
for the Symbiote. This is a topic of ongoing research.
In order for SEM to execute safely along the native OS, it must have access to memory
that the native OS will not modify. Using SEM’s small memory footprint to our advantage,
we locate small chunks of usable memory located in areas of the binary which will not be
used by the native OS. We have identified several methods of finding such unused memory.
The most successful strategy looks for “gaps” within various structures in the firmware.
Small gaps between chunks of binary executables, strings, and other static structures are
often intentionally introduced for optimization and alignment purposes. Given that the
native OS uses these gaps only as space holders, SEM can safely use these small chunks
of memory. It is important to note that usable memory identified through this method
constitutes unused address space, rather then unlikely to be used address space.
Usable memory can be identified with a single linear sweep of the firmware image.
While this approach places an upper bound on the amount of usable space available to the
SEM, experimental results have shown that this is more than adequate. For example, we
identified 290Kb and 130Kb of usable space trivially inside the .data and .text sections
of the 12.2(27c) IOS image respectively. This space is more than sufficient for our current
SEM memory requirements (Section 8.5, Table 8.1). Furthermore, much larger amounts
of usable space exist within dynamic sections of memory like the stack and heap. Safely
locating usable memory chunks within these areas is currently under research.
Our proof of concept Symbiote implementation places the SEMM and SEM payload
binaries within the large alignment gap at the end of the .text section of the firmware.
This static placement advertises to an adversary where to look for a Symbiote, so in an
actual deployment, the SEMM and payload binaries would be distributed across many non-
contiguous segments in memory. In addition, we use a pool of gaps in the .data section for
storing the stack and execution context records of the SEM payload
Control-flow intercept points are chosen randomly out of candidate live code regions within
the host program. The way code regions are classified as live, and the number of intercepts
chosen from each region directly affects the frequency in which the Symbiote will gain control
of the CPU. This in tunr directly affects the performance and overhead of the Symbiote.
Both dynamic and static methods of live code classification are considered for our exper-
iments. First, the host program is executed under a profiler in order to observe live code, or
code coverage under normal operating conditions1 . Using code coverage analysis to classify
live code is advantageous because it cannot produce false positives, i.e. dead code cannot
be classified as live code. However, this dynamic approach cannot classify regions of code
that are reachable only through rare or malformed program input. Therefore, we augment
our code coverage based live code classifier with static analysis of the control-flow graph of
the host program. Figure 8.4 shows the live code regions of a typical IOS router firmware
image after our initial analysis. Control-flow intercept points will be chosen randomly out
of these code regions (shown in white) to periodically divert CPU control to the injected
Symbiote. Note that intercept points can, and should also be placed in the binary outside
of the detected live code regions.
In the case of IOS, we profiled the router image using Dynamips under various workloads.
Figure 8.4: Live Code Regions (White) Within IOS 12.4 Firmware (Black). Code Range:
The general injection process for any embedded device may be represented as a transform
function from the original binary of the devices software to a new binary safely modified
with new functionality:
Given a binary firmware Bi , which executes on a CPU architecture Xarch , a SEM imple-
mentation SEMSEM and a chosen payload PSEM written in C, the SEM injection function
ISEM outputs a new binary firmware Bo such that it:
As the injection process uses only gap memory chunks in situ, the lengths of Bi and Bo are
To detect IOS malcode and rootkits described in the previous section, we implement a white-
list strategy. Known rootkits operate by hooking into and altering key functions within IOS.
To do this, specific binary patches must be made to executable code. Therefore, a continuous
integrity check on all static areas of Cisco IOS will detect all function hooking and patching
attempts made by rootkits and malware. The rootkit detection payload described below is
not specific to IOS, and can be used on other embedded operating systems as well. For the
white-list strategy to be effective, the protected kernel code must either remain static during
legitimate operation, or only be allowed to change in predictable ways. For example, while
some embedded operating systems support legitimate mechanisms to dynamically update
the kernel, the contents of those updates are static and known a priori. Therefore, the
checksums of approved updates can be calculated and distributed to SEM ahead of time.
Formally, let
Hc = Fhash (Sc )
where {Sc } is a set of contiguous code segments we wish to monitor within B, a binary
host program. If Hc outputs a cryptographically secure hash function over all monitored
code segments, a change in Hc , then, indicates a change within at least one code segment
in {Sc }.
Hc = {x|x ∈ Sc , Fhash (x)}
Further, we can compute and monitor multiple hash values {Hci } over any arbitrary subset
of {Sc }. By doing so, we gain arbitrary resolution on the location of code modification at
cost of increased memory and computational overhead.
This section discusses multi-stage attack strategies, which attempt to disable the Symbiote
prior to executing their malicious payload. We provide an intuitive lower bound of the
computational cost of a successful attack against software-only Symbiotes. We also discuss
ways of detecting and defending against such multi-stage attacks.
Generally, software-only Symbiotes can be successfully bypassed in two ways:
Attack 1: Remove control-flow intercepts. If the attacker can remove all control-
flow intercepts within all live code regions before the Symbiote’s detection latency, the
attacker can prevent the Symbiote from ever regaining control of the CPU.
Attack 2: Deactivate the SEMM or Payload. If the attacker can locate and patch
the Symbiote’s manager or payload code, the Symbiote can be completely disabled.
The Symbiote control-flow intercepts are randomly distributed within the live code
region, while the Symbiote Manager and Payloads are distributed randomly throughout the
entire host program2 .
Both attacks reduce to a general problem of identifying all P out of N bytes, P being
the bytes belonging to the Symbiote component under attack, N being the bytes of the
host program in which P can exist. In the case of attack 1, the attacker must identify and
remove all control-flow intercepts, P injected into all live code regions, N (assuming that
this is known). Since the Symbiote binary is polymorphically mutated at injection time, the
attacker cannot search for a well-known Symbiote signature through the binary. Instead,
the attacker must compare an unmodified copy of the host program with the victim host
program during an online attack. This is essentially equivalent to at least a linear operation
over the size of all live code regions.
Similarly, since the Symbiote binary is distributed randomly throughout the host pro-
gram, an attacker must identify all code regions belonging to the Symbiote. There are many
While the Symbiote is distributed randomly throughout the binary of the host program, the injection
process ensures that the Symbiote code cannot be inadvertently executed by the host program. In other
words, the control-flow intercepts are the only mechanism in which the Symbiote code will be invoked.
ways to do this. However, since no well-known signature exists for the Symbiote code, the
attacker must perform dynamic disassembly in order to follow control-flow intercepts to a
piece of Symbiote code. Alternatively, the attacker can perform a linear comparison of the
entire host program to identify all injected Symbiote code. In the former case, the attacker’s
problem is reduced to attack 1, because unless all control-flow intercepts are removed, the
attacker cannot be sure that all Symbiotes are removed. In the latter case, the attacker
must use a linear amount of CPU and network I/O, which again reduces to the problem of
identifying P bytes out of N.
To put these attacks into perspective, the average size of the host programs analyzed in
our experiments is approximately 35 MB, the size of live code regions considered for control-
flow interception is approximately 10 MB. Each host program contains approximately 75,000
functions, all of which can be intercepted. (Note that control-flow interception need not
take place only at the function preamble, but can exist anywhere within the function body.)
If the attacker attempts to perform a linear comparison, portions of the unmodified host
program will have to be transferred over the network during the online attack. The attacker
can also attempt to dynamically disassemble the 10 MB of live code. Both attack strategies
require a very large amount of network I/O or CPU which raises the bar quite high for
the attacker to overcome without being noticed. If an attacker is able to successfully carry
out either attacks in an online fashion faster then the Symbiote’s detection latency, the
self-monitoring Symbiote arrangement will still be able to detect the attack.
To further raise the necessary complexity of a successful attack, multiple Symbiotes can
be arranged in a self-monitoring monitor arrangement. As proposed by Stolfo, Greenbaum
and Sethumadhavan [105], a network of monitors can be constructed in a way such an alarm
will be raised if any subset of monitors are compromised or deactivated, or if any critical
condition monitored by the system is violated. Multiple mutually protected Symbiotes
can be injected into the same host program. Networks of Symbiote-protected devices, like
routers, can also be arranged in this self-protecting manner.
Once a Symbiote is injected into its host program, it is important to bound the frequency and
duration which the Symbiote will control the CPU as well as the aggregate computational
overhead the Symbiote system imposes on the original host program.
We randomly choose a set of control-flow intercept points within live regions of the
target host program. The method and parameters used to determine live regions, as well
as the number of intercept points chosen gives us fine grain control of p(αi , δ, τq ), and gives
us a probabilistic bound on the frequency in which the Symbiote will gain control of the
CPU. Section 8.3.5 discusses the methods we used to extract “live” regions from the host
Consider the computational cost of an injected SEM during some time period τq .
Note that the probability distribution δ is derived from the live code analysis performed
during the Symbiote injection process. Supposing a control-flow intercept is inserted into a
piece of live code which is known to execute with some probability according to the normal
execution model of the host program, we can claim that the Symbiote control-flow intercept
will also be invoked with at least this probability. Thus, the ”live” code analysis gives us
a probabilistic lower bound on the frequency in which the Symbiote will regain control of
the CPU over any time period τq .
Let the SEM cost function g(αi , τq ) be:
Where OSEM M is the (constant) cost of invoking the SEMM and Opayload (αi , τq ) is the
amount of the SEM payload to execute (variable), given function αi and time period τq .
The Lower bound on SEM cost Cq , over time period τq can be expressed as:
Intuitively, the lower bound on the SEM cost is simply the overhead of invoking the
SEMM multiplied by the expected number of times that the SEMM will be invoked over
time period τq .
The computational cost of SEM Cq , over time period τq is:
The Upper bound on SEM cost Cq over time period τq . is a function of the
number and distribution of functions intercepted in order to execute the SEMM and the
cost of the payload execution the SEMM manages. Let h(αi ) = 1 for all functions α), then
• The distribution δ, and therefore, p(αi , δ, τq ) cannot be changed (without changing the
host’s original functionality), and varies with respect to different devices, firmware,
and input.
• The function h(αi ) can be used to control SEM CPU utilization but is binary and
• The function g(αi , τq ) can be used to control SEM CPU utilization3 precisely.
In practice, OSEM m is much smaller than Opayload (); therefore, the second summation in equation 8.7
dominates over the first (Section 8.5.1).
We can vary the number of control-flow interceptions (h(αi )) and the amount of SEM
payload that is executed at each invocation (g(αi , τq )) to control precisely the amount of
CPU time used by the SEM. We can implement these two mechanisms in the SEMM
to divert more CPU cycles to the SEM during periods of low CPU utilization and divert
less during periods of high CPU utilization. Figure 6 shows actual CPU utilization when
Doppelgänger and our rootkit detection payload are installed on a physical Cisco 7120 router
with g(αi , τq ) set to several fixed values. This parameter directly affects the portion of the
CPU that is diverted to executing the SEM payload. Figure 7 and Table 8.2 shows an inverse
relationship between g(αi , τq ) and the amount of time required to detect a modification of
IOS, which we call the detection latency.
Doppelgänger, our proof of concept SEM implementation is injected into IOS 12.2(27c) and
IOS 12.3(3i) on the a Cisco 7120 router. The rootkit detection payload is implemented in C
and calculates a single hash covering the .text memory range 0x60008000 to 0x61662000.
As a proof of concept, we implemented CRC-32 as the hashing function used by the rootkit
detection payload.
Two sets of experiments are done to demonstrate both performance characteristics and
accurate IOS code modification detection. To measure CPU utilization, the Cisco 7120
Table 8.2: Detection Latency at Different SEM Payload Burst Rates IOS 12.2
router is put through a standard workload script with varying SEM payload execution
burst rates. The workload script touches a cross section of standard router attack surface
by performing tasks like enabling / disabling routing, generating system status dumps, re-
configuring routing parameters, and advertised routes, etc. The CPU utilization is measured
by SNMP polling.
To demonstrate IOS code modification detection, we simulate the installation of a rootkit
by modifying a SEM protected IOS firmware with added function hooks and code. We
then boot the Cisco router with the altered image and measure the time required for the
SEM payload to detect the modification. We configure the payload detector to halt the
router once the modification is detected. This is also done with varying SEM payload
execution burst rates to demonstrate the relationship between SEM payload execution rate
and runtime detection latency. Performance evaluation data are included in the Appendix.
Figure 6 demonstrates CPU utilization of the 7120 router when the SEM payload execution
burst rate, aka g(αi , τq ), is varied. Table 8.2 is the average detection latency. With a fixed
execution burst rate of 0x7FF, the Symbiote payload was able to detect unauthorized code
modification in approximately 0.3 seconds.
• The Cisco router continues to function with Doppelgänger running concurrently, even
during periods of near maximum CPU utilization.
• SEM CPU utilization can be controlled by varying the payload execution burst rate
within the SEMM.
• Detection Latency is inversely proportional to SEM CPU utilization (and SEM pay-
load execution burst rate).
tempts. Our white-list based rootkit detection payload does not require a priori knowledge
of IOS internals, or signatures of known rootkits, and can protect the router against any
code modification attempts. Empirical results show that unauthorized code modification
attempts are detected in approximately 300 ms. As the SEM structure operates alongside
the native OS of the embedded device and not within it, it can inject generic defensive
payloads into the target device regardless of itself original hardware or software. Due to the
unique nature of network embedded devices, we posit that retrofitting these widely deployed
vulnerable devices with defensive SEM’s is the best hope of mitigating a significant emerging
threat on our global communication infrastructure. SEM is a generic defensive mechanism
suitable for general purpose host protection. Our ongoing research aims to demonstrate
the advantages of the Defensive Mutualistic paradigm and Symbiotes over traditional AV
solutions. Lastly, using the techniques presented in this chapter, we believe it is feasible
to transform existing routers into exploitation detection sensors in order to monitor and
analyze attacks against the Internet substrate.
Chapter 9
9.1 Motivation
Attack surface reduction and software diversification have been applied in many ways to
improve the security posture of software. We outline the benefits of each defensive technique
and propose a novel method of combining the two types of defenses into a hybrid defense
that is suitable for the defense of legacy embedded systems.
We present Autotomic Binary Structure Randomization (ABSR), a hybrid defense that
applies two techniques in a mutualistic manner to enhance the security posture of legacy
embedded systems. An automated attack surface reduction, Autotomic Binary Reduction
(ABR), is used in conjunction with a collection of non-localized in-place binary randomiza-
tion techniques, Binary Structure Randomization (BSR), to simultaneously address multiple
weaknesses in legacy embedded systems while side-stepping multiple technical constraints
that make devising general and effective defenses difficult.
We present the theoretical operation of ABSR in this section. In Section 10 , we discuss
performance, in terms of computational overhead, amount of binary diversity and empirical
proof of safety, of ABSR as applied to three real-world devices, a MIPS-based router, a
PowerPC-based switch, and an ARM computer running Linux and BusyBox. Lastly, we
Attackers often leverage the predictability of various features of software, like precise mem-
ory layout of code and data, to reliably exploit vulnerabilities. Attacks leveraging memory
corruption, code injection and code reuse can usually be exploited reliably when no software
diversification defenses are applied. A large body of work has demonstrated the efficacy of
software randomization defenses against these common types of attack[72].
Theoretically, software diversification techniques can be applied to embedded device
firmware the same way they are applied to software running on well-known general purpose
operating systems. However, the unique constraints of most embedded systems, such as
the lack of source-code and lack of operating-system level support, make many classes of
software diversification techniques impractical.
Due to the proprietary nature of embedded devices and the general lack of source-code,
compile-time diversification techniques sometimes cannot be practically applied to embed-
ded device firmware. Load-time randomization techniques are also sometimes impractical
for embedded devise due to the proprietary and non-standard nature of operating systems
running within many embedded devices. For Cisco IOS is typically loaded into memory
from non-volatile storage once, at boot time. While randomization mechanisms can be im-
plemented in the boot loader, the distinction between operating system, user-land program,
and libraries can be blurred within embedded firmware. The monolithic nature of special-
purpose embedded software limits what the randomized loader can do, short of treating the
The ABSR and Symbiote defenses have been formally red-teamed by MITLL. I am seeking permission
to reproduce appropriate parts of their report.
[97] posits that security vulnerabilities are frequently the consequence of unwanted features
in a software system. Such vulnerabilities result from overly bloated software, feature ac-
cretion, subsystem reuse and development errors on the part of designers and implementors
The practical limitations of randomization techniques implemented within the bootloader of an embed-
ded device can be seen in Cisco IOS. Versions 12.4 and later of the OS implements a memory randomization
technique that shifts the entire IOS binary by a random positive offset from a known base address. This
randomization technique can be easily defeated[35].
and vulnerability insertion on the part of attackers. For example, Cisco IOS ships with a
full implementation of HTTP and HTTPS servers, hardly of use in most enterprise envi-
ronments. The reduction of available attack-surface is a commonly used means to increase
the security of computer systems. Thus, we propose that the automated reduction of at-
tack surface within firmware binaries through the removal of unused software features can
improve the security posture of embedded devices.
Modern embedded systems such as IP phones, network printers and routers typically ship
with all available features compiled into its firmware image. A small subset of these features
is activated at any given time on individual devices based on its specific configuration. An
even smaller subset of features is actually used, as some unused and insecure features are
enabled by default and cannot be disabled. As a result, many embedded devices still contain
a significant amounts of code and data that should never be executed or read according to its
current configuration. This unnecessary binary is not simply a waste of memory; it contains
potentially vulnerable code and data that can be leveraged by an attacker to exploit the
system. This unnecessary code provides an ideal attack surface. Automated minimization
of this attack surface will significantly improve the security of the device without any impact
to its functionality. The two components of our proposed technique are:
Autotomic Binary Reduction (ABR): The automated removal of unnecessary bi-
naries from each embedded device according to its current configuration.
Binary Structure Randomization (BSR): The automated randomization of exe-
cutable binary through a series of functionality-preserving transforms that alters the binary
layout of the executable at the sub-basic-block granularity and up.
Autotomic Binary Structure Randomization (ABSR) combines automatic software at-
tack surface reduction with a non-localized in-place binary randomization technique.
First, in the Autotomic Binary Reduction (ABR) phase, the firmware and configuration
of the target device is analyzed together. The configuration of the device is analyzed for
features that have been disabled by the operator. Such features are mapped to regions of
code and data within the firmware binary using a hybrid control-flow and data-flow analysis
The regions of code and data identified ABR is removed from the original firmware
image using our proposed Autotomy algorithm. Meta-data describing the virtual-memory
and file offset ranges of code and data removed by the Autotomy algorithm is stored for
use in the next phase of ABSR.
The Binary Structure Randomization (BSR) phase of ABSR is a non-local, in-place
binary randomization technique that operates by introducing a large sequence of simple,
localized, and functionality preserving transforms to the code and data content of the pro-
gram it protects. ABSR does not depend on any special hardware capabilities or operating-
system level constructions and does not increase the overall size of the protected binary.
Thus, ABSR is particularly suitable for securing legacy embedded systems. While ABSR is
applicable to all computing systems in general, we will focus specifically on its application
in securing embedded devices in this chapter.
Theoretically, there are several alternative paths to engineering the security properties
offered by ABSR in embedded devices. For example, the hardware of existing embedded
devices can be redesigned to support features like secure boot by introducing TPM hardware
and true ASLR by introducing an MMU that supports 64-bit address space. Similarly, their
software stack can be rewritten to correctly leverage the newly introduced hardware.
Realistically, approaches that require hardware modification or software redesign are
impractical. It is estimated by some commercial trade reports that there will be over
25 billion embedded devices in the world by 2015. Thus, systematic redesign of all such
hardware and software is prohibitively expensive and will remain an academic exercise with
little chance to make material impact to improve the security posture of existing embedded
The ABSR process generally works as follows. First, the target firmware image is un-
packed. Autotomic Binary Reduction (ABR) is then applied to identify regions of binary
code and data that can be removed given a set of high-level features of the firmware de-
termined to be disabled. The Autotomy algorithm replaces removed code and data with
null-bytes. It also modifies the control-flow graph by inserting return statements in ap-
propriate places to ensure that all removed code regions become dead-code. All removed
regions are given to a randomized free-pool space allocator and used by Binary Structure
Randomization (BSR). After the application of BSR, Execution Detection Pads (XDpad )
are optionally injected into selected regions of the binary. Finally, the modified unpacked
firmware is repacked into its original format and loaded onto the target embedded device.
FRAK[33], the Firmware Reverse Analysis Konsole, is a generalized firmware unpacking,
analysis, modification and repacking framework. We implemented the three components
presented in this chapter, ABR, BSR and XDpad as modifier components within the FRAK
framework, allowing us to apply ABSR to arbitrary firmware images in an automated fash-
We first present Autotomic Binary Reduction in Section 9.3 and Binary Structure Ran-
domization in Section 9.5. We then present ABSR, a mutualistically defensive application
of both techniques, in Section 9.6. We discuss the use of XDpad to detect unauthorized
code-execution in Section 9.5.3.
• Remote exploitation. Attacker knows the specific model of hardware and version of
firmware of the target device but must remotely exploit the vulnerable device over
the network.
• The attacker is able to obtain the original firmware binary that has not been processed
by ABSR and analyze it statically and dynamically.
• The attacker possesses a typical remotely exploitable vulnerability that allows the
attacker to modify memory and control IP register values.
Furthermore, we assume that the target device is a typical embedded device. The
defender may analyze and modify any portion of the contents of the device’s firmware.
However, the defender does not have access to the source-code of the embedded device. We
assume that the target device is a special purpose device. As such, its configuration and
set of enabled features changes rarely.
Autotomic Binary Reduction aims to remove regions of code within a body of software
that can be considered unreachable, given a specific configuration for that firmware. Simi-
lar techniques are commonly used by modern compilers for the removal of dead-code and
unreachable-code [39]. Generally, dead-code elimination aims to identify computation that
is unnecessary, i.e. computation yielding data that is never used. In contrast, unreachable-
code elimination aims to identify portions of code that will never be executed. Broadly
speaking, dead-code elimination is performed inherently on the data-flow graph of a pro-
gram, and aims to improve the efficiency of software by pruning unnecessary computation,
whereas unreachable-code elimination is performed on the control-flow graph of a program,
and aims to reduce the size of software. The proposed ABR algorithm described in this sec-
tion takes a hybrid approach that leverages both the control-flow and the data-flow graph of
a program in order to identify unreachable-code regions given a specific configuration input
to the program.
ABR can be divided into two sub-problems: Feature Entry-Point Map (Fet EM ) extrac-
tion and generalized Autotomy. The Fet EM extraction sub-problem is intractable for the
general case. However, the ABR algorithm presented in this chapter aims to solve only a
subset of the general problem space. Several common constructs of real-world embedded
device firmware make the Autotomy algorithm presented in this chapter feasible. The pro-
posed Autotomy algorithm identifies and removes binary regions conservatively only when
several constraints are satisfied. These constraints leverage several generalized heuristics
describing common control and data flow patterns and ensure that code and data is removed
only when the execution patterns comport to identifiable execution patterns.
The Fet EM is a mapping between high-level descriptions of the firmware’s features to
the low-level code and data that implements those features. Specifically, this mapping is
used to associate each feature of the firmware, such as the HTTP or SSH server, to a set of
functions that are top-level entry-points of the code used to implement each feature. When
a specific feature is selected for ABR, the specific Fet EM entry for the feature in question
is given as input to the generalized Autotomy algorithm, which in-turn returns a collection
of code and data regions that is exclusively used by the high-level feature in question.
The Fet EM is unique to each specific version of the embedded firmware binary. Exper-
imental data suggests that this mapping can usually be created by analyzing the configura-
tion file of the target embedded device along with its firmware. Straight forward application
of static analysis of the corresponding firmware is typically sufficient to identify the initial
entry point within the firmware executable for each feature identified in the configuration
file. The result of static analysis can be further validated by standard dynamic analysis
Once the Fet EM is identified for a particular firmware image, a specific device config-
uration file is analyzed to produce a list of features, which are administratively disabled.
The Fet EM and the list of disable features are given to the Autotomy algorithm to produce
a unique firmware instance with the code and data associated with the disabled features
removed from the firmware binary.
For the general case, Fet EM extraction of an executable program can be reduced to the
halting problem and is undecidable. However, when the relevant portions of a particular
program’s control-flow can be represented as a finite graph, the Fet EM extraction problem
can be reduced to the finite graph reachability problem, which can be solved in linear
time [108]. Furthermore, the reachability problem for many classes of programs whose
computational states can only be represented by infinite graphs have been proven to be
decidable [26]. This suggests that the Fet EM extraction problem can be practically solvable
for categories of executable programs that are less well-formed and containing less meta-data
than the programs that are considered in the context of this current work.
High-Level Low-Level
"Features" Executable
Feature A
Feature B
Feature C
Feature D
Figure 9.2: Generalized code structure useful for identifying Feature Entry-Point Maps in
embedded firmware.
In the context of this document, we consider only programs whose Feature Entry Map
logic can be represented as finite control-flow graphs. In practice, such graphs can be reliably
extracted from most non-obfuscated code adhering to common software design conventions.
To demonstrate feasibility, the Fet EM extraction problem was solved three times, once
for MIPS, ARM and PowerPC using three unique code-bases. The implementation of the
three Fet EM extractors are presented as case-studies in Section 9.6. The automation of the
Fet EM extraction problem is a subject of future research.
enableFeatXYZ() Return 0
Figure 9.3: Typical finite graph representation of Feature Entry Map logic
We first describe a general Autotomy algorithm in this section. We then present an effi-
ciently computable approximation to this general Algorithm in Section 9.4.2.
Given the Fet EM for a specific executable, a set of features to be removed {f }, a control-
flow graph (CFG) gc and a data-flow graph (DFG) gd , the Autotomy algorithm does the
Step 1 requires a simple lookup of the Fet EM table. As we show in the next section,
steps 2 and 3 can be reduced to the Inverse Dominator (DOM −1 ) set problem and can
The goal of the Autotomy algorithm is to identify portions of the flow-graph that are ex-
clusively reachable through a specific set of nodes. Nodes within the flow-graph that are
labeled as having an Immediate Dominator (iDOM ) node that outside the set of nodes
removed by the Autotomy algorithm cannot be removed. Given a CFG x and an approxi-
mate graph x0 whose reachability between nodes are strictly greater than x, iDOM (f, x0) ⊂
iDOM (f, x) must hold for any node in {f }. If we assume that the result of Autotomy(f, x)
is safe, an over-estimation of reachability will cause Autotomy(f, x0) to return a subset of
results. Thus, over-estimation of reachability cannot negatively impact the safety of the
Autotomy algorithm. Note that in the extreme case, an over-estimation of the reachability
of computed branch instructions in the firmware binary can cause all nodes to be marked
as reachable from that instruction. This will cause the Autotomy algorithm to return a
null-set. While undesirable, this does not negatively impact the safety of the resultant
Feature Entry Point Feature Entry Point Return Patch A Feature Entry Point
Func 3 Func 3
Figure 9.4: Autotomy of Feature Entry Point A. The red areas denote code regions which
can be safely removed.
We can approximate the control-flow graph of a program using its Function Call Graph
(CG). While the creation of the exact static call graphs from software is undecidable in
the general case [94], modern disassemblers like IDAPro can efficiently produce accurate
finite call-graphs by opportunistically approximating code reachability. Note that tools like
IDAPro can under-estimate code reachability. This is typically caused by errors in the
disassembling algorithm and computed jumps and calls in the code. Such errors will cause
the control-flow and data-flow graphs to be under-estimated, which will in turn negatively
impact the safety of the Autotomy algorithm. Thus, ABR depends on the accuracy of the
representative flow-graphs to guarantee safety of its operations.
Since over-estimation of this nature does not effect the safety of the Autotomy algorithm,
we propose to apply the call-graph of the program to the Autotomy algorithm. This allows
the Autotomy algorithm to remove code regions at the function level. We discuss an even
more aggressive approximation to this approach in Section 9.4.2.
We first discuss the implementation of binary Autotomy for code (step 2). We then
discuss the extension of this algorithm to remove both code and data (step 3).
For reference, we first present the Dominator and Inverse Dominator functions in the
context of control-flow and data-flow graphs. [82] originally demonstrated that the Domi-
nator function can be solved in O(N 4 ). [73] has since presented nearly linear-time solutions
to the same problem.
Given a flow-graph g and nodes a, b within that graph, a dominates b, a DOM b iff all
paths from the root of g to b includes a.
Let the Dominator function, DOM (b) = {set of all nodes which dominates b}.
Let the Inverse Dominator function DOM −1 (b) ={set of all nodes which b domi-
nates}, {x | b DOM x}.
Figure illustrates the Dominance relationship using three simple flow-graphs. In
graph I, we can say that node A Dominates node B because all possible paths from the
Start node to node B must go through node A. In graph II, an extra node, Z, is added. In
II, neither node A nor Z can be said to Dominate B. In graph III, the nodes A and Z are
collapsed into a single node, AZ. In this case, we can say that node B is Dominated by AZ.
Figure illustrates the Inverse Dominator (DOM −1 ) function using two simple
flow-graphs. Intuitively, DOM −1 (x) is set of nodes in the flow-graph that x dominates. In
graph I, we can say that nodes {1,2,3,4,5} are all dominated by node X. Thus, in graph
I, DOM −1 (x) = {1,2,3,4,5}. In graph II, due to the addition of node Z, X no longer
1 2 4 1 2 4
3 3
5 5
Figure 9.6: Three example flow-graphs to illustrate the Inverse Dominator function
The Autotomy algorithm requires the following as input; a control-flow graph g and a set
of nodes f representing entry-points of features to be removed.
Similar computation can be performed on the data-flow graph of the firmware binary to
identify removable data regions.
The Data Autotomy algorithm requires the following as input; a data-flow graph gd ,
a control-flow graph g, and a set of nodes f representing entry-points of features to be
Feature Entry Point Feature Entry Point Return Patch A Feature Entry Point
Func 3 Func 3
Data 3 Data 3
Figure 9.7: Autotomy of both code and data of Feature Entry Point A. The red areas denote
code regions that can be safely removed.
Given a set of Feature Entry-Points {}, the Autotomy algorithm identifies all functions
{λ} that are exclusively reachable from only functions within {}. Thus, if no functions
within {} is called, we conclude that no code regions in {λ} can be executed. Since {λ}
is never executed, it can simply be replaced by no-op instructions. However, the final
removal of functions within {} requires the final step of injecting the appropriate return
instruction sequence at the beginning of each member function within {}. In practice, this
step involves the construction and injection of a function return instruction, as defined by
the specific function calling convention used by the target program. The function return
instruction should return an appropriate value to indicate a failure condition. While the
problem of identifying the proper return value to use can be reduced to the halting problem
and is undecidable in the general case, commonly used software-engineering conventions
make this problem solvable for many types of executables in practice. We present 3 such
examples in Section 9.6. The methods used to identify proper return values in this chapter
are similar to those proposed by [103] to virtualize error conditions to create self-healing
Figure 9.8 illustrates the return code of a typical Feature Entry-Point in ARM. Simple
static analysis determined that the return value (stored in register R3) is either 0 or some
integer that adheres to standard Linux exit-code conventions.
Regions of code and data removed by the Autotomy algorithm are tracked and managed by
a free-pool allocator. This allocator is responsible for dispensing, in a randomized manner,
newly freed regions of code and data to the Binary Structure Randomization algorithm
described in Section 9.5.
2: function FastCodeAutotomy(g, f, d)
3: β ← BFSEnumerate(g, f, depth = d))
4: while T rue do
5: culled ← {}
6: for i in β do
7: if xrefsTo(i, g) 6⊆ β then
8: culled ← culled ∪ i
9: β ← β \ culled
10: if culled == ∅ then return β ∪ f
Figure 9.10 shows the general spectrum of software randomization techniques. Given the
constraints of proprietary embedded firmware, in-place binary randomization techniques are
most feasible. However, in-place randomization techniques are restricted to making localized
at el
at el
iz v
iz v
m Le
n l
m le
io ve
o y
d em
d ar
at le
r an n
iz e
n st
m d
st r Bi
ra Sy
o o
d c
n ce-
ra ur
and data caches are out of the scope of our current functionality preservation claim.
In general, BSR applies a series of functionality preserving transformations to a body of
executable binary to yield a functionally equivalent executable that has significantly differ-
ent binary layout. The BSR algorithm repeatedly applies such transforms in a randomized
fashion until the desired binary randomization level is achieved.
We first present a collection of simple basic-block-level transforms or primitive BSR
transforms. Next, we describe the creation of several complex BSR transforms by applying
primitive BSR transforms in specific patterns.
Any binary transform that preserves the functionality of the original executable is compat-
ible with BSR. We first present a collection of BSR transforms, which operates on single
basic blocks. We then discuss the functionality preserving property of each primitive trans-
form as well as techniques for combining multiple primitive BSR transforms into composite
BSR transforms. Unlike localized in-place code randomization techniques, BSR transforms
are not bound by the same space and locality constraints. Due to the prior application
of ABR, BSR can leverage functionality-preserving transforms that increase the size of the
replacement binary and place such replacements in any suitable free-space region within
the firmware image.
Basic Block
A Freed Space
Basic Block
Basic Block
A Freed Space A.2
Conditional Conditional
Branch Branch
Exit Point Exit Point
A_X.2 A_X.2
Conditional Branch
Unconditional Jump
Individual basic blocks can be split into two or more basic blocks with the addition of
branches. As with relocation, care must be taken to find free regions of memory for not
only the split basic block but also the addition of the branch instruction. A example of
basic-block splitting is shown in Figure 3.
The split of a basic-block β to two new locations (1 , 2 ) involves the following modifi-
The above two primitive BSR transforms, basic-block relocate and basic-block split, can be
applied sequentially to form numerous complex BSR transforms.
Given two basic-blocks β1 and β2 , a sequence of primitive BSR transforms can effectively
swap the location of the two basic-blocks.
Note, since the basic-block relocate and split transforms both increase the size of the
basic-blocks under transformation, purely in-place basic-block swap is not possible. As a
result, each basic-block is first split into two sub-basic blocks according to the available size
Basic Block
A.1 Jump
Basic Block
A Freed Space
Basic Block
Natural Flow Natural Flow
Exit Point Exit Point
A_X.1 A_X.1
Conditional Conditional A_X.1
Branch Branch
Exit Point Exit Point
A_X.2 A_X.2
Conditional Branch
Unconditional Jump
Basic Block
Basic Block
Jump Jump
A.1 B.1
Jump Jump
A.1 A.1
Natural Flow Natural Flow Natural Flow Natural Flow
Exit Point Exit Point Exit Point Exit Point
A_X.1 B_X.1 A_X.1 B_X.1
Unconditional Jump
of the other basic-block to be swapped. The first portion of each basic-block is swapped,
while the second portion of each basic-block is randomly located to some other region as
dictated by the ABSR free-space allocator.
XD_pad handler
Similarly, given a list of n basic-blocks (β1 , ...βn ), a circular application of basic-block swap
can rotate the location of all basic-blocks, such that β1 is relocated to β2 , β2 is relocated to
β3 , ..., βn−1 is relocated to βn , and βn is relocated to β1 .
Let a complex block be defined as a collection of all basic blocks, which constitutes a
subgraph of the control-flow graph of the target firmware executable such that there is only
a single entry point and a single exit point for the control flow subgraph. Intuitively, we
can see that all functions can be seen as complex blocks. However, complex blocks can also
include control flow subgraphs within a function or control flow subgraphs comprising of
multiple functions.
Complex-blocks can be relocated, split, swapped, and rotated by the sequential appli-
cation of primitive BSR transforms.
Execution detector pads (XDpad ) can be injected into regions of free space generated by
Autotomic Binary Reduction. Such detector pads can be used to detect unauthorized
code execution. Any sequence of executable code that generates an observable side-effect
can be used as a detector pad. Using a sequence of BSR transforms, namely basic-block
relocation and splitting, detector pads can be placed in virtually any location within the
target firmware binary. Detector pads can be used as a trip-wire mechanism to detect
execution of virtual-memory regions, which should not be executed. Detector pads can be
used to detect any code-reuse attacks, which use payloads that rely on return-to-lib-c or
ROP techniques.
BSR transforms are strictly additive and insert only unconditional branch instructions
into the basic-blocks under transformation. Thus, demonstration of the functionality-
preserving property of all primitive BSR transforms through the demonstration of the
functionality-preserving property of unconditional branch instructions. Since unconditional-
branches are possible in MIPS, ARM, and PowerPC without generating any additional side-
effects in any CPU register or memory location, we claim that primitive BSR transforms
are functionality-preserving in MIPS, ARM and PowerPC instruction sets. Furthermore,
since complex BSR transforms are simply sequential applications of primitive BSR trans-
forms, we further claim that all complex BSR transforms are also functionality-preserving
in MIPS, ARM and PowerPC.
Note, the scope of our functionality-preservation claim is limited to the abstract ISA
level. Micro-architectural perturbations, such as changes to the branch-predictors, instruc-
tion and data caches are out of the scope of our current claim.
We demonstrate two applications of ABSR within real-world devices running MIPS and
ARM. To demonstrate the range of applicability of our technique, two bodies of code running
on two different ISAs were selected. We first describe the application of ABSR within a
monolithic Busybox image compiled for ARM/Linux. We then describe the application of
ABSR within Cisco IOS in MIPS.
While Busybox is an open-source project, our analysis of the Busybox executable is
performed exclusively on a monolithic binary with debugging symbols stripped. This initial
target was chosen to aid in the testing and evaluation of our techniques. Since the original
source-code is available, the accuracy of our implementation of the Autotomy algorithm
can be validated accurately. We then applied the same implementation of ABSR to Cisco
IOS, a black-box operating system, on a different ISA. As our experimental data shows in
this section, both applications of ABSR yielded stable executables with expected reduction
in available attack surface and increase in binary layout randomization.
The following subsections describe implementation level details of two case-study ap-
plications of ABSR, in MIPS and ARM. Section 10 discusses the empirical performance
overhead analysis of ABSR for each case-study and discusses the experimental methodol-
ogy for validating correctness in each case-study.
We describe the specific implementation details use to apply ABSR in a monolithic Busybox
image compiled for ARM/Linux. BusyBox can be described as “The Swiss Army Knife of
Embedded Linux” and is a small executable that implements many common UNIX utilities.
While Busybox does not have a configuration file that allows the user to administratively de-
activate specific utilities (short of recompilation), we can use ABSR to generate randomized
variants of BusyBox with any combinations of utilities disabled.
A BusyBox 2.21.0 binary image is analyzed by FRAK [33] and IDAPro 6.5. The MyNav
1.1.2 IDA plugin was used to assist the auto-analysis of the sample binary.
We define each BusyBox utility (passwd, chmod, etc.) as a feature. Identification of each
feature’s main control-flow entry-point was achieved through static analysis. Specifically,
the names and entry-points of all supported utilities can be enumerated by traversing a
single lookup table. This lookup table is easily identifiable through a number of means.
Figure 9.16: Feature selection control- selection control-flow structure for Busy-
Figure 9.19 is a rendering of ABR applied to the BusyBox binary when all entries of the
Fet EM was removed except unzip and sha512. All non-black regions represent code
removed by the ABR algorithm. 51.3% of original code was removed.
ABR was applied using each Fet EP M entry iteratively, using input feature sets , {f },
of size varying sizes.
Figure 9.27 shows the output of ABR with a {f } of size 353, containing all identifiable
features. The executable text section of BusyBox used in our analysis is 795,768 bytes in
size. At d = 9, the FastCodeAutotomy algorithm was able to remove 408,766 bytes or
51.3% of code.
We present the user cpu-time required to compute two BusyBox commands: unzip and
sha512, on two sets of binaries; one random, one null of the following sizes: 1MB, 10MB,
Figure 9.19: ABR applied to busybox. Non-black regions represent removed code regions.
sequentially and cumulatively and executed 15 times over the same input data. Entry 0
represents the baseline measurement, where no modifications were made to the busybox
Figure 9.30 also plots the average runtime of the same dataset. While the variance of the
runtime data makes exact computational overhead difficult to determine, this figure sug-
gests that the relocation of certain basic-blocks introduces significantly more performance
overhead than others. This aligns with our theoretical model of BSR performance over-
head as the total computational overhead is directly related to both the number of BSR
transforms applied, and the frequency at which the transformed code is executed. This
code invocation frequency is directly related to the code coverage probability distribution
function and is input specific.
As we increase the size of data processed, the computational overhead across BSR
transforms becomes more apparent. Figure 9.31 shows the performance data when a 10MB
random binary file is used as input of the unzip utility.
Figure 9.32 shows the user cpu-time required to run the sha512 command on a 1MB
binary composed of random data. Each of the 149 basic-blocks identified were relocated
sequentially and cumulatively and executed 5 times over the same input data. Entry 0
represents the baseline measurement, where no modifications were made to the busybox
Figure 9.33 and 9.34 shows the completion times of the sha512 utility over 10MB and
100MB of random data. Unlike the unzip utility, we see that the number of BSR transforms
has no statistically significant impact on the completion time of the utility over baseline.
The data collected in this subsection also validates the safety of the ABSR algorithm in
BusyBox. The computational output of every binary variant is tested against the expected
output. The utility returned the correct output for 100% of test-cases.
We describe the application of ABSR on Cisco IOS 12.1 firmware running on the 3750
layer-3 switch.
Figure 9.30: BusyBox unzip utility runtime over 1MB random data
The IOS Fet EM extraction algorithm leverages the call-graph associated with the process-
creation process. For readability, we have re-named this function ios startProcess. A map-
ping between the name of each IOS process and its main entry-point is extracted by enu-
merating all invocations of ios startProcess. Figure 9.35 illustrates a specific invocation of
ios startProcess which starts the HTTP server.
The Fet EM extraction algorithm identified 248 processes within the specific IOS im-
age processed. Figure 9.36 shows a high-level rendering of a call-graph representing all
invocations of the ios startProcess function.
Figure 9.31: BusyBox unzip utility runtime over 1MB random data
ABR was applied using each Fet EP M entry iteratively and using input feature sets of
increasing sizes.
Figure 9.40 shows the output of ABR with a {f } of size 248, containing all identifiable
features. The executable text section of Cisco IOS 12.1 used in our analysis is 11,864,844
bytes in size. At d = 9, the FastCodeAutotomy algorithm was able to remove 759,820 bytes
or 6.4% of code.
Figure 9.32: BusyBox sha512 utility runtime over 1MB random data
Figure 9.33: BusyBox sha512 utility runtime over 10MB random data
Figure 9.34: BusyBox sha512 utility runtime over 100MB random data
Figure 9.37: ABR applied to Cisco 3750 IOS 12.1, feature-set size = 1
Figure 9.38: ABR applied to Cisco 3750 IOS 12.1, feature-set size = 3
Figure 9.39: ABR applied to Cisco 3750 IOS 12.1, feature-set size = 5
Figure 9.40: ABR applied to Cisco 3750 IOS 12.1, feature-set size = 248
We describe the application of ABSR on Cisco IOS 12.3 firmware running on the 2821
The IOS Fet EM extraction algorithm leverages the call-graph associated with the
process-creation process. For readability, we have re-named this function ios startProcess.
A mapping between the name of each IOS process and its main entry-point is extracted by
enumerating all invocations of ios startProcess. Figure 9.41 illustrates a specific invocation
of ios startProcess, which starts the HTTP server.
The Fet EM extraction algorithm identified 669 processes within the specific IOS image
ABR was applied using each Fet EP M entry iteratively and using input feature sets of
increasing sizes.
Figure 9.45 shows the output of ABR with a {f } of size 669, containing all identifiable
features. The executable text section of Cisco IOS 12.3 used in our analysis is 45,987,892
bytes in size. At d = 9, the FastCodeAutotomy algorithm was able to remove 559,448 bytes,
or 1.2% of code.
Figure 9.42: ABR applied to Cisco 2821 IOS 12.3, feature-set size = 1
Figure 9.43: ABR applied to Cisco 2821 IOS 12.3, feature-set size = 3
Figure 9.44: ABR applied to Cisco 2821 IOS 12.3, feature-set size = 3
Figure 9.45: ABR applied to Cisco 2821 IOS 12.3, feature-set size=669
Chapter 10
We measure the performance and overhead of our Symbiote-based exploit detector using two
quantitative metrics: computational overhead and detection latency. Figure 10.1 illustrates
the testing and verification environment used to obtain the performance data presented
in this section. The Symbiote-protected router is an emulated Cisco 7200 series router
running IOS 12.3. Two neighbor routers are used to verify that the Symbiote-protected
router’s original functionality is unchanged. One neighbor router is an emulated 7200
series router running standard IOS 12.3. The other neighbor router is a physical Cisco 2921
router running IOS 12.5. Each router is configured to expose a cross-section of functionality
typically seen on production routers. Specifically, a large number of local loopback interfaces
are configured on each router. OSPF routing is enabled on all three routers, along with a
suite of standard services like IP-SLA, SNMP, HTTP{S}, and SSH.
A stress-test script automatically generates network traffic throughout the test environ-
ment and periodically accesses services on all the test routers. All routers are continuously
monitored to ensure that all services operate correctly throughout testing. The workload
Symbiote-Protected Router
Test PC
Figure 10.1: Symbiote-based Cisco IOS Detector Testing and Verification Environment
script also periodically forces route-table re-calculations by perturbing the various OSPF
routers on the network. In effect, the stress-test script simulates a typical use profile for the
IOS routers in the test environment. The same stress-test script is run against several vari-
ants of the Symbiote-injected IOS firmware in order to illustrate key performance features
of our system.
The computational overhead and performance of our system is a configurable parameter.
As the figures in this section shows, the scheduling algorithm used within the Symbiote
Manager directly impacts the resource consumption of the Symbiote payload and, thus,
the overall utilization of the host device as well as the detection latency. Two scheduling
algorithms are discussed in this section: fixed burst-rate and inverse-adaptive.
As the name suggests, the fixed burst-rate scheduling algorithm instructs the Symbiote
payload to execute for a fixed burst-rate each time the Symbiote Manager is invoked through
a randomly placed execution intercept. On the other hand, the inverse-adaptive scheduling
algorithm calculates the payload burst-rate based on the elapsed time since the Symbiote
Manager was last invoked; the longer the elapsed time, the longer the burst-rate.
Intuitively, we can expect the fixed burst-rate scheduling algorithm to execute the Sym-
biote payload more frequently as the host system becomes more utilized. This simple al-
gorithm executes the Symbiote payload more frequently when the Cisco router is heavily
utilized and less frequently when the router is idle. In contrast, the inverse-adaptive schedul-
ing algorithm increases Symbiote payload burst-rate when the system is under-utilized and
throttles back the Symbiote payload when the router is under high load.
We analyze the performance of 15 Symbiote-injected IOS images under the same stress-
test: 7 variants using the fixed burst-rate Symbiote scheduler and 8 variants using the
inverse-adaptive Symbiote scheduler. As the next three subsections show, the fixed burst-
rate Symbiote scheduler aggressively executes the Symbiote payload and achieves the least
detection latency (approximately 400 ms). However, this aggressive scheduler tends to
amplify CPU utilization of the protected router, causing very high control-plane latency
when the router is under load. Although the higher fixed burst-rate values like 0x7FF and
0xFFF detected IOS modification very quickly, it also caused the router’s control-plane to
be less responsive.
In contrast, the inverse-adaptive Symbiote scheduler produced slightly longer detection
latencies (approximately 450 ms) but was able to significantly reduce the control-plane
latency of the host router, even under high load.
The same stress-test script is run against various versions of the Symbiote-injected IOS
image in order to show how the Symbiote Manager’s scheduling algorithm affects the CPU
utilization of the router. Two major scheduling algorithms are measured: fixed burst-rate
(Figure 10.2) and inverse-adaptive (Figure 10.3).
Figure 10.2 shows the CPU utilization of 7 variants of the fixed burst-rate Symbiote
scheduler, which unconditionally executes the Symbiote payload for a constant number of
CPU cycles each time the Symbiote is invoked via its many control-flow intercepts. The
units used, burst-rate, is the number of iterations of the checksum Symbiote payload that
is executed each time the Symbiote Manager is invoked.
This Symbiote scheduler disregards the current CPU utilization of the host device. At
higher burst-rate values like 0x7FF and 0xFFF, the router’s CPU utilization tends to remain
above 95% under heavy load, causing large spikes in control-plane latency. (See Figure 10.6)
Figure 10.3 shows the CPU utilization of 8 variants of the inverse-adaptive Symbiote
scheduler, compared with the baseline CPU utilization of the unmodified IOS image under
the same stress-test. The inverse-adaptive scheduler is configured with maximum burst-
rates from 0xFF to 0x3FFFF. Unlike the fixed burst-rate Symbiote scheduler, the inverse-
adaptive scheduler throttles how much the CPU is diverted to the Symbiote based on current
host device utilization. As a result, Symbiotes with inverse-adaptive schedulers can achieve
comparable detection latencies while significantly reducing its impact on the host router’s
control-plane latency. (Compare Figure 10.6 and Figure 10.7).
In order to measure the detection latency of our exploitation detection Symbiote, a simple
vulnerability that allows arbitrary memory modification is artificially introduced into the
Symbiote-injected IOS image. This vulnerability is triggered using an automated script
and modifies a random byte within monitored memory regions. A timer is simultaneously
started in order to measure the time it takes the Symbiote payload to detect the event.
Figure 10.4 shows a roughly linear relationship between the Symbiote’s fixed burst-rate
value and the Symbiote’s detection latency. As expected, the Symbiote detection latency
decreases as the Symbiote payload’s execution burst-rate increases. However, as Figure 10.6
shows, the fixed burst-rate Symbiote scheduler causes significant increases in the router’s
control-plane latency.
Figure 10.5 shows the Symbiote’s impact on the router’s control-plane is significantly
Control-plane latency is an indicator of how responsive the router is. High control-plane
latency can cause a router to drop routing adjacencies and break various time-sensitive
network protocols. Note, however, this measurement will not significantly affect the latency
of traffic passing through the router, as most modern routers have hardware-accelerated
forwarding engines, which are decoupled from the control-plane.
Detection Latency:
Detection Fixed Burst−RateSEM
SEM Manager
Burst−Rate SEMManager
Payload Execution Rate
10.1.5 Discussion
Preliminary performance results shown in this section suggests that high performance ex-
ploitation detection is possible in Cisco IOS. Furthermore, an optimized Symbiote schedul-
ing algorithm can greatly improve performance of the overall sensor system by reducing
both detection latency and the Symbiote’s impact on the router’s control-plane latency.
Optimization of the detection latency and the induced control-plane latency is an area of
active research.
Part IV
Chapter 11
Future Work
The work presented in this thesis arguably raises more questions than it answers. We
present a survey of possible topics for future research in the areas of embedded vulnerability
quantification and qualification, the extension of Symbiote capabilities and the further study
of Autotomic Binary Reduction, and non-localized binary randomization techniques like
Binary Structure Randomization.
More large-scale studies are needed to better understand the nature and scope of vulnera-
bilities in embedded firmware. One such study on a body of firmwares [25] found a total
vulnerability rate of 2.14% in a large corpus of diverse firmware binaries while [31] reported
a vulnerability rate of over 65% in a different body of widely used firmware images. Vul-
nerabilities that can plausibly exploitable on both general-purpose computer systems and
embedded devices like [20, 95] will likely have significant impact on the vulnerability rates
reported by both studies. Thus, large-scale, automated, deep analysis into the content of
firmware images can make an important impact on the timely identification and mitigation
of embedded vulnerabilities.
11.2 Symbiote
The Symbiote-based sensor presented in this thesis is a first step towards demonstrating
the feasibility and novel capability of Symbiotic defense systems. The Symbiote structure
allows complex payloads to be injected into legacy embedded devices, allowing the payload
to safely execute alongside the original firmware without altering the embedded device’s
functionality. The firmware integrity attestation payload injected into Cisco IOS can be
replaced with a wide range of defensive payloads. Below are several new Symbiote payloads
currently under development. Sophisticated Symbiote payloads can alter the behavior of
the target machine more aggressively.
Symbiotic Embedded Machines can be used to inject monitoring payloads for directed
fuzzing systems. For example, Ganesh et al have demonstrated the use of dynamic taint
tracing to improve the performance of automated fuzzers [113]. Directed fuzzing techniques
generally require realtime visibility into the target software and OS environment and are
relatively simple to implement on general purpose computers. Similar techniques are sig-
nificantly more difficult to implement on network embedded devices due to its closed and
proprietary nature. However, since Symbiotic Embedded Machines overcome the challenges
of installing complex code onto network embedded devices, it dramatically lowers the diffi-
culty of augmenting existing devices with functionality and visibility required by directed
fuzzing systems.
Symbiotic Embedded Machines and their payloads are designed to maximize generality
and portability. Since network embedded devices use a diverse set of I/O hardware, di-
rect network communication must interact with the specific hardware of the target device.
Therefore, using standard protocols like IP for communication has at least two drawbacks.
First, the SEM payload must contain device specific code to interact with I/O hardware like
ethernet controllers, which reduces the generality and portability of the entire system. Sec-
ond, direct communication channels over the network can be detected, monitored, blocked
and intercepted. Communication using covert channels eliminates both drawbacks. Instead
of directly communicating with I/O hardware, the SEM can use many methods to alter
reliably the state of the device in some measurable way for the purpose of transmitting
data. For example, since the SEMM directly controls the CPU usage of the SEM payload,
it can influence both the CPU utilization and power consumption of the device. As recently
demonstrated by Kiamilev et al [69], reliable bi-directional communication can be achieved
through the power supply of general purpose computers. Therefore, it is feasible to ap-
ply similar techniques to network embedded devices using the SEMM to cause measurable
fluctuations of power consumption.
The firmware integrity attestation Symbiote payload discussed in Chapter 8 can be ex-
tended to reverse unauthorized modification of memory after it is detected. A self-healing
Symbiote payload can be used to identify and restore regions of memory, which have been
maliciously modified.
Symbiote payloads can implement existing anomaly detection algorithms. For example, be-
havior modeling strategies that monitor resource utilization, control, and data flow patterns
can be injected into embedded devices via Symbiote payloads.
The exploitation detection sensor described in this chapter can be injected into large num-
bers of embedded devices like Cisco routers in order to monitor and analyze 0-day exploita-
tion of embedded devices. We believe the use of Symbiote-based exploitation sensors in
the wild is a feasible and effective way of monitoring and analyzing exploits levied against
the internet substrate. A large-scale Symbiote-based sensor grid can potentially give us
real-time visibility into embedded device exploitation on a global scale.
Furthermore, Symbiotes can be used to transform embedded devices into other kinds of
sensor grids as well. Symbiotes can allow us to use hardware components of embedded de-
vices in novel ways not intended by its original design. For example, many power-consuming,
EM emitting components can be transformed into covert communication channels. Exist-
ing sensors on embedded devices, combined with such covert channels can transform a wide
gamut of innocuous embedded devices into a web of remotely controlled mobile sensors.
The general correctness of language and compiler-level software compaction algorithms have
been established. The correctness and safety of binary-level attack-surface reduction algo-
rithms like Autotomic Binary Reduction have only been demonstrated existentially for
specific cases. The solvability of the Fet EM extraction problem is central to qualifying the
scope of applicability of the ABSR algorithm. Further research is necessary to establish the
real-world applicability of ABSR in embedded device firmware as well as general-purpose
The BSR transform related performance overhead documented in Section 9.5 poses an
obvious optimization question. One way to measure the utility of BSR is through binary
difference. Each BSR transform will contribute to increasing the binary difference of the
resulting binary linearly. However, as we demonstrated, not all BSR transforms will have
the same impact on computational overhead of the resultant program. Thus, multi-variable
optimization should be considered in order to automate the optimization of both BSR binary
difference and overall BSR-induced computational overhead. Since the latter is dependent
on the code-coverage probability distribution function of the program, which varies with
input data, program profiling, symbolic execution and dynamic analysis can be applied to
this problem to make BSR more efficient and effective.
Chapter 12
Concluding Remarks
12.1 Conclusion
We began our research into the security of embedded devices by asking several simple ques-
tions. Is it possible, in our increasingly connected and automated world, that software
vulnerabilities in black-box embedded devices can be used to cause disruption and destruc-
tion in the physical world? Can embedded systems be exploited? If so, do vulnerable
devices exist in significant quantity or perform significantly critical functions, such that the
exploitation of such devices should be considered a real threat? Can we trust that the em-
bedded devices we depend on today have not already been compromised? Can we reliably
detect the consequence of exploitation after the fact? Lastly, what can be done to improve
the security of embedded systems, given their unique and constrained nature?
To address the question of embedded defense, we presented the following hypothesis:
Embedded devices are vulnerable to large-scale exploitation. The use of software defen-
sive techniques that take into consideration the hardware and software constraints imposed
by such systems can provide effective and efficient detection of and defense against the ex-
ploitation of several classes of software vulnerabilities, as well as the injection of persistent
software implants in legacy embedded devices. Such software-based defensive techniques can
be automatically realized by making modifications to the firmware that do not alter the orig-
inal functionality of the firmware, but which introduce various security capabilities to the
embedded device at a cost of an acceptable level of resource overhead. Most importantly, such
software-based defenses should be realizable at the binary level, without requiring access or
modification to source-code, and should not require any hardware modification.
In this thesis, we presented a body of scientific study, which made significant contribu-
tions towards answering these questions and established the validity of our hypothesis. In
short, embedded systems can be, and have been, exploited. They exist in vast numbers
and perform critical functions in the world. The exploitation of embedded systems should
be considered a real and present threat. Most importantly, we have proposed several tech-
niques in this thesis that can be applied to real-world embedded systems to make them
more secure against cyber attack. These techniques were applied to a range of real-world
devices like network routers, network-based printers and IP phones and have been shown
to be safe to use and effective against several types of common attacks.
In order to better understand the nature of embedded security, we first presented quan-
titative and qualitative evidence of the existence of vulnerable embedded devices in the
world. Specifically, a internet-wide scan was carried out in order to study the make-up and
measure the lower-bound on the quantity of vulnerable embedded devices accessible over
the public internet. We discovered that approximately 20% of all embedded devices on the
internet was configured with a well-known default root credential, making them trivially
vulnerable to attack. Furthermore, we predicted, through quantitative measurements and
qualitative analysis, the size of an embedded device botnet would most likely be around
540,000 devices. This prediction was validated two years after the initial publication of
our work by the public announcement of the Carna botnet ([5]), which compromised over
480,000 devices.
Next, we presented a series of case-studies of exploitation against ubiquitous embed-
ded devices to gain greater insight into the nature of common embedded vulnerabilities.
These case-studies resulted in the public disclosures 4 vulnerabilities that affected millions
of devices in the world; CVE-2012-5445, CVE-2013-6685, ASA-2014-099, CVE-2011-4161.
While the exact vulnerabilities varied from device to device, several common traits can be
extracted about their nature. These vulnerabilities have existed for many years, the com-
plexity of the vulnerabilities are low, and successful exploitation can be done using offensive
techniques that can be considered obsolete by modern exploitation standards.
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Part VI
Appendix A
Appendix A
This section of the appendix details data specific to the work presented in Section 6.
D-Link Web Cams Linksys Web Cams Axis Network Cameras AVTech Web Cams
Enterprise Networking
Huawei SmartAX Huawei NE40E D-Link DES Switches NetSys NV-200
Huawei IAD ZXA10 C220 NetScreen-5GT D-Link DHS-3224
Huawei Routers ALCATEL SR 7750 Huawei A8010 H3C Network Devices
Huawei Quidway AR19 Series CheckPoint Firewall Cisco Network Devices
TopSec Network Devices Ubiquoss Routers and Switches
Home Networking
Siemens DSL Modems Netcomm BCM96348 Huawei Homegateway D-Link Access Points
D-Link DSL, DIR, DGL, DWA Series Linksys WRT HandLink HotSpot
Belkin Routers NetGear 3G MBR624GU MicroTik WebBox
Vendor Issued Equipment
Netwave MNG-5000 D-Link DSL 500G D-Link DSL 500B D-Link DSL 524B
Arris Modem TM402P Globespan Virata GS8100 ADTRAN Total Access 604 Zyxel 645
ZXR10 T1200, T600 ZTE ZXDSL ADSL Modem SpeedStream 5100, 5200, 5400, 5500 Series Ambit U10C022
WaveCast MW-2010R Ubiquoss R3004A WaveCast MW-1700AP, MW-1200AP SKBroadband SI314T
Video Conferencing Devices
Kedacom KDV8000C , TS3610 Hikvision Net Video Server Crestron MP2E Tandberg VC Units
Polycom VC Units
Office Appliances
HP JetDirect Print Server D-Link Print Server Lantronix MSS, MPS Series D-Link DES, DGS, DHS Series
VoIP Appliances
Linksys PAP2 Linksys SPA GaoKe MG6000 GrandStream GXP Series
Sipura SPA
Home Brew Power Management
Appendix B
Appendix B
This section of the appendix details various details of the Disassembling and Interrupt-
Hijacking Cisco IOS rootkit described in Section 7.1. Source code is available to reputable
researchers upon formal request.
Appendix C
Appendix C
This section of the appendix presents data associated with work presented in Section 7.2.1.
Figure C.1: Hex dump of a typical HP-RFU. For P2055DN, using the undocumented
PJL/ACL language.
Figure C.2: “UAT” table structure. Contains a checksum value, followed by a directory
manifest describing various compressed components of the binary update package.
Figure C.3: RFU binary embedded inside a typical PostScript file. This illustrates the most
straightforward reflexive attack.
Table C.1: Printer models and firmware images analyzed for vulnerable libraries.
Appendix D
Appendix D
This section of the appendix presents data associated with the work presented in Chapter
We present the performance metrics of the rootkit detection SEM payload as measured
on a physical Cisco 7271 router running IOS versions 12.2 and 12.3].
Figure D.1: CPU Utilization on Cisco 7121 Router Using Different SEM Payload Execution
Bursts Rates (g(αi , τq )) for IOS 12.2 and 12.3. Note the Direct Relationship Between
g(αi , τq ), SEM Payload Execution Time and Total CPU Utilization. Terms Low, Med, High,
and Really High Utilization Corresponds to Varying SEM Payload Burst Rates, g(αi , τq ).
Figure D.2: Inverse Relationship between SEM Payload Burst Rate (g(αi , τq )) and Detection