Liquid Ring Pump
Liquid Ring Pump
Liquid Ring Pump
SIHI Pumps
More than 29” Hg Vacuum attainable with a single pump unit.
Higher Vacuum
Achievable by incorporating other SIHI Products.
Operational Safety
Provided by the low temperature rise of the Liquid Ring
Principle ensuring the safest compression of hazardous
and explosive vapors.
Construction Flexibility
Models available in a variety of shaft seals and materials
including Cast Iron, Bronze, Stainless Steels, Hastelloys
and Titanium.
Medium Vacuum Performance (Saturated Air)
Vacuum in inches Hg. 4 8 12 16 20 24 26 26.4 Average
Model Number Absolute Pressure in Inches Hg. 25.92 21.92 17.92 13.92 9.92 5.92 3.92 3.52 Liquid
(Inlet x Outlet Size) Absolute Pressure in mm Hg. 658 557 455 354 252 150 100 89 Flow
measured in inches
LPH 20103 (1¼ x 1¼) 3500 *1.5 13.8 14.6 15.2 15.2 14.4 12.2 - - 1.0
LPH 20105 (1¼ x 1¼) 3500 2 23.9 27.6 29.7 30.5 29.3 23.7 - - 1.0
LPH 20107 (1¼ x 1¼) 3500 3 30.0 32.7 34.3 35.1 33.1 24.8 - - 1.1
LPH 3404 (1½ x 1½) 1150 2 20 20 19 18 10 - - - 3
1750 3 41 41 41 41 42 35 - - 3
LPH 3408 (1½ x 1½) 1150 3 41 41 39 35 24 - - - 3
1750 5 76 77 77 77 77 70 - - 3
LPH 40412 (1½ x 1½) 1750 7.5 120 120 121 122 122 110 67 - 3
LPH 40517 (2 x 2) 1750 10 167 170 171 172 170 159 118 - 5
LPH 50518 (2½ x 2½) 1150 *7.5 155 156 159 156 148 127 92 80 8
1750 15 252 255 256 256 251 234 207 194 8
LPH 50523 (2½ x 2½) 1150 10 185 190 192 190 181 153 101 80 7
1750 20 321 332 338 338 333 311 281 268 7
LPH 60520 (4 x 4) 1150 15 229 237 241 241 228 189 135 - 7
1450 20 300 306 313 315 314 298 253 199 7
1750 25 371 373 374 374 368 347 300 251 7
LPH 60527 (4 x 4) 1150 20 288 296 302 305 303 275 168 - 8
1450 25 402 403 405 408 408 377 320 256 8
1750 40 478 480 482 485 477 448 393 342 8
LPH 70123 (4 x 4) 880 30 463 464 466 470 460 404 320 295 10
975 *30 511 512 515 518 505 442 370 336 10
1030 40 550 551 554 557 544 474 382 342 10
1150 *40 611 612 615 619 606 523 427 348 10
LPH 70530 (5 x 5) 880 40 600 602 605 609 601 577 505 416 15
975 *40 697 699 702 697 685 636 544 467 15
1030 50 748 750 748 743 721 674 584 479 15
1150 60 840 837 832 821 795 739 612 490 15
LPH 70540 (5 x 5) 880 50 865 868 871 877 868 830 707 570 17
975 60 929 932 936 942 951 911 786 684 17
1030 60 1002 1005 1010 1017 1025 981 864 752 17
1150 75 1140 1143 1148 1156 1145 1078 926 798 17
LPH 80540 (8 x 8) 700 75 1173 1213 1230 1228 1189 1105 1030 997 27
735 75 1257 1284 1307 1296 1276 1195 1100 1072 27
880 100 1462 1500 1512 1513 1490 1423 1311 1277 27
LPH 80553 (8 x 8) 700 100 1516 1564 1599 1616 1621 1537 1358 1311 31
735 100 1628 1669 1697 1703 1699 1645 1465 1425 31
880 125 1923 1973 2004 2013 1992 1927 1745 1704 31
LPH 80557 (8 x 8) 575 75 1638 1643 1640 1610 1568 1456 1235 1083 24
680 100 1994 1990 1984 1951 1903 1833 1583 1299 24
735 125 2167 2169 2168 2147 2107 2027 1774 1641 24
LPH 90554 (10 x 10) 465 100 1638 1643 1630 1610 1568 1460 1257 1140 44
600 125 2188 2195 2204 2188 2154 2065 1875 1812 44
700 150 2513 2521 2532 2519 2489 2372 2110 2012 44
LPH 90567 (10 x 10) 465 125 1862 1868 1871 1868 1840 1704 1414 1305 53
600 150 2697 2705 2717 2725 2708 2610 2413 2348 53
700 200 3032 3042 3055 3071 3064 2998 2761 2616 53
LPH 10054 (12 x 12) 410 *150 3053 3062 3076 3066 3032 2825 2245 1913 74
490 *200 3714 3797 3865 3871 3827 3715 3368 3290 74
565 *250 4376 4389 4408 4418 4392 4238 3929 3827 74
LPH 11055 (14 x 14) 335 250 4315 4328 4347 4367 4318 4001 2919 2348 108
415 *300 5699 5716 5741 5729 5730 5461 4715 4364 108
475 400 6411 6430 6459 6462 6430 6222 5500 5034 108
* Horsepower given is for motors with 1.15 service factor only. Use next larger size with 1.0 service factor motors.
This data represents average values for pumps in standard material of construction discharging against atmospheric pressure at sea level. Capacity in cubic feet per minute at inlet pressure for air with 100%
saturation at 20°C (68°F) and using 15°C (59°F) water as the service liquid. When handling saturated air at higher temperatures the capacity of vacuum pumps will increase substantially; performance is avail-
able upon application.
High Vacuum Performance (Saturated Air)
Vacuum in Inches Hg. 4 12 20 22.5 25 27.5 28 28.7 28.9 Average
Model Number Absolute Pressure in Inches Hg. 25.92 17.92 9.92 7.42 4.92 2.42 1.92 1.22 0.98 Service
(Inlet x Outlet Size) Absolute Pressure in mm Hg. 658 455 252 188 125 61.5 48.8 31 25 Flow
measured in inches Speed Horsepower CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM USGPM
LPH 25003 (1 ¼ x 1¼) 3500 2 13.7 14.9 15.6 15.8 15.9 14.0 14.2 11.1 - 1.4
LPH 25007 (1¼ x 1¼) 3500 3 27.5 30.8 32.4 32.9 34.0 32.3 29.7 19.0 - 1.4
LPH 3704 (1½ x 1½) 1150 3 25 26 26 27 27 25 23 - - 4
1750 5 37 37 38 44 46 40 37 32 32 4
LPH 3708 (1½ x 1½) 1150 5 43 43 46 47 48 52 52 - - 5
1750 7.5 71 72 73 80 81 76 71 65 56 5
LPH 55312 (2 x 2) 1150 7.5 108 109 123 131 136 145 142 130 132 10
1750 *15 143 145 185 208 218 227 224 205 218 10
LPH 55316 (2 x 2) 1150 10 114 115 141 154 162 158 153 137 141 11
1750 20 204 205 238 259 272 280 271 235 227 11
LPH 55320 (2 x 2) 1150 15 119 120 154 167 175 174 169 167 153 13
1750 25 210 211 258 321 345 353 343 289 275 13
LPH 65320 (2½ x 2½) 1150 15 197 199 209 223 241 268 278 276 298 9
1450 25 270 274 298 303 318 353 349 332 354 9
1750 30 330 333 345 361 378 390 394 371 391 9
LPH 65327 (2 ½ x 2½) 1150 20 239 238 256 271 307 341 336 316 335 9
1450 30 326 328 345 361 383 426 433 379 372 9
1750 40 382 384 403 419 449 481 465 403 391 9
LPH 75320 (4 x 4) 880 40 377 395 439 472 504 524 524 498 549 19
975 40 417 425 491 531 564 585 588 577 624 19
1030 *40 432 441 507 547 586 603 608 585 624 19
1150 *50 453 472 538 579 624 646 633 592 633 19
LPH 75330 (4 x 4) 880 50 519 548 638 674 734 731 692 632 707 20
975 50 575 605 701 743 811 822 795 719 726 20
1030 60 590 636 732 775 844 847 814 766 735 20
1150 75 605 672 779 818 909 889 860 743 745 20
LPH 75340 (4 x 4) 880 50 677 682 732 802 931 987 957 806 856 21
975 60 748 759 836 902 1019 1102 1086 948 949 21
1030 *60 773 789 873 940 1046 1127 1112 995 977 21
1150 100 814 841 931 998 1090 1163 1151 1027 977 21
LPH 85340 (6 x 6) 700 100 1094 1138 1218 1253 1293 1346 1299 1232 1294 38
735 100 1140 1205 1276 1306 1353 1437 1396 1359 1424 38
880 125 1323 1358 1506 1555 1632 1766 1778 1596 1564 38
LPH 85353 (6 x 6) 700 *100 1297 1323 1464 1550 1632 1778 1758 1706 1824 50
735 125 1348 1374 1495 1582 1687 1851 1810 1801 1917 50
880 150 1526 1589 1767 1869 1994 2156 2081 1975 2103 50
LPH 95354 (8 x 8) 465 125 1364 1507 1715 1794 1873 1985 2004 1927 1917 71
600 *150 1994 2030 2164 2230 2301 2412 2456 2275 2196 71
700 *200 2366 2440 2572 2622 2706 2777 2754 2607 2411 71
LPH 95367 (8 x 8) 465 125 1567 1640 1851 1985 2169 2412 2495 2607 2411 76
600 200 2086 2184 2426 2612 2783 2984 3025 3002 2848 76
700 250 2463 2563 2781 2952 3133 3374 3413 3413 3071 76
LPH 10534 (8 x 8) 400 200 2519 2563 2781 3026 3265 3593 3684 3713 3676 108
490 *250 3185 3255 3555 3865 4108 4385 4460 4424 4207 108
590 350 3638 3768 4182 4480 4765 5091 5107 4898 4607 108
LPH 11535 (10 x 10) 335 *250 3592 3629 3994 4300 4678 5237 5326 5372 5370 147
415 *350 4600 4767 5176 5500 5872 6455 6503 6162 6031 147
470 450 4884 5177 5793 6105 6628 7125 7201 6952 6515 147
* Horsepower given is for motors with 1.15 service factor only. Use next larger size with 1.0 service factor motors.
This data represents average values for pumps in standard material of construction discharging against atmospheric pressure at sea level. Capacity in cubic feet per minute at inlet pressure for air
with 100% saturation at 20°C (68°F) and using 15°C (59°F) water as the service liquid. When handling saturated air at higher temperatures the capacity of vacuum pumps will increase substantially;
performance is available upon application.
Medium Vacuum Performance (Dry Air)
Vacuum in inches Hg. 4 8 12 16 20 24 26 26.4 Average
Model Number Absolute Pressure in Inches Hg. 25.92 21.92 17.92 13.92 9.92 5.92 3.92 3.52 Liquid
(Inlet x Outlet Size) Absolute Pressure in mm Hg. 658 557 455 354 252 150 100 89 Flow
measured in inches USGPM
LPH 20103 (1¼ x 1¼) 3500 *1.5 13.6 14.3 14.8 14.7 13.8 11.3 - - 1.0
LPH 20105 (1¼ x 1¼) 3500 2 23.5 27.0 29.0 29.5 28.0 22.0 - - 1.0
LPH 20107 (1¼ x 1¼) 3500 3 29.5 32.0 33.5 34.0 31.7 23.0 - - 1.1
LPH 3404 (1½ x 1½) 1150 2 20 20 19 17 10 - - - 3
1750 3 40 40 40 40 40 32 - - 3
LPH 3408 (1½ x 1½) 1150 3 40 40 38 34 23 - - - 3
1750 5 75 75 75 75 74 65 - - 3
LPH 40412 (1½ x 1½) 1750 7.5 118 118 118 118 117 102 60 - 3
LPH 40517 (2 x 2) 1750 10 164 167 167 167 163 147 105 - 5
LPH 50518 (2½ x 2½) 1150 *7.5 152 153 155 151 142 118 82 70 8
1750 15 248 250 250 248 240 217 184 170 8
LPH 50523 (2½ x 2½) 1150 10 182 186 187 184 173 142 90 70 7
1750 20 315 325 330 327 318 288 250 235 7
LPH 60520 (4 x 4) 1150 15 225 232 235 233 218 175 120 - 7
1450 20 295 300 305 305 300 276 225 175 7
1750 25 365 365 365 362 352 322 267 220 7
LPH 60527 (4 x 4) 1150 20 283 290 295 295 290 255 150 - 8
1450 25 395 395 395 395 390 350 285 225 8
1750 40 470 470 470 470 456 415 350 300 8
LPH 70123 (4 x 4) 880 30 455 455 455 455 440 375 285 259 10
975 *30 502 502 502 502 483 410 330 295 10
1030 40 540 540 540 540 520 440 340 300 10
1150 *40 600 600 600 600 580 485 380 305 10
LPH 70530 (5 x 5) 880 40 590 590 590 590 575 535 450 365 15
975 *40 685 685 685 675 655 590 485 410 15
1030 50 735 735 730 720 690 625 520 420 15
1150 60 825 820 812 795 760 685 545 430 15
LPH 70540 (5 x 5) 880 50 850 850 850 850 830 770 630 500 17
975 60 913 913 913 913 910 845 700 600 17
1030 60 985 985 985 985 980 910 770 660 17
1150 75 1120 1120 1120 1120 1095 1000 825 700 17
LPH 80540 (8 x 8) 700 75 1153 1188 1200 1190 1137 1025 918 875 27
735 75 1235 1258 1275 1255 1220 1108 980 940 27
880 100 1437 1470 1475 1466 1425 1320 1168 1120 27
LPH 80553 (8 x 8) 700 100 1490 1532 1560 1565 1550 1425 1210 1150 31
735 100 1600 1635 1655 1650 1625 1525 1305 1250 31
880 125 1890 1933 1955 1950 1905 1787 1555 1495 31
LPH 80557 (8 x 8) 575 75 1610 1610 1600 1560 1500 1350 1100 950 24
680 100 1960 1950 1935 1890 1820 1700 1410 1140 24
735 125 2130 2125 2115 2080 2015 1880 1580 1440 24
LPH 90554 (10 x 10) 465 100 1610 1610 1590 1560 1500 1354 1120 1000 44
600 125 2150 2150 2150 2120 2060 1915 1670 1590 44
700 150 2470 2470 2470 2440 2380 2200 1880 1765 44
LPH 90567 (10 x 10) 465 125 1830 1830 1825 1810 1760 1580 1260 1145 53
600 150 2650 2650 2650 2640 2590 2420 2150 2060 53
700 200 2980 2980 2980 2975 2930 2780 2460 2295 53
LPH 10054 (12 x 12) 410 *150 3000 3000 3000 2970 2900 2620 2000 1678 74
490 *200 3650 3720 3770 3750 3660 3445 3000 2886 74
565 *250 4300 4300 4300 4280 4200 3930 3500 3357 74
LPH 11055 (14 x 14) 335 250 4240 4240 4240 4230 4130 3710 2600 2060 108
415 *300 5600 5600 5600 5550 5480 5064 4200 3828 108
475 400 6300 6300 6300 6260 6150 5770 4900 4416 108
* Horsepower given is for motors with 1.15 service factor only. Use next larger size with 1.0 service factor motors.
his data represents average values for pumps in standard material of construction discharging against atmospheric pressure at sea level. Capacity in cubic feet per minute at inlet pressure for air at 20°C
(68°F) and using 15°C (59°F) water as the service liquid. When handling 100% saturated air see performance data on following pages.
High Vacuum Performance (Dry Air)
Vacuum in Inches Hg. 4 12 20 22.5 25 27.5 28 28.7 28.9 Average
Model Number Absolute Pressure in Inches Hg. 25.92 17.92 9.92 7.42 4.92 2.42 1.92 1.22 0.98 Service
(Inlet x Outlet Size) Absolute Pressure in mm Hg. 658 455 252 188 125 61.5 48.8 31 25 Flow
measured in inches Speed Horsepower CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM USGPM
LPH 25003 (1¼ x 1¼) 3500 2 13.5 14.5 14.9 14.9 14.5 11.5 11.0 7.0 - 1.4
LPH 25007 (1¼ x 1¼) 3500 3 27.0 30.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 26.5 23.0 12.0 - 1.4
LPH 3704 (1½ x 1½) 1150 3 25 25 25 25 25 21 18 - - 4
1750 5 37 37 37 42 42 33 29 20 17 4
LPH 3708 (1½ x 1½) 1150 5 42 42 44 44 44 43 40 - - 5
1750 7.5 70 70 70 75 74 62 55 41 30 5
LPH 45312 (1½ x 1½) 1150 5 54 54 57 61 66 68 64 48 42 3
1750 7.5 88 90 102 110 112 102 95 70 61 3
LPH 45317 (1½ x 1½) 1150 5 60 67 74 80 87 82 78 58 48 4
1750 10 105 105 150 155 150 136 125 90 73 4
LPH 55312 (2 x 2)
1150 7.5 106 106 118 123 124 119 110 82 71 10
1750 *15 141 141 177 196 199 186 173 130 117 10
LPH 55316 (2 x 2) 1150 10 112 112 135 145 148 130 118 87 76 11
1750 20 200 200 228 244 248 230 210 149 122 11
LPH 55320 (2 x 2) 1150 15 117 117 147 157 160 143 131 106 82 13
1750 25 206 206 247 302 315 290 265 183 148 13
LPH 65320 (2½ x 2½) 1150 15 194 194 200 210 220 220 215 175 160 9
1450 25 265 267 285 285 290 290 270 210 190 9
1750 30 324 325 330 340 345 320 305 235 210 9
LPH 65327 (2½ x 2½) 1150 20 235 232 245 255 280 280 260 200 180 9
1450 30 320 320 330 340 350 350 335 240 200 9
1750 40 375 375 385 395 410 395 360 255 210 9
LPH 75320 (4 x 4) 880 40 370 385 420 445 460 430 405 315 295 19
975 40 410 415 470 500 515 480 455 365 335 19
1030 *40 425 430 485 515 535 495 470 370 335 19
1150 *50 445 460 515 545 570 530 490 375 340 19
LPH 75330 (4 x 4) 880 50 510 535 610 635 670 600 535 400 380 20
975 50 565 590 670 700 740 675 615 455 390 20
1030 60 580 620 700 730 770 695 630 485 395 20
1150 75 595 655 745 770 830 730 665 470 400 20
LPH 75340 (4 x 4) 880 50 665 665 700 755 850 810 740 510 460 21
975 60 735 740 800 850 930 905 840 600 510 21
1030 *60 760 770 835 885 955 925 860 630 525 21
1150 100 800 820 890 940 995 955 890 650 525 21
LPH 85340 (6 x 6) 700 100 1075 1110 1165 1180 1180 1105 1005 780 695 38
735 100 1120 1175 1220 1230 1235 1180 1080 860 765 38
880 125 1300 1325 1440 1465 1490 1450 1375 1010 840 38
LPH 85353 (6 x 6) 700 *100 1275 1290 1400 1460 1490 1460 1360 1080 980 50
735 125 1325 1340 1430 1490 1540 1520 1400 1140 1030 50
880 150 1500 1550 1690 1760 1820 1770 1610 1250 1130 50
LPH 95354 (8 x 8) 465 125 1340 1470 1640 1690 1710 1630 1550 1220 1030 71
600 *150 1960 1980 2070 2100 2100 1980 1900 1440 1180 71
700 *200 2325 2380 2460 2470 2470 2280 2130 1650 1295 71
LPH 95367 (8 x 8) 465 125 1540 1600 1770 1870 1980 1980 1930 1650 1295 76
600 200 2050 2130 2320 2460 2540 2450 2340 1900 1530 76
700 250 2420 2500 2660 2780 2860 2770 2640 2160 1650 76
LPH 10534 (8 x 8) 400 200 2475 2500 2660 2850 2980 2950 2850 2350 1975 108
490 *250 3130 3175 3400 3640 3750 3600 3450 2800 2260 108
590 350 3575 3675 4000 4220 4350 4180 3950 3100 2475 108
LPH 11535 (10 x 10) 335 *250 3530 3540 3820 4050 4270 4300 4120 3400 2885 147
415 *350 4520 4650 4950 5180 5360 5300 5030 3900 3240 147
470 450 4800 5050 5540 5750 6050 5850 5570 4400 3500
* Horsepower given is for motors with 1.15 service factor only. Use next larger size with 1.0 service factor motors.
This data represents average values for pumps in standard material of construction discharging against atmospheric pressure at sea level. Capacity in cubic feet per minute at inlet pressure for air at 20°C
(68°F) and using 15°C (59°F) water as the service liquid. When handling 100 % saturated air see performance data on following pages.
In a round pump body (A), a shaft mounted impeller (B) is positioned at a point eccen-
tric to the centerline of the pump body. The centrifugal action of the rotating impeller
forces the service liquid introduced via channel (D) towards the periphery of the pump
body forming the liquid ring (C).
When pumping action is achieved, the gas mixture being handled is introduced to the
impeller through the suction port (H), in the intermediate plate (E), causing a vacuum at the
pump suction. The gas mixture fills the impeller cavity between the inside diameter of the
liquid ring and the root of the impel-
ler blade. As the impeller rotates,
the impeller blade immersion
in the liquid ring increases
Pump Suction H A J Pump
reducing the volume
(Gas Mixture) Discharge
between the liquid (Gas & Liquid)
ring and the root
of the impeller
blade. The re-
sult is the com-
pression of the Service
g as mixtu re Liquid
until it reaches Inlet
the discharge
port (J), located
in the intermediate
plate (K). The gas
mixture exits through D E B C K
the discharge port.
Simplicity Compound M
To drain
Gauge PI
Lowest initial cost
Valve S
Service Liquid
Check Valve
Simplicity Compound
Low initial cost
Reduced service liquid consumption Valve
Partial Recirculat-
Regulating Piping
Valve S
Service Liquid
System Vent
Used where gases and liquids are toxic
Pump Suction
or hazardous, and when environmental Separator
contamination is a concern. Inlet
Check Valve
M Glass LI
Service liquid contained and Gauge PI
separated from nonhazardous
Heat Exchanger
coolant systems Flow
Low service liquid usage Y-Strainer Isolating Valve
Coolant Supply
Allows recovery of condensable
Coolant Return
inlet gases
SIHI Pumps has competent engineering teams backed by more than sixty years
experience to design and build packages custom suited to your requirements.
Evaporation Crystallization
Vapor Recovery
Condensor Exhaust
Vacuum Conveyance
Vacuum Packaging
Central Vacuum Systems