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Judging from the recent acdvides of local prosecutors, one tnight think
that a crime wave of chUd pornography offenses perpetuated by middle- and
high-schoolers is fiooding the nadon.' In actuaUty, the fiurry of media
coverage has shed Ught on a phenomenon popularly known as sexting: the
digital exchange of sexuaUy expUcit images between teenagers using text
messaging services on camera-equipped ceU phones.^ Local prosecutors
across the countr}' are responding to the increase in sexdng incidents by
charging the teenage pardcipants with chUd pornography felonies, which may
require them to register as sex offenders.^ Recent poUing data suggests that
sexdng is pervasive among today's teenagers."* Further evidence of the
12. Mary E. Muscari, Sexting: New Technology, Old Problem, MEDSCAPE TODAY, May 1,
13. This includes the use of e-mail to exchange sexually explicit, self-produced
photographs or teens' recording of their own consensual sexual activitj' using video cameras.
Such activities, although not sexting under the strict definition focused on the use of text
messaging services on cell phones, still fall under the umbrella of "sexting-like activities." See
infra Part II.
14. Jíí/«/^ö Section ILA.
15. See Libby Quaid, 'Sexting' is More Common Than You Might Think, SEATTLE TIMES,
Dec. 4, 2009,
sextingpoll.html (describing the death of Hope Witseü, a thirteen-year-old in Florida who
hung herself after being taunted by classmates after a photo she sexted to a boy she liked
was forwarded to other students, and the death of eighteen-year-old Jesse Logan in Ohio
who hung herself after weeks of ridicule after a sext she sent to her boyfriend at the time was
forwarded to other girls).
16. See, e.g., U.S. v. Hofus, No. 09-10076, 2010 WL 986799 (9th Cit. Mar. 19, 2010)
(affirming the conviction of an adult male attempting to entice two teenage girls using sex
messages);'i"í>r/z«¿' Case Goes to Trial, SARASOTA HERALD-TRIBUNE, Sept. 5, 2009, at B3
(reporting that in a recent sexting incident clearly constituting child sexual exploitation, a
Florida high school teacher used his cell phone to seduce a child after he allegedly coaxed
the high school student to send naked photographs to him and exchanged sexual text
messages with the teen). Several states, including Colorado and Oregon, have recendy passed
bills to close loopholes in existing criminal laws to punish sexual predators using text
messages services to lure children. See National Conference of State Legislatures, 2009
focuses primarily on the typical sexting case involving the limited exchange
of provocative messages concerning consensual sexual. activity between
willing participants.
The prevalence of sexdng and the severity of its consequences have
prompted state and federal policymakers to consider various legislative
proposals, from crafting new criminal offenses to introducing educadonal
programs.'^ In exploring appropriate legal responses to sexdng, this Note
attempts to strike a balance between competing policy objectives,, such as
teenage privacy and the state's interest in prevendng child sexual abuse and
child pornography, while respecting the extent to which the digital revolution
changed how teenagers communicate and interact in social spaces. Whue
society may want to minimize teenagers' producdon and distribution of
provocadve images even under consensual and private circumstances, sexdng
should be exempt from treatment under child pornography statutes. In Part
I, this Note explores the sexting phenomenon and its underlying causes in
the context of a digital generadon of teenagers. Part II surveys the varied
responses of authorities to sexting incidents, including prosecutors and state
legislators. Part III discusses the range of policy issues implicated in
designing an appropriate legal framework to address sexting. Part IV
concludes by suggesting several legislative components that could help
authorities discipline the harms of sexdng without resorting to ill-suited child
pornography statutes.
20. John A. Humbach, "Sexting" and the First Amendment 3-4 (Pace Law Faculty Publ'ns,
Paper No. 596, 2009), available at
note 4, at 11.
22. Id. at 13; Mathias H. Heck, Sexting and Charging Juveniles—Balancing the Law and Bad
Choices, 43 PROSECUTOR 28, 28 (2009).
note 4, at 11.
24. Press Release, Cox Commc'ns, Cox's New Survey on Cyber-Safety Finds Many
Teens Going Online Wirelessly Without Limits or Controls (May 14, 2009),
25. LENHART, supra note 4, at 4-5.
26. Carl BiaUk, Which Is Epidemic - Sexting or Worrying About It?, WALL ST. J., Apr. 8,
2009, at A9.
27. Id. (quoting David Finkelhor at the University of New Hampshire's Crimes Against
Children Research Center).
and receiving expUcit text messages may underreport the actual incidence of
sexting given that the topic is loaded with "a relatively high, level of social
disapproval" and thus subjects may not admit to the behavior.^^ Yet even if
some fracdon of reported teens are engaging in sending or receiving sexuaUy
expUcit texts, the data is significant enough to warrant discussion
The prevalence of sexting among today's teenagers refiects the
intersecdon of two trends infiuencing teenage behavior: the omnipresence of
digpltal technologies and the enhanced sharing and personal expression
faciUtated by these technologies. In contrast to their parents and
grandparents, the current generadon of youth is "born digital," meaning that
most major aspects of their Uves are mediated by digital technologies, from
social interacdons to academics to hobbies and entertainment.^^ These
individuals never knew an offUne world—they "do not stay in touch with
pens and scented paper," but with an endless array of technological gadgets.^"
For adults who view Internet-based sociaUzing as a supplement to Ufe in real
spaces, the nodon of teens moving seamlessly between face-to-face and
computer-mediated social interactions is novel.^' The concept of using text
messaging services to send highly personal photos may sound bizarre to
adiilts, but it is much less so to teens who rely on ceU phones as a critical tool
to maintain their social connecdons. According to recent research by the Pew
Internet & American Life project, 7 1 % of teens owned ceU phones in 2008,
an increase from 45% in 2004.^^ Among teen ceU phone users, 76% used
their phones to send text messages.'''' Another study by the mobUe phone
industry suggest that 54% of teenage girls and 40% of teenage boys think
that their social Ufe would "end" or significandy worsen if texdng were no
longer avaUable on ceU phones.^"* And ceU phones are not the only
distribution channel by which teens exchange sexts; simUar message can also
be sent dirough desktop and laptop computers, usuaUy through e-mail
28. Lenhart notes that the number of teens in the focus groups who were able to talk
about sexdng experiences suggests that dus effect may have been present in the Pew poll. See
LENHART, supra note 4, at 4 n.lO.
30. Humbach, supra note 20, at 3.
PREVENTING AND RESPONDING TO CYBERBULLYING 25 (2009) (nodng that "[f]or many
youth, there really is no clear disdncdon between life as lived in real space and in cyberspace;
one social sphere is now a natural and complementing extension of the other").
33. 7í/. at8.
42. Cole Kazdin & Imaeyen Ibanga, The Truth About Teens Sexting: 'GMA ' Holds a Town
Hall Meeting to Discuss the Growing Teen Trend, ABCNEWS.COM, Apr. 15, 2009, According to the NCPTUP
poll, of those teens sending sexually explicit material, 59% of girls said that they did it as a
"sexy present" for their boyfriends. NATIONAL CAMPAIGN TO PREVENT TEEN AND
UNPLANNED PREGNANCY, supra note 4, at 4.
43. See, e.g., Mary G. Leary, Self-Produced Child Pornography: The Appropriate Soäetal Response
to Juvenile Self-Sexual Exploitation, 15 VA. J. Soc. POL'Y & L. 1, 12-14 (2007) (discussing how
juvenile self-produced pornography can fuel the child pornography industry, creating more
demand and putting more children at risk of exploitation); see also Smith, supra note 37, at
544 (finding that "[mjinors who distribute pornographic images of themselves place may
[sic] themselves at risk of being victimized by pedophiles").
44. Quaid, supra note 15.
45. Heck, supra note 22, at 28-29 (A prosecuting attorney in Montgomery County,
Ohio reports that many of her fellow prosecutors are finding that the teenagers engaged in
sexting "are completely unaware that what they are doing is illegal.").
46. Quaid, «granóte 15.
47. Girt Gharged with Sending Nude Photos To Classmates, WBNS lOTV, Oct. 7, 2008,'
d=102 (noting that the principal of tiie school "felt there was a good understanding by our
student body about the seriousness of the matter").
48. Muscari, supra note 12.
49. Id
51. Humbach, supra note 20, at 3.
' 52. Muscari, supra note 12.
53. The permanent recording enabled by technologies, and the introduction of child
exploitation laws, also has dramatically enhanced the consequences of such activity. See id
(noting that although "streaking may have been just a nuisance in its heyday, but it could be
deemed a sexual offense today, just as a photo of an underwear-clad teen may now be
considered child pornography").
54. Kim Zetter, Child Pom Lam Used Against • Kids Who Photograph Themselves,
WlRED.COM, Jan. 15, 2009,
55. Dahlia Lithwick, Textual Misconduct: What to do About Teens and Their Dumb Naked
Photos of Themselves, SLATE.COM, Feb. 14, 2009, It is not
clear how investigators determined the scope of the dissemination of the images involved in
ÙUS cast. See id.
57. Idatl.
" 58. See Muscari, supra note 12 (contrasting the differences between sexting,
cyberbullying, harassment, and sexual offenses).
59. National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, Policy Statement on Sexting
(Sept. 21, 2009),
60. Quaid, supra note 15.
61. See Mike Celizic, Her Teen Committed Suicide over Texting, TODAY SHOW.COM, Mar. 6,
boyfriend were forwarded to other teens and used to harass her.^^ More
recendy, a Florida thirteen-year-old, Hope WitseU, committed suicide after
facing months of incessant buUying by her middle-school peers stemming
from a topless photo of herself she sexted to a boy she Uked.
Several attributes of cyberbuUying disdnguish it from its counterpart in
the physical world, and in some ways exacerbate the weU-estabUshed harms
of buUying.*^" Simply put, online communides enforce fewer behavioral
restraints dian the offline world. The anonymity and pseudonymity offered
by digital technologies, the viral nature of computer-based communications,
and the difficuldes in supervising youth activity online, compound the
impacts of sexting in sextbuUying cases.^^ Besides not requiring die courage
needed to confront someone in person, digital aggression is furthered by a
disinhibidon effect, whereby spatial distance insvilates the aggressor from
fuUy comprehending the harmful effect of his actions on the victim."^^ Also,
technologies Uke text messaging or e-maU forwarding dramadcaUy ampUfy
the wildfire effect of spoken rumors; in instances of sextbuUying, viral digital
transmission means that vicdms are humUiated over and over again, with the
62. After Jesse Logan and her boyfriend broke up, he forwarded the photos to other
girls, who proceeded to tease Jesse about die photos. Id She grew depressed and started
skipping school. Id Eventually, Jesse decided to go on a local Cincinnad television stadon to
tell her story because she "just want[ed] to make sure no one else will have to go through
this again." Id. According to Jesse's mother, Cynthia, the harassment was intense: "Things
are thrown at her. Her reacdon to all diis was...anger, snapping. And I would ask her what
was wrong and she wouldn't... divulg[e] everything, just that she was having a hard time."
Kazdin & Ibanga, supra note 42. Two months after the interview, in July 2008, Logan hung
herself in her bedroom at the age of eighteen. Id.
63. Michael Inbar, 'Sexting' Bullying Cited in Teen Girl's Suicide: 13-year-old Hope WitseU
Hanged Herself After Topless Photos Circulated, TODAY SHOW.COM, Dec. 2, 2009, After WitseU sexted
the, boy she liked, a diird party intercepted die photo while using die boy's cell phone and
forwarded the image to friends. Id. Before long, the image had spread, not only to many of
Witsell's peers, but also to students at the local high school and neighboring schools, who
subjected her to incessant taunting and vulgar comments. Id Friends of Witsell's reported
that people "literally surrounded Hope as she walked the hallways while other students
shouted 'whore' and 'slut' at her." Id.
64. The harms of bullying are well established by research in the educadon, sociology,
psychology, and criminology disciplines. HlNDUJA & PATCHIN, supra note 31, at 11. Youth
who are bullied can become tense, anxious, and afraid, with negadve effects on their
concentradon and school performance as well. In some cases, students avoid school all
together. Continued bullying affects targets' self-esteem and feelings of self-worth and
increases their social isoladon, leading them to become depressed, anxious, and insecure. Id.
at 13-15.
65. See HlNDUJA & PATCHIN, supra note 31, at 25 (discussing cyberbullying but raising
issues applicable to sexdng as well).
66. Id M22.
harassment not limited to the school day or campus.'^^ The reliance of teens
on their cell phones for social connectedness or for safety enhances the
problem, as it makes them less likely to ever turn off their phones and escape
the victimizadon. A lack of adult supervision also exacerbates cyberbullying
harms. Because most teens are far more tech savvy than their caregivers, they
may text freely without the concern that others will discover their bullying or
vicdmizadon and restrict their access.^^
To the extent that sexdng is used as a tool for online harassment, it
presents a far more challenging set of issues than the more orthodox
aforemendoned sexting behavior. While the primary focus of this Note
concerns the common circumstance of teenagers voluntarily producing and
exchanging sexually expHcit images in a closed circle, it is important to
recognize the spectrum of sexdng behaviors and the corresponding range of
appropriate solutions. Remedies for addressing more typical sexting incidents
may not be sufficient in a sextbullying case. This theme is revisited in Part
rV's discussion of a model framework for sexting legisladon.
67. / ¿ a t 2 3 .
68. See WiLLARD, supra note 38, at 3—5 (discussing how "[cjhildren can quickly leave
their parents behind in embracing emerging online technologies and activities").
69. See, e.g., Jo Mathis & Art Aisner, Teen's Photo Considered Child Pom, ANN ARBOR
NEWS, Oct. 10, 2008, at Al, available at
index.ssf?/base/news-29/l 224168016236750.xml&coll=2&thispage=1.
70. 42 U.S.C. § 14071 (e) (2) (2006) (mandating federally that all states pass legisladon to
make their federal sex offender registries available to the pubHc). See Phoebe Geer, Justice
Served? The High Cost ofjuvenile Sex Offender Registration, 27 D E V . MENTAL HEALTH L. 34, 36
n.21 (describing Megan's Law).
71. Golson, supra note 10.
72. Id
73. Patrick E. Corbett, Cyberbullying and Other High-Tech Crimes Involving Teens, J.
INTERNET L., Sept. 2008, at 1,19.
74. Smith, jft^ra note 37, at 513.
75. See e.g., Dave Gram, Vermont May Set Aside Harshest Penalties for 'Sexting', HERALD,
Apr. 15, 2009, at 3A.
76. Smith, j-Af/îra note 37, at 513.
77. Id. See also Smith, supra note 37, Ht 513.
78. 773 N.W.2d 528, 529 (Iowa 2009).
uncovered in the girl's e-mail account and sent to the police.™ Reviewing a
jury verdict challenged on sufficiency of the evidence grounds, the Iowa
court found sufficient evidence to convict the eighteen-year-old of knowingly
disseminating obscene material to a minor, a misdemeanor requiring him to
register as a sex offender.^" Recognizing the latitude a jury has to determine
what constitutes obscenity for its own community under the Supreme
Court's Miller test,^' the Iowa court found that the jury could find, applying
its own contemporary community standards, that "the material appealed to
the prurient interest, was patendy offensive, and lacked serious literary,
scientific, political, or artisdc value."^^
Besides Canal., state courts have upheld child pornography convictions
for teenagers' production and distribution of self-produced pornography
using technology such as e-mail and video cameras. These cases present
policy issues analogous, if not identical, to sexting using cell phones.
In A.H. V. State, a teenage girl's convicdon of a child pornography
offense after exchanging self-produced pornography over e-mail was upheld
by a Florida state appellate court.^^ A sixteen-year-old female, A.H., and her
sev:enteen-year-old boyfriend took digital photos of themselves engaged in
"sexual behavior," uploaded them to the girl's home computer, and sent
them to the boy's personal e-mail account.^"* Although neither teen reportedly
showed the photos to a third party, they somehow made their way into the
hands of the poHce.^^ On appeal, A.H. moved to dismiss the charges as an
unconstitutional violation of her privacy rights.^^ Given the lack of a
significant age difference or any allegation that the pictures were shown to a
third party, A.H. argued that the only compelling state interest implicated in
79. / ¿ a t 529.
80. Grant Schulte, Iowa Court Upholds 'Sexting' Conviction, DES MoiNES REGISTER Sept
181. Canal, 773 N.W.2d at 531. Miller v. California sets forth the "basic guidelines" for
(a) whether 'the average person, applying contemporary community
standards' would fmd that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the
prurient interest; (b) whether the work depicts or describes, in a patentiy
offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state
law; and (c) whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary,
artistic, political, or scientific value.
413 U.S. 15, 24 (;i973) (internal citations omitted).
82. Canal, 773 N.W.2d at 532.
83. 949 So. 2d 234, 235 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 2007).
84. Id
85. Id. at 235; see also Decían McCullagh, Police Blotter. Teens Prosecuted for Ragi Photos,
CNET NEWS, Feb. 9, 2007,'
86. A.H., 949 So. 2d at 235.
her conviction was protecting her and her co-defendant from engaging in
sexual behavior until their minds and bodies matured.^' She further argued
that pursuing that interest dirough a second-degree felony charge for child
pornography distribution did not meet the "least intrusive means" test
required under state law.
However, while die Florida Supreme Court previously recognized
constitutional protection for consensual sexual activity between two sixteen-
year-olds in B.B. V. State,^^ the A.H. court found that this privacy right does
not extend to situations where the "minor memorializes the act through
pictures or video."^° Distinguishing self-produced images of adults engaging
in sexual behavior, the court argued that minors cannot reasonably expect
that their relationships will continue and the photographs will not be shared
with others unintentionally or intentionally, for "profit or bragging rights."^'
Even if the AH. court recognized a teen's privacy right in die photos, it
found an overriding, compelling state interest in the convictions, stating that
"protecting children from exploitation in this statute is the same regardless of
whether the person inducing the child to appear in a sexual performance and
then promoting that performance is an adult or a minor."'^ Almost a decade
earlier, a Florida appeals court reached a similar conclusion about the state's
interest in "protect[ingl minors from exploitation by anjone who induces
them to appear in a sexual performance," recognizing the states' interest in
prosecuting a fifteen-year-old boy who videotaped himself and a younger
minor engaged in sexual activity and then shared the tape with a friend when
the girl was not present.^^
Convictions for sexting-like activity in other states have been affirmed on
similar rationales. In an unpublished Washington state opinion from 2005,
State V. Ve^z^ni, the court upheld a sixteen-year-old boy's conviction for
production and possession of child pornography where he took sexually
explicit photos of his girlfriend and then showed them to classmates at
school after the couple broke up.^"* Appealing tiie charges, die boy argued
87. Id
88. Id
89. 659 So. 2d 256, 259 (Fla. 1995). The court established that the crux of the State's
interest in regulating minor-minor sexual contact was "protecting the minor from the sexual
activity itself for reasons of health and quality of life," and that in the instance of consensual
sexual relations between two sixteen-year-olds, the state failed to demonstrate that a
conviction for sexual battery was "the least intrusive means of furthering what we have
determined to be the State's compelling interest." Id.
90. A.H., 949 So. 2d at 236.
91. Id at 237.
• 92. i^. at 238.
93. State v. A.R.S., 684 So. 2d 1383,1387 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1996) (emphasis added).
94. No. 22361-2-1II, 2005 WL 980588, at *l-2 (Wash. Ct. App., Apr. 28, 2005).
that the legislature did not intend for chUd pornography statutes to apply in
situations where teens capable of consendng to sexual acdvity take nude
photos of each other.^^ The court found the plain meaning of the statute
unambiguous in its appUcabUity to juvenUe of"fenders, noting the ease by
which lawmakers could have created "different degrees of criminal UabiUty
on the basis of a specific age disparity between the offender and the vicdm"
if that was their intent.^''
In a simUar case, the Washington Court of Appeals upheld a juvenile
convicdon for the producdon of child pornography where a fifteen-year-old
boy brought a video camera to high school and taped diree female classmates
voluntarUy exposing dieir breasts on camera." Though the court determined
the boy's behavior "feU squarely within the unambiguous statutory definidon
of sexual exploitadon of a minor," it acknowledged that the consequences
were "arguably excessive" as appUed to a youth "whose conduct Ues on the
periphery of concerns" that the legislature intended to address with the
statute, but declared that "such poUcy arguments must be directed to the
Cases Uke A.H. and Vef^t^oni prompted acdon from state legislators
looking to moderate the "arguably excessive"'' penalties attached to
sexdng. Relying on prosecutors to exercise reasonable discredon in sexdng
cases is not a desirable approach for several reasons.'"' First, states generaUy
have not designed laws to specificaUy address teens' transmission of self-
produced expUcit images, leaving many law enforcement authorides with the
view diat dieir only opdon is to charge teens under statutes designed to
punish chUd pornography traffickers and sexual predators.'"^ Indeed, one
Internet safety expert described the recent use of child pornography law as
"desperate acts by frustrated law enforcement officials."'"^ Second,
prosecutors pursuing harsh penaldes for sexdng teens may be modvated by
consdtuent pressure or by a strong moral opposidon to any form of teenage
sexual activity, making their exercise of reasonable discredon unUkely. As the
Utah Supreme Court noted in State ex. rel Z.C in which the court overturned
104. State ex. rel Z.C, 165 P.3d 1206,1212,1212 n.9 (Utah 2007).
105. Rigel Oliveri, Statutory Rape Law and Enforcement in the Wake of Welfare Reform, 52
STAN. L. REV. 463, 497 (2000) (citing SHARON G . ELSTEIN AND NOY DAVIS, SEXUAL
LEGAL AND SOCIAL RESPONSES 22 (American Bar Ass'n Center on Children and the Law
1997), available at
106. Nix, supra note 7, at 189.
107. 495U.S. 103,112(1990).
108. Humbach, supra note 20, at 2 n.l6. See, e.g. United States v. Knox, 32 F.3d 733, 737
(3d Cir. 1994) (finding that "the federal child pornography statute, on its face, contains no
nudity . . . requirement").
109. Humbach, supra note 20, at 15 n. 115.
110. Smith, supra note 37, at 529.
district attorney's actions were retaliatory based on his lack of probable cause
in pursuing the conviction."' It found "no indication from this record" that
the district attorney had evidence that the teenagers possessed or distributed
the images.'^" As one commentator summed up the decision: the court
recognized that in pursuing this sexting case, "a prosecutor had gone too far
in trying to enforce adult moral standards."'^'
In the absence of state laws specifically designed to address sexting, a
zealous prosecutor may always seek the most stringent charges possible,
including convicting under offenses that carry a sex-offender registration
requirement.^^^ In response to prosecutors' aggressive pursuit of child
pornography charges in sexting cases, state legislators across the country
have crafted a range of more tailored responses to sexting.'^^ Four states
passed new sexting laws in 2009, and at least fifteen other states have
introduced sexting legislation since 2009.'^"*
/. Enacted haws
a) Vermont
Vermont lawmakers' recent efforts to pass sexting legislation underscore
some of the highly divergent views in the debate. In the wake of several high-
profile sexting cases in the national media in which teens were charged with
child pornography offenses, the Vermont Senate took up the issue in early
2009, adopting an approach later criticized for "legalizing" sexting.'^^ The
Vermont Senate bill established an exemption for the production,
distribution, and possession of child pornography where the individuals
involved are between the ages of thirteen and nineteen, and "the child
119. iö'.,at*10.
120. Id
121. Tamar Lewin, Rithinking Sex Offender Laws for Teenage Texting, N.Y. TIMES, Mar. 20,
2010, at Al.
122. See Nix, supra note 7, at 187.
123. Information on state legislation is current as of March 15, 2010 and does not reflect
subsequent legislative developments occurring thereafter. Note that the following survey also
does not include those states which have passed or proposed laws to address the use of text
message services by sexual predators to contact children, which is a problem distinct from
sexting as discussed here. See supra note 16.
124. See National Conference of State Legislatures, 2009 Legislation Related to
"Sexting", (lasted visited Feb. 22, 2010);
National Conference of State Legislatures, 2010 Legislation Related to "Sexting", (lasted visited March 15, 2010).
125. Adam Silverman, Legali^ng Teen 'Sexting' Considered, BURLINGTON FREE PRESS, Apr.
12,2009, at COI.
' Although the biU contained a provision expücitiy stating that prosecutors
caii pursue charges under the state's voyeurism statute,'^^ it came under fire
as some advocates publicly questioned whether the "proposal crosses the line
between legalizing a common practice among teens experimenting with
sexuality and protecting predators who target and exploit youngsters."'^^
Following the Senate bill's passage, the NCMEC expressed reservations
about the unintended consequences of immunizing genuine sex predators
from prosecution: "our concern is that decriminalizing sexting is a blanket
response that is too broad a problem not to be handled on a case-by-case
basis."'^' In response to criticism of his bill, the chairman of the Vermont
Senate Judiciary Committee wrote an editorial clarifying that the Senate was
not "condoning teenage sexting" and asserting its position: "The question is
do we want to treat the 20 percent of teens who participate in such behavior
as serious felons within our criminal justice system or should we treat it as
the societal problem that it is. . . . [W|e have chosen the latter."'^"
After the public outcry about the Senate's bill, which necessitated
lawmakers defending their approach on national television,'^' the Vermont
House of Representatives took a slighdy different tactic, creating a new
misdemeanor offense that explicitiy precludes prosecution under child
poi:nography statutes for sexting offenses. Its version of the sexting bul
creates a new offense where a minor "knowingly and voluntarily and without
threat or coercion use[s] a computer or electronic communication dévice to
transmit an indecent visual depiction of himself or herself to another person"
or the possession of such a transmitted depiction, with an exemption from
prosecution where "the person [takes] reasonable steps, whether successful
126. S. 125, Gen. Assem., 2009-2010 Reg. Sess. §§ 3-5 (Vt. 2009) (as passed by the
Seriate). The bill modifies VT. STAT. ANN. tit. 13, § 2822 (2009) (use of a child in a sexual
performance), VT. STAT. ANN. tit. 13,§ 2824 (2009) (promoting a recording of sexual
conduct), and VT. STAT. ANN. tit. 13, § 2827 (2009) (possession of child pornography).
127. S. 125 ("[t]his subsection shall not be construed to prohibit a prosecution under
secidon 2605 of this tide (voyeurism)").
128. Silverman, supra note 125, at COI.
129. Dave Gram, Teens Accused of 'Sexting' May Not Face Child Pom Charges in Vermont,
ASSOCIATED PRESS, April 14, 2009,
130. Richard Sears & Kevin MuUin, Not Condoning Teen Sexting', RUTLAND HERALD
Apr. 15,2009,
131. Posting of Terri Hallenbeck to Burlington Free Press vt.Buzz, (Apr. 17, 2009, 4:51 PM).
132. S. 125, Gen. Assem., 2009-2010 Reg. Sess. § 3 (Vt. 2009) (as passed by die House).
133. Id
134. Bob Kinzel, House Approves Expanded Sex Offender Legislation, VT. PUB. RADIO, May
4, 2009,
135. See Journal of the Senate, Gen. Assem. 2240 (Vt, May 9, 2009),
136. John Curran, Vermont Teen Gets Reduced Sentence in Sexting' Case, ASSOCIATED PRESS,
Sept. 3, 2009,
137. L.B. 97,101st Leg., 1st Sess. § 15(3) (Neb. 2009).
138. Paul Hammel, Bill Goes After Sexual Predators, Goes Easy on 'Sexters', OMAHA WORLD-
HERALD, Apr. 23, 2009.
139. L.B. 97, 101st Leg., 1st Sess. § 15(3)(a) (Neb. 2009). See also Pam Greenburg, States
(Summer 2009),
portrays only a teen older than fifteen and was "knowingly and voluntarily"
created and provided to the defendant by the teen in the image, and "the
defendant has not provided or made available the visual depiction to another
person except the child depicted who originally sent the visual depiction to
the defendant."'"*" However, if a person forwards an explicit text they receive
to a non-participant, then he or she would face liability for the fuU range of
child pornography charges available under state law.''*' In a move that may
have contributed to the political success of the Nebraska affirmative defense,
the drafters of the bul also included provisions strengthening penalties for
sex offenders' use of social networking cites and cell phones to exploit
children."*^ As the sponsor of the legislation described the bill's intent, it
sought "to protect children from sexual predators by strengthening penalties
and bringing Nebraska's laws up to date. As technology changes Internet
predators find new avenues to pursue their victims . . . . Nebraska's justice
system must keep pace.""''
c) Utah
Legislators in Utah also took early action to deal with the issue of teen
sexting, although their remedy reflects a more hea-vy-handed approach.
Reacting to public concern about a series of incidents in the state involving
nineteen teenagers taking nude pictures of themselves and then sending these
photos to their friends, the Utah legislature initiated efforts to lessen the
penalties associated with sexting in 2008.''*'* According to one lawmaker in
the state Senate, the legislation was prompted in part by parents interfering in
law enforcement investigations when they did not want their children
charged with felonies for sexting.''*^
Utah's biU, passed in March 2009, modifies the state's harmful-to-minors
statute'*'' to create a lesser misdemeanor offense for prosecutors to use in
pursuing sexting cases instead of charging teens with felonies.''*^ Although
148. See Nix, supra note 7, at 190; Legislative Briefs, DESERET MORNING NEWS, Jan. 28,
2009, at A4.
149. H.B. 14, Utah Leg., 2009 Gen. Sess. (Utah 1009).
150. Id
151. Thomson, .fz^ôra note 144, at B05.
152. Nix, supra note 7, at 190.
153. / ¿ a t 192.
154. 7¿atl91.
155. Talia Buford, Bill Would Ease Penalty for 'Sexting', PROVIDENCE JOURNAL, Mar. 2,
2010 (comparing sexting laws passed in Vermont, Utah, Nebraska and North Dakota and
finding the North Dakota law the most severe in its assignment of penalties).
156. N.D. CENT. CODE § 12.1-27.1 (2009) (enacted).
157. H.R. 1186, 61st Leg. Assemb. Reg. Sess. (N.D. 2009). See also National Conference
of State Legislatures, 2009 Legislation Related to "Sexting",
default.aspx?tabid= 17756 (lasted visited Feb. 22, 2010) (discussing the Nort:h Dakota
Chapter 133 passed Aug. 18, 2009).
158. Id
159. This Part surveys a range of the sexting laws that state legislatures considered in the
past year, but is not comprehensive. For a full, and regularly updated, summary of sexting
legislation under consideration in 2010, see National Conference of State Legislatures, 2010
Legislation Related to "Sexting", (lasted
visited March 15,2010).
160. H.B. 132,128th Gen. Assem., Reg. Sess. 2009-2010 (Ohio 2009).
161. See Amber EUis, Mother Speaks Out for 'Sexting' Bill, CINCINNATI ENQUIRER, Apr.
162. See supra notes 61-62.
• 163. Jennifer Baker, Ohio Bill Tackles' 'Sexting' Among Teens, CINCINNATI ENQUIRER, Mar.
26; 2009, /303260045/Ohio-bill-
164. H.B. 132.
165. Justin McClelland, Sexting' Legislation Proposed to Protect Teens, OXFORD PRESS, Apr.
14, 2009,
166. H.B. 4583, 96th Gen. Assem., Reg. Sess. 2009-2010 p . 2009).
167. 7¿§ll-27(a).
168. 7í/. §ll-27(c).
169. Press Release, Office of 111. State Representative Darlene Senger, Rep. Senger
Introduces Bill to Prevent Children From Sexting (July 1, 2009),
program for juvenUes who are criminaUy charged for 'sexting' or posting
sexual images."'™ Those teens who have not been previously adjudicated
delinquent for a criminal offense or convicted of a criminal offense under
state law and "were not aware that their acdons could constitute and did not
have the intent to commit a criminal offense," quaUfy for a state Attorney
General-created comprehensive education program designed to provide
teenagers with informadon about
the legal consequences of and penalties for sexting or posting
sexual pictures online, including the applicable federal and State
statutes; the non-legal consequences of sexting or posting such
pictures, including, but not limited to, the effect on relationships,
loss of educational and employment opportunities, and being
barred or removed from school programs and extracurricular
activities; how the unique characteristics of cyberspace and the
Internet can produce long-term and unforeseen consequences for
sexting and posting such photographs; and the connection between
bullying and cyber-buHying and juveniles sexting or posting sexual
images. ^'
175. S.B. 2923, 213th Leg. (NJ. 2009). See Nadonal Conference of State Legislatures,
2009 Legisladon Related to "Sexdng", 17756
(lasted visited Feb. 22, 2010).
176. S. Res., 116th Gen. Assem., 1st Sess. (Ind. 2009).
177. U.
178. Andrew K. Block, A Back and A Look Forward: Leffslative and Regulatory Highlights for
2008 and 2009 and a Discussion of Juvenile Transfer, 44 U. RICH. L. REV. 53, 60 (2009).
179. Olympia Meóla, Officials Consider Minors' 'Sexting': They Fear Changing Virginia's Laws
Might Protect Pedophiles, RICH. TiMES-DlSPATCH, May 20, 2009, at AOl.
180. Whether the underlying activity is legal wiU depend on the nature of the activity, the
ages of the participants, and the jurisdiction, and applicable statutory rape law, in which the
activity is taking place. Of course, this policy issue is not applicable in sexting instances that
involve coercion.
181. Humbach, supra note 20, at 5 ("It is a question, therefore, whether the categorical
exclusion can be suitably understood to include materials produced under entirely different
circumstances, where the originally motivating harms may be absent and the brunt of
suppression can savage the lives and future prospects of the very people whom the laws are
supposed to protect.").
182. 458 U.S. 747, 757 (1982).
183. Id
184. Id. at 759. For more discussion of the legal basis for the prohibition of child
pornography and its inapplicability to instances of self-produced child pornography, see
Smith, supra note 37, at 516—21.
185. Ferber, 458 U.S. at 766, 773 (flnding that the application of the challenged statute to
educational, medical, or artistic works unlikely accounts for "more than a tiny fraction of the
materials within the statute's reach").
186. 535 U.S. 234 (2002); Humbach, supra note 20, at 19-22.
187. .<4.r/;iTO//,535U.S. at241,239.
188. Humbach, supra note 20, at 20.
189. Ashcrvfr, 535 U.S. at 250.
190. See Humbach, supra note 20, at 21.
191. New York v. Ferber, 458 U.S. 747, 753 (1982) (stating tiiat the "single question" in
the case concerned "the abuse of children who are made to engage in sexual conduct for
commercial purposes").
192. Humbach, supra note 20, at 23.
200. Humbach, supra note 20, at 24; cf. id. at 2 n. 16 (discussing how the illegal nature of
child pornography inherendy prevents scholars from empirical research in the area of
sexdng, including exploring the quandty of teenage sexdng that actually legally consdtutes
child pornography).
201. Oliveri, supra note 105, at 486-87.
202. 659So.2d 256 (Fla. 1995).
203. Id. at 259; Marilyn G. Hakim, Privacy Rights of Minors Re: Sexual Intercourse, 18 J. JUV.
L. 316,317-18(1997).
204. 659 So. 2d at 259.
205. Id Compare State ex. rel Z.C, 165 P.3d 1206, 1212 (Utah 2007) (overturning the
sexual abuse of minor convicdons of a thirteen year old girl and twelve year old boy who had
consensual sex, finding "no discernible vicdm the law seeks to protect"), with ].A.S. v. State,
705 So. 2d 1381, 1386 (Fla. 1998) (finding a compelling state interest in prohibidng
consensual sexual acdvity between two fifteen-year-old boys and two twelve-year-old girls,
and affirming statutory rape convicdons). Some scholars have attributed these sorts of
differing outcomes to courts' recognidon of exploitadon in instances where the "minor
vicdm was quite young or if the age disparity was significant, the danger of sexual
exploitadon would rise to a level that supported adjudicadng the older minor delinquent."
Gregory R. Beck, J.A.S. v. State: Striking a Balance Betiveen a Minors'Right of Privacy and Florida's
Interest in Prvtecting Minor's Adolescent Development, 23 NOVA L. REV. 479, 497 (1998).
states have reached opposing conclusions about the privacy rights of a minor
to engage in consensual sexual activity -with another minor. In In re TA.J., a
California appellate court upheld the misdemeanor conviction of a sixteen-
year-old boy accused of having sex with a fourteen-year-old girl, rejecting the
youth's argument that he could not be charged under a statute intended to
protect him.^"^ In that case, the court found that "despite the fact that minors
have privacy rights under California's constitution—and regardless of the
fact that many minors are sexually active—minors in California do not have a
constitutionally protected right of privacy to engage in sexual intercourse."^"'
Of course, no court has found that minors have a privacy right to engage
in sex with adults,^°^ nor that teens have a general privacy right in sexual
activity on par with adults.^"' But where the minors engaging in consensual
sexual activity are close in age, reformed statutory rape laws either
decriminalize such activity or dramatically lower the penalties.^'" More
generally, statutory rape laws have fallen into disuse with the recognition of
the increased level of sexual activity among teenagers and more permissive
societal attitudes toward sex.^"
,' This trend toward the recognition of some teenage right to privacy in
instances of consensual sexual activity between participants of similar age
warrants caution against assigning severe penalties in the typical sexting case.
Although courts addressing the issue of minors self-producing pornography
have universally found the state's interest in combating child pornography to
trump any privacy right of teens, there may be reason to revisit this
conclusion as researchers learn more about the effects of sexting and its
distinctions from child pornography. As the dissent recognized in A.H.,
where two sixteen-year-olds memorialized legal sexual activity in the context
of a relationship and intended to keep the photographs private, a teens' right
to privacy arguably should trump any state interest in preventing exploitation
under some circumstances.^'^ In the rare instance where criminal sanctions
206. 73 Cal. Rptr. 2d 331, 339 (Ct. App. 1998) (holding that "a minor does not have a
legidmate expectadon of privacy to engage in consensual sexual acdvity with another
minor"); see Oliveri, supra note 105, at 487.
207. Oliveri, .r/^rö note 105, at 487.
208. /¿at488.
209. Id. at 486 (noting that "minors are subject to more restricdve state control than
210. Smidi, supra note 37, at 528; Oliveri, supra note 105, at 467.
211. See OHveri, supra note 105, at 467-68. But see id. at 474-75 (nodng that this trend
has been counterbalanced by acdons in some states to raise the age of consent, enhance
penaldes for certain kinds of statutory rape, such as adult males' sexual involvement with
teenage girls, and generally increase enforcement of exisdng laws).
212. See A.H, 949 So. 2d at 239-41 (Padovano, J., dissendng) (finding diat the
defendant teenager "stands accused of nothing more than taking photographs of herself and
her boyfriend" and that she "did not attempt to exploit anyone or to embarrass anyone.. .her
expectation of privacy in the photographs was reasonable").
213. Smith, .f/Zjora note 37, at 528. ' ' , ''
214. /(/. at 508 n.6.
215. 7«'. at 516.
216. / ¿ a t 516-17.
217. 7^at529. , ' •
" 218. Muscari, j-Äjöra note 12.
The juvenile court system may offer further opportunity for more
rehabilitative, rather than punitive, responses to sexting. For example, in
Montgomery County, Ohio, the local prosecutor and juvenile court created a
Prosecutor's Juvenile Diversion Program, under which local juveniles
charged with sexting are screened to determine eligibility for diversion from
traditional juvenile court proceedings.^^" Factors considered in making these
determinations include:
whether the juvenile has any prior sexual offenses, whether any
' type of force or illicit substances were used to secure the photos,
whether the juvenile has been involved in this particular.
I diversionary program previously, or if there is strong opposition by
the victim or law enforcement to the juvenile being involved in a
diversionary program.^^'
The diversion program requires juveniles to complete a minimum of six
months of supervision, reUnquish their ceU phones, perform community
service, and complete an educational component focused on responsible use
of the Internet and communications technologies, the legal ramifications of
their conduct, and age-appropriate sexual boundaries.^^^ Upon successfial
completion of the program, any pending charges against the juvenile are
dropped or dismissed.^^^ The Ohio program addresses the first-time offender
involved in sexting—the teenager who does not reaUze the UlegaUty of his or
her actions—and who is "unUkely to re-offend after being educated on the
legal ramifications and the possible long term affects on the victim."^'''* The
program recognizes, as the founding attorney notes, that "in some cases,
charging a juvenUe with a felony and labeUng them a sexual offender when
their actions were clearly a result of poor judgment and ignorance of the law
seems harsh for first-time offenders" and the notion that this activity is "best
addressed by education and parental involvement."^^^
Further, in instances where local prosecutors want to pursue criminal
charges, crafting penalties outside of sex offense statutes is critical to
ayoiding mandatory sex-offender registration requirements wUdly
disproportionate to sexting harms. CompUance with the Adam Walsh Act,
and receipt of the federal funding attached to the law, requires states to
mandate that convicted sex offenders enroU in state registries.^^^ In Virginia,
jùvenUe and domestic relations court judges retain discretion over whether to
require juvenUes adjudicated deUnquent to register as sex offenders, but
"[tjhis discretion continues to be at odds with the requirements of the Adam
Walsh Act."^^^ In deciding whether to charge sexting teenagers with offenses
carrying registration requirements, states should also consider the significant
costs associated with mandating registration for an increasingly large pool of
231. Id
232. Id • •
233. Id • •
234. Id
235. Id •
236. Michael F. CaldweU et al.. An Examination of the Sex Offender Registration and
Notifrcation Act as Applied to Juveniles: Evaluating the Ability to Predict Sexual Recidivism, 14
PSYCHOL. PUB. POL'Y & L. 89, 89-90 (2008).
237. ieeBlock, j-«>rflnotel78, at61.
238. Id. ("In Virginia, for example, the department of Juvenile Jusdce] DJJ has
reported that between the fiscal years 2002 and 2006, 513 juvenue sex offenders were
released from DJJ faciUdes. By the conclusion of the 2007 fiscal year, only thirteen of those
who were released had been convicted of a new sex offense." (internal citadons omitted)).
239. See supra Secdon II.B.l.a).
240. For example, consider the outcry about Vermont's attempt to "legalize" sexdng. See
.f«/)ra notes 128-129.
241. Meola, j-w/ranote 179, at Al.
242. The Houston Independent School District has implemented a ban, in its district
code, on "using a cell phone or other personal communication device to send text or e-mail
messages or possessing text or e-mail messages containing images reasonably interpreted as
indecent or sexually suggestive while at school or at a school-related function." Billups, supra
note 173.
243. See WiLLARD, supra note 56, at 188 (describing a "checklist" of issues that should be
addressed in an agreement between schools and parents concerning students' use of cell
phones on campus).
244. In the instance where the teen producer of pornography is a target of
cyberbullying, confiscation of what has become a lifeline for modern adolescents may
further socially isolate die victim. See HiNDUJA & PATCHIN, supra note 31, at 173.
245. See, e.g.,, Tips to Prevent Texting, (last visited Jan. 24, 2009) ("If a sexting photo arrives on
your phone, first, do not send it to anyone else (that could be considered distribution of
child pornography). Second: Talk to a parent or trusted adult. TeO them the full story so they
know how to support you. And don't freak out if that adult decides to talk with the parents
of others involved—that could be the best way to keep all of you from getting into serious
246. Parents Urged to Stop Kids' 'Sexting', ASIAN NEWS INT'L, May 3, 2009.
247. See HiNDUJA & 'PArCHn<i,supra note 31, at 116-17 (discussing Tinker v. Des Moines
Independent Community School Distinct, 393 U.S. 503 (1969), tiie seminal Supreme Court case
establishing limitations on school interference with students' First Amendment rights).
248. / ¿ a t 122-23.
249. Id at 123 (discussing the utility of an anonymous reporting system for
cyberbullying incidents).
250. likely, the possibility of criminal liability will provide the grounds for a school's
disciplinary action. See id. at 122.
251. Sarah Jameson, Cyberharassment: Striking a Balance Between Free Speech and Privacy, 17
CoiilMLAW CONSPECTUS 231, 259 (2008). In Hght of the lack of a consistent definition'for
cyberbullying across state laws, Jameson argues for a baseline federal statute addressing
cyberharassment. Id. at 259-60.
252. /i/. at 258-59.
253. HiNDUJA & PATCHIN, supra note 31, at 119 (reviewing laws proposed or passed as
of March 2008). 0 r r f
254. For example, in a tragic cyberbullying case in Missouri, in the absence of a state
statute addressing online harassment (which has been subsequentiy enacted), prosecutors
used die federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), 18 U.S.C. § 1030 (2006), to
prosecute Lori Drew, a mother involved in a bizarre MySpace hoax to elicit information
from a teenage girl, Megan Meier. See Missouri Begins Prosecuting Under Cyberbullying Law
ASSOCIATED PRESS, Dec. 20, 2008,,2933,470629,00.html!
Drew's conviction under the CFAA was later overturned for being unconstitutionally vague,
aldiough die decision is eligible for appeal. Rebecca Cathcart, Conviction Is Tossed Out in
MySpace Suicide Case, N.Y. TIMES, July 3, 2009, at A14.
255. Celizic, supra note 61.
256. In the privacy realm, the most applicable tort to sexting incidents involving the
wide dissemination of images is likely public disclosure of private facts, which establishes
liability for the unconsented public disclosure of a private detail of another's person's life, "if
the matter publicized is of a kind diat (a) would be highly offensive to a reasonable person,
and (b) is not of legitimate concern to the public." RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTs'
distress.^" Often, the simple initiation action against an offender wUl
stop the maUcious behavior.^^^ Damages might include pain and suffering,
costs of counseUng for the youth victim, and losses related to lowered school
performance or school avoidance. However, pursuing a tort action against a
sexting aggressor would Ukely involve several chaUenges, especiaUy
identifying the parties at fault when text messages are widely transmitted and
individual transmitters might not possess die requisite intent for UabUity. It
may take just a few weU-pubUcized cases where the parents of sextbuUies are
held financiaUy responsible for die harm caused by dieir chUdren to
encourage greater education and supervision regarding teens' use of ceU
WhUe recent poUs and high-profile stories raised the decibel of the pubUc
conversation about sexting, the scope and depth of the issue is stUl relatively
unknown. Whether sexting represents merely the latest teen fad or a lasting
expression of teen sexuaUty engrained in popular culture remains to be seen.
As state legislators work to address the issue, tiiis Note offers a framework
for developing a more balanced response appropriate to the injuries at stake
and the underlying poUcy issues impUcated by the behavior. WhUe legal
precedent and zealous prosecutors may support the use of chUd pornography
statutes in addressing sexting crimes, such a harsh and infiexible response
wül rarely, if ever, represent a proportionate remedy to the harm at hand.
§ 652D (1977). The tort is limited in scope by die great breadth of its newsworthiness
excepdon, which carves out from liability anydiing occurring in public or which could be
considered of social value. Josh Blackman, Omniveillance, Google, Privacy in Public, and the Right
to Your Digital Identity: A Tortfor Recording and Disseminating an Individual's Image over the Internet,
49 SANTA CLARA L. REV. .313, 378-79 (2009) (arguing that the breaddi of the
newsworthiness means that die "tort can no longer be an effecdve tool for protecdng
individual privacy") (quodng Jacqueline R. Rolfs, The Florida Star v. B.J.F.: The Beginning of the
Endforthe Tort of Public Disclosure, 1990 WiS. L. REV. 1107, 1128)). Unless the nudity captured
in the text message occurred in public, however, a message containing an image of a minor,
who is not legally able to offer consent, is unlikely to qualify for any defenses under the tort.
As sext images could be placed online for further disseminadon to a potendaUy limidess
audience, the disclosure harms addressed through die public disclosure of private facts make
the tort pardcularly applicable to sexdng.
257. Under an intendonal inflicdon of emodonal distress theory, a plaindff would have
to show that the defendant intendonally or recklessly took extreme and outrageous acdon
that caused him or her severe emodonal distress. RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS § 46
(1965). While the tort encompasses acdon taken widi reckless disregard to the possibility of
causing distress, so the plaindff does not necessarily have to show intent, it may be difficult
to establish that the sexdng itself consdtuted "extreme and outrageous" conduct.
258. HlNDUJA & PATCHIN, supra note 31, at 178.
259. See WiLLARD, supra note 56, at 94-95.