SL 7 Digital Rectal Examination
SL 7 Digital Rectal Examination
SL 7 Digital Rectal Examination
A digital (finger) rectal examination is done to check for problems with organs or other structures in
the pelvis and lower belly. During the examination, a health professional gently puts a lubricated,
gloved finger of one hand into therectum. He or she may use the other hand to press on the lower
belly or pelvic area.
A digital rectal exam is done for men as part of a complete physical examination to check
the prostate gland. It is done for women as part of a gynecological examination to check the uterus
and ovaries. Other organs, such as the bladder, can sometimes also be felt during a digital rectal
Why It Is Done
A digital rectal exam (DRE) is done to:
Check for growths in or enlargement of the prostate gland in men. A tumor in the
prostate can often be felt as a hard lump. This may be done as part of a regular examination or to
check on symptoms, such as a change in urination. Not all problems of the prostate can be felt
through the rectum.
Check for problems in a woman's reproductive organs , such as the uterus and ovaries. It
is often done during a regular pelvic examination and Pap test. It may also be done to check on
symptoms, such as pelvic pain or vaginal bleeding.
Help find the cause of symptoms such as rectal bleeding (blood in the stool), belly or pelvic
pain, a change in urination, or a change in bowel habits.
Check for hemorrhoids or growths, such as cancer, in the rectum. DRE alone is not used to
diagnose colorectal cancer. Also, a DRE may not find internal hemorrhoids because they are soft and
hard to feel; a sigmoidoscopy may be needed to diagnose internal hemorrhoids.
How To Prepare
If you have hemorrhoids, tell your health professional before the examination begins. Your health
professional will try not to bother your hemorrhoids.
How It Is Done
For a digital rectal exam, you will take off your clothes below the waist. You will be given a gown to
A man is often examined while he stands, bending forward at the waist. A man can also be
examined while lying on his left side, with his knees bent toward his chest.
A woman is often examined while lying on her back on an examination table, with her feet
raised and supported by stirrups. A rectovaginal exam is often done for women so that organs in the
pelvic area can be checked.
Your health professional gently puts a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum. He or she may use the
other hand to press on the lower belly or pelvic area to feel for tenderness or problems, such as
enlargement, hardness, or growths.
For men, the prostate gland may be enlarged. This may meanbenign prostatic
hypertrophy (BPH) or inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis). Tumors are felt.
For women, growths such as tumors of the cervix, uterus, or ovariesare felt.
Growths such as hemorrhoids, polyps, tumors, or abscesses may be found in the lower
rectum. Breaks in the skin around the anus (anal fissures) may be found. Problems of
the bladder may also be felt.
A transrectal ultrasound and a prostate biopsy may be done if the DRE or PSA test shows
that prostate cancer may be present. For more information, see the medical tests Pelvic
Ultrasound and Prostate Biopsy.
DRE alone is not used to check for colorectal cancer. If problems are found during a DRE,
more tests may be needed, such as a sigmoidoscopy,colonoscopy, or stool test. For more
information, see the medical testsSigmoidoscopy, Colonoscopy, or Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT).
The doctor washes his hands, wears a sterile gloves, and inserts his lubricated forefinger into the
rectum. The doctor will generally instruct the person to take a deep breath while he is inserting
his finger. This procedure is painless but it may cause a slight discomfort or pressure while the
doctor inserts his finger. It may be painful for those with hemorrhoids or inflammed prostate. An
uncomfortable sensation of an urge to urinate may be felt when the physician presses one hand
over the abdomen while the other hand is still inside the rectum examining the internal organs
(this happens mostly in flat lying position).
Digital rectal examination enables the doctor to asses the size, shape, and consistency of the
prostate gland. It also helps him to assess all other pelvic organs like bladder, and rectum. The
findings includes
* Stony hard lump in prostate (may indicate advanced stage of prostate cancer)
Treatments for prostate cancer widely depend up on the stage of cancer. Digital rectal
examination indirectly gives an idea about the stage of prostate cancer there by it helps in
treatment of prostate cancer. The results of digital rectal examination are always followed by
confirmatory procedures like biopsies, ultrasonography, barium enema, colonoscopy, or
If the doctor finds anything abnormal in digital rectal examination during your regular visit, be
brave and go ahead for the next set of investigations and get ready for the treatment. Each
quicker step you take is your quicker step to success.