Reliability Wind Condensed
Reliability Wind Condensed
Reliability Wind Condensed
Reaching the DOE’s goal of 20 percent wind energy by An additional problem of wind energy is the massive
2030 will require high initial investments in both areas needed to generate significant amounts of
turbines themselves and expanded transmission electricity. Consistent wind blowing at the right speed
systems. 11 Such large investments to meet this goal would require an area about the size of Texas to meet
are impractical and would require tens of billions of the total U.S. electricity demands as of 2005. Because
taxpayer dollars. These costs would be passed on to wind is inconsistent, however, this estimate is highly
average Americans in higher tax rates and higher inaccurate.16 Much more space would be needed.
electricity rates. In short, wind energy is not
economically reliable because of its heavy dependence Even though the government is incentivizing and
on tens of billions of dollars of government assistance. mandating the use of wind, integrating increased wind
energy into the U.S. power grid will require billions of
PHYSICAL RELIABILITY dollars in infrastructure upgrades and construction of
high-capacity transmission lines. The ability to
Wind is not physically reliable because it is inefficient generate wind energy in the United States is outpacing
and inconsistent. On average, wind installations in the ability to transmit it to where it is most needed. 17
United States produce only 30 to 35 percent of their Average Americans will have to pay for these
potential energy output.12 In a United Kingdom study, infrastructure overhauls with higher tax rates and
wind installations operated at less than 20 percent of higher electricity rates.
their potential output for approximately 40 percent of a
Entrepreneurs in the wind industry are already facing
given year.13
the hard reality of the transmission problem. Wind
Wind is often extremely variable in the short term. turbines in much of Wyoming could produce 50 percent
When looking at energy production within 30 to 90 more electricity than the same turbines in more
minute intervals, there are frequently swings of 10 populated areas such as New York, but large-scale
percent in electricity output. Traditional energy sources wind energy production in Wyoming is unfeasible
must compensate for any inconsistency in wind energy because costly transmission infrastructure must first
to avert a dramatic shortage in energy.14 Until methods be built.18
of storing massive amounts of energy are viable on a
grid-wide scale, intermittent energy sources like wind In short, wind energy is not physically reliable because
cannot replace conventional sources. it is not consistent or storable. Intermittent power
sources like wind rely on other forms of energy when
Compensating for wind’s inconsistency with traditional they cannot meet demand.
sources of electricity results in higher operation and
maintenance costs for conventional power plants. ENVIRONMENTAL RELIABILITY
Traditional power plants are not meant to be ramped
up and down quickly to compensate for wind's Wind power is environmentally reliable because it
variability. These power plants may burn more fuel, leads to a small net carbon reduction, but
emit more pollution, and require more maintenance environmental benefits are limited. Increasing wind
due to the added stress from frequent ramping. 15 energy capacity will require conventional power plants
to operate at lower efficiency levels to supply
Traditional energy sources like fossil fuels have electricity when wind cannot. Wind power may
specific advantages in electricity production. Electricity actually result in more greenhouse gas and pollutant
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