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3920 3929 PDF
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, (ISSN: 2320 5091) (October, 2017) 5(10)
PG Scholar, 2Professor and Head,
Department of Roga Nidana Evam Vikruti Vigyana
PG Scholar, Department of Swastha Vrutta
Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital Hassan,
Karnataka, India
Email: [email protected]
Ayurveda is a science of life expounded by Trisutras consisting of Hetu, Linga and Aushada. Hetu
refers to causative factor and Tridosha are considered as Nija Hetu. Tridosha is considered as most
imperative among basic concepts of Ayurveda. The entire corpus of Ayurveda theory and practice
revolves around the knowledge of Tridosha. Tridosha in normalcy maintains health, whereas if viti-
ated (Vaishamya) results in evolution of disease. Tridosha Vaishamya (vitiation of Tridosha) can oc-
cur as Vruddhi, Kshaya and Prakopa. These various states of Tridosha Vaishamya manifest with dif-
ferent Lakshanas (signs and symptoms). Among them Pitta Dosha Vaishamya manifests with Pitta
Vruddhi Lakshanas like Peetavin-mootranetratwam, Alpanidratha, Trushna, Moorcha,
Sheethakamita / Sheetha-abhilasha, Indriya-dourbalya, Daha, Peetavabhasatha, Santapa, Balahani,
Peetatwak, Glani, Ojovisramsa, Mukha-tiktata and Krodha. Pitta Kshaya Lakshanas comprises of
Mandoshmagnita, Nishprabhata, Sthamba, Shaitya, Aniyata-toda, Arochaka, Avipaka, Anga-
parushya, Kampa, Gourava, Nakha-nayana-shauklya, Mando-anala, Sheeta and Prabha-hani. Pitta
Prakopa Lakshanas includes Daha, Raga, Ushma, Pakita, Sweda, Kleda, Sruti, Kotha, Sadanam,
Murchanam, Mada, Katukamlau rasau and Varna pandura-aruna-varjita. In this article review on
Pitta Dosha Vaishamya Lakshanas is delt in detail for better understanding of its Vaishamya state
(Vruddhi, Kshaya and Prakopa). This paves way for precisely understanding the pathogenesis and
thereby formulating specific, rational treatment and management.
Arun Raj M N Et Al: Review On Pitta Dosha Vaishamya Lakshanas
nam (Enables visual perception), Kshut (Initi- Pitta causes vikshepa of manas resulting in
ate and maintain normal hunger), Trit (Thirst), reduced sleep7. Hemadri mentions Al-
Ruche (Promotes desire and relish for food), panidratha as nidra-alapatwam8 indicating
Thanumardhavam (Promotes suppleness of the reduced sleep. Trut is commented by Hemadri
body), Bhudhi (Intelligence), Medha (Pro- as Trushaviha theevrae jeye, samayo samya-
motes intellect), Dhi (Promotes intelligence) lakshanatwath 9 indicating thirst10. Amarako-
and Dhairyam (Courage). Pitta Dosha Vai- sha states Trut as synonyms of udanya, pipasa
shyama manifests as Vruddhi, Kshaya, Pra- and tarsha11. Moorcha is commented by Dal-
kopa and hampers above physiological func- hana as sarvendriya shakthe thiraskara12 indi-
tions and manifests with set of signs and cating rejection of sense objects by indriya-
symptoms. shakthi due to loss of consciousness.
Sheethakamita / Sheethaabhilasha is a desire
Pitta Vruddhi Lakshanas: for cold comforts. Ashtanga Sangraha has
Dosha Vruddhi is defined as increase in the mentioned sheetabilasha instead of sheeta
Dosha either quantitative or qualitative or kamita13. Indriya-dourbalya comprises of two
both. Different Ayurveda classics have enlisted words, Indriya and daurbalya. Indriya refers
the Lakshanas of Vruddha Pitta as follows. to sense organs and daurbalya refers to weak-
Lakshanas are mentioned alike in Sushruta ness, hence it can be understood as weakness
Samhita, Ashtanga Hrudaya and Ashtanga of sense organs14. Daha is mentioned by Ay-
Sangraha. They include Peetavin- urveda-Rasayana as dahaha-santapa15, mean-
mootranetratwam, Alpanidratha, Trushna, ing burning16. Peethavabhasatha comprises of
Moorcha, Sheethakamita/Sheetha-abhilasha, peeta and avabhasatha. According to Monier
Indriya-dourbalya and Daha. Along with williams peeta refers to yellowish colour and
these Lakshanas Acharya Sushruta has also avabhasita refers to shining or making mani-
added Peetavabhasatha, Santapa and Bala- fest17. Hence it points towards yellowish dis-
hani. Apart from above Lakshanas in Ash- colouration. Santhapa is commented by Dal-
tanga Sangraha Peetatwak, Glani, Ojovis- hana as santhapat kshayopapathe18, refers to
ramsa, Mukha-tiktata, Krodha and in Ash- greatly heated, burned, distressed or in-
tanga Hrudaya kshuth is also mentioned flamed19. Bhalahani is opined by Dalhana as
among Pitta Vruddhi Lakshanas. ojohani20 referring to loss of strength. Accord-
Peeta vin mootra netratwam is mentioned in ing to Monier Williams Glani is explained as
Ayurveda-Rasayana as ‘vin mootra netra twa- decreased strength and inability to perform
cham peethatwam’4 indicates, increased Pitta routine work21. Mukhathiktata is bitter taste in
resulting in yellowish discolouration of stool, mouth22. Krodha is anger or ill temper23. Word
urine, eyes and skin. Further, Indu comments Ojovisramsa comprises Oja and visramsa.
on it as, presence of yellowish discolouration Ojas refers to bodily strength24, Dalhana
of body parts5. Alpanidratha is commented by commented visramsa as visramsa ha
Dalhana as kinchith snighdhtwath pittasya6 sthanachyuthir-abhighatat-adhibhi refers to
reduced unctuousness of Pitta is responsible displacement from its normal place. Shushruta
and Chakrapani opines that Aushnyatha of in the same context mentions ojovishramsa as