A Review On Power Management Technique Hybrid Micro-Grid Systems
A Review On Power Management Technique Hybrid Micro-Grid Systems
A Review On Power Management Technique Hybrid Micro-Grid Systems
In the current energy scenario, renewable energy resources are the key alternative to fossil fuels in order to
meet the ever --increasing demands across the world. Renewable energy system plays a vital role for the reliability of the
power system. Due to the intermittent and random probability distribution nature of each renewable sources Hybrid
systems are coming into existence. Use of hybrid systems is an effective solution to energy storage and Power quality
features. As the technologies are developed to operate the renewable energy source as grid-connected rather than
islanding mode energy storage system gain a more attention in decentralized power system. Micro grid energy
management systems are key components for ensuring the stable and economic operation. By using different storage
Original Article
techniques such as Battery, Super capacitor, Ultra capacitor, Multilevel inverter and Fuzzy logic rules these power
management systems are popular in integrated operated renewable systems. The energy storage systems are most basic
and popular amongst all the distributed energy sources of energy storage systems. However, the management and quality
of hybrid energy systems based micro grids are difficult.
Keywords: Battery, Super capacitor, Multilevel Inverter, Fuzzy Logic Rules, Power Quality, Ultra Capacitor
Received: May 13, 2018; Accepted: Jun 03, 2018; Published: Jul 03, 2018; Paper Id.: IJMPERDAUG201823
Energy plays a key input for the economic growth of a country. Electrical energy is the main form of
energy dispersed across the world. Based on the utilization of electric energy the degree of the development of
country can be measured. As we are moving to a more competitive environment electricity markets plays a
tremendous transformation like decentralization of power system with distributed generation (DG). But the
challenges in the present generating system are because of decreasing the oil resources, and the environment,
political concern of nuclear generation. So the researchers, practitioners and policymakers to look for alternative
and sustainable sources of energy. There are many reasons a customer may choose to install a distributed generator
such has due to the meeting of the peak load demand and also it is one of the solutions to meet the emergency loads
and also because of continuity and reliability green power sources gain a lot of attention. In some remote locations,
DG is installed as it is less costly and eliminates the need for expensive construction of distribution and/or
transmission lines. By using the PV cells Solar energy can be utilized directly from the sun, whereas wind, wave,
hydro etc energies are utilized by using turbines. Integrated utilization of different renewable energy sources may
overcome the drawbacks and helps in increasing the reliability of power and energy storage with the reduction of
system cost.
However, cattle dung, waste from an agricultural field, forest foliage, solar intensity water streams, wind etc, are
widely available in the remote areas. By utilizing of these resources in off-grid mode, it would be the most reasonable
solution for accessing the energy in rural areas. The selection of optimization is based on the cost analysis i.e by
considering the lowest value of the cost of energy, net present cost, with the maximum value of renewable fraction and
lowest harmful emissions. Analysis of different types of models should be considered by comparing economy and
environment. Rural electrification plays a key role in the remote areas for accessing energy and also the energy supplied to
such areas can be operated through the machinery of agricultural applications.
The average changes in power surges are controlled by the contribution of storage batteries and Super capacitor. It
also effects to improve in the fast DC link voltage regulation and also effective energy management systems. It also
reduces the sudden changes of current stresses in the battery. [1] The main objective of this paper is to meet the load
requirements. The energy storage systems are most basic and popular amongst all the distributed energy sources of energy
storage systems. However the management and quality of hybrid energy systems based micro grids are difficult. Therefore
it is a challenging task for the following reasons:
The availability of renewable energy sources due to its intermittent and stochastic nature leads to discontinuous
supply [2]. The controlling and management of Hybrid Energy Storage System is difficult due to sudden changes of load
variation [1]. The sudden changes in the load may effects the battery lifespan. The grid frequency and dc bus regulation
need to be operated within its safe state of charge. Power should be satisfied with the limited utilization of ac and dc
microgrids. The voltage should be constant throughout the supply by eliminating the voltage ripples in the o/p of the micro
grids. Energy storage systems play a major rule for effective operations of dc link regulation and frequency dependent
loads. Also, these storage systems need to place a major role for the high state of charge of limits [3].
The maximum utilization of renewable energy sources is the important factor by reducing the power losses. So the
decoupling of both AC and DC micro grids ensures these power losses. Here the power is exchanged for both ac and dc
micro grids so that the load demand is satisfying for the utilizing power through a bi-directional converter. A bidirectional
converter can act as both inverter and rectifier, so simultaneously we can able to transmit both ac and dc power [4]. By
using Ultra capacitor the uncoordinated charging and discharging capabilities of Energy storage systems causes high power
losses and voltage deviations [10]. Now a day’s Micro grids are considered as the subset of smart grids due to its higher
reliability and flexibility. In other words, the battery storage systems are considered as the backbone of the entire
renewable systems. Every system must need a backup source for emergency conditions [5]. Here the fuzzy-based isolated
DC micro grid is proposed, photovoltaic and Ultra capacitor based energy sources are used as storage devices. In this
technique, the DG is used an alternative source in the peak loads to meet the demand and also as a backup source to
increase the reliability of the total energy systems [6].
Considering all the above perspective issues, the combined energy management schemes are been proposed. The
proposed energy management based hybrid micro grids are listed out briefly as below. MAS-based energy management
strategies have come into existence, i.e. these systems can meet the load with high demands and continuity of supply and
also proper management scheme is necessary for optimization. The control strategies also necessary to acquire reliable and
flexible power management schemes. By considering all these parameters MAS are taken into account. [2] The hierarchal
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• Middle-Level Coordinated control systems are used to implement the switching control operations to ensure
flexible and continuous energy supply systems.
• The event triggered conditions are designed by different switching controls like inhibitive switching; coordinated
switching control and hybrid controlled switching between the control strategies agents.
• The Swapping operations are done by these switching controls in a coordinated manner.
• It is a centralized implemented method by the process the constraints of both computational and conventional
centralized management techniques.
Battery Super capacitor based energy storage systems are placed a vital role and most popular amongst all the
energy storage systems. To protect the system from the sudden changes of load variations and sudden surge and peak loads
Super capacitor is used, so that life expectancy of by relieving the battery is increased. The high battery state of charge
limits is eliminated by using this scheme. The importance of this method is to provide a constant method of designing the
control strategies within prescribed limits [1]. A control approach is required for the management of power flow fast dc
link regulation and satisfactorily operated loads of local bus voltage.
For the consumers and the utility system the voltage and frequency should maintain constant throughout the
supply. The critical and frequency dependent loads are effectively operated and monitoring of grid frequency is an
important task for the micro grid. So we should consider the main conditions of both ac and dc micro grid for reliability
and regulation of local bus voltage and bus regulation [2]. Multi-level energy management system also provided for
achieving the control accuracy. Bus voltage deviations, power tracking errors are compensated by using the ESS [20].
Normally hybrid energy system entails multiple energy systems, with an energy storage device, along with the
controller and a power conditioning unit. We can operate the system in any. This includes advance research in one of the
mode i.e by grid-connected or islanding mode with the help of the real time optimization techniques like fuzzy logic,
artificial neural network, perturb and observe algorithms etc the system can power flow and other parameters are controlled
Therefore, it is essential to have a comprehensive study and performance analysis of a PV model to predict the outcome of
a PV module under diverse atmospheric conditions.
For high power density and dynamic built energy storage systems such as Ultra capacitor are came into existence.
It improves the enactment of the battery storage units. This technique mainly focuses on the design of a local users control
system which ensures a high state of charge limits and overcharges security for the energy storage devices. It reduces the
high surge peaks and current stresses on the battery by diverting. So that it helps to improve the performance of the battery
and also lifespan of the battery gets increased [2].
The microgrids can helps to supply the power to remote areas. By using both the AC and DC microgrids it can
easily be reduced the power losses and also eliminated the inverting equipment caused by both ac/dc microgrid converters.
DC microgrids can provide several benefits when compared to the ac microgrids. 1) Efficiency is more. 2) Power losses
can be reduced. 3) Easy to handle the photovoltaic cells and storage batteries. 4) To synchronize the buses 5) Supply the dc
supply to Laptops, Electric vehicles, Led lights etc. [7] The Diesel generator is used for better integration of ac and dc
microgrids to the power grids. Mutually ac and dc microgrids systems are must be maximized the efficiency.
Optimization based techniques are gaining more attention to satisfy the power demand. The hybrid ac/dc
microgrids can decouple ac sources with ac loads and dc sources with dc loads by using bi-directional inverter/converter.
In this technique, the battery banks and Diesel generators are used as the back up source for the systems. The unnecessary
of multi conversion processors is eliminated which reduces the reduction losses. The optimization of power management
systems is used to maximize the efficiency of the whole system [4].
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A microgrid must operate in two modes: Standalone mode and grid-connected mode. It is necessary to operate in
different mode while it is connected to the grid in order to maintain reliable, flexible, and continuous supply. The
renewable energy systems based DC microgrid consists of generating sources and acts as an energy backup system which
may be independent or connected the grid [5].
A typical AC/DC microgrid a power management system is proposed for the state of charge limits of the battery.
Here because of the irregular and unpredictable environment of renewable energy sources, a diesel generator is used as the
backup source to increase the reliability and flexibility of the system. The DG is operated in between the power converters
of ac and dc microgrid for improving the power quality and reliability. In order to achieve the desired state of charge limit
it is advisable to use separate battery banks for the particular ac/dc microgrids. The controller is coordinated in such a way
that power can be managed in between both ac and dc microgrids. The supervisory controller is used to manage the
different types of load conditions [6]. Here the fuzzy-based isolated DC microgrid is proposed, photovoltaic and Ultra
capacitor based energy sources are used as storage devices. In this technique, the DG is used as a backup source to
escalation of the reliability of the total energy systems [7-8].
Multilevel Inverter
By using this multilevel inverter the power quality of the system will be improved. The output of the renewable
energy sources like solar is dc. By approaching different methods that dc is converted into the ripple free voltage having a
less harmonic reduction. In this method, H-bridge multilevel inverter is used for improving the power quality of the
systems. Before using this method we should properly analyze the performance of microgrid system for various load
variations. The reduced harmonic distortion will be keenly observed by the output voltage levels. The current at unity
power factor is delivering to the grid. It is also helpful for increasing the efficiency by reducing the switching losses [9-11].
It is difficult to operate in islanded microgrids by using battery storage, In order to regulate voltage and frequency
in the absence of synchronous generators. The new technique came into existence i.e through a voltage sourced converter
[12] energy storage can be connected to the microgrid. The continuity of service is increased by using Distributed
generation system. The micro grids are equipped with several suitable control systems and equipped embedded generators.
It is always allowable for the households loads to operate in the islanded mode in the presence of energy storage devices. A
control flow energy management system has been developed for the automatic operation of standalone micro grids into
embedded systems. The state of charge of limits has been controlled in the cases of most critical operations in the islanded
microgrid [13]. The system reliability and efficiency has been increased by using droop control methods [14]. The energy
storage systems of battery storage capacity are increased by using droop control methods.
The different operational modes are achieved by using smooth switching droop control methods [15]. The
utilization of renewable energy sources is achieved by using coordinated active power regulation with distributed power
management systems and photovoltaic generation. This active power regulation will control the state of charge of limits
within the range [16]. Forgetting dynamic energy management system the energy storage devices like battery are using as a
backup source for the micro grid system [17]. The communication links are used within the tuning control drop for
controlling the output voltage of the inverter [18]. The exchanging of the information between two layers from diesel
generators and loads is through the communication network. Power management adjusting has achieved this method by
reducing minimization problem [19-20].
The performance criteria of the battery units can be improved by using a dynamic and high power density based
energy storage device (ESD) such as ultra-capacitors in the existing system performance Battery-super capacitor-based
hybrid energy storage systems (HESS) combine the benefits of each energy storage devices (ESDs) and used to extend
battery life expectancy by diverting transient battery current to the super capacitor units [3]. The energy management
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schemes should achieve the main function of real power transfer along with the additional power quality features such as
current harmonic compensation, reactive power support and unity power factor operation at the point of common coupling
[2]. In order to improve the power quality the H-Bridge multilevel inverter is used, and the total harmonic distortion in
output voltage waveform of the multilevel inverter will be reduced as the number of levels of output voltage waveforms
will be increased [5].
An intelligent control strategy is also necessary to ensure a reliable and flexible energy supply system. Middle-
level coordinated control agents are added in order to implement the switching control between operation modes between
DERs to ensure the energy supply system is reliable and flexible [6]. The usage of super capacitors reduces the current
stress on battery the battery.
A two-stage power control strategy is proposed to smoothen the power output of a grid-connected PV power
plant[1]. A supervisory controller is used to manage the operating modes of the system, which selects the proper mode
among three possible operating modes. A DG is used as a backup source to increase the reliability of the system[9].
Due to intermittent and unpredictable nature renewable energy resources coupled with the unpredictable changes
in the load demands high power and energy density storage systems to do exist in today’s microgrid environment. So that
the energy storage systems are gaining more attention in the modern electric grid due to the rapid growth of renewable grid
integration. Among all those battery energy storage systems are gaining more attention and considered to be the most basic
and popular amongst distributed network due to their easy implementation and geographical independence as compared to
other storage technologies. By discussing various types of storage systems in this paper helps us to improve the supply
system in all aspects.
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Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11