Trends in Ecological River Engineering in Korea: Hyoseop Woo
Trends in Ecological River Engineering in Korea: Hyoseop Woo
Trends in Ecological River Engineering in Korea: Hyoseop Woo
Ecological river engineering can be defined as the design and implementation of river works and river restoration works for the benefit of
human society. It also guarantees the sustainable ecological functions of a river, such as its habitats and self-purification of its water. It is
currently in the beginning stages in Korea, utilizing scientific knowledge on the processes of aquatic ecosystem degeneration and a methodology
for solving the ecological problems in artificially altered rivers currently under development. The changes in river management and work
practices in Korea may be best explained with a chronologically progressing sequence of ‘Natural’, ‘Disaster-prevention’, ‘Occupied’, ‘Park’,
and ‘Close-to-nature’ rivers. Since the 1960s, the focus on river management and work has shifted from flood control only, to both flood control
and riverine habitat conservation and restoration. Five research topics have been selected for this article, and the progress of each research area is
briefly described with a representative picture in each topic. They are as follows: (1) flow resistance due to vegetation, (2) environmental flow,
(3) floodplain vegetation modeling, (4) small dam removal, and (5) river restoration. For the future prospects of research on ecological river
engineering in Korea, a necessity of further research on floodplain vegetation recruitment and succession, which can explain the so-called ‘white
river’ and ‘green river’, is underlined, among others. Finally, two ongoing large research programs on river ecosystem restoration, of which are
sponsored by the Government of Korea, are briefly introduced, followed by the introduction of a near-prototype experiment facility recently
completed mainly for research on ecological river engineering.
Ó 2010 International Association of Hydro-environment Engineering and Research, Asia Pacific Division. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights
Keywords: Ecological river engineering; Flow resistance; Environmental flow; Floodplain vegetation modeling; Small dam removal; River restoration
1570-6443/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 International Association of Hydro-environment Engineering and Research, Asia Pacific Division. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
270 H. Woo / Journal of Hydro-environment Research 4 (2010) 269e278
channelization and damming. These have resulted in severe the overall environments of many streams and rivers to
degradation of the natural ecosystems of rivers. Ecological continuously deteriorate. Major causes during those years
river engineering has emerged from this situation. It is, were single-purpose channel works for flood control, recla-
however, at the beginning stages in Korea. Scientific knowl- mation and the readjustment of riparian cultivated lands, i.e.,
edge on the processes of aquatic ecosystem degeneration and so-called channelization. This practice has continued until
methodologies for solving the ecological problems in artifi- current times without any significant changes. This type of
cially altered rivers are currently under development both in river is called a “Disaster-prevention River” because in such
Korea and neighboring Japan (Kamada et al., 2004). rivers, flood control is first considered as neglecting, in most
This article highlights river management practices related cases, the natural functions of the rivers. A typical example of
especially to ecological river engineering in Korea, current such rivers is shown in Fig. 1(b). As result, many rivers and
research trends, and future prospects of ecological river streams have lost their precious natural functions including
engineering. Research trends on ecological river ecological habitats, self-purification of river water, and
engineering are briefly described in a sequence of flow resis- riparian scenery. In 2007, about 95% of the total lengths that
tance due to vegetation, environmental flow, floodplain vege- required channelization in the two channel sides of the major
tation modeling, small dam removal, and river restoration all rivers (National Rivers and Class 1 Rivers of a total length of
of which can be schematically represented in a diagram 4255 km) in Korea have been channelized, while about 79% of
uniquely shown in this article. A large-scale river project, Class 2 Rivers (total length of about 24,930 km) have been
titled the “Four Major River Restoration Project”, now under channelized (Ministry of Land, 2008).
construction, is also briefly introduced. Finally, future pros- Since the 1980’s, another pattern of river work practices
pects of ecological river engineering are suggested on flood- began mostly on urban streams, that is, to occupy the narrow
plain vegetation recruitment and succession, followed by two floodplains of the streams for purposes other than those
large-size national research programs on river restoration, and belonging authentically to the streams, such as roadways,
a near-prototype experiment facility recently completed parking lots, and even covering the streams. It can be referred
mainly for research on ecological river engineering. to as an “Occupied River”. A typical scene of such streams is
shown in Fig. 1(c).
2. River management practices in Korea In the early 1990s, the necessity of the restoration of those
channelized and/or occupied rivers especially in urban areas
A clear and concise explanation on the geography and was raised with a social mood of economic achievement and
climate of Korea can be found in the article of Kamada et al. environmental concern. Attention was paid particularly to the
(2004). In this article, therefore, the characteristics of river channelized urban streams with concrete-covered revetments,
management practices are briefly presented focusing on levees and clear-off corridors. River engineers have converted
a general pattern of the changes in river management practices those rivers into pleasant-looking river parks for their citizens.
(Woo et al., 2003). In general, there are three major types of Such rivers can be referred to as a “Park River”, in which the
river works for the management and utilization of a river: aesthetic value of river, or in other words, amenity, is restored.
channelization, canalization and damming. In Korea, however, This trend of the conversion of channelized rivers into Park
canalization is uncommon. Therefore, in this article, changes Rivers continues to this day in Korea. A typical scene of such
in river management practices are focused on channelization rivers is shown in Fig. 1(d), which was first created in 1986.
and damming, and restoration of the degraded rivers. The EC River restoration, including the restoration of the natural
Water Framework Directive 2000 (see the website noted in the functions of the rivers, in Korea had only begun in the late
reference) dictates that the main objectives of river manage- 1990s, first as some demonstration projects under government-
ment are to improve aquatic ecosystems, to promote sustain- supported research projects. One of them is the project on the
able water use, to reduce pollution and groundwater pollution, development of techniques of a ‘close-to-nature river’ (MOE/
and to mitigate floods and droughts. At present, the general KICT, 1996e2001). This has had the most influence and
aims of river management in Korea are also in the same line encouraged river engineers to attempt further river restoration
with the EC Directive 2000. The aims of river management in works. Such rivers regenerated by the restoration works can be
Korea, however, have progressed since the 1960s at several called a “Close-to-nature River” or simply an “Ecological
distinct stages, which are explained next in detail. River”, as their natural functions have been significantly
Streams and rivers in Korea have been changed in four or enhanced. A typical scene of such rivers is shown in Fig. 1(e),
five distinct stages since the progression of urbanization in the which is not yet common in Korea.
1960s. Before then, most streams and rivers were in their Questions that have arisen from this pattern of changes in
natural conditions with few artificial structures such as dams river management practices include how to technically achieve
(including irrigation weirs) and levees. During this period, the the so-called “close-to-nature” practice in different rivers and
natural functions of rivers such as ecological habitats were streams, and how to assess restored rivers in terms of the
well preserved. A typical example of such rivers is shown in soundness and sustainability of ecosystems and flood-safety.
Fig. 1(a). All of these questions may require further research on
Since the mid 1960s, however, the rapid urbanization, ecological river engineering, which is described in the
industrialization and reclamations of cultivated lands caused following.
H. Woo / Journal of Hydro-environment Research 4 (2010) 269e278 271
Fig. 1. Changes in river management practice in the viewpoint of channelization and restoration.
3. Major research in ecological river engineering processes. The river ecological engineering (or ecohydraulics,
as an emerging fundamental discipline for hydro-engineering
Areas of concern of ecological river engineering may be and research), on the other hand, is additionally concerned
best explained with Fig. 2 modified from Tsujimoto (1999), with the aquatic and riparian ecosystems, and the flora and
which shows the physical interactions among the relevant fauna living in those systems. Here, ecohydraulics can be
factors. In this figure, the solid line indicates a direct influence defined as sampling and modeling technologies for the inte-
from one factor to another, while dotted lines indicate an gration of the physical, chemical and biological processes of
indirect and/or long-term effect. the aquatic ecosystem (CER, 2006).
As shown in this figure, the traditional river engineering (or As is clear from Fig. 2, therefore, ecological river engi-
hydraulic engineering) discipline is only concerned with the neering has several major ingredients, which had not been
interaction between flow, sediment, river morphology, and considered in the traditional river engineering discipline.
hydraulic structure (left half in Fig. 2), all of which are abiotic Research trends of ecological river engineering in Korea, if
direct influence
indirect influence /long-term effect Flow
based on that figure, can then be categorized into flow resis- 3.2. Instream flow
tance due to vegetation, instream flow (or environmental flow
if focused on aquatic ecosystems) requirements, floodplain The concept of the instream flow requirement in Korea was
vegetation modeling, small dam removal, and river restoration. first adopted mainly for the evaluation of the amount of flow
needed to prevent salt water intrusion into an estuary in the
3.1. Flow resistance due to vegetation 1960s, during a boom of river basin developments. In the late
1980s, flow requirements for diluting polluted river waters was
Vegetation in rivers affects flow and sediment transport included in the concept of instream flow, as water pollution
generally in two ways: it affects flow resistance with an had then emerged as a sensitive social issue in Korea. The
additional roughness, and it causes sediment to be deposited concept of instream flow requirements for guaranteeing the
in the vegetation by the deceleration of the flow into it and physical condition of aquatic habitats, especially for fish
creating eddies behind it. Experiments in flumes for change in habitats, (which is called environmental flows or environmental
flow resistance due to vegetation, both artificially modeled water allocations), is new, and emerged in the mid 1990s with
ones and real ones, have been continuously investigated in a pioneering study on the determination of river instream flow
Korea including, among others, Rhee et al. (2008). As for the needs for fish habitats (Kim et al., 1996). Since then, a series
numerical modeling of additional flow resistance, a paper of research projects on the instream flow for fish habitats
recently presented at an ASCE-EWRI conference by the have been conducted in practicing sectors (MOCT/KICT,
author documents effectively the recent advancements in 1997e1999) for practical purposes and in academic sectors
river flow modeling in Korea, including vegetation effects (Im et al., 2007) mainly for adapting the PHABSIM model
(Woo et al., 2008). developed in the U.S.A. (USGS, 1998) to the rivers in Korea.
Recently, a 1D river flow model has been developed to take Thus far, the instream flow requirements are formally included
into account the effects of flow resistance due to vegetation in the ‘River Act’ in Korea, while the environmental water
(Kim et al., 2010). This model is based on the upwind implicit allocations are not yet legally guaranteed.
scheme using the finite difference method to solve the one- One of the important unsolved issues for research of
dimensional St. Venant equations with a new source term and instream flow in Korea is the lack of a database for habitat
using the drag force approach for the representation of the flow suitability indices of various aquatic species of fauna. Data of
resistance due to vegetation. The sizes of tree trunks, the fish and other index species of micro-invertebrates, which
number of trees per unit area and the drag force coefficient are are authentic in Korea, are being collected and data-based
the major input data for this model. Without using the through a national research program, called “Ecoriver21”
composite Manning roughness coefficient, the model shows (Woo, 2007).
stable and accurate results throughout the experiment and field
cases used for comparison. 3.3. Floodplain vegetation modeling
A 2D river flow model has been recently introduced for
simulating flows affected by vegetative resistance in the Dams that were constructed at upper river reaches and
vegetated channel (Kim et al., 2006c). In this model, the gravel mining in the river are two of the major factors that
shallow water equations are solved numerically using the 2D alter river ecosystems in Korea, as well as the river works of
characteristic dissipative-Galerkin method. In order to take channel straightening and embankment. Regulation of floods
into account the vegetative resistance, the drag force terms are by dams, which have been widely utilized since the 1960s,
included in the flow equations. The model was extended to be reduces the magnitude and frequency of flood disturbances,
capable of computing the morphological changes in the river and hence increases the chance for vegetation to be recruited
(Choi et al., 2006). The effect of gravity force due to geometry and grow on the once ‘naked’ sand/gravel bars downstream, as
change and secondary currents are also considered in the first reported by Johnson (1994). The expansion of vegetation
model, especially for simulating the bed elevation change in covered on sand and gravel bars downstream of dams has been
a bend. For 3D computations of the open-channel flow, largely observed, such as in the Hwang River (Woo et al.,
a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes model has been proposed 2004a) a tributary of the Nakdong River and in the upper
with the Reynolds stress model used for the turbulence closure Nakdong River (Woo et al., 2004b, 2010). Limiting factors of
(Choi and Kang, 2006). This model has been applied to vegetation expansion on sandbars which are affected by hydro-
various types of open-channel flows, including rectangular geomorphic changes were found to be in the soil moisture
channel flows, partly-vegetated flows (Kang and Choi, contents and bed shear stress (Woo et al., 2005), which have
2006), flows over smootherough bed strips, and compound also been proven in other parts of the world. Critical shear
channel flows. stress on the sand and gravel bars governs the physical
In most practical hydraulic and hydrologic calculations, stability of germinated and growing plants by scours and
such as changes in the water stage by changes in either burying, which can be expressed as the dimensionless critical
topographic or flow conditions of the river, both 1D and 2D shear stress of 0.06 as shown in the Shields diagram. The
models developed either here in Korea or imported abroad differences between the ground table of sand bars and the
are widely used, while the 3D models are still at the normal water levels of a river channel seems to be another
research level. governing factor to the growth of plants on the sand bars
H. Woo / Journal of Hydro-environment Research 4 (2010) 269e278 273
dictating the soil moisture contents, while the capillary height practice of the river reach after removal (Stanley and Doyle,
of water in the sands is also considered. 2003). For example, a four-year research project with a few
The Hwanggang Dam, completed in 1988 on a typical demonstration works, started in early 2004 (Choi et al., 2007),
sandy river, has completely controlled the river discharge to an concerns some technical problems that can arise from the
amount of about 20 m3/s throughout the entire period of removal of weirs. They are (1) sediment transport and
a year. The dam spillway had only been operated twice for the morphological change caused by removal of a weir structure in
release of floodwater over the past 20 years. This condition the river, (2) a change in the water quality in the river by the
had provided for the common riparian plants in Korea, such as removal of a weir and by transport and re-deposition of
willows and reeds, with a good chance to be recruited and polluted sediment originally deposited in the pool upstream,
established on the sandbars in the river. The ratio of vegeta- (3) prediction of transitions and change in the riparian and
tion-covered areas over the total sandbar areas changed from 2 aquatic ecosystem due to the removal. Fig. 4 shows a case of
to 3% in 1982 prior to dam construction (see the left in Fig. 3) removal of a 190-m long and 2.5-m high weir for the resto-
to 60e80% in 1996 after the dam construction. Thickly ration of the aquatic eco-corridor for migrating eels.
vegetated islands and sandbars created unique riverine habitats
(see the right in Fig. 3). A field and analytic investigation was 3.5. River restoration
made by Choi et al. (2005) in order to investigate how much
the vegetation had expanded and what had mainly caused the In Korea, the first river restoration project, a test project for
vegetation expansion in the reach. research purposes, was initiated in the mid 1990s by the public
sector (MOE/KICT, 1996e2001). This six-year research
3.4. Removal of small dams and weirs project was intended for the development of stream restoration
techniques to be used in mid- to small urban streams that had
The removal of small dams, which are also called “weirs” been artificially channelized with concrete. Two reaches, an
in Korea, installed across the river, is another way of river upstream reach and a downstream reach, were selected in
restoration focused primarily on the restoration of an eco- an urban stream flowing near and in Seoul; a pilot stream
corridor. It is surely a direct method for the restoration of restoration project in the upstream reach was described in
a river, the eco-corridor of which is disconnected by a struc- Woo et al. (1999), while another project in the downstream
ture as implicitly indicated in Fig. 2 (factors of ‘structures’ vs. reach was described in Woo et al. (2000).
‘fauna’ through ‘flow’). Dam removal has already been prac- Since the research project was proven successful, several
ticed both in Europe and the U.S.A. (Hart et al., 2002). river restoration projects have followed from the late 1990s,
Currently, they only consider small and outdated dams and such as in the Kyungan River (Yoon et al., 2004). Numerous
weirs, the functions of which are already been retired (Doyle small-scale river restoration projects are presently being
et al., 2003). According to one statistic, there are hundreds implemented, although they focus mainly on the improvement
of such dams (with heights of over 15 m) and about 18,000 of stream water quality and the enhancement of the riparian
weirs in Korea (Ahn et al., 2007). Some of them, especially aesthetic value rather than on restoring the riverine ecosystem.
small weirs with heights of 0.5e3.0 m, that had been con- The assessment of a ‘close-to-nature’ river for its soundness
structed originally mainly for channel irrigation, have lost and sustainability is frequently performed mostly by the use of
their original functions and usages due to neighboring paddy the biological factors, such as biodiversity, richness and
lands that were converted into urban areas and other uses and abundance. The physical soundness of a restored river is also
thus irrigation water is no longer required. Among those measured by the stability and sustainability of macro/meso/
functionless and useless weirs, physical removal of those micro-habitats created in the river restoration works.
structures is a direct way to restore the river corridor and river Two different approaches can be equally pursued in Korea
flow continuities and sediment dynamics. In this case, river especially for planning urban stream restoration works. One is
engineers must be concerned with the physical, chemical and the ecosystem-oriented river restoration, the other is the
ecological impacts of dam removal and best management aesthetics-oriented restoration (Woo and Kim, 2006), which
Fig. 3. Sand bars in the Hwang River (White River; left) and thick vegetation in the river (Green River; right).
274 H. Woo / Journal of Hydro-environment Research 4 (2010) 269e278
Fig. 4. Removal of a small dam (weir) used for drinking water supply (left: before, right: after).
are already described in this article as “Close-to-nature” and regions involved. The project, due to be mostly completed by
“Park” rivers, respectively. The most well-known example of 2011 and some dams by 2012, involve the large-scale dredging
the aesthetics-oriented stream restoration in Korea may be the of riverbeds, construction of 16 submerged weirs (overflow
Cheonggye-cheon Restoration Project (Kim et al., 2006a,b,c) dams) in order to create more channel storage and recreational
in Seoul, the main focus of which is the revival of the aesthetic environments, heightening a few dozen existing small dams,
value of stream using landscape architecture emphasized as and a few new dam construction projects upstream of the rivers
shown in Fig. 5, rather than on the restoration of the stream that altogether can store up to 1.3 billion cubic meters of fresh
ecosystem, which may be inevitable in such a highly urban- water. Dredging of the river channel bottoms is also expected to
ized stream. lower the flood stage by up to 3.9 m in the most vulnerable
A grand-scale, multi-purpose river project called the “Four reaches of the rivers.
Major River Restoration Project”, was launched in Korea in For conservation and restoration of the riverine ecosystems
December 2009 in order to chase the “two rabbits” of water in the projected areas, all the river reaches are divided into
control and restoration of the largest four rivers (Hydrolink, a few different zones of conservation, ecosystem-oriented and
2009). The project has been opposed by groups of environ- amenity-oriented restoration works. The ecosystem restoration
mentalists and political opposition parties, due to the concern is to be mainly achieved by the restoration of the wetlands lost
that the ecosystems of the rivers and surrounding areas would due to channelization, while the amenity-oriented restoration
be damaged. The project is expected to cost at least 19 billion is to be usually facilitated in the urban river reach (see Fig. 6).
USD and create jobs and stimulate the economies of the Also, in order to meet an increasing demand for eco-tours and
Fig. 5. Comparative pictures before and after the Cheonggye-cheon restoration project (left: a highway-decked street, right: a reviving stream; photo courtesy to the
Seoul Metropolitan Government).
H. Woo / Journal of Hydro-environment Research 4 (2010) 269e278 275
Fig. 6. A schematic view of a river reach after restoration with a submerged weir installed across the river (a small picture at upper right: before project, a large
picture: after project) (from a Korean Government data file).
recreation in Korea, the project involves tour boat cruises, regimes of the rivers have been greatly changed, and they now
riverine eco-camping sites, and nation-wide bicycle routes show accelerated vegetation establishment and expansion on
along the riverside of 1700 km. The project also involves the “white” bars of floodplains. Now almost every river reach
increasing instream flows in the rivers by the newly con- in Korea has “green” riparian floodplains instead of the orig-
structed and heightened dams upstream, cleaning up nearby inal “white” ones, especially in the small and medium rivers
farmlands and preventing the flows of pesticides and other where flow and sediment regimes can be easily changed by
effluents into the rivers. As of the end of May 2010, the whole human activities in the river. Two cases were already
project had progressed by 15% and the weir works by 31%. explained in this paper with the Hwang River and upper
The construction of numerous submerged weirs and the Nakdong River.
heightening of some existing small dams in the Four Major “Green rivers” may pose a serious engineering problem of
River Restoration Project are not contradictory to the small increasing flood hazards through the increased flow resistance
dam removal as introduced at Section 3.4. Removal of small and fixation and heightening of riparian lands. On the other
dams for the restoration of eco-corridor in the river can be hand, “green rivers” can support more diverse species
justified only for the dams and weirs which are no longer compared with “white rivers” which usually have relatively
active and thus useless, while the newly constructed weirs in monotonous habitats and lack nutrients required for the
the Project have their own planned functions and usages, such feeding of aquatic and riparian food chains. For example,
as the storage of the water for water supply and water a ‘green river’ can create new wetlands on once naked sand
recreation. bars in the floodplain by inducing vegetation recruitment and
making back marsh and berms in the floodplain. A good
4. Future prospect of ecological river engineering example of such is the Gudam Wetland downstream on the
upper Nakdong River introduced at Section 3.3. The wetland
4.1. Research on “white rivers” and “green rivers” has been already designated as a ‘Protected Wetland’ under
the relevant law.
Among the various ingredients of ecological river engi- Is it necessary to restore a “green river” (see Fig. 3b) back
neering as introduced in this article, the establishment and to a “white river” (see Fig. 3a)? The answer may be yes and
expansion of riparian vegetation due to the artificial changes in no. It should be considered in the aspect of a long-term policy
flow and sediment regime of the river, which is under the of national land and river management. For many of the river
category of floodplain vegetation modeling research, needs to reaches in Korea, however, it would seem to be practically
be carefully scrutinized. In Korea, rivers were naturally impossible to restore them completely to their original shape
“white”, meaning along the riverside there were very large and and composition.
wide sand and/or gravel bars as compared to the width of the The governing factors for this change have been known to
river channel, because of the high seasonal variation in flow be the bed shear stress, sediment deposition, and soil moisture
regime. On the other hand, rivers in Europe are generally in the bars (or floodplains). Some numerical models for this
“green”, which means that the floodplains of the European phenomenon have been developed as a “floodplain vegetation
rivers are covered with vegetation, usually to the very edges of model” (Egger, 2006), only with the flow shear stress and
the river banks. In Europe, seasonal variations of the river succession of vegetation being considered qualitatively so far.
flows are much smaller as compared with those in Korea In order to make a more rigorous model for simulating and
(Woo and Lee, 1993). predicting the riparian vegetation changes, however, it should
Since the river development and channelization works have include the effects of groundwater levels and precipitation as
been accelerated since the 1960s in Korea, flow and sediment well as sediment transport. In Korea, a more rigorous model
276 H. Woo / Journal of Hydro-environment Research 4 (2010) 269e278
for the simulation of the riparian vegetation establishment and (ARRC) in Nagoya, Japan (refer to the website in the refer-
succession is being developed as a part of the Ecorvier21 ence), but it has a larger water pumping capacity of 8 m3/s, that
research project (refer to the website in the reference). enables it to focus on the simulation of small-scale flood events
as well as the ecological processes in the stream. Pending
4.2. National research on ecological river engineering experiments using this facility include, among others, flow
resistance by an individual and a group of trees with rigid/
Two large research programs on ecological engineering are flexible stems, survival rates of vegetation under a long-term
presently being conducted, both of which are sponsored by the submergence, and the hydraulic stability of so-called close-to-
Government of Korea. One is the research on river restoration, nature levee revetments.
called “Ecoriver21, which is sponsored by the Ministry of
Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs (MLTM), while the 5. Conclusions
other is the research on aquatic ecosystem restoration, called
“Ecostar”, which is sponsored by the Ministry of Environment Ecological river engineering in Korea is at the early stages
(MOE). using existing scientific knowledge on the processes of
The Ecoriver21 research program, with a total research aquatic ecosystem degeneration and methodologies for
fund amounting to about 17 million USD, is to last for five solving the ecological problems in artificially altered
years starting in 2006 and ending in 2011, and practically rivers under development. Its practical importance is
covers almost all the aspects of ecological river engineering. embedded in the two schematic diagrams suggested in this
This research program is to develop the methodologies and article; the evolving progress of river management and
techniques for amenity enhancement in degraded urban rivers work practices (Fig. 1) and the physical interactions
and for the restoration of the ecosystems in degraded suburban among the relevant factors (Fig. 2).
rivers. The Ecoriver21 research program has four sub- The river management practice in Korea started from
programs and each sub-program has about 2e4 sub-sub- a ‘Natural’ river before the 1960s and has passed through
programs called a unit program. The four sub-programs the stage of ‘Disaster-prevention’ rivers during the
consist of research and development of the techniques and 1970se90s, with an intermittent stage of the ‘Occupied’
measures for (1) floodplain and channel utilization, (2) flood- river during the 1970se80s. It has now reached at the
plain conservation and restoration, (3) river habitat enhance- stage of a ‘Park’ river since the late 1990s in most urban
ment, and (4) river restoration planning/evaluation/adaptive rivers with a few ‘Close-to-nature’ rivers in the 2000s.
management. Most rivers in Korea, however, are still in the stage of
The program named Ecostar is a research program with a ‘disaster-prevention’ river.
a total fund of about 51 million USD, and lasts for six and Research and implementation of river restoration, one of
half-years commencing from December 2007 and ending in the most active areas of ecological river engineering in
May 2014. It focuses rather on the commercialization of its Korea, enjoys great support from the government with
research output. The five major areas of research and devel- some monumental restoration projects of urban streams
opment of relevant technologies are (1) restoration of aquatic and large rivers in Korea having been completed and
habitat and river, (2) augmentation of environmental flow and currently under construction. Experiences based on the
purification of river water, (3) construction of riparian vege- numerous restoration projects on urban rivers in highly
tation and eco-belt, (4) assessment of health of rivers and developed areas lead to the preference of the amenity-
lakes, and (5) socioeconomic and education/training (refer to oriented restoration model including the waterfront
the website in the reference). development and the ecological/recreational park. Also,
techniques developed and experience obtained during the
4.3. Experimental facilities for ecological river numerous urban river restoration projects are being
engineering exported to neighboring regions in Asia.
One of the future prospects of ecological river engineering
Ecological river engineering is different from traditional in Korea is in regards to the floodplain vegetation
river engineering in the sense that the former requires the recruitment and succession, which designates almost all
observation of flora and fauna under a controlled physical the streams and rivers as a “white river” or a “green river”.
and sometime chemical condition. In other words, changes Rigorous modeling for the simulation of the riparian
in the aquatic habitats due to changes in the physical and vegetation recruitment and succession, such as models
chemical conditions of the river should be observed and simulating bed shear stress, soil moisture contents, and
analyzed over a long period of time, such as one year or more succession stage of vegetation, is required in order to be
under controlled conditions. In Korea, a large-scale near- utilized practically for the management of vegetation in
prototype river experiment station, with three main experi- a river.
mental channels, each of more than 500 m long, has been Two large national research programs on the riverine
recently completed on a floodplain of the Upper Nakdong River ecosystem restoration and a near-prototype experiment
(Lee et al., 2006). The function of that experiment station is facility recently completed mainly for research on
basically similar to the Aqua Restoration Research Center ecological river engineering would be good infrastructures
H. Woo / Journal of Hydro-environment Research 4 (2010) 269e278 277
for the science and knowledge on ecological river engi- Project. In: Proceedings of the 4th Joint Seminar Between Korea and Japan
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Acknowledgement Philadelphia, (on CD).
Kim, T.-B., Choi, S.-U., Min, K.-D., 2006c. Numerical simulation of depth-
averaged flow with a CDG finite element method. Journal of Korean
This article was based on numerous research activities in Society of Civil Engineers 26 (5B), 447e457 (in Korean with an abstract
Ecoriver21 (2006, B01), which is supported by the MLTM/ in English).
KICTEP in Korea. Kim, J., Kim, W., Kim, K., 2010. One-dimensional upwind implicit scheme
for estimating flow resistance by trees. In: Proceedings of the 17th
Congress of Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, February, (on CD).
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