Feasibility Questionnaire
Feasibility Questionnaire
Feasibility Questionnaire
School of Accountancy and Business Management School of Accountancy and Business Management
Saint Louis University Saint Louis University
We, the undersigned third year Financial We, the undersigned third year Financial
Management students of the School of Accountancy Management students of the School of Accountancy and
and Business Management, Saint Louis University, Business Management, Saint Louis University, are
are conducting a feasibility study about our project conducting a feasibility study about our project proposal
proposal “Malunggay Cheesy Beefdesal” “Malunggay Cheesy Beefdesal” ( Malunggay pandesal
( Malunggay pandesal filled with beef and cheese). filled with beef and cheese).
In view of the above information, we would In view of the above information, we would like
like to request you to please answer the to request you to please answer the questionnaires as
questionnaires as honest as possible. Rest assured honest as possible. Rest assured that all the researchers
that all the researchers will treat all the information will treat all the information that you will provide with
that you will provide with utmost confidentiality. utmost confidentiality.
Thank you for your kind and consideration Thank you for your kind and consideration
regarding on this matter. regarding on this matter.
Instruction: Please check (ü) your answer. Instruction: Please check (ü) your answer.
1) Do you eat pandesal? (If no, proceed to 1) Do you eat pandesal? (If no, proceed to number
number 4.) Yes
Yes No
2) How often do you eat pandesal?
2) How often do you eat pandesal? Everyday
Everyday Once a week
Once a week Twice a week
Twice a week Once a month
Once a month Others, please specify
Others, please specify
3) How many pandesal do you buy?
3) How many pandesal do you buy? 1 4
1 4 2 5
2 5 3 other, please specify
3 other, please specify
5) If we are going to sell Malunga-kangkong
4) If we are going to sell Malunga-kangkong Pandepizza (Malungay and kangkong pandesal filled
Pandepizza (Malungay and kangkong pandesal with beef, cheese, bell peppers, tomato paste), are you
filled with beef, cheese, bell peppers, tomato paste), willing to buy?
are you willing to buy? Yes
Yes No