Certificate in Subsea Engineering: Study The All-Encompassing Subsea Engineering Distance Learning Course
Certificate in Subsea Engineering: Study The All-Encompassing Subsea Engineering Distance Learning Course
Certificate in Subsea Engineering: Study The All-Encompassing Subsea Engineering Distance Learning Course
Fees : £1599 / US $2160 + VAT if applicable. 10% discount for early enrolment
Introduction to Subsea Production
The background factors that led to the development of offshore production systems
How and where oil and gas can form in the Earth and how it is located
The importance of the geological information to predict how oil will flow
How a well is drilled
Different types of oil flow
The factors that will make oil flow from the source to the production facility
Flow assurance issues, which must be correctly assessed for each development
Wellheads, Xmas Trees and Manifolds
Drilling subsea wells
Wellheads as part of drilling and production operations
Blowout preventers
Design and functions
Piplines, Flowlines and Risers
Control Systems, Umbilicals and Equipment Costs
Learning Outcomes
Underwater Operations, Subsea Maintenance and New Technologies
The importance of planning for inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR) in the design, construction, installation and operational
phases of an offshore field development.
The place of divers and ROVs in IMR and their limitations.
The difference between a well intervention and a well workover, the reasons for each activity and the complexity of such activities.
The need for artificial lift and the main ways that this can be accomplished.
Subsea Reliability, Decommissioning Activities and Subsea Field Development Examples and Case Studies
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