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DocRefKey Procedure File Name

TableC22 Determining fuel bunkered and fuel in tanks MRV C.2.2 OPS Manual
Engine Sec 14.6.10 14.9 &
TableC23 Regular cross-checks between bunkering MRV C.2.2 OPS Manual
quantity as provided by BDNs and Engine Sec 14.6.10 14.9 &
bunkering quantity indicated by on-board 14.12.pdf
TableC211 Determining and recording the fuel TSM Form 021 - Cargo
consumption for cargo heating Heating Record.pdf
TableC5plus Determining and recording the average TSM Form 022 - Cargo
density of the cargoes transported Calculation Ullage.pdf
TableE6 Documentation SSA 002 Documentation

Vessel Name : Etc Mena, IMO : 9229427

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