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Contents:: ASAP Installation and Administration

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ASAP Installation and Administration

l Installation
l Adminstration
l Maintenance
n Project
n User
n Database
l Q&Adb

ã SAP AG 1999

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-1

ASAP Installation and Administration:
Unit Objectives

Upon completion of this unit you will be able to:

l Outline the different types of ASAP installation
and their special features
l Use the different functions in the ASAP
Administration Tool
l Add new Structure Items to the Roadmap
l Outline the different functions of administration in
the IA and Q&Adb

ã SAP AG 1999

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-2

ASAP Installation: Local or Network

SQL Server

SQL Server


SQL Server Import full

SQL Server

ã SAP AG 1999

n Network Server option sets up an ASAP environment on a central server that can be shared by all
project team members. Network Installation needs to be selecteted and Project Team members need
to install the client software from the ASAP CD
n Local installation:
Ÿ full, including Accelerators, Knowledge Corner files etc.
Ÿ partial, run Accelarators, Knowledge Corner files etc. from CD

n Before ASAP installation it is recommended to read the README file on the ASAP CD. Current
requirements are just as listed as Tips and Tricks how to manage the Installation.

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-3

ASAP Installation - Roadmap Types and Flavors

Types Flavors
Discovery Customer
Customer Solution
Solution Strategy
& Evaluation

Implementation ••R/3
Business to
to Business
Implementation ••CRM
Global Template
Global Rollout
Small & Medium
Medium Businesses

Operations &
Continuous Continuous
Continuous Business
Improvement Improvement
ã SAP AG 1999

n A number of roadmap types can be installed one after the other. Each type is created in it’s own,
separate “project” directory.
n The Implementation Roadmap type can be installed with one or more flavors.

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-4

ASAP Administration: Tool Privileges

ASAP Adminstration Projekt Maintenance User Maintenance Database Maintenance Help


New Session
Set ASAP Admin Tool Privileges None (none Server role)
Exit - Add/Remove Users

Low (Server role: securityadmin)

- Add/Remove Users

Medium (Server role: securityadmin + dbcreator)

- Add/Remove Users
- Remove 4.6x Projects

Full (Server role: sysadmin)

- Backup and Restore ASAP Databases
- Set ASAP Admin Tool Privileges
- Turn Windows NT Authentication on/off for ASAP projects
- Change User Passwords
- Add/Remove Users
- Remove 4.6x Projects
ã SAP AG 1999

n User maintenance functions are to provide flexible security, in order to meet the needs of customers
using MSDE or SQL servers:
• Creation of a new read-only user – This access level has been created to allow a user to only
display project data and change his/her own information and password.
• Redesigned Database security model – The security model has been enhanced to accommodate
different degrees of SQL server security by separating the assignment of server roles from the
ASAP access level. There are three levels of security that are affected by this redesign:
- SQL Server/MSDE level: Server roles

- Database level: Database roles

- ASAP access level: Project Manager, Team Leader, Team Member and Read-only
• Use of NT Authentication for SQL logins
• Setting of special Admin Tool authorizations for server/database roles
• Changes to ASAP access level abilities

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-5

ASAP Administration - Project Maintenance

Project Maint.
Maint. User
User Maint.
Maint. Database
Database Maint.

This section
section offers
the functionality
functionality toto
Project Tree change
change the
the current
Display Area This working area displays project
project or
or to
to remove
detailed information of a the
the selected
selected project
selected project, a status bar
indicating the name of the
current project, and two
buttons to make a selected
project current and to remove
a selected project.

Make Current
Current Proj.
Proj. Remove
Remove Selected
Selected Proj.

New Session
Session Exit

ã SAP AG 1999

n The Project Maintenance section offers the functionality to change the current project or to remove
the selected project. Clicking on the Project Maintenance button expands the main screen to display
a project tree area and a working area. The “current project” will be selected (highlighted) in the
project tree area.
n The project tree area contains two levels: All Projects and Project Name
n The two buttons will make a selected project current or will remove a selected project.
Ÿ Make Current Project - Click on the line with the project name that you want to make current (if
this project already is current, then the Make Current Project button is grayed), click the button
Make Current Project and confirm the message that informs you about the change in the current
project. The message lists the name of the old and new current project.
Ÿ Remove Selected Project - Select the project you want to remove, click the Remove Selected
Project button and confirm the message that warns you that you are about to remove a project.
n To switch to another database server, use the New Session button on the lower right of the screen.

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-6

ASAP Administration - User Maintenance

Project Maint.
Maint. User
User Maint.
Maint. Database
Database Maint.

User identification
and information
All Projects on Server XXXX fields
Project name General User
Read-only Specify
Information Specify ownership
Team Members categories:
Team Leaders QA DB Business
Business Owner
Project Managers Project Roles
Roles to
to be
be used
in the
the IA
R3 Info
sap Connection
parameters for
for the
R/3 System
Edit Add
Add Delete
Delete Copy
Copy Save
Save Cancel

New Session
Session Exit

ã SAP AG 1999

n One project is highlighted on the User Maintenance screen.

n The fields and functions that are activated on the screen depend on your access level and the access
level of the user you wish to maintain. You cannot edit a user ID once it has been saved. For more
details, see the section on user maintenance in the Admin Tool help file.
n The General User Information tab contains user identification and information fields. The fields that
are displayed and active differ, depending on your access level and the function you select. Some
fields are for information only, others are mandatory for user access and authorization. When you
create a user ID you must enter date in the fields User ID, Access Level, Password, and Confirm
n On the Q&Adb tab, you can specify the ownership category you belong to in the project. The options
available are Business Owner or Consultant. You can also select a business modeler from a list of
modelers. The Diagram Explorer viewing tool comes with the Q&Adb installation package, others
have to be purchased separately. The default entry in the Business Modeler list box is the Diagram
Explorer, if it is installed for the project. If no viewer is installed, Not available appears in this box.

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-7

ASAP Administration - Database Maintenance

Database Maint.

SQL Server
Backup Properties
The backup
backup file
file must
be saved
saved to
to the
ASAP Directory machine
machine that
that is
is the
current database
Backup Directory server.

Restore Properties

ã SAP AG 1999

n Database Maintenance: Only system administrators can back up and restore the database. They use
the NT authentication for mapping SQL logins. For security reasons, group SQL logins are not
allowed in the ASAP Admin Tool.
n Backup database The backup file must be saved to the machine that is the current database server.
Therefore, if the project whose database you are backing up is a local installation on the current
machine, the backup file must be saved to a location on the current machine. If the project whose
database you are backing up is a network project, the backup file must be saved to a location on the
machine that is the database server for the network project.
n Backup database The backup file must end with the file extension “.bak” . If you do not provide
this extension, it will automatically be appended to your specified filename. If you want to create
your own backup folder instead of using the default, be sure there are NO spaces in the file name.
n Restore database Make sure that no users are working with the project database you wish to restore
(e.g., no one should be running IA or Q&Adb for the selected project). If SQL Server is installed on
the database server for your project, make sure the Enterprise Manager is not currently running.
n Restore database The source file must be located on the machine that is the current database server.
Therefore, if the project whose database you are restoring is a local installation on the current
machine, the source file must be located on the current machine. If the project whose database you
are restoring is a network project, the source file must be located on the machine that is the database
server for the network project.
n Restore database The source file must end with the file extension “.bak”. The source file must be a
backup of the selected project database. You cannot restore the database from one project to the
database of another project.

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-8

ASAP Administration: KC Share

ASAP Adminstration Projekt Maintenance User Maintenance Database Maintenance Help

Make current
current Project
Remove Selected
Selected Project
KC-Share Create KC-Share
Map to KC-Share
Use Windows NT Authentication for Logins
Disconnect from KC-Share

Project A Project B

BPP .... BPP ....

KC - A KC - B
KC- Share

ã SAP AG 1999

n You can now use Knowledge Corner Sharing (KC Sharing) to enable projects to share Knowledge
Corner documents. This reduces the amount of disk space needed to store redundant Knowledge
Corner files and enables you to install Knowledge Corner documents in one project, but use them in
several projects. You can:
• Create a KC Share - Select the project that has the KC files you want to share.
• Map to a KC Share - Select the KC Share to which you wish to map the selected project. You can
also change a project you originally installed with KC files to a KC Share.
• Disconnect from a KC share – You can disconnect a KC Share without specifying another KC
Share. If you want to disconnect a project from a KC share, the system will ask you if you want to
remove a KC share directory. You can also rerun the original installer and choose the
Add/Replace components option to install a KC Share for that specific project.

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-9

IA Project Area: Roadmap Scoping

AcceleratedSAP Implementation Assistant

Roadmap Edit Filter

Structure item ...

... Roadmap scope
Roadmap scope

Work Packages

Roadmap Scope


ã SAP AG 1999

n It is possible to set Roadmap Structures in or out of scope, either individually or in total, so that the
Roadmap can be tailored to project-specific requirements. Only the project manager can add or hide
elements of the Roadmap.

n SAP-delivered and user-defined items default to “In Scope” but can be set “Out of Scope”.

n It is possible to hide all Roadmap Structures that have been removed from scope. To do this: expand
the Filter menu and select Roadmap scope.

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-10

IA Project Area: Add Roadmap Structure

Roadmap Edit
Structure item...
Add... Topic Files
new ( _.htm )
As Previous...
Opportunity and Readiness
Add: Structure Item as Previous
Structure Item Topic
Title File
Project Preparation Opportunity and Readiness

Roadmap flavors

Business Blueprint


Document type

Subject areas

ã SAP AG 1999

n It is possible to add new items to the Roadmap Structure in order to document project-specific

n Before adding a new structure item, you must first create a document in HTML format to be
displayed in the Viewing area of the Implementation Assistant when the new structure item is
selected. This .htm file must be stored in the “Customer Topic Files” folder in the ASAP directory.
(Windows/NT Explorer path: ASAP/Projects/Project name/Customer Topic Files)

n New Structure Items can be added at any level of the Roadmap. Positioning of new structure items
is done by selecting an existing structure item and then specifying whether the new item is to Next ,
Previous, or a Subitem.

n For new user-defined Roadmap Structure items, it is necessary to assign attributes to the structures,
including Roadmap flavors (R/3, APO, etc.), Role (Business Process Team Lead, etc.), Subject area
(Authorization, Testing, etc.), Topic, and Document type (Checklist, Methodology Description, etc.)
in “Add: Structure Item as…” dialog box.

n The available user-created .htm files stored in the “Customer Topic Files” folder will be displayed in
the File selection window. Only one topic file can be specified per structure item.

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-11

Q&Adb Administration: Issue Management

Adminstration Edit View Reports Issues Help


Issue management

Issue management

Status - Issues Status - Action items Resolution timeframe Effort

Project Phase Classification Priority


Add Edit Delete Sort OK Cancel

ã SAP AG 1999

n You can assign attributes to issues on the relevant tabs in the Issues substructures. The attributes
allow you to organize and manage your documents and issues more effectively. Project managers
can set which attributes are available on the Administration menu.

n In the Issue management dialog box, you can select different attribute values for the same attributes.
For example, there are different attribute values for Status on the Status - Issues and Status - Action
items tabs.

n If a project member sets the status of an issue as Closed, Deferred or Deleted, the issue is closed and
can no longer be edited. These attribute values have a Closed and an Active indicator. Set the Closed
indicator on the Status-Issues tab, when you are defining a new status for an issue that should not be
edited. If an issue is deleted, the status of the issue changes to deleted.

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-12

Issues Database

Adminstration Edit View Reports Issues Help

All issues Issues Edit
Current view
View Columns Open Issues
Listing in

All by Classification
All by Project Phase
All Issues
Closed Issues
ã SAP AG 1999

n The Issues substructure helps the project management team to record, monitor, and manage open
questions or unforeseen problems that arise during implementation. Issues may hinder project
progress or even jeopardize its success if a solution is not found. They may have an impact on the
project scope, budget, timeline, and resources.

n In the Issues substructure, you can:

• Add an issue and assign a person responsible

• Inform a user or a team about an issue, without assigning them responsibility

• Design responsibilities for specific activities and monitor progress

• Calculate the planned and actual effort for an issue

• Assign and manage documents for an issue

• Generate reports for all or for specific issues

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-13

Issues Database: Editor (1)

Adminstration Edit View Reports Issues Help


Issue editor

Issue ID Issue title

Issue Details Action Items Effort Dcuments

Entered by: Due date:

Entered on: Resolved on:

Issue description:

Impact on project::

ã SAP AG 1999

n In the Issues substructure in the Q&Adb, you can document outstanding problems and questions,
assign responsibilities, calculate the required effort and record any points that needs to be clarified.
All team members are authorized to enter issues for problems that need to be resolved.

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-14

Issues Database: Editor (2)

Adminstration Edit View Reports Issues Help

Issue editor

Issue ID Issue title

Oh. I have a new open
Issue Details ..... ..... ..... Action Item.
I would like to read
it now.
Project Members to be informed

After new login

to the QA&db.

ã SAP AG 1999

n When you log on to ASAP, the system informs you of any outstanding issues for which you are
responsible. You can choose to go directly to your open issues. The system will also display a
message telling you if you have been informed about an issue.

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-15

Q&Adb Administration: Document Management

Adminstration Edit View Reports Issues Help


Document management

AcceleratedSAP Q&Adb 46c - Document management

General Doc. Types Doc. Categories Doc. Priorities Doc. Status Doc. Subject

Report Details
Client name:
Project name:
Client logo: X

Save Cancel

ã SAP AG 1999

n You can assign attributes documents on the relevant tabs in the Documents substructures. The
attributes allow you to organize and manage your documents and issues more effectively. Project
managers can set which attributes are available on the Administration menu.

n When you edit or redefine document categories on tabs in the Document management dialog box,
these changes are reflected in the Documents substructure. It is possible to add new project-specific
structure nodes that allow you to organize your documents, for example, according to subprojects. If
you define subject areas for documents, it is then possible to search for documents by subject area.

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-16

Q&Adb Administration: Transfer Scope Settings

Adminstration Edit View Reports Issues Help

Transfer scope settings From Scope Document


From Reverse Business Engineer

From Solution Map Composer
To R/3 System

SAP Reference Structure

1 Structure Item A

Text File 2 Structure Item B

R/3 System
2 Structure Item C

3 Structure Item D

3 Structure Item E

ã SAP AG 1999

n In addition to setting structures in scope in the Q&Adb, scope can also be transferred into it from the:
• Scope Document (this can be opened as an accelerator in the Implementation Assistant)
• Reverse Business Engineer (a tool used to analyze the live SAP System’s transaction data,
configuration and master data; transfer analysis results to Q&Adb to help assess which SAP
processes are actively used in your production system, and the potential for optimizing existing
• Solution Map Composer (used early on to select the processes from the various solution maps
that are relevant to your enterprise; transfer project scope from level 2 (process level) of the
Solution Map Composer to the Q&Adb to use as a basis for setting your project scope in the

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-17

ASAP Installation and Administration: Summary

You ar now able to:

l Outline the different types of ASAP installation
and their special features
l Use the different functions in the ASAP
Administration Tool
l Add new Structure Items to the Roadmap
l Outline the different functions of administration in
the IA and Q&Adb

ã SAP AG 1999

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-18


Unit: ASAP – Overview

Topic: Installation and Administration

At the conclusion of this exercise you will be able to:

• Set ASAP Admin Tool privileges
• Set up users in the ASAP Admin Tool
• Create a new document category in the document management system
• Integrate project documents into the Q&Adb
• Make entries in the issue management system and describe their
• Create issues and assign owners

ASAP has been reinstalled on each participant’s PC. The exercises in ASAP92 are based
on data that you must enter before starting.
We have chosen to have you enter the data yourself, to allow you to ensure that your data is
consistent and to allow the trainer to check that all participants fulfill the course
You will no doubt be familiar with this some exercises as it is taken from ASAP91, so it
shouldn’t be very difficult.

1-1 Set ASAP Admin Tool privileges

1-1-1 Which »ASAP Admin Tool Privileges« are available?
1-1-2 Can a user who is assigned the access level »Team Member« delete an
ASAP project?
1-1-3 Who can remove an ASAP project 4.6x?
1-1-4 Use the information provided below to create profiles with the access levels
»Project Manager«, »Team Leader«, »Team Member«, and »Read-only«.
Add your user ## to the initials of the user to indicate you have created this
user in the project.

• »Project Manager« profile: for the Customer Project Manager and the
TeamSAP Project Manager

• »Team Leader« profile: for MSI’s two scenario owners and the
TeamSAP Leader

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-19

• »Team Member« profile: for the team members from the Sales and
Distribution and Procurement areas

• »Read-only« profile: for customer employees who may access

information on the progress of the project, but will not be involved in the
actual project work

To create a user, you must enter values in the »User ID«, »Password«,
»Confirm Password«, and »Access Level« fields. If you use different
values from those in the table below, make a note of them for future
Choose the »Diagram Explorer« as the modeling tool for all users.

Create the user »Tom Jones« and provide him with the authorization to
delete an ASAP project. For all other users, please use the privileges
suggested by the tool.

First Middle Last User ID Title/Position

Rolf S Schmidt RSS## Customer Project Manager
Hans C Levert HCL## TeamSAP Project Manager
Janet A White JAW## Owner (Customer), Sales and Distribution scenarios, Team Leader
Adam G Rogers AGR## Owner (Customer), Procurement scenarios, Team Leader
Heidi H Hoe HHH## TeamSAP Leader
Tom J Jones TJJ## Sales and Distribution Team Member
Jürgen R Szester JRS## Procurement Team Member
S E Einblick SEE## Planned resources for future projects (read only)

1-2 When several projects are installed on one computer, is it possible to share the
duplicated data?
1-2-1 If there is such a possibility, what is it called?
1-2-1 Which data can be shared?
1-2-3 Who can set this up in the Admin Tool?
1-2-4 Which peculiarity should be considered when using this setting?
1-2-5 Which functions are available when working with a KC Share?

1-3 Search for the sub-menu »Issue management« in the Q&Adb.

1-3-1 In »Issue management« create the resolution timeframe “2 months” and
the priority “Very high##”. Where the ## is your identification number.

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-20

1-3-2 Draw up an issue with the following data:
Issue title: Project room printer ##
Issue description: There are no printers in the project room
Impact on project: Time wastage due to unnecessary effort
Due date: Today’s date + 1 week
Classification: Project management
Project phase: Project preparation
Priority: Very high##
Owner: Enter a user of your choice under 1) and 2)
Pay attention to the status field when you assign an
Once the settings are made. Try to relocate the new issue in the top right and
bottom right frames under »Associated items«.
1-3-3 Additional task:
Open the issue from exercise 1-3-2. In »Issue Editor«, assign a task to a
user (e.g. »agr«) on the tab »Action items«. Also set an »Effort« for this
user. Observe the alterations and read any messages. Save your entries.
Open another Q&Adb window. This time, log on as the user to whom you
assigned the task. Open the modified issue. Note which settings it is possible
to adjust on the »Action items« and »Effort « tabs. Flick between the two
Q&Adb windows and observe the differences.

1-4 Under which menu in the Q&Adb can you find document administration?
1-4-1 Create the document category »ASAP92 Training ##« and a new subject
»Document drafts« for the MSI project.
1-4-2 Create a new document with the following data:
Type: General
Application: Microsoft Power Point
Title: Example presentation
Author: hcl
Category: ASAP92 Training ##
Priority: High
Status: Under Review
Subject: Document drafts
1-4-3 Link a document of your choice (from your hard disk) to the document
category »ASAP92 Training ##«. Use different settings to those in the
previous task and observe the display in the top right frame under
»Associated items«.

© SAP AG ASAP92 2-21

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