ME148 Mechanical Vibrations: L-T-P-CR: 3-0-0-3
ME148 Mechanical Vibrations: L-T-P-CR: 3-0-0-3
ME148 Mechanical Vibrations: L-T-P-CR: 3-0-0-3
L-T-P-Cr: 3-0-0-3
Pre-requisite: NIL
Objective: To learn the linear vibration in detail in mechanical engineering point of view and an exposure of
non-linear vibration.
Outcome: Students are able to analyse the complex problems related to single and multi-degree of freedom
mechanical systems.
Module 1: Fourier Analysis and Single Degree of Freedom Systems: Importance of Mechanical Vibration,
Classification of Vibration, Fourier analysis, Undamped and Damped Free Vibration of Single Degree of
Freedom Systems. Lectures 07
Module 2: Types of Damping: Viscous, Coulomb and Solid dampings, Energy Dissipation in Damping, Different
Cases of Viscous Damping, Logarithmic Decrements, Forced Vibration, Support Motion: Absolute and Relative
Motions, Characteristics Curves, Vibration Isolation, Transmissibility. Lectures 07
Module 3: Two Degree of Freedom Systems: Free and Forced Vibration, Semi-definite Systems, Coordinate
Coupling and Principle Coordinates, Dynamic Vibration Absorber. Lectures 07
Module 4: Multi Degree of Freedom Systems: Lagrange’s Equations, Generalized Coordinates, Matrix Method,
Orthogonality of Normal Modes, Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes: Dunkerley’s Method, Rayleigh’s
Method, Holzer’s Method, Matrix Iteration Method, Jacobi’s Method, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Lectures
Module 5: Continuous Systems: Transverse Vibration of Strings, Longitudinal Vibration of Bars, Torsional
Vibration of Bars, Transverse Vibration of Beams, Wave Equation in One Dimension, Initial and Boundary
Conditions. Lectures 06
Module 6: Vibration Measurement and Applications: Seismic Instruments - Accelerometers, Vibrometers,
Phase Distortion, Frequency Measuring Instruments, Vibration Exciters: Mechanical and Electromagnetic
Types, Machine Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis. Introduction to Non-linear Vibration. Lectures 07
Text Books:
1. Mechanical Vibration by Singiresu S. Rao (Pearson Publication)
2. Vibrations -Theory and Application by W. T. Thomson (Prentice Hall of India)
3. Theory and Practice of Mechanical Vibrations by J.S. Rao and K. Gupta (Wiley Eastern)
Reference Books:
4. Mechanical Vibration Analysis by P. Srinivasan (Tata McGraw Hill)
5. Mechanical Vibrations by V.P. Singh, Dhanpat Rai & Co. (P) Ltd.