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2016 Kaj Fall Classic 10112016

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2016 Fall Classic

Sanctioned by Swim BC: #20291

DATE: November 19-20, 2016 WARM UPS AND START TIMES

MEET MANAGER: Jen Rolleston [email protected] Saturday November 19, 2016
Warm-up 7:00-7:40am
LOCATION: H2O Adventure & Fitness Centre Competition* 7:50-1:00pm
4075 Gordon Drive, Kelowna, BC Warm-up 2:30-3:10pm
250-764-4040 Competition* 3:15-7:30pm
Sunday November 20, 2016
FEATURES:  8 X 25 metre competition pool Warm up 7:00-7:40am
 Omega ARES Timing Competition* 7:50-1:00pm
 Omega electronic touch pads/plungers *Ses sion l engths are a pproximate
** Doors to H2O only open a t 6:45am on Sunday morning.
 Electronic relay take-over timing in effect
 Meet entries must be uploaded prior to the entry
1. All swimmers must be registered with Swim BC, Swimming
deadline to: www.swimming.ca/MeetList.aspx
Canada, USS or other FINA recognized club.
 All entries must be received by Wed, Nov 9th at
2. All swimmers must have reached a sub 4:00 200 IM to enter
11:59pm. Scratches will be accepted until Nov 15 th, after
the meet.
that the psych-sheets will be posted.
MEET RULES  Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of Meet
1. The FINA one start rule & Swimming Canada warm-up Management; if accepted, the late entries could be
procedure are in effect. surcharged at a rate of 150% of entry fee to a max of
2. The current Swimming Canada swimsuit rule will be observed. $500.00/club.
3. Ages are determined as of the fi rst day of the meet (Nov. 19th,  We accept cash & cheques. All fees must be paid by your
2016). Club prior to the start of meet. Please make entry fees
4. Events will be timed finals, senior seeded, mixed gender, payable to Kelowna AquaJets Swim Club.
slowest to fastest with exception of 1500 which will be swam  Please send: Club Contact Name, Email and Phone# along
fastest to slowest - 2 swimmers per lane, positive check-in with entries.
required. ENTRY FEES
5. Visiting officials are welcome to participate; if your club has $7.50 per individual event; $10.00 per relay event; $4.50
anyone interested, please forward their name, & position surcharge per swimmer (includes $4.00 Swim BC Provincial
qualified to: [email protected] Team Splash fee and $0.50 Okanagan Splash Fee).
6. All scratches must be submitted to the clerk of course on the
forms provided at least 30 minutes prior to start of session. REFUNDS
7. Relay names must be submitted 30 minutes prior to start of Swimmers who are required to scratch from the meet due
the session in which relays will be swum. to medical reasons must submit a medical certificate in
8. Use of flash cameras is not permitted at the start and turn end order to receive a refund of meet fees. There will be no
of the pool. refunds for individual event scratches or relay scratches
9. During the meet spectators and non-accredited coaches are made after the entry deadline.
not permitted on the east side of the upper pool deck for DECK ENTRIES
insurance purposes. Deck entry cost: $10.00/individual event, $15.00/relay
10. Any act of theft, vandalism or similar action will result in the event plus Splash fees. Deck entries will be permitted to fill
immediate disqualification from the meet and the loss of any any empty lanes. Deck entries and fees must be handed in
points towards team standings by those involved. the hands of the Clerk of Course one hour prior to race
11. In order to maintain reasonable session lengths, the Meet start. Deck entries must include the swimmer’s correct
Manager reserves the right to: Swimming Canada nine-digit ID number, as well as the
a. Limit /alter the meet to fit time lines. This may mean swimmers correct birth date (M/D/YR). Deck entries are
limited number of 200/400 events or other such exhibition swims only.
b. Limit the number of relays.
 Heat winner prizes
 Ribbons 1 st thru 8 th place in individual events for each
gender in the following age groups- 11&under,
The total number of swimmers attending the meet will be
13&under, 15& under, 16&over
limited to 300. Swimmers are limited to nine individual events.
 Best time ribbons for 10 & Under only
2016 Fall Classic
Sanctioned by Swim BC: #20291

Recommended accommodation for this meet is provided by Manteo Resort. The Manteo Resort is a Sponsor of the Kelowna
AquaJets Swim Club and supports the development and growth of our swim programs.
Manteo Resort Waterfront Hotel & Villas
3762 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna, BC (250) 860-1031
 To take advantage of discounted rates , individuals can call Manteo's Reservations at 1-800-445-5255 or email
[email protected] and advise they are with "Kelowna AquaJets Swim Meet".
 If any Clubs choose to set aside a block of rooms for their team, they can contact the Sales Department at 1 -800-452-5255
local 7152 or email [email protected]

Saturday November 19, 2016

Morning Events
Event Age
1 4x50 FR Relay MIXED Open
2 100 IM MIXED Open
3 200 FLY MIXED Open
4 50 BK MIXED Open
5 50 FR MIXED Open
6 200 BR MIXED Open
7 400 FR MIXED Open
Saturday November 19, 2016
Afternoon Events
Event Age

8 100 FR MIXED Open

9 200 BK MIXED Open
10 50 BR MIXED Open
11 100 FLY MIXED Open
12 1500 FR MIXED Open
Sunday November 20, 2016
Morning Events
Event Age
13 4x50 Medley Relay MIXED Open
14 100 BK MIXED Open
15 200 IM MIXED Open
16 100 BR MIXED Open
17 50 FLY MIXED Open
18 200 FR MIXED Open
2016 Fall Classic
Sanctioned by Swim BC: #20291
2016 Fall Classic
Sanctioned by Swim BC: #20291

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