Plate vs. Shell Structures: A Plate Is A Three Dimensional Body With
Plate vs. Shell Structures: A Plate Is A Three Dimensional Body With
Plate vs. Shell Structures: A Plate Is A Three Dimensional Body With
Shell Structures
■ A plate is a three dimensional body with
■ one of the plate dimensions much smaller than the other two
■ the curvature of the plate mid-surface in the reference configuration is zero
■ For practical applications the membrane and bending response can be investigated
independently and later combined (two-surface model)
■ The membrane response can be investigated using the techniques introduced in 3D7
■ The stresses normal to the mid-plane are much smaller than the stresses in plane
■ In the Mansfield book this plate theory is attributed to Lagrange
■ Kinematic assumptions
■ In-plane displacements
■ Out-of-plane displacements
■ Bending moments:
■ Problems:
■ Physical meaning of cross derivatives not clear
■ At boundaries it is not clear how to prescribe the cross derivative
■ Each cubic spline is composed of four cubic polynomials; neighboring curve segments are C2 continuous
■ The shape functions are overlapping; nodes 2, 3 and 4 are shared both elements
■ Displacements of the nodes are the only degrees of freedom (no rotational degrees of freedom)
■ At each step the polygon is refined and the nodal positions are recomputed as averages of the
coarse polygon nodal positions
■ Using a suitable choice of weights produces a smooth curve in the limit. The following choice of
weights leads to a cubic spline
■ Each subdivision step creates three new regular patches; in each regular
patch box-spline shape functions can be used
■ It is possible to evaluate the shape functions at the quadrature points
c la m p e Length 10.0
c la m p d Thickness 0.1
Young’s modulus 10920.0
Poisson’s ratio 0.3
c la m ed
ped p
c la m