S11ES Ib 4
S11ES Ib 4
S11ES Ib 4
A. Content Standards The subsystems (geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and
biosphere ) that make up the earth
B. Performance Standards Conduct a survey or design a study to assess the possible
geologic and hydrometeorological hazards that your community
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives At the end of the session, students are expected to:
4. Explain that the earth consist of four subsystems, across
whose boundaries matter and energy flow
4.1 describe the four subsystems of the earth
4.2 illustrate the energy flow on earth across the subsystems
4.3 appreciate the characteristics and role of earth to sustain
Animation that show the subsystem of earth and its
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new 4 pics 1 word activity: Show four pictures related to the
lesson (PRE-ACTIVITY) subsystem for the students to identify that subsystem
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Present the subject on four subsystems of earth across whose
skills 1 ( ACTIVITY PROPER) boundaries matter and energy flow
1. Four subsystems (geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere
and biosphere)
2. Composition of each subsystems
3. Flow of matter in the biosphere
4. Energy flows
G. Finding practical application of concepts and Make a song that tells how you can help the Earth in sustaining
skills in daily living (APPLICATION) the flow of energy across its subsystem
H. Making generalizations and abstraction Based on the objectives stated previously, ask the following
about the lesson ( GENERALIZATION) questions:
1. Differentiate the four subsystems of earth
2. Describe the flow of energy on earth
3. Explain how the earth enable to sustain life compare to
the other planets
I. Evaluating learning (ASSESSMENT) Quiz:
1. The gas that exists in the atmosphere in great amount is
a. oxygen
b. hydrogen
c. water vapor
d. carbon dioxide
2. The presence of oxygen in the early atmosphere is due
to ___________.
a. lightning
b. earthquake
c. volcanic eruption
d. splitting of water by ultraviolet radiation
3. The following are the sources of oxygen in the
atmosphere except _______.
a. ammonia
b. ozone
c. sulfates
d. water
4. Which ocean zone is called the deep sea?
a. abyssopelagic
b. bathypelagic
c. epipelagic
d. mesopelagic
5. Which zone has plants?
a. abyssopelagic
b. bathypelagic
c. epipelagic
d. mesopelagic
Essay :
1. Describe the role of bacteria in the nitrogen cycle
2. How do human beings affect the CO2 and O2 cycles?
3. Why do temperatures decrease in the troposphere and
increase in the stratosphere?
J. Additional activities for application or Give and explain the trend in temperature versus altitude in the
remediation (REMEDIAL) following atmospheric layers:
a. Troposphere
b. Stratosphere
c. Mesosphere
d. Thermosphere
Add task for other subsystem
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