Prenza National High School Marilao, Bulacan: A Lesson Guide in Earth Science

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Marilao, Bulacan
A Lesson Guide in Earth Science

Date: May 9, 2017 LP No: 14

Year & Section: Day: Wednesday

Time Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8:01 – 9:00 STEM 3- 11 Faithful STEM 3- 11 Faithful STEM 3- 11 Faithful STEM 3- 11 Faithful
9:01 – 10:00 STEM 2- 11 Cheerful STEM 2- 11 Cheerful STEM 2- 11 Cheerful STEM 2- 11 Cheerful
10:16 – 11:15 STEM 1- 11 Helpful STEM 1- 11 Helpful STEM 1- 11 Helpful STEM 1- 11 Helpful


The learners demonstrate an understanding of the three main categories of

A. Content Standards

The learners shall be able to make a plan that the community may use to
B. Performance Standards
conserve and protect its resources for future generation.

At the end of the session, 85 % of the students are expected to:

A. Classify rocks into igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic (S11ES-Ic-6).

C. Learning
Competencies/ 1. identify and describe the three main categories of rocks.
2. sequentially discuss rock formation and cycle and their mode of origin and
environment of formation.
3. perform an activity about rock cycle.

II. CONTENT Earth Materials and Resources

 Rock Formation and Cycle
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Manual
Earth Science by Dennis G. Caballes and Jennifer S. Florida, Mutya Publishing
House, 2013 pages 25 – 30
3. Textbook pages
Teaching Guide for Senior High School: Earth Science by CHEd- de Silva, et
al., Module 6, pages 1-16.
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Link : for Videoclip on Rock Cycle

Daily Classroom Routine
Routinary Activities (5 min.)
To elicit prior knowledge, the class will be shown different jumbled words.
The words that will be posted by the teacher are the different properties of
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting 2. CRYSTAL FORM 6. CLEAVAGE
new lesson
(REVIEW) (5 min.)

Explain each characteristic briefly. Interdisciplinary: English (vocabulary

The teacher will post different pictures of cycles:

a. Cell cycle b. Life cycle of a butterfly
c. Water cycle
B. Establishing a purpose The teacher will then ask the students the following questions:
of the lesson 1. What do you observe about the pictures?
(MOTIVATION) (5 min.)
2. What do you think will happen to the minerals if they undergo different
Earth’s processes?
3. How do you think these pictures can be related to our topic about the
different properties of minerals?
4. What do you think is our topic for today?

The teacher will divide the class into 4 groups, he will then give each group
a copy of the Activity Sheet – Laboratory Activity 3: Rock Cycle. Before the
actual activity starts, the teacher will then ask each group to formulate one

C. Presenting Questions will be written in a plate and will be posted on the board.
examples/instances of Possible Questions:
the new lesson
1. What are the different types of rocks?
(PRE-ACTIVITY) (5 min.)
2. How is igneous rock formed?
3. How is sedimentary rock formed?
4. How is metamorphic rock formed?
5. How are these rocks different from each other?
Note: 5 minutes for formulating questions

The teacher will tell the learning competencies and objectives of the lesson.
D. Discussing new
The teacher will then ask each group to perform the activity. Five (5)
concepts and
minutes will be allotted for their preparation and 2 to 3 minutes for their
practicing new skills 1
presentation. The use of locally available materials to perform the activity to
simulate the cycle is intended to suit for contextualization and localization.
Note: 7-8 minutes for performing the activity

Actual Presentation. The teacher will make the students explain what they
have learned from the activity.
The students will post their answers for the activity and explain them in front
of the class.
Authentic Assessment:
E. Discussing new Group presentations will be graded using the rubrics below.
concepts and Criteria Score Group Group Group Group
practicing new skills 2 1 2 3 4
(DEEPENING) (5 min.)
a. Content – 5
of the idea
b. Presentation – 5
presented the ideas
Total: 10

Note: 5 – all the skills are well performed exceeding expectations
4 - all the expected skills are well performed
3 – all the expected skills are performed with minimal insufficiency
2- all the expected skills are performed with more insufficiency
1- have performed with full of insufficiency

F. Developing mastery The teacher will show the class a video clip entitled “the type of rocks and
(POST-ACTIVITY) (5 min.) rock cycle” (5 minutes).
The teacher will then post the rock cycle illustration on the board.

G. Finding practical The teacher will further facilitate learning by making the students answer the
applications of questions that they have posted previously.
concepts and skills in
They will then relate their answers to the different types of rocks they
daily living
observed every day in their places. The answers of the students simulate
(APPLICATION) (3 min.)

H. Making
The teacher will then ask 2 to 3 students to summarize the lesson based on
generalizations and
the objectives stated previously, and ask the following questions:
abstractions about the
1. How can we differentiate each type of rock from each other?
2. Give an example for each type of rock.
3. What are the different natural processes that affect rock formation?

Written Assessment: Students will write their answers on ¼ sheet of paper

Modified true or false. Write the word TRUE if the statement is telling a
fact and if not, write the word FALSE and change the underlined word to make
it correct.
1. Extrusive igneous rocks are formed when the magma cools slowly
underneath the earth’s surface.
2. Tuff, obsidian and pumice are examples of intrusive igneous rocks.
3. Sedimentary rocks are formed when sediment accumulates over time in
deposits that form layers. These layers become squeezed and compressed over
time until they consolidate into a rock.
I. Evaluating learning
(ASSESSMENT) (5 min.) 4. Sedimentary rocks are the types of rocks in which fossils may be found.
5. Metamorphic rock is the type of rock that has been changed by extreme heat
and pressure.

1. FALSE, intrusive
2. FALSE, extrusive

J. Additional activities
Go to your local department of environment and natural resources or local
for application or
institute of geological sciences. Have a group research by choosing 1 barangay
from your municipality and cite 5 examples of rock that can be found. Be able
(REMEDIAL) (5 min.)
to tell their types and explain each briefly.
55 minutes

A Demonstration Teaching in the Seminar entitled: “Regional Mass Training of Senior High School Teachers in
Science” held on May 4-6/ 8-13/ 15-20/ 22-24, 2017 at Anne Raquel’s Hillside Resort, Inc., Olongapo City, Zambales
Prepared by: Checked by:

Mr. Alexander N. dela Cruz Dr. Ricardo A. de Guzman

Demonstration Teacher, Prenza National High School Education Program Specialist II, SDO Meycauayan City
SDO - Bulacan Facilitator

Checked by:

Dr. Librada M. Rubio

Education Program Supervisor II- Science

Name: _________________________________
Grade & Section: ________________________
Date: ____________________
1st Quarter
Laboratory Activity No. 3
Rock Cycle
Corrected by:

The Rock Cycle is a group of changes wherein igneous rock can change into sedimentary rock or into metamorphic
rock; sedimentary rock can change into metamorphic rock or into igneous rock; and metamorphic rock can change into igneous or
sedimentary rock. This is a simple activity that demonstrates rock cycle.

1. To explain the rock cycle;
2. To realize that heating, cooling and pressure play important roles in the formation of different types of rocks.
sugar cubes aluminium foil/ plate 1 piece of rug
candle match/ lighter small plate/ saucer
hammer/ pliers 1 piece of paper


Note: Observe precautionary measures when handling hot objects.

1. Examine the sugar cubes. Place the cubes into the piece of paper before crushing them into a powder. What part of the rock
cycle does this represent?
2. Pour the crushed sugar into an aluminium foil/ plate.
3. Place the candle into the saucer, then lit.
4. Handle the aluminium plate using a piece of rug. Carefully put the aluminium foil/ plate with powdered sugar over the flamed
candle for 2 minutes. Write down your observations. What part of the rock cycle does this represent?
5. Remove the aluminium foil from the flame. Let it cool for 2-3 minutes and observe what happened to the sugar. What part of
the rock cycle does this represent?
6. Then, break the hardened sugar into pieces. What part of the rock cycle does this represent?


Create a rock cycle based on the procedures. Make your own diagram using boxes and arrows and indicate the heating and
cooling processes. Label the boxes that represents the igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.


A Revised laboratory activity entitled: Rock Cycle from Caballes, Dennis G. & Florida, Jennifer S. 2013. Earth science. Malabon
City: Mutya Publishing House, Inc. pp. 287-288.

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