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J Neurophysiol 112: 2481–2491, 2014.

First published September 3, 2014; doi:10.1152/jn.00078.2014.

Vestibular and visual responses in human posterior insular cortex

Sebastian M. Frank,1,2 Oliver Baumann,3 Jason B. Mattingley,3 and Mark W. Greenlee1

Institute for Experimental Psychology, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany; 2Department of Psychological and
Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire; and 3Queensland Brain Institute and School of Psychology,
The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Australia
Submitted 24 January 2014; accepted in final form 26 August 2014

Frank SM, Baumann O, Mattingley JB, Greenlee MW. Vestib- However, the exact location of vestibular activation in the
ular and visual responses in human posterior insular cortex. J Neuro- region of and adjacent to the posterior lateral sulcus tends to
physiol 112: 2481–2491, 2014. First published September 3, 2014; vary and is frequently spread over more than a single cluster
doi:10.1152/jn.00078.2014.—The central hub of the cortical vestibu- (e.g., Dieterich et al. 2003; Fasold et al. 2002). This might
lar network in humans is likely localized in the region of posterior
lateral sulcus. An area characterized by responsiveness to visual indicate the existence of satellites or subregions of the central
motion has previously been described at a similar location and named PIVC, possibly with different functional specializations. Alter-
posterior insular cortex (PIC). Currently it is not known whether PIC natively, more than a single central area for the processing of
processes vestibular information as well. We localized PIC using vestibular information might exist, resembling the organization
visual motion stimulation in functional magnetic resonance imaging in the primate brain (for reviews: DeAngelis and Angelaki
(fMRI) and investigated whether PIC also responds to vestibular 2012; Dieterich and Brandt 2008; Guldin and Grüsser 1998;
stimuli. To this end, we designed an MRI-compatible caloric stimu-
lation device that allowed us to stimulate bithermally with hot tem-
Lopez and Blanke 2011).
perature in one ear and simultaneously cold temperature in the other Further support for a more complex organization at the
or with warm temperatures in both ears for baseline. During each trial, potential cortical vestibular hub comes from contradictory
participants indicated the presence or absence of self-motion sensa- findings on activation patterns during visual motion: on the one
tions. We found activation in PIC during periods of self motion when hand, activity during stimulation with visual motion seems to
vestibular stimulation was carried out with minimal visual input. In be absent or even suppressed in the putative human homologue
combined visual-vestibular stimulation area PIC was activated in a of primate PIVC (see Brandt et al. 1998; Deutschländer et al.
similar fashion during congruent and incongruent stimulation condi- 2002; Dieterich et al. 1998; Kleinschmidt et al. 2002). On the
tions. Our results show that PIC not only responds to visual motion
other hand, previous imaging studies employing visual motion
but also to vestibular stimuli related to the sensation of self motion.
We suggest that PIC is part of the cortical vestibular network and stimuli reported activation at a location that is in close prox-
plays a role in the integration of visual and vestibular stimuli for the imity or potentially overlapping with the putative human PIVC
perception of self motion. (Beer et al. 2009; Claeys et al. 2003; Orban et al. 2003; Sunaert
et al. 1999). The observed activation during visual motion in
caloric stimulation; fMRI; multisensory integration; posterior insular the posterior lateral sulcus region has been labeled the posterior
insular cortex area (PIC).
To include visual motion-sensitive PIC as part of the cortical
SEVERAL STUDIES USING EITHER caloric or galvanic stimulation vestibular network, its activation has to be examined under
have described the cortical vestibular network in humans (for conditions of vestibular stimulation. Indications of vestibular
reviews, see Dieterich and Brandt 2008; Lopez and Blanke activity at the potential location of PIC exist (see Cardin and
2011). The network seems to include a variety of regions Smith 2010; Dieterich et al. 2003; Lopez et al. 2012). How-
ranging from the visual motion-sensitive medial superior tem- ever, to the best of our knowledge area PIC, as defined by its
poral area (MST) in the occipito-temporal cortex (Smith et al. responsiveness to visual motion, has never been tested directly
2012) up to the temporo-parietal junction (Suzuki et al. 2001) with respect to vestibular processing.
and even regions in the frontal cortex (Fasold et al. 2002). The In this study we used functional magnetic resonance imaging
number of activated regions and the extent of activation tend to (fMRI) to examine PIC under different conditions of vestibular
vary from study to study; however, as a common feature, stimulation. In a first step we defined PIC in a localizer with
activation is usually found in the region of posterior lateral visual motion across the whole screen. To confirm the correct
sulcus (see Lopez and Blanke 2011). This has led to the definition of PIC we applied a second visual motion experi-
suggestion that the central hub of the cortical vestibular net- ment where we presented moving dots in the ipsilateral and
work could be found here (Dieterich and Brandt 2008; Guldin contralateral periphery. Based on previous reports (see Claeys
and Grüsser 1998; Lopez et al. 2012; zu Eulenburg et al. 2012). et al. 2003) we expected, if our definition of PIC is correct,
Based on functional and anatomical similarities to the organi- activation in PIC under both peripheral stimulation conditions,
zation in the primate brain, the potential vestibular hub in however, stronger activity for contralateral stimulation. In a
humans has been labeled the posterior-insular vestibular cortex second step we then examined how PIC responds to vestibular
area (PIVC). cues. For this purpose we designed two separate experiments
involving caloric stimulation. In the first experiment vestibular
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: M. W. Greenlee,
stimulation was applied with minimal visual input. In the
Univ. Regensburg, Universitaetsstrasse 31, 93053 Regensburg, Germany second experiment we combined visual motion and vestibular
(e-mail: stimulation. In both experiments participants had to indicate 0022-3077/14 Copyright © 2014 the American Physiological Society 2481
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the presence or absence of self-motion sensations. We hypoth- Further control measurements confirmed that MRI artifacts due to
esized that we would find vestibular responses in PIC during the circulation of water in the stimulation pods and due to different
periods of self motion with and without accompanying visual temperatures of the water were unlikely to intrude into brain tissue
motion. (Frank and Greenlee 2014).
Our caloric stimulation device was designed to provide mild
vestibular stimulation without participant discomfort. However, by
METHODS applying temperatures only through pods and primarily to sites of the
Participants. The participant-pool for this study consisted of 16 ear canal in close vicinity to the pods we reduced the stimulation intensity
right-handed males [mean age ⫽ 30.8 yr, standard deviation (SD) ⫽ compared with procedures involving immediate contact of hot or cold
8.2 yr] including 1 of the authors (S. M. Frank). All participants medium to the skin surface of the entire ear canal; this is the case for
performed the visual motion localizer for area PIC and the visual- direct injection of water (Deutschländer et al. 2002; Dieterich et al. 2003;
vestibular stimulation experiment. Twelve of them volunteered for the Suzuki et al. 2001), tempered air (Naito et al. 2003), or nitrogen gas
peripheral visual motion localizer and nine of the latter group partic- (Fasold et al. 2002). Therefore, to increase the likelihood of inducing
ipated in the vestibular experiment without visual stimulation. All self-motion sensations with only mild vestibular stimulation, we decided
participants had normal or corrected to normal vision. None reported to use bilateral caloric stimulation in our experiments.
any history of psychiatric, neurologic, visual, auditory, or vestibular Caloric stimulation primarily affects the horizontal semicircular
disease. Participants gave informed consent in accordance with the canals because of their close location to the ear canals (Wuyts et al.
Declaration of Helsinki. This research project was approved by the 2007). For optimal stimulation, the horizontal canals should be in a
Ethical Committee of the University of Regensburg. For two participants vertical position realized by an elevation of the head of ⬃20 –30°
only, one run of the visual-vestibular experiment could not be analyzed when lying supine on the scanner table (see Deutschländer et al. 2002;
due to problems with the response box or excess of self-motion sensa- Dieterich et al. 2003). We approximately obtained this elevation by
tions (i.e., in ⬎90% of trials with warm temperature, see below). using padding beneath the participants’ head as far as this was
Vestibular stimulation device. A custom-made MRI-compatible possible given the limited space between head and scanner head coil.
closed-loop caloric (Anderson 1995) vestibular stimulation device Visual motion localizer. This localizer was used to define area PIC
was designed and constructed at the workshop of the University of in retroinsular cortex (see Beer et al. 2009; Claeys et al. 2003; Orban
Regensburg (Fig. 1A; please see Frank and Greenlee 2014 for a et al. 2003; Sunaert et al. 1999). The visual stimuli consisted of 200
detailed description). The device allowed us to apply bithermal caloric white dots with a diameter of 6 pixels/⬃0.2° (luminance: 193 cd/m2).
stimulation to the vestibular system during fMRI scanning. Accord- Dots were presented on a black background (1.7 cd/m2) and covered
ingly hot (⬃50°C) and ice-cooled (⬃0°C) distilled water stored in two ⬃0.7% of all screen pixels. Blocks of coherent optic flow across the
barrels outside the scanner was pumped (pressure: 0.6 bar) via screen were contrasted with blocks of static dots. Block length was 12
separate tubes (10.5-m long; diameter: 4 mm) to the participant in the s. During coherent motion periods, dots moved translationally in 12
magnet. Small glass pods at the end of both tubes were integrated in successive directions (1 s each direction, order of directions switching
the ear protection system that transported the tempered water to the between clock- and counterclockwise in successive motion blocks).
participants’ ear canal, while the water returned via two additional These directions were also used in the visual-vestibular experiment for
tubes from each ear to a collecting barrel outside the scanner room. A random and coherent motion (see below). Movement speed was 20
switching panel in the control room provided for control of three pixels/⬃0.6° per image flip (image flip rate: 30 Hz). All dots had a
different temperature states: hot in the left ear and simultaneously cold limited random lifetime of 5–10 images (corresponding to 167–333 ms).
in the right ear, cold in the left ear and simultaneously hot in the right To keep participants fixating and attending we introduced a speeded
ear, or a baseline temperature in both ears (“warm,” ⬃30°C). The dimming task at central fixation. In this task the fixation cross flickered
baseline temperature was achieved by mixing equal amounts of hot briefly in unpredictable intervals and participants had to indicate the onset
and cold water to each ear canal. One of the three temperature of flicker by button press. One run (⬃10 min) was performed.
conditions was set manually at the beginning of each trial, and Peripheral visual motion experiment. This experiment was con-
temperatures persisted until trial end. Before the experiment was ducted to verify the correct definition of area PIC by means of activity
started, the different temperatures were presented to participants and in our primary visual motion localizer (see above). A previous study
it was ensured that they were not perceived as painful. Cold water was (Claeys et al. 2003) reported responses in PIC during ipsilateral and
kept at ⬃0°C in the barrel outside the scanner but had a temperature contralateral visual motion conditions suggesting the presence of
of ⬃5°C in the pod inside the ear protection since cold and hot tubes neurons with large receptive fields covering both contralateral and
were adjacent to each other such that the cold water heated up slightly ipsilateral parts of the visual field. Activity for contralateral stimula-
during transportation and the hot water was cooled to 47.5– 49°C. At tion was stronger than for ipsilateral stimulation. We designed our
5°C as final temperature for cold we decreased the probability of experiment similarly as Claeys et al. to confirm these characteristics of
eliciting ice-water nystagmus (Batuecas-Caletrio et al. 2009). Tem- PIC in our dataset. To have the motion stimulus in the visual periphery
peratures used in our experiments were also applied in previous we placed the fixation cross close to one screen border while 100
studies involving caloric stimulation (e.g., Fasold et al. 2002; Naito et white dots moved at the opposite side of the screen (minimum
al. 2003; Suzuki et al. 2001). distance between fixation cross and moving dots: ⬃20°). All other
Thermic measurements with a temperature sensor on the outer parameters were identical to the primary visual motion localizer (also
surface of the pod (Heraeus Sensor Technology, Kleinostheim, Ger- the fixation task was used). To investigate left and right PIC during
many) confirmed that flow speed and temperatures of hot, cold, and contralateral and ipsilateral stimulation conditions the motion stimu-
warm water were stable across all experimental trials (Frank and lus was presented at each screen side in two or three separate runs. In
Greenlee 2014). This also demonstrated that an interval of ⬃10 s was seven participants we were able to conduct three runs (⬃10 min per
necessary to reach the desired hot, cold, or warm temperature level. run) for each side. Another five participants completed two runs per
We accounted for this temporal ramp during trial design and fMRI side. None of our participants reported any discomfort due to the
analysis (see below). Roughly 0.5 liters of water circulated on each direction of fixation in this experiment.
trial. All water was collected and could be reused after appropriate Neither in the primary visual motion localizer nor in the peripheral
heating or cooling in the next experiment. The temperature of hot and visual motion experiment did any of our participants report at debrief-
cold water in the barrels outside the scanner was measured continu- ing sensations of self motion. An induction of self motion under these
ously with electronic thermometers and kept at constant levels during conditions would have also been unlikely since the coherent motion
the experiment. direction changed every second (12 successive directions in a 12-s-

J Neurophysiol • doi:10.1152/jn.00078.2014 •

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A Vestibular
Stimulation Left Right


5 Control


10 sec 10 sec

15 sec 15 sec

5 sec 5 sec


Fig. 1. Caloric stimulation device and trial design for the vestibular and visual-vestibular experiments. A: diagram of the MRI-compatible caloric stimulation
device. Two barrels, each filled with ⬃25 liters of hot (⬃50°C) and cold (⬃0°C) water, were located in the scanner control room (1). Minipumps transported
hot and cold water to a switching device (2). From this control panel a hot and a cold plastic tube passed through the wave-guide, allowing tempered water
(depicted as red, blue, and gray lines) to enter the participant’s left and right ear while lying in the MRI scanner. Hot and cold tubes conjoined before terminating
in a small glass pod inside the ear canal (3). Manual switches on the control panel opened or closed the water flow in each tube separately. This allowed the
application of different temperatures for the left and right ear. In the depicted example we applied a hot stimulus to the left ear and cold stimulus to the right
ear, which was achieved by closing the tubes for cold water left and hot water right (gray lines) while the other two tubes remained open (red and blue lines).
For a baseline temperature, all tubes were opened so that hot and cold water mixed resulting in warm water in both ears. After the water arrived in the pod, it
circulated back to the scanner control room via two return tubes (dotted red and blue lines, 4) that terminated in a large (⬃50-liter vol) collecting barrel (5). A
more detailed description of the apparatus can be found in Frank and Greenlee 2014. B: schematic illustration of the trial design in the vestibular experiment,
depicting the visual displays viewed by the participant. Each trial was preceded by an onset-jitter of 0.5–1 s and followed by an interval of 25 s with a black
screen containing only a central red fixation cross. Temperatures required ⬃10 s to reach stable states, so we expected strongest effects of vestibular stimulation
after this thermic gradient. Trials finished with a 5-s-long response phase (white fixation cross). A fixation cross was present at all times in the screen center,
which was red throughout the stimulation period and white during the response period. At trial onset temperatures were switched to either hot/cold or warm and
participants had to indicate in the response phase whether they sensed self motion (and, if so, whether it was in left or right direction) during the trial. C: trial
design in the visual-vestibular experiment. Vestibular stimulation was identical to the purely vestibular experiment, but random motion was presented in the first
10 s of the trial and intermixed with 10% coherent motion during the 15 s before response phase. Blue arrows designate motion direction for illustration purposes
only. Participants had to indicate whether they sensed self motion in the same direction as the coherent visual motion (incongruent) or in the opposite direction
(congruent). If they did not experience self motion, they indicated the direction of the coherent visual motion only (left or right).

long block of visual motion). Also, our screen was small compared pronounced sensations of self motion (Kleinschmidt et al. 2002),
with screen sizes used in experiments that could potentially induce which was also not the case with our stimuli. In the visual-vestibular
self-motion sensations by means of, e.g., ego-motion compatible experiment (see below) we kept the level of coherent visual motion
visual motion stimuli (Cardin and Smith 2010). Longer periods of low (at 10%) to diminish the possibility of self-motion induction via
100% coherent motion in the same direction facilitate the induction of visual motion solely.
J Neurophysiol • doi:10.1152/jn.00078.2014 •
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Vestibular experiment. In the first vestibular experiment we aimed Participants were instructed to maintain fixation and to detect the
to stimulate the vestibular system with only minimal visual input. A coherent motion direction. In addition, they were requested to attend
typical trial sequence is depicted in Fig. 1B. Each trial started with an to sensations of self motion during the coherent motion phase. The
onset jitter of 0.5–1 s and was followed by a period of 25 s with a participant’s response depended on the perceived effects of combined
black screen. Trials finished with a 5-s-long response phase. During visual and vestibular stimuli resulting in a four-alternative forced
each trial we presented a small red fixation cross in the screen center. choice task: on trials where participants had experienced self motion
The cross was necessary for two reasons: 1) to give participants a they used the left button box and indicated whether the self motion
point they were instructed to fixate (designed to reduce the occurrence was in the same direction as the coherent dot motion (button 1) or in
of nystagmus; see Naito et al. 2003 for attenuation of caloric nystag- the opposite direction (button 2). Following the rationale of Probst et
mus by fixation); and 2) to prompt the participants to respond (the al. (1995) and Loose et al. (1999), visual and vestibular motion in the
cross turned white in the response phase and was briefly dimmed after same directions will be subsequently referred to as “incongruent” (i.e.,
participants responded). mismatching motion directions in real-world rotation) whereas visual
With trial onset we either switched temperatures to hot in one ear
and vestibular motion in opposite directions will be labeled “congru-
and cold in the other or to warm in both ears. Temperatures remained
ent” (i.e., matching motion directions in real-world rotation). On trials
unchanged until the next trial started. We predicted trials involving
hot and cold temperatures to stimulate the vestibular system with where the participants experienced no self motion they used the right
induction of self-motion sensations. In contrast, periods of warm button box and indicated the direction of the coherent visual motion
temperature in both ears were assumed to be baseline trials without (button 3: coherent motion to the left, button 4: coherent motion to the
vestibular stimulation and without self-motion perception. Each run of right). Otherwise, instructions and trial orders were identical to the
the vestibular localizer contained 41 trials (⬃21 min). In 20 trials we first vestibular experiment.
applied hot-cold temperatures (10 with hot left and cold right, 10 vice Again, we performed 2 imaging runs with 41 trials each. In 21 trials
versa); in the remaining 21 trials warm temperature in both ears was participants were presented with warm temperature in both ears
used. Each run started with a warm temperature trial. We considered (⫽baseline trials). Eleven of these trials were combined with coherent
the time for the vestibular system to return to baseline after a motion to the right, the other 10 with coherent motion to the left (vice
stimulation trial in the design of our experiment such that each caloric versa in the 2nd run of this experiment). In the other 20 trials we
stimulation trial (i.e., with hot-cold temperatures, duration ⫽ 30 s) applied caloric stimulation with hot temperature in one ear and
was immediately succeeded by a baseline trial with warm (i.e., simultaneously cold temperature in the other ear (stimulation trials).
neutral) temperatures (duration ⫽ 30 s). Behaviorally, that seemed to We had a balanced number of combinations of temperature (hot in left
be effective in that participants did not report sensations of self motion ear and cold in right ear, hot in right ear and cold in left ear) and
in the majority of baseline trials (see below). We believe that our coherent motion direction (leftwards, rightwards) resulting in five
fMRI results also speak in favor of the effectiveness of our baseline trials for each combination.
condition (in the sense that the vestibular system returned to baseline, Stimulus generation. Stimuli were programmed in Matlab version
see activity time course in PIC over stimulation and successive 2007b (The MathWorks, Natick, MA), using the Psychophysics Tool-
baseline trial in Fig. 2D). The temporal design of the trial order was box (version 3.0.8; Brainard 1997; Pelli 1997).
optimized with the program optseq2 (Dale 1999). Two imaging runs Stimulus presentation. Stimuli were presented with a liquid crystal
of the vestibular experiment were performed on each participant. display video projector (DLA-G20; resolution: 1,024 ⫻ 768, 60 Hz;
Therefore, we created two trial orders that we used in all participants. JVC, Yokohama, Japan) onto a translucent circular screen (⬃30°
The two trial orders were also applied in the visual-vestibular exper- diameter, 27° used), located at the back of the scanner bore. Stimuli
iment (see below). were refreshed every 2 frames resulting in 30 images/s. Participants
A three-alternative forced choice task was used in the response could view the screen via a head coil-mounted mirror (viewing
phase: if participants had experienced self motion, they indicated the distance: 63 cm).
direction of the motion sensation (i.e., self motion to the left or to the MRI acquisition. MRI scanning was performed with a 3-Tesla
right, button 1 or 2 on the left button box); if they had not sensed any Allegra head scanner (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) and a one-
self motion, they responded by pressing button 3 on the right button channel head coil. All functional images covered the whole brain (40
box. Participants were encouraged to base their response only on transverse slices) and were acquired interleaved with a T2*-weighted
continuous sensations that best described perception during the trial. gradient echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence [time-to-repeat (TR) ⫽
Participants were explicitly informed that self-motion sensations 2.3 s, time-to-echo (TE) ⫽ 30 ms, flip angle (FA) ⫽ 90°, voxel size ⫽ 3 ⫻
might occur with any temperature stimulus, so as not to bias them 3 ⫻ 3 mm3, interslice gap ⫽ 0.5 mm, and field of view (FOV) ⫽ 192 ⫻
towards an association of hot-cold and self-motion perception. 192 mm2]. In addition, we collected a high-resolution structural scan (160
Visual-vestibular experiment. To study effects of visual-vestibular sagittal slices) of each participant’s brain during the first scanning session
stimulation in PIC we combined our caloric stimulation protocol with with a T1-weighted, magnetization prepared rapid gradient echo (MP-
simultaneous visual motion. The visual stimuli consisted of 200 white RAGE) sequence (TR ⫽ 2.25 s, TE ⫽ 2.6 ms, FA ⫽ 9°, voxel size ⫽
dots with most parameters identical to those used in the primary visual 1 ⫻ 1 ⫻ 1 mm3, no interslice gap, and FOV ⫽ 240 ⫻ 256 mm2). The
motion localizer. Figure 1C depicts a typical trial sequence. After an sequence has been optimized for the differentiation of gray and white
onset-jitter, all dots moved randomly in 10 different directions. matter by using parameters from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging
Thereafter, 10% of all dots started to move coherently to the left or to Initiative Project (
the right for 15 s while all other dots continued to move randomly. MRI data analysis. MRI data were analyzed with Freesurfer ver-
Visual translation to left and right was chosen following previous sion 4.1 and the FSFAST toolbox (Martinos Center for Biomedical
work by Probst et al. (1995) and Loose et al. (1999) who combined it Imaging, Charlestown, MA). The anatomical scan of each partici-
with physical movement of the participant in the yaw-direction to pant’s brain was reconstructed and inflated (Dale et al. 1999; Fischl et
study the effects of simultaneous visual-vestibular stimulation. Left al. 1999a). Functional images were motion corrected (Cox and Jes-
and right movement directions were excluded from the 10 random manowicz 1999), coregistered (with the 1st functional image of each
motion directions to avoid uncontrolled increases of coherence levels. session) to the reconstructed individual brain, smoothed with a three-
Dot paths were constrained to avoid overlap. This created the impres- dimensional Gaussian kernel (full-width at half-maximum ⫽ 5 mm),
sion of equally distributed random motion across the screen. Trials and intensity normalized (Sled et al. 1998). The first five TRs of each
finished with a 5-s response phase (blank screen). Again, we used a run contained instructions and were excluded from statistical analysis
small fixation cross in the center throughout the experiment. to secure MRI-signal equilibrium across the functional time series.

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A Visual Motion vs. Static D Time-Course of Vestibular Response

PIC = Self Left
= Self Right

MRI % Signal Change

PIC 0.3


0 15 30 45 60
B Self Motion vs. No Self Motion BOLD Time Course in sec

E Vestibular Stimulation
PIC Anterior
PIC Anterior of PIC

MRI % Signal Change


p < 1.0000e-10 p < 1.0000e-10 Self No Self No

p < 0.001
F Visual-Vestibular Stimulation
C Individual Location of PIC
PIC Anterior of PIC
MRI % Signal Change


Con Incon No Con Incon No

Fig. 2. Activation of area posterior insular cortex (PIC) during visual motion and vestibular stimulation. A: representative single-subject results of the primary
visual motion localizer overlaid on inflated left and right hemispheres of the participant. The location of PIC is indicated by arrows. LS, lateral sulcus. B:
activation in the same participant in the vestibular experiment (with minimal visual input). Red-yellow represents stronger activity during periods of self motion
and caloric stimulation. Blue-cyan depicts stronger activation during no self motion and baseline (warm) stimulation. The outline of area PIC as estimated in
the visual motion localizer is shown as well. C: spatial location of individual PICs (n ⫽ 16, depicted as outlines in different colors coding different participants
from the primary visual motion localizer) overlaid on inflated left and right hemispheres of the Freesurfer template brain. The black triangle indicates the location
of the core vestibular area revealed for the left hemisphere in the meta-analysis by Lopez et al. (2012). The black circle shows the location of the core vestibular
area in the meta-analysis by zu Eulenburg et al. (2012) that was reported for the right hemisphere. D: average blood-oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) time
course (⫾SE) in PIC in the vestibular experiment over the course of a caloric stimulation trial and the immediately following baseline trial. Light green/dark
green show activity in stimulation trials where participants reported self motion leftwards/rightwards. 0 –30 s ⫽ caloric stimulation trial; 30 – 60 s ⫽ subsequent
baseline trial. Temperatures in both trials were at stable states after ⬃10 s. If the BOLD-response delay of ⬃5 s is taken into account, activity changes are to
be expected at ⬃15 sec. At 30 s we switched from caloric stimulation with hot temperature in one ear and simultaneously cold in the other to warm temperatures
in both ears (baseline). E: mean BOLD percent signal changes (⫾SE) in PIC (left) and the control region-of-interest anterior to PIC (right) for self-motion (Self)
and no self-motion conditions (No) in the vestibular experiment (n ⫽ 9). *P ⬍ 0.05, ***P ⬍ 0.001, paired-sample t-tests between conditions. Activity changes
in the control ROI are only shown for a comparison of response magnitude with PIC, no statistical tests between conditions in the control area were performed.
“Zero” on the y-axis represents the implicit baseline and activity changes in each condition from implicit baseline should not be interpreted. For interpretation
the focus should be on the difference of response magnitudes between conditions. F: mean BOLD signal change (⫾SE) for congruent (Con), incongruent (Incon),
and no self motion conditions (No) in the visual-vestibular experiment (n ⫽ 16), otherwise as in E.
Preprocessed fMRI data were analyzed using a general linear on x-axis); thus the average vestibular activity can be estimated by
model (GLM) approach with a block design. The blood-oxygenation- regressors covering the entire 15-s-long period with steady-state
level-dependent (BOLD) response was modeled using the SPM ca- temperatures instead of only, e.g., the last few seconds of a stimula-
nonical hemodynamic response function. For the analysis of the visual tion trial.
motion experiments we used a single predictor to model motion For the design of the statistical models we used trial-by-trial
blocks. For all experiments involving caloric stimulation we modeled responses of the participants as well as stimulus-based predictions.
the same period of each trial: this was the 15-s block during which That is, trials were sorted by the participants’ behavior with respect to
time temperatures were at steady-state levels. In this interval we the perceived presence or absence of a self-motion sensation (inde-
expected strongest effects of vestibular stimulation. An analysis of the pendent of its direction) and by the match of these trials with
BOLD response time course in PIC (see Fig. 2D) shows the presence physically expected occurrence of self motion/no self motion. This
of a response throughout this 15-s-long interval (time points 15–30 s approach was chosen to exclude trials associated with the perception

J Neurophysiol • doi:10.1152/jn.00078.2014 •

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Copyright © 2014 American Physiological Society. All rights reserved.

of self motion but no concurring vestibular stimulation (i.e., warm addition, we report the results of the vestibular experiments separately
temperature application) and vice versa since the reason for the for PIC in the left and right hemispheres.
presence/absence of a self-motion sensation in those circumstances is For the peripheral visual motion experiment we first computed the
uncertain (e.g., carry-over effects of the previous trial). The exclusion activation separately for PIC in each hemisphere. For left PIC,
criterion only affected a very small number of trials (see behavioral ipsilateral activation was elicited during visual motion at the left
results below). screen border while visual motion at the right screen border yielded
However, one might argue that all caloric stimulation trials should contralateral activation. For right PIC, labeling was based on trials
have elicited vestibular activity regardless of participants’ reports. with motion at the right screen side evoking ipsilateral activation
Participants might not have indicated a sensation of self motion in whereas motion at the left side of the screen evoked contralateral
activation. In a second step we then collapsed the ipsilateral condi-
some caloric stimulation trials because the perceived intensity of self
tions and the contralateral conditions over left and right PIC.
motion was not as pronounced. Thus we performed a control analysis
ROI definitions. PIC was defined based on the primary visual
for both vestibular experiments where we included all caloric stimu- motion localizer, using the contrast comparing trials with motion to
lation trials regardless of participants’ reports and applied our inclu- the static baseline condition. We used a threshold of P ⬍ 0.001
sion criterion only to baseline trials (in that we used only those (uncorrected) for defining the region of interest. In some participants
baseline trials where participants also indicated an absence of self the statistical threshold had to be reduced before activity of similar
motion). For the included caloric stimulation trials where participants cluster-size could be identified at the expected anatomical location.
reported an absence of self motion we coded self motion left/right and The lowest threshold applied was P ⬍ 0.05. In one participant PIC
congruent/incongruent as predicted by the side of hot and cold could not be identified in the right hemisphere. In this participant we
temperature stimulation: cold left and simultaneously hot right was only used left PIC for the analysis and data from left PIC were treated
expected to induce self motion to the right whereas hot left and cold as data from averaged left and right PIC in the other participants. On
right was expected to induce self motion to the left. In other words the average PIC consisted of 17 (SD ⫽ ⫾12) functional voxels in the left
direction of self motion was coded in the direction away from cold hemisphere and of 14 (⫾12) voxels in the right hemisphere. This size
temperature. This was based upon reports given by our participants at and the mean Talairach-coordinates of PIC across participants {left:
debriefing and on previous reports (e.g., Fasold et al. 2002). [x ⫽ ⫺44 (⫾8), y ⫽ ⫺32 (⫾9), z ⫽ 22 (⫾11)]; right: [x ⫽ 46 (⫾10),
Three regressors of interest were constructed: two regressors mod- y ⫽ ⫺29 (⫾9), z ⫽ 20 (⫾11)]} resemble reported values from other
eled self motion to the left and to the right (vestibular experiment) and studies (e.g., Beer et al. 2009; Claeys et al. 2003; Orban et al. 2003;
congruent and incongruent trials (visual-vestibular experiment). A Sunaert et al. 1999).
third regressor incorporated baseline trials with no self motion (both To confirm that any observed activation in PIC under conditions of
experiments). A fourth regressor of no interest covered all excluded vestibular stimulation was not merely due to a spread of activity from
trials in the vestibular and visual-vestibular experiments. Again, as for a possible adjacent anterior vestibular area we defined a control ROI
the three predictors of interest, this regressor covered the 15-s-long of about the same size as PIC, which was located immediately anterior
periods of steady-state temperatures of each excluded trial. All statis- to PIC in each participant and hemisphere. Our reasoning to choose an
tical models contained a scanner drift predictor taking the shape of a area anterior to PIC was motivated by a recent meta-analysis (zu
second order polynomial and motion-correction parameters as addi- Eulenburg et al. 2012), which located the potential central hub of the
tional regressors of no interest. Thus, if there were any slight head cortical vestibular network in the right hemisphere (see circle in Fig.
movements, e.g., in the direction of the fixation cross in the peripheral 2C) slightly anterior to the majority of our PIC-ROIs. The size of this
visual motion experiment, this influence should be regressed out in the control ROI (left: 20 ⫾ 16 voxels, right: 13 ⫾ 7 voxels) was
GLMs. comparable to that of PIC, and it had the following average Talairach-
We were interested in the region-of-interest (ROI)-based activation coordinates: left: [x ⫽ ⫺42 (⫾6), y ⫽ ⫺29 (⫾11), z ⫽ 21 (⫾11)];
in area PIC. Accordingly, the condition-based MRI percent signal right: [x ⫽ 42 (⫾9), y ⫽ ⫺27 (⫾10), z ⫽ 19 (⫾9)]. The average
change was computed in this area (again using the FSFAST-toolbox). response amplitudes in the control ROI were computed solely to allow
These activity changes are relative to implicit baseline (“zero” on the for a comparison with the response magnitude in PIC. Again, for
y-axis in the bar graphs of Fig. 2) that represents the mean MRI signal interpretation the focus should be on the difference in response
in the ROI across all time points of the experiment that is not amplitude between conditions, not on the magnitude of the amplitude
accounted for by any of the other regressors. It is important to note itself.
that the BOLD percent signal changes in each condition should not be Finally, we also examined activity in area MST in both vestibular
directly compared with the implicit baseline since the latter does not experiments. Recently, vestibular responses in MST have been re-
constitute a true neutral baseline (it is mostly influenced by the ported during galvanic stimulation (Smith et al. 2012). Our experi-
unmodeled time points of the experiment, that is, the 10-s-long ramp ments allowed us to replicate this finding by means of caloric
at trial beginning and the 5-s-long response phase at trial end of both stimulation and to investigate effects of combined visual-vestibular
caloric stimulation and no-stimulation, i.e., baseline trials). When stimulation in MST. Area MST was defined using standard procedures
interpreting the results, the focus should rather be on the signal (see Huk et al. 2002). In a first step (identical to the definition of PIC)
difference between conditions. activity during whole screen visual motion was used to define the
We also computed finite impulse response functions in PIC for MT⫹/V5 complex at the occipito-temporal junction. In a second step
caloric stimulation trials in the vestibular experiment with concurring the cluster of activation in MT⫹ during ipsilateral peripheral motion
self-motion sensations to the left or right. This allowed us to approx- was labeled area MST. Accordingly we defined MST in the 12
imate the average time course of the BOLD response in PIC in a participants who performed the peripheral visual motion experiment.
caloric stimulation trial (with sensation of self motion) up to the
immediately following baseline trial with warm temperatures. In other
words, it reveals how the BOLD response develops during caloric RESULTS
stimulation and how fast it decays in the subsequent baseline trial with
neutral temperatures. Behavioral results. During postscan questioning, partici-
The ROI-based MRI percent signal change was computed sepa- pants predominantly described self-motion sensations as rota-
rately for left and right ROIs. Since we found similar activity patterns tions in the horizontal plane. Our fMRI analysis focused on
for PIC in the left and right hemispheres across experiments, we focus trials where subjective perceptions of self motion/no self mo-
our analysis on the averaged activity between left and right PIC. In tion matched our predictions based on the stimulation para-
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digm. In the vestibular experiment following this approach, sponse between perceived left and right self-motion directions)
86.1% of trials with self motion to the left (SD ⫽ 15.2), 87.2% and no self-motion baseline trials.
with self motion to the right (SD ⫽ 18.6), and 86% with no self In this comparison we find significantly stronger activation
motion (SD ⫽ 15.4) could be analyzed. All remaining trials during perceptions of self motion (caloric stimulation) vs. no
were excluded from the analysis. The total number of trials self motion [baseline, t(8) ⫽ 2.77, P ⫽ 0.02; Fig. 2E, left]. In
used for the MRI-comparison self motion vs. no self motion the experiment with combined visual and vestibular input, the
did not differ significantly [t(8) ⫽ ⫺1.03, P ⫽ 0.33]. In the signal is significantly stronger in congruent [t(15) ⫽ 2.67, P ⫽
visual-vestibular experiment we could use 79.7% of perceived 0.02] and incongruent visual-vestibular stimulation conditions
congruent (SD ⫽ 18.6), 82.2% of perceived incongruent (SD ⫽ [t(15) ⫽ 4.67, P ⬍ 0.001] relative to baseline trials with no
25.5), and 70.5% of perceived no self-motion trials (SD ⫽ self-motion perception (see Fig. 2F, left). Incongruent and
28.1) in the final analysis. The total number of trials resulting congruent self-motion signals do not differ significantly [t(15) ⫽
in congruent vs. incongruent reports did not differ significantly 1.05, P ⫽ 0.31].
[t(15) ⫽ ⫺0.42, P ⫽ 0.68]. Participants were ⬃100% correct To see whether the vestibular activity observed in PIC could
in identifying the coherent motion direction as measured by result from a spread of activity from an anterior central ves-
detection performance during subjective no self-motion trials. tibular area we tested whether the difference in response
fMRI results. Figure 2, A and B, shows representative single- between self motion (caloric stimulation) and no self motion
subject results of the primary visual motion localizer and the (baseline) was significantly different between PIC and the
vestibular experiment with minimal visual input. Stimulation anterior control-ROI (Fig. 2, E and F, right). It was signifi-
with moving dots activated visual motion-sensitive cortex cantly greater in PIC than the control area in the vestibular
including area PIC (see Fig. 2A). During self-motion percep- experiment [t(8) ⫽ 2.47, P ⫽ 0.04] and a similar trend was also
tion and vestibular stimulation, activity was evident in poste- evident in the visual-vestibular experiment [for this compari-
rior lateral sulcus, including in area PIC (see Fig. 2B). The son we subtracted the activity in no self motion from the
individual locations of PIC for all 16 participants as estimated collapsed activity in congruent and incongruent conditions,
by the visual motion localizer are shown on Freesurfer’s t(15) ⫽ 1.86, P ⫽ 0.08]. Thus the response magnitude between
inflated template brain in Fig. 2C. The spherical registration of self motion and no self motion in PIC tended to be larger than
each participant’s brain was used to map the individual PIC- in the anterior control-ROI. This suggests that the effects seen
ROIs on the template surface (see Fischl et al. 1999b). This in PIC are unlikely to result merely from a spread of vestibular
method preserves individual differences in shape, size, and activity from a neighboring anterior vestibular area.
location of PIC. We also indicate the location of two poten- Control analyses. Since it can be argued that all caloric
tially central hubs of the cortical vestibular network in the stimulation trials should have evoked activation of the vestib-
region of posterior lateral sulcus that were reported in recent ular system, we performed a control analysis where we in-
meta-analyses (see triangle and circle on left and right hemi- cluded all trials with caloric stimulation (independent of the
sphere, Lopez et al. 2012; zu Eulenburg et al. 2012). In the presence of a self-motion sensation) and contrasted it with
peripheral visual motion experiment we found significantly activity in baseline trials during which participants indicated
stronger activity in PIC during periods of visual motion com- the absence of self motion (thus for this comparison the
pared with static in the contralateral [t(11) ⫽ 9.21, P ⬍ 0.001] baseline remained unchanged compared with our primary anal-
and ipsilateral periphery [t(11) ⫽ 4.92, P ⬍ 0.001]. Activity ysis reported above). We obtained similar results as in our
was significantly more pronounced for contralateral vs. ipsilat- primary analysis: in the vestibular experiment there was a
eral visual motion [t(11) ⫽ 4.04, P ⫽ 0.002], replicating the stronger response during caloric stimulation vs. baseline trials
initial findings by Claeys et al. (2003). Thus the results of the [the latter with reported absence of any self motion; t(8) ⫽
peripheral visual motion experiment support a correct defini- 2.77, P ⫽ 0.02]. Effects were also similar in the visual-
tion of PIC by means of activation in our whole screen visual vestibular experiment [congruent vs. no self motion: t(15) ⫽
motion localizer. 3.14, P ⫽ 0.007; incongruent vs. no self motion: t(15) ⫽ 4.73,
Vestibular activity in PIC. Next, we examined the average P ⬍ 0.001; incongruent vs. congruent: t(15) ⫽ 0.49, P ⫽ 0.63].
BOLD time course of PIC in the vestibular experiment with In another control analysis we split up the results of our
minimal visual input from the onset of a caloric stimulation initial analysis (including only trials where participants’ reports
trial until the end of the subsequent baseline trial with no matched the stimulation provided) into left and right hemi-
caloric stimulation (Fig. 2D). During stimulation participants spheres. In the vestibular experiment with minimal visual input
reported either self motion leftwards or rightwards. Results we found significantly stronger activity during self motion
show that the BOLD response slowly accumulates after stable (caloric stimulation) compared with no self motion (baseline)
temperatures are reached (after ⬃15 s, consisting of 10-s ramp in left PIC [t(8) ⫽ 3.66, P ⫽ 0.006]. Trends for similar effects
until stable temperatures plus an additional ⬃5-s BOLD re- were also evident in right PIC where we were unable to define
sponse delay). The response peaks at the end of the stimulation PIC in one participant [self motion vs. no self motion: t(7) ⫽
trial (at ⬃30 s) and then decays and remains low in the 2.10, P ⫽ 0.07]. In the visual-vestibular experiment there was
following baseline trial. Time course and response shape are significantly stronger activity in left PIC during incongruent
very similar for left and right self-motion sensations. Corre- [t(15) ⫽ 2.76, P ⫽ 0.01] visual-vestibular stimulation vs. no
spondingly, we also did not find any significant difference self motion. The effect was marginally significant for the
when comparing the BOLD percent signal change in PIC comparison of visual-vestibular congruent stimulation vs. no
between self-motion left and self-motion right blocks [t(8) ⫽ self motion [t(15) ⫽ 2.05, P ⫽ 0.06]. For PIC in the right
0.30, P ⫽ 0.77]. Thus, in the following, we will compare the hemisphere, activation was significantly stronger for both in-
activation during self-motion trials (that is, the average re- congruent [t(14) ⫽ 4.38, P ⬍ 0.001] and congruent [t(14) ⫽
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2.61, P ⫽ 0.02] visual-vestibular stimulation. In left [t(15) ⫽ correlates of vestibular processing. The individual variability
⫺0.17, P ⫽ 0.87] as well as right PIC [t(14) ⫽ 2.01, P ⫽ 0.06], in the exact location of PIC (see Fig. 2C) makes it even more
activity was not significantly different between incongruent difficult to assign vestibular activations to a small area like PIC
and congruent visual-vestibular stimulation (with trends for without additional criteria for its definition. Thus we decided to
possibly stronger activation during incongruent vs. congruent localize PIC independently using its known preference for
in right PIC). visual motion and investigated its neural responses during
Taken together, the overall tendency is for the presence of caloric stimulation with minimal visual input and also during
similar vestibular responses in PIC in the left and right combined visual-vestibular stimulation. With this approach we
hemispheres when analyzed separately. Finally, when com- found vestibular activation during periods of perceived self
paring the response difference self motion minus no self motion in PIC in both of our caloric stimulation experiments.
motion between left and right PIC in the vestibular experi-
The absence of activity in the no self-motion condition
ment, we did not find any significant difference [t(7) ⫽
during visual stimulation in the visual-vestibular experiment
⫺1.04, P ⫽ 0.33]. In the visual-vestibular experiment, the
response difference between self motion (average of con- (see Fig. 2F, left, red bar) is not contradictory to our finding of
gruent and incongruent response) and no self motion was visual responses in PIC in our visual motion experiments: In all
marginally significant [t(14) ⫽ ⫺2.07, P ⫽ 0.06] with a conditions of the visual-vestibular experiment, there was con-
trend for a larger response difference in right PIC. stant visual stimulation. Since the visual stimulus was always
Effects in area MST. In the vestibular experiment we found present, activity differences between conditions must result
significantly stronger activity in area MST during self motion from the vestibular stimulus and its interaction with the visual
(caloric stimulation) vs. no self motion [baseline, t(8) ⫽ 2.40, stimulus. Therefore, due to its design the visual-vestibular
P ⫽ 0.04], thus replicating findings by Smith et al. (2012). In experiment cannot elucidate whether PIC also responds to
the visual-vestibular experiment, MST exhibited a significantly mere visual motion. For that reason we had two experiments
stronger response in incongruent visual-vestibular stimulation with only visual stimuli to define and measure the responsive-
vs. no self motion [t(11) ⫽ 2.46, P ⫽ 0.03]. Activation during ness of PIC to visual motion.
congruent stimulation was not significantly different from Several studies have revealed a dominance of vestibular
activation during no self motion [t(11) ⫽ 0.94, P ⫽ 0.37]. processing ipsilateral to the side of stimulation (e.g., De Waele
Also, there was no significant difference between incongruent et al. 2001; Dieterich et al. 2003; see also Lopez and Blanke
and congruent visual-vestibular stimulation [t(11) ⫽ 1.04, P ⫽ 2011; for a review). In these studies unilateral vestibular
0.32]. stimulation was applied, thus allowing a separate investigation
of cortical activation following left and right vestibular stim-
ulation. In our experiments we always used bilateral caloric
DISCUSSION stimulation (hot temperature in one ear and simultaneously
We find evidence for vestibular processing in PIC, an area cold temperature in the other; warm in both ears for baseline).
characterized by its responsiveness to visual motion. In com- This approach is similar to that of Mast et al. (2006), who
bined visual-vestibular stimulation, PIC was also activated and performed bilateral caloric stimulation in a behavioral experi-
the responses under this condition did not differ for congruent ment. We decided to use bilateral caloric stimulation since it is
and incongruent visual-vestibular stimuli. Our location of PIC more similar to natural activation of the vestibular organs
is in agreement with previous reports and supported by the evoked by actual head rotation. If we assume that hot and cold
activity pattern in the peripheral visual motion experiment temperatures both yield similar stimulation intensities in the
where we found responses to contralateral and also ipsilateral left and right vestibular organs, we would expect to see similar
visual motion but with a preference for contralateral motion activations in both hemispheres because both sides are stimu-
(see Claeys et al. 2003). lated simultaneously. Thus with our paradigm we are unable to
The visual motion properties of area PIC have been inves- detect any dominance of vestibular processing resulting from
tigated extensively in previous studies. The area was originally the side of caloric stimulation. Future studies might investigate
identified in humans by contrasting translating random dots vs. whether PIC exhibits an ipsilateral dominance of response by
static dots (Orban et al. 2003; Sunaert et al. 1999). Claeys et al. using unilateral caloric vestibular stimulation.
(2003) report that PIC responds to luminance-based, salience- Dieterich et al. (2003) also reported that vestibular process-
based, and apparent motion (but not to flicker). These authors ing is modulated by handedness. These authors found that
also demonstrated that PIC has a magnified representation of clusters of vestibular activity are more pronounced in the
the central visual field and exhibits stronger activation to high nondominant hemisphere. In our study we found similar acti-
levels of coherent motion. Radial motion also leads to activity vations in left and right PIC (all of our participants identified
in PIC; however, three-dimensional structure from motion does themselves as right-handed). When we tested for activity
not (Beer et al. 2009; Orban et al. 2003). Overall, PIC seems to differences between left and right PIC, we found no significant
be part of the cortical network responsible for visual motion effect in the vestibular experiment and trends for a more
processing (see Orban et al. 2003). pronounced activity difference between conditions in right PIC
Its location in the posterior insula/posterior lateral sulcus in the visual-vestibular experiment. Even if these results must
makes PIC a likely candidate also for the vestibular network, be interpreted with caution (PICs in the left and right hemi-
which has been identified predominantly in this region (see spheres were not perfectly matched in size), the results par-
Dieterich and Brandt 2008; Lopez and Blanke 2011). However, tially support the findings by Dieterich et al. (our subjects
no independent visual motion localizer for PIC specifically has identified themselves as right-handed and the right hemisphere
been conducted in previous fMRI-studies investigating neural is probably nondominant in most of our participants).
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In line with the results of Smith et al. (2012), who used relationship between PIC and the putative human PIVC? Is PIC
galvanic stimulation, we found vestibular responses in area a subpart or satellite of PIVC or is it a separate area?
MST. Activity in this area was more pronounced in incongru- A definite answer to this question is only possible if PIVC
ent but not in congruent visual-vestibular stimulation compared can be independently defined. Only then can the anatomical
with baseline. It is unclear whether this finding indicates a relationship of both areas and the responses to visual and
functional difference between congruent and incongruent vi- vestibular stimuli be examined in detail. We did not define
sual-vestibular stimulation in MST. Area MST in primates PIVC in our dataset since activations during vestibular stimu-
seems to contain both cells that prefer congruent and cells that lation in the region of posterior lateral sulcus were, as in
prefer incongruent visual-vestibular stimulation (Gu et al. previous studies (e.g., Fasold et al. 2002; Lopez and Blanke
2006). Future studies should employ different levels of coher- 2011 for a review), scattered and difficult to discern from
ent visual motion combined with vestibular stimuli to clarify adjacent activity especially in the insula and the region of
supramarginal gyrus. Accordingly, we cannot draw a firm
the response of human MST to congruent visual-vestibular
conclusion about the exact relationship between PIVC and
It could be argued that the vestibular activations we found However, we can speculate: our functional data reveal some
are influenced by somatosensory activity (due to thermorecep- parallels between PIC and a vestibular area in primates that is
tors in the ear that respond to the temperatures used for caloric separate from PIVC and located in close proximity posterior to
stimulation). There have been reports that electrical stimulation it. This area is called the visual posterior sylvian area (VPS; see
of the pinna leads to activation in the face and neck represen- Guldin and Grüsser 1998). In macaque monkeys, neural re-
tation of somatosensory cortex (Nihashi et al. 2002). Stimula- sponses related to both vestibular and visual motion processing
tion of the tympanic membrane by air pressure results in have been identified in area VPS (Chen et al. 2011), and it has
activity of the caudal part of postcentral gyrus (Job et al. 2011). been speculated that this region might correspond to the human
No activation in PIC was evident in these studies. In our setting area PIC (Chen et al. 2011). On the contrary, investigations of
the glass pods used for caloric stimulation were rather small PIVC in primates revealed vestibular processing (Grüsser et al.
and did not affect large parts of the outer ear canal and pinna. 1990; Guldin and Grüsser 1998), but there seems to be little
The applied temperatures in the pods were also not uncomfort- evidence for visual motion processing in PIVC (Chen et al.
able to the participants, and the intensity of temperatures was 2010; but see Grüsser et al. 1990). Similarly, imaging studies
reduced due to usage of glass pods as transmitters. To the best in humans reported an absence or suppression of activity in the
of our knowledge, no previous caloric stimulation study has human PIVC during stimulation with visual motion (Brandt et
included control experiments to rule out the possibility that the al. 1998; Deutschländer et al. 2002; Dieterich et al. 1998;
observed hemodynamic responses are primarily due to the Kleinschmidt et al. 2002) and even during imagined visual
temperatures used (and not the vestibular stimulation per se). motion (Jahn et al. 2004), which differs from the functional
We have followed a conservative approach by not using a properties of PIC. The vestibular area in the parietal operculum
null-baseline (i.e., with no water flow, thus no temperatures) (subregion OP2) of the right hemisphere that possibly repre-
but instead employed a warm temperature stimulation (which sents human PIVC (Eickhoff et al. 2006; zu Eulenburg et al.
the participants could still sense) as baseline. Warm tempera- 2012) is located at the anterior end of the individual PIC-
ture was certainly not as strong in intensity as hot or cold clusters in our study (see circle in Fig. 2C). In primates, VPS
temperatures used for caloric stimulation, but it still provides a is located posterior to PIVC (Chen et al. 2011; Guldin and
more conservative control for the comparison of neuronal Grüsser 1998), which also fits to the vast majority of individual
activity in caloric stimulation vs. no stimulation conditions. PICs being located posterior to OP2 in our dataset. In a meta-
Finally, when inspecting the average time course of BOLD- analysis, Lopez et al. (2012) identified a second central vestibular
activity during caloric stimulation (see Fig. 2D), one might area in the left hemisphere, which coincides with the mean
predict, if the activity in PIC were primarily driven by the location of our left PIC (see triangle in Fig. 2C). We speculate that
temperatures, a response even during the build-up phase of the this left cluster as well as the activation in the posterior insula/
temperatures (from 0 to 10 s plus ⬃5-s BOLD-response delay). retroinsular cortex during ego-motion compatible optic flow re-
However, the response changes little during this time period ported by Cardin and Smith (2010) correspond to or overlap with
(Fig. 2D). In addition, one might predict a rather stable re- area PIC.
sponse as soon as the temperatures reach a steady-state level In summary, our evidence, together with earlier findings,
(after 10 s plus ⬃5-s response-delay). Nevertheless, the re- points to functional similarities between PIC and primate VPS.
sponse seems to accumulate slowly over the interval with The absence of visual motion processing in primate and puta-
steady-state temperatures and peaks at the end of stimulation. tive human PIVC on the other hand might suggest that PIC is
Thus we think it is unlikely that the responses seen in PIC and not a subpart of PIVC but instead either a satellite or even a
MST during caloric stimulation are driven by stimulation of separate area. Human PIC appears to be located posterior to
thermoreceptors in the ear. PIVC similar to VPS in primates. However, at this point we
PIC as part of the cortical vestibular network. Our results want to emphasize that this remains a hypothesis that requires
suggest that PIC is multisensory and responds not only to clarification in future studies.
visual input but also to vestibular stimuli. Thus it is part of the Conclusion. We find evidence for vestibular activity in PIC,
cortical vestibular network and located in the region of the an area that also responds to visual motion. Area PIC is
potential hub of this network (see Dieterich and Brandt 2008; multisensory and should be included in the cortical vestibular
Guldin and Grüsser 1998; Lopez and Blanke 2011; Lopez et al. network. The multisensory properties of PIC are highly similar
2012; zu Eulenburg et al. 2012). Therefore, what is the exact to those of another prominent area of the visual motion net-
J Neurophysiol • doi:10.1152/jn.00078.2014 •
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