Liberty Ntes SR C
Liberty Ntes SR C
Liberty Ntes SR C
This is a product of the 2013 Academics Committee of Libertas Et Iusticia.
This material is a compilation of notes from the lecture of Dean Nilo T. Divina, cases from his book,
Handbook for Commercial Law and from the book of Timoteo B. Aquino, Philippine Corporate Law
For corrections, comments, and suggestions, you may send them to [email protected]
Thank you.
The risk for the use, misuse or non-use of this material shall be borne by the user/non-user.
Nationalism • Egalitarianism • Scholasticism
5. By prohibiting and penalizing different The term solely must not be given a strict
fraudulent practices and transactions; and interpretation as it would lead to unrealistic
6. By providing the SEC with and results.
strengthening its powers and functions.
(Philippine Stock Exchange v CA, 281 SCRA Therefore, to be a security subject to regulation
232) by SEC, an investment contract in our
jurisdiction must be proved to be:
Note: Securities are regulated because of their a. An investment of money
peculiar nature that they are created rather than b. In a common enterprise
produces. They can be issued in unlimited amounts, c. With expectation of profits
virtually without a cost. d. Primarily from the efforts of others.
Thus, a corporation allowing a principal investor
Two Levels of Regulation to enrol in its program by paying a certain
1. Regulation by the Securities and Exchange amount, which in turn entitles him to be paid in a
Commission (SEC) certain amount if recruit was able to get a
2. Self-regulation by the stock exchange minimum recruitment of 4 investors. (Power
Homes Unlimited Corporation v. SEC)
— oOo —
A presumption that a contract is an investment
SECURITIES contract arises whenever a person seeks to use
They are shares, participation or interests in a the money of others on the promise of profits.
corporation or in a commercial enterprise or profit
making venture and evidenced by a certificate, III. Fractional undivided interest in oil, gas, or
contract, instrument, whether written or electronic in other mineral rights
character (Sec 3.1, SRC)
They are included because they are notorious
Kinds of Securities subjects of speculation and fraud. The law
I. Shares of stocks, bonds, debentures, notes, prohibits the forms of splitting mineral interest
evidences of indebtedness, asset-backed which had been mostly utilized for speculative
securities purposes.
For all that is excellent and eminent is as difficult as it is rare.
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of any person with a maturity of Income projection for the next 5 years
365 days or less. Assets
Actual or contingent liabilities
Registration of Securities
Securities shall not be sold or offered for sale or The registration statement shall be signed by the
distribution within the Philippines, without a issuers:
registration statement duly filed and approved by the a. Executive officer
SEC. b. Principal operating officer
c. Principal financial officer
The SEC is concerned with the requirement of full d. Comptroller
disclosure of information to the public, prior to and e. Principal accounting officer
after the certificates are registered with the SEC, and f. Corporate secretary
the merits of the securities themselves and the issuer. g. Persons performing similar functions
accompanied by a duly verified resolution.
Mere registration as a corporation does not
automatically authorize it to deal with unregistered B. The issuer shall pay to the Commission a fee of
timeshares. Corporate registration is just one of not more than 1/10 of one percent of the
several requirements before they may deal with time maximum aggregate price at which such
shares. (Timeshare Realty Corporation v Lao and securities are proposed to be offered.
Cortez, 544 SCRA 254)
C. Notice of filing of the registration statement shall
Disclosure be immediately published in two (2) newspapers
Initially, information is disclosed in Registration of general circulation in the Philippines, once a
Statement and the Prospectus. Thereafter, there are week for two consecutive weeks or in such other
periodic and other reports submitted to the SEC. manner as the Commission by rule shall
Periods for Disclosure
1. Pre-filing period D. Within 45 days after the filing or any later date
2. The period between the filing of registration to which the issuer consented, the commission
statement and the effective date shall declare it effective or rejected, unless the
3. Post-effective period. applicant is allowed to amend the registration
Thus, disclosure is a continuing requirement statement.
Procedure for Registration of Securities E. If approved, the commission shall enter an order
A. All securities required to be registered shall be declaring such effective.
registered through the filing by the issuer in the
main office of the Commission, of a: F. Upon effectivity of registration, the issuer shall
Sworn registration statement with respect to state under oath in every prospectus that all
such securities registration requirements have been met and all
In such form and containing information and the information are true and correct.
documents as prescribed
It shall include any prospectus required or Prospectus
permitted to be delivered. It is a document made by or on behalf of an issuer,
underwriter or dealer to sell or offer securities for the
Registration Statement sale to the public through a registration statement
It is the application for registration of securities filed with the SEC.
required to be filled with SEC which contains all
information about the issuer and the securities it will Gun Jumping
issue. It shall contain among others the: It is the prohibited practice of selling or offering to
Name of the corporation sell securities before the effective date of registration.
Officers Types of Securities
Nature of business 1. Exempt – can be sold even without the
Income for the past 5 years requisite registration
For all that is excellent and eminent is as difficult as it is rare.
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These transactions are exempt because of the Omission of a material fact may result not only in the
following reasons: revocation of registration but also in criminal
it involves small amount liability.
limited character of the offering
it does not involve the public. If a person committed fraudulent acts like non-
liquidation of cash advances which constitute the
A person applying for an exemptions shall file with offense of estafa under RPC, the criminal case may
the Commission a notice identifying the exemption be prosecuted independently and simultaneously with
relied upon on such form and at such time as the the corporate/ civil case for such violation. The
Commission by rule may prescribe and with such doctrine of primary jurisdiction no longer precludes
notice shall pay the commission a fee equivalent to filing of the criminal case with the corporate/ civil
1/10 of one percent of the maximum aggregate price case (Fabia v CA, 388 SCRA 574)
or issued value of the securities.
It is one thing for a corporation to issue checks to
The issuance by a corporation of previously satisfy isolated individual obligations, and another for
authorized but unissued capital stock to existing the corporation to execute an elaborate scheme where
stockholders is not automatically exempt from it would comport itself to the public as pseudo-
registration and requires an application for investment house and issue postdated checks instead
exemption. (Nestle Philippines, Inc. v CA, 203 SCRA of stocks or traditional securities to evidence the
504) However, under the IRR, notice of confirmation investments of its patrons. (Gabioza v CA, 565 SCRA
of exemption and payment of the fee are sufficient. 38)
Issuer, any officer, director or controlling person of the issuer, or
person performing similar functions or any underwriter.
For all that is excellent and eminent is as difficult as it is rare.
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For all that is excellent and eminent is as difficult as it is rare.
the course of action whether to buy, giving them the opportunity to sell their
sell or hold a security. shares at the same price as those of the
majority shareholders.
It shall be unlawful for any insider to
communicate it to any person, who by virtue Public Company
of the communication, becomes an insider The following are considered public:
where the insider communicating knows or 1. Those listed in the Philippine Stock
has reason to believe that such person will Exchange
likely buy or sell a security while in 2. Those not listed in the Philippine Stock
possession of such information. Exchange where the asset of the
corporation is at least P50,000,000 with
Test of Materiality at least 200 stockholders each owning at
The materiality concept is judgmental in least 100 shares.
nature and is not possible to translate into a
numerical formula. A fact is material if it Mandatory Tender Offer
induces or tends to induce or otherwise Tender offer is mandatory when:
affect the sale or purchase of securities. If 1. any person or groups of persons acting
the facts of a certain nature and reliability in concert, who
can influence a reasonable person’s decision a. intends to acquire 35% or more
to retain, sell or buy securities. of equity shares of public
Section 23 imposes an obligation to submit a b. intends to acquire 35% or more
statement indicating ownership of the of equity shares in a public
issuer’s securities and such changes to his or company in one or more
her ownership upon: transactions within a period of
a. A beneficial owner of more than 12 months.
10% of any class of an equity 2. If any acquisition of even less than 35%
security, or would result in ownership of over 51%
b. A director or any officer of the of the total outstanding equity securities
issuer of a public company8.
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3. Purchase through an open market at the 2. Obtain money or property by means of any
prevailing market price; and untrue statement of a material fact or any
4. Merger or consolidation. omission to state a material fact necessary in
order to make the statements made, in the
Procedure light of the circumstances under which they
A person who is making a tender offer is were made, not misleading; or
required to make an announcement of his 3. Engage in any act, transaction, practice or
intention in a newspaper of general course of business which operates or would
circulation, prior to the commencement of operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person.
the offer. At least 2 business day prior to the
date of the commencement of the tender
offer, he must: — oOo —
a. File with the SEC a required form
for the tender offer, including all Margin Trading
exhibits, with the prescribed filing It happens when a customer purchases stocks by
fees. advising only a portion of the purchase price with the
b. Hand deliver a copy thereof to the broker extending credit or making loan for the
target company at its principal balance due. It allows investors to buy more
executive office and to each securities than their cash position would normally
exchange where such class of the allow. Investors pay only a portion of the purchase
target company’s securities are price; their broker advances for them the balance of
listed for trading; and the purchase price and keeps the securities as
c. Report the results thereof, by filing collateral for the advance or loan.
with the SEC, not later than 10
calendar days after the termination The law requires payment of traded shares within
of the tender offer, copies of final specified period in order to protect and stabilize the
amendment to the form. economy from excessive stock market speculations
and are thus mandatory. The main purpose for such
Ownership acquisition covers both direct regulation is to give a government credit agency an
and indirect acquisition. The determination effective method of reducing the aggregate amount of
of the power of control is the decisive factor. the nation’s credit resources which can be directed by
The rules apply even if one will acquire the speculation into the stock market and out of other
shares in a corporation that owns the shares more desirable uses of commerce and industry.
of a public company, including subsidiary.
(CEMCO Holdings, Inc. V National Life The Broker Dealer shall not extend credit to a
Insurance Company, Inc., August 7, 2007) customer in an amount that exceeds 50% of the
current market value of the security at the time of the
Tender offer can be avoided by lending transaction. In no event shall new or additional credit
money instead of buying the shares with an be extended in to an account in which the equity is
option to buy the same after one year. less than P50,000.00.9
Option contract with the right to vote should
be executed in the meantime. The margin maintained is a margin account of a
customer shall be no less than:
Penalty a. 25% of the current market value of all
The court, at its discretion, may impose a securities ‘long’ in the account; and
penalty of 7 years to 21 years of b. 30% of the current market value of all
imprisonment and/ or P50,000 to 1,000,000 securities ‘short’ in the account
10 | P a g e
For all that is excellent and eminent is as difficult as it is rare.
B. Civil C. Criminal
The SEC may issue a Cease and Desist Order A criminal complaint for any violation of the
(CDO). The order must specify the provision of code and its implementing rules and regulations
law as basis for such issuance. It may be issued must first be filed with the SEC and if
ex parte or without necessity of hearing. It must commission finds that there is probable cause,
also be signed by majority on the commissioner. then it should refer the case to the Department of
Justice. A criminal charge for violation of SRC
There are three bases for the issuance of such. is a specialized dispute. Hence, it must first be
1. Section 5(i) – predicated on the necessity to referred to an administrative agency of special
“prevent fraud or injury to the investing public.” competence. (Baveria v Standard Chartered
No other requisite or detailed is tied to this CDO. Bank, et. al, 515 SCRA 170)
2. Section 53.3 – any person has engaged or is The filing of civil/ intra-corporate case with the
about to engage in any act constituting the SEC does not preclude the simultaneous and
violation of the code and that there is a concomitant filing of criminal actions before the
reasonable likelihood of continuing further or regular courts.
future violations. Maximum duration of CDO
issued under his section is 10 days.
— oOo —
3. Section 64 – an act will operate as fraud or
is otherwise likely to cause grave or irreparable
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For all that is excellent and eminent is as difficult as it is rare.
It is a corporation which is under private ownership, the voting
or outstanding shares of which were conveyed to the government
in satisfaction of debts whether foreclosure or otherwise.
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