18.10.11 COH Towing Case Demand Letter

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October 11, 2018

Dennis J. Herrera
San Francisco City Attorney
City Hall, Room 234
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, California 94102

Dear Mr. Herrera:

We write on behalf of the San Francisco Coalition on Homelessness to demand that the
City of San Francisco (the “City”) immediately cease towing and impounding vehicles on the
basis of unpaid parking tickets, unless and until the City establishes that the vehicle owner has
the financial means to pay the outstanding tickets.

Each year, the City orders more than 4,000 vehicles towed solely on the basis of unpaid
parking tickets, or for failure to register a vehicle as a result of unpaid parking tickets. Such tows
cause tremendous and irreparable hardship to the vehicle owners – most of whom are low-
income individuals who are unable to pay the underlying tickets. Many of those vehicle owners
are homeless and rely on their vehicles for shelter as well as their sole source of income. Others
require their cars to get to work, to medical appointments, or to school.

Currently, the City has no means to determine whether a vehicle owner has the ability to
pay accrued parking tickets before towing a vehicle for nonpayment of those tickets. The City
does not provide specific notice to a vehicle owner before implementing a tow for unpaid tickets,
and it does not inform the vehicle owner that there are alternative payment options if they cannot
afford to pay the tickets in full. Nor does the City have any process for inquiring into the
owner’s ability to pay in advance of a tow. Even after completing a tow, the City does not
provide the vehicle owner with an opportunity to show their inability to pay, and it does not
provide any mechanism for a vehicle owner to recover without charge a vehicle that has been
unconstitutionally towed: tow hearing officers consistently and specifically decline to consider
constitutional authority.

Because the City retains all towed vehicles until the owner has paid all tickets and tow
fees in full, and because most low income and homeless people cannot afford to pay the
astronomical ticket and tow fees, the City’s towing practice has the practical result of
permanently depriving low income and homeless people of their cars.

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Bay Area Legal Aid serves Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties
The City’s towing practice violates basic constitutional principles, including, but not
limited to, the rights to be free from unreasonable seizures and excessive fines and the rights to
equal protection and due process of law. As the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of
California recognized in its October 10, 2018 Order granting a preliminary injunction in the
matter of Smith v. Reiskin, N.D. Cal. Case no. 3:18-cv-01239-JSW (the “Smith Action”), there is
no legal precedent permitting the City to seize and retain a vehicle for unpaid parking tickets “if
its owner cannot afford the parking tickets” where the sole basis for the seizure is “an effort to
secure repayment of the debt owed.” Additionally, the Court’s order demonstrates that towing
vehicles for unpaid parking tickets when the owner is homeless and relies on the vehicle for
shelter or work creates significant hardship and may result in irreparable harm.

The undersigned and other advocates for low income San Franciscans have had many
conversations with City officials about these same concerns – both before and after filing the
Smith Action. To date, the City has not agreed to any meaningful change in its towing practices.
In order to avoid additional litigation, we ask that the City immediately cease its practice of
towing vehicles for unpaid parking tickets and work with the undersigned to develop
mechanisms to ensure that no vehicle is towed simply because the owner could not afford to pay
parking tickets and that no vehicle is towed in a manner that violates the constitutional standards
identified herein. We respectfully request that you respond to this letter by Friday, October 19.


Rebekah B. Evenson
Claire Johnson Raba

Elisa Della-Piana
Jude Pond

Cc (Via email only):

Edward D. Reiskin, Director of Transportation, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
William Scott, Chief of Police, San Francisco Police Department

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