Platinum Gazette 12 October 2018

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Platinum Disruption

Almost daily block-

ages of roads in the
area, such as at the
Steel Bridge next

to the R555 and in
Burgersfort are caus-
ing major disruptions
in routines and the
economy - more on
page 2.

Water for
Mapareng - p 3

Fetakgomo Tubatse Tel 0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) email: [email protected]

12 Oktober 2018 Fax 0865549031 [email protected]
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel
2 NEWS 12 OCTOBER 2018

Protesters bring town to standstill

The truck driver had no chance as the protesters climbed senting their community. Previously it was agreed that a
on the truck and forced him out while pulling the vehicle month would be given for the Mayor to mediate between
straight in front of oncoming traffic to block the road. They the different groups wanting to be recognised as legal
then fled with the keys to the vehicle. representatives of their communities. Mokoena added that
Platinum Gazette’s reporter saw this happen as an angry the time frame set for this mediation has not yet expired.
mob came running through the streets of Burgersfort on The protests of this week was seen as an attempt to force
Wednesday afternoon. They blocked various roads in the proceedings forward prematurely.
town with trucks hi-jacked in this manner. The SAPS reacted to the chaos errupting in the CBD of
The last few weeks were marked by serious disruptions Burgersfort and gave chase after the troublemakers.
as protesters used trucks, rocks and tyres to block roads Some of them were arrested at the Tubatse Crossing Mall
to various mines. This severly impacts on the local econ- Shopping Centre. (Photograph on the right. The suspect’s
omy which is trying to stay afloat amid global challenges. figure was digitally altered to hide his identity. By law the
On Wednesday however a group from the Ngwaabe newspaper may not publish the suspect’s face or anything
area came to the Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Munici- that may identify him/her while in police custody without
pality (FTLM) head office in Burgersfort to follow-up on the written permission of the Commissioner of Police).
demands made weeks earlier. FTLM Communications Constable Victoria Maluleka of the Burgersfort Police
Manager, Mr Thabiso Mokoena spoke to the newspa- Station confirmed that by late Wednesday afternoon six
per over the phone on Wednesday. He said that the suspects had been arrested. They will be facing charges
group demanded that the Mayor, Cllr. Maudu Johannes of Public Violence and was due to appear in court this
Phokane recognises them as the official structure repre- week.

(Photograph above: Kobus Pienaar).

12 OKTOBER 2018 NUUS 3

‘We are
When you travel from Ohrigstad to Strydom
Tunnel, you need to turn right just after the
Echo Caves road to go to Graskop via the
scenic Blydepoort / Three Rondavels / God’s
Window road. It is a beautiful route.
Less beautiful is when you cross bridge
number 2310 after you have turned right
from the R36. This bridge takes you over a
stone dry Ohrigstad River. If you look north-
wards past the lush farmlands, you will see
a village on the other side of the river, called
Although farmers in the area make use
of boreholes, the borehole in Maparang has
gone dry and the river only flows in a good
rainy season. Humans were suffering and
animals were dying of thirst.
Two farmers in the Ohrigstad area, Mr
Fritz Marx and Mr Henry Burger learned of
the dire situation in Mapareng through em-
ployees who live there and decided that they
will sponsor a new borehole in the village.
Drilling started this week and by Wednes-
day Platinum Gazette witnessed the event Bottom: The Ohrigstad River near Mapareng.
as the drill struck strong water at 50 metres
down. The village’s pump will be installed on
the new hole within a short time and water
will be available again.
Said one of the villagers on the scene “We
asked you to come here because we want
people to know, our farmers support us and
we support them. They give us jobs and
we cannot survive without them. They also
cannot survive without our labour. We come
years and years together in the valley. We
support them, just as they now support us
with this water crisis.
Unlike the government who only promises
and try to be with us during elections, we and
the farmers never fail each other. We are

Mattheus 16:2-3
2 Maar Hy antwoord hulle: “In die aand sê julle: ‘Daar kom mooi weer, want die lug is rooi;’
3 in die môre sê julle: ‘Vandag sal dit onweer wees, want die lug is dynserig rooi.’ Julle weet hoe
om die voorkoms van die lug te beoordeel, maar die tekens van die tye kan julle nie onderskei nie.

Matthew 16:2-4 (KJV)

2 He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky
is red.
3 And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypo-
crites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?
4 NEWS 12 OCTOBER 2018

Fuming about the petrol price

October may be called the most beautiful
month because of spring being in full swing,
but this year October also brought with it a
very large petrol price increase. Petrol prices
reached an all time high with consumers
paying R17.08c/l for 95 ULP in Gauteng. At
the coast it is still below the R17 mark with
95 ULP selling for R16.49 c/l.
The petrol price is complex and only about
half of it is influenced by the global petroleum
prices and the rand-dollar exchange rate. It
is also made up of about 15% earnings for
different role players in the value chain, while
various levies make up the rest. The Road
Accident Fund for example receives R1.93
from every litre of petrol being sold.
Mr Solly Skhosana said: “As a pastor it is
Many are calling for government to intervene
affecting me very badly. It becomes difficult
and bring down the fuel prices which are
to visit the people of my congregation. Many
currently having a ripple effect on consumers
Finance Ministers change, but we don’t see a
across the board. In theory this is possible,
difference in the economy. We hope this time
but then government will have to raise taxes Ms Petunia Mashilo said: “I don’t think there Ms. Ilze Louwrens said: “ No, Mboweni will
it will be different”.
elsewhere to make up for the loss of income will be a solution soon for the petrol price not make a difference. Finance Ministers in
through the sale of petrol. Experts expect the increases. I don’t think our new Finance South Africa change like toiletpaper. The pet-
fuel levy to raise about R70 thousand million Minister will have an impact. The price never rol price is having an impact on my business.
rand in the fiscal year. comes down properly. It is going to a place I have a crèche and parents cannot afford to
Global issues such as impending sanctions where we will pay R20 for a loaf of bread. send their kids anymore. The petrol price is
of the USA against Iran, are also currently Transporting goods are costing more. Our too high. It really has a negative impact.”
impacting oil prices. salaries do not go up accordingly. I foresee
Gwarega Mangozhe, CEO of the Consumer a Zimbabwe for South Africa. We will end up
Goods Council of SA (CGCSA) recently said having a R20 note that cannot buy anything”.
that they are seeing consumers cutting on
luxury goods and thinking more careful about
how they spend their money. Many consum-
ers are now becoming bargain hunters.
This week also brought with it the fifth
Finance Minister in three years for South Afri-
ca. Tito Mboweni, a previous governor of the Mr Mervin Shai said: “ The petrol is cost-
Reserve Bank, was sworn in after President ing too much. They must make a plan to
Cyril Ramaphosa accepted the resignation of decrease it. The taxi fare is going up and
Nhlanhla Nene as Minister of Finance. our jobs are affected by it. Maybe this new
Platinum Gazette asked readers how are Finance Minister will improve our economy”.
they feeling the impact of the record pet-
rol price and what do they think about
Mboweni’s appointment.

Mr T. Themba said: “It has affected South

Mr Amir Javed said: “Everything goes up, but Africa in a very negative way. People struggle
the budget and my own money is not going to go to work. Groceries…everything’s price
up. We struggle with this petrol price and went up. I think we are in a recession or
all the strikes around here. In Pakistan they perhaps already in junk status. How can we
would have arrested these people blocking export petrol to Botswana and they sell it for
the roads. They would be called gangsters 8 pula (plus minus R11) there? This petrol
and be arrested. We struggle, what can we price will impact the future of our children as
do? Everything is just going up”. we struggle to pay for transport to school and
school fees. Our salaries are much lower
than our expenses”.
Mr David Mokoena said: “It has totally
Left: Mr Tumai Mago said: “As an indi- affected me. Even public transport prices
Mr M.D. Mampa said: “We are struggling. vidual Tito Mboweni cannot do anything. increased. Previously you could travel per
Everyone is affected. Let’s hope our new The collective ideas and policies need to taxi from here to Gauteng for R200. Now it
Finance Minister will improve things”. change. The petrol price is really unac- is R220 per trip. Because of this petrol price
ceptable. I’m struggling. I sometimes increase my fridge and grocery unit are
struggle to be at work on time because empty. I really hope Tito Mboweni will make
you have to check your pockets to see things better”.
Left: Mr Nelson if you’ll be able to
Maedimola come back home
said: “My wife again”.
is working as a
facilitator and
I used to take
her to work
with the car.
Because of the
petrol price she
is now using
a taxi. Even
coming in to
town, you have
to think twice. I
only stay about
5km from town,
but sometimes
it is better to
take a taxi. Tito
Mboweni has a
good back- Ms Mary Muroa and Ms N.M. Makgopa said: “The petrol price
ground. I think increase affects us a lot. We cannot afford this more than R17 a litre
he will get our of petrol. Our petrol is really costing too much. Government must do
economy back Mnr Simon Mthake sê: “Transport is nou meer. Alles kos nou meer. something. Mr Mboweni is not new to the game, so let’s give him a
on track”. With Gelukkig het ons nou die man wat hulle die week aangestel het – Tito chance. Maybe he will make a difference to our economy. There are
him is Prince. Mboweni”. By hom is Francina Mthake en Smello. no scandals around him”.
12 OCTOBER 2018 NUUS 5

Have you seen this man? They

The police in Leboeng have launched a
search operation to locate a man from Kgaut-

just got
swane village in the Leboeng policing area.
According to the family, Hendrick Sipho
Kgoedi (50) was last seen on 7 October 2018
when he left his residential home to work at
He travelled using public transport. He never
arrived at the destination.
He was last seen wearing a sky-blue trouser,
with blue and brown t-shirt and black leather
The Police were informed and together with
the family searched for the victim at friends
and relatives, but he was not located.
Anyone who knows the whereabouts of this
missing man, may contact Constable Malepe
Mashale Aubrey at 076 537 9053 or nearest
police. Alternatively, Crime stop number at
08600 10111 or SMS Line 32211.

Report the sale of Above: Frans Thobakgale and Fezile Hlongwa

tied the knot on 23 September 2018 at Seelane
Village. The wedding celebrations included many
friends, family and church leaders coming to

counterfeit goods wish them well.

Right: Levinsky Dikgamanyane Tsimane were

married to Angelinah Ntinana Murwa on 29
The Department of Trade and Industry According to Ramabulana, the Consumer
(the dti) undertook a provincial roadshow September at Ga-Mphahlele. The wedding cele-
Protection Act also provides an opportu-
to educate communities about their rights brations continued over two days and ended at
nity to institute legal action in situations
and the laws in place to Ga-Manyaka on 30 September. There the couple
where consumers believe
cut the wedding cake and thanked everyone for
protect them. the Director their rights were violated.
their support.
of Commercial Law and
Policy at the Department
‘Consumers He specified that consum-
ers can lodge grienvances
(Photographs and information: Jenny Mogolane
of Trade and Industry
(the dti), Mr Desmond
have the right through the National Con-
sumer Commission or Na-
Ramabulana said: to quality tional Consumer Tribunal.
“Consumers have the He encouraged communi-
right to quality products. products’ ties to exercise their power
Whatever that they are and to report sellers of
purchasing must be of fake goods and products to
good quality. However, authorities.
we have had cases where consumers were Intellectual property is protected by law
sold expired goods and we say to those and counterfeit products infringes on this.
people that they have the absolute right to Anyone knowing of the sale of counterfeit
return the products within a period of six products can report it to the local police
months”. station or the dti.

Know you rights when it comes

to borrowing from loan sharks
Loan sharks have no place to operate in our constantly violated by the credit providers,”
communities. This was said by the Director said Ramabulana
of Commercial Law and Policy at the Depart- According to Ramabulana, the gap in the
ment of Trade and Industry (the dti), Mr Des- market in terms of lack of information has
mond Ramabulana (photo below). He was been abused by loan sharks that extend
addressing community members in Mutale, loans outside provisions of the National
during the education and awareness cam- Credit Act (NCA), and charge unreason-
paign to educate communities on the positive able fees. He also said that they undertake
impact of legislation administered by the dti. dubious collection methods such as the
The dti has been on a provincial roadshow to seizing of the clients’ bank cards and identity
create awareness about different aspects in documents.
various communities. “We realise we will never completely stop
“We have taken note that there was an underground lending. In fact, one of the big-
opportunity to empower the community about gest challenges is that community members
their rights as consumers, especially in their protect these loan sharks as in some instanc-
day-to-day dealings with the credit industry. es they are the sole gateway to accessing
It is evident that credit consumers are taken credit in this weakening economy. However,
for granted and their consumer rights are the change in legislation will make it easier to
close them down and it will be more difficult
for the loan sharks to collect
their loans as they will be ille-
gal,” added Ramabulana
Ramabulana further advised
unregistered credit lenders
to register as credit providers
because failure to do so could
result in the credit agreement
being declared null and void.
“Under the new legislation if
you loan money to someone
through a lending platform you
will have to be registered as
a credit provider irrespective
of the amount you are hand-
ing over to the individual,” he
6 Platinum Gazette 12 October 2018

Klein Advertensies
• Smalls
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543 1676 or 083 271 9151.
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Dienste/ Te Huur/ EXECUTION
Services To Rent COURT FOR THE
professional art 3 Bedroom house in AT TUBATSE
and décor framer in small security com- CASE NO: C01451/16
Steelpoort. plex close to Tubatse In the matter between:
24 Years experience Crossing Mall in VICTOR SOBOPHA
in framing. Get the Burgersfort. (EXECUTION
option that fits your Available immediately. CREDITOR) and
taste and budget! Deposit upfront. PHOENIX K9
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Stockists of EPA! be monitored. and JAN H COMBRINK
Visit Esmé Framers Contact Mike:
in Steelpoort next to 082 357 1954
Persuant to a judgment
Wimpy or
granted by the Honor-
contact Esmé on able Court on the 06
079 100 9643. June 2018 and the
subsequent writ, the
It‛s child‛s play to read your following goods shall be
sol in execution on the
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Platinum Gazette contact details:
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Advertising: Beánnla Celliers P.O. BOX 2199,
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* Mahlasedi Health
* Health Zone Gym
* Cheap Cheap
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* Tubatse Build It
* Themba Filling
* Supa Dry Cleaners
* Dr Phetla Medical
* Platinum Petroleum
Filling Station
* Shoprite Tubatse
Crossing Mall
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Contact her on 083 543 1676 or Office Burgersfort
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Advertising deadline is * Total Filling
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12 OKTOBER 2018 NUUS 7

Steelies on a ‘sea school’ trip

Grade 7 learners from Steelpoort Academy went on their annual ‘sea school’ trip in September. As always it was an
incredible experience. The trip included swimming in the ocean, a visit to the Sharks Board, a boat trip on the Sarie
Marie, a day at Ushaka Marine World, ice skating, Jump 4 Joy and an evening at RJ’s that included ten pin bowling.
The last night the group slept at Shakaland.
“It was an unforgeta-
ble tour with great
memories that the
grade 7 learners can
cherish for many
years,” said Mrs. Col-
leen Language.
(Photographs and
information: Colleen

Last weekend was another proud
moment for many parents who sent
their children to attend the traditional
initiation school.
Kgosi MG Maila released approxi-
mately 500 initiates who attended the
initiation school from 26 September
2018 to 6 October 2018. The initiates
successfully completed their initiation
school and received their certificates
in the Maila Segolo area.
(Photographs & Information: Jenny
Mogolane Phala)
8 12 OCTOBER 2018

Platinum Gazette
Central United FC plays in final
The Central United team partici-
pated in a soccer tournament in
Middelburg last weekend.
Five teams competed against
each other. They were SADTU
FC from Middelburg, Mzinoni FC
from Bethal, Barlo-World & Steve
Tswete FC from Middelburg,
Central United FC from Burgers-
fort and the T-Masters FC from
Central United FC topped up
group B while Barlo-World & Ste-
ve Tswete FC topped up group A.
In the final Central United lost 1-0
to Barlo-World & Steve Tswete
FC. The stadium was packed
with spectators for the final and
the players gave a good perfor-
(Photographs and information: Frans Kganane and Protus
mance, despite losing.

Burgersfort Masters play away

The Burgersfort Masters visited Ga-Sko- Masters. It was a tough and rough game.
roro to face the Skororo 11 and Mogafeng This time the Burgersfort Masters were
Masters. on the losing end as they eventually lost
The first game was between Burgersfort three players due to rough tackles. The
Masters and Skororo 11. Burgersfort Mas- team also complained about the referee
ters did not make many mistakes and won officiating the game. The score however
the game 4-0. came to a 1-1 draw. (Photographs and
Later in the day they took on the Mogafeng information: K.S. Makgopa).

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