Suspected Site Symptoms/signs Initial Microbiologic Evaluation
Suspected Site Symptoms/signs Initial Microbiologic Evaluation
Suspected Site Symptoms/signs Initial Microbiologic Evaluation
Lower respiratory tract Productive cough, pleuritic chest pain, Sputum of good quality, rapid influenza testing,
consolidative auscultatory findings urinary antigen testing (eg, pneumococcus,
legionella; not recommended in children),
quantitative culture of protected brush or
bronchoalveolar lavage
Urinary tract Urgency, dysuria, loin, or back pain Urine culture and microscopy showing pyuria
Vascular catheters: arterial, central venous Redness or drainage at insertion site Culture of blood (from the catheter and a
peripheral site), culture catheter tip (if
Indwelling pleural catheter Redness or drainage at insertion site Culture of pleural fluid (through catheter),
culture of catheter tip (if removed)
Wound or burn Inflammation, edema, erythema, discharge of Gram stain and culture of draining pus, wound
pus culture not reliable
Skin/soft tissue Erythema, edema, lymphangitis Culture blister fluid or draining pus; role of
tissue aspirates not proven
Central nervous system Signs of meningeal irritation CSF cell count, protein, glucose, Gram stain,
and culture Δ
Gastrointestinal Abdominal pain, distension, diarrhea, and Stool culture for Salmonella, Shigella,
vomiting Campylobacter, and Clostridium difficile
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) catheter Cloudy PD fluid, abdominal pain Cell count and culture of PD fluid
Genital tract Women: Low abdominal pain, vaginal discharge Women: Endocervical and high vaginal swabs
onto selective media
Men: Dysuria, frequency, urgency, urge
incontinence, cloudy urine, prostatic tenderness Men: Urine Gram stain and culture
Bone Pain, warmth, swelling, decreased use Blood cultures, MRI, bone cultures at surgery or
by interventional radiology 1/2
10/8/2018 Initial evaluation for common sources of sepsis - UpToDate
Joint Pain, warmth, swelling, decreased range of Arthrocentesis with cell counts, Gram stain, and
motion culture
CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; PD: peritoneal dialysis; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging.
*Fever is frequently seen with all conditions.
¶ Suggested initial tests are not considered to be comprehensive. Additional testing and infectious disease consultation may be warranted.
ΔBacterial antigen and/or molecular testing may also be appropriate in selected patients. Refer to UpToDate topics on diagnostic testing for meningitis.
Adapted from: Cohen J. Microbiologic requirements for studies of sepsis. In: Clinical Trials for the Treatment of Sepsis, Sibbald WJ, Vincent JL (eds),
Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1995. 2/2