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Osama Abo El Nasr

Comparison between somatic & autonomic reflexes
Somatic Reflex Autonomic Reflex
Function Voluntary Involuntary
Afferents relay at Dorsal horn cells. Lateral horn cells.
Efferent from A.H.Cs or all motor cranial nuclei L.H.Cs or some motor cranial nuclei.
Go directly to skeletal muscles Rely in autonomic ganglia & multiply
Efferent fibers without: interruption in number (8 – 9) before supplying the
& change number of fibers. effector organ.
2 fibers
Efferent Single fiber [1 neuron system] (preganglionic & postganglionic).
[2 neuron system].
2 types
Single type
sympathetic & parasympathetic
Efferent Pre-ganglionic: myelinated (B fibers)
Myelinated (A fibers).
myelination Post-ganglionic: unmyelinated (C fibers)
2 types
Neurotransmitter Acetylcholine
(Acetylcholine & Noradrenaline)

Pre-ganglionic neurons Post-ganglionic neurons

Intermediate horn cells of the spinal
Cell bodies Outside the C.N.S. (in autonomic ganglia)
cord or motor nuclei of cranial nerves
Myelinated (slow-conducting B fibers) Unmyelinated (very slow conducting C fibers)
Ratio 1 : 9

Autonomic ganglia
(1)Paravertebral (2) Collateral (3)Terminal (4) The adrenal
(sympathetic chain) ganglia Ganglia Medulla
On both sides of the Midway between Very near or in Considered as a
vertebral column. spinal cord & viscera the visceral modified sympathetic
Each segment of the at origin of big vessels organ itself. ganglion  the post
spinal cord has a pair of from abdominal aorta ganglionic neurons 
Site ganglia except the & named according to lost their axons (i.e. no
cervical region has only the vessel. post ganglionic fibers).
3 cervical ganglia. (e.g. celiac, superior So, direct secretion of
(superior, middle, inferior) mesenteric, inferior catecholamines in the
mesenteric ganglia). blood stream.
Sympathetic relay only. Sympathetic relay Parasympathetic Secretion of
Function (of lower thoracic relay 80% adrenaline
& lumbar) (vagus & pelvic) & 20% nor adrenaline
Origin Ganglia Ganglia Origin
Parasympathetic NS


2 T1 , T2 Head & Neck Cr. N. 3

Sympathetic NS

Cr. N. 7


4 T1 – T4 Thorax Cr. N. 9

Cr.N. 10
6 T7 – T12


4 T12 – L3 Pelvis S2,3,4

ANS Dr. Osama Abo El Nasr
Comparison between sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous systems

Sympathetic Parasympathetic
Anatomy Thoraco-lumbar Cranio-sacral
Cranial nerves 3, 7, 9, 10
Origin From 1st thoracic – 3rd lumbar segment Sacral segments 2, 3 & 4
Usually terminal or embedded in
Relay (ganglia) Paravertebral & collateral
supplied organs
Preganglionic Short Long
Postganglionic Long Short
Most of organ receive dual innervations except
1- Dilator pupillae muscle
2- Pilomotor (piloerector) muscle
Innervation 3- Sweat glands
Constrictor pupillae muscle
4- Most of small blood vessels
5- Ventricles of the heart
6- Adrenal medulla
Ch. transmitter
a- ganglia
NA (except to sweat glands & BVs of ACh
b- postganglionic skeletal muscles) ACh
Most of organs including blood Most of organs
vessels & sweat glands except blood vessels & sweat glands
Usually antagonistic
Functions (actions) Usually generalized Usually localized
Stress (fight & flight) Conserves energy & discharge excreta
Head & neck
(1) Eye:
 Pupil: Dilatation (mydriasis) (α1) Constriction (myosis)
 Ciliary muscle: Relaxation  far vision (β2) Contraction  near vision
(2) Skin:
 Sweat glands Secretion sweating ----------
 Cutaneous BVs V.C. (α)
(3) Salivary glands Trophic secretion (α1) Profuse watery secretion
(1) Heart ↑↑ All cardiac properties (β1& β2) ↓↓ Atrial properties
Coronary BVs V.D. (β2) V.C.
(2) Lungs Bronchodilatation (β2) Bronchoconstriction
Pulmonary BVs V.C. (α1) V.D.
(1) Upper GIT
 Wall: Inhibition (relaxation)  ↓↓ motility(β2) Stimulation (contraction)  ↑↑motility
 Sphincters: Contraction (α1) Relaxation
 BVs: V.C. (α1) -------
Liver  ↑↑ glycogenolysis (β2) Gall bladder  evacuation
Adrenal medulla  stimulation GIT glands, liver & pancreas 
Secretion of catecholamines ↑↑ secretion

ANS Dr. Osama Abo El Nasr
(1) Lower GIT
 Wall: Relaxation (inhibition) (α1, α2, β1,β2) Contraction
 Sphincters: Contraction  retention of feces (α1) Relaxation  defecation
(2) Urinary bladder
 Wall: Relaxation (inhibition) (β2) Contraction
 Sphincters: Contraction  retention of urine (α1) Relaxation  micturition
(3) Genital organs
 Male: Ejaculation – shrinkage of penis (α1) Erection of penis
 Female: Variable effects on the uterus (α1, β2) Erection of clitoris
Catabolic (energy consuming)
Metabolism Anabolic (energy preserving)
Lipolysis (β1, β3), glycogenolysis (β2)

Chemical transmitters
1. Acetylcholine (ACh) 2. Noradrenaline (NA)
Cholinergic fibers: Adrenergic fibers:
1- All pre-ganglionic autonomic fibers: (symp.& para)
& pre-ganglionic sympathetic fibers to adrenal medulla All Postganglionic sympathetic fibers
2- All Post-ganglionic Parasympathetic fibers. except to (Sweat glands
3- Some Post-ganglionic Sympathetic fibers: & B.Vs of skeletal ms)
to (sweat glands & B.Vs of skeletal muscles)

Cholinergic receptors
1. Muscarinic receptors 2. Nicotinic receptors
Site: Site:
1- All effectors stimulated by postganglionic 1- All autonomic ganglia
parasympathetic fibers. (sympathetic & parasympathetic)
2- Some effectors stimulated by postganglionic 2- Skeletal ms membrane stimulated by
sympathetic fibers. somatic nerves (MEP)

Adrenergic receptors
1. Pre-synaptic receptors 2. Post-synaptic receptors
Site: on the membranes of postganglionic adrenergic Site: on the surface of effector organs
nerve endings. Stimulated by postganglionic
They are autoreceptors that regulate the release of NA adrenergic fibers
Types : Types :
1- 2 presynaptic receptors: stimulation   release of NA 1-  receptors : (1 , 2)
2-  presynaptic receptors: stimulation   release of NA 2-  receptors : ( 1 ,  2)
 receptors  receptors
1. Vasoconstriction 1. Vasodilatation
2. Pupil dilatation 2. Bronchodilatation
Actions 3. Intestinal relaxation 3. Stimulation of all cardiac properties
4. Bladder sphincter contraction 4. Bladder relaxation
5. Pilomotor contraction 5. Uterus relaxation
6.Glycogenolysis, lipolysis, thermogenesis
Mechanism of 1 2 1 2
action : By  intracellular Ca +2
Inhibition of adenyl Stimulation of adenyl cyclase  c-AMP
cyclase  c-AMP
Response to 1 2 1 2
catecholamines N.A. > A. N.A. > A. N.A. = A. A > N.A.

ANS Dr. Osama Abo El Nasr

Drugs that affect the autonomic activity

Drugs that affect parasympathetic N.S Drugs that affect sympathetic N.S
(A) Drugs augment parasympathetic activity (A) Drugs augment sympathetic activity
1. Ganglion Stimulants:
Stimulate both sympathetic & parasympathetic ganglia.
a. Nicotinic drugs: (simulate nicotinic receptors) e.g. Nicotine small dose.
b. Anticholine esterases: (Simulate nicotinic & muscarinic receptors) e.g.
 Eserine (physostigmine).
 Prostigmine (neostigmine).
 Di isopropyl fluro phosphate (DFP)
2. Parasympathomimetic drugs: 2. Sympathomimetic drugs:
Act on effector organs supplied by Act on Postganglionic fibers
cholinergic fibers. or on adrenergic receptors
a. Muscarinic drugs: a. Drugs that simulate the release of N.A:
 Muscarine (Ephedrine, Amphetamine, Tyramine)
 Pilocarpine Stimulate muscarinic b. Drugs that stimulate  receptors
 Metacholine receptors (Phenylephrine, adrenaline , NA)
c. Drugs that stimulate  receptors:
b. Anti-choline esterase drugs (Adrenaline & isoprenaline)
(B) Drugs depress parasympathetic activity (B) Drugs depress sympathetic activity
1. Ganglion blockers :
Block both sympathetic & parasympathetic ganglia.
a. Nicotine large dose
b. Hexamethonium.
c. Tetra ethyl ammonium.
2. Parasympatholytic drugs: 2. Sympatholytic drugs:
(Block muscarinic receptors) (Block adrenergic activity at several points)
1. Prevent synthesis & storage of N.A:
a. Atropine (reserpine & guanethidine)
b. Homatropine. 2. Prevent release of N.A: (guanethidine)
3. Form false transmitters by
adrenergic fibers: (Methyldopa)
4. Block  receptors  (Phentolamine)
5. Block -receptors  (Propranolol)

Parasympathetic Preganglionic N Postganglionic Cholinergic R

ganglia M effectors

Cholinergic fibers

Sympathetic Preganglionic N Postganglionic Adrenergic R

ganglia effectors

Adrenergic fibers
Cholinergic R
Sympathetic Preganglionic N adrenal fibers
M Sweat glands
Medulla BVs of SK. Ms

Cholinergic fibers Cholinergic



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