A Novel Optimal Design Ofdfig Crowbar Resistor During Grid Faults

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The 2014 International Power Electronics Conference

A Novel Optimal Design ofDFIG Crowbar

Resistor during Grid Faults

Sheng Hu XuDong Zou

School of Electrical &Electronic Engineering Shool of Electrical &Electronic Engineering
Huazhong University of Science and Technology Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Wuhan, China Wuhan, China
Yong Kang
School of Electrical &Electronic Engineering
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Wuhan, China

Abstract- In order to protect the converter of doubly fed to grid voltage disturbances. Voltage dips at stator due to
induction generator (DFIG) and realize low voltage ride grid faults induce overvoltages in the rotor windings,
through (LVRT) during grid faults, the crowbar is usually resulting in overcurrents of the rotor circuit, which may
used , since the resistor value of the crowbar effects DFIG's
cause severe damage to vulnerable rotor-side power
rotor current, reactive power output and electrical torque, it
electronic converter and large fluctuation of dc-link
's design is very crucial for LVRT.A novel optimal design of
voltage. Such large rotor inrush current, dc-link
DFIG crowbar resistor for fault ride-through is proposed in
this paper, simulations have been carried out to validate the overvoltage and torque oscillations caused by grid faults
proposed optimal design, the results demonstrate its are quite harmful for the DFIG-based wind turbines [1-5],
effectiveness. and can lead to the destruction of converter and
mechanical parts. Traditionally, once overcurrents occur
Keywords-wind power, DF1G, low voltage ride through, in rotor windings, passive crowbar is used to protect the
crowbar rotor converter by short-circuiting the rotor windings, at
the same time, the DFIG was tripped from power grid.

I. I NTRODUCTION Nevertheless, with the continuously increasing

penetration level of wind energy, many system operators
Wind energy penetration is rapidly increasing over
have revised the grid code for grid connection and fault
the past decades by the reason of many merits of wind
ride-through capability of wind turbines. The E.ON
power generation, such as cleanness, short construction
standard is a notable grid code in the world, whose LVRT
cycle and low running cost. Nowadays, doubly fed
capability is specified in Fig. I, wind turbines must
induction generator (DFIG) is the most employed
remain connected to the grid when the voltage at the
generator for wind turbines above IMW, due to the
point of common coupling (PCC) drops to 0.15pu for
advantages of variable-speed-constant-frequency based
0.625s. If the voltage does not fall below the minimum
operation and decoupled control of active and reactive
voltage and returns to 90% of the nominal voltage in
power, moreover, as the converter only manages the rotor
Fig.l within 3s after the beginning of the voltage drop,
power, it can be rated at around 25-35% of the generator
the wind turbine must operate continuously. In addition,
rating [1]-[3], which can achieve advantages of small
active power output must resume immediately following
size, low cost, light weight, and small losses compared to
fault clearing and the reactive power must be provided to
wind power generation systems with a full power
support the power grid voltage within 20 ms after fault
identification [9], [10]. Hence, in order to meet the LVRT
.. requirement, active crowbar instead of passive crowbar
-s­ 1 ·_beglnning of voltage dip
09 • should be used to protect power electronic converter,
§- Fig. 2 shows the block diagram of a DFIG equipped

/ /"'" "
c with active crowbar [1],[2],[5],[11]-[13]. As can be seen,
o o. 7
E may triP
E the active crowbar consists of resistors, which are

"6 controlled by switches. Once overcurrents caused by grid

[ 0.45 faults occur in rotor windings, active crowbar is used to
protect the rotor converter by short-circuiting the rotor


0.15 / windings and bypass the converter, the DFIG was still
connected to power grid. When the rotor current was
reduced to the permitted value by active crowbar, the
0 ;.///
00.10 0.7 1.0 converter can be restarted to realize active power and
reactive power control of DFIG.
Fig. 1. Low voltage ride through requirement proposed by EON.
Since the resistor value of the crowbar effects
However, because the stator of DFIG is directly
DFIG's rotor current, reactive power output and electrical
connected to the electrical grid, it is extremely sensitive

978-1-4799-2705-0/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 555

The 2014 International Power Electronics Conference

Where 0-= \- Ln?/ L, Lr , by substituting (3) into ( I),

the rotor voltage is
DFIG Power
r L d
V r =_._If/
r + (R +0" L _./
d) ·r
L, dt r r dt r (4)


J.iy From above expression, it can be seen that the first

term in (4) is the electromotive force induced by stator
RSC GSC Filler
flux, therefore, the equivalent DFIG model viewed from

iq iq rotor side [2] can be obtained with (4) and shown in Fig.
4. where E is the electromotive force induced by stator
flux, it is the first term in (4) and can be expressed as

I (5)
____ J
Fig. 2. DFIG based wind turbine equipped with crowbar. According to Fig. 4, the rotor current is determined
torque, it's design is very crucial for LVRT. some authors by the injected rotor voltage and the induce electromotive
[4],[5],[12] have proposed schemes for active crow-bar
resistor design, but the derivation of crowbar resistor
Rr aLr
value is based on a serials of approximations, moreover,
the derivation is also not based on the extreme conditions,
therefore, such schemes for crowbar resistor design lead
to large errors which can greatly degrade the LVRT
capability of DFIG, differed from the scheme mentioned
above, a novel optimal design of DFIG crowbar resistor
for fault ride-through is proposed in this paper,
simulations have been carried out to validate the Fig. 4. Equivalent DFIG model viewed from rotor side.

proposed optimal design, the results demonstrate its

force (EMF) which is the derivative of the stator-flux
linkage. During severe grid faults, the induced EMF may
exceed the maximum voltage of the rotor converter and
cause rotor current is out of control, the dc-link voltage
The Park model [ I], [3] is usually used to analyze also dramatically increases [2], at the same time, large
the behavior for DFIG, Fig. 3 shows the park model of inrush currents appear in rotor circuit, if these currents
DFIG, all of the variables are referred to as the rotor. exceed the limit that rotor converter can bear, rotor side
According to this model, stator voltage vector and rotor converter can be severely damaged. In order to protect
voltage vector are expressed as converter, crowbar can be used to short circuit the rotor
= R,i: +dlf/.: Idt+ jWlf/;
r and bypass the converter, in this manner, large rotor
( \)
r +dlf/;/dt
= Ri; currents caused by grid faults flow into crowbar circuit

Where superscript "r" denotes that the equations are and the converter is protected.
" "
expressed in rotor frame reference, subscripts s and "r"

denote stator and rotor, respectively,

voltage, i/, i/ represent current,
v/, v/
R" Rr

Since the derivation of crowbar resistor value is

resistance, Wr is the angular velocity of rotor, 'If/, 'If/ based on a serials of arithmetic approximations and not
represent fluxes. based on the extreme conditions, therefore, such schemes
for crowbar resistor design lead to large errors,
furthermore, on the condition of guaranteeing the drop of
crowbar resistor is lower than the maxim output voltage
of rotor side converter, only the influence of crowbar
resistor on rotor current is considered, so the LVRT
capability of DFIG can be greatly degraded, in order to
Fig. 3. Park model of DFIG. improved LVRT capability of DFIG, crowbar resistor can
The stator and rotor fluxes are express as be optimized as following steps by using simulations:
{ If/;=Li'"+L i'r firstly, the influence of running conditions on rotor
s s s m
(2) current at pre-faults is considered, then the extreme
If/ =Lmi; +Li; r
running condition to crowbar resistor design can be
L." Lr represent self-inductance, L(m L(Js represent
confirmed; secondly, at such extreme running condition,
rotor and stator leakage inductance, Lm is mutual
the influences of crowbar resistor value on rotor current,
inductance between stator and rotor. Rotor flux can be
stator current, power and torque are totally considered, at
obtained with (2) as
the same time, the drop of crowbar resistor is lower than
,. Lm
If/, = r:: .lf/,r + (J L, ·1,.r (3) the maximum output voltage of rotor side converter.

The 2014 International Power Electronics Conference

4'- --� ---- � ---- � -- �====�
Simulative parameters of DFIG - - Wr=1.3pu
-- Wr=1.2pu
-- Wr=1.1pu
Capacity I.SWM -- Wr=O.9pu
- -- Wr=O.8pu
Stator voltage/Frequency 690V/SOHz :::s
Stator resistance 0.023 PU r:::

Rotor resistance 0.016 pu (J
Stator leakage inductance 0.18 PU o

Rotor leakage inductance 0.16pu

Mutual inductance 2.9pu

_ 2 L-
__-L___L-_�_L___L-__ �
Pole pairs 3 1.48 1.5 1.52 1.54 1.56 1.58
Turn ratios 0. 4
Fig. 6. Rotor current in the cases of different rotated speed .
Connection type YIY
As previous analysis, the extreme running condition
According to such optimal design scheme, we firstly at pre-fault is that the output active power of DFIG is
confirm the extreme running conditions by simulations, full load, e.g. Ip.u. and rotated speed is 1.3p.u.in such
the simulative parameters of a 1.5WM DFIG are shown extreme case, DFIG is under super-synchronous state.
on TABLE I. Assuming that the crowbar resistance is Under the extreme running condition, the crowbar
OA8p.u., the rotated speed is 1.3p.u., the reactive power resistor is designed by simulations based on maximal
is Op.u. and the stator voltage has an 80% dip depth at Is, elimination on oscillation of rotor current, stator current,
Fig. 5 shows the rotor current with different active power power and torque, at the same time, the drop of crowbar
at pre-faults, as can be seen, in the cases that active power resistor is lower than the maximum output voltage of
Ps is equal to 0.1pu,OApu,0.6pu and Ipu at pre-faults, rotor side converter. Assuming that the stator voltage has
respectively, rotor currents during grid faults are an 85% dip depth at 0.7s, the fault lasts 250ms and stator
gradually increased, therefore, it is concluded that rotor voltage recovery at 0.95ms, when the faults occur,
current is increased with the increasing output active crowbar is activated to short circuit rotor windings, and
power of DFIG. it is cancelled at l OOms later than stator voltage recovery,
,-----�----�--��====� e.g. I.05s,at the same time, the DFIG recovery normal
vector control.
Fig. 7� Fig. 11 show the rotor current, stator current,
stator active power, stator reactive power and
electromagnetic torque, during simulation, crowbar
resistance varies from one time of rotor resistance to 30
times of rotor resistance. If crowbar resistance is larger
than 30 times of rotor resistance, the drop of crowbar
resistance exceeds the maximum output voltage of rotor
side converter which leads the current flow into converter
and makes the overcurrents of converter and larger

-3 '----------'-----
- ---'----------'::-:'
-: ----�:-c-----:-:' fluctuation of DC link.
1.46 1.48 1.5 1.56
Irs) Fig.7 shows rotor current of phase a, according to the
Fig. 5. Rotor current in the cases of different active power. figure, when crowbar resistance is one time of rotor
resistance, the peak value of rotor current is equal to 4.5
If slip rate of DFIG is between -0.3 and +0.3, the p.u. under stator voltage dip, while crowbar resistance is
maximum rotated speed is 1.3p.u.. Assuming that the 30 times of rotor resistance, the peak value of rotor
crowbar resistance is OA8p.u., the rotated speed is 1.3p.u., current is equal to 3.2 p.u. under stator voltage dip,
the active power is Ip.u. and the reactive power is Op.u., furthermore, the rotor current with high value crowbar
the stator voltage has an 80% dip depth at Is, Fig. 6 resistor is decayed much faster. The same conclusion can
shows the rotor current with different rotated speed at be drawn under stator voltage recovery from Fig.7, hence,
pre-faults, according to Fig.6, in the cases that rotated whatever stator voltage dip or recovery, high value
speed is equal to 0.8p.u.,0.9p.u.,l .l p.u., 1.2p.u. and crowbar resistor is much more effective to eliminate the
1.3p.u. at pre-faults, respectively, rotor currents during rotor overcurrents than low value crowbar resistor.
grid faults are also gradually increased, similarly, it is Fig.8 shows stator current of phase a, according to
also concluded that rotor current is increased with the the figure, when crowbar resistance is one time of rotor
increase of DFIG rotated speed. resistance, the peak value of stator current is equal to 3.7

The 2014 International Power Electronics Conference

6 �========================� 5
1 --Rcrb=1>Rr--Rcrb=10>Rr--Rcrb=2o>Rr--Rcrb=30>Rrl
5 4

4 3
� 3 Ii
2 ICo
!!! >
... 0
::J �III
... -1
.s -1 :§
en -2
� -2
0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3
- 5 L- � I(s)
_ __ __ __L-_�__
0.6 5 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 Fig. 9. Stator active power under different crowbar resistance value

I(s) �
-L -L 3 1r======�
Fig. 7. Rotor current under different crowbar resistance value
p.u. under stator voltage dip, while crowbar resistance is
30 times of rotor resistance, the peak value of stator :::l

I -1
current is equal to 2.9 p.u. under stator voltage dip,
similarly, the stator current with high value crowbar o
Co -2
resistor is decayed much faster. The same conclusions CIl
can be also drawn under stator voltage recovery, therefore,

high value crowbar resistor is much more effective to I!!
eliminate the stator current oscillations than low value
crowbar resistor, which can do good at power system s
transient stability.
5 ir===��==��==������
1 -- Rcrb=1"'Rr -- Rcrb=10"'Rr -- Rcrb=20*Rr --Rcrb=30*Rrl
4 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3
Fig. 10. Stator reactive power under different crowbar resistance value
.e: 2
"E 12,-,-----,----,,---�
(J � 10
o 0 :::i
"0 ci. 8
� (j)
-1 ::J
� 6
-2 .s
:;::; 4
-3 ���� CIl
��__��__ __ __ c:
0.65 �� �� OJ
�� CIS 2
Fig. 8. Stator current under different crowbar resistance value ... 0
iii -2
Fig.9 shows stator active power, according to the
figure, during stator voltage dip, the higher crowbar -4
resistance value, the smaller oscillation of active power
and the stator active power also decays to stable state 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.3
much more faster. During stator voltage recovery, active I(s)
power to power grid under high crowbar resistance is Fig. l l . Electromagnetic torque under different crowbar resistance value

larger than that under low crowbar resistance, so it

power of reactive power absorb from power grid, and the
benefits frequency stability of power grid.
reactive power is also decayed to stable state much more
Fig.lO shows stator reactive power, although active
faster, so it benefits voltage stability of power grid.
crowbar is able to protect rotor side converter, it
Fig. I I shows electromagnetic torque, according to the
simultaneously changes DFIG into a conventional
figure, the influence of crowbar resistance on
squirrel-cage induction generator, which absorbs reactive
electromagnetic torque is similar to its on active power,
power from power grid, with this behavior, it is adverse
during stator voltage dip, the higher crowbar resistance
to grid voltage recovery, but according to Fig.8, whatever
value, the smaller oscillation of electromagnetic torque
during grid voltage dip or during grid voltage recovery,
and the electromagnetic torque also decays to stable state
the higher crowbar resistance value, the smaller reactive
much more faster. During stator voltage recovery,

The 2014 International Power Electronics Conference

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faults is considered to confirm the extreme running
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the influences of crowbar resistor value on rotor current,
stator current, power and torque are totally considered, at
the same time, the drop of crowbar resistor is lower than
the maximum output voltage of rotor side converter.
Simulations have been carried out to validate the
proposed optimal design.


This work is financially supported by the Natural

Postdoctoral Science Foundations of China under the
Award Number 2013M540579 and by the National Basic
Research Program of China under Award Number


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