Stage Manager Agreement
Stage Manager Agreement
Stage Manager Agreement
This production agreement (“Agreement”) entered into as of this (DATE) in the year 20___, by and
between (Print your Name) ________________________________ (hereinafter “Stage Manager”) and
(YOUR PRODUCTION COMPANY) (hereinafter “Company”) and its producer(s).
WHEREAS, Company is producing a stage presentation of (NAME OF PLAY) (“the Play”) at the
(THEATRE NAME), Chicago Illinois; and
WHEREAS, Company desires to employ SM to design production elements, stage manage, or manage
the Play, Designer/SM/PSM accepts such employment to provide such services to Company pursuant to
the terms and conditions of this Agreement:
1. Services Provided. SM agrees to accept positions as hired and to execute said role(s) as directed
relative to the Play by Company and as established in production meetings, rehearsals, and strike.
Rehearsals will commence on (Your Date Here). Performances will be as follows:
Opening night: ______________________
Regular Run: ________________________
Run personnel will arrive at the theatre for performances a minimum of 1 hour before curtain unless
otherwise designated. Any instances of impending delay must be conveyed to the ASSISTANT STAGE
performance immediately.
2. Conflicts. SM agrees to provide Company with notification prior to the commencement of rehearsals
with regard to negotiated rehearsal conflicts that would prevent SM from attending specified called
rehearsals or meetings.
3. More Remunerative Employment (MRE). Company agrees that SM may be excused from a
reasonable number of rehearsals in the event of temporary MRE. MRE does not apply to agreed upon run-
throughs or production meetings, load in and build/hang commencing (Your Date Here) subsequent
technical rehearsals, or on the strike date, (Your Date Here). MRE does not apply to performance dates
for Running Personnel.
5. Stage Manager has read and understood the Chicago Code of Conduct and agrees not to violate the
said code throughout all meetings, rehearsals, performances, and communications. Violations of this
agreement should be reported to the Production Manager who will bring it to the attention of the Artistic
and Managing Directors. All claims will be investigated fully, and may include consequences up to the
termination of this agreement or legal notification if warranted.
6. Credit. Company agrees that SM’s name will appear on primary publicity tools including but not
limited to postcards and bookmarkers, and may appear in posters, lobby displays, and print
advertisements. Company agrees that SM’s biography will appear in the program. SM agrees to provide
Company with a (FILL IN NUMBER OF WORDS) or less biography as requested and in compliance
with Company standards for such.
7. Personal Effects. SM agrees that Company, and (FILL IN RENTAL SPACE NAME) are not liable
for the security of SM’s personal property or effects.
8. Notice. All notices and other communications given by a party under this Agreement shall be in writing
and shall be deemed given when mailed first class or delivered by hand to the party at its address. Not
withstanding and foregoing, schedule changes and relative notifications will be posted by Company at a
designated location within the rehearsal space and the theatre and on email.
9. Stipend. Company agrees that Stage Manager will be paid a minimum of but not limited to (FILL IN
AMOUNT) at the conclusion of the run of the Play (or FILL IN COMPANY'S TERMS).
10. Dates of Agreement. SM agrees to undertake agreed upon management duties for the Play
commencing (DATE) through (DATE) and to execute agreed upon duties relative to the running of the
Play: (Preview) (FILL IN DATE) through (Strike) (FILL IN DATE).
11. Designated Tech Week and Strike. Load-in will commence (FILL IN DATE) to which SM will
report to the theatre as designated. SM agrees that tech week rehearsal calls are outside of the commonly
designated rehearsal schedule, will be designated as called, and will include open ended calls as needed.
Tech Weekend will be (FILL IN DATE); Dress Rehearsal will be (FILL IN DATE); invited dress
rehearsals will be. Preview will take place on (FILL IN DATE). Strike will take place on (FILL IN
DATE) at a time to be determined. These dates may be changed upon the mutual agreement of the
production team, but must remain within the prescribed constraints dictated by
12. Post Show Talk Backs and Receptions. Company agrees that SM is not required to participate in or
attend such, though may do so voluntarily.
13. Rehearsal Space. Company agrees that the rehearsal space will be maintained in a clean condition
and that bathrooms and adequate cooling/heat will be available.
14. Additional Performances Within Run. Company agrees that any potential additional
performances will be at the democratic discretion of SM in conjunction with the cast.
15. Extension. Company agrees that any consideration of extension beyond the (FILL IN DATE) closing
will be discussed with SM and mutually agreed upon in conjunction with the cast. It should be noted that
any extension would necessitate a new venue.
16. Absences, Understudies, and Covers. SM agrees that should he/she be unable to execute any duties
due to illness, Act of God, or disability, permanent or temporary replacement of SM is at the discretion of
Company. SM agrees that all such notifications will be delivered to the Producer and the Assistant Stage
Manager within three hours of rehearsal/performance.
17. Budgets and Receipts. SM agrees to manage all designated budgets responsibly and to confer with
Company in the event that there is any possibility of overruns and prior to such an event. SM/ agrees
to provide Company at the conclusion of strike with all purchase or rental receipts and an itemized and
annotated accounting of all expenditures. Company agrees to reimburse SM for purchases/rentals
personally incurred for the execution of the Play and within stipulated budgets. SM agrees that all items
purchased with Company funds become the property of the Company. Company agrees that all items
borrowed or rented from Designer/SM/PSM will be returned as contracted and replaced if not in
contracted condition at the conclusion of the contract.
18. Theatre Rental Space Regulations and Rules. SM agrees to abide by all regulations and rules as
posted and otherwise disseminated by (FILL IN THEATRE OR THEATRE RENTAL SPACE) staff and
accepts all terms for fines regarding violations.
19. Warranty. SM warrants that he/she is not under contract (and will not execute a contract) that might
infringe upon his/her ability to fulfill the terms of this agreement.
20. Insurance. Company will maintain significant accident and liability insurance underwritten by (Insert
Insurance Company Name) for the protection of the cast and crew.
21. Law Governing. This agreement shall in all respects be governed by the law of the State
of Illinois applicable to contracts made and performed entirely within.
22. Exclusive Forum. The parties agree that the state courts and general jurisdiction of Cook
County, the U.S. District court for Chicago, and the appropriate appellate courts shall have exclusive
jurisdiction for the resolution of any and all conflicts arising under or relating to this Agreement.
This Agreement (Riders attached if necessary) constitutes the full, complete, and entire Agreement
between SM and Company and supersedes all prior understandings, agreements, or arrangements between
the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.
In Witness Whereof, the parties do set their hand (Please Print on all lines except signature).
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Date: __________________________
COMPANY: (signature)________________________________________________________
Title: ___________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________