2011 Enciclopedia-Mine SQCG PDF
2011 Enciclopedia-Mine SQCG PDF
2011 Enciclopedia-Mine SQCG PDF
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to a reduction in the manufacturing costs, and the money spent with control is almost irrelevant. At the
moment, the quality improvement in all areas of an organization, a philosophy known as Total Quality
Management (TQM) is considered crucial (see Vardeman and Jobe, 1999). The challenges are obviously
difficult. But the modern SQC methods surely provide a basis for a positive answer to these challenges.
SQC is at this moment much more than a set of statistical instruments. It is a global way of thinking of
workers in an organization, with the objective of making things right in the first place. This is mainly
achieved through the systematic reduction of the variance of relevant quality characteristics.
Statistical Process Control (SPC). Key monitoring and investigating tools in SPC include his-
tograms, Pareto charts, cause and effect diagrams, scatter diagrams and control charts. We shall here
focus on control chart methodology.
A control chart is a popular statistical tool for monitoring and improving quality, and its success is based
on the idea that no matter how well the process is designed, there exists a certain amount of nature
variability in output measurements. When the variation in process quality is due to random causes alone,
the process is said to be in-control. If the process variation includes both random and special causes of
variation, the process is said to be out-of-control. The control chart is supposed to detect the presence of
special causes of variation.
Generally speaking, the main steps in the construction of a control chart, performed at a stable stage of
the process, are the following: determine the process parameter you want to monitor, choose a convenient
statistic, say W , and create a central line (CL), a lower control limit (LCL) and an upper control limit
(UCL). Then, sample the production process along time, and group the process measurements into rational
subgroups of size n, by time period t. For each rational subgroup, compute wt , the observed value of
Wt , and plot it against time t. The majority of measurements should fall in the so-called continuation
interval C = [LCL, U CL]. Data can be collected at fixed sampling intervals (FSI), with a size equal
to d, or alternatively, at variable sampling intervals (VSI), usually with sampling intervals of sizes d1 , d2
(0 < d1 < d2 ). The region C is then split in two disjoint regions C1 and C2 , with C2 around CL. The
sampling interval d1 is used as soon as a measurement falls in C1 ; otherwise, it is used the largest sampling
interval d2 . If the measurements fall within LCL and UCL no action is taken and the process is considered
to be in-control. A point wt that exceeds the control limits signals an alarm, i.e. it indicates that the process
is out of control, and some action should be taken, ranging from taking a re-check sample to the tracing and
elimination of these causes. Of course, there is a slight chance that is is a false alarm, the so-called α-risk.
The design of control charts is a compromise between the risks of not detecting real changes (β-risks) and of
α-risks. Other relevant primary characteristics of a chart are the run length (RL) or number of samples to
signal (NSS) and the associated mean value, the average run length, ARL=E(RL) = 1/(1−β), as well as the
capability indices, Ck and Cpk (see Pearn and Kotz, 2006). Essentially, a control chart is a test, performed
along time t, of the hypothesis H0 : the process is in-control versus H1 : the process is out-of-control.
Stated differently, we use historical data to compute the initial control limits. Then the data are compared
against these initial limits. Points that fall outside of the limits are investigated and, perhaps, some will
later be discarded. If so, the limits need to be recomputed and the process repeated. This is referred to as
Phase I. Real-time process monitoring, using the limits from the end of Phase I, is Phase II. There thus
exists a strong link between control charts and hypothesis testing performed along time.
Note that a preliminary statistical data analysis (usually histograms and Q-Q plots) should be performed
on the prior collected data. A common assumption in SPC is that quality characteristics are distributed
according to a normal distribution. However, this is not always the case, and in practice, if data seem
very far from meeting this assumption, it is common to transform them through a Box-Cox transformation
(Box and Cox, 1964). But much more could be said about the case of nonnormal data, like the use of
robust control charts (see Figueiredo and Gomes (2005), among others).
With its emphasis on early detection and prevention of problems, SPC has a distinct advantage over quality
methods such as inspection, that apply resources to detecting and correcting problems in the final product
or service. In addition to reducing waste, SPC can lead to a reduction in the time required to produce the
final products. SPC is recognized as a valuable tool from both a cost reduction and a customer satisfaction
standpoint. SPC indicates when an action should be taken in a process, but it also indicates when no
action should be taken.
Classical Shewhart control charts: a simple example. In this type of charts, measurements are
assumed to be independent and distributed according to a normal distribution. Moreover, the statistics
Wt built upon those measurements are also assumed to be independent. The main idea underlying these
charts is to find a simple and convenient statistic, W , with a sampling distribution easy to find under the
validity of the in-control state, so that we can easily construct a confidence interval for a location or spread
measure of that statistic. For continuous quality characteristics, the most common Shewhart-charts are
the average chart (X-chart) and the range chart (R-chart), as an alternative to the standard-deviation
chart (S-chart). For discrete quality characteristics, the most usual charts are the p-charts and np-charts
in a Binomial(n, p) background, and the so-called c-charts and u-charts for P oisson(c) backgrounds.
Example 2.1 (X-chart). Imagine a breakfast cereal packaging line, designed to fill each cereal box with
500 grams of product. The production manager wants to monitor on-line the mean weight of the boxes, and
it is known that, for a single pack, an estimate of the weight standard-deviation σ is 10 gm. Daily samples
of n = 5 packs are takenP during a stable period of the process, the weights xi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, are recorded,
and their average, x = ni=1 xi /n, is computed. These averages are estimates of the process mean value µ,
the parameter to be monitored. The center line is CL = 500 gm (the target). If we assume that data are
normally distributed, i.e., X _ N (µ = 500, σ = 10), the control limits can be determined on the basis that
√ √
X _ N (µ = 500, σ/ n = 10/ 5 = 4.472). In-control, it thus expected that 100(1 − α)% of the average
weights are between 500 + 4.472 ξα/2 and 500 − 4.472 ξα/2 where ξα/2 is the (α/2)-quantile of a standard
normal distribution. For a α-risk equal to 0.002 (a common value in English literature), ξα/2 = −3.09. The
American Standard is based on “3-sigma” control limits (corresponding to 0.27% of false alarms), while
the British Standard uses “3.09-sigma” limits (corresponding
√ to 0.2% of false alarms). √ In this case, the
3-sigma control limits are LCL = 500 − 3 × 10/ 5 = 486.584 and U CL = 500 + 3 × 10/ 5 = 513.416.
Other control charts. Shewhart-type charts are efficient in detecting medium to large shifts, but are
insensitive to small shifts. One attempt to increase the power of these charts is by adding supplementary
stopping rules based on runs. The most popular stopping rules, supplementing the ordinary rule, “one
point exceeds the control limits”, are: 2 out of 3 consecutive points fall outside warning (2-sigma) limits; 4
out of 5 consecutive points fall beyond 1-sigma limits; 8 consecutive points fall on one side of the centerline.
Another possible attempt is to consider some kind of dependency between the statistics computed at the
different sampling points. To control the mean value of a process at a target µ0 , one of the most common
control charts
P of this type is the cumulative sum (CUSUM) chart, with an associated control statistic given
by St := tj=1 (xj −µ0 ) = St−1 +(xt −µ0 ), t = 1, 2, · · · (S0 = 0). Under the validity of H0 : X _ N (µ0 , σ),
we thus have a random walk with null mean value. It is also common toPuse the exponentially weighted
moving average (EWMA) statistic, given by Zt := λxt + (1 − λ)Zt−1 = λ t−1 j t
j=0 (1 − λ) xt−j + (1 − λ) Z0 ,
t = 1, 2, . . . , Z0 = x, 0 < λ < 1, where x denotes the overall average of a small number of averages
collected a priori, when the process is considered stable and in-control. Note that it is also possible to
replace averages by individual observations (for details, see Montgomery 2009).
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