2018itc RT39 PDF
2018itc RT39 PDF
2018itc RT39 PDF
ITE&C Dept. – Policy and Guidelines for provision of Mobile communication facility to State
Government and Local Government Officials – 2018 - Orders – Issued.
(Communications Wing)
O R D E R:
In order to provide Cellular Phones to eligible State and Local Government officials
requiring Mobile Tele-services for effective communication, increased access and
accountability, certain policy guidelines were issued in the G.O read above with the Tariff
and the Rental limits of Closed User Group (CUG). Since then many technological advances
have occurred and data access requirement has also been identified. In view of the
increasing usage and accessibility through latest technologies, several requests have come
from various Departments of the Secretariat and Heads of Departments for enhancement of
Tariff for Handsets and Recurring charges of the Mobile Phones being provided to the State
Government and Local Government officials, that as more and more officials are using data
apart from the voice call facility for effectively administering the official work and as such
they have requested the ITE&C Dept., for revising the existing policy envisaged in the G.O.
read above.
2. In this context, a study has been made on data Tariff and Handset (Phones) rates
for providing Cellular Phones to eligible State and Local Government Officials requiring
Mobile Teleservices to ensure effective communication, increase of access and
3. Government after careful examination of the matter hereby issue the following
revised policy and guidelines with the Tariff for Handsets and rental limits as per the
categorization of the officials. The maximum limit on monthly recurring charges of Mobile
Phones is not increased since the rates are in fact decreasing from time to time.
4. The Heads of Departments are authorized to identify the officials requiring Mobile
Tele services to ensure increased access and accountability. The cost of Handsets of Cell
Phones and monthly recurring charges shall invariably borne by the concerned Department
from the Departmental Budgetary funds only. The ITE&C Dept., advises on Tariff and
empanelment of service provider.
6. All the authorized users of Mobile Phones can make use of additional/new
Technologies on Mobile Phones like GPRS, EDGE, 3G and 4G etc, subject to the ceiling fixed
for usage of Mobile Phones by the Government from time to time.
8. The orders issued in the G.O. vide reference read above are hereby superseded.
9. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (EBS.I) Department vide their
U.O.No.15775/304/A2/EBS.I/2017, dt.25.01.2018.
All Spl. Chief Secretaries/Prl. Secretaries/Secretaries of all Departments in the
All Departments of the Secretariat.
All Heads of Departments in the State.
All the District Collectors in the State.
The Managing Director, TSTSL, BRKR Bhavan, Hyderabad.
Copy to:
P.S. to C.M.
Peshi of all Ministers.
P.S. to C.S.
The Finance (EBS.I) Dept.