Conductivity/Resistivity/TDS/Salinity/ Temperature Bench Meter
Conductivity/Resistivity/TDS/Salinity/ Temperature Bench Meter
Conductivity/Resistivity/TDS/Salinity/ Temperature Bench Meter
HI 4321
Bench Meter
w w w. h a n n a i n s t . c o m
Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing a Hanna Instruments product. This manual will provide you with the necessary
information for correct use of the instrument.
Please read this instruction manual carefully before using the instrument.
If you need additional technical information, do not hesitate to e-mail us at [email protected] or see the
back side of this manual for our worldwide sales and technical service contacts.
These instruments are in compliance with directives.
HI 4321 is warranted for two years against defects in workmanship and materials when used for their
intended purpose and maintained according to instructions. The probe is guaranteed for six months. This
warranty is limited to repair or replacement free of charge.
Damage due to accidents, misuse, tampering or lack of prescribed maintenance is not covered.
If service is required, contact the dealer from whom you purchased the instrument. If under warranty, report
the model number, date of purchase, serial number and the nature of the failure. If the repair is not covered
by the warranty, you will be notified of the charges incurred. If the instrument is to be returned to Hanna
Instruments, first obtain a Returned Goods Authorization number from the Technical Service Department and
then send it with shipping costs prepaid. When shipping any instrument, make sure it is properly packed for
complete protection.
To validate your warranty, fill out and return the enclosed warranty card within 14 days from the date of
WARRANTY ...................................................................................................................................... 2
PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION .............................................................................................................. 4
GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................... 4
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 5
SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 7
OPERATIONAL GUIDE ....................................................................................................................... 9
DISPLAYING MODES ......................................................................................................................... 10
SYSTEM SETUP ............................................................................................................................... 13
CONDUCTIVITY SETUP ......................................................................................................................... 19
RESISTIVITY SETUP ............................................................................................................................. 34
TDS SETUP .............................................................................................................. 36
SALINITY SETUP .............................................................................................................. 38
CONDUCTIVITY CALIBRATION.................................................................................. 40
CONDUCTIVITY MEASUREMENT.................................................................................. 42
RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT .................................................................................. 45
TDS MEASUREMENT ............................................................................................... 46
SALINITY CALIBRATION .................................................................................. 47
SALINITY MEASUREMENT .................................................................................. 48
TEMPERATURE CALIBRATION .................................................................................. 50
LOGGING ....................................................................................................................................... 51
PC INTERFACE .................................................................................................................................... 56
PROBE CONDITIONING & MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................... 56
TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE .............................................................................................................. 57
ACCESSORIES .................................................................................................................................. 58
Remove the instrument from the packing material and examine it carefully to make sure that no damage has
occurred during shipping. If there is any damage, notify your dealer or the nearest Hanna Service Center.
The meter is supplied complete with:
• HI 76312 Four-ring Conductivity Probe with built-in temperature sensor and ID
• HI 76404N Electrode Holder
• 12Vdc Power Adapter
• Instruction Manual
Note: Save all packing material until you are sure that the instrument works properly. Any defective item
must be returned in the original packing with the supplied accessories.
HI 4321 is a professional bench meter with color graphic LCD for conductivity, resistivity, TDS, salinity and
temperature measurements.
The display viewing modes are: Basic information only, GLP information, Graph and Log History mode.
The main features of the instruments are:
• One input channel;
• Five measurement parameters: conductivity, resistivity, TDS, salinity and temperature;
• Pure water checking using the USP <645> standard;
• Automatic or custom standard conductivity calibration in up to four points, probe offset calibration;
• One fixed point salinity calibration (Percent Scale only);
• AutoHold feature to freeze the stable reading on the LCD;
• Two selectable alarm limits (for conductivity, resistivity, TDS, salinity);
• Three selectable logging modes: Automatic logging, Log on demand (manual logging) and AutoHold logging
• Up to 100 logging lots for automatic or manual modes and up to 200 USP reports;
• Selectable area and settable sampling period feature for automatic logging;
• GLP feature;
• Online and offline graph;
• User-friendly interface on large color graphic LCD (240x320 pixels);
• Opto-isolated PC interface via RS232 respectively USB.
To enter / exit calibration mode.
To enter Setup (System Setup, Conductivity Setup, Resistivity Setup , TDS Setup or Salinity
Setup) and to access Log Recall function.
To obtain general informations about the selected option / operation.
The upper row keys are assigned to the virtual keys placed on the bottom of the LCD, which allow you to
perform the displayed function, depending on the current menu (e.g. , and in
Measure mode).
HI 4321
Profiles Up to 10
HI 4321
Percen t Sca le
Sa lin ity 0.0 to 400.0 %
0.01 for Pra ctica l Sa lin ity Sca le / Na tu ra l Sea
Resolu tion Wa ter
0.1 % for Percen t Sca le
Accu ra cy ±1% of rea d in g
Percen t Sca le - 1 p oin t
Ca lib ra tion
(with HI 7037 b u ffer)
-20.0 to 120.0 °C
Ra n g e -4.0 to 248.0 °F
253.15 to 393.15 K
Tem p era tu re Resolu tion 0.1 °C / 0.1 °F / 0.1 K
±0.2 °C / ±0.4 °F / ±0.2 K
Accu ra cy
(with ou t p rob e)
User ca lib ra tion 3 p oin ts ca lib ra tion
K eyb oa rd 8 keys (4 virtu a l keys)
PC a p p lica tion Yes
Cell con sta n t, ref. tem p . / coefficien t,
ca lib ra tion p oin ts, ca l. tim e sta m p , p rob e offset
Au to-Hold Yes
Record sa m p les 100 lots with 10000 record s / lot
L og g in g fea tu re L og g in g in terva l Setta b le b etween 1s a n d m a x log tim e
Typ e Au tom a tic, L og on d em a n d , Au toHold
Rep la tin iza tion Yes
L CD Color Gra p h ic L CD 240 x 320 p ixels
Ba cklig h t Yes (with setta b le b a cklig h t sa ver)
In p u ts 8 p in D IN
Ou tp u ts RS232, USB
Power 12Vd c a d a p ter
D im en sion s 160 x 231 x 94 m m (6.3 x 9.1 x 3.7")
Weig h t 1.2 K g (2.6 lb )
Im p lem en ted sta n d a rd s USP sta g e 1, 2, 3
Prob e recog n ition Yes
84.0 µS/cm, 1413 µS/cm, 5.00 mS/cm,
E C ca lib ra tion solu tion
12.88 mS/cm, 80.0 mS/cm, 111.8 mS/cm
2 cell probe (0.1 cell const, 0 to 500 µS)
Accessories 4 cell probe (1.0 cell constant wide range)
USP kit (flow cell, resistor set for low range checking)
Plug the 12 Vdc adapter into the power supply socket.
Note: These instruments use non volatile memory to retain the meter settings, even when unplugged.
For conductivity, resistivity, TDS or salinity measurements connect a conductivity probe to the DIN connector
located on the rear panel of the instrument.
• Turn the instrument on from the power switch located on the rear panel of the instrument.
• Please wait until the instrument finishes the initialization process.
Note: It is normal for the loading process to take a few seconds. If the instrument doesn’t display the next
screen, restart the meter using the power switch. If the problem persists, contact your dealer.
For each measurement mode (Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS or Salinity) the following display configurations
are available: Basic, Good Laboratory Practice (GLP), Graph and Log History.
Accessing this option, the measured value and its units are dis-
played on the LCD, along with the temperature value, temperature
compensation mode, and minimal GLP data.
To choose the Basic displaying mode:
• Press while in Measure mode. The “Choose Display
Configuration” message will be displayed in the Reminder
messages area.
• Press . The instrument will display the basic informa-
tion for the selected measurement mode.
Accessing this option, a detailed GLP data will be displayed on the
LCD for conductivity and salinity (Percent Scale only) measure
modes: Last Calibration Date and Time, Cell Constant, Probe
Offset, Reference Temperature, Compensation Coefficient, Tem-
perature Compensation.
To access the GLP displaying mode:
• Press while in Measure mode. The “Choose Display
Configuration” message will be displayed in the Reminder
messages area.
• Press . The instrument will display the detailed GLP
Accessing this option, the online graph with currently logged
values (Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS or Salinity vs. Seconds)
could be displayed.
If there is no active log, the previously logged data for the
selected parameter will be plotted.
Notes: • If no data were logged, the graph displaying mode
will not be accessible.
• If no automatic log is saved, the offline graph will not
be available.
To access the offline / online graph:
• Press while in Measure mode. The “Choose Display
Configuration” message will be displayed in the Reminder
messages area.
• Press .
When the online graph is displayed:
• Use and to move the graph along the horizontal (Time) axis.
• Press to access the zoom menu for the vertical (Parameter) axis. Use or for
vertical axis zooming.
• Press to return to the main menu.
When the offline graph is displayed:
• Use the arrow keys to move the graph along the horizontal and vertical axes.
• Press to access the zoom menu for the horizontal and vertical axes. Use or /
/ / to switch between the active zooming axes. Press or
to zoom the selected axis.
Note: While in zoom graph menu the key is not accessible.
• Press to return to the main menu.
Log History
Accessing this option, last logged records will be displayed on the LCD.
The log history list also contains the appropriate conductivity /
resistivity / TDS / salinity values, the logged temperature, the
temperature source, as well as the records time stamp.
To access the Log History displaying mode:
• Press while in Measure mode. The “Choose Display
Configuration” message will be displayed in the Reminder
messages area.
• Press . The instrument will display the log history
regarding the selected measure mode.
Notes: • When an alarm condition is active, the logged records will have an exclamation mark (!).
• When a meter is in auto-hold, the logged records will have an “H” symbol.
• If another measure mode is selected, the Log History will be cleared.
• If the temperature unit is changed, all logged temperature values will be automatically displayed
in the new temperature unit.
The System Setup menu allows the user to customize the user interface, consult the meter information, set the
external serial communication interface and to restore the manufacturer settings.
Accessing System Setup
• Press while in Measure mode.
• Press . The system setup options will be displayed
on the LCD.
To access a System Setup option:
• Use or to highlight the desired option.
• Press to access the selected option.
This option allows the user to enable or disable the beeper. When the beeper is enabled, a specific beep will
be heard when the reading becomes stable, when an alarm condition is reached, when pressing a key or if
a wrong key is pressed.
Stability Indicator
When the reading becomes stable, the instrument delivers a medium beep only if this option is activated, along
with the “Stable” indicator on the LCD.
If this option is activated, a continuous double beep will be heard each time the set limits in Measure mode are
exceeded, along with the “Alarm” indicator on the LCD.
Key Pressed
If this option is activated, a short beep will be heard each time a valid key is pressed.
Wrong Key
If this option is activated, a long beep will be heard when an incorrect key is pressed.
To set the Beeper:
• Use or to select the Beeper option.
• Press and use or to highlight the
desired beeper associated event you want to modify.
• Press and use or to highlight the
beeper status option.
• Press to confirm your selection and return to the Beeper
menu or press to return without changing.
Saving Confirmation
When enabling this option, a prompt will appear on the LCD alerting
the user to save the modified values by pressing , exiting
without saving by pressing or canceling the saving operation
and return to the editing mode by pressing . If disabled, the
modified values will be saved automatically.
To enabled /disabled the saving confirmation:
• Use or to select the Saving Confirmation option.
• Press and use or to choose enabled
/ disabled.
• Press to confirm your selection or press to
cancel operation.
GLP Data
This option allows the user to set general information which will appear in the log reports. The edited text can have
max 10 characters.
Operator ID – edit the operator’s name.
Instrument ID – edit an identification name / number for the instrument.
Company Name – edit the company name.
Additional Info 1 & Additional Info 2 – for general purpose notations.
To set the GLP data:
• Use or to select the GLP Data option.
• Press and use or to highlight the
desired option.
• Press to edit the desired information. The Text Editor menu
will be displayed on the LCD.
• Enter the desired information by using and to
highlight the desired character. It is also possible to delete the last
character by positioning the cursor on the Backspace character ( )
and pressing .
• Press to return to the GLP Data menu. If the Saving
Confirmation is enabled, press to accept the modified
option, to escape without saving or to return to the editing mode. Otherwise, the modified
options are saved automatically.
To set the Date & Time:
• Use or to select the Date & Time option.
• Press and use or to highlight the
desired option you want to modify.
• Press to confirm your selection. Use and
and then use to modify the value with
or (for Set Date and Time option). For the
other two options press to confirm your selection and
select one of the displayed formats with or .
• Press to confirm your selection and return to the Date
& Time options.
• Press to return to the previous mode.
Note: If the time is changed with more than one hour before last measure parameters user calibration, a pop-up
warning will appear on the LCD, notifying the user that a date/time conflict has occured and some time-
dependent features could work improperly (e.g. GLP, Log).
LCD Setup
This option allows the user to set the Contrast, the Backlight of the LCD and the Backlight Saver. The Contrast
parameter can be adjusted within 7 steps, while the Backlight parameter within 4 steps. The Backlight Saver can
be set from 1 to 60 minutes or it can be disabled (OFF). All the changes are visible on the LCD for each parameter.
Note: If the instrument backlight is turned off after the set period of
time, press any key to turn it back on.
This option allows the user to choose the desired language for the user
Serial Communication
This option allows the user to set the desired speed for the serial
communication (baud rate) between the instrument and PC from
1200, 2400, 4800 or 9600.
To set the serial communication:
• Use or to select the Serial Communication
• Press and use or to highlight the
desired baud rate.
• Press to confirm your selection and return to the
System Setup menu or press to return without changing.
Note: The meter and the PC application must have the same baud rate.
Meter Information
This option provides general information about the instrument serial
number (each instrument has an unique identification serial number),
the software version and the factory calibration date and time (for
conductivity and temperature).
Note: All the instruments are factory calibrated for conductivity and
temperature. After one year from last factory calibration, the
warning will appear at meter startup to inform the user that
a new factory calibration is required.
Conductivity SETUP
The Conductivity Setup menu allows the user to set the parameters related to the conductivity measurement.
Accessing Conductivity Setup
• Press while in Measure mode and then to
select the Conductivity measure mode.
• Press and then to access Conductivity Setup
To access a conductivity setup options:
• Use or to highlight the desired option.
• Press to access the selected option or to exit
The following is a detailed description of the Conductivity Setup
option screens.
Choosing this option the measuring and the calibration mode can be customized. Up to 10 profiles can be
defined by the user.
Save Current Profile
To save the current profile:
• Use or to select the Profile option.
• Press and then select Save Current Profile option. The
text editor box will be displayed on the LCD.
• Enter the desired profile name by using and to
highlight the desired character and then press to add it
to the text bar. It is also possible to delete the last character by
positioning the cursor on the Backspace character ( ) and pressing
• Press to return to the Profile options.
Note: The saved profile will automatically become the current profile.
Load Profile
To load the user customized profile:
• Use or to select the Profile option.
• Press and use or to highlight the
Load Profile option.
• Press . A list with all customised profiles will be
displayed on the screen.
• Use or to select the desired profile and press
to confirm or to exit without selecting.
Delete Profile
To delete one of the existing profiles:
• Use or to select the Profile option.
• Press and use or to highlight the
Delete Profile option.
• Press . A list with all customised profiles will appear on
the screen.
• Use or to select the desired profile and press
• Press to return to the previous menu.
Reading Mode
This option allows the user to select between Direct, Direct/AutoHold,
Direct/USP conductivity reading modes.
To set the reading mode:
• Use or to select the Reading Mode option.
• Press and use or to highlight the
desired option.
• Press to confirm your selection or press to
cancel operation.
From the Temperature menu the user can choose the temperature
source and units, as well as the temperature compensation mode,
reference temperature and compensation coefficient.
To access a Temperature option:
• Use or to highlight the Temperature
option from the Conductivity Setup menu.
• Press to access the Temperature option.
Temperature Source
To set the temperature source:
• Use or to highlight the Temperature Source
• Press and then use or to select
Automatic or Manual temperature source.
• Press to confirm your selection or press to
cancel operation.
Temperature Compensation
The user can choose from the following options:
Linear - the meter will compensate automatically the conductivity using the following formula:
C ref - conductivity at reference temperature
Ci - measured conductivity (uncompensated)
- compensation coefficient
T - temperature
ref - reference temperature
Non-Linear - recommended for measuring the conductivity of the natural water in accordance with the
compensation table on the next page.
Disabled - the meter will display the conductivity with no temperature compensation.
Table for non-linear temperature compensation:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1.918 1.912 1.905 1.899 1.893 1.887 1.881 1.875 1.869 1.863
1 1.857 1.851 1.845 1.840 1.834 1.829 1.822 1.817 1.811 1.805
2 1.800 1.794 1.788 1.783 1.777 1.772 1.766 1.761 1.756 1.750
3 1.745 1.740 1.734 1.729 1.724 1.719 1.713 1.708 1.703 1.698
4 1.693 1.688 1.683 1.678 1.673 1.668 1.663 1.658 1.653 1.648
5 1.643 1.638 1.634 1.629 1.624 1.619 1.615 1.610 1.605 1.601
6 1.596 1.591 1.587 1.582 1.578 1.573 1.569 1.564 1.560 1.555
7 1.551 1.547 1.542 1.538 1.534 1.529 1.525 1.521 1.516 1.512
8 1.508 1.504 1.500 1.496 1.491 1.487 1.483 1.479 1.475 1.471
9 1.467 1.463 1.459 1.455 1.451 1.447 1.443 1.439 1.436 1.432
10 1.428 1.424 1.420 1.416 1.413 1.409 1.405 1.401 1.398 1.394
11 1.390 1.387 1.383 1.379 1.376 1.372 1.369 1.365 1.362 1.358
12 1.354 1.351 1.347 1.344 1.341 1.337 1.334 1.330 1.327 1.323
13 1.320 1.317 1.313 1.310 1.307 1.303 1.300 1.297 1.294 1.290
14 1.287 1.284 1.281 1.278 1.274 1.271 1.268 1.265 1.262 1.259
15 1.256 1.253 1.249 1.246 1.243 1.240 1.237 1.234 1.231 1.228
16 1.225 1.222 1.219 1.216 1.214 1.211 1.208 1.205 1.202 1.199
17 1.196 1.193 1.191 1.188 1.185 1.182 1.179 1.177 1.174 1.171
18 1.168 1.166 1.163 1.160 1.157 1.155 1.152 1.149 1.147 1.144
19 1.141 1.139 1.136 1.134 1.131 1.128 1.126 1.123 1.121 1.118
20 1.116 1.113 1.111 1.108 1.105 1.103 1.101 1.098 1.096 1.093
21 1.091 1.088 1.086 1.083 1.081 1.079 1.076 1.074 1.071 1.069
22 1.067 1.064 1.062 1.060 1.057 1.055 1.053 1.051 1.048 1.046
23 1.044 1.041 1.039 1.037 1.035 1.032 1.030 1.028 1.026 1.024
24 1.021 1.019 1.017 1.015 1.013 1.011 1.008 1.006 1.004 1.002
25 1.000 0.998 0.996 0.994 0.992 0.990 0.987 0.985 0.983 0.981
26 0.979 0.977 0.975 0.973 0.971 0.969 0.967 0.965 0.963 0.961
27 0.959 0.957 0.955 0.953 0.952 0.950 0.948 0.946 0.944 0.942
28 0.940 0.938 0.936 0.934 0.933 0.931 0.929 0.927 0.925 0.923
29 0.921 0.920 0.918 0.916 0.914 0.912 0.911 0.909 0.907 0.905
30 0.903 0.902 0.900 0.898 0.896 0.895 0.893 0.891 0.889 0.888
31 0.886 0.884 0.883 0.881 0.879 0.877 0.876 0.874 0.872 0.871
32 0.869 0.867 0.866 0.864 0.863 0.861 0.859 0.858 0.856 0.854
33 0.853 0.851 0.850 0.848 0.846 0.845 0.843 0.842 0.840 0.839
34 0.837 0.835 0.834 0.832 0.831 0.829 0.828 0.826 0.825 0.823
35 0.822 0.820 0.819 0.817 0.816 0.814 0.813 0.811 0.810 0.808
Temperature Unit
The user can choose from the Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin temperature
To set the temperature unit:
• Use or to highlight the Temperature Units
• Press and then use or to select
Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin degrees unit.
• Press to confirm your selection or press to
cancel operation.
Compensation Coefficient (only for linear temperature compensation)
To set the compensation coefficient:
• Use or to highlight the Compensation
Coefficient option.
• Press and set the desired compensation coefficient
using or to increase / decrease the value.
• Press to save the current value or press to
cancel operation.
Standard Recognition
The user can choose between Automatic recognition (from 6 Hanna
standards available) or User Standard (when custom standards are
used for calibration).
• Use or to highlight the Standard Recogni-
tion option.
• Use or to choose from Automatic or User
Standard option.
• Press to confirm your selection or press to
cancel operation.
Calibration Points
The user can choose between Single Point and Multi Points calibration.
To select the calibration points type:
• Use or to highlight the Calibration Points
• Press to confirm your selection and then use
or to choose the desired option.
• Press to confirm your selection or press to
cancel operation.
Calibration Reminder
This option allows the user to set the calibration reminder as Daily,
Periodic or Disabled.
To set the calibration reminder:
• Use or to highlight the Calibration re-
minder option.
• Press to confirm your selection and then use
or to choose the desired option.
• Press to confirm your selection or press to
cancel operation.
Clear Calibration
Accessing this option, the existent conductivity calibration can be cleared (the probe cell constant will be reset to
default). If the calibration is cleared, another calibration has to be performed.
To clear calibration:
• Use or to highlight the Clear Calibration option.
• Press to clear calibration. A pop-up menu will be displayed asking for confirmation.
• Press to confirm or press to escape without saving and return to the Calibration options.
The user can select the desired measurement unit. The available options
are: µS, mS or AutoRanging.
• Use or to highlight the Units option.
• Press to confirm your selection.
• Use or to select µS, mS or AutoRanging.
• Press to confirm your selection or press to
cancel operation.
Sample ID
This option allows the user to give to the measured samples an identification number/name. Two Sample ID
options are available: ID Increment and Edit Sample ID.
ID Increment
None – the sample ID will be edited alphanumerically by the user.
Automatic – the sample ID will be automatically incremented at
every new log lot notification.
To select the ID increment mode:
• Use or to highlight the ID Increment
• Press and then use or to highlight
the desired option.
• Press to confirm your selection or press to
cancel operation.
Edit Sample ID
This option allows the user to edit the sample ID (numeric - auto-increment mode, alphanumeric - user editable).
To edit the Sample ID:
• Use or to select the Sample ID option.
• Press and use or to highlight the Edit Sample ID option and then press .
• Edit numerically / alphanumerically the sample ID.
• Press to save the current sample ID or press to cancel operation.
This option allows the user to edit the settings related to the logging feature, as following:
Logging Type
Three logging types are available: Automatic, Manual and AutoHold.
Automatic logging - the readings are logged automatically at constant
time intervals (see Sampling Period option).
Manual logging ( log on demand)- the readings are logged each time
is pressed.
AutoHold logging - the readings are logged automatically at each
auto-hold event occured.
To set the sample logging type:
• Use or to highlight the Logging Type option.
• Press and use or to choose from
Automatic, Manual or Auto Hold.
• Press to confirm your selection or press to
cancel operation.
Sampling Period
This option allows the user to select the desired sampling period for
automatic logging.
To set the sampling period:
• Use or to highlight the Sampling Period option.
• Press and use or to select the
desired option from 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 seconds.
• Press to confirm your selection or press to
cancel operation.
New Lot
Accessing this option, the new manually logged readings will be put in a new log lot.
To generate a new lot:
• Use or to highlight the New Lot option.
• Press to generate a new manual lot. A pop-up menu will be displayed to ask for confirmation.
• Press to confirm or press to escape without saving and return to the Log options.
Note: The New Lot option is available only for manual logging.
This option allows the user to define two alarm limits for the measurements.
Alarm State
The following options are available:
Disabled – the alarm will be disabled.
Inside Limits – the alarm will notify the user when the measured value is inside the preset limits.
Outside Limits – the alarm will notify the user when the measured value is outside the preset limits.
Alarm Limits
This option allows the user to set the alarm limits for the measured
Note: The alarm high value cannot be lower than the alarm low
To set the alarm limits:
• Highlight the Alarm Limits option and then press .
• Use or to select the low / high alarm limit and
then press .
• Use or to increase / decrease the selected
alarm value.
• Press to return to the Alarm options.
Resistivity SETUP
The Resistivity Setup menu allows the user to set the parameters related to the resistivity measurements.
Accessing Resistivity Setup
• Press while in Measure mode and then to
select resistivity range.
• Press and then to access Resistivity Setup
To access a Resistivity Setup option:
• Use or to select the desired option.
• Press to confirm your selection.
Reading Mode
This option allows the user to select between Direct and Direct/AutoHold
resistivity reading modes.
To set the Reading Mode:
• Use or to select the Reading Mode option.
• Press and use or to highlight the
desired option.
• Press to confirm your selection or press to
cancel operation.
Temperature - see Conductivity Setup section.
The user can choose between Ohm, KOhm, MOhm, AutoRanging
measuring modes.
To select the units:
• Use or to highlight the Units option.
• Press to confirm and then use or
to highlight the desired unit.
• Press to confirm or press to cancel operation.
The TDS Setup menu allows the user to set the parameters related to the TDS measurement.
Accessing TDS Setup
• Press while in Measure mode and then to
select TDS range.
• Press and then to access TDS Setup menu.
To access a TDS Setup option:
• Use or to highlight the desired option.
• Press to access the selected option.
The following is a description of the TDS Setup option screens.
This option allows the user to set the TDS measuring range
ppm(mg/L), ppt (g/L), AutoRanging
TDS factor
Using this option the user can set the TDS factor.
• Use or to highlight the TDS Factor option.
• Press to confirm your selection and use or
to increase / decrease the value.
• Press to confirm your selection or press to
cancel operation.
Salinity SETUP
The Salinity Setup menu allows the user to set the parameters related to salinity measurement and
Accessing Salinity Setup
• Press while in Measure mode and then to
select Salinity range.
• Press and then to access Salinity Setup
To access an Salinity Setup option:
• Use or to highlight the desired option.
• Press to access the selected option.
The following is a description of the Salinity Setup options.
This option allows the user to choose the temperature source and units.
To access temperature options:
• Use or to highlight the Temperature option.
• Press to access Temperature menu.
• Use or to select the desired option and then press to access it.
• Press to return.
Clear Calibration
Accessing this option, the existent salinity calibration (Percent Scale only) can be cleared.
To clear calibration:
• Use or to highlight the Clear Calibration option.
• Press to clear calibration. A pop-up menu will be displayed to ask for confirmation.
• Press to confirm or press to cancel operation.
Salinity Scale
The meter uses three salinity scales: Natural Sea Water 1966, Practical Scale 1978, Percent Scale [%].
Note:TDS and Resistivity readings are automatically derived from the conductivity readings and no specific
calibration is needed.
The meter allows the user to calibrate the probe for the offset.
• Set the meter for conductivity range;
• Select the automatic standard recognition (see Conductivity Setup -> Calibration);
• Leave the dry probe in the air;
• Enter in calibration mode by pressing ;
• Wait to stabilize. The 0.000 µS calibration point will appear on the screen;
• Press to finish the probe offset calibration.
• Press to exit calibration mode or continue calibration in the other standard solutions.
Note: The offset calibration can be performed only if it is perfomed first (no other calibration points present).
Clear the old calibration if it is present to calibrate for the offset.
• Insert and rinse the probe in the first beaker in order to decontaminate it;
• Insert the probe in the second beaker;
• Tap the probe repeatedly to remove any air bubbles that may be trapped inside the sleeve.
• Enter in calibration mode by pressing ;
• Wait to stabilize;
• When the automatic standard recognition is selected, the calibration point will be automatically selected
from the Hanna standard list (84 µS, 1413 µS, 5.0 mS,12.88 mS, 80.0 mS, 111.8 mS). The user can
also select the desired standard value by using and ;
• Otherwise (user standard), the pop-up will prompt for entering the custom standard value.
• Press to finish the calibration or to exit calibration.
Note: The calculated cell constant will be used for the wide range.
Note: For each range the corresponding cell constant will be displayed.
Note: When the user cell constant is used the old calibration (in solution) will be cleared.
Make sure the instrument has been calibrated before taking conductivity measurements.
To measure the conductivity of a sample using the Direct reading
• Press and then to select conductivity
measure mode.
• Select the Direct reading mode (see Conductivity Setup).
• Submerge the conductivity probe and tap it repeatedly to
remove any air bubbles that may be trapped inside the sleeve.
Allow time for the reading to stabilize.
• The measured conductivity value will be displayed.
To measure conductivity of a sample using the Direct/AutoHold
reading mode:
• Select the Direct/AutoHold reading mode (see Conductivity
• If pressing , the “AutoHold” indicator will start blink-
ing on the display until the stability criterion is reached. The
conductivity value will be frozen on the display, along with
“AutoHold” indicator.
• To return to normal measure mode press .
In this measure mode the user can check for ultra pure water using the United States Pharmacopeia standard
(USP <645>).
This USP standard consists of three stages (one in-line and two off-line tests) as following:
Stage 1 - this is an in-line test.
Test steps:
• Measure the temperature of the water and the uncompensating conductivity readings. The measurement
may be performed in a suitable container or as in-line measurement.
• The temperature will be round down to the nearest 5 °C and look up the corresponding conductivity value
in the below table.
• If the measured conductivity is lower than the conductivity in the table, then the water meets the USP
• Otherwise, proceed to Stage 2 testing.
Stage 3 - this is an off-line test.
Test steps:
• Take the water sample from the previous stage and increase its ionic strength for a pH measurement at
25 °C;
• Record the pH and round it to the nearest 0.1 pH;
• Look up the corresponding conductivity value measured in Stage 2 above;
• If the conductivity is lower than the conductivity from the below table, then the sample has met the USP
requirements. Otherwise, the water didn’t meet the USP requirements.
Conductivity Conductivity
pH pH
(µS/cm) (µS/cm)
5.0 4.7 6.1 2.4
5.1 4.1 6.2 2.5
5.2 3.6 6.3 2.4
5.3 3.3 6.4 2.3
5.4 3.0 6.5 2.2
5.5 2.8 6.6 2.1
5.6 2.6 6.7 2.6
5.7 2.5 6.8 3.1
5.8 2.4 6.9 3.8
5.9 2.4 7.0 4.6
6.0 2.4
Make sure the instrument has been calibrated on conductivity before taking resistivity measurements.
To measure the resistivity of a sample using the Direct reading
• Press and then to select resistivity measure
• Select the Direct reading mode (see Resistivity Setup section).
• Proceed as for the conductivity measurement (see Conductivity
Measurement section).
To measure resistivity of a sample using the Direct / AutoHold reading
• Select the Direct / AutoHold reading mode (see Resistivity
Setup section).
• Proceed as for the conductivity measurement. (see Conductivity
Measurement section)
Make sure the TDS factor has been set before taking TDS measurements (see TDS Setup section).
To measure the TDS of a sample using the Direct reading mode:
• Press and then to select TDS measure mode.
• Select the Direct reading mode (see TDS Setup section).
• Proceed as for the conductivity measurement (see Conductivity
Measurement section).
To measure TDS of a sample using the Direct / AutoHold reading mode:
• Select the Direct / AutoHold reading mode (see TDS Setup
• Proceed as for the conductivity measurement. (see Conductivity
Measurement section)
Salinity calibration is a one-point procedure at 100.0% NaCl. Use the HI 7037L calibration solution
(sea water solution) as a 100% NaCl standard solution.
To enter salinity calibration:
• Set the meter for salinity range;
• Select the Percent Scale (see Salinity Setup section);
• Rinse the probe with some of the calibration solution or deionized water;
• Immerse the probe into HI 7037L solution. The sleeve holes must be completely submerged. Tap
the probe repeatedly to remove any air bubbles that may be trapped inside the sleeve.
• Enter in calibration mode by pressing ;
• Wait to stabilize;
• Press to finish salinity calibration or press to cancel calibration.
Three measurement scales are available for salinity (Natural Sea Water Scale, Practical Salinity Scale and
Percent Scale).
RT - coefficient;
CT(sample) - uncompensated conductivity at T °C;
C(35,15)= 42914 µS/cm - the corresponding conductivity of KCl solution containing a mass of 32.4356 g
KCl / 1 Kg solution;
Note: The formula can be applied for temperatures between 10 °C and 31 °C.
According to the definition, salinity of a sample in psu (practical salinity units) is calculated using the
following formula:
RT - coefficient;
CT(sample) - uncompensated conductivity at T °C;
C(35,15)= 42914 µS/cm - the corresponding conductivity of KCl solution containing a mass of 32.4356 g
KCl / 1 Kg solution;
rT - temperature compensation polynom
a0=0.008 b0=0.0005
a1=-0.1692 b1=-0.0056
a2=25.3851 b2=-0.0066
a3=14.0941 b3=-0.0375
a4=-7.0261 b4=0.0636
a5=2.7081 b5=-0.0144
Note: The formula can be applied for salinity values between 0 and 42 psu.
The formula can be applied for temperatures between -2 °C and 35 °C.
The temperature user calibration menu can be accessed at the meter startup by pressing simultaniously three
keys as in the below drawing:
Note: The temperature user calibration is performed in three points: around 0°C, 50°C, 100°C.
This feature allows the user to log conductivity, resistivity, TDS, salinity and temperature. The logging
behaviour is dependent on the Logging Type and Reading Mode options from the parameter setup.
The Logging Data Configuration options from the appropriate parameter setup must be set first in order to be
saved into the log report.
Regarding data logging, the available logging modes are shown in the table below:
1 Automatic D irect
2 Automatic D irect/AutoHold
3 Manual D irect
4 Manual D irect/AutoHold
5 AutoHold D irect/AutoHold
This logging mode can be used to monitor a chemical reaction. By choosing this logging mode, will
be available in Measure mode.
To log data using this mode:
• Press while in Measure mode to start the logging
session. The “Logging” and the Sampling Period indicators will
be displayed on the LCD and data will be stored at the set
sampling period.
Note: While automatic logging is running, the measured pa-
rameter setup is not available. A warning message will
be displayed if the setup is accessed.
• If accessing Graph option while logging, the online graph can
be visualized on the LCD (see Display Mode section).
• If accessing Log History option while logging, last logged data
can be visualized on the LCD (see Display Mode section).
• To stop the logging session, press . The Log Save screen will display the log lot ID, the settable
log interval / sampling:
• Press to adjust the log interval and / or the log sampling or press to save the current log.
• Press to enter log interval edit menu and use
or to adjust the logging start-stop time or the log
sampling. Press to save the current value and use
or to adjust next / previous parameter.
• Press to exit log interval edit menu and then press
to save the current log.
• While the instrument is saving the data, a “Please wait...”
pop-up message will be displayed on the LCD.
This logging mode can be used for multiple samples measurement.
By choosing this logging mode, and will be
available in Measure mode.
To log data using this mode:
• Press while in Measure mode to start the logging
session. When the measured value is frozen on the LCD by
pressing and the stability criterion is reached, the
logged value is the one that has been frozen on the LCD until
returning to normal logging mode by pressing .
The “Logging” and “AutoHold” indicators will be displayed on
the LCD.
• To store another frozen value, press again.
• To stop the logging session, press .
This logging mode can be used for any sample measurements. By
choosing this logging mode, will be available in Measure
To log data using this mode:
• Press while in Measure mode to manually log a
record. The “Logged” indicator will be displayed on the LCD.
• The records will be stored in one lot. In order to change the
logging lot, see the measured parameter setup for details, Log
option, New Lot generation.
This logging mode can be used for multiple samples measurement. By choosing this logging mode,
and will be available in Measure mode.
To log data using this mode:
• Press while in Measure mode to manually log a record. Each value is logged at the time when the key
was pressed. When the measured value is frozen on the LCD by pressing and the stability criterion is
reached, the logged value is the one that has been frozen on the LCD.
• To store another frozen value, press to return to normal logging mode and then again.
• The records will be stored in one lot. In order to change the logging lot, see the measured unit Setup for
details, Log option, New Lot generation.
This logging mode can be used for multiple samples measurement. By choosing this logging mode,
and will be available in Measure mode.
Note: If the Reading Mode option is set as Direct and the Logging Mode 5 session is started, a warning pop-
up will be displayed on the LCD, informing the user that the Reading Mode option must be set as Direct/
AutoHold in order to use this logging mode.
To log data using this mode:
• Press while in Measure mode to start the logging session. The logged values are only the ones
frozen on the LCD, after was pressed and the stability criterion reached.
• To store another frozen value, press to return to normal logging mode and then again.
• To stop the logging session, press .
Notes: • For the automatic logging, if the maximum logging time (24h) has been reached, a warning pop-up
will be displayed on the LCD in order to save the current log and start another one in a new lot.
• If 100 lots have been saved or maximum 10000 records have been manually stored, a warning
pop-up will be displayed on the LCD in order to delete one lot or to select a new lot for the
manual logging to log other records.
This feature allows the user to view all stored data. If no data were logged, the “No records were found” message
will be displayed on the LCD in the Log Recall screen. Otherwise, the instrument will display all the memorized lots
in accordance with the selected option: Automatic Log, Manual Log or USP Report.
To view the memorized data:
• Press while in Measure mode.
• Press . The “Choose Log Report Type” message will
be displayed in the Reminder messages area.
• Press , or to select the desired
Log/USP Report type. All logged lots for the selected Log
Report type will be displayed on the LCD.
• To filter the displayed lots, press and then the
desired unit , , or .
Only the selected measurement unit lots will be displayed
on the LCD.
• Select the desired lot with or and press
to display the logged / report data from the highlighted lot. The “Please wait...” message
will be displayed on the LCD for a short period. The user customised report will be displayed on the LCD.
Note: For automatic logging only, it is possible to view the plotted graph.
• Press to display the graph.
• By pressing it is possible to move the graph along the horizontal or vertical axis with the arrow keys.
• If pressing while the graph is displayed, the zoom menu for the horizontal and vertical axes will
be accessed. Press or / / / to switch between the active
zooming axes and then zoom in or out on the selected axis by pressing the appropriate virtual key.
• Press to return to the previous menu.
To delete lots:
• Press while in Log Recall mode.
• Press or to access delete or delete all
mode. Otherwise, press to return to Log Recall view
• After selecting one of the deleting modes, use or
to select one lot and then press or
to delete the selected lot or all lots. The
“Please wait...” message will be displayed on the LCD
until the selected lot or all lots are deleted.
• Press and then press to exit deleting
mode and return to Log Recall view mode.
• Press to exit Log Recall mode and return to
Measure mode.
Data transmission from the instrument to the PC can be done with the HI 92000 Windows® compatible
software (optional). HI 92000 also offers graphing and on-line help feature.
Data can be exported to the most popular spreadsheet programs for further analysis.
HI 4321 instrument has two available serial interfaces: RS232 and USB. The desired serial interface can be
selected from the settings window of the HI 92000 software.
If choosing the RS232 serial interface, use the optional Hanna HI 920010 cable connector to connect your
instrument to a PC. Make sure that your instrument is switched off and then plug one connector to the
instrument RS232 socket and the other one to the serial port of your PC.
Note: Other cables than HI 920010 may use a different configuration. In this case, communication between
instrument and PC may not be possible.
If choosing the USB serial interface, use a standard USB cable to connect your instrument to the PC.
For both serial interfaces, make sure that the instrument and the HI 92000 software have the same baud rate
and the appropriate communication port.
Rinse the conductivity probe with distilled water. Immerse the tip (bottom 4 cm /1½”) in the sample and
stir gently for a few seconds.
For a faster response and to avoid cross-contamination of the samples, rinse the probe with a few drops of the
solution to be tested, before taking measurements.
Inspect the probe and the cable. The cable used for connection to the instrument must be intact and there must
be no points of broken insulation on the cable. Connectors must be perfectly clean and dry. Rinse off any salt
deposits with water.
If more cleaning is required, remove the probe sleeve and clean the probe with a cloth or a nonabrasive
detergent. Make sure to reinsert the sleeve onto the probe properly and in the right direction. After cleaning
the probe, recalibrate the instrument.
The platinum rings are sustained with glass. Take great care while handling the probe.
IMPORTANT: After performing any of the cleaning procedures, rinse the electrode thoroughly with distilled water.
HI 70033P 84 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.)
HI 7033M 84 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 230 mL bottle
HI 7033L 84 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL bottle
HI 8033L 84 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL FDA approved bottle
HI 70031P 1413 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.)
HI 7031M 1413 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 230 mL bottle
HI 7031L 1413 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL bottle
HI 8031L 1413 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL FDA approved bottle
HI 70039P 5000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.)
HI 7039M 5000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 230 mL bottle
HI 7039L 5000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL bottle
HI 8039L 5000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL FDA approved bottle
HI 70030P 12880 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.)
HI 7030M 12880 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 230 mL bottle
HI 7030L 12880 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL bottle
HI 8030L 12880 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL FDA approved bottle
HI 7034M 80000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 230 mL bottle
HI 7034L 80000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL bottle
HI 8034L 80000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL FDA approved bottle
HI 7035M 111800 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 230 mL bottle
HI 7035L 111800 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL bottle
HI 8035L 111800 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL FDA approved bottle
HI 7037L 100% NaCl sea water standard solution, 500 mL
HI 7061M General Cleaning Solution, 230 mL bottle
HI 8061M General Cleaning Solution, 230 mL FDA approved bottle
HI 7061L General Cleaning Solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 8061L General Cleaning Solution, 500 mL FDA approved bottle
HI 76312 Platinum 4-ring Conductivity/TDS probe with temperature sensor and 1 m (3.3') cable
HI 7662-T Temperature probe with 1 m (3.3’) cable
HI 710005/8 12VDC voltage adapter from 115 Vac to 12 Vdc (US plug)
HI 710006/8 12VDC voltage adapter from 230 Vac to 12 Vdc (European plug)
HI 76404N Electrode holder
HI 920010 9 to 9-pin RS232 cable
HI 92000 Windows® compatible software
Before using these products, make sure they are entirely suitable for the environment in which they are used.
Operation of these instruments in residential areas could cause unacceptable interferences to radio and TV equipment,
requiring the operator to follow all necessary steps to correct interferences.
The glass bulb at the end of the pH electrode is sensitive to electrostatic discharges. Avoid touching this glass bulb at all
During operation, ESD wrist straps should be worn to avoid possible damage to the electrode by electrostatic discharges.
Any variation introduced by the user to the supplied equipment may degrade the instruments’ EMC performance.
To avoid electrical shock, do not use these instruments when voltages at the measurement surface exceed 24 VAC or 60
To avoid damage or burns, do not perform any measurement in microwave ovens.
Tel. (03) 9769.0666 • Fax (03) 9769.0699
Tel. (10) 88570068 • Fax (10) 88570060
Tel. & Fax (02) 2758.683
Tel. (07851) 9129-0 • Fax (07851) 9129-99
Tel. (210) 823.5192 • Fax (210) 884.0210
Tel. (21) 4584.2941 • Fax (21) 4584.2942
Tel. (03) 3258.9565 • Fax (03) 3258.9567
Tel. (02) 2278.5147 • Fax (02) 2264.1729
Tel. (603) 5638.9940 • Fax (603) 5638.9829
Tel. 6296.7118 • Fax 6291.6906
South Africa:
Tel. (011) 615.6076 • Fax (011) 615.8582
Tel. 886.2.2739.3014 • Fax 886.2.2739.2983
Tel. 66.2619.0708 • Fax 66.2619.0061
United Kingdom:
Tel. (01525) 850.855 • Fax (01525) 853.668
Tel. (401) 765.7500 • Fax (401) 765.7575
For e-mail contacts and a complete list of Sales and Technical offices, please see