Adler Individual Psychology
Adler Individual Psychology
Adler Individual Psychology
Because of this breach in beliefs, the relationship between Freud and Adler was
Freud saw all human motivation reduced to sex and aggression while Adler
saw people as being motivated mostly by social influences and the striving for
superiority or success.
Freud assumed that people have little or no choice in shaping their personality
whereas Adler believed that people are largely responsible for who they are.
Freud’s assumption that present behavior is caused by past experiences was
directly opposed to Adler’s notion that present behavior is shaped by people’s
view of the future.
Freud placed very heavy emphasis on unconscious components of behavior
while Adler believed that psychologically healthy people are aware of what
they are doing and why they are doing it.
Background tidbits:
Adler was an early member of the Wednesday group but left the group because of
differences in what he saw as the motivating factor of the psyche. He saw physical
deficiencies as the foundation of human motivation, not sex.
Formed the Society for Free Psychoanalysis Study which later changed to the
Society for Individual Psychology
Adler suggested that social interest and compassion could be the cornerstones for
human motivation.
Adler was impressed by Americans and admired their optimism and open-
Adler was married and had four children, two of whom became psychiatrists.
Adlerian Theory
Adler’s theory suffered from a number of critical problems including:
1. poor organization
2. the fact that he was not a particularly good writer
3. and that much of his work was incorporated into other writers work.
Tenant two is the people’s subjective perceptions shape their behavior and
Fictionalism suggests that we create a goal early in life and the goal guides
our style of life and gives unity to our personalities.
o An example might be that men are superior to women.
o This teleological approach is suggests that we are focused on our
future goal or ends and not concerned about how the past produces
some present effect.
Physical deformities suggests that because we are small, weak and inferior,
we develop a fiction or belief system about how to overcome these physical
deficiencies and become big, strong, and superior. One might attain these,
however, and still act as if they are the former.
o Some people use these inferiorities and move toward psychological
health and a useful style of life while others overcompensate and are
motivated to subdue or retreat from other people.
o Physical deficiencies alone do not cause a particular style of life; they
simply provide present motivation for reaching future goals.
Tenant three is the unity and self-consistency of personality suggests that each
persona is unique and indivisible and that the notion of inconsistent behavior does
not exist
Adler suggests several ways that the entire person operates with unity and
o Organ dialect – The deficient organ expresses the direction of the
individual’s goal.
Conscious and unconscious – Conscious thoughts are those that
are understood and regarded by the individual as helpful in
striving for success while unconscious thought are those that are
not helpful.
o Whether people’s behavior leads to a healthy or an unhealthy style of
life depends on the degree of social interest they develop during
childhood years.
Tenant four is social interest and that the value of all human activity must be seen
from the viewpoint of social interest.
A feeling of oneness with all humanity
Social interest is the natural condition of the human species and the
adhesive that binds society together
It begins early in development with the family and the group of families
that family belongs to
o It originates in the mother-child relationship
o It continues in the father-child relationship
o It is believed that these parental relationships overwhelm the effects
of heredity and the child’s social environment.
Social interest is the “sole criterion of human values” and is the only gauge
to be used in judging the worth of a person.
Healthy individuals are genuinely concerned about other people and have a
goal of success that encompasses the well-being of all people
How does one strive toward the final goal?
Tenant six is that the style of life is molded by people’s creative power.
Abnormal Development
One factor that underlies all types of maladjustments in underdeveloped
social interest.
o Neurotics
Set their goals too high
Live in their own private worlds
Have a rigid and dogmatic lifestyle
Masculine Protest
o Adler believed that the psychic and physical life of women is not
much different than that of men and the culture and history help to
create any differences that do exist.
o The overemphasis on being manly is called masculine protest.
o Boys and girls are taught these differences very early on.
o Freud’s and Adler’s view on femininity are reflected in their choice
of wives!