Cognitive Status of Young and Older Ciga PDF
Cognitive Status of Young and Older Ciga PDF
Cognitive Status of Young and Older Ciga PDF
Clinical study
Previous studies that have examined the impact of cigarette smoking on cognition have revealed mixed results; some studies report no
impact and others report detrimental effects, especially in older individuals. Few studies, however, have examined the effects of cigarette
smoking on both young and old healthy individuals using highly robust and standardized methods of cognitive assessment. This study
draws on an international database to contrast cognitive differences between younger and older individuals who regularly smoke ciga-
rettes and non-smokers. Data were sampled from 1000 highly screened healthy individuals free of medical or psychiatric health compli-
cations. A cohort of 62 regular smokers (n = 45 < 45 years of age; n = 17 P 45 years) with a Fagerstrom nicotine dependency score of 1
or more were identified and matched to a cohort of 62 healthy nonsmokers (n = 43 < 45 years; n = 19 P 45 years) on demographic vari-
ables and estimated intelligence. Performances on cognitive measures of attention, reaction time, cognitive flexibility, psychomotor
speed, and memory were considered for analysis. As a group, smokers performed more poorly than nonsmokers on one measure of exec-
utive function. A significant age and smoking status interaction was identified with older smokers performing more poorly than older
nonsmokers and younger smokers on a measure of long-delayed recall of new information. Cigarette smoking is associated with isolated
and subtle cognitive difficulties among very healthy individuals.
2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0967-5868/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
458 R.H. Paul et al. / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 13 (2006) 457–465
understood. Investigators that have examined the impact Exclusion criteria for the parent database included any
of chronic cigarette smoking have reported mixed results. mental or physical condition with the potential to influence
Results from a number of large-scale studies have revealed cognitive performance, including a personal history of
no observable effect of cigarette smoking on cognition in mental illness, physical brain injury, neurological disorder
community-drawn older individuals.7–11 In contrast, an or other medical condition (hypertension, diabetes, cardiac
equal number of studies investigating large cohorts of older disease, thyroid disease), and/or a personal history of drug
individuals have revealed modest associations between cig- or alcohol addiction. Importantly, those individuals report-
arette smoking and poor cognitive function.12–15 Psycho- ing a history of hypertension, diabetes, cardiac disease, and
motor speed, attention, and executive function (such as thyroid disease were excluded from the study. The
abstraction and cognitive flexibility) are the cognitive do- SPHERE17 was administered to identify individuals with
mains most consistently implicated in these studies. significant mental illness. Subjects were excluded if they
These cognitive changes may reflect concomitant cere- had a family history of attention deficit hyperactivity disor-
brovascular disease secondary to smoking-related hyper- der, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or a genetic disorder.
tension, and/or other comorbid health factors. However, An ethics committee reviewed the protocol at each site of
Brody et al.16 reported reduced volume of the prefontal data acquisition and all subjects voluntarily signed a writ-
grey matter, anterior cingulate cortex, and cerebellum in ten informed consent form to participate in the database.
smokers compared to nonsmokers, suggesting that direct
smoking-related alterations in cortical volume rather than 2.1. Study sample
secondary effects of cerebrovascular disease may underlie
the cognitive changes associated with smoking. As part of the parent study, all participants were asked
The inconsistent findings in the literature regarding the questions about smoking behavior, and responses were
impact, if any, of chronic cigarette smoking on cognitive compiled into a Fagerstrom dependency score,18 which
function may be associated with confounding factors inher- provides an index of nicotine dependency. Of the 1000
ant in the methodology. Most studies that included older healthy individuals, 62 were at least 18 years of age and
individuals, included participants who reported comorbid were identified as smokers (defined as a Fagerstrom score
physical health conditions that are independently associ- of 1 or higher). Only individuals over the age of 17 were in-
ated with cognitive impairment (such as diabetes and cluded to avoid developmental confounds on cognitive per-
hypertension). Further, most studies that have examined formance. A comparison group of 62 healthy nonsmokers
cognition using sensitive and standardized cognitive tests was randomly selected from the database. These individu-
were limited by small sample sizes, while many studies that als were selected based on earning a Fagerstrom score of
examined large cohorts of individuals frequently relied on 0, and representing the range of age and education values
very brief cognitive tests that lacked the requisite sensitivity identified for the participants identified as smokers. A re-
to detect significant interactions between cigarette smoking search assistant visually reviewed the basic demographic
and cognition.13 No study has examined the impact of data for the nonsmokers (age and education), and ran-
chronic smoking in a relatively large cohort of young and domly selected subject identification codes until 62 individ-
older smokers using robust neuropsychological methods. uals were selected. This semi-matching process was
The purpose of the present study was to address these conducted blind to all dependent variables of interest (that
methodological issues by examining a relatively large is cognitive performances).
cohort of otherwise healthy smokers and demographi- Demographic characteristics for the study sample are
cally-matched nonsmokers using highly sensitive and stan- presented in Table 1; differences were compared with t-tests
dardised neuropsychological measures. Importantly, both and the Pearson’s chi-square test. Briefly, average age was
young and older adult smokers were included to determine not significantly different (p > 0.05) between younger
whether cognitive changes associated with smoking were smokers and younger nonsmokers or between older smok-
age-dependent. We predicted that smoking would be nega- ers and older nonsmokers. There were no significant differ-
tively associated with cognitive function among the older ences (p > 0.05) among any of the groups in terms of sex
subjects, while younger smokers would perform equally distribution, number of years of education, or scores on
well as nonsmokers on the cognitive tests. the Spot-the-Word Test, which provides a reasonable esti-
mation of overall intellectual functioning.19
2. Methods
2.2. Procedure
The present study makes use of data acquired from the
Brain Resource International Database. Six laboratories Prior to data acquisition at one of the laboratories in the
(New York, Rhode Island, Holland, London, Adelaide consortium, each subject was assigned an eight-digit identi-
and Sydney), participated in the data acquisition in a total fication number for anonymity, and subjects answered self-
quality-controlled manner. At the time of the present report web-based questions, including questions about
study, the database contained demographic, psychiatric, smoking, personality and emotional experience. As de-
health and cognitive data on 1000 healthy individuals. scribed above, participants completed the CIDI to identify
R.H. Paul et al. / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 13 (2006) 457–465 459
Table 1
Demographic characteristics of younger and older smokers and nonsmokers
Nonsmokers Smokers
Younger Older Total Younger Older Total
n 43 19 62 45 17 62
Age 26.56 (7.05) 55.79 (8.59) 35.52 (15.51) 29.53 (7.29) 54.65 (6.06) 36.42 (13.25)
Percent women 42% 63% 48% 56% 53% 55%
Years of Educationà 14.47 (2.14) 14.84 (2.81) 14.58 (2.35) 14.18 (1.98) 13.29 (2.28) 13.94 (2.09)
Spot-the-Wordà 48.37 (6.11) 49.16 (5.64) 48.61 (5.94) 48.43 (5.17) 46.86 (8.47) 48.04 (6.11)
Fagerstrom§ N/A N/A N/A 3.38 (2.05) 3.94 (2.22) 3.54 (2.09)
All data presented as mean (SD).
No significant differences (p > 0.05) among younger and older smokers and nonsmokers.
No significant differences (p > 0.05) between younger smokers and nonsmokers or between older smokers and nonsmokers.
No significant difference (p > 0.05) between younger and older smokers.
significant mental illness. Participants also completed an Austin mazes, span of visual memory, digit span, verbal
abbreviated version of the Depression Anxiety Stress list-learning and recall, verbal interference, and switching
Scales (DASS)20 to quantify symptoms of depression, anx- of attention (See Tables 2, 3). This computerized battery
iety and stress. The DASS uses a four-point scale with a has been shown to have good validity and reliability.21
Likert-type response format to measure depression, anxiety The measures are described in greater detail below.
and stress on three distinct scales. Participants underwent
neurocognitive testing lasting approximately 45 minutes 2.3.1. Motor tapping task
and an electroencephalogram. Only the neurocognitive re- Subjects were required to tap a circle on the touch-
sults are reported in this study. Per requirements of the screen with their index finger, as fast as possible for 60
database, participants were asked to refrain from caffeine seconds. The dependent variable was the average duration
and nicotine for at least 2 hours prior to testing, and to re- between taps for the dominant hand.
frain from alcohol for at least 12 hours prior to testing.
Objective verification of abstinence from these substances 2.3.2. Choice reaction time task
was not available. Subjects were required to attend to the computer screen
as one of four circles was illuminated. Immediately follow-
2.3. Cognitive test battery ing presentation, the subject then had to touch the illumi-
nated circle as quickly as possible. Twenty trials were
Subjects were seated in a sound attenuated room, in administered with a random delay between trials of 2–4
front of a touch-screen computer (NEC MultiSync LCD seconds. The dependent variable was the mean reaction
1530V NEC Australia, Mulgrave, VIC, Australia). The time across trials.
cognitive tests were administered in a fixed order using
pre-recorded task instructions (via headphones), and the 2.3.3. Letter fluency
touch-screen computer was used for answers. The test bat- Subjects were required to generate words that began
tery consisted of the following tests: motor tapping, choice with the letters F, A, and S. Sixty seconds were allotted
reaction time, continuous performance test, letter fluency, for each letter and proper nouns were not allowed. The
Table 2
Descriptive statistics for performance on the neuropsychological test battery as a function of age and smoking status
Young nonsmoker Young smoker Older nonsmoker Older smoker
Motor tapping 193.59 (103.86) 188.22 (46.35) 184.18 (19.94) 200.57 (67.62)
Choice reaction time 731.10 (146.77) 702.09 (109.14) 769.32 (140.68) 841.92 (235.37)
FAS 16.05 (3.94) 15.30 (5.01) 14.72 (3.53) 12.60 (4.88)
CPT reaction time (msec) 495.97 (104.74) 529.93 (98.92) 490.50 (69.60) 512.75 (144.84)
CPT false positives (msec) 1.46 (2.09) 1.45 (2.06) 1.89 (2.00) 1.42 (1.63)
Maze errors 26.64 (10.52) 36.25 (20.23) 57.70 (40.08) 70.05 (52.30)
Maze trials 6.97 (2.62) 8.55 (3.06) 10.47 (3.76) 12.13 (4.03)
Digit span forward 6.39 (1.45) 6.36 (1.51) 6.53 (1.31) 5.29 (1.49)
Digit span reverse 5.02 (1.79) 5.02 (1.68) 4.37 (2.17) 3.44 (1.50)
Span of visual memory 5.74 (0.76) 5.49 (1.18) 4.89 (1.02) 4.90 (1.12)
Verbal learning total learning 28.39 (10.53) 27.19 (8.71) 31.14 (4.67) 30.40 (5.72)
Verbal learning delayed recall 8.57 (2.27) 8.73 (2.03) 8.00 (1.52) 5.70 (2.26)
Verbal interference 13.71 (3.08) 12.19 (3.33) 8.36 (3.14) 8.93 (3.63)
Switching of attention 1 (sec) 20.14 (49.98) 19.97 (49.45) 26.64 (77.13) 27.43 (80.26)
Switching of attention 2 (sec) 41.01 (10.79) 45.98 (10.95) 53.33 (91.39) 54.79 (83.29)
All data are presented as mean (SD), FAS = F, A, S letter fluency, CPT = continuous performance test.
460 R.H. Paul et al. / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 13 (2006) 457–465
Table 3
Effects of age group and smoking status on cognitive performance
Main effect of age group Main effect of smoking status Age group X smoking Post hoc test
status interaction
Motor tapping F(1,120) = 0.010, p = 0.92 F(1,120) = 0.139, p = 0.71 F(1,120) = 0.536, p = 0.47
Choice reaction time F(1,111) = 8.36, p = 0.005 F(1,111) = 0.501, p = 0.48 F(1,111) = 2.72, p = 0.10 Y<O
FAS F(1,115) = 4.87, p = 0.029 F(1,115) = 2.47, p = 0.119 F(1,115) = 0.57, p = 0.45 Y<O
CPT reaction time F(1,115) = 0.280, p = 0.598 F(1,115) = 1.723, p = 0.192 F(1,115) = 0.075, p = 0.785
CPT false positives F(1,115) = 0.239, p = 0.26 F(1,115) = 0.322, p = 0.572 F(1,115) = 0.308, p = 0.580
Maze errors F(1,118) = 31.97, p < 0.001 F(1,118) = 3.67, p = 0.058 F(1,118) = 0.057, p = 0.811 Y<O
Maze trials F(1,118) = 30.06, p < 0.001 F(1,118) = 6.23, p = 0.014 F(1,118) = 0.004, p = 0.951 Y < O, NS < S
Digit span forward F(1,124) = 5.537, p = 0.109 F(1,124) = 4.869, p = 0.029 F(1,124) = 4.255, p = 0.041 NS < S, ONS < OS,
Digit span reverse F(1,123) = 9.82, p = 0.002 F(1,123) = 5.41, p = 0.195 F(1,123) = 1.69, p = 0.196 Y<O
Span of visual memory F(1,123) = 12.62, p = 0.001 F(1,123) = 0.361, p = 0.549 F(1,123) = 0.428, p = 0.514 Y<O
Verbal learning total learning F(1,66) = 1.42, p = 0.237 F(1,66) = 0.151, p = 0.699 F(1,66) = 0.008, p = 0.928
Verbal learning delayed recall F(1,66) = 8.92, p = 0.004 F(1,66) = 3.14, p = 0.081 F(1,66) = 4.19, p = 0.045 Y < O, ONS < OS,
Verbal interference F(1,109) = 33.34, p < 0.001 F(1,109) = 0.413, p = 0.522 F(1,109) = 1.961, p = 0.164 Y<O
Switching of attention 1 F(1,122) = 34.61, p < 0.001 F(1,122) = 0.067, p = 0.796 F(1,122) = 0.163, p = 0.687 Y<O
Switching of attention 2 F(1,123) = 26.45, p < 0.001 F(1,123) = 2.45, p = 0.120 F(1,123) = 0.729, p = 0.395 Y<O
Y = younger, O = older, NS = nonsmokers, S = smokers, YS = younger smokers, OS = older smokers, ONS = older nonsmokers.
total number of correct words generated across the three rated by a one second interval. The subject was then
trials was the dependent measure. immediately asked to enter the digits on a numeric keypad
on the touch-screen, either in forward order or backwards
2.3.4. Continuous performance test (reverse digit span task). The number of digits in each se-
A series of letters (B, C, D or G) were presented to the quence was gradually increased from 3 to 9. The dependent
subject on the computer screen (for 200 milliseconds), sep- measure was the maximum number of digits the subject
arated by an interval of 2.5 seconds. If the same letter ap- recalled without error.
peared twice in a row, the subject was asked to press
buttons with the index finger of each hand. Speed and 2.3.7. Span of visual memory
accuracy of response were equally stressed in the task This test was a visual analogue of a digit span test. Sub-
instructions. There were 125 stimuli presented in total, 85 jects were presented with squares arranged in a random
being non-target letters and 20 being target letters (that pattern on the computer screen. The squares were high-
is, repetitions of the previous letter). The dependent vari- lighted in a sequential order on each trial. Subjects were re-
ables were the reaction time and number of false positives. quired to repeat the order in which the squares were
highlighted. The total number correct was the dependent
2.3.5. Austin mazes variable.
The subject was presented with a grid (8 · 8 matrix) of
circles on the computer screen. The object of the task 2.3.8. Verbal list-learning
was to identify the hidden path through the grid, from The participants were read a list of 12 words, which they
the beginning point at the bottom of the grid to the end were asked to memorize. The list contained 12 words from
point at the top. The subject was able to navigate around the English language. Words were closely matched on con-
the grid by pressing arrow keys. The subject was presented creteness, number of letters and frequency. The list was
with one tone (and a red cross at the bottom of the screen) presented four times in total and the subject was required
if they made an incorrect move, and a different tone (and a to recall as many words as possible after each presentation.
green tick at the bottom of the screen) if they made a cor- The subject was then presented with a list of distracter
rect move. The purpose of the task was therefore to assess words and asked to recall those. The subject was then
how quickly the subject learned the route through the maze asked to recall the 12 words from the original list. The
and their ability to remember that route. The trial ended dependent variable was the number of words correctly re-
when the subject completed the maze twice without error called across the four learning trials, and the number of
or after 10 minutes had elapsed. The dependent variables words recalled on the long delay free recall trial.
were the number of errors on the test and the number of
trials required to complete the maze without error on two 2.3.9. Verbal interference
consecutive trials. This test was a computerized modification of the Stroop
test.22 Participants were presented with color words printed
2.3.6. Digit span in incongruent ink and they were required to name the col-
Subjects were presented with a series of digits (for exam- or of the ink rather than read the word. Total number of
ple, 4,2,7. . .) presented individually for 500 ms and sepa- correct trials was the dependent variable.
R.H. Paul et al. / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 13 (2006) 457–465 461
2.3.10. Switching of attention task Results of the univariate analyses revealed the signifi-
This modified version of the Trail Making Test con- cant impact of age on most measures. Younger individuals
sisted of two parts. The first required the connecting of performed better than older individuals on letter fluency,
numbers in ascending sequence (that is, 1-2-3- etc). On Austin maze errors, Austin maze completion, choice reac-
the first test (switching of attention 1), 25 numbers, in cir- tion time, long-delay free recall, verbal interference, switch-
cles, were placed on the touchscreen and the subject was in- ing of attention 1, switching of attention 2, and span of
structed to press them in the correct order. This tests the visual memory.
basic ability to hold attention on a simple task. The second The impact of smoking status was observed on the Aus-
test (switching of attention 2) required the connecting of tin mazes test, with smokers performing more poorly than
numbers and letters in an ascending but alternating se- nonsmokers (p = 0.014; see Fig. 1) and on the digit span
quence (that is, 1-A-2-B etc.). The numbers 1–13 and the test (p = 0.029; see Fig. 2). When DASS depression scores
letters A–L were presented in circles on the touch-screen. were held as a covariate, the significance level on the digit
span test was reduced to a trend level, although the effect
2.4. Data analysis size was not markedly different (p = 0.053). No other main
effects of smoking status were noted.
Stress, anxiety, and depression scores on the DASS were As illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively, a smoking
analysed with analyses of variance. For these comparisons, status and age interaction was observed on the digit span
one-way ANOVAs were conducted with age group (2: test (p = 0.041) and long-delay free recall of the verbal list
younger, older) and smoker status (2: non-smoker, smoker) learning test (p = 0.045). Post hoc analyses revealed that
as independent factors, and each DASS subscore as a older smokers performed significantly worse than older
dependent variable. The two age groups included individu- nonsmokers (p < 0.05) and younger smokers (p < 0.05) on
als less than 45 years old (<45 years of age; smoking group both these measures, but that younger smokers did not dif-
n = 45, nonsmoking group n = 43) and individuals 45 years fer from their nonsmoker counterparts (p > 0.05). When
of age and older (P45 years of age, smoking group n = 17, DASS depression scores were held as a covariate, the sig-
nonsmoking group n = 19). The 45 years of age criterion is nificant smoking status and age interaction was reduced
consistent with previous studies that have examined the ef- to a trend for the digit span test (p = 0.058).
fects of cigarette smoking on cognition among healthy indi- Correlation analyses between performances on the cog-
viduals.10,13 Performance on the cognitive measures was nitive measures and the Fagerstrom Nicotine Dependence
compared using univariate ANOVAs with age group (2: Scale revealed no significant correlations when the older
younger, older) and smoker status (2: non-smoker, smoker) and younger smokers were considered together. However,
entered as independent variables. Finally, correlational when separated by age group, there was only a significant
analyses between the Fagerstrom dependency score and
performance on the cognitive measures were performed
for the two smoking groups together and separately. 10.00
3. Results
No differences were found between males and females,
Mean number of trials
Age group
< 45 years old
= > 45 years old
Mean number of digits recalled
5.00 6.00
nonsmoker smoker
Smoking Status
Fig. 2. Significant main effect of smoking status on the digit span test
(F = 4.87, df = 1, 120, p = 0.029). Plots represent mean number of correct
digits recalled and bars represent standard errors of the mean. nonsmoker smoker
Smoking Status
Fig. 4. Age by smoking status interaction on long delay free recall of the
Age group verbal list learning task, F(1,62) = 4.1, p < 0.05. Older smokers performed
< 45 years old
significantly worse (p < 0.05) than older nonsmokers and younger smok-
= > 45 years old ers. Plots represent mean number of correct words recalled on the long
delay free recall trial and bars represent standard errors of the mean.
Mean number of digits recalled
5.50 4. Discussion
tion. Although cognitive functioning was less impacted in sessed with a brief screening battery. Similar findings have
younger smokers, there was a significant relationship be- been reported by other investigators.12
tween increased nicotine dependence and poorer perfor- The preceding discussion identifies an interesting para-
mance on a test of reaction time in this group. Third, dox. While acute nicotine administration via cigarette
evidence of compromised cognitive performances among smoking is associated with improved cognitive performance
this highly screened sample of healthy individuals suggests among smokers and nonsmokers, long-term smoking ap-
that it is unlikely the observed findings can be attributed to pears to correlate with decreased cognitive function or at
comorbid health problems. best no improvement in cognitive function. Our study is
The majority of previous studies have either focused on one of the first to examine the effects of cigarette smoking
acute administration of nicotine in young individuals3,5,6 or on cognitive function across the adult lifespan using a
on the chronic effects of cigarette smoking in older individ- highly sensitive and robust cognitive evaluation, possible
uals.7–15 Studies of acute administration have generally fo- only via the International Brain Database. This represents
cused on the effects of nicotine among nicotine-naı̈ve a significant advantage over previous studies, which exam-
individuals, or the effects of acute nicotine administration ined the chronic effects of cigarette smoking in older indi-
following a prescribed period of deprivation among viduals who were drawn from the community and many
chronic smokers. Results from these studies reveal im- of whom had comorbid health concerns. Further, many
proved cognitive performance on measures of information studies relied on very brief cognitive evaluations or struc-
processing, attention, and memory3,5,6 in both groups of tured clinical interviews to determine cognitive function.11
subjects, presumably reflecting the nootropic effects of nic- Results from our study revealed that both young and
otine in drug-naı̈ve individuals, and the reconstitution of older smokers performed more poorly than demographi-
homeostasis following deprivation. The former is consis- cally matched healthy control subjects (that is, significant
tent with animal studies demonstrating improved cognitive main effect of smoking status) and that these effects were
function following the administration of nicotinic receptor evident despite the rigorous screening of individuals for
agonists23,24 and impaired performance following the physical and mental health parameters prior to inclusion
administration of receptor antagonists.25 Collectively, in the database. However, it is important to recognize that
these studies demonstrate significant cognitive benefits the smokers, including older smokers, did not exhibit se-
associated with acute nicotine intake and cigarette smok- vere cognitive deficits or poorer performance across all
ing, but it is important to note that these beneficial effects tests.
do not extend to chronic smokers. The etiology of the cognitive changes evident among the
Studies that have examined the cognitive impact of chronic smokers remains unclear. Chronic smoking is asso-
chronic cigarette smoking have produced mixed results. ciated with the release of potentially toxic substances in
Cervilla et al.7 examined 889 individuals over the age of both the peripheral, including cytokines, and interleukins26
65 using a structured assessment protocol and reported (and central compartments), including nitric oxide27,28, as
that smoking was significantly associated with cognitive well as alterations in nicotinic receptor density in the brain
impairment independent of sex, age, alcohol use, occupa- parenchyma.29,30 Additional central neurotransmitter sys-
tional class, education, handicap, and depression. Simi- tems are also functionally altered in the context of chronic
larly, Zhou et al.11 examined 3012 individuals over the cigarette smoking, including dopamine, norepinephrine
age of 60 using the Mini Mental State Exam. Results of this and GABA, among others.31–33 It is certainly possible that
study revealed that current smoking was associated with a cigarette smoking results in long-term modulation of neu-
significantly increased risk of cognitive impairment (rele- rotransmitter concentrations and/or receptor densities that
vant risk = 2.3). However, related contributors (such as ultimately interferes with effective cognitive performance.
hypertension, diabetes) were not considered. Similar results Smoking or nicotine administration alters the number of
have been demonstrated in smaller samples using more sen- nicotinic receptors in the brain29,34 but it is unclear how
sitive measures of cognitive function.9 Interestingly, Kal- this modulates the effects of presynaptic neurotransmitter
mijn et al.10 reported reduced cognitive flexibility and release and the overall balance of the systems. Perhaps
psychomotor speed among chronic smokers 45 and older, these changes interact with normal age-related changes in
which translated into cognitive performances associated cerebral function to render older individuals more vulnera-
with four additional years of age. ble to the effects of smoking. This is an interesting possibil-
Not all studies have reported deleterious effects of ity given the findings that smokers have reduced brain
chronic smoking on cognition in the elderly. Shinka volume compared to non-smokers.
et al.15 and Elwood et al.13 did not identify a significant It is important to note that participants in our study
interaction between cognition and chronic smoking. How- were asked to refrain from nicotine for 2 hours prior to
ever, these studies were limited by inclusion of a small co- the test session; a criterion for inclusion in the parent data-
hort of smokers and a limited cognitive battery, base. This requirement raises the possibility that our young
respectively. Similarly, Ford et al.14 reported no significant and older smokers were in a state of withdrawal during the
impact of chronic smoking on cognitive function among test session. Previous studies have revealed deficits in infor-
647 older individuals, though cognitive function was as- mation processing, executive function and attention among
464 R.H. Paul et al. / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 13 (2006) 457–465
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pact for our participants. It would be of interest, however, cognitive impairment: A cohort community based study included in
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rettes with sufficient regularity to avoid the cognitive de- in elderly Japanese-American men. The Honolulu Asia Aging Study.
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10. Kalmijn S, van Boxtel MP, Verschuren MW, Jolles J, Launer LJ.
would be of interest to determine whether country of origin Cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption in relation to cognitive
was an important factor associated with health outcomes performance in middle age. Am J Epidemiol 2002;156:936–44.
of chronic smoking. In addition, we did not obtain cotine 11. Zhou H, Deng J, Li J, Wang Y, Zhang M, He H. Study of the
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