An Overview On Characteristic Strength of Concrete by Using Plastic Fibre
An Overview On Characteristic Strength of Concrete by Using Plastic Fibre
An Overview On Characteristic Strength of Concrete by Using Plastic Fibre
Abstract: Concrete masonry units are a common method of construction in the world. Since the masonry units can be
constructed with ease. Fifty billion water bottles are consumed every year. Lack of waste management and recycling in third
world countries has come to the attention of many organizations. The use of plastic bottles fibre waste in construction materials
has been around for the past twenty years. This plastic fibre waste can be used in concrete production. This study presents the
results of a various test conducted to determine the compressive strength and workability of concrete with plastic bottle waste.
The testing for compressive strength was determined according to the IS codes. In last few years there has been significant
growth in the construction of building and roads and various other Civil Engineering projects. Addition of Admixtures and
various other materials in concrete has become an important phenomenon to get higher strength of concrete with the same
proportion of material at cheaper rate. This work focuses is to determine the compressive strength of cube and workability of
normal M20 grade concrete with the addition of plastic fibre with super plasticizer in the concrete which lead to increase in the
compressive strength of cube, workability of specimen of M20 grade concrete.
Keywords: Plastic fibre, Flexural strength, Cement, Compressive Strength
Plain concrete has two major deficiencies - a low tensile strength and allow strain at fracture. The tensile strength of concrete is very
low because plain concrete normally contains numerous micro cracks. The rapid propagation of these micro cracks under applied
stresses is responsible for the low tensile strength of material.
These deficiencies have lead to considerable research aimed at developing new approaches to modifying the brittle properties of
concrete. Current research has developed a new concept to increase its ductility and energy absorption capacity as well as to
improve overall durability. This new generation technology introduces the discrete steel or synthetic fibres added into the
conventional concrete to modify it’s properties. Fibers are generally utilized in concrete to manage the plastic shrink cracking and
drying shrink cracking. They also help in modifying the permeability of concrete and therefore reduce the flow of water. Some types
of fibers create greater impact, abrasion and shatter resistance in the concrete. Usually fibers do not raise the flexural concrete
strength. The quantity of fibers required for a concrete mix is normally determined as a percentage of the total volume of the
composite materials. The fibers are bonded to the material, and allow the fiber reinforced concrete to withstand considerable stresses
during the post-cracking stage. The actual effort of the fibers is to increase the concrete toughness. In present study we use waste
plastic bottle strips in concrete for M20 mix design. Various percentages of strips is like 2 %, 4 %, 6 % and 8 % with super
A. Objectives
1) To investigate the compressive strength behavior of concrete by using plastic waste.
2) To find the percentage upto which mix of plastic in concrete is in suitable limit.
3) To determine the variation in workability by using plastic in different percentage.
polymer tile to a light weight. And also the polymer roof tile containing 70% HDPE with 30% sand dune gives the best quality.
Further all polymer roof tile mix gives a good results in the permeability coefficient according the standard.
Vali et al. (2017) showed that the compressive quality expanded up to 10% supplanting of the fine total with PET container
filaments and it step by step diminished for 15 % and 20% substitutions. Thus supplanting of fine total with 10% substitution will be
sensible. The flexural quality expanded up to 10% supplanting of the fine total with PET container waste and it slowly diminished
for 15% and continues as before for 20% substitutions.
Ilya et al. (2017) This research was carried out to study the behaviour of concrete, specifically compressive and flexural strength, by
incorporating recycled soft drink aluminium can as fibre reinforcement in the concrete. Laboratory test results based on short term
investigation reveals that the compressive strength and flexural strength of concrete containing fibre are higher than of normal OPC
concrete. Among two volume fractions, concrete with 1% of soft drink can fibre have performed better result in compressive
strength and flexural strength compared with 2% amount of soft drink can fibre. The optimum proportion of aluminium fibre to be
added in the concrete as fibre reinforcement is 1% fibre content by weight of cement which gave all the positive response from all
the tests conducted.
Safinia et al. (2016) This study utilized 500-mL plastic bottles placed inside concrete masonry units and analyzed the compressive
strength. The testing for compressive strength was determined according to the ASTM C140 standard. Results from this study were
deemed reasonable due to the testing of concrete cylinders as a control of compressive strength for the concrete blocks from Oman’s
market. This study shows 57% difference in the strength by using plastic bottles compared to local concrete blocks. This proves the
necessity for further research regarding concrete mix design, amount of cement and properties of local concrete blocks as well as
other technical and non-technical aspects to determine the appropriate mix design and feasibility in the production.
Jibrae et al. (2016) This paper presents a method of strengthen concrete by the addition of percentages recycled waste plastic
(polyethylene). Almost 126 samples of concrete are prepared, the concrete Strength (compressive, splitting tensile and flexural
strength) are investigated along a time interval of 7 to 28 days using 1%, 3% and 5% from fine aggregate recycled waste plastic
(polyethylene). It is found that when waste plastic bottles increased from zero to 5% of the sand in the mix, the compressive, tensile
and flexural strength of concrete decreased by the ratios of 12.81, 10.71, and increase by 4.1% respectively at 7 days age and also
these concrete strength decrease by the ratios 7.93, 28.6, and 23.6% at 28 days age.
A. Cement
In the present investigation, Portland Pozzolona Cement conforming to IS 1489:1991 is used. The total quantity of cement needed
for the investigation is obtained in one lot from a fresh stock and without any lumps. The cement is tested Jaypee cement in
accordance with the methods of test specified in IS 1489:1991.
1) Aggregates: It should be passed through IS Sieve 4.75 mm. It should be hard, strong, dense, durable and clean. . It
confirms to IS 383-1970 which comes under Zone I. Collected from nearby construction. It should confirm to IS 2838(I) and
collected from nearby construction.
B. Coarse Aggregates
Fig.2 Aggregate
C. Plastic Fibre
Plastic fibre acts as "secondary reinforcement" in concrete which arrests cracks, increases resistance to impact/abrasion & greatly
improves quality of construction in walls, foundations, tanks, roads and pre-cast products like blocks, pipes, tiles, manhole covers,
and more. The cut length of plastic fibre is 12 mm is used.
D. Water
The water used in the concreting work was the potable water as supplied in the structures laboratory of our college. Water used for
mixing and curing was clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalies, salts and sugar, organic materials or other
substances that may be deleterious to concrete. As per IS: 456-2000 potable water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing
and curing of concrete. Accordingly potable tap water was used for the preparation of all concrete specimens.
E. Super Plasticizer
Super plasticizer of the ‘Conplast X421IC’ was used for the concrete. Conplast X421IC is non-toxic with IS: 9103: 1999, to
minimize permeability and increase the waterproofing properties of concrete water reducing admixture.
B. Workability of Concrete
From the results given in Table 2, it can be seen that the Slump test is high for fresh concrete and it decreases as plastic fibre
percentage increases. Variation in slump indicates that some changes occurred in the batching system or mixing system. The
apparatus of slump test is simple, portable and suitable for laboratory and on-site testing. After the concrete was fully mixed, the
fresh concrete was undertaken for use in the slump test. The test procedure was carried out accordance with IS specifications.
The specific surface is increased due to the increased fineness and a greater amount of water is needed for the mix ingredients to get
a closer packing, it results in decrease in workability of mix.
Fig. 4 Graph for Slump Test
C. Compressive Strength
The results of compressive strength with age of concrete with and without plastic fiber in varying proportions are presented in Table
3 & in fig. 5.
Table 3 Compression behavior of Plastic fiber with age
Compressive Strength (fck) N/mm2
Mix Type Fiber Content % o
7 days 28 days
M1 0 15.52 20.90
M2 2 16.67 21.96
M3 4 17.16 22.58
M4 6 17.79 22.67
M5 8 16.31 21.29
The compressive strength of all the types of concrete is given in the table 3 and in the figs. 4 at the age of 7 days and 28days. It is
observed from the tables that plastic fiber concrete attains the compressive strength at a faster rate than that of plain concrete. M4
plastic fibre concrete at the age of 7 days and 28 days attain high compressive strength.
25 21.96 22.58 22.67 21.29 21.96 22.58 22.67 21.29
7 Days 28 Days
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
No. Of Days
Fig. 5 Graph for Compressive Strength
Plastic fiber concrete containing 0% fiber after 7 days and 28 days was found to be having compressive strength 15.52 N/mm2 and
20.90 N/mm2 respectively. Similarly Plastic fiber concrete containing 2 % fiber after 7 days and 28 days was found to be having
compressive strength 16.67 N/mm2 and 21.96 N/mm2 respectively. A gain in strength with age is observed. Plastic fiber concrete
containing 4% fiber after 7 days and 28 days was found to be having compressive strength 17.16 N/mm2 and 22.58 N/mm2
respectively. A gain in strength with age is observed. Plastic fiber concrete containing 6% fiber after 7 days and 28 days was found
to be having compressive strength 17.79 N/mm2 and 22.67 N/mm2 respectively. A gain in strength with age is observed. Plastic fiber
concrete containing 8% fiber after 7 days and 28 days was found to be having compressive strength 16.31 N/mm2 and 21.29 N/mm2
respectively. A gain in strength with age is observed. Compressive strength of concrete increases with addition of percentage of
plastic fiber and plastiszer. Plastic fiber are softer than fine aggregates and it reduce micro crack.
The present work was undertaken to study the effect of cement with plastic fiber (0%, 2%, 4%, 6% and 8%) on cube compressive
strength, and flexural strength of concrete for the duration of 7 and 28 days with plasticizer. The conclusions drawn on the basis of
this study are as follows:
A. Conclusions
On the basis of the results and discussions on this investigation the following conclusions are drawn:
Early strength was observed in concrete containing plastic fiber after 7 days of curing.
The compressive strength of plastic fiber concrete increased with increase in percentage of plastic fiber content for 2%, 4%, 6% and
then gradually decreases with high dosage of 8 %.
The Plastic fiber concrete having 6% plastic fibre content in 28days gives highest compressive strength whereas highest flexural
strength is obtained at 6% of plastic fibre content in 28 days.
The workability of concrete increases upto 4 % addition of fibre then it decreases
It can be concluded that concrete containing upto 6% of plastic fiber content showed significant improvement in strength parameter
as compared to conventional concrete after more addition there is decrease in strength. Hence concrete can be used upto 6% of
plastic fiber content thereby reducing the environmental hazard, and for making the concrete economical can be used 8 %.
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