PMS Guidelines 2007

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses guidelines for a Performance Management System (PMS) for the Civil Service Commission of the Philippines. It outlines the background, objectives, scope, procedures and forms involved in the PMS.

The main components of the PMS are performance planning and commitment, performance monitoring and coaching, performance review and feedback, and performance evaluation and development planning.

The main procedures involved in the PMS are performance planning and commitment, performance monitoring and coaching, performance review and feedback, and performance evaluation and development planning.





Office for Planning and Management Information System

Section 1 Guidelines on the Performance Management System 1
I. Introduction 3
Background 3
The PMS Concept 4
The PMS Objectives 5
Components of the PMS 5
II. Scope 7
III. Procedures 7
Performance Planning and Commitment 7
Performance Monitoring and Coaching 10
Performance Review and Feedback 12
Performance Evaluation and Development Planning 14
Effectivity 15
IV. Forms 17
Performance Contract (PMS Form No. 1 – DC) 19
Performance Commitment (PMS Form No. 1 – HO) 20
Performance Monitoring Form (PMS Form No. 2) 21
Accomplishment Report (PMS Form No. 3) 22
Overtime Accomplishment Report (PMS Form No. 3a) 23
PMS Performance Continuum (PMS Form No. 4) 24
Performance Review Report (PMS Form No. 5) 25
Rating Scale for Managerial Competency 26
Supplemental Performance Contract (PMS Form No. 6) 27
Increase/Decrease in Staff Work Time Capture Form 28
(PMS Form No. 7)
V. Performance Management System Calendar 29
VI. Flow Charts 31

Section 2 PMS Output Table 37

I. Common Outputs 39
II. CSC Reports 56
III. Output Table for Central Offices
• Office of the Chairman 77
• Commission Secretariat and Liaison Office 80
• Examination, Recruitment and Placement Office 82
• Human Resource Development Office 85
• Internal Audit System 86
• Integrated Records Management Office 87
• Office for Financial and Assets Management 90
• Office for Legal Affairs 94
• Office for Personnel and Management and Development 96
• Office for Planning and Management Information System 100
• Public Assistance and Information Office 104
• Personnel Policy and Standard Office 111
• Personnel Relations Office 112
IV. Output Table for Regional Offices 113
V. Output Table for Field Offices 118

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Performance Management System Guidelines
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Performance Management System Guidelines


Human resources are an agency’s most valuable asset. They define the
efficiency, effectiveness and over-all quality of service in any industry. The
government sector is no exception. The need to establish an effective system
that accurately evaluates the performance of its workers for the purpose of
determining tenure, transfers or promotions, and appropriate incentives is of
absolute urgency.

While policies and systems for employee performance evaluation have

long been in place in government, there has been an increasing demand to
review the existing system, i.e. demand for public servants to produce
tangible results by “making a difference” instead of “just keeping busy”,
demand for increased accountability by performing the mandate of the
organization, the need to correct the notion that a permanent appointment
guarantees security of tenure. Hence, the call for the Civil Service Commission
(CSC), as the central personnel agency of the government, to revisit and, as
necessary, re-invent the performance management system of the


The development of the Performance Management System (PMS) was

initiated in 2003 by a re-assessment of the existing Performance Evaluation
System (PES) and the development of a new tool/instrument that will
establish a culture of performance and accountability in the bureaucracy. The
PMS meaningfully and objectively links employee performance vis-à-vis its
Organizational Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals.

The PMS employs the concept of performance contracting. In the

private sector, performance contracting, also known as pay-for-performance,
is the practice of linking pay to performance indicators mutually agreed upon
by the contractor and the contractee. In business, CEOs are paid on the basis
of their performance—they get a bonus if profits increase; a decrease for
ailing financial results. The user of performance contracts, at least insofar as
the business sector is concerned, has demonstrated – repeatedly and
frequently – how accountability and consequently, results are assured when
pay is tied to performance.

__________________________________________________________________ 3
Performance Management System Guidelines
In a similar manner, CSC contemplates the institutionalization of
performance-based security of tenure in government. It endeavors to
purposely link performance with one’s security of tenure in the service as a
means of professionalizing the Civil Service and in so doing, redeem the
perverted notion of security of tenure as the shield and protector of
incompetence in the bureaucracy.

The new tool developed was first tested to assess the performance of
the Division Chiefs (DCs). The DCs, as middle managers, were chosen as a
focal point because it was recognized that they are the “fulcrum” in agency
operations and are pivotal in the organization’s success. Being the fulcrum,
the DCs provide both support and balance; on one hand, the management or
their director-superiors demands them to execute strategy and deliver results;
and on the other, subordinates expect them to develop, lead, motivate and
inspire them to perform exceptionally. The DCs are situated at the
intersection of almost all horizontal and vertical transactions in the

At the time that the PMS was undergoing development, the CSC was
also developing the Office Performance Evaluation System (OPES), which uses
the concept of a points system to measure the collective performance of
people under an office. In the 2005 Directorate’s Conference of the CSC, the
Chairperson presented the OPES to all Central Office and Regional Office
Directors for validation. By the second semester of 2005, the common
standards for common outputs across divisions, offices and regions were
incorporated in the OPES Output Table.

After noticing that the OPES points system is easier to understand and
implement, the original PMS for Division Chiefs was revised to incorporate the
points system with the performance contracting concept to measure the
performance of the DCs. Thus, the OPES is the missing link in the
development of an objective and user-friendly Performance Management
System. The system was then used as the standard in CSC offices to rate
2005 performance.

The PMS Concept

The CSC’s PMS is a system which would meaningfully and objectively

link employees performance vis-à-vis the agency’s Organizational Vision,
Mission and Strategic Goals. It is a technology composed of strategies,
methods, and tools for ensuring fulfillment of the functions of the offices and
its personnel as well as for assessing the quality, quantity and timeliness of
the accomplishments.

4 _________________________________________________________________
Performance Management System Guidelines
The system is also seen as a significant link in the entire process of
attaining the Commission’s goals because it aims to produce information
useful in planning, management and decision-making processes and to help
address crucial management issues and constraints.

The PMS hopes to successfully implement a contribution-based and

accountability-based security of tenure and meet the ever increasing clients'
demands and expectations for excellent service from the highly initiated corps
of public servants.

Currently, the Commission uses the term PMS to denote the integrated
evaluation system which composes a set of different sub-systems that
measure the performance of the offices (collective performance of the
individuals), the Directors, the Division Chiefs, and other office staff.

The PMS Objectives

The following are the objective of the PMS:

• To align individual performance goals with the organization’s strategic


• To ensure organizational effectiveness by cascading institutional

accountabilities to the various levels of the organization’s hierarchy;

• To have performance management linked to other HR systems; and

• To link agency overall performance to the Organizational Performance

Indicator Framework, to the Agency Strategic Plan, and to the Medium-
Term Philippine Development Plan.

Components of the PMS

Initially, CSC used the term Performance Management System for the system
it developed for managing the performance of the DCs. However, as the
development of the OPES, the term PMS is now used by CSC as the
integrated system for managing performance composed of the following sub-

1. Career Executive Service Performance Evaluation System (CESPES)

This is an evaluation system for measuring the performance of the Directors

or the third level officials of the Commission.

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Performance Management System Guidelines
2. Performance Evaluation System (PES)

This is an evaluation system for measuring the performance of the first and
second level employees of the government. There are two different tools
currently being employed for this purpose. One is for measuring the
performance of the Division Chiefs (DC-PES) and the other is for measuring
the performance of the staff below the DC level position (PES).

3. Office Performance Evaluation System (OPES)

This is a system for measuring the collective performance of the individuals in

an Office or Division. It uses a point system to simplify the measurement

A major activity in the development of the OPES is the creation of the PMS
Output Table which is a listing of the different outputs of the offices together
with the corresponding points per output, performance indicators, and
operational definitions. The PMS Output Table is a major tool for measuring
the performance of the offices. The points per output is determined by using
the conversion one hour of work equals one point (1 work hour = 1 point). In
other words we give one point for every hour it takes to complete an output.
It is based on the average time it takes to complete an output if performed
continuously by an average competent worker.

Based on the PMS Output Table, the accomplishments of an office will be

measured by counting the number of outputs it produced for a given period
and calculating the corresponding points and then benchmarking it to the set
target at the beginning of the rating period.

The total working hours of an employee in a year is 1944 hours, which is

equivalent to 1944 points. The target points for each office is set by
computing a certain percentage of the total working hours available for each
office personnel and then multiplying it by the total number of personnel in
that office. Recognizing the fact that not all working time is being spent on
producing outputs listed in the PMS Output Table, the Commission provided a
discount of 972 points (50% of the target) for Central Offices to account for
the time each spent on non-quantifiable activities.1 On the other hand, the
Commission provided a lower discount of 583.2 points (30% of the target) for
the Regional Offices given that there are less non-quantifiable activities
performed in the regions and the type of work is usually more routine than in
the Central Office. Hence, for Central Offices the target is 50% of the 1944
multiplied by the number of office personnel while for Regional Offices the
target is 70% of the 1944 multiplied by the number of office personnel.

Non-quantifiable activities are activities that are done routinely, regularly or occasionally in the workplace and support
functions that do not produce a tangible output such as attendance to office meetings, phone-calls, un-programmed non-
working holidays, travel time, office ceremonial programs, entertaining walk-in visitors, photocopying, faxing, etc.

6 _________________________________________________________________
Performance Management System Guidelines

This set of guidelines is only for managing and measuring the

performance of Division Chiefs (DC-PES) and Offices/Divisions (OPES) which
both use the point system. The CESPES and the PES have separate


The CSC implements the system following the PMS Cycle

Framework described in the diagram below:


This is done at the start of the performance period where all division
heads will meet with their staff and agree on the employee’s
Performance Contract for the period based on the Office Work Plan
finalized and approved during the Performance Planning which is
conducted on the last quarter of the previous year. For the DC-PES, it
must clearly define expectations in terms of performance objectives or
technical outputs (80%) and managerial competencies (20%).

1. The Office/Division shall set its targets for the year, through the
following steps:

1.1 Consider the strategic plan of the Commission and the

function of the Office/Division, identify what needs to
be done for the year, whether routine or project.

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Performance Management System Guidelines
1.2 Determine the total Office target points based on the
actual number of personnel in the Office x 1944 points
x Target Factor.2 Employees on detail and those under
casual or contractual employment status should be
excluded in the counting of actual number of Office

1.3 In setting the Division’s corresponding target, the

Division shall determine its target points based on the
actual number of the Division personnel3 plus a certain
number of points to account for the personnel assigned
in the Office of the Director.

For example, a CO Office has 34 personnel. It has three Divisions.

There are four staff assigned in the Office of the Director (Director
IV, Director III, Secretary, Clerk) and the other 30 personnel are
equally distributed to the three Division.

A Division will compute its target points in this manner: 10 x 1944

points x 0.5 (using CO Target Factor) = 9720 points.
However, the personnel under the Office of the Director should also
be accounted for and thus their weight should be distributed in each
Division. Thus, a total of 3888 points (4 x 1944 x 0.5) should be
distributed to each Division or additional 1296 points per Division.

Therefore, the correct target for each Division should be 9720 points
+ 1296 points = 11016 points.

1.4 Using the PMS Output Table, determine the type and
number of output it intends to produce to achieve the
target points calculated in 1.2 and giving priority to
producing the work identified in 1.1. In cases where
the work outputs identified in 1.1 do not have
corresponding output and points in the PMS Output
Table, the Office/Division shall recommend estimated
points. This will be subject to the evaluation of the
Office for Planning and Management Information
System (OPMIS).

Target Factor: 50% for Central Offices and 70% for Regional Offices.
Excluding the detailed, casual or contractual personnel for they will have to set a separate commitment. An individual who is
assigned concurrently to two or more offices/divisions shall be counted only in his or her primary office/division for the
purpose of the target setting. Time spent on the other offices/divisions will be later deducted from the primary office/division
during the reporting of accomplishments.

8 _________________________________________________________________
Performance Management System Guidelines
2. In setting work targets, the Office/Division shall also compute the
budget per program/project, supplies, materials, equipment and
other budgetary requirements which should be parallel to the
Annual Procurement Plan (APP) and Maintenance and Other
Operating Expenses (MOOE).

3. The Office/Division shall also identify the person primarily

responsible for producing each target output for accountability. In
no case shall two (2) or more persons be identified as primary
responsible for a particular output.

4. The Division/Field Office shall document its targets by

accomplishing the Division and Work and Financial Plan Form (PMS
Form No. 1-DC) and submit the same to the Director IV (please
see PMS Schedule).

5. The Director IV shall review each Division’s/Field Office’s targets

and determine whether adjustments have to be made.

6. The Division/Field Office Work and Financial Plan shall serve as the
Performance Contract of the Division Chief and Director II. The
overall assessment of the Division or the Field Office will be based
on the total target points of that Division/Field Office as identified in
7. The Central and Regional Offices shall consolidate the Division/Field
Office Work and Financial Plans (Performance Contracts) and
accomplish the Performance Commitment Form (PMS Form No. 1-
HO) to form the Office Work and Financial Plan which shall be
submitted to the OPMIS [please see PMS Schedule]. Amendments
on the Office WFP may be allowed by accomplishing the
Supplemental Performance Contract (PMS Form No. 6).
Amendments on the WFP may be allowed once every quarter to
accommodate intervening tasks that come up from time to time.

8. Employees on detail and those under casual or contractual

employment status shall be required to set targets separate from
the Division Targets using also the Work and Financial Plan Form
(PMS Form No. 1-DC). The targets shall be submitted with the
Performance Commitment of the Director IV and the Director III
and the Performance Contracts of the Director II’s/Division Chiefs.

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Performance Management System Guidelines

This is the phase where the rater monitors the work activities by
periodically checking on the progress and quality of work output of the
employee. The rater is expected to address factors that either help or
hinder effective work performance and design tracking tools or
monitoring strategies as may be needed.

1. The performance of the Offices and every individual will be

regularly monitored at various levels: i.e. the Commission, OPMIS,
Director IV and Director III, Division Chief/Director II and

1.1 The Commission shall review the performance of the

CSC Offices once a year.

1.2 The OPMIS shall summarize and analyze the

performance of the Offices/Divisions every six months
or at the end of each performance period.

1.3 The Director IV or Director III shall monitor on a

quarterly basis the performance of the Divisions or Field
Offices and the Division Chiefs or Field Officers under

1.4 The Division Chief/Director II shall monitor the

performance of his/her staff on a monthly basis.

1.5 Each individual shall monitor and assess his/her

performance every week.

2. The Director IV or Director III shall sit down together with the
Division Chief/Director II every quarter and discuss the
performance of the Division/Field Office and the progress of work.
Coaching may also be conducted, if necessary. The Director shall fill
out the Performance Monitoring Form (PMS Form No. 2) submit it
to OPMIS after each quarter (please see PMS Schedule).

3. The Supplemental Contract (PMS Form No. 6) may be used when

there are major changes in the Work and Financial Plan during the
performance period.

4. The Supplemental Contract will be needed when, during the rating

period, new work has to be done whether it is being added to the
Work and Financial Plan or it is replacing another work which will
create a major change in the Work and Financial Plan.

10 _________________________________________________________________
Performance Management System Guidelines
5. The Division/Field Office target points may be increased or
decreased during the performance period. Offices shall fill-out the
Increase/Decrease in Staff Work Time Capture Form (PMS Form
No. 7) for this purpose.

5.1 Increase in points – Division/Field Office target points

are increased whenever there are personnel actions,
e.g. new appointments, detail, transfer, reassignment,
etc. that result in an increase in person hours/number
of personnel lasting for at least ten (10) successive
working days. Increase in target points shall be based
on the following formula:

For Central Offices (50%):

Targets to be added on the office targets =

number of working days x 4

For Regional Offices (70%):

Targets to be added on the office targets =

number of working days x 5.6

5.2 Decrease in points – Division/Field Office target points

are decreased whenever there is a decrease in person
hours/number of personnel which is equivalent to at
least ten (10) successive working days. The decrease in
personnel may be due to:

a. Personnel action e.g. resignation, retirement,

disciplinary action, etc.

b. Absence from work for a continuous period of

ten working days due to various types of rights,
leave privileges, scholarships, training, etc.

Decrease in target points shall be based on the

following formula:

For Central Offices (50%):

Targets to be deducted from the office targets = number

of working days x 4

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Performance Management System Guidelines
For Regional Offices (70%):

Targets to be deducted from the office targets = number

of working days x 5.6

c. Field Officers/Division Chiefs who handle two or

more Field Offices/Divisions shall subtract the
amount of working time spent in his/her other
FO/Division from his/her primary FO/Division and
shall add the corresponding increase in another.
The constraint of minimum of ten working days
absence will not apply in this case.


This phase aims to measure employee’s commitments in the

performance contract. The rater objectively determines the gaps
between the actual and desired performance using tracking tools. This
is also composed of the Performance Rating Scale and the Managerial
Competency Rating Scale through the ePMS, a computer-based
questionnaire that measures the managerial competence of Division

The ePMS measures the managerial competence of DCs in four areas:

(1) technical competence, (2) management of work (planning and
programming, monitoring, problem solving/strategizing), (3)
management of people, and (4) management of funds and resources.

1. At the end of the semester the CSC Central and Regional Offices
shall submit the Accomplishment Reports (PMS Form No. 3) of
the Office and the Divisions/Field Offices to the OPMIS, with the
following attachments:

• Overtime Accomplishment Report (PMS Form No. 3a)

• Increase/Decrease in Staff Work Time Capture Form (PMS Form
No. 7)
• Accomplishment Report of Contractual/Job Order Employees,
Details and On-the-Job-Trainees
• Merit/Demerit Reports (For CSC Central Offices)

2. The OPMIS shall review, validate and evaluate the reported Office’s
and Division’s/Field Office’s accomplishments against targets, and
the allotted budget against the estimated expenses.

12 _________________________________________________________________
Performance Management System Guidelines
Accomplishments reported which are found to be untrue or
incorrect will cause offices to incur demerit points twice the total of
the incorrect outputs reported. Demerit points shall be given also to
reports not complying with the prescribed formats (see attached
forms) and not consolidated and/or without breakdown per
Division/Field Office (refer to OM 30, s. 2007). The demerit points
shall be deducted from the validated output points of the offices.
Head of Office shall be held accountable for the
inaccurate/incomplete report.

For example, an Office reported an accomplishment of 1100 points. However, it was

validated that the Office accomplished only 1000 points since the extra 100 was a
result of double counting. Thus, the Office shall be deducted twice the magnitude of
the erroneously reported output, which in this case is 200 points (2 x 100).
Therefore, the overall accomplishment is: 1000 (validated points) – 200 (demerit
points) = 800 points.

3. The OPMIS shall then send back to the Offices the validated
accomplishments, with the summary report of the points earned by
the Office and each Division/Field Office (please see PMS
Schedule). An Office is given three (3) working days to comment on
the validated accomplishments otherwise OPMIS will consider it as

4. The performance of the Division Chief shall be evaluated at the end

of each performance period and his/her rating will be based on
three components:

a) 80% - earned PMS points versus target points as validated

b) 20% - rating on managerial competence by the Director IV
or III;
c) Subordinates’ performance feedback through the Electronic
Performance Management System (ePMS) which will serve
as inputs to the Director IV or Director III in rating the
Division Chief on the 20%.

5. The Performance Review Report (PMS Form No. 5) will be used

for this purpose.

6. The rating of the Division Chief in the 80% technical output shall
come from the OPMIS validated summary report and computed
using the Performance Continuum (PMS Form No. 4). The target
of accomplishment will be benchmarked on the target points
computed during the target setting (see A.1.3).
__________________________________________________________________ 13
Performance Management System Guidelines
7. The rating of the Division Chief in the 20% managerial competence
shall come from the Director’s evaluation, using ePMS results and
his/her own assessment of the Division Chief’s managerial
competence. The Director shall use the Rating Scale for Managerial
Competency to indicate the managerial competence rating of the
Division Chiefs.

8. The Director IV or Director III shall discuss with the Division

Chief/Director II his/her performance in all aspects below to assist
in his/her development.

a) Technical Outputs as per the accomplished PMS points

b) Managerial Competency as rated by the Directors IV or III
c) Subordinates’ feedback on the Division Chief’s performance



In this process, employees are ranked within clusters and categorized

based on complexity of work and accountability. This also forms part of
the discussion between the rater and the ratee where they assess
competency-related performance gaps and the opportunities to
address these gaps, career paths and alternatives.

1. After the evaluation of the Central and Regional Offices’

performance by the OPMIS, there will be a ranking and feedback
mechanism on performance based on earned points and in terms of
how the Offices completed the PMS processes e.g. Performance
Planning, Performance Monitoring and Performance Review.

2. There will be a comparative ranking on the performance of the

Divisions, Field Offices, Regional Offices and Central Offices across
each area. The result will be submitted to the Commission.

3. The results of the performance evaluation and ranking will serve as

inputs to the Office for Personnel Management and Development
(OPMD) in identifying the developmental needs of the Division
Chiefs and towards the development of their Career Development

14 _________________________________________________________________
Performance Management System Guidelines
4. Demerits shall be imposed on outputs characterized by delays of
submission (such as in the case of reports), not following
prescribed formats, critical incidents, etc. depending on other
policies prescribed by the Commission. Offices should inform OPMIS
on the demerits imposed to other offices.

Example: OPMIS Memo No. 221, s. 2006 provides the guidelines for reporting
merit/demerit points on submission of reports. In said Memorandum, Central Offices
are directed to report to OPMIS any merit/demerit points that shall be imposed for
a particular Office for early or delayed submission of a periodic report.

5. The OPMIS will regularly review the PMS Output Table. If

necessary, it may add and delete the Offices’ outputs from the PMS
Output Table as well as adjust the points in relation to the new
thrusts of the Commission.


The updated 2007 version of the PMS Guidelines will be implemented

on evaluating the performance of the Offices starting 2nd semester this year
(July to December 2007) unless otherwise repealed or updated.

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Performance Management System Guidelines
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Performance Management System Guidelines

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Performance Management System Guidelines
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Performance Management System Guidelines
PMS Form No. 1 – DC

I, ____________________, Head of the __________________ Division, agree to be rated based on the attainment of
targets and commitments as specified in our Division Work and Financial Plan for the period ___________ to __________, 20__.

I, ____________________, as the immediate superior, will provide the necessary support, guidance and mentoring in the
performance of his/her functions.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herein signed this Performance Contract this _____ day of _______, 20__ in _______,

Division Chief Immediate Superior


Strat Plan) INDICATOR (a) (b) (c) (d) = (b x c) (e) (f) (g)


PMS Form No. 1 – HO

We commit to provide the necessary support, guidance and mentoring to the Division/Unit Heads in
______(Office)______ in order to attain the targets and commitments specified in the attached Office Work and
Financial Plan for the period _______ to ______, 20__.

Director III / Director IV Director IV / Assistant Commissioner

PMS Form No. 2
Name of Division/Field Office ___________________________________
Division Chief / Director II ______________________________________ 3rd
Number of Personnel in the Division/FO __________________________ 4th

Activity Meeting Others Remarks
One-in-One Group (Pls. Specify)



Please indicate the date in the appropriate box when the monitoring was conducted.

Conducted by: Date: Noted by: Date:

Immediate Superior Head of Office

PMS Form No. 3

OFFICE/DIVISION: ____________________________ 1st Semester

NUMBER OF PERSONNEL: ____________________ 2nd

Quantity Points Allotted Balance


Prepared by: Approved by:

Division Chief Head of Office

PMS Form No. 3a

OFFICE/DIVISION: ____________________________ 1st


OVERTIME Quantity Points


Prepared by: Approved by:

Division Chief Head of Office

PMS Form No. 4


161% and more 8.94 - 10.00 Exceptional

Exceeds Expectations 146% - 160% 8.11- 8.93 Commendable

131% - 145% 7.28 - 8.10 Above Average

Meets Expectations 90% - 130% 5.00 - 7.27 Good Solid Performance

75% - 89% 4.17 - 4.99 Below Average

Below Expectations
0% - 74% 0 - 4.16 Unacceptable

FORMULA to get the exact numerical rating:

Numerical Rating = (Accomplishment Points/ Target Points) x 5.5556

PERFORMANCE REVIEW REPORT Rating Period: ___________________
PMS Form No. 5

Ratee Position Rater Position


1. Management of Work
Establish course of action for self and others to accomplish specific goals; plan and execute proper work
Set appropriate work standards and establish systems/procedures to monitor delegated assignments/ projects;
Troubleshoot; make prompt and sound decisions.
2. Management of People
Promote employee development
Observe fairness and impartiality, and maintain discipline
Lead, guide and motivate individual or group towards task completion
3. Management of Resources
Allocate resources appropriately; utilize funds efficiently
EQUIVALENT RATING (Please refer to Rating Scale: PMS Form No. 4)


Comments/Recommendations/Justifications (may include appropriate recognition/rewards, developmental needs,

promotional potential, strengths and weaknesses, and changes in target schedules, etc.)

Ratee Rater Approved by:

__________________________ ___________________________ ________________________

Division Chief Immediate Superior Head of Office

Please see Rating Scale for Managerial Competency at the back of this form and convert the ePMS Rating first
into the equivalent 10 point numerical rating using the conversion formula.

RATING SCALE for Managerial Competency


10 Exceptional
Exceeds Expectations 9 Commendable
8 Above Average
Meets Expectations 6 Good Solid Performance
4 Below Average
Below Expectations
2 Unacceptable

ePMS Conversion Formula

Use the formula below to guide you where the ePMS Rating falls in the above
Rating Scale for Managerial Competency.

Formula: Y = X–1

where X is the ePMS Rating and Y is the equivalent Managerial Competency


Example: ePMS Rating = 2.86

Y = (2.86 – 1) / 0.3

= 6.2

Conclusion: Referring to the PMS Performance Continuum (PMS Form No. 4) the rating 6.2
falls under the Good Solid Performance. Thus, in the above Rating Scale for Managerial
Competency we can state that the division staff assessed the Managerial Competency of the
Division Chief as Good Solid Performance.

PMS Form No. 6

The undersigned agree to add the following output(s) contained in Table 1 to the performance
contract of _____[Division Chief]______ for the rating period ________;



Output #1:

Output #2:

The said additional task is being accommodated in lieu of the output(s) found in Table 2;

(Note: Table 2 will only be filled-up in case accomplishment of a previously targeted output will
be replaced or deferred.)



Output #1:

Output #2:

Action on ˆ deferred/postponed indefinitely

ˆ to be incorporated in the next rating cycle
the replaced ˆ withdrawn/dropped
output(s) ˆ transferred to Division ________

The expected output and performance standard agreed upon in the original contract shall be adjusted
as follows:



Output #1

Output #2

Output #3

Output #4

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herein sign this Supplemental Performance Contract this ____
day of _______________, 200___, Quezon City, Philippines.

Division Chief Immediate Superior Head of Office

PMS Form No. 7

OFFICE/DIVISION: ____________________________ 1st



From To (+ / - )


Prepared by: Approved by:

Division Chief Head of Office



A. Performance Planning and Commitment

1. DC's/DIIs Performance Contract (Work PMS Form No. 1-DC DIV/III 10th
and Financial Plan)

2. DIV/III Performance Commitment with the PMS Form No. 1-HO OPMIS 15th
attached Divisions’/Field Offices’
Performance Contracts

B. Performance Monitoring and Coaching

1. Director's Performance Monitoring Form PMS Form No. 2 OPMIS 5th 5th 5th 5th

2. Supplemental Performance Contract PMS Form No. 6 OPMIS 10th 10th 10th 10th

C. Performance Review and Feedback

1. Subordinates rate their DCs in the ePMS 15th 15th

2. COs and ROs submit the ePMS Data OPMIS 20th 20th
by email to

3. OPMIS process the ePMS Data and prepare OCH & 25th 26th
a summary per office CO Offices

4. ROs process their respective ePMS Data DIV/III 25th 26th

for the use of the Head of Office


5. Heads of Office discuss the ePMS results 30th 29th

with the DCs

6. Office/Division/Field Office Accomplishment PMS Form Nos. 3, 3a, OPMIS 5th 5th
Report and 7

7. OPMIS review, validate and evaluate COs &

the office/division/field office accomplish- ROs
ments against targets and send back the
validated Accomplishment Report to COs
and ROs
> Luzon 12th 12th
> Mindanao and Visayas 20th 20th
> Central Offices 28th 28th

8. Heads of Office submit the Performance PMS Form No. 5 OPMD 30th 30th
Review Report

D. Performance Evaluation and

Development and Planning

1. Evaluation of COs and ROs Performance COMMISSION 15th 15th

and Preparation of Comparative Ranking
of COs and ROs Performance by the

Note: In the event that the date falls on a non-working holiday, submission will be on the next working day.


__________________________________________________________________ 31
Performance Management System Guidelines
32 ________________________________________________________________
Performance Management System Guidelines

Purpose/Scope: To establish objectives (and identify resources and work activities that will have to take place to accomplish them) for the year.
Division / Field Office Office OPMIS Commission

Office Directors and DirectorsII/Division Chiefs discusses Evaluate Performance Contracts

and Commitments as to the
conformance with the CSC
Strategic Plan and PMS Guidelines

Determine total target points

Determine the quantity of

outputs to be produced to

Identify the person primarily

responsible for producing No File

Determine the resources

Feedback Memo
required to accomplish the

Performance Contract
Performance Contract Performance
(PMS Form No. 1 - DC) Commitment

Reply Memo Receive reply


Purpose/Scope: To check on the progress and quality of work outputs and to address factors that help or hinders effective work performance.
Division / Field Office Office OPMIS Commission

Office Directors and

DirectorsII/Division Chiefs discuss

Report on the
Are there any Performance Monitoring Receive Report
Yes changes in the

Supplemental Contract
(PMS Form No. 6) Consolidate and Evaluate
Monitoring Reports

Supplemental Contract
(PMS Form No. 6)
Are there any
No Performance Monitoring
Form (PMS Form No. 2)
se in staff work


(PMS Form No. 7)


To evaluate performances of employees/offices and to identify competency related performance gaps and the opportunities to address
these gaps, career paths, and alternatives.
Division / Field Office Office OPMIS OPMD Commission

Review, validate, and evaluate

Office Directors and reported accomplishments
DirectorsII/Division Chiefs

Evaluation Report
Accomplishment Report
(PMS Form No. 3)

Accomplishment Report
(PMS Form No. 3)
Overtime Accomplishment

RANKING Receive Report

Are there
Increase/Decrease in Staff any
Work Time Capture Form comments?

Yes Revised Evaluation



Evaluate comments

Performance Review
Report (PMS Form No. 5) Receive Report


Policy Formulation (Guidelines) Policy (Guidelines) Number of Policies 16 Policy pertains to general principles by which a body or
entity is guided in the management of standards in the
most general way to provide for the conduct, control and
management of the work of a particular organization. It is
issued through a Resolution, Memorandum Circular, or
Office Memorandum.

Administrative Issuances Memorandum Circular (MC) Number of MCs A Memorandum Circular is an issuance for CSC's
a. Original 8 clientele on policy resolutions of the CSC. It prescribes
b. Based on a Resolution 1 rules, requirements, procedures or relays information.
Resolution Number of Resolutions A Resolution is a decision promulgated by the
Commission en banc on Civil Service matters.
a. policy resolution a. policy resolution 16 Policy Resolutions are the decisions or motions
adopted by the Commission to implement certain rules
or guidelines.
b. case resolution b. case resolution * Case Resolutions are the decision on the cases
brought to the Commission. *Refer to OLA Table for
points per resolution.

Opinion Number of Opinions 3 An Opinion is an issuance in response to queries or

requests for clarification of certain policies of the CSC.
The signatory of Opinion may vary depending on the
nature of the query. If it is a new query--without
precedent--the signing authority is the Chairperson.
However, if the query is simple and has precedent, the
Head of Office which drafted the Opinion shall sign.
External Announcement Number of Announcements 1 A CSC Announcement is an issuance of the CSC
informing the public of upcoming events, examinations,
workshops and seminars, conventions, meetings,
national celebrations and other similar events. An
External Announcement is an issuance signed by the
Chairperson addressed to all heads of constitutional
bodies, departments, agencies of the national
government, local government units, government owned
and/or controlled corporations with original charters, and
state colleges and universities about attendance in
conventions, meetings or national celebrations and
examination calendar.

Office Memorandum (OM) Number of OMs 6 An Office Memorandum (OM) is an issuance

addressed to officials and employees of the CSC from a
member of the Commission. This issuance prescribes
rules of conduct, office procedures, or guidelines on
specific policies/programs of the government and of the

Office Order (OO) Number of OOs 0.08 An Office Order (OO) is an issuance of the CSC to a
specific person or group of persons to provide authority
to perform a certain task or assignment within a
specified time.

Memorandum Number of Memoranda 2 A Memorandum is a communication from an official or

employee addressed to another official or employee or
group of employees of the CSC.

Letter Number of Letters 2 A Letter is a written or printed communication

addressed to an individual or organization. It is usually
used to respond to queries from clients and to provide
information. It may also contain a detailed discussion on
a particular subject but not to clarify or interpret a policy
as Opinion does. It is also used to convey good and bad
news, to express goodwill, to inform, to reply, to report,
to request for something, to remind, to inquire, etc.

Cover/Transmittal Letter or Number of Letters/Memoranda 0.08 A Cover/Transmittal Letter/Memorandum is a

Memorandum letter/memorandum that accompanies another
letter/memorandum, a package, or the like, to explain
more fully or provide more information, comment, etc.

Pro-forma Letter/Memorandum Number of Letters/Memoranda 0.08 A Pro-forma Letter/Memorandum is a written

communication patterned from previously written
letter/memo but is slightly different because of the few
changes made on the data contained therein. Example:
PAIO promotion/publicity letters.

Common Output Table 40

Acknowledgement Letter Number of Acknowledgement Letters 0.08 An Acknowledgement Letter is a written response to
clients, Central and Regional Offices acknowledging
receipt of a letter or submission of a report or a

Internal Announcement Number of Announcements 1 Internal Announcement is an issuance addressed to

CSC officials and employees on the various training,
programs, or different activities of the CSC.

Research and Study A systematic inquiry aimed at providing information to

solve problems.
~ Study Study Paper Number of Study Papers 40 A written document describing the analysis and findings
on a particular issue. Problems/Issues tackled for
studies are well defined, of limited scope, and employ
methodologies which are simple and straight-forward
unlike that in the formal research. The Paper contains
the following: problem statement, objectives,
background, methodology, summary and conclusions,
and recommendations.

~ Formal Research Concept Paper Number of Concept Papers 24 A written document describing the general
ideas/concepts of the proposed research/study to be
conducted. It provides a discussion on the problem and
possible solutions but would still require additional data
gathering for more accurate decision. The concept paper
should contain enough information for management to
make a decision if the study should be pursued.

Research Proposal Number of Proposals 60 A document detailing the plan for the study to be
conducted. It provides management with information on
what will be done, why it will be done, how it will be
done, where it will be done, to whom it will be done, and
what is the benefit of doing it.
Contents: Executive Summary, Problem Statement,
Research Objectives, Literature Review,
Importance/Benefits of Study, Research Design, Nature
and Form of Results, Budget, Schedule, Facilities and
Special Resources, Project Management, Bibliography,
Appendixes and Glossary of Terms, and Measurement
Common Output Table 41

Research Report Number of Research Reports 120 A document containing the findings, analysis of these
findings, interpretations, conclusions and
recommendations with regard to a study conducted.
Contents: Letter of Transmittal, Title Page, Authorization
Statement, Executive Summary, Table of Contents,
Problem Statement, Research Objectives, Background,
Sampling Design, Research Design, Data Collection,
Data Analysis, Limitations, Findings, Summary and
Conclusions, Recommendations, Appendixes, and

Project Development A project is a goal-oriented undertaking with defined

begin and end date and involves complex and series of
interrelated activities and with limited resource and
budget; an end product or service must result.
~ Project Proposal Project Overview Number of Project Overviews 8 A document providing a general information on a project
Preparation to be undertaken by an office. It defines the need,
problem, or opportunity to be addressed by the project,
project goals and objectives, preliminary resources,
assumptions, and risks. It is a reference document for
the initial "go"/"no-go" decision by the Commission.

Project Proposal Number of Project Proposals 25 A detailed presentation of how the project will be done,
how resources will be managed, and who are the
personnel involved. It contains a Work Breakdown
Structure and a Project Network Diagram showing the
critical path.

~ Project Implementation Work Package Description Number of WPD Reports 8 A list of activities or tasks and their descriptions including
Report timelines and the person responsible to complete each
Project Status Report Number of Status Reports 8 Information given to the management on the status of
the project implementation.

Project Documentation Number of Project Documentation 8 Compilation of project related documents such as project
plan, status reports, contracts, receipts, final report, etc.
It also serves as historical document about the project.

Common Output Table 42

Final Project Report Number of Final Project Reports 40 The terminal report on the project containing evaluation
on the project implementation as to whether objectives
and goals are achieved and other related information.

Project Deliverable Number of Project Deliverables * The output of the project conducted. Points depend on
each deliverables. If the project deliverable is already
defined in this PMS Output Table, then the particular
output points should be applied. If not, the concerned
Office must submit to OPMIS its recommendation as to
the points to be awarded. OPMIS will then evaluate and
recommend it to the Commission for approval.

Program Enhancement Program Evaluation Report Number of Evaluation Reports 40 An evaluation on the effectiveness of an existing
program of the CSC and to find out what improvements
can be done.

Program Enhancement Number of Enhancement Proposals 24 A document detailing improvement ideas on the existing
Proposal process of the CSC and its test implementation plan. It
should contain information on the budget required and
schedule of activities.

Program Enhancement Report Number of Enhancement Reports 40 Report on the enhancement done containing analysis of
the enhancement process conducted and the

Evaluation of Reports Evaluation Report Number of Evaluation Reports 40 Consolidation and analysis of CSC reports from the
Central and/or Regional Offices by the requesting
Central Office; submitted to the Commission.

Monitoring of Compliance on Monitoring Report Number of Monitoring Report 24 A consolidated report on the compliance of
CSC Guidelines (Programs offices/individual (or group of individuals) with the
and Systems) prescribed guidelines or instituted systems/processes of
the CSC.

On-the-spot Investigation On-the-spot Investigation Number of on-the-spot Investigations 4 Written Report on an on-the-spot investigation
Report Reports conducted in connection with confirmatory, verification,
and audit functions such as to confirm walk-in anomalies
in authentication in exam related cases and to audit
financial transactions.

Common Output Table 43

Training, Orientation, and A Training is a program designed to develop the
Workshop (TOW) skills/knowledge/work attitudes of employees.
An Orientation is a program designed to inform new
programs, thrusts and policies to employees or clients of
the CSC.
A Workshop is a seminar, group discussion, or the like,
that emphasizes exchange of ideas/information and the
demonstration and application of techniques, and skills,
i.e. problem solving, etc.
~ TOW Proposal Preparation Training/Orientation/Workshop Number of Proposals 24 A suggestion or recommendation to conduct a training or
Proposal an orientation requiring approval/acceptance. It can also
be a proposal for a customized training for a specific
group. It shall include budget estimate, schedule and
other relevant information.

~ Preparation of Materials for Training/Orientation/Workshop Number of Kits 0.17 A set or collection of tools, materials, instructional
Regular TOW Program Kit matter, etc. for the Training/Orientation/Workshop. Usual
contents: Program, Schedule of Sessions, Handouts,
and Manual. Points for preparation/reproduction of kits.
Per kit.

Certificate Number of Certificates 0.05 Document attesting to the fact that a person has
completed a training/orientation/workshop. Points for
preparation of training certificate per participant.

~ Actual Conduct of Training/Orientation/Workshop Number of Hours 1 The process of imparting the knowledge/skills to the
Training/Orientation/Workshop Conducted participants. One point per hour is awarded to the
Office/Division conducting the intervention. The points
earned for the administration of the TOW is different
from the points earned by the speaker.

~ Preparation of Post TOW TOW Evaluation Report Number of Evaluation Report 8 A written account of the training/orientation/workshop
Report conducted assessing its effectiveness as to the meeting
of its objectives. Evaluation is the systematic collection
of descriptive and judgmental information necessary to
make effective training decisions related to the selection,
adoption, value and modification of various instructional
activities. This is the process by which learners record
their thoughts, comments and observations about the
training. This could be directed at the trainers as well as
the training program.
Common Output Table 44

Process Observer Function Process Observer Report Number of Reports 8 A report on how the classes are organized and how
sessions are conducted by personnel trainees who have
undergone trainor’s training.

Preparation of Materials for New or Customized Regular Training/Orientation/Workshop Program

~ Display Aids TOW Poster Number of Posters 1 A large, usually printed placard, bill, or announcement,
often illustrated, that is posted to inform the participants
about something. Contents are usually limited to text and
are either hand written or printed using a computer

Drawing Poster Number of Drawing Posters 1 A sheet giving information in a visual form such as table,
list, graphs, or diagram.

Flip Chart Number of Sheets 0.25 A set of sheets hinged at the top so that they can be
flipped over to show information or illustrations in

~ Projected Aids Overhead Transparency Number of Transparency 0.17 Picture consisting of a text, photograph or drawing on a
transparent base; viewed with a projector.

Presentation Slides Number of Slides 0.17 Presentation material developed using a PowerPoint
presentation software which creates graphical
presentations of the concepts that will be discussed by
the presenter. A slide is a single frame in a PowerPoint

Video (Film) Number of Minutes 3 A recording of visual images and sound on a videodisc;
interviews, documentaries, lectures. Three (3) points
shall be awarded for editing/enhancing one (1) minute
playtime in the final version of a video recording.

~ Audio Aids Audio Recording Number of Minutes 2 Audio aids are usually cassette recordings in their own
right or an integral part of a visual aid, so that it becomes
an audio-visual aid. Points shall be awarded for the
process of recording sound for graphical presentation
materials. Two (2) points for every minute recording
playtime in the final version.

Common Output Table 45

~ Other Aids Original Interactive Video CD- Number of CD-ROMs developed 80 A computer-based training program where trainees use
ROM the computer to interact with the program.

IEC Materials in Optical Discs Number of CDs/DVDs 40 A multi-media compendium of information, education,
(CD-ROM or DVD) and/or communication materials. Points for the creation
of the original copy.

CD-ROM/DVD Reproduced Number of CDs/DVDs reproduced 0.17 Reproduction of optical disks.

Case Study Number of Case Studies developed 4 A case study is a detailed description of a situation that
trainees study and discuss. Cases are designed to
develop higher-order thinking skills, such as the ability to
analyze and evaluate information.

Action Learning Problems Number of Action Learning Problems 2 Action Learning Problems are actual problems given to
developed the trainees to solve and develop an action plan and
shall be held accountable for carrying out the plan.

~ Training/Workshop Training Evaluation Form Number of Evaluation Forms 2 A survey form for evaluating the effectiveness of a
Evaluation Form developed training/workshop program.

~ Certificate Certificate Designed Number of Certificates 1 For the design of a new certificate (master copy).

Preparation of Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) Materials

~ Printed Materials Manual Number of Manuals 24 A written document that contains information and
instructions on how to do something usually presented in
a form of a small book or handbook. Minimum number of
pages: 30.

Book Number of Books A written work or composition that has been published
* 1 to 60 pages * 1 to 60 pages 60 (printed on pages bound together).
*61 to 100 pages *61 to 100 pages 100

Flyer Number of Flyers 16 An advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a

leaflet) intended for wide distribution.

IEC Poster Number of Posters 24 For the design of an infomercial/advertisement for

printing in a poster size paper intended for mass
distribution. Usually graphical in nature containing
pictures and text.
Common Output Table 46

Primer Number of Primers 24 A small introductory book that gives basic information on
a subject such as training, orientation, project, or
program of the CSC.

Program Number of Programs 1 A plan or schedule of activities to be followed during an


Invitation Number of Invitations 1 A written request for someone's presence or

participation. One point is for the design of the original

Script Number of Scripts 8 A written matter (as lines for a broadcast).

Talking Points Number of Talking Points 8 Notes on particular issues including references prepared
for specific public speaking engagements.

Workshop Forms Number of Forms 2 A document with blank spaces to be filled in with
particulars used in Training and Workshops.

Customer Assistance
~ Resource Person Services Assistance Provided Number of Hours 1 For activities such as speakership services rendered for
training/orientation as well as technical work services
and consultancy services (provide facts, opinions,
recommendations). There shall be no points awarded to
resource person services where honorarium or overtime
pay was received. Except for the organic HRD (Training
Division) personnel, other CSC personnel are only
allowed to render a maximum of 24 hours (and earn 24
points) per month on a resource person service.

~ Interview/Media Guesting Interview conducted Number of Hours 1 A meeting or conversation in which a writer or reporter
asks questions from a CSC personnel from whom
material is sought for a newspaper story, television
broadcast, etc. One point, or a fraction thereof, for every
hour of interview/guesting.

~ Media Relations Interview/guesting of CSC Number of interviews coordinated 1 Coordinated and aired guesting/interview of CSC
officials coordinated officials; background material provided for interview.

Common Output Table 47

~ Customer Service/ Customer Action Sheet Number of Customer Action Sheets 0.17 Assistance provided to walk-in clients involving
Technical Assistance procedural queries and clarification of policies. A
Logbook containing the details of the request/transaction
signed by the customer can serve as a Customer Action

~ Conciliation and Mediation Conciliation/Mediation Report Number of Conciliation/Mediation 8 A report on the conciliation/mediation assistance to
Services Reports settle public sector labor disputes. * Actual conduct of
the conciliation/mediation shall earn 1 point per hour of

~ Ushering Services Ushering Service provided Number of Ushering Service provided 4 Points rewarded to the CSC personnel who provided the
ushering service during the Honor Awards ceremony.

Information and Records Management

~ Incoming Communication Communication Number of Documents 0.12 The process of registering a communication document
registered/encoded in the received by the CSC by encoding details of the
DTMS document (Receiving Office, Document No., Destination,
Document Type, Entry Mode, Document Date, Name of
Party, Document Details, Signatory, Address of Sender,
Entered By/Updated By, Date Created) in the Document
Tracking and Management System (DTMS). Involves
receiving the communication (opening envelope and
date of receipt stamped on the communication) and then
assigning of the document number.
Updating of DTMS Record 0.02 The process of updating the status of a document by
providing the following details in the DTMS: Date
Received, Action Taken, Date Accomplished, Status,
Current Office, Action Person, Next Office, Remarks,
Updated by. For every record updated in the DTMS.

~ Outgoing Communication Mails dispatched Number of mails dispatched Outgoing communications dispatched.
~ Ordinary mails 0.05
~ Registered mails 0.13

List of Out-going Number of Addressee 0.02 For accomplishing the List of Out-going Communications
Communications transmitted (Envelopes/Packages) Form for the transmittal of letters/packages through

Common Output Table 48

Packaged Letter (Documents) Number of Letters (Documents) .03 For preparation/packaging of letters (documents) to be
packaged dispatched.

~ Database Build-up and Encoded Records Number of Records 0.08 Per new record encoded in a database system of offices
Management such as the Inventory of Government Personnel
Database and Database of Government Agencies.
Updated Records Number of Records 0.02 Updating of old records in a database system.

~ Registration of Correction Corrected Personal Number of corrected personal 0.25 Corrections of personnel data including accreditation of
of Personal Information in the Information information government service in the records of the office.
Master Lists

~ Consolidation of Statement SALN Consolidation Report Number of SALN Consolidation 8 Consolidation of office personnel's Statements of
of Assets, Liabilities and Reports Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth submitted to OPMD.

~ Encoding of data in the PDS processed Number of PDS .5 Data entered in the PIDS.
Personnel Information
Database System (PIDS) HR Action Notice processed Number of HR Action Notice .08 Data entered in the PIDS.

Personal Data Update Number of Personal Data Update .08 Data entered in the PIDS.

Issuance of Records/Documents
~ Copy of CSC Issuance Document issued to requesting Number of copies of document 0.17 For request for copies of CSC issuances such as
party issued Resolutions and Memorandum Circulars and other
personal records. The transaction should be recorded
e.g. logbook signed by the requesting party.

~ Verification of Eligibility Verification Slip or verified Number of Verification Slip or ERRF 0.33 The verified rating (eligibility) or qualification of a person
Examination Records Request processed to be employed in the civil service. Output can also be a
Form Memorandum/Letter indicating the verified eligibility of
the employee/s. Point shall be credited per employee.

~ Certification of Eligibility Certification of Eligibility Number of Certification of Eligibility 0.09 A document confirming the eligibility of a person. Points
issued are only for the process of printing the COE. Activities on
verification stage shall be credited under the verification

Common Output Table 49


~ Authentication of Eligibility Authenticated Copy of the Number of Authenticated Copy 0.08 The validated eligibility copy of the client.
Certificate/Certification of issued

~ Certificate of Appearance Certificate of Appearance Number of CAs issued 0.05 A document issued to serve as evidence that the client
transacted with CSC.

Secretariat Work Notice of Meeting Number of Notice of Meeting 0.08 An announcement containing information about a future

Meeting Agenda Number of Meeting Agenda 0.25 The official work plan or discussion points for a meeting.

Minutes of the Meeting Number of pages 1 A written account of what transpired in a meeting. The
points should be for the pages containing the substantial
portion (discussion) of the Minutes of the Meeting. The
attendance and introductory page should not be

Conduct of Conduct of Background Number of Background Investigation 24 Per Background Investigation Report submitted to PAIO
Validation/Background Investigation including report Reports to include actual conduct of audit and travel time.
Investigation for Honor Awards preparation Conduct of BI involves interviewing/gathering of
Program pertinent data and information and validating nominees
outstanding work accomplishments and/or exemplary
display of ethical behavior. The task includes desk audit
and interviewing individuals in nominees workplace,
neighborhood, church project site (if applicable) and
other places where material information may be

2nd Background Investigation Number of 2nd BI Reports 8 Per 2nd BI Report submitted per specific instructions
Report from the Awards Committee to include actual conduct of
2nd BI. A more thorough audit not only to validate
previous findings of the 1st BI conducted but to look into
other aspects of nominees outstanding work
accomplishments and/or exemplary display of ethical
behavior per specific instructions from the Committee

Common Output Table 50

Personnel Administration
~ Hiring of Personnel
> Posting of Vacant Notice of Vacancy Number of Notice of Vacancy 0.5 Announcement regarding the vacant positions.
> Initial Assessment of Matrix of Applicants Number of Matrix of Applicants 0.5 A summary listing of qualified applicants.
Applicants for Employment
> Conduct of written exam Examination conducted Number of Hours 1 Per hour of examination conducted.

> Conduct of Interview Interview conducted Number of Hours 1 Per hour of interview conducted.

> Assessment of Applicant Applicant Assessment Report Number of Assessment Reports 2 Summary report on the applicant's assessment, to
include computation of ETE, performance and
assessment ratings.
> Roster of Candidates Roster of Candidates Number of Roster of Candidates 0.25 Roster of candidates per position prepared.
> Conduct of Background Background Investigation Number of BI Reports 8 Report on the qualifications of the applicants.
Investigation Report
> PSB Resolutions PSB Resolution Number of Resolutions 8 Resolution on the deliberations made by the Personnel
Selection Board regarding the selection.
Appointment Resolution Number of Resolutions 1 Resolution appointing an employee for a particular
Personnel Actions Resolution Number of Resolutions 1 Resolution on requests for transfer, reassignment,
> Comparative Assessment Comparative Assessment Number of CA's prepared 8 Per position.
> Appointment Preparation Appointment Number of Appointments 0.5 Appointment prepared and signed by the Appointing
> Hiring of Service Contracts Number of Contracts 4 Signed contracts.

~ Updating of Leave Cards Leave Card updated Number of leave cards updated 0.17 Leave Cards of employees updated; leave credits
computed based on employees pass slips, Daily Time
Record (or entries in the Guard's Logbook) and
applications for leave. Once a month processing.

Application for Leave Certified Number Application for Leave 0.2 Applications for leave certified by personnel officer.
certified Points awarded for the personnel officer certifying the
Application for Leave.

Common Output Table 51

Application for Monetization of Number of Application for 0.5 Application for monetization of leave credits processed
Leave Credits processed Monetization of Leave Credits with computation of money value of the monetized leave
processed provided to the requesting employee.

Financial Services
~ Collection Services/ e-Receipts Number of e-Receipts 0.05 Issued to customer as a proof of payment.

Bank Validated Deposit Slips Number of Deposit Slips 1 Daily Deposit of Collection to the Bank.

Daily Report of Collections and Number of RCDs 1 Submitted to Accounting Division and COA.

Cash Receipts Records Number of Records 2.5 Submitted to Accounting Division and COA.

~ Processing of Allotment and Obligation Slip Number of Obligation Slip 0.25 For processing of Disbursement Voucher and Claims;
Disbursement Voucher and processed ALOBS signed by the designated staff.

~ Check Preparation Signed Check Number of Checks issued 0.08 Signed by the proper authority.

~ Monthly Remittances to Monthly Remittance List Number of Remittance List 4 Per remittance list.
various agencies

Supplies and Property Management

~ Issuance of supplies and Customer Signed Request and Number of Request and Issue Slip 0.5 Items requested in the RIS were issued to and accepted
Materials Issue Slip (RIS) by the Office/Division concerned.

~ Canvassing/Purchasing of Signed Canvass Form Number of Signed Canvass Forms 0.5 Canvass Form signed by authorized personnel of the
Supplies supplier.

~ Inspection of CSC Inspection of CSC purchases Number of Inspection and 0.17 This point is for personnel who conducted the inspection
Procurements and Repairs. Acceptance Report signed and signed the IAR.

Inspection of bulk Number of IAR signed 2 For inspection of purchases from the Procurement
purchases/civil works Service (DBM) or for inspection of bulk purchases and
construction works.

Common Output Table 52

Pre-repair Inspection Number of IAR signed 0.5 An evaluation of the damage or recommendation for the
conducted work to be done is indicated.

Post repair Inspection Number of IAR signed 0.5 An assessment if the Scope of Work was completed and
conducted if whether the repairs made is acceptable/satisfactory
and that the equipment repaired is already in good
running condition.

~ Contract Preparation Terms of Reference Number of TOR's 24 A document providing definition of requirements and
objectives of the services requested under the terms of a
contract or tender, including, where necessary, the
methods and means to be used and/or results to be

Memorandum of Agreement Number of MOA's 10 An agreement among parties which creates a legally
binding commitment designed to ensure consistency in
the administration of programs or projects.

Contract Number of Contracts 4 A document signed by CSC and supplier for the
availment of services or purchased of goods that the
supplier promised to provide.

Signed Abstract of Quotation Number of Abstract of Quotation 1 A price quotation or a pro-forma invoice with the
conditions of sale.

Purchase Order/Letter Order Number of Purchase/Letter Orders 0.25 A commercial document issued by CSC to a supplier,
indicating the type, quantities and agreed prices for
products or services that the seller will provide to CSC.

Notice to Proceed Number of Notice to Proceed 1 A document notifying the supplier to deliver the goods or
services required by CSC.

~ Transport Operations Trip Ticket Number of Trip Tickets 0.08 Signed by the Head of Office.

Request for Utility Vehicle Number of RUV processed 0.15 RUV approved; driver and vehicle provided to requesting
processed party.

Driving Services Number of Hours 1 One point for every hour spent on actual driving.

Common Output Table 53

~ Dormitory Services Request Acted Upon Number of Request acted upon 1 Processing of a request for housing guest employees
and preparation of rooms.

Legal Services
Court Pleadings Manifestation (pro-forma) Number of Manifestations 2.5

Formal offer of evidence Number of exhibits Including sub-markings.

~ 1 to 9 exhibits 4.75
~ More than 9 exhibits 10

Comments/Answer/Motion to Number of Comments/Answer/ 34

Dismiss Motion to Dismiss

Petition for Review and Number of Petitions 36


Position Paper/Study Number of Position Papers 40

Pre-Trial Briefs Number of Pre-Trial Briefs 10

Other Actions Report of Investigation/ Number of Reports/Comments 10 A report detailing the findings of OLA and its
Comment to the Commission recommendation to the Commission, after a conduct of
an investigation relative to complaint filed directly to or
initiated by the Commission.

Show-cause Order Number of Show-cause Orders 1

Interlocutory Order/Notice Number of Interlocutory Order 0.5

Orders of Preventive Number of Orders of Preventive 8

Suspension Suspension

Affidavit of Witness Number of Affidavit of Witness 4.75

Affidavit of Expert Witness Number of Affidavit of Expert Witness 12.5

Legal Counseling Number of Counseling Conducted 0.17

Common Output Table 54

Certificate of No Pending Case Number of Certificates 0.5

Docketing of Cases Number of Cases Docketed 0.08

Transcript of Steno Notes Number of Transcripts 1 Per page. Using size 10 Arial Font and single line

Technical Assistance to Courts Number of Reports on technical 8 Technical assistance to Courts, Office of the
assistance provided Ombudsman and Prosecutor's Office. Report shall be
submitted to the Director.

Contract Reviewed Number of contracts reviewed 2 Review of contracts for deals to be entered upon by the
Civil Service Commission with other institutions.

Revision of an existing output Revised Output/Material Number of Revised Outputs/Materials * For updating/revising an existing output/material. *1/4 of
or material original points awarded for the finished updated/revised
output/material. Example: Revised IEC Materials.

Common Output Table 55



PMS Reports/Forms Performance Contract (PMS Number of Contracts 24 A written agreement between rater (Director) and ratee
Form No. 1 - DC) (Division Chief) containing the set of expectations on the
work to be done and results to be attained as well as
measures to monitor, review and assess performance.
(Division Work and Financial Plan)

Performance Commitment Number of Contracts 8 A written pledge or promise of the Office Directors to the
(PMS Form No. 1 - HO) Commission with regard to the work to be done by the

Director's Performance Number of Forms 2 A report submitted by the Head of Office with regard to
Monitoring Form (PMS Form the mentoring and/or coaching conducted with the
No. 2) Division Chiefs.

Office Accomplishment Report Number of Division/FO 8 The Accomplishment Report of the Office counted by the
(PMS Form No. 3) Accomplishment Report number of Division/FO Accomplishment Report
submitted by the Office.

Overtime Accomplishment Number of Reports 2 Report on the accomplishments of office staff during paid
Report (PMS Form No. 3a) overtime hours.

Performance Review Report Number of Reports 1 The Performance Rating Report of a Division Chief
(PMS Form No. 5) prepared by the immediate superior

Supplemental Performance Number of Contracts 4 A document containing the changes/revisions to the

Contract (PMS Form No. 6) Performance Contract or Performance Commitment

ePMS Database Number of ePMS Database 8 The collection of subordinates' feedback on the Division
Chief's performance using the ePMS program.

PES Form (Target) Number of PES Forms 2 Performance targets of 1st and 2nd level employees
below DC level signed by the ratee and rater and
validated by the Head of Office. Per individual.


PES Form (Accomplishment) Number of PES Forms 2 Accomplishments of 1st and 2nd level employees below
DC level signed by the ratee and rater and validated by
the Head of Office. Per individual.

PES Rating Number of Reports 8 Consolidated Report, reviewed by the Office PERC on
the ratings of the 1st and 2nd level staff.

CESPES Performance Number of Contracts 8 Performance Contract of Third Level Officials of the CSC
Contract indicating the targets to be achieved. Per individual.

CESPES Ratings (3rd Level) Number of Reports 8 Consolidated Report on the 3rd level CESPES ratings for
the year.

Annual Report Number of Reports 24 Or Year-end Report. A narrative report high-lighting the
important accomplishments of the office in the previous

Merit/Demerit Report Number of Reports 2 A report on the Merit/Demerit points incurred by offices in
the submission of a reportorial requirement of an office.
Two points shall be earned for submission of
Merit/Demerit Report for each type of report requirement.

Accounting Books, Registries, Records, Forms and Reports

Trial Balance Number of Trial Balance 4 The Trial Balance shows the equality of debit and credit
balances of all general ledger accounts as of a given
period. It is prepared and submitted monthly, quarterly
and annually. At the end of the fiscal year, the pre-
closing and the post-closing trial balances shall be

Pre-Closing Trial Balance Number of Pre-Closing Trial Balance 4 The Pre-Closing Trial Balance shall be prepared after
recording the adjusting journal entries in the General
Journal and posting the same to the General Ledger. It
shows the adjusted balances of all accounts as of a
given period. This is also described as the adjusted trial

Reports Output Table 57

Post Closing Trial Balance Number of Post Closing Trial 4 The Post-Closing Trial Balance shall be prepared after
Balance recording the closing journal entries in the General
Journal and posting to the General Ledger. It contains a
listing of all general ledger accounts that remain open
after the closing process is completed.

Statement of Income and Number of SIEs 4 The Statement of Income and Expenses shows the
Expenses results of operation/performance of the agency at the
end of a particular period. This statement shall be
prepared by the Accounting Unit from information taken
directly from the Pre-Closing Trial Balance.

Statement of Management Number of Statements of 0.08 The Statement of Management Responsibility for
Responsibility for Financial Management Responsibility for Financial Statements shall serve as the covering letter in
Statements Financial Statements transmitting the agencies financial statements to the
Commission on Audit, Department of Budget and
Management, other oversight agencies and other parties.
It shows the agency’s responsibility for the preparation
and presentation of the financial statements. The
statement shall be signed by the Director of Finance and
Management Office or Comptrollership Office, or the
Chief of Office who has direct supervision and control
over the agency’s accounting and financial transactions,
and the Head of Agency or his authorized representative.

Balance Sheet Number of Balance Sheets 8 The Balance Sheet is a formal statement which shows
the financial condition of the agency as of a certain date.
It includes information on the three elements of financial
position - assets, liabilities and government equity. It
shall be prepared from information taken directly from the
year-end Post-Closing Trial Balance. The Balance Sheet
shall be supported with the following
schedules/statements: Schedules of Accounts
Receivables (SAR), Schedules of Accounts Payables
(SAP), Schedules of Public Infrastructures (SPI), Other
schedules as may be required.

Reports Output Table 58

Statement of Allotments, Number of SAOBs 4 Although the allotments and obligations of the agency
Obligations and Balances are not recorded in the books of accounts, the Statement
of Allotments, Obligations and Balances (SAOB) shall be
submitted to the Commission on Audit by the Budget
Officer/Agency Officer concerned. This statement shall
be included among the aforementioned schedules for
information of government officials and oversight

Statement of Government Number of SGEs 4 The Statement of Government Equity shows the financial
Equity transactions, which resulted to the change in
Government Equity account at the end of the year.

Statement of Cash Flow Number of SCFs 4 The Statement of Cash Flows is a statement
summarizing all the cash activities of an agency. This
includes the operating, investing and financing activities
of the entity and provides information on the cash
receipts and cash payments during the period. The
primary purpose of the Statement of Cash Flows is to
give relevant information on the agency’s overall cash
position, liquidity and solvency. Using the Statement of
Cash Flows, managers, investors and creditors could
easily assess if the agency could meet its obligations in
operating, investing and financing activities.

Financial Transactions Number of Transactions Recorded 0.01 For recording of transactions in the accounting books
Recorded and registries of the CSC such as Journal Entry Voucher,
General Journal, Cash Receipt Journal, Cash Journal,
Check Disbursement Journal, Cash Disbursement
Journal, General Ledger, Registry of Allotments and
Obligations (Capital Outlay, Maintenance and Other
Operating Expenses, Personal Services, Financial
Expenses), Registry of Allotments and Notice of Cash
Allocation, Registry of Public Infrastructure-Summary,
Registry of Dormant Accounts, Registry of Accounts
Written-Off, Cash Receipt Record, Check Disbursements
Record, Cash Disbursements Record, Stock Card, and
Property Card.

Reports Output Table 59

Allotment and Obligation Slip Number of ALOBS 0.25 The Allotment and Obligation Slip shall be used to record
(ALOBS) allotments received and to request for obligation charged
against the allotments. It shall be prepared before
processing the claim to ensure that funds are available
for the purpose.

Order of Payment (OP) Number of OPs 0.05 The Order of Payment shall be accomplished by the
Accounting Unit by stating the nature and computation of
amount due before collections shall be received by the

Petty Cash Voucher (PCV) Number of PCVs 0.05 The Petty Cash Voucher shall be used for disbursements
out of the Petty Cash Fund.

Disbursement Voucher (DV) Number of DVs 0.25 The Disbursement Voucher shall be used by government
agencies for all money claims. The number shall be
indicated on the DV and on every supporting document
of the claim. The supporting documents shall be listed on
the face of the voucher and in case more space is
needed, the back of the DV shall be used.

General Payroll (GP) Number of GPs 8 The General Payroll shall be used for the payment of
salaries, wages, overtime pay, honoraria and other
emoluments of government officers and employees.

Itinerary of Travel (IT) Number of ITs 0.5 The Itinerary of Travel shall be prepared by the
concerned official or employee making the travel. The IT
shows the details of travel such as places to be visited,
date, including the amount of expenses to be incurred. It
shall be prepared before the travel is made or upon
reimbursement of travelling expenses.

Payroll Payment Slip (PPS) Number of PPSs 0.05 The Payroll Payment Slip shows amounts of
compensation income due and paid for a pay period
including the details of deductions. Per employee.

Index of Payments (IP) Number of IPs 0.17 The Index of Payments shall be used to record payments
made to each employee, supplier, and other agency

Reports Output Table 60

Supplies Availability Inquiry Number of SAIs 0.05 The Supplies Availability Inquiry shall be used to inquire
(SAI) the availability of supplies on stock from the Accounting

Requisition and Issue Slip Number of RISs 0.05 The Requisition and Issue Slip shall be used to request
(RIS) supplies and materials that are carried on stock.

Purchase Request (PR) Number of PRs 0.05 The Purchase Request shall be used to request for the
purchase of inventory/item not available on stock and it
shall be the basis for preparing the Purchase Order.

Purchase Order (PO) Number of POs 0.05 The Purchase Order shall be used to support purchase
of equipment, supplies and materials, etc.

Acknowledgement Receipt for Number of AREs 0.5 The Acknowledgement Receipt for Equipment shall be
Equipment (ARE) used to acknowledge the receipt of property and
equipment for official use from the Property Officer.
Prepared by the property custodian and signed by the
receiving employee.

Report of Collection and Number of Transactions Recorded 0.02 The Report of Collections and Deposits shall be
Deposits (RCD) prepared by the Cashiers/Collecting Officers to report all
collections received and deposits made. The report lists
all the ORs issued in numerical sequence, including the
cancelled ones. The report shall be the basis in
preparing the JEV for recording in the Cash Receipt
Journal/Cash Journal, as the case maybe.

Report of Checks Issued (RCI) Number of Transactions Recorded 0.02 The Report of Checks Issued shall be prepared by the
Cashiers/Disbursing Officers to report checks actually
received by the payor or authorized representatives
during the period. including cancelled ones. Separate
RCI shall be prepared for MDS and commercial checks
released. The report shall be the basis in preparing and
recording the JEV in the Check Disbursements Journal.
It shall be supported with list of unclaimed checks.

Reports Output Table 61

Report of Disbursements (RD) Number of Transactions Recorded 0.02 The Report of Disbursements shall be prepared by the
Regular/Special Disbursing Officers to support
liquidations of their cash advances. The report shall be
certified as to correctness by the Disbursing Officer and
forwarded to the Accounting Unit for preparation of the
JEV and final recording in the Cash Disbursements

Petty Cash Replenishment Number of Transactions Recorded 4 The Petty Cash Replenishment Report shall be prepared
Report (PCRR) by the Petty Cash Custodian to report all disbursements
made out of his/her Petty Cash Fund.

Liquidation Report (LR) Number of LRs The Liquidation Report shall be prepared by the
a. cash advance 4 concerned employees/officers to liquidate cash advances
b. travel 1 for travel or for other purposes except those cash
advances granted to Regular/Special Disbursing

Report of Supplies and Number of Entry (Record) 0.02 The Report of Supplies and Materials Issued shall be
Materials Issued (RSMI) prepared by the Supply Officer and shall be used by the
Accounting Unit as a basis in preparing the JEV to record
the supplies and materials issued.

Waste Materials Report (WMR) Number of WMRs 4 The Waste Materials Report shall be used to report all
waste materials previously taken up in the books as
assets so that they may be properly disposed of and
dropped from the accounts. It shall be used to report all
waste materials such as destroyed spare parts and other
materials considered scrap due to replacement.

Inventory and Inspection Number of IIRUPs 4 The Inventory and Inspection Report for Unserviceable
Report for Unserviceable Property shall be used as basis to record dropping from
Property (IIRUP) the books the unserviceable properties carried in the
Property, Plant and Equipment accounts.

Report on the Physical Count Number of RPCIs 16 The Report on the Physical Count of Inventories shall be
of Inventories (RPCI) used to report the physical count of supplies by type of
inventory as of a given date. It shows the balance of
inventory items per cards and per count and
shortage/overage, if any.

Reports Output Table 62


Report on the Physical Count Number of RPCPPEs 24 The Report on the Physical Count of Property, Plant and
of Property, Plant and Equipment shall be used to report the physical count of
Equipment (RPCPPE) property, plant and equipment by type as of a given date.
It shows the balance of property and equipment per
cards and per count and shortage/overage, if any.

Inspection and Acceptance Number of IARs 0.08 The Inspection and Acceptance Report shall be used to
Report (IAR) acknowledge the receipt of supplies and equipment
purchased and inspection made thereof. Points shall be
awarded to the Office which prepared the IAR.

Report of Accountability for Number of RAAFs 1 The Report of Accountability for Accountable Forms shall
Accountable Forms (RAAF) be prepared by the Accountable Officer to report on the
movement and status of accountable forms in his
possession. The accountable forms include those with or
without face value.

Revised Monthly Trust Number of RMTRCRs 2 Summary of Trust Receipts collections inclusive of exam
Receipts Collection Report and non-exam related collections. Including copies of
deposit slip and deposit to CO accounts.

Projections of Receipts and Number of Reports 4 Projections of receipts under the CSC Fiscal Autonomy
Expenditures (Trust) Receipts Fund and CSC Training Fund.
Submitted annually by ERPO, OFAM, and the CSCROs
to the Commission. (Refer to CSC OM 123, s. 2002)

Financial Reports A Statement of Government Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the status of Government
Equity Equity per fund.

Monthly Summary of Number of Reports 4 A detailed summary of transactions as reflected in the

Transactions special journals (CkDJ, CDJ, CRJ) and the General

Welfare Fund Reports- Number of Reports 4 A financial report on the schedule of remittance and
Remittance List and Deposit deposit slips.

Bank Reconciliation Statement Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the reconciled cash balance
per bank and book for CSCRO current account.
Reports Output Table 63
Modified Disbursement Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the reconciled cash balance
Scheme (MDS) per bank and book for CSCRO MDS account.

MDS - Accounts Payable Number of Reports 4 Financial Reports showing balances for accounts
(A/P), Retirement Gratuities payable (A/P), retirement gratuities (RG), and terminal
(RG), and Terminal Leave (TL) leaves (TL).

General Fund Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the status of assets, liabilities,
and government equity for General Fund.

Constitutional Fiscal Autonomy Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the status of assets, liabilities,
Group (CFAG) and government equity for CFAG.

Receipts and Refunds Number of Reports 4 Monthly financial report by ROs on receipts and refunds
(Current) under current accounts.

Receipts and Refunds (HYSA) Number of Reports 4 Monthly financial report by COs and ROs of receipts and
refunds under high yielding accounts.

Fiscal Autonomy (Trust) Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the status of assets, liabilities,
Receipt and government equity for Trust Receipt.

Contingency Reserve Fund Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the monthly status of CRF for
(TR) Trust Receipt.

Training Fund Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the status of assets, liabilities,
and government equity for Training Fund.

Contingency Reserve Fund Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the monthly status of CRF for
(TF) Training Fund.

Welfare Fund Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the status of assets, liabilities,
and government equity for CSCRO welfare fund account.

Financial Reports B Welfare Fund - Loan Balances Number of Reports 4 A financial report that shows the quarterly loan balances
(GPL, MPL, EDL, GL) per employee.

Welfare Fund - Contribution of Number of Reports 4 A financial report that shows the monthly contribution per
Members CSC employee.

Reports Output Table 64


Detailed Breakdown of Number of Reports 8 A financial statement which shows the break-down of
Expenses (paid obligations) by expenses for PS and MOOE.

Report of Exam Number of Reports 4 A financial statement which shows the break-down of
Receipts/Expenses examination receipts and expenses.

Report of Other Receipts Number of Reports 4 Financial reports on receipts relating to expenses not
(specify nature) covered by the usual reports; submitted as needed.

Status of Cash Advances Number of Reports 4 A financial report on the status of cash advance per
employee. Submitted quarterly by the CSCROs to

Schedule of Receivables Number of Reports 4 A report showing the total receivables per fund.
Submitted quarterly by CSCROs to OFAM.

Schedule of Payables Number of Reports 4 A report showing the total payables per fund. Submitted
quarterly by CSCROs to OFAM.

Schedule of Investments and Number of Reports 4 A report that shows the total Assets not classified as
Other Assets PPE. Submitted quarterly by the CSCROs to OFAM.

Financial Report of Operations Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the breakdown of expenses
(by PPA) per PPA. Submitted quarterly by the CSCROs to OFAM.

Annex A - Statement of Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the total obligation and
Cumulative Allotments, unobligated allotment. Submitted quarterly by the
Obligations Incurred and CSCROs to OFAM.
Unobligated Balances

Annex B - Detailed Statement Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the total obligations paid.
of Cumulative Expenditures, Submitted quarterly by the CSCROs to OFAM.
Obligations Incurred,
Liquidated/Disbursements and
Unliquidated Obligations

Reports Output Table 65

Annex C - Report on the Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the total obligation and
Result of Expended allotment. Submitted quarterly by the CSCROs to OFAM.

Financial Reports C Schedule of LSP Expenses per Number of Reports 4 A financial report that shows the detailed breakdown of
Scholar expenses per scholar.

Schedule of Welfare Fund Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the balances per type of loan
Loan Balances per Employee and per employee.
and per type of loan

Schedule of Welfare Fund Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the WF contribution per
Members' Equity employee.

Schedule of 30% CRF Balance Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the status of 30% CRF, 10%
and 10% WB and 60% WB and 60% Operations.

Schedule of Amount Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the schedule of amount
Earmarked as 70% to augment allocated as 70% to augment MOOE and 30% CRF.
MOOE and 30% CRF

Schedule of Sub Allotment for Number of Reports 4 A report showing the schedule of Sub Allotment received
GF and CFAG for GF and CFAG.

Schedule of Allotment, NCA, Number of Reports 4 A report showing the detailed breakdown of allotment,
TRA and Unfunded Allotment NCA, TRA and unfunded allotment.

Schedule of Number of Reports 4 Semestral financial report by ROs on expenses incurred

Expenses/Disbursements and disbursements issued.

Schedule of 50% CO Share on Number of Reports 4 Semestral financial report by ROs on the 50% share of
CSCRO's Personnel Service the CO on the ROs PS savings.
(PS) Savings

Financial Reports D Detailed Breakdown of Number of Reports 8 A report showing the detailed breakdown of
Disbursement by PPA/MFO disbursements by PPA/MFO.

Reports Output Table 66

Notes to Financial Statements Number of Reports 4 A financial notation on the key balances of the account
reflected in the financial statements.

Annual Financial Report of Number of Reports 8 A financial reports showing the income and expenses of
Income/Expenses (Exam) examination operation for the year-end.

Annual Financial Report of Number of Reports 8 A financial reports showing the income and expenses of
Income/Expenses (Training) training operation for the year-end.

Annual Status of Cash Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the annual status of cash
Advances including aging advances.

Annual Schedules of Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the annual schedule of
Receivables, Payables receivables and payables for the current year.

Annual Report of LSP Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the annual LSP expenses and
Expenses, Refunds by batch refunds by batch.

Annual Status of 30% CRF Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the annual status of 30% CRF
balances for Exam and balances for Examination and Training Operations.

Annual Statement of 10% WB Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the annual status of 10% WB
Fund Fund.

Annual Statement of Sub- Number of Reports 4 A financial report that includes the annual statement of
Allotment and Releases for sub-allotment and releases for GF, CFAG and other
GF, CFAG and other funds funds.

Annual Statement of Allotment, Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the Annual detailed
NCA, TRA and Unfunded breakdown of allotment, NCA, TRA and unfunded
Allotment allotment.

Annual Statement of WF Loan Number of Reports 4 A financial report showing the year-end WF loan
Balance, Benefits per balances per type of loan and per employee.

Statement of Accounts Number of Reports 4 A report showing a schedule of accounts payable per
Payable employee.
Reports Output Table 67

Other Regular Reports Implementation of CSC Number of Reports 4 A list of all unimplemented CSC Resolutions in the
Resolution under OM48,s.2003 respective jurisdiction of the CSCROs. Submitted

Monitoring of Compliance with Number of Reports 4 A report on actions taken by the CSCROs on cases
OM 98, s. 2004 (Reassignment brought before them or on appeal pertaining to
of Public Health Workers) reassignment of public health workers. Submitted

Report on Unacted Request Number of Reports 4 A report on all requests and transactions sent to Central
and/or Regional Offices that remain unresponded
to/unacted after 60 days. Submitted monthly by all
Central Offices to CSLO.

Report on Remanded Cases Number of Reports 8 A report on remanded cases submitted monthly by

Report on Impersonation Number of Reports 8 A report providing information on impersonators

Cases identified by CSCROs. Submitted quarterly to ERPO.

BBP Placements Number of Reports 8 Report on the implementation of the Brightest for the
Bureaucracy Program in the Regional Offices.

Status Report of CSC Eligibility Number of Reports 8 Inventory Report on Security Papers for Professional and
Security Papers Sub-professional Exam, Stenographer Exam, Eligibilities
Under Special Laws and Certification of Rating.
Submitted quarterly.

LSP-MDC Scholars' Status Number of Reports 8 Status report on the scholars for updating of the LSP-
Report MDC database of scholars. Submitted annually.

LSP-MDC Scholars' Refund Number of Reports 8 Monitoring report on the implementation of refund policy
Report on LSP-MDC Program.

Monthly Performance Report Number of Reports 24 Consolidation, classification, encoding and Report
(MPR) Relative to the generation of the Monthly Performance Report. The
Delegated Authority on report includes the preparation and submission of
Administrative and Financial comment on IAS' findings/observations and
Matters recommendations for each month.
Reports Output Table 68
Annual Procurement Plan Number of Plans 8 A consolidated plan for the acquisition of Goods
(APP) (supplies and/or materials) for the Office.

Division/Field Office APP Number of Plans 8 A plan for the acquisition of Goods (supplies and/or
materials) for the Division/Field Office.

Supplemental APP Number of Supplemental APP 4 Addendum to the APP for additional items or reallocation
of funds for procurement.

Approved Budget for the Number of ABCs 4 Prepared budget for approved contract.

Project Procurement Number of PPMPs 8 Per Project.

Management Plan (PPMP)

Inventory Reports on Motor Number of Reports 8 A report on the status of motor vehicles, both serviceable
Vehicles in the CSCROs and unserviceable, including information on the amount
of insurance coverage for each vehicle and to whom the
vehicle is assigned to. Submitted annually by CSCROs
to OFAM.

Appraised Value of CSCRO's Number of Reports 8 Report on the updated appraised value and cost of
Building improvement made on existing building of the CSCROs.

Land Title / Property Title Number of Reports 4 A report on newly acquired properties of a Regional
Office. It shall also include a copy of the Deeds of
Donation or Memorandum of Agreement.

Report on Cases Received Number of Reports 8 A monitoring report on cases involving violations of the
and Progress Report on Cases guidelines on the liquidation of cash advances.
Involving Unliquidated Cash

DepEd Consolidated Progress Number of Reports 4 Report on sexual harassment cases filed within the
Report on Sexual Harassment respective jurisdiction of the CSCROs.

Report on Cases Received Number of Reports 4 A list of cases received and resolved each month.
and Resolved

Reports Output Table 69


Various Reports/Accomplished Number of Reports 24 A transmittal memo or letter with the following
Forms on Records Disposition report/accomplished forms or requests on records
disposition. These related documents are submitted
annually by the CSCROs to IRMO for information,
notation, and/or appropriate action. Contents: Report on
Inventory and Appraisal, Request for Transfer of
Records, and Request for Authority to Dispose Records.

Various Reports/Accomplished Number of Reports 8 Documents submitted by CSCFOs to the Regional Office
Forms on Records Disposition for the consolidation of various reports/accomplished
from Field Offices forms on records disposition.

Report on Project DIBAR Number of Records in the Report 0.05 (1) A report on government officials and employees who
are dismissed from the service. Corresponding copies of
Resolutions or Decisions that are final and executory
shall be attached. Submitted monthly by OLA to IRMO.
(2) A report on the disqualified applicants for civil service
exams with copies of the decision disqualifying the
individual. Submitted by ERPO to IRMO.

Summary List of Decisions, Number of Records 0.03 A monthly report for correcting information in CSC
Orders, and/or Resolutions Records. Must contain examination and personal details
(date and place of exam, date and place of birth) if party
has CSC eligibility. (Refer to IRMO MemoNo.283,s.2006)

Report on Non-Wearing of Number of Reports 4 List of employees who have not complied with OM No.
Office Uniform 45, s. 2005 on the non-wearing of office uniform.

Status Report on Study Number of Reports 4 A report on employees of the CSC who availed of the
Privilege for Bar Review/ study privilege for bar review/examinations.
Examination in the CSC

Status Report on Study Number of Reports 4 A report on employees who availed of the study privilege
Privilege for Board/Licensure for the Board/Licensure Examinations and Completion of
Examinations or Completion of Master's Degree in the Commission.
Master's Degree

Semestral Report on Number of Reports 4 Consolidated semestral report on employees absences,

Punctuality and Attendance tardiness and undertime.

Reports Output Table 70


Monthly Attendance Monitoring Number of Reports 8 A consolidated monthly report on employees absences,
Sheet tardiness and undertime. With attached printout of
attendance report from the Computerized Attendance
Tracking System (CATS).

Report on Resource Person Number of Reports 0.5 A monthly report on the resource speakers service
Services Rendered rendered by CSC Officials and Employees who served
as Trainers. (OM No. 28, s. 2007)

Report on Employee Number of Reports 4 Accession and Separation information culled by the Field
Accession and Separation Office from the government agencies under its

Monitoring and Inspection Number of Reports 24 Statistical report on agencies' compliance with the
Progress Report on OP MC 35 directive on the publication of service guide, posting of
workflow chart, and service pledge.

IT Resource Inventory Number of Reports 16 Inventory report on IT equipment and other resources
including information on internet service provider of the
office and the assigned IT focal person.

Updated List of Reports Number of Reports 8 This is an inventory of reports being requested by
Central Offices from other offices of the CSC. It shall
contain information on any changes in the reportorial
requirements of the requesting office. Submitted annually
by Central Offices to OPMIS.

PMAAP Yearly Comparative Number of Reports 8 A report showing at a glance the status of all agencies
Report under each Field Office. The report shall be submitted to
the OPMIS and shall be used as a tool to measure
CSCRO/FO performance.

Best BAP Report Number of Reports 8 A report detailing the accomplishments of the Regional
Offices pertaining to the conferment of awards on "The
Best Bilis Aksyon Partner (BAP)." Submitted annually by
the CSCROs to PAIO.

Reports Output Table 71

Highlights of Activities Number of Reports 8 Outline and brief description of activities undertaken by
undertaken in the CSCROs the CSCROs relative to the Women's Month Celebration
relative to the celebration of (e.g. date, time, venue, participants and pictures).
Women's Month

Summary of All CSC units' Number of Reports 8 A report on GAD initiatives/programs undertaken by an
GAD initiatives for a given office for the year. Relevant data such as names/position
calendar year of GANG members/GAD focal points/List of CODI
members shall be reported. Pictures of GAD activities
undertaken and list of accomplishment vis-à-vis CSC
GAD Plan shall also be included.

Calendar of Events for the Number of Reports 8 Outline of activities to be undertaken by the CSCROs for
PCS Anniversary Celebration the Philippine Civil Service Anniversary Celebration with
a short description of each activity.

Evaluation Report on the Number of Reports 16 A report on HAP administration in the Regional Offices.
Conduct of the HAP This includes HAP promotional activities/campaign
strategies employed; conduct of recognition rites on the
semifinalists and/or awardees, other observations and
potential areas of improvement for HAP administration.

Highlights of Anniversary Number of Reports 16 A narrative report on the celebration of the Philippine
Activities Civil Service Anniversary in the Regional Office.

Consolidated Regional Number of Reports 16 Pursuant to MC 6, s. 2006, the CSROs are required to
Statistical Report on the submit to PAIO a Quarterly Regional Accomplishment
Implementation of the Report on the implementation of the Mamamayan Muna
Mamamayan Muna Program program by the Agencies. This is composed of:
1. CSCRO-MMP Form A-1, s. 2005 - Consolidated
Monitoring Report on Agencies Implementatino of the
2. CSCRO-MMP Form B - List of Commended
Employees. Included as attachment is the validation
report on commendations received (Gantimpala Agad
3. CSCRO-MMP Form C - List and Updated Directory
of Agency Bilis Aksyon Partners (for changes only); and

Reports Output Table 72

4. Success stories, Agency Innovations and Best
Practices - these are interesting write-ups about the GAA
awardees and MMP-related news, events and activities
in the agencies for publication n the CS Reporter and CS
Bulletin. Included is a report highlighting the additional
activities undertaken by the CSCRO in the
implementation and enhancement of the MMP.

Status of Availment of HAP Number of Reports 4 A report on the status of scholarship availment of HAP
Awardees' Scholarship awardees.

Status of Nomination Number of Reports 4 A report submitted to PAIO one week after the deadline
Documents Received of submission of nomination set by the Commission. This
includes the names of the nominees, their office/agency,
their position, and award category they are nominated.

Annual Information Return of Number of Returns 5 This return is filed by every withholding agent/payor who
Creditable Income Taxes is either an individual, estate, trust, partnership,
Withheld (Expanded)/Income corporation, government agency, instrumentality,
Payments Exempt from government-owned and controlled corporation, local
Withholding Taxes government unit and other juridical entity required to
deduct and withhold taxes on income payments subject
to Expanded Withholding Taxes, or making income
payments not subject to withholding tax but subject to
income tax. Submitted to BIR.

Annual Information Return of Number of Returns 3.5 This return is filed by every employer or withholding
Income Tax withheld on agent/payor who is either an individual, estate, trust,
Compensation and Final partnership, corporation, government agency and
Withholding Taxes instrumentality, government-owned and controlled
corporation, local government unit and other juridical
entity required to deduct and withhold taxes on
compensation paid to employees and on other income
payments subject to Final Withholding Taxes. Submitted
to BIR.

Reports Output Table 73

SPECIAL REPORTS Special Reports are reports submitted as need arises or
reports which date of submission varies according to the
ERPO Required Reports List of Applicants for the CSE- Number of Reports 5 A report on the list of applicants for the CSE-PPT Exam
PPT Examination forwarded by the different testing centers. Submitted
within three (3) working days after cut-off date.

LEC Report (Form 46) Number of Reports 1 A report on the list of members of the LEC and the CSC
Representatives including the observations on the
conduct of exam and statistics on the actual examinees.

Unused Answer Sheets Number of Reports 0.5 A report on the inventory of unused answer sheets,
submitted immediately after the conduct of the
examination or before the CO Representative travels
back to the CO.

Chief, Supervising, and Room Number of Reports 0.5 A report on the conduct of examination submitted within
Examiners Report one week after the examination.

Report on the Performance of Number of Reports 1 An evaluation report on the performance of the CO
the CSC-CO Representative Representative prepared by the Regional Office.

Narrative Report on the overall Number of Reports 1 A narrative report on the conduct of the CSE-PPT Exam
conduct of the CSE-PPT Exam submitted immediately after the exam or before the CO
Representative travels back to CO.

Exam Files on the conduct of Number of Reports 4 Answer data files, original and updated examinee data
the CSE-PPT files, and center/school/room files to be sent via File
Transfer Protocol (ftp).

Report on Cases of Exam Number of Reports 1 Action on the Examination Irregularity reported by the
Irregularity Chief/Supervising/Room Examiner.

Report on the conduct of the Number of Reports 0.5 Used and unused Answer Sheets, delivery receipt,
Validating Exam for PPT photocopies of examinees application, updated
examinee data file, Chief/Supervising/Room Examiner's
Report, Burning/Shredding Report and Report on the
performance of the CSC-CO representatives.

Reports Output Table 74

Report on the conduct of the Number of Reports 2 Answer data file, examinee data file, test form,
Validating Exam for Computer diskette/CD, delivery receipt, room examiner's report,
Assisted Test examinee attendance sheet, photocopies of examinees
application, and report on the performance of the CSC-
CO representatives.

Report on the Receipt of Exam Number of Reports 0.8 A report on the receipt of exam materials signed and
Materials endorsed to the Director II/Chairman of LEC submitted
after the conduct of the exam or before the CO
Representative travels back to CO.

Investigation Report on Number of Reports 1 Report of the study or investigation.

Withheld Test Results

Eligibilities Granted Under Number of masterlists 4 Masterlist containing the number of grantees
Special Laws (Master Lists)

Statistical Report on the Number of Reports 0.5 Memo/letter indicating the number of applicants per
Number of Applicants, Name level/examination center and the name of school to be
of Center/School used. Submitted by CSCROs to ERPO for every
examination and within one week after deadline of filing

Report on the Picture-Seat- Number of Reports 0.5 A report on the PSP used during the examination.
Plan Used for Paper and
Pencil Test

Report on the Masterlist Number of Reports 1 A report on the number of masterlist generated for the
generated for Paper and Pencil Roster of Eligibles and List of Passed and Failed
Test Examinees.

Master Lists and Picture-Seat- Number of ML with PSP 2 Number of examinees, number of passers, number of
Plans (Computer-Assisted sheets.

List of Examinations conducted 1 Summary of Examinations and schedules conducted

within the year (Computer- within the year
Assisted Test)

Reports Output Table 75

IRMO Required Reports Annual Inventory of Record Number of Reports 8 Report on Records Holdings per division, per person in
Holdings charge at the beginning and at the end of the calendar
year. Per OM No.78 s.2006.

OFAM Required Reports Budget Proposal Number of budget proposal 24 Prepared budget proposals for the succeeding year, by
all offices, submitted annually.

OPMD Required Reports Team Building Activity Report Number of Reports 8 A report on the conduct of team building activities
highlighting the following: how the objectives were met,
what were the learnings/insights gathered, how will the
learnings/sharing be applied, impact of the team building
activities on productivity, the total expenditure, what
needs improvement and what are the recommendations,
and participation of officials and employees.

Training and Scholarship Number of Reports 8 A report on the completion of training/scholarship

Report containing the following: brief description/evaluation of
the course, personal experiences (problems encountered
and how these problems were addressed, opportunities
encountered), and insights/recommendations (relevance
of the course/program to the Commission's functions,
application of learning and impact of project/action plan)

Reports Output Table 76



Review of Resolutions Completed Staff Work on:

a. Pro-forma Resolutions Number of Resolutions reviewed 0.75 Resolution signed by the Chairperson or returned to
originating office/referred with comments/instructions.

0.25* *Documents that have been returned to the offices with

comments/instructions and are once more being submitted
to OCH (for the nth time) shall be allotted 1/3 of the points
originally set for review.

b. Non-disciplinary cases Number of Resolutions reviewed 1.62 Resolution signed by the Chairperson or returned to
originating office/referred with comments/instructions.


c. Disciplinary cases Number of Resolutions reviewed 3.17 Resolution signed by the Chairperson or returned to
originating office/referred with comments/instructions.


d. Examination irregularities Number of Resolutions reviewed 1.08 Resolution signed by the Chairperson or returned to
originating office/referred with comments/instructions.


Review of Routine Documents Review of: Routine documents are documents that can be reviewed
without having to refer to other documents/rules or
consult/seek clarification from the offices. Generally covers
administrative matters that are regularly submitted, follows
established rules, does not propose anything new. The
Executive Assistant (EA) will determine the classification of
the document, subject to review by the Director IV.

a. Simple Routine Documents Number of Documents reviewed 0.75 Document signed by the Chairperson or returned to
originating office/referred with comments/instructions.


b. Complex Routine Number of Documents reviewed 1.62 Document signed by the Chairperson or returned to
Documents originating returned to originating office/referred with

Review of Non-routine Completed Staff Work on: Non-routine documents are documents that impinge on
Documents policy. Review requires the EAs to go out of the document,
i.e., check rules/consult with offices, make
recommendations, conduct research. Generally deals with
policy and requires thorough review. The EA will determine
the classification of the document subject to review by the
Director IV.

a. Simple non-routine Number of Documents reviewed 3 Document signed by the Chairperson or returned to
documents originating office/referred with comments/instructions.


b. Complex non-routine Number of Documents reviewed 6 Document signed by the Chairperson or returned to
documents originating office/referred with comments/instructions; Six
points for the first five pages plus .5 point for every page in
excess of five.


0.16 Per page in excess of first five pages.

c. Special non-routine Number of Documents reviewed 30 Document signed by the Chairperson or returned to
documents originating office/referred with comments/instructions.


Review of Agenda Folders Completed Staff Work on:

a. Commission Meeting Number of Agenda Folders 3 Agenda Folder reviewed; the Chairperson was briefed on
Agenda Folders the agenda; 3 points for the briefing, 2 points for every case
in the folder, and 3 points for every policy in the folder.
Number of Cases 2

Number of Policies 3

OCH Output Table 78

b. CESB Agenda Folder Number of Agenda Folders 12 Agenda Folder reviewed; the Chairperson was briefed on
the agenda.

c. Other Agenda Folder Number of Agenda Folders 4 For agenda folders on PSLMC, DAP, SCC, DFA, CFAG,

Executive Function/CSC Speech Number of Speeches 8 Speech delivered.

Originating Resolution Number of Resolutions * Resolutions approved and signed by the Commission; *
Points the same as those already in the PMS Output Table
of other offices such as OLA.

Resolution on Extension of Number of Resolutions 3.75 Signed by the Commission.


Letter/Order to Comment/ Number of Letters/Orders to 0.5 Order to comment/comply with requirements for request for
Comply with Requirements Comment/Comply with Requirement extension of service cases.

Administrative Concerns External Documents Processed Number of documents processed 0.12 Documents/Communications assigned and delivered to the
different offices.

Internal Documents Processed Number of documents processed 0.05 Documents entered in DTMS, action recorded, referred to
the next office.

Schedule Sheet Number of Schedule Sheets 0.25 Daily schedule of appointments given/sent to the
prepared Chairperson.

Executive Session Agenda Number of Agenda Sheets 0.25 Distributed to the Chairperson and the Commissioners.

OCH Output Table 79



Secretariat Work for ~ CM Schedule Number of schedules prepared 0.5 An ordered list of time at which the Commission Meetings
Commission Meetings will be conducted.

~ Edited Resolution/Issuance Number of Resolutions/Issuances 0.5 Corrected/Revised Resolution/Issuance for signature of

the Commission.

~ Agenda Folders Number of Agenda Folders 4 A compilation of materials for discussion during a
Commission Meeting.

~ Order of the Day Sheet Number of Order of the Day Sheets 0.5 A one-page document which guides the Chair or the
presiding officer on the order of subject discussion during
Commission Meetings.

~ Approved Resolution Number of Resolution finalized 0.25 Edited/Corrected Resolutions (with minor corrections)
finalized drafted by other office to conform to the decision of the
Commission; printed the final copy for signature of the

~ Actual conduct of CM Number of CM conducted 6 The management of the actual conduct of the
Commission Meeting.

~ Minutes of the Meeting Number of Minutes 16 A written account of what transpired in the Commission

Report on Status of Cases Number of Reports 3 A Status Report on Cases for Referendum, Cases
Discussed, and Cases for Ratification.

Report on Status of Policy Number of Reports 3 A report on the state of accomplishment of policy matters
Matters per Commission instructions as discussed in the
Commission Meetings.

Report Preparation Consolidated Report on Number of Reports 16 A consolidated monitoring report on the implementation
Implementation of CSC of CSC directives/orders.

Communications/Requests to Number of Reports 4 A status report on communications/requests made to
CSCROs Regional Offices.

Compliance with Commission Number of Reports 4 A monitoring report on compliance with Commission
Instructions instructions.

Statistics on CSCRO's Number of Reports 8 A monitoring report detailing the affirmed/reversed

Affirmed/Reversed Decision' decision of the Regional Offices.

Information and Records Resolutions numbered, Number of Resolutions 0.5 For the numbering of new Resolutions and issuance of
Management certified and released copies to concerned parties.

Certified Copy of Resolutions Number of Requested Resolutions 0.17 For issuance of certified copy of Resolutions.

Resolution Information System RIS Monthly Report Number of RIS Reports submitted 4 A report updating the Commission on the RIS.

Legislative Concerns Backgrounder Number of Backgrounders 8 Backgrounder on the issue at hand for use of the
concerned official during discussion with the member of
the legislature.

Legislative Concerns Comments on Legislative Bills Number of Comments on Bills 24 Comments on legislative bills.

Monitoring of RA 9242 Annual Report on RA 9242 Number of Reports 8 A report on the monitoring of the implementation of RA
Compliance 9242 (Tropical Fabrics Act) submitted annually to the
Congress of the Philippines.

Numbering of CSC Issuances CSC Issuances numbered Number of issuances numbered 0.05 Numbering of CSC issuances such as Memorandum
Circular, Announcement, Office Memorandum, and

Consolidation of original Consolidated/Bound Number of Book of Resolutions 4 Compilation of CSC Resolutions bound in a group of 100
issuance Resolution with label and table of contents.

Consolidated/Bound Opinions Number of Book of Opinions 4 Compilation of CSC Opinions bound with label and table
of contents.

CSLO Update Number of Updates produced 8 A reference material especially for Field Officers and
other regional personnel containing a list of recently
issued Memorandum Circulars and published CSC
CSLO Output Table 81


Examination Administration
~ Computer Assisted Test CAT examination administered Number of CAT examinations 4 Actual conduct of CSE-CAT from acceptance of
administered examinees, administration of EAS/PSP, briefing of
examinees and administration of test.

~ Paper and Pencil Test PPT examination coordinated Number of PPT examinations Gathering of statistics of examinees, delivery of
coordinated examination materials, coordination with CSCROs. In
~ Professional/Sub-professional 40 case of specialized or agency-assisted test: coordination
~ Career Executive Officer Exam 20 with the agencies, preparation of MOA and
~ Specialized Examinations 20 announcement.

~ Consolidation of Examination Report Number of Examination Reports 24 Regional examination reports evaluated and
Examination Reports consolidated.

~ Processing of applications Exam Application Receipt Number of Exam Application 0.025 Checking of applications as processed by PAIO
for CSE-CAT Receipts personnel (MMIAC) and checking of the applicant in the
DIBAR and issuance of the application receipt.

~ Generation of Alpha List of Alpha List Number of Alpha Lists generated 1 Involves encoding of examinee data and verification with
Examinees and Examination DIBAR and e-Retakers. Per sheet.
Attendance Sheet (CSE-CAT)

Examinee Attendance Sheet Number of Examinee Attendance 0.08 Per examination sheet.

Processing of Results
~ Career Service Exam-CAT Certificate of Eligibility/Report Number of COEs/RRs 0.05 Per examinee.
of Rating

Master Lists Number of Master Lists 0.03 Per page.

~ Career Service Exam-PPT Printfiles Number of Printfiles 24 Processed files ready for printing of Master Lists,
Certificate of Eligibility, and Report of Rating; Per region.


~ Career Executive Officer CEOE written test results Number of CEOE written test results 48 Includes generation of List of Qualified for Interview,
Exam released released Qualified for SWE and Failed examinees, notices to
examinees. Per exam batch.

PROCTAD Registration and Training Design Number of Training Designs 24 The strategy for conducting the PROCTAD training.

Examination Records Picture Seat Plan Number of PSP transmitted 0.25 Picture Seat Plans evaluated for examinations conducted
Management by ERPO during the month and transmitted to IRMO.

Master List Number of MLs transmitted 0.25 Master List evaluated for examination conducted during
the month and transmitted to IRMO.

e-Retakers Number of e-retakers converted 0.25 Soft copy of EDFs/ADFs transmitted to IRMO.

Online Examination Number of OEVS files transmitted 0.25 Submitted to OPMIS for uploading.
Verification System

Issuance of Accountable Transmittals of Parcels of Number of Transmittal for the 0.5 Includes evaluation of request, verification of inventory,
Forms Security Papers issued Issuance of Security Paper actual count of certificates issued, RIS, transmittal letter.

Inventory Report Number of Inventory Reports 0.8 Quarterly inventory reports evaluated and consolidated.

Rechecking Results rechecked Number of request for rechecking 2 Rechecking of AS, generation of Supplemental MS,
acted upon COE, transmittal letters.

Test Development and Standards

Review of Test Items Test Items reviewed Number of Test Items Reviewed 1 For review of test items/passages developed in the

Test Development Test Forms developed Number of Test Forms developed 40 Assembly of test items into test forms actually used in
examinations according to predetermined test
specifications, which includes item performance
evaluation review.

Dictation Exercise Forms Number of Dictation Exercises 2 Dictation exercise forms as a component of the
evaluated and finalized Stenography Examination - exercises are generated and
reviewed before finalization in the forms.
ERPO Output Table 83

Answer Keys Number of Answer Keys prepared 8 Answer Keys for specific test form assembled and

Test Results Evaluation Report Number of Evaluation Reports 16 Item response analysis; Evaluation Report with
communication to CSCROs granting clearance to release
results of specific exams.

CAT Readiness Evaluation Number of Evaluation Reports 24 Evaluation of readiness conducted by the CSC-CO for
Report issuance of accreditation to conduct CAT.

Programs and Standards

Grant of Eligibility under Certificate of Eligibility Number of Certificate of Eligibility 0.5 Certificate of Eligibility under Special Laws and CSC
Special Laws Issuance issued directly to the applicant. Activities
include evaluation of documents submitted, review of
EDP, VPR, PD 997, encoding and generation of CoE and
issuance of the same to eligibles.

Regional Monitoring/ Monitoring Report Number of Monitoring Reports 8 Monitoring Reports for submission to ERPO of actual
Assistance of Delegation visitation/audit/technical assistance rendered for an
Functions and Programs average of five (5) days (actual monitoring including
preparation of reports and feedback).

Placement assistance through Placement Referral Letter Number of Referral Letters 0.08 Referral letters mailed to the CSCRO/Agency concerned
referrals to CSCROs and/or copy furnished requesting party.

Guro Certificate English Guro Certificate English Number of Guro Certificates issued 0.08 PBET Guro Certificates issued.
Translation Translation

Legal Concern* * Refer to OLA Output Table for legal outputs.

Disqualification Proceedings Resolution deciding a case Number of Resolutions 24.25 Written Resolution deciding a case under the Rules on
based on Position Papers Disqualification Proceedings.

ERPO Output Table 84



Training Program Training Module Number of Training Modules 40 A short course of study that forms part of a training
Development program.

Local Scholarship Program LSP Resolution Number of Resolutions 4 Resolution on the grant of scholarship to LSP qualifiers.

Administration of Young Interview Conducted Number of Hours 1 Per hour of interview conducted.
Leaders Program

YLP Evaluation Report Number of Evaluation Reports 8 Report on the result of the interview conducted.

Administration of Foreign/Local Study Visit Facilitated Number of Hours 1 The administration of Foreign/Local Study Visitor's
Visitor's Program Program by conducting briefing and office tour. One point
is earned per hour of actual administration of briefing and



Fiscal Discipline
~ Financial Systems Audit Monitoring Reports Number of Monitoring Reports 8 Determination of whether financial statements are
presented fairly and consistently complied with specified
policies, laws, and regulations. Also, monitoring of
compliance of offices on the previous
findings/observation vis-à-vis auditor's comment. The
report shall be submitted to the office concerned.

Audit Consolidated Report Number of Consolidated Reports 24 Consolidation and analysis of findings under the
monitoring process to be submitted to the Commission.

Management Improvement and Productivity

~ System Review and Monitoring Reports Number of Monitoring Reports 8 Determination of whether CO/RO's activities in relation to
Monitoring specified objectives have been operated effectively and
efficiently. The report shall be addressed to the auditee
(office or employee concerned).

~ Completed Programs Evaluation Reports Number of Evaluation Reports 24 Determination whether the goals of the programs/projects
Review were attained. The report shall be submitted to the

~ Policy Implementation Monitoring Reports Number of Monitoring Reports 8 Report on compliance with policies of the Commission
Review and Monitoring addressed to the Directors/Heads of Offices for their



Communication Management
~ Incoming Communication DTMS Reports Number of DTMS Reports Data Tracking and Management System Report.
- Daily Report 0.16
- Quarterly Report 8 A report on the implementation of the DTMS. Entails
analysis of data gathered.

~ Outgoing Communication Mailing Reports Number of Mailing Reports Update report on the mailing system of the CSC.
- Daily Report 0.5
- Monthly Report 1.5
- Quarterly Report 2

Examination Records Administration

~ COE numbered and Certificate of eligibility Number of certificate of eligibility 0.0025 Per Certificate of Eligibility numbered and controlled and
controlled numbered and issued to CSC- numbered issued to requesting CSC-RO.

Records encoded in DIBAR Number of records encoded in 0.33 Number of records encoded in the Database of
DIBAR Individuals BARred from Entering Government Service
and Taking Civil Service Examinations.

~ Eligibility Data under Eligibility Data under Special Number of pages 0.5 Examination data files checked against ROEs and
Special Laws Validation Laws validated corresponding findings documented.

Report on validated eligibility Number of Reports 2 Report on the findings prepared and submitted to ERPO
data and OPMIS.

~ Examination Records Master List & Picture Seat Number of Master List and Picture 0.08 Examination records are registered and properly bound
Plans registered Seat Plans registered and maintained for easy retrieval.

Records Management
~ Personnel Records Inactive 201 file segregated Number of boxes in inactive 201 file 0.33 Per box. Personnel Records (201 file) in the box properly
segregated arranged and maintained for easy retrieval.

Reviewed, consolidated, and Number of boxes 0.33 Box of active 201 files/records reviewed, consolidated,
alphabetized in active 201 file and alphabetized.

~ Statement of Assets, Registered SALN and Filed Number of boxes of SALN filed and 1 Compilation of submitted SALN from agencies placed in
Liabilities, and Networth labeled a properly labeled box.

Update datafile of SALN Number of SALN datafile updated 2 Per data file.

Copy of Statement of Assets, Number of SALN copy authenticated 0.25 Request copy of SALN made available to Ombudsman or
Liabilities, and Networth other agencies.

~ Validation of OEVS Validated Exam Records Number of exam records validated 0.36 Exam data corrected/validated.

~ Records Disposition Request for Disposal Number of Request for Disposal 4 Requests include reports on records for disposal and
submitted to Record Management and Archival Office

Archives Administration Books of CSC Number of Books 2 Compilation of CSC Issuances/Resolutions bound in
Issuances/Resolutions book form. Archival records are preserved and conserved
for historical value and to maintain its originality. Two
point per bound materials.

Issuance scanned and Number of issuances scanned and .03 per For scanning of CSC issuance required for posting in the
disseminated disseminated page CSC Website and electronic transmittal of the same to

Library Management Book/Theses catalogued Number of books/theses catalogued 0.58 Old and new books/theses catalogued/recatalogued
based on new classification system/DDC ready for

Library materials acquired by Number of library materials 0.17 Library materials (magazines/journals) processed and
subscription/donations processed for circulation/use ready for circulation/use.

Archival Number of articles indexed 0.25 Articles from books/periodicals and archival collection
collections/periodicals/books indexed as guide in research work.

IRMO Output Table 88

Newspaper clippings Number of newspaper clippings 0.25 Vertical file collections (newspaper clippings, brochures,
processed pamphlets) updated.
Number of brochures/pamphlets 0.17

Library materials preserved Number of books/theses/other library 0.37 Library materials preserved for continuous use.
materials preserved

New books/journals purchased Number of books/journals 1 New books/journals selected and purchased.

~ Servicing of archival Quarterly subject bibliography Number of entries per subject 0.08 Quarterly Subject Bibliographies disseminated to all CSC
documents and library bibliography prepared/disseminated Central Office to update them on current library
materials collection.

Books/magazines/journals Number of books/magazines/journals 0.05 Library/archival materials borrowed (charged) or returned

charged/discharged (discharged) by walk-in clients.

~ Request for Library/ Requested materials provided Number of request acted upon 0.17 Library materials provided to requesting client.

~ Inter-library loan service Endorsement Letter Number of Endorsement Letters 0.5 Inter-library loan service (request other library to extend
services) facilitated.

~ Renewal of journals/ Subscription notice Number of subscriptions renewed 0.5 Existing subscription renewed before their expiration and
magazines done twice a year.

~ Weeding-out of library Weeding-out of library Number of library materials weeded- 0.33 Library materials (books/journals) removed/deselected
materials materials out from accession record.

Donations of books Number of books donated 0.5 Request for donation of weeded-out books served.

Museum Management Photograph catalogued Number of photographs catalogued 0.58 Photograph catalogued.

Museum objects (photographs) Number of photographs preserved 0.42 Photographs preserved through the use of Mylar sheet
preserved and other preservation materials.

Archives Administration Subject index of CSC Number of entries per subject 0.25 CSC Resolutions index entered per subject.
Resolutions prepared

IRMO Output Table 89



Budget Preparation CSC CO/RO Personnel Number of Personnel Budget 40 An itemized summary of estimated or intended personnel
Budget related expenditures for a given period along with
proposals for financing them.

CSC CO Operating Budget Number of Operating Budget 10 Approved by the Commission.

Regional Offices' MOOE Number of RO MOOE Allocation 24 Approved by the Commission.


Consolidated CSC Budget Number of CSC Budget proposal 40 Approved by the Commission to be submitted to the
Senate and Congress of the Philippines.

Annual Cash Program Number of Annual Cash Program 24 For submission to the Department of Budget and

Issuance of Sub-Allotment Sub-ARO Number of Sub-AROs 0.17 A document containing the authorization, conditions, and
Release Order (Sub- amount of allocation to Regional Offices.
ARO)/Notice of Cash Transfer

Notice of Cash Transfer Number of Notices of Cash Transfer 0.17 An advisory that funds are already available for use of
the concerned office.

Budget Status Reporting Narrative Report Number of Reports 8 Reports on the status of funds with schedules submitted
to the Commission.

Reporting of Cash Receipts Monthly Check Disbursement Number of Check Disbursement 2 A record on the checks issued.
and Disbursement Record Records


List of Unreleased and Number of LUCC's prepared 1 Inventory of unreleased and cancelled checks.
Cancelled Checks for MDS

Monthly Report of WF Cash Number of Reports 1 A report on the status of the Welfare Fund Cash Position.

Daily Advice of Checks Issued Number of Checks issued 0.02 Submitted to the Land Bank of the Philippines.
and Cancelled for MDS

Issuance of Certification of Certification of Budget Number of Certifications issued 0.17 A certification that funds is available for use.
Budget Allocation and Allocation

Budget Allocation Clearance Number of Clearances issued 0.17 A certificate giving permission to use the allocated funds.

Payroll Preparation Monthly Payroll Number of Payrolls prepared 2 For regular payroll: Salary, PERA/ACA & RATA, Refunds

Special Payroll Number of Payrolls prepared 8 Special payroll: EME, RSA, SRA, BCG, Bonus/CG,
Fringe Benefits, clothing allowance, PIB, Grocery
allowance, and 10% WB.

Payroll for first/last salary Number of Payrolls prepared 2 Preparation of payroll for new employees or employees
leaving CSC.

Preparation of list of Remittance List Number of Remittance Lists prepared 1 A list on the remittances of CSC-CO personnel.
remittances of CSC-CO

Disbursement Voucher/Claims Disbursement Voucher Number of DVs processed 0.25 For processing of Disbursement Voucher. Should be
Processing processed signed by designated employees.

Processing of Certified PO/LO/Contracts/JO Number of PO/LO/Contracts/JO 0.17 Purchase Order (PO); Letter Order (LO); Job Order (JO).
PO/LO/Contracts/JO for certified
Certification of the Accountant

Preparation of Financial Financial Report for COA Number of Financial Reports 8 For preparation of reports for submission to COA.

OFAM Output Table 91

Consolidated CO/RO Financial Number of Consolidated Financial 16 Submitted to COA.
Report with Schedules Reports

Narrative Report on Status of Number of Narrative Reports 24 Submitted to the Commission.


Issuance of certification on Certification on payments Number of Certifications issued A document attesting or confirming that cash deductions
payments, salary deductions, ~ salary deductions and 0.25 or payments have been received from an employee and
and clearances remittances forwarded to concerned organizations as payment for
any availed service.
~ certification on compensation 0.25

Clearance Number of Clearance issued 0.17 A certification that there is no more pending obligation
required by CSC from the concerned individual or

Procurement Services CSC Annual Procurement Plan Number of APP 16 A consolidated Annual Procurement Plan for CSC.

CSC Annual Project Number of PPMP 8 A consolidated Annual Project Procurement Management
Procurement Management Plan.

Abstract of Budget Contract Number of ABC 8 Consolidation of all CSC Offices' ABC.

Agency Procurement Request Number of APR 8 Submitted to Procurement Service-DBM.

Status Report on Procurement Number of Status Report 8 Submitted to the Commission.

Report of Physical Count of Number of RPCPPE 40 RPCPPE of the CSC Central Office submitted to COA
Property, Plant, and and copy furnished to Accounting Division, OFAM.

Report of Physical Count of Number of RPCI 16 RPCI of the CSC Central Office submitted to COA and
Inventory copy furnished to Accounting Division, OFAM.

Report of Transfer/Return of Number of Reports 4 Report on the turn-over of properties from employees of
Accountabilities the Commission.

OFAM Output Table 92

Bids and Awards Committee Bidding Invitation/Notice Number of Invitations drafted and 1 Invitation to Apply for Eligibility and to Bid/Quote drafted
(BAC) Services posted at G-EPS/Bulletin posted at G-EPS and posted to G-EPS, CSC Bulletin Board.

Payment Order Number of Payment Orders 0.08 An instruction of CSC to pay an individual or an

BAC Resolution Number of Resolutions 1 Resolution regarding the bidding.

Transport Operations Letter Informing Total Number of Letters 2 Letter/Notice for deduction on transportation allowance,
Deduction with attached computation matrix.

Report of gas/fuel consumption Number of Reports 2 Submitted to COA.

Report on Insurance of CO Number of Reports 2 Insurance facilitated at GSIS.
Report on Registration of CO Number of Reports 2 Registration at Land Transportation Office.
Report on Vehicle Repairs and Number of Reports 4 A report detailing the repairs or maintenance services
Maintenance made on CSC vehicles.

Illustration Services Streamer Number of Streamers 4 Job Orders signed by requesting office.
Backdrop Number of Backdrops 8 A background for an event.

Printing Services Manuals Printed Number of pages printed 0.02 For printing of manuals with binding.
Forms/Documents Printed Number of pages printed 0.0033 Or one point for every 300 pages.

Building and Grounds Job Orders Number of Job Orders Job Orders signed by requesting office. Points would
Maintenance Services ~ carpentry/civil works * depend on the actual number of hours as reflected on
~ electrical * the JO request form. One point for every hour of work.
~ plumbing *
~ aircon/refrigerator *
~ plants/landscaping *
~ internet/telephone *
~ painting/varnishing works *

Electrical, Water, and Number of Reports 4 Update report on the details of electrical, water, and
Telephone Consumption telephone consumption of CSC.

OFAM Output Table 93



Case Resolutions Pro-forma Resolutions/Final Number of Pro-forma Resolutions/ Resolutions signed by the Commission. Pro-forma
Order Final Orders Resolutions are resolutions with templates duly approved
a. Impersonation/Examination 10 by Office for Legal Affairs (OLA) Management, or
Irregularity patterned from previous resolutions signed by the
b. Misrepresentation 8 Commission. Final Orders are issued and signed by the
c. Dismissal on Technical Grounds 4.75 Director IV of OLA terminating/dismissing a complaint/
d. Extension of Service 3.75 appeal on technical grounds, e.g. failure to comply with
e. Correction of Personal Information 3.75 the formal and substantial requirements of complaint
f. Removal of Administrative 7.5 pursuant to Section 8 and 9, Rule II of the Uniform Rules
Penalties or Disabilities on Administrative Cases in the civil Service (URACCS),
g. Motion for Execution 7.5 and failure to comply or perfect an appeal in accordance
h. Secondment and Extension of 4.75 with Sections 43 and 46, Rule III of URACCS.
i. Denied Motion for Reconsideration
~ pro-forma 4.75
~ with new discussion 12.5
j. Lowering of Penalty 7.5
k. Motion to Dismiss 7.5
l. Motion to Cite in Contempt 12.5
m. Transfer of Venue 3.75
n. Protest 7.5
o. Formal Charge 10
p. Conversion from Career service to 10
Non-career service position and vice-
q. Exemption from prohibition to 7.5
transfer to agency (oversight

Other Resolutions/Final Orders Resolutions/Final Orders Number of Resolutions/Final Orders
a. Granted Motion for 14.75
b. Appointments 14.75
c. Dropping from the Rolls 19.5
d. Illegal Termination 19.5
e. Reassignment 19.5
f. Accreditation of Service 12.5
g. Leave and Other Benefits 14.75
h. Other Personnel Actions 19.5
i. Preventive Suspension 12.5
j. Original with Report of Investigation 24.25
k. Reorganization 29
l. Appeal (Disciplinary) 29 Written Resolution finally disposing of a case filed before
the Court of Appeals.
m. Original with Hearing 19.5 Per case. With formal hearings.
- Number of actual hearing hours 1 One point for one hearing hour but not to exceed five
points per case. Hearings conducted under postponed
schedule will not earn any points. Hearings conducted
beyond the five hours limit or on postponed schedule
may be credited if justified as to why there is a need for
postponement for approval of the Chairperson.
- Issuance of subpoena 0.1

Other Actions Semestral Report on Number of Reports 8 A report submitted to the Commission detailing the case
Accomplishment and Incentive points earned by action officers.
of OLA Action Officer/Lawyers

Records Management of Case Box of Case Records Number of boxes reviewed, 0.33 Box properly arranged and maintained for easy retrieval.
Records reviewed, consolidated and consolidated and alphabetized

OLA Output Table 95



Process applications for Application for Retirement Number of Applications processed 1 Signed by the Director and endorsed to the Commission.
retirement/transfer/resignation Application for retirement submitted to GSIS.

Certificate of Leave of Balance Number of Certificates 0.05 The Certificate of Leave Balance shows the remaining
leave credits of an employee.

Leave Without Pay Report Number of Reports 1 Report on personnel that incurred leave without pay;
used for salary deductions.

Career Executive Service Summary of Individual Number of Rating Summaries 0.25 Summary report on the results of the CESPES ratings for
Performance Evaluation CESPES Rating a single third level officer.

Performance Evaluation PES Evaluation Report Number of PES Evaluation Reports 24 Evaluation Report on the performance of CSC
System employees.

Performance Management Summary of Employee Number of Summary Reports 0.5 Summary of employee ranking per office based on the
Ranking performance rating signed by the Director.

Resolution on PIB payment Number of Resolutions 4 Resolution on the payment of PIB prepared

Health and Benefits

Provide medical services to Medical Services Number of services provided Medical cases/activities attended by the CSC Medical
officials and employees - maintenance 0.17 Consultant and Nurse. One point, or a fraction thereof,
- emergency 1 per hour of actual service provided.
- physical examination and 1

Medical procedures provided Number of Procedures Medical procedures administered by the CSC Medical
- diagnostic 1 Consultant and Nurse. One point, or a fraction thereof,
- minor surgical 1 per hour of medical procedure provided.

Reports preparation Sports Activities Evaluation Number of Evaluation Reports 8 A report on administered sports activities of the CSC.

Home Visit Report Number of Home Visit Reports 2 Report on employee Home Visit prepared.

Medical Records Validation

Create/Update/Maintain Employee medical profile Number of updates made on 0.08 Medical Profile of employees created/updated.
employee medical profile created/updated/maintained employee medical profile

Medical claims (money value) Number of updates made on medical 0.08 Employee medical claims updated
updated claims record

Provide dental services to Dental services provided Number of dental services Dental services provided by the CSC Dentist. One
officials and employees - dental treatment 1 point, or a fraction thereof, per hour of actual treatment.
- dental consultation and 0.25

Process applications on Claims processed Number of claims processed Voucher signed by the Welfare Fund Officer and
various claims and loans - medical and hospitalization 0.5 forwarded to OFAM.
- loans 0.5 ~ General purpose, multi-purpose.
Other claims
- retirement cash benefits, burial 0.25
- initial/last salary, reimbursement, 0.5 Signed by the Director.
cash advance, PIB

Number of Checks signed 0.02 Check signed by the Director

Applications processed Number of applications processed 0.17

- GSIS, PAG-IBIG, Philhealth, etc. Signed by the Director.
- retirement, transfer, resignation, Signed by the Director and endorsed to the Chairperson.

Redemption of Equity Application for Equity Number of Applications 0.25 Signed by the Director.

Welfare Benefits Non-monetary benefits Number of non-monetary benefits 2 Non-monetary benefits delivered to WF members such
coordinated and delivered coordinated/delivered as flowers and cards.
Day Care Services Day Care Services provided Number of hours 1 Per hour of actual service/assistance provided to children
as reported by providing the details of the activities

Special Projects CSC Bulletin Board Materials Number of BB Materials * Materials prepared and posted in the CSC Bulletin Board
prepared and posted at the building lobby.
OPMD Output Table 97
*Refer to the Visual Aid/IEC Material points in the
common output table.

Send birthday cards to Birthday Cards Number of Birthday Cards 0.05 Signed by the Commission and sent to celebrators.

Local and Foreign Scholarship Certificate of No Pending Number of Certificates 0.25 Submitted to sponsoring agency with letter of
Program Service Obligation recommendation.

Certificate of No Pending Number of Certificates 0.25 Submitted to sponsoring agency with letter of
Scholarship recommendation.
Conferment of Awards
Loyalty Award Resolution on Awardees Number of Resolutions 4 Approved by the Commission.

Commission Level Awards

~ Conduct of Validation and Background Investigation Number of BI Reports 8 Submitted to CSC PRAISE Committee.
Background Investigation Report

Summary of nominees with Number of Summaries 1 Per person/nominee (semi-finalist) category.

positive or negative feedback

Poster-size announcement of Number of Poster announcement 0.25 Per poster-size computer generated announcements of
semi-finalist generated generated and distributed semi-finalist prepared/distributed.

Resolution on Awardees Number of Resolutions 16 Approved by the Commission.

~ Conferment of Awards CSC PRAISE Awards Rites Number of Awards Rites 40 Points encompasses all preparatory activities like
conducted organized/conducted invitation letters, programs, invitation cards, briefing and
rehearsal of awardees, backdrop and decors for the
stage and venue of awarding rites.

~ Conduct/Perform Post Certification of Number of Certificates/ 0.08 Per Certificate of Recognition/Commendation.

Awarding Activities Recognition/Commendation for Commendations prepared
nominees who did not make it
to the final round

OPMD Output Table 98

Create/Maintain/Update Employee/Nominee profile, Number of employee/nominee profile Validated and approved by the Director.
employee/nominee profile, roster, plantilla, personnel created/updated
personnel records records created/maintained/ - Roster of candidates for 2
updated recruitment/promotion
- Nominee profile for scholarship/ 1
- Updating of S-Cards 0.08 Per employee.
- Plantilla Plantilla per office prepared and updated
> preparation 16
> updating 0.08 Per employee record.
- Personnel statistics Personnel complement and other statistical report
prepared and noted by the Director.
> Personnel Complement 8
> Agency Remittance Advice 0.5 Quarterly submission to GSIS
> CES Occupancy Report 2 Submitted to CESB per movement

Preparation of Notice of Step Notice of Step Increment Number of NOSI prepared 0.13 Approved and signed by the Assistant
Increment (NOSI) Commissioner/Director.

Review and Validation of Record of Employee validated Number of 201 Files, SALNs, PDSs 0.17 201 Files Audit- to check completeness of the documents
Employee Information in validated in the 201 files.
Employee's 201 File, SALN,

Review of Confirmation of Confirmed Appointments Number of Appointments confirmed 0.5 Review of appointments of RO personnel (DC and
Appointments below).

Preparation of certifications Certifications Number of certifications prepared 0.25 Approved by the Division Chief/Director.

Assistance on Processing of Passport Number of Passports 1 Passports facilitated and retrieved from DFA.
Travel Documents for Foreign
Visa Number of Visas 1 Visa facilitated and retrieved from embassy.

Airline Ticket Number of Tickets 1 For assistance provided in getting ticket from an airline

Processing of Study Leave Study Leave Contract Number of Contracts 3 Signed and approved by the Commission.

OPMD Output Table 99



Conduct of CSC Executives' Conference

~ Pre-conference Stage
> Proposal Preparation Conference Proposal Number of Proposals 40 A plan for approval of the Commission on how the
conference will be conducted.

~ Materials preparation Conference Program/Agenda Number of Program/Agenda 8 A plan or schedule of activities to be followed during the

Conference Advisory Number of Advisory 8 Notice about the conference details, sent to participants.

Conference Kit Number of Conference Kits 0.5 Per conference kit; Kit contents: program, Schedule of
Sessions, Handouts.

~ Actual Conduct of Conference conducted Number of Hours 2 Two points per hour of conference.

Conference Daily Report Number of Reports 8 Summary of previous day's session/activities.

~ Post-conference Stage
> Report Preparation Conference Terminal Report Number of Conference Reports 40 Conference Terminal Report with analysis submitted to
the Commission.

Evaluation of Work and WFP Evaluation Report Number of Reports 24 Evaluation of the Work and Financial Plan as to the
Financial Plan alignment of Office targets to the CSC Strategic Plan.
Also involves checking if the plan follow the planning
guidelines prescribed by the PMS (output, points,
performance indicator).

Evaluation of Accomplishment Evaluation Number of Evaluation Reports 24 Evaluation of performance of an office per semester.
Accomplishments Report

Accomplishment Comparative Number of Comparative Reports 24 Submitted to the Commission.



Consolidation of Performance Report on Submission of Number of Reports 24 Submitted to the Commission.

Monitoring Forms Performance Monitoring Forms

Evaluation of PMS Outputs Output evaluated Number of Outputs evaluated 0.5 Per output evaluated. Evaluation of points assigned,
performance indicators, and operational definition.

Information and Technology Project Inception Report Number of Reports 16 Submitted to the system owner for approval.

Project Plan Number of Project Plans 32 Approved by the system owner.

Business Modeling Report Number of Business Modeling 32 Mapping of existing business operations, propose
Reports improved business model through computerization.

Information Technology Number of ITA Reports 32 Define hardware, software and connectivity
Architecture Report requirements, design system configuration, design
system reliability and performance,
implementation/migration methodology.

External Design Report Number of External Design Reports 40 Reports with no more than 30 screens and report
specification defined. Plus 0.17 for each additional

Internal Design Report Number of Internal Design Reports 32 Reports with no more than 30 processes defined. Plus
0.5 points for each additional process.

I.T. Systems Number of systems 2 Per process/database/report defined in the External and
Developed/Enhanced developed/enhanced Internal Design.

I.T. System Test Plan Number of Test Plans 0.08 Per test cases.

I.T. System Testing Number of System tested 0.05 Per test cases.

I.T. System Communication Number of I.T. System 16 Orientation methodology and information dissemination
Plan Communication Plans scheme.

Software User's Manual Number of Software User's Manual 40 A manual on how to use the software program.

OPMIS Output Table 101


Software Technical Manual Number of Software Technical 40 A manual detailing the specifics on how the software
Manuals program functions.

Client System Installation Number of installations done 0.5 Actual installation of system to client including

Server-Side Configuration/Set- Number of systems configured 8 Actual configuration/setting-up/installation of system to

up/Installation Server.

I.T. Systems Evaluation Report Number of Evaluation Reports 24 Submitted to the system owner.

Enhancement Plan Number of Enhancement Plans 16 Approved by the system owner.

System Enhancement Number of SET Reports 24 Submitted to the system owner.

Technical (SET) Report

I.T. System Completion Report Number of Completion Reports 16 Approved by the system owner.

Database Management Files loaded in the CSC Server Number of files loaded 0.08 Files scanned for viruses, backed-up and copied/loaded.

Validation of Encoded PDS Validated PDS Record Number of PDS Validated 0.5 Checking of the correctness of the encoded Personnel
Data Sheet that will be included in the Personnel
Information Database System.

Validation of IGP Data Validated Agency Data Number of Agency Data validated 0.5 Validation through IGP Survey Form. Per Agency.

Electronic Performance Installation of ePMS Number of ePMS Application 0.08 Installation of the ePMS application software to selected
Management System Application Software Software installed computers.

Installation of ePMS Office Number of ePMS Office Database 0.5 Involves editing of office database to conform with the
Database installed current division assignments of the staff and then
installation of the database to the selected computer. Per

ePMS Results Printed Number of ePMS Results Printed 1 Printing and binding of ePMS results. Per office.

OPMIS Output Table 102


Computer Maintenance Minimal Computer Downtime Number of IT peripherals resolved Work is accepted by the user.
~ reconfiguration of hardware 2 Per computer.
~ virus detection and removal 1 Scanning of all files in a computer.
~ backing-up of data files 1 Per hard disk.
~ reformatting of hard disk 1 Per hard disk.
~ reinstallation of software 0.5 Per software.

Maintenance Report Number of Reports 8 Report on hardware and software problems and actions

Network Management Minimal Internet / Intranet Number of connectivity / technical Problem resolution resulted into the restoration of
Connectivity Downtime problems resolved connectivity.
~ Complex 16 Complex - requires extensive reconfiguration of server
and technical assistance from the ISP provider.
~ Moderate 8 Moderate - requires minimal changes in the server
settings and fault-finding on the network resources.
~ Simple 2 Simple - requires any of the following: replacement of
connectors or network cards, changes in the computer
network settings, and reconfiguration of email settings.

New internet/intranet Number of new internet/intranet 2 Creation of internet/intranet line for user to be able to
connections established connections established connect to the network.

Website Management Web Page Number of Web Pages 2 Relevant information and data uploaded for public
consumption through the internet. Requires encoding and
designing of new Web Pages to be posted.
Updating of Web Page Number of Web Pages 0.5 For enhancing an existing web page.

OPMIS Output Table 103



Customer Assistance Information sent to customer Number of Text Messages sent 0.05 Requested information sent to customers through text

Exam Application Processing Application Receipt Number of Application Forms 0.025 Receipt and Processing of CSE-CAT Application Forms
Processed at the MMIAC. (Half of Application Processing Points,
which is 0.05 per application, is awarded to PAIO since
initial processing of application forms are done by the
MMIAC Action Officers before they are forwarded to
ERPO for final processing.

Updating of data in the CSC Updating Report Number of Updating Reports CSC 2 Number of Updating Reports submitted to the
Textsite Textsite Commission weekly.

Honor Awards Program

Promotion and Publicity Printed promotional and Number of promo materials bulk 1.5 Promo and reference materials at 65,000 copies includes
reference materials collated, shipped to CSCROs CSC MC/Resolution/Memo, HAP Nomination Forms,
packaged, labeled and shipped Flyer, Handbook, Calendar of Activities, Gantt Chart,
to CSCROs Streamer Design, HAP PowerPoint CD and Radio Plug.

HAP posters collated, Number of HAP Posters bulk shipped 0.08 Posters shipped straight to the Field Offices for
packaged, labeled and shipped to CSCROs and CSCFOs expediency. Buffer stock is likewise sent to the CSCROs.

Information/Materials on Number of Information/Materials

Nominees ~ matrices of significant 0.25 Per page.
accomplishment of nominees
~ schedule of activities 0.25
~ suggested selection procedure 0.25 Per page.
~ composition of 0.25 A directory on the members of the committees and
committees/nominee's directory nominee’s
~ table of nominees 2 Per table.
~ statistics on nominations received 4 A listing on the nominations received.
~ profile of nominees 4 Per nominee.


Creation of Committees for Awards Committees organized Number of Committees formed 16 Documentation on the creation of committees including
HAP minutes and resolutions.
~ Dangal ng Bayan Two rank-&-file members to sit in the Dangal ng Bayan
Committee Committee selected by CSC, formal invitation sent and
accepted by the invitees; nomination recommended to
the Office of the President and finally appointed by the
President of the Philippines.
~ Lingkod Bayan/Pagasa Three private citizen members of LB/Pagasa selected by
Committee the Commission, extended invitation and accepted by the

Review of Nominations Information/Materials on

Received Nominees
~ Profile of Nominees Number of Profiles 4 Per nominee. Information in the 11-column profile include
all the nominees personal circumstance, nominator's
name and address, sector and remarks where other
information are written.

~ Detailed/Thorough Number of nominations 1 Per detailed/thorough review/evaluation of nominations

review/evaluation of reviewed/evaluated received. The activity involves checking the six (6)
nominations received voluminous nomination folders as to the completeness of
documents per HAP Guidelines using a checklist.
Defective nominations and/or nominations not in
conformity with the prescribed guidelines shall be
returned for compliance.

~ Matrices of significant Number of pages 0.25 This is resorted to if the presentation of accomplishment
accomplishment of nominees of the nominee is not in conformance with the prescribed
format in HAP Nomination Form Nos. 1, 1-A and 2.

Conduct of HAP Committee Briefing Kit prepared Number of Kits prepared 0.5 Briefing materials on nominations received, qualified and
Meetings disqualified per region, sector, level of position and sex
disaggregation. Per kit prepared for distribution to
Committee members during the orientation meeting.

Notice of Meeting/Schedule of Number of Notices 0.25 per The schedule containing information about the meeting. It
Committee Meeting page serves as the guide for the Committee Members.

PAIO Output Table 105

Status Report on the highlights Number of Reports 4 Per report. Approved by the Director.
of Committee Meetings

Committee Folders prepared Number of Folders prepared 2 Per folder/Committee Member in each of the Awards

Actual conduct of CM Number of Hours 1 One point per hour of Committee Meeting conducted with
PAIO officials and staff helping to ensure successful

Review of Validation Report Validation Report reviewed Number of Validation Reports reviewed 1 Per Validation Report undertaken by Background
Investigators/Validators reviewed, verified correct and
reformatted, if needed to aid the Committee Members
better appreciate the accomplishment/s validated.

Summary of Nominees with Number of summaries 8 Per person/nominee (semi-finalist). The whole process
negative or positive feedback involves gathering and verifying all negative and positive
information received from the OMB, NICA, NBI, CSC-
OLA, Text CSC, fax, letters, phone calls and emails.
Collected information are then encoded and presented to
the Committee members during the Committee Meetings
to aid them in the selection process.

Poster-size announcement of Number of Poster announcement 0.25 Per poster-size computer generated announcements of
semi-finalists generated generated and distributed semi-finalists prepared/distributed.

Preparation of Reports on Resolution Number of Resolutions 4 Committee/Commission Resolution on selection result.

Selection Results

PAIO Output Table 106

Conferment of Awards Awards Rites conducted Number of Awards Rites organized and 100 Points encompassing all preparatory activities like
held preparation of invitation letters to all government heads of
offices (departments/bureaus/offices), awardees,
sponsors and other VIPs. It also involves the task of
procuring and preparing the Parangal...Pasasalamat
program, invitation cards, ribbons, briefing kits/guide,
conduct of briefing and rehearsal of awardees. The task
also include activities during the awards rites such as
assigning PAIO staff as point person to secure, man and
entertain Awardees, Citation Readers and VIPs in the
holding room, secure the back of stage and prizes to be
distributed, brief, assist and guide Citation Readers at the
backstage, man the reception area and coordinate and
provide assistance during the testimonial dinner in honor
of the awardees. The entire activity involves all PAIO
personnel starting from three weeks prior and stretching
up to three days after conduct of the awards rites.

Conduct/Perform Post Terminal Report Number of Terminal Reports 40 Post evaluation meeting/program conducted and terminal
Awarding Activities evaluation report prepared and submitted to the Office of
the President/Commission.

Tokens for Committee Tokens distributed 8 Memo-proposal submitted; tokens selected, purchased,
members prepared/distributed and distributed.

Certificates of Recognition for Number of Certificates prepared 0.08 Per Certificate of Recognition.
Grant of Incentives to Solicited incentives Number of incentives solicited 1 Per incentive actually solicited.
PASADA Project PASADA Audit Plan Number of Audit Plans 8 Schedule of PASADA Run for a particular period to
include the names of Volunteers, name of agency to be
audited, address of agency, frontline service to be
audited, the data and the time of the conduct of audit. For
primary consideration is making sure that all frontline
services of concerned agencies are visited 3 times each
and that no frontline service has been left out or to some
extent visited more than the required number of visits.
Per Audit Plan approved by the Head of Office.

PAIO Output Table 107


Actual PASADA Run/Visit to Number of Audit Plans 4 Actual conduct of visit to the frontline service of an
Agencies agency which involves the sleuthing process and the
transaction itself.

PASADA Volunteer's Checklist Number of Checklist Enhanced 4 An instrument used by PASADA Volunteers in auditing
an agency's frontline service taking into consideration its
frontline service providers, structure, systems and
procedures and also the physical working condition of the
agency as well as what they felt, saw and experienced
during the visit. Per new Checklist Enhanced.
Audit Reports Number of Audit reports
- Volunteer's Transaction Report 4 Report of findings/observations of PASADA
member/volunteer per transaction in an agency.

- Agency Report 8 Summary of the results and analysis of the transactions

done in the audited agency including the suggested

- NCR Audit Report 24 Report containing summary of the results of the frontline
services of the audited agencies; documentation,
consolidation and analysis of the PASADA run;
evaluation and suggestions for improvement of the
PASADA program.

Provision of assistance to Report on assistance provided Number of Reports 4 Suggestions provided through letter report to agencies
audited agencies to audited agencies who requested assistance in the improvement of frontline

Media Relations News/Photo release Number of Press Release prepared 7.25 News Release composed, approved by the Chairperson,
emailed to media contacts and faxed to print, TV and
radio contacts.

Media Directory updated Number of records updated 0.08 Per record updated in the Media Directory.

Regular CSC segments in Number of CSC segments aired CSC regular segments aired on schedule with prepared
radio stations produced script provided to guest CSC official.
~15 - 30 minutes segment 7.25
~31 min. - one hour segment 7.75

PAIO Output Table 108


Preparation of press kits Number of articles / hand-outs 1 Preparation of agenda with individual press release

Media briefing conducted Number of Hours 1 Media advisory and distribution of press kits to media

CSC Issuance/Advertorials Number of CSC Issuance/Advertorials 4 Issuance/Advertorial layouted and costed, placed and
published published published in media.

News items on Civil Service Number of clipped news 2 News items on CS matters for the day clipped and routed
matters clipped and routed by lunchtime.

Feature Clippings Number of clipped news 2 Feature Clips on issues/trends on governance,

HR/personnel administration, organizational
development, corruption, etc. routed once a week on

Photo Gallery Number of Photo Gallery mounted 3 Photo gallery on CSC activities created/designed and
mounted on the CSC lobby panels.

In-house Coverage of CSC Number of Hours 1 CSC activity covered, pictures filed/indexed for easy
Events retrieval.

Citations for HAP Awardees Number of Citations 3 Citations crafted, approved and reflected in the
Resolution, awards programme, and awardees's plaque.
Per citation/awardee. The task involves creative writing to
highlight outstanding accomplishment of the awardee.

Free airing of CSC CSC Announcements aired Number of Announcements aired 1 Script of announcement aired on broadcast media.

Publications Regular Publications

~ CSC Reporter Number of CSC Reporter 40
~ CSC Bulletin Number of CSC Bulletin 32
~ CSC Executive Letter Number of CSC Executive Letter 16

PAIO Output Table 109


Special Publications
~ CSC Memo Circulars Number of Memorandum Circulars 8
~ GAD Resource Material Number of GAD Resource Material 40
~ PCS Anniversary Chronicle Number of PCS Anniversary Chronicle 40
~ CSC Annual Report Number of CSC Annual Report 60

Updating of Regular/Special Number of publications 16 Existing Publications updated and reprinted.


Media Relations Media Tokens Number of Media Tokens 0.1 Media tokens packaged and distributed to media

PAIO Output Table 110



Case Resolutions Resolutions Number of Resolutions Resolution approved and signed by the Commission.
~ Appeal/MR on Appointment 14.75
~ Reassignment/Detail 19.5
~ Declaration of position as 19.5
primarily confidential
~ Disciplinary 29
~ Exemption from prohibition to 7.5
transfer to agency (oversight

Other Resolutions ~ Qualification Standards 10 Evaluation and approval of QS.

~ Agency Accreditation 10 Evaluation of reports and approval of accreditation.
~ Contract of Service/J.O.s 3.75 Evaluation of request for exemption.
~ Exemption from Upgrading/ 10 Evaluation and approval of request to upgrade and
Reclassification reclassify filled-up position/s.

Review of Third Level Recommendation Number of Memoranda 2 Memo containing the evaluation of the 3rd level
Appointments Memorandum appointment and the appropriate action.

Updating of Qualification Newly Created Positions Number of Positions 1 For insertion of a new qualification standards in the QS
Standards file for newly created positions.

Revised/Amended QS Number of Revised/Amended QS 0.20 For updating the qualification standards of one position.



Registration, Accreditation, Certificates of Registration Number of Certificates issued 0.5 The Certificate of Registration is a document officially
and CNA Registration recognizing the employee's organization in an agency
and providing the employee's union entitlement to the
rights and privileges under Executive Order 180.

Certificates of Accreditation Number of Certificates issued 27 The Certificate of Accreditation grants the registered
employee's organization the privilege of being the sole
bargaining representative of employees on collective
negotiation with the management.

Certificates of CNA Number of Certificates issued 17 The Certificate of CNA Registration is a document
Registration officially recognizing the negotiated contract between an
accredited employees’ organization representing a
negotiating unit and the employer/management
concerning terms and conditions of employment and
improvements thereof that are not fixed by law.

Quarterly statistical Report on Number of Reports 4 A monitoring report on the number of registered and
Public Sector Unionism accredited unions.

Resolution of Contested Order Number of Orders 29 Order (Decision) issued relative to the contested petition
Petition for Accreditation for accreditation. Signed by the Director.

Resolution of Cases Resolution issued by the Number of Resolutions 29 Resolutions approved by the Council/Commission.



Legal Services Pro-forma Decisions/Final Number of Decisions/Orders Decisions/orders/recommendations signed by the

Order/Letters Regional Director for cases involving 1st and 2nd level
government employees.
a. Impersonation/Examination 8
b. Misrepresentation 8
c. Dismissal on Technical Grounds 4

d. Correction of Personal 3
e. Fake Eligibility 3
f. Removal of Administrative 6
Penalties or Disabilities
g. Denied Motion for 4
h. Formal Charge 8

Other Decision/Final Order Number of Decisions/Orders Decisions/orders/recommendations signed by the

Regional Director.
a. Granted Motion for 12
b. Appointments 12
c. Dropping from the Rolls 16
d. Reassignment/Transfer/ Detail 16

e. Accreditation of Service 10
f. Other Personnel Actions 16
g. Original with Report of 20 Disciplinary; Reports approved by the Head of Office.
h. Reorganization 24
i. Original with Hearing Per case.
~ Decision 16
~ Issuance of subpoena 0.1
~ Issuance of Notice of Pre-trial 0.1


~ Actual hearing hours 1 One point for one hearing hour but not to exceed five
points per case. Hearings conducted under postponed
schedule will not earn any points. Hearings conducted
beyond the five hours limit or on postponed schedule
may be credited if justified as to why there is a need for
postponement for approval of the Chairperson.

Examination Services
Conduct of Examination Examinations Conducted Number of Examination conducted As reported to ERPO. The administration of Professional
and Sub-professional examinations are considered as
one exam. Points are awarded per examination center.
~ PPT 40
~ CAT, Stenographer Exam 4
~ CEOE 20
~ Special Exam 20 Special exams are exams such as LSP, FSSO and other
Agency Assisted examination.

Generation of Notice of Notice of Assignment Number of Notices of Assignments 0.17 Per examinee. Involves encoding of examinee data.

Generation of Alpha List of Alpha List Number of Alpha Lists generated 1 Involves encoding of examinee data and verification with
Examinees and Examination DIBAR and e-Retakers. Per sheet.
Attendance Sheet (CSE-PPT)

Examinee Attendance Sheet Number of Examinee Attendance 0.08 Per examination sheet.

Answer Sheet Processing Exam Data Files Number of Answer Sheets 0.08 Exam data files points depend on the number of Answer
Sheets processed.

Steno Exam Paper Processing Evaluated Transcription/Typing Number of Test Papers 0.5 Per examinee stenography test paper evaluated.
Test Paper

Generation of Certificates of Certificate of Eligibility/Report Number of COEs/RRs 0.03 Per examinee.

Eligibilities or Report of Rating of Rating

Generation of Master List Master List Number of Master Lists 0.03 Per page.

Regional Offices Output Table 114

Grant of Eligibility under Certificate of Eligibility Number of Certificates issued 0.5 Honor Graduate Eligibility, Barangay Official Eligibility,
Special Laws Barangay Nutrition Scholar Eligibility, Barangay Health

Certification for Placement Certification for Placement Number of Certifications issued 0.5 Letter of introduction and endorsement issued in behalf
of job applicants.

Accreditation of Test Certificate of Accreditation Number of Certificates issued 0.25 Certificates issued to accredited Test Administrators.

Conferment of CS Eligibilities Awarding Rites conducted Number of Award rites organized 8 Awarding rites of certificates of eligibilities for CS exam
Policies and Systems Evaluation Services
Personnel Management Assessment and Assistance Program
~ Comprehensive Personnel Notice of Visit Number of Notices 0.25 A communication informing the concerned agency about
Management Assessment the date for a pre-assessment meeting with
management, the scope of assessment and listing of
documents to be prepared by the agency.

~ Personnel Management Daily Progress Report Number of Reports 1 A report documenting all phases of the
Monitoring, Evaluation, and assessment/assistance.
Assistance Service.

~ Special Technical Final Narrative Report Number of Reports 24 The PMAAP Narrative Report is a factual presentation of
Assistance on Managing information directed to the heads of the agency being
Personnel systems assessed and/or assisted and the CSCRO/FO doing the
assessment and/or providing the assistance. It is written
in order for management of both agencies to know the
existing practices and for them to make policy decisions
on specific personnel matters.

Agency Report Card Number of Report Cards 0.5 PMAAP ARC Form. A card reflecting the agency's status
relative to personnel competency of HRMO, needs to be
addressed and other pertinent information.

Regional Offices Output Table 115

Evaluation of Personnel PM Evaluation Report Number of PM Evaluation Reports 2 Evaluation on the basic personnel mechanisms
Mechanism (PM) developed by the concerned agency for approval of the
CSC. Evaluation communicated to the concerned
agency. Personnel Mechanisms: Performance Evaluation
Systems, Merit Promotion Plan, Grievance Machinery,
and Program on Awards and Incentives for Service

Processing of Third Level Signed Appointments Number of Appointments processed 0.5 For Salary Grade 26 & 27.
Recommendation Number of Memorandum 1 For Salary Grade 28. Forwarded to CO.

Review of Personnel Actions Monthly Post Audit Report Number of approved MOPA/AMEA 2 Approved and returned to Field Office.
(MOPA)/Annual Monitoring
and Evaluation Audit (AMEA)
Human Resource Services
Distance Learning Program DLP HRM/RA 6713 Certificate Number of Certificates issued 4 Distance Learning Program is an alternative strategy to
(DLP) Administration formal training programs providing access for
government workers in remote areas to avail of HRD
interventions. Four points shall be earned by the office
per trainee.
Local Scholarship Program Administration
~ Interview Interview Guide Number of Interview Guides 8 Includes time spent for venue preparation, schedule of
prepared interview, letters, and budget.
~ Actual Interview Interview Conducted Number of Interviews Conducted 0.5 Per qualifier.
~ Interview Result Interview Report/Matrix Number of Interview Report/Matrix 4.5 Submitted to Central Office.
~ Briefing of Qualifiers Grantee Briefing/Orientation Number of Briefing Conducted 3.5 Provide Grantee with LSP Documents (Contracts,
Monitoring Forms, and certificate of attendance).
Includes time spent for venue preparation.
~ Grant Processing Certificate of Grant Number of Certificates 1 With signed contract.
~ Enrollment Monitoring Enrollment Documents Number Documents Processed 0.5 Per grantee.
~ Action on the Request for Waiver/Deferment Opinion Number of Waivers/Deferment 1
Deferment Letter Opinion Letters
~ Monitoring of LSP Monitoring Report Number of Monitoring Reports 4

Regional Offices Output Table 116


Scholarship/Training Nomination
~ Application Assessment Assessment Report Number of Assessment Report 8

Conduct of Fora/Dialogues Fora/Dialogues conducted Number of fora/dialogues conducted 4 Fora/dialogues conducted by the CSRO to clarify issues
with Council of Officer and on CSC Policies for CPO and other personnel
other Personnel Organizations organization. Maximum of four (4) points per month per

Public Assistance and Liaison Services

Customer Assistance Information sent to customer Number of Text Messages sent 0.05 Requested information sent to customers through text

Conferment of Awards in the Awards Rites conducted Number of Awards Rites organized 40 Points encompasses all preparatory activities like
Region and held preparation of invitation letters to all government heads of
offices, awardees, and other VIPs. It also involves the
task of procuring and preparing the
Parangal...Pasasalamat program, invitation cards,
ribbons, briefing kits/guide, conduct of briefing and
rehearsal of awardees.
Administrative/Management Services
Financial Services
~ Collection Services/ Monthly Report of e-Receipt Number of Reports 4 Consolidated report with collection of FOs.
Receipts and Deposits Collection

~ Payroll Preparation Payroll Obligation Slip Number of Payroll Obligation Slip 4 Excluding voucher preparation. The POS is the final
output of the payroll preparation process whether it is a
regular payroll or special payroll.

Building and Ground Property Evaluation Report Number of Property Evaluation 24 A report on the condition of the buildings of CSC in the
Maintenance Reports Regional Office and Field Office.

Regional Offices Output Table 117



Personnel Management Agency Scanning Report Number of Scanning Report 8 A report on the relative personnel management health of
Assessment and Assistance the agency and the general profile of the agency's
Program (PMAAP) personnel management systems and practices.

Notice of Visit Number of Notices 0.25 A communication informing the concerned agency about
the date for a pre-assessment meeting with
management, the scope of assessment and listing of
documents to be prepared by the agency.

Daily Progress Report Number of Reports 1 A report documenting all phases of the

Final Narrative Report Number of Reports 24 The PMAAP Narrative Report is a factual presentation of
information directed to the heads of the agency being
assessed and/or assisted and the CSCRO/FO doing the
assessment and/or providing the assistance. It is written
in order for management of both agencies to know the
existing practices and for them to make policy decisions
on specific personnel matters.

Agency Capability Evaluation Number of Evaluation Cards 4 A card showing the track record of the unaccredited
Card agencies on appointments processing.

Personnel Transactions
~ Appointments Processing Attested Appointment Number of Appointments processed 0.5 For appointment processing whether approved or

~ Review of Report on Reviewed/Audited Report on Number of Appointments 0.5 Personnel actions taken as indicated in the RAI. Per
Appointments Issued Appointments Issued (RAI) appointment.

Updating of Records Records/S-Cards Updated No. of Records/S-Cards updated 0.08 Records/ S-Cards updated per employee

Exam Application Processing Application Receipt Number of Application Receipts 0.05 Application receipts issued to applicant.

Authentication of Appointments Authenticated Copy of Number of Authenticated Copy of 0.25 Per request.
Appointment Appointments issued


Publication of Vacant Positions CSC Bulletin of Vacant Number of Bulletin of Vacant 1 Consolidation of vacant positions received from the
Positions Positions different agencies.

Investigation Investigation/Fact-Finding Number of Investigation/Fact-Finding 8 Reports submitted to the Central or Regional Office.
Report Reports

Financial Services
~ Collection Services/ Monthly Report on Receipt Number of Reports 4 Submitted to the Regional Office.
Receipts and Deposits Collection

Field Offices Output Table 119

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